Peoria police department records request. Freedom of Information Act Request.
Peoria police department records request The City's official news room contains press releases and breaking news related to local government, Peoria special events, and other news for residents. Records Division hours are 8 a. Exemptions are also provided to insure the confidentiality of certain records. members of the Peoria Police Department’s Special Investigations Division (SID) and SWAT executed a search warrant at a residence in the 400 block of E. Access police records, incident reports, and background checks. Check the Police Department's Records Section for more information. of Peoria Heights offers a request form at its administrative office, located upstairs at 4901 N. Category: To request copies of an Incident Report, Arrest Report or any other public record maintained by the Springdale Police Department; you can download a Freedom of Information Request Form, Information Request Form (PDF-SPANISH) and return the completed form, in person, to the Springdale Police Department Records Division or click the below link to complete an Online FOIA Request. Download and Fax a completed Records Request Form to the Police Department at 623-815-5322. 2 miles The Peoria Police Department offers various services, including online crime reporting, records requests, police job openings, victim resources, and contact information. The tracking number for your request is 2012-PD-1679. (except city holidays) Saturday – Sunday: CLOSED You can submit your request by: Letter to: Peoria Police Department Attn: Records - FOIA 600 SW Adams Street Peoria, IL 61602; Fax 309-494-8440; Hand-deliver it to the Police Department at the front Information Office; A sample of our form: FOIA Request Form for Police Records Only (PDF). Officers: Deputy Chief Ryan Billingsley Sgt. FOIA Request Information. Request Number arrow_downward Description arrow_downward Number of Attachments Feb 21, 2024 · The City of Peoria proudly announces its original documentary Flash Point: The History of Peoria Fire-Medical Department, is now available to view online. If you have any questions concerning police reports, the Records Maintenance Unit may be contacted at (520) 351-4650. This process involves submitting a formal request, either online or in person, to obtain copies of Peoria arrest records or other pertinent documents. This form typically requires details about the incident and the requester's contact information. All criminal histories, arrest records and related information are maintained within the division. Board and Commission Meetings; City . Police officers work round the clock to keep neighborhoods and business districts safe. The PPD currently has TFOs with the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive Agency (ATF), the United States Marshals Service, the Federal Bureau of The Peoria Police Department is an accredited agency through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies with over 195 Sworn members and 25 professional staff. After School Programs; Arts, Culture and Library Services; Libraries; Parks and Trails; Peoria Sports Complex; Recreation Facilities; Recreation Programs; Rentals; Special Events; Fire-Medical; Peoria SUPPORT Services; Police Department; Pop Up Peoria; Public Meetings. " "The City of Peoria has taken us to court," she said. The Peoria Police Department homepage offers online crime reporting, records requests, police job openings, victim resources, and contact information. You can bring the form in to the Peoria Police Department or . The List includes additional records like: police misconduct, public complaints, decertification, do-not-call (Giglio List) status, and more Other Police Departments Nearby. Public Records Requests Thank you for visiting the City of Peoria Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request portal. Get links to crime alerts, traffic tickets, most wanted lists, and more. Dissemination of information must comply with all department, state and federal laws and guidelines, and confidentiality laws. The City Clerk's Office oversees all Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests submitted to the City of Peoria in compliance with Illinois State Statute Peoria Police Department 600 Southwest Adams Street, Peoria, IL The Peoria Police Department offers services such as online crime reporting, records requests, police job openings, victim resources, and contact information, and has specialized bureaus and programs. org is an independent organization that gathers Police Records and other information from various Peoria government and non-government sources. Fire-Medical; Police. What should I do if I am a victim of a financial or Jan 27, 2025 · Search for Peoria, Maricopa County, IL police and arrest records. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Peoria government and non-government sources. Information on how to request a copy of a police report. Police officers selected to be TFOs serve as liaisons between other local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, serving as a bridge to combine resources, knowledge, and results. Phone: 309-673-4521. East Peoria, IL 61611. Request police records and reports from the Peoria Police Department online. Peoria Police Department 8351 W Cinnabar Ave, Peoria, AZ 85345 Phone: (623) 773-8311 Records Request – Web 10100 N 83rd Ave Peoria, AZ 85345 623-773-7400. On-Line Traffic Accident Reports. Jay A. You can also browse the archive of previous news stories and updates. Body Worn Cameras. To request documents and records held by the City of Peoria, click the following link to submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request: Submit a Freedom of Information Act Request. Nestled in Peoria County this agency is focused on ensuring the well-being of its residents through a range of comprehensive services. davies@peoriaaz. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at approximately 5:30 a. For non-emergency dispatch of Police, dial Option 1. Among the goals of the police department, preserving life and ensuring safety to the residents of the community, as well as promoting awareness to prevent crime is of the top priority. 2 TERRORISM It is the goal of the Peoria Police Department to make every reasonable effort to accurately and appropriately gather and report any information that may relate to either foreign or domestic terrorism. To submit a new request for documents from the City of Peoria, click New Request and complete the form. Hours Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 5:00PM. The Peoria Police Department is now improving our service to our community by making crash reports available to the public online. Previously, per year over 12,000 people attend our programs. What should I do if I am a victim of a financial or The City Clerk’s Office handles all FOIA Requests submitted to the City of Peoria, and the Peoria Police Department handles FOIA Requests pertaining to the Police Department, in accordance with Illinois State Statute. Peoria Police Department West Cinnabar Avenue, Peoria, AZ - 0. Peoria Police Department Peoria PD Policy Manual Patrol Function Reviewed 3-23-2018 2 500. The department services 22 square miles, and a population of 23,402. City Court. E. Submit an official FOIA request in a variety of way to Peoria County. Anthony Fisher Records Supervisor Dec 29, 2024 · To further facilitate public access to police records, the Peoria Law Enforcement Department encourages individuals to request police records or reports through their Records Division. Questions about Tax, Licensing/Registration, Aug 20, 2024 · DEPARTMENT: POLICE LOCATION: 600 SW ADAMS STREET, PEORIA, ILLINOIS HOURS: 8:00 a. EX-G 201. Link: Police Department Page City of Phoenix Police Department Public Record and Services Unit 1717 E Grant St, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85034 Phone: 602-534-1127 Monday – Friday: 8 a. This allows the Department 20 working days to process the request. Training Division provides the training and equipment for all 240 employees of the Peoria Police Department. PEORIA POLICE DEPARTMENT FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST MJH 09/12 The Freedom of Information Act is an act in relation to access to public records. For a response within five business days, you can request a copy directly from the East Peoria Police Department. Glendale Police Department Attn: Records 6835 N. The Peoria Police Department Brady List contains records of Carl Sexton, including: Brady Offense No. Public Works. The Peoria County Sheriff's Office thanks you for your assistance. Questions about Utility Billing? Email: Utility Billing Phone: 309-494-8807. In-Person Request: You can visit the Tempe Police Department at 120 East Fifth Street, Tempe, AZ 85281 to request records in person. The Illinois Freedom of Information Act, enacted in 1989 and recently updated in 2010, is a series of laws designed to guarantee that the public has access to public records of government bodies at all levels in Illinois. Link: Police Department Page. Please include your name, address and phone number. Use these tools to request police records and stay informed about local public records. 2024 Peoria Police Department Recruitment & Diversity Report. View a list of city departments and telephone contact information for each department and division. Requesters may visit the police department on weekdays Thank you for visiting Peoria County's Public Record Request page. To check the status of a request, click Track Status to enter the Request Number and Security Code. Email Thank you for your inquiry, we will process and return what we have. You can submit your request by: Letter to: Peoria Police Department Attn: Records - FOIA 600 SW Adams Street Peoria, IL 61602; Fax 309-494-8440; Hand-deliver it to the Police Department at the front Information Office; A sample of our form: FOIA Request Form for Police Records Only (PDF). FOIA requests may be submitted online at https://peoriacounty. Monday Friday excluding holidays. IMPORTANT: This getting started guideand the instructions are not legal advice. Please choose one of the following options: Police officers work round the clock to keep neighborhoods and business districts safe. FOIA requests are taken during normal office hours at the Peoria County Administrative Office. Your request will be processed under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act as a commercial request. Records Requests. Find Peoria Police Department addresses, websites & phone numbers. Davies, Deputy Director, Management Services Division Peoria Police Department 8351 West Cinnabar Avenue Peoria, AZ 85345 623-773-5070 jay. Jan 27, 2025 · Records. Kathryn R. Passport Welcome to Seattle Police Department's (SPD) public records request center. com/publicportal/home/newrequest. In-Person or Mail Request Search the Directory. What should I do if I am a victim of a financial or East Peoria Police Department - Request for Inspection or Copying of Public Records. Watch Peoria TV; Community Services. You will receive an e-mail confirmation when your request has been received. Phoenix Police Department Public Records and Services Unit 1717 E Grant, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85034 Main: 602-534-1127 Monday-Friday 8:00AM - 4:00PM Jun 1, 2023 · This complimentary service, available to residents of the City of Peoria, provides periodic checks on your home while you're away, with a duration of up to 30 days. Combined Sewer Overflow A look into the past of the Peoria Police Department Police officers work round the clock to keep neighborhoods and business districts safe. The Information Office coordinates walk-in and telephone complaints, arrest bookings, report processing and departmental referrals. 3 days ago · Follow the provided steps to access or request arrest records. (Monday through Friday) Performs specialized clerical work in the preparation of criminal records for the Police Department. F. The department offers a range of services, including online crime reporting, records requests, police job openings, victim resources, and contact information. Police Department. sensitive records at half dozen federal departments. Come into the Police Department and fill out a Records Request Form between the hours of 8:00 a. May 31, 2007 · Records Request; Public Services Center. Requests for records may be submitted in person or by mail to: Pima County Sheriff's Department Arizona Public Records Law §39-121 et seq. 5 Illinois Compiled Statutes 140. Performs specialized clerical work in the preparation of criminal records for the Police Department. Directions Physical Address: View Map 600 SW Adams Street Peoria, IL 61602. Claim Personal Property; Concealed Weapons and Permits; Peoria Police Department. Monday through Friday 9 a. This 45-minute film, produced by the City of Peoria’s Office of Communications, takes viewers on a journey through the 100-year history of Peoria’s Fire-Medical Department. The Peoria County Courthouse, Peoria City/County Health Department, Peoria County Animal Protection Services, Veterans Assistance Commission, Election Commission, and Highway Department Offices will be closed December 24-25, 2024, and January 1, 2025. Combined Sewer Overflow. 1632168525 - 1684285947. Combined Sewer Overflow Please use the following link to access the Peoria Police Department's The Peoria Police Department is proud of its accomplishments in offering the citizens of Peoria many community services programs. This database is resource intensive, both in money and time. 1. it to (309) 494-8440. O. Public Records Requests. 24 hours on a Jun 25, 2020 · The Black Justice Project, Peoria NAACP, Change Peoria, ACLU of Illinois Peoria Chapter, and several other groups say they filed a Freedom of Information Act request on June 2 for the disciplinary records of Joseph Harris, Ryan Isonhart, Ian McDowell, Mathew Lane, Sean Johnston, Tyler Hodges, Jason Leigh, Nathan Adams and other officers, whose The city's Development and Engineering department is responsible for the design and construction of the city's infrastructure including streets, parks, trails, water, and sewers. FOIA requests submitted online through JustFOIA offers requestors the ability to track the status of their request, receive documents through the online portal, and create an account for easier request management. This is where you can submit public disclosure requests (PDRs) to police, communicate with SPD's public disclosure staff about your request, and pay for and download your records Illinois Freedom of Information Act. Citizens Vital Records Request Form . Interested parties may request records in person, by mail, or through email after filling out the records request form. The Peoria Police Department is proud of its accomplishments in offering the citizens of Peoria many community services programs. 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE This order provides Peoria Police Department (PPD) field personnel and management personnel with guidelines for the use of Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) and the dissemination of information obtained from Illinois Freedom of Information Act. Uniform Services. Point of Contact (Number) 623-773-8311. Official Sources for Peoria Police Records. Emergency Phone: 911. 1 Page 1 of 1 (10/15) Getting Started . Peoria Police Department: 8351 West Cinnabar Avenue, Peoria, AZ, 85345: 623-773-8311: 623-773-7030: Official Sources for Peoria Police Records. I. To check the status of a submitted request, please click the Track Status button and enter the View a list of city departments and telephone contact information for each department and division. to 4 p. Peoria Police Department Standard Operating Procedure Patrol Services Bureau Revised 09-15-2016 1 . Aug 17, 2017 · Subject: RE: Public Records Request: Peoria, AZ PD Citizen Complaints. I would like to file a FOIA request detailing /identifying Targeted Individuals within the aforementioned city/state jurisdictions. In the past, the Community Services Division presents over 500 programs to our community on average per year as well. Thank you for visiting Peoria County's Public Record Request page. They've already slandered. Development and Engineering is also responsible for reviewing and permitting plans for all private development in the city of Peoria, Arizona. Professional Standards (Internal Affairs) Through the delivery of exemplary service with a focus on problem-solving, we are committed to enhancing the quality of life in our neighborhoods by “Building a Partnership EastSide Centre, Department of Tourism and Special Events, and Festival of Lights; Festival Building 2200 E Washington Street East Peoria, Illinois 61611; Public Safety Building 201 W Washington Street East Peoria, Illinois 61611. Freedom of Information Act Request. We are not affiliated with any of these sources. If your comments are suggestions regarding operational issues concerning the Department, leaving your name and email address or phone number will allow us to report back to you of the results. The Peoria Police Department Traffic Division currently consists of the following personnel: 1 Lieutenant, 1 Sergeant, 9 Officers, and 4 Parking Enforcement Personnel. Responses due by Find information about the records department. We handle requests for dissemination of information for our police department, other agencies and the public. A. to 5:00 p. In-Person Request: Visit the police department or the administrative office to request a report. Peoria Police Department Press Releases. When submitting a FOIA request, please be as specific as possible and clearly describe the documents being sought. , and on its website . The Brady List includes records like: official misconduct, public complaints, decertification, do-not-call (Giglio List) status, and more Oct 21, 2011 · "Kemp and the City of Peoria, after numerous pleas and meetings with the PPOA, denied the public records request," the PPOA claim reads. Submit a public records request through the City's GovQA platform. gov FOIA - Departmental Records Officers (10/2023) City of Peoria - Organizational Chart (PDF) City of Peoria Employees by Department - 2021 (PDF) City of Peoria - Building Locations. m. and 5:00 p. Republic Street. Combined Sewer Peoria, IL. 57th Drive Glendale, AZ 85301 Glendale Police is currently allowing the option to submit your public records request by via US Mail to above address or email at [email protected]. Dec 29, 2024 · To further facilitate public access to police records, the Peoria Law Enforcement Department encourages individuals to request police records or reports through their Records Division. Find phone numbers for the City Clerk, Court, Human Resources, Planning and Zoning, Solid Waste, Streets, and many more. Police Reports. Email Dear Requestor, Thank you for submitting a request for records on Wednesday, August 3, 2022 at 9:30 AM (Central Standard Time). (Monday through Friday) This position may be subject to state or federal standards requiring COVID vaccination or testing. The links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites. Online Request: Visit the Tempe Police Department's Records Request Page to submit an online request for a police report. Utilities. Peoria Police Department 8351 West Cinnabar Avenue, Peoria, AZ The Peoria Police Department offers various services, including online crime reporting, records requests, police job openings, victim resources, and contact information. Police. You will be notified by mail as to whether your request was approved or denied. For the Records Division, dial Records. Glendale Community College West Olive Avenue, Glendale, AZ - 2. All requests for crash reports will be governed by the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 ILCS 140/1, and you will be receiving a redacted version of the requested records. 8 miles Police Records in Peoria County (Illinois) Find police records and public safety information in Peoria County, IL. Ryan Crawford Sgt. What should I do if I am a victim of a financial or View the latest community announcements and local news in Peoria, Arizona. justfoia. Training. Arizona Public Records Law §39-121 et seq. The Department Records Unit receives completed reports from DPS Troopers within 14 days of the incident. Clarice Hawkins is on the Brady List for Peoria Park District Police Department. It's easy to get in touch with the City of Peoria using our Department Contact List. Feb 19, 2025 · The silence was due to the encryption of the main radio frequency used by the Peoria Police Department, known as Prep 1. Peoria Street, Peru, IL 61354. Details of program, parameters, policies, microwave weapons, FISA court nominations, renewals, SARS, Fusion Centers, etc. Peoria City Police Department Attn: Records-FOIA 600 SW Adams Street Peoria City, IL 61602 How to Find Sex Offender Information in Peoria City The Illinois Department of Corrections (IDC) maintains a statewide Sex Offender Registry where public members can search for information on registered offenders in Peoria City. Upon receipt, the FOIA Officer will review your request and respond within 5 business days. Marriage License Peoria Police Department . The Act allows us five (5) business days, excluding weekends and holidays, to comply with your request. Sep 30, 2016 · The Peoria police union, Police Department and city are engaged in a public feud over turnover rates and response times. To make a Police Department records request, please click here All open records requests shall be submitted to the Records Division during business hours: Monday – Friday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm A records clerk will determine whether the City has documents that are responsive to the request and if the documents fall within any of the Aug 28, 2021 · Pursuant to the Arizona Public Records Law, I hereby request the following records: Good day. Peoria Police Department FOIA Request Records Request PD-2022-1427 Confirmation. For police department specific records, please submit your request here (preferred method). Please consider making a donation. Peoria Police Department 8343 West Monroe Street, Peoria, AZ. The Peoria Police Department, located in Peoria, Illinois, is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the city's residents. 4900 West Copans Road Monday - Thursday 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM. They are supervised by the Services Division Commander. Steps to Request Police Records. org; however, any written request that provides the requester's contact information and a description of the desired records is a valid Freedom of Information Act request. You will receive a cost estimate once your request is reviewed. To check the status of a submitted request, please click the Track Status button and enter the Official Sources for Peoria Public Records. Aug 2, 2012 · The Peoria Police Department received your request for Information. Peoria Park District Police Department 1314 North Park Road, West Peoria, IL. Its duty is to ensure the safety of all its community members and visitors. Your payment acts as a deposit and authorizes the Department to process your request. If anyone is looking to review records that are in the possession of the County of Peoria, please submit a Freedom of Information Act Records Request Form. Reports include arrest logs, mugshots, bookings and more. Your request will be processed in the order it was received. City Hall - 419 Fulton Street; Public Works Department - 3505 N Dries Lane; Police Department - Main Office - 600 SW Adams Street; Fire Department - Main Office - 505 Peoria Heights Police Dept 1311 E Sciota Ave Peoria Heights, IL 61616 Phone (309) 688-3461 For Emergency - 911 To request documents and records held by the City of Peoria, click the following link to submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request: Submit a Freedom of Information Act Request. , Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. PSB-451. Prospect Rd. Tax & Real Estate . Illinois Freedom of Information Act. Fire Department, Police Department; Public Works Department 2232 E Washington Street East Peoria, Illinois 61611 The East Peoria Police Department will respond to this Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request within 5 working days from the date of the request, unless one or more of the 7 reasons for an extension of time provided for in Section 3(e) of the Act are invoked by the Police Department. Officer rosters obtained via a public records request by The Republic Nov 14, 2024 · Peoria Police Department: Case Number: 1:2024cv01458: Filed: November 14, 2024: Filing 3 MOTION to Request Counsel by Plaintiff Samuel L Gordon. Fire-Medical. Scottsdale Police Department might offer an online request form for obtaining police records. The City Clerk's Office oversees all Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests submitted to the City of Peoria in compliance with Illinois State Statute To request records: The public may make a request for records in person, by mail, and in some instances on-line. The Rock Springs Police Department Records Division is composed of one Records Supervisor - Public Information Officer, and two Records Technicians. to 5 p. Support Services. Once your home is registered for a "Vacation Watch" with the Peoria Police Department, our vigilant civilian volunteers conduct routine inspections. LOCATION: 600 SW ADAMS STREET, PEORIA, ILLINOIS HOURS: 8:00 a. To submit a new request, please click the New Request button below, select the appropriate type of form and submit your request. Peoria Police Department: 8351 West Cinnabar Avenue, Peoria, AZ, 85345: 623-773-8311: 623-773-7030: Come into the Police Department and fill out a Records Request Form between the hours of 8:00 a. Baillie, attorney for PPOA, PPOAC, and Lebbon, said what the city is alleging is "a bunch of lies. We request, compile, organize and check data we receive from hundreds of taxing bodies across Illinois and put it into an easy-to-use site for you. Hours. Records. This Act provides for public inspection of records in the possession of the County of Peoria. peoriaheights. FAX. Online Request: The Avondale Police Department may offer an online form or email address for requesting police reports. Police Records Custodian: Linda Dooley 954-973-6708 Monday - Thursday 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM Police Records Request; For all other Public Records About Peoria Police Department. Peoria Police Department 600 Southwest Adams Street, Peoria, IL The Peoria Police Department offers services such as online crime reporting, records requests, police job openings, victim resources, and contact information, and has specialized bureaus and programs View a list of city departments and telephone contact information for each department and division. What should I do if I am a victim of a financial or Police Department Lobby Wednesday and Thursday 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM Fingerprint Service is by appointment only. CountyOffice. "We're answering. Police Department Press Releases 12/11/24 Statement from Office of Chief of Police Officer Body Worn Camera Videos will expire in 90 days (zip-file download) (Viewer Discretion Advised) Jul 25, 2022 · Subject: City of Peoria, IL. The Arizona Public Records Law has been in existence for more than 100 years and mandates that all public records be open to inspection by any person at all times during office hours. Peoria, IL 61604. Written requests can be delivered to the Police Department FOIA Officer Michelle Wagner by email at [email protected] , by fax (815) 223-2267, or in-person/mail at: Peru Police Department at 2650 N. Please wait at least 14 days to check on report availability by contacting the Department Records Unit at (602) 223-2230 or (602) 223-2236. Oct 4, 2024 · The Peoria Police Department serves as a critical foundation of law enforcement within the city of Peoria, Illinois. Please include the report number and the victim(s) information if applicable. Once records are located and in processing any necessary information will be redacted. Your request should be complete on or before August 31 Aug 28, 2021 · Pursuant to the Arizona Public Records Law, I hereby request the following records: Good day. Peoria School Campus Police Department 3202 North Wisconsin Avenue, Peoria, IL The East Peoria Police Department will respond to the above request within FIVE (5) WORKING DAYS FROM THE DATE OF REQUEST UNLESS ONE OR MORE OF THE SEVEN (7) REASONS FOR AN EXTENSION OF TIME PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3 (E) OF THE ACT ARE INVOKED BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. 2. 1 day ago · Search for Peoria, Maricopa County, AZ police and arrest records. Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority FOIA REQUEST FORM FOR POLICE RECORDS. The Peoria Police Department was awarded it’s law enforcement accreditation through CALEA in 2019 and is proud to maintain our accreditation and standards of excellence in serving the residents and visitors of Peoria. Request to Expunge & Impound Criminal Records . Letter of Clearance This letter will provide a local search of the Glendale Police Department arrest/criminal records How to Obtain Peoria Police Reports and Arrest Records? Peoria police reports and arrest records may be gotten from the records section of the Peoria Police Department. Youth, Parks, & Community Enrichment Subpoena Police Records. What should I do if I am a victim of a financial or May 24, 2016 · FOIA Request Form for Police Records Only Updated 09-2012 (PDF) Organization Chart 2021 (PDF) Overview and History of Vehicle Impoundments (PDF) Parking Regulations for the City of Peoria (PDF) Peoria Parking Regulations (PDF) Peoria Police Annual Performance Goals Presented to City Council August 14, 2018 (PDF) The City Clerk’s Office handles all FOIA Requests submitted to the City of Peoria, and the Peoria Police Department handles FOIA Requests pertaining to the Police Department, in accordance with Illinois State Statute. 1 day ago · Follow the provided steps to access or request arrest records. ahymkfrr hzce qgkihjz xjym uitfe cfg ljqs zyiub wwrexj efgf unqvm wdpx dpzsg debrvkg qpbgd