• Sublette county district court. There is one District Court judge located in each County.

    Sublette county district court. Haskell County District Court.

    Sublette county district court , St. 2 miles sublette county, wyoming november 5, 2024 district court of the ninth judicial district, for a regular six (6) year term hall judge melissa m. County Commissioners [] [Minutes 8/5] [Minutes 8/19] [Minutes 9/2] [Minutes 10/21Buzz Wassenberg, Chairman Bill Cramer Gordon Johnson. The county of Sublette is located in Wyoming and was founded in 1923. Link to page; Extension Service Directions Physical Address: View Map P. Sublette County District Court is an acceptance agent, Sublette County District Court does not issue passports – they do however charge the standard $35 acceptance agent fee to seal your documents, this is only required for new or replacement passport applications; renewals do not need to be sealed and thus no acceptance agent fee is required. 1 miles The Sublette County District Court handles felony criminal cases, juvenile matters, and probate matters for Sublette County, Wyoming, with records maintained by the Wyoming State Archives. Nov 21, 2024 · The judicial assistant address for cases where Sublette County District Court Judge Kate G. Play STore app. pinedaleJA@courts. Filing Type Cost; Civil: $160: Domestic Relations: $160: Claim for Child Support Abatement: $10: List of Haskell County Courts. Email Kemmerer Office/Lincoln County. Dates : circa 1920, 1942 Found in: Wyoming State Archives, Wyoming Cultural Resources Division, Wyoming Department of State Parks & Cultural Resources / Guide to the Sublette County District Court . Sublette County. McKay currently serves as staff attorney and law clerk for Judge Jason Conder of the 9th Judicial District in Lander. If the GAL costs and fees exceed the amount in the account, the Court order will order the parties to pay the balance. The following is an alphabetical listing of the various departments located within our County. Justin Groth. ), but also includes boundary surveys of parcels the County intends to acquire, legal property research, land and road investigations, reports, and consultation with the GIS department, Planning and Zoning, and the CIVIL RIGHTS. us Location. 6 miles Jury Panel: The Sublette County Office of the Clerk of District Court calls potential jurors to appear in jury trials for the Ninth Judicial District Court. Currently, filers will not be required to use eFiling. The court address is 300 South Inman, PO Box 146, Sublette, KS 67877. Routine passport processing time is currently taking between 10 and 13 weeks to process. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Sublette County info. This office is located in Pinedale, WY . The Sublette County Sheriff’s office investigated Dr. 27, 2015, from 3:30 to 5:30 p. Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Walk-Ins Welcome New County Commissioners by Pinedale Online! January 7, 2025. Trump and JD Vance, Republican. The County Commissioners met August 5th and the Rural Health committee, consisting of Robin Miley, Scott Mackey, John Linn and Pat Chapel, requested that they split the district. Pinedale, WY 82941 *There may be times when Planning Office Staff are The Sublette County District Court provides routine and expedited passport services for anyone in the city of Pinedale, WY. Affidavit for EXCUSAL COUNTY OF SUBLETTE ) from Jury Duty (Your Name) _____, being first duly sworn on oath and says that she/he is the person summoned to appear as a trial juror before the District Court in Sublette County. Mark Gordon has appointed Kate McKay to be a district court judge for the 9th Judicial District serving Sublette County. operates a gravel pit on land near Boulder, Wyoming at the intersection of State Highway 187 and Sublette County Road 353. With a dedicated team led by Clerk of District Court Amanda Sanchez, the court ensures smooth operations and access to justice for residents of Fremont County. Mailing Address: P. District Courts. Tom Johnston Sublette County, Wyoming OFFICIAL RESULTS SUBLETTE COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT TRUSTEES SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT SUPERVISOR VOTE FOR 3 VOTE FOR 1 DAVID J. Write-in The County funds recycling and refuse burial services; Build, maintain, and plow public roads and bridges; The County works with State officials to immunize your children and provides health care services to citizens; Contribute to your libraries and senior citizen center; Provide law enforcement, a circuit court system, and a district court system Big Piney Office. For more information on which types of cases each court oversees, compare Wyoming courts. Phone: 620-675-2671 Fax: 620-675-8599. Jurors are summoned on a yearly basis, from April 1 to March 31, during which time they only need to appear if contacted directly by the Clerk of District Court's Office. 24, STATE OF WYOMING; and LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER ONE, STATE OF WYOMING V. Provide forms approved by the Court for court business at a reasonable fee. The Sublette County Treatment Court (Drug Court) is a court supervised treatment program operating in accordance with Wyoming State Statutes 5-12-101 through 5-12-103 and 7-13-1601 through 7-16-1615. Willow, Lower Level Jackson, WY 83002. John P LaBuda Judge. If you receive a jury summons and have any questions or concerns please call the Clerk of District Court at 307-367-4376 County Clerk Find information on licensing and election information within Sublette County. resume or outline of qualifications and experience to the Sublette County District Court, P. Phillip Vrska Veteran Service Officer Email Phillip Vrska. Jul 17, 2023 · Sublette County Circuit Court Judge, Detective Terrel, United States Drug Enforcement Agency Detective, Sublette County Attorney, Sublette County Clerk of Court, United States Drug Enforcement Agency Agent, John P LaBuda, Toby L Terrel, Carson S Turner, Clayton M Melinkovich, Amy Knotts, Agent Atland and Sublette County District Court in the district court of the ninth judcial district within and for the county of sublette, state of wyoming the state of wyoming ) plaintiff ) criminal no. Box 146. [¶8] After a false start involving the filing of a soon-dismissed petition for review of Lankford s action, Paul Rock, Dari Quirk, and Ernest Kawa filed a complaint for declaratory relief and for a writ of mandamus in the District Court within and for Sublette County on June 18, 2012. Site Map Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus® Login The Sublette County Treatment Court (Drug Court) is a court supervised treatment program operating in accordance with Wyoming State Statutes 5-12-101 through 5-12-103 and 7-13-1601 through 7-16-1615. Encourage citizens to contact an attorney or direct them to a court-approved attorney referral system. ) Sublette County is situated in the western part of the state. Box 13338 185 S. 2008 december 19, 2008 sublette county school district number nine, state of It has 5 Commissioners (legislative. May 26, 2021 · On 05/26/2021 Doe filed a Civil Right - Education Discrimination court case against Sublette County School District 9 Board of Trustees in U. The second results in Judicial Retentions for Judge of the Circuit Court If you have question about your child support payments, please contact the Clerk of District Court Office at (307) 367-4376. The Office of the Clerk of District Court will avoid: Pinedale Circuit Court 40 North Fremont Avenue, Pinedale, WY. Case Search Issue Search Participant Search Draft Filings Pending Filings Rejected Filings Approved Filings Sublette County residents are invited to come and check out the courtroom upgrades that will be used for numerous court proceedings, including jury trials, Thursday, Aug. For information about access permits and utility crossings, please contact the County Planning and Zoning Office. The courts, legislature, administrative agencies, and the state, county, and municipal governments should ever be mindful that theirs is public business, and the public has a right to know how its servants are conducting its business. Kamala D. P. The Clerk has many duties, which include the processing of cases and court-ordered payments as well as the administration of appeals and jury trials. ) Three District Court Judges and Four Circuit Court Judges serve Sublette, Fremont, and Teton counties and a court clerk serves Sublette County (judicial. Applicants will work under the direction of the district judge and must possess strong skills in organizational abilities, and in communicating with others electronically, in writing, and verbally. #105 Pinedale WY 82941. See full list on courts. Box 506. 2 miles. Nearby Courts: Seward County District Court 415 N. There is one District Court judge located in each County. m. District Court Judge Kate G. If you receive a jury summons and have any questions or concerns please call the Clerk of District Court at 307-367-4376 The following is an alphabetical listing of the various departments located within our County. Box 951 Sublette, KS 67877. The implementation in the district courts will be staggered, meaning that not all courts will have eFiling available at the same time. Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial District. Child Support. Satanta Municipal Court Cody Street, Sublette, KS - 0. 4376 to make an appointment. Link to page; Emergency Management View information on emergency management within the County. Haskell County District Court. The gravel pit is situated on land zoned Agriculture (A-1). Processing Physical Address: P. Sublette District Court 300 South Inman Street, Sublette, KS. Probate Court. Nov 9, 2022 · CHEYENNE – Gov. More Fees. 2658; Email: ccpin@courts. McKay presides over the court, which is located at 21 S Tyler Ave in Pinedale, Wyoming. The Circuit Court has jurisdiction over all traffic violations and misdemeanor crimes. Please call 307. Jul 18, 1997 · Sublette County Rural Health Care District and its Secretary, David Rachich (collectively District) appeal an Order of the district court that required the District to disclose to Robin Miley (Miley) “the year end financial reports for 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995 submitted to Sublette County Rural Health Care District Board by Dr. Phone: (620) 675-2671. Liberal Municipal Court 325 North Washington Street 17. Wyoming district courts will use an electronic filing (eFiling) system hosted by File & ServeXpress. Select "Forms" from the menu on the home page and scroll down to "Family Law Pro Se Packets" for information and further down to "Packets" for pdf files to download. 103 17. Site Map Website Disclaimer The Sublette County Treatment Court (Drug Court) is a court supervised treatment program operating in accordance with Wyoming State Statutes 5-12-101 through 5-12-103 and 7-13-1601 through 7-16-1615. Click on any of the departments for a listing of the contacts within that department. Sublette County Justice Building; 40 The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining and preserving the records of all cases filed with the Ninth Judicial District Court, Sublette County, dating back to 1923. Phone: (307) 734-9023 Jury Summons’ for the District Court, Ninth Judicial District have been sent out for the upcoming jury term of April 1, 2024 to March 31 , 2025. The Sublette County District Court is comprised of the District Court judge, the Official District Court reporter, the judicial assistant, and the law clerk or staff attorney. Child Support Abatements. us: About / Additional Info: The Ninth Judicial District includes Sublette County, Teton County, and Fremont County. The County Surveyor's primary duty centers around county roads (alignment, rights-of-way, surveying, mapping, legal documents, etc. ), but also includes boundary surveys of parcels the County intends to acquire, legal property research, land and road investigations, reports, and consultation with the GIS department, Planning and Zoning, and the Sublette County School District Number 9 is a school district in Wyoming (Lincoln and Sublette counties). Haskell County Courthouse 300 S Inman PO Box 146 Sublette, KS 67877 Phone: 620-675-2671 Fax: 620-675-8599 Clerk of the District Court: DJ Delgado Visit Site » Morton County District Court Clerk of District Court: $355,302. Satanta Municipal Court 103 Cody Street, Sublette, KS. The Court Direct Haskell County Kansas Court. B. Link to page; Courts View information on the County Circuit Court, Clerk of District Court, and District Court. PO Box 146 Sublette, KS 67877. Pinedale District Court 21 South Tyler Avenue, Pinedale, WY The Sublette County District Court handles felony criminal cases, juvenile matters, and probate matters for Sublette County, Wyoming, with records maintained by the Wyoming State Archives. Washington St. The District Courts of Wyoming are constitutionally-created courts, given general jurisdiction over all cases and proceedings unless jurisdiction is vested exclusively with another court. 367. Sublette County District Court Passport Forms Review of Application Forms Drop Off Services 7 to 10 weeks At This Location: Handicap Accessible: Yes, the Sublette The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining and preserving the records of all cases filed with the Ninth Judicial District Court, Sublette County, dating back to 1923. 9th St. Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Walk-Ins Welcome Make checks payable to the Clerk of District Court. 920 votes. Street Address: County Courthouse 300 S. Wyoming Supreme Court; The object of the public records act is disclosure, not secrecy Wyoming Supreme Court Email Pinedale Office/Sublette County. BELL KENDA TANNER ASHLI TATRO Write-in Totals Total Votes Cast Contest Total COKE LANDERS Write-in Totals Total Votes Cast Contest Total 1-1 559 569 513 10 1,651 2,511 624 6 630 837 1-3 District Courts in Haskell County. Curt A. 9 miles away. Helpful information about the probate division of the Haskell County Clerk of the District Court located in Haskell County, KS. Dec 2, 2024 · The usual waiting time in Pinedale to get your passport is 7 to 10 weeks for routine applications and 3 to 5 weeks for expedited applications from the Sublette County District Court. During the 2023 school year, 441 students attended one of the district's four schools. LaLande Sublette County, Wyoming GENERAL ELECTION November 8, 2022 OFFICIAL RESULTS Election Summary SUBLETTE COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT TRUSTEES Vote For 3 TOTAL DAVID J. (Processing by mail takes approximately 6 weeks to complete. Other Courts Nearby. The Sublette county district court in Pinedale, Wyoming contains a Passport Acceptance Facility with walk-in passport services for US citizens. Here, you can get a passport application form or submit a completed application for processing by mail. 19. District Magistrate Judge. The United States District Court for the District of Wyoming has jurisdiction in Sublette County. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 2002-2002 BUDGET AMENDMENTS SUBLETTE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER ONE Notice is hereby given of a public hearing on the proposed budget amendments involving the general fund of Sublette County School District Number One, Pinedale, Wyoming. McKay officiated the oath of office. There are 9,769 residents in Sublette who have access to courthouses in Big Piney, Marbleton, Pinedale. Pinedale Municipal Court Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial District. Mar 2, 2025 · Sublette County District Court is located in Sublette county in Wyoming. Below is a directory of court locations in Sublette County. Inman Sublette, KS 67877. Tyler Pinedale, WY 82941. David Love Judicial District Court Name County Name City Clerk of Court; 1: District Court, 1st Judicial District, Laramie County Sublette County: Sublette: Pinedale: Janet in the supreme court, state of wyoming 2008 wy 152 october term, a. All District Court staff are appointed or employed by the State of Wyoming. 5 days ago · View information on the County Circuit Court, Clerk of District Court, and District Court. BELL 2,455 KENDA TANNER 2,537 ASHLI TATRO 2,295 Write-In Totals 82 Total Votes Cast 7,369 Overvotes 3 Undervotes 3,443 Contest Totals 10,815 SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT SUPERVISOR Vote Helpful information about the probate division of the Sublette County District Court located in Sublette County, WY. Phone: (307) 367-4376. Roberts. When setting and conducting hearings, the court and court staff will make reasonable efforts to mitigate the impact on vulnerable populations. ninth judicial district county of sublette ) _____, ) ) Haskell County District Court Clerk in Sublette, KS, provides essential administrative support for the district court in the county. Mar 17, 2023 · Robing Ceremony for District Court Judge Katharine G. Box 681, Pinedale, WY 82941 or by a virus-free e-mail to mlt@courts. Applicants for admission and employment, students, parents, persons with disabilities, employees, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with Sublette County School District Number 9 are hereby notified that this school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender Sublette County School District #9 Board of Trustees et al (0:21-cv-00106), Wyoming District Court, Filed: 05/26/2021 - PacerMonitor Mobile Federal and Bankruptcy Court PACER Dockets PacerMonitor A Fitch Solutions Service Features Plans & Pricing About The following is an alphabetical listing of the various departments located within our County. Three well-known archeological sites place indigenous peoples for thousands of years in what’s now Sublette County: The Wardell Buffalo Trap is the oldest known kill site where hunters used bows and arrows, and dates back approximately 1,000 years; the Trapper’s Point Antelope Kill Site has been radiocarbon-dated to 7,880 to 4,690 years ago; and archeologists excavating the J. Casper, Wyoming is east and Cheyenne, Wyoming is southeast of the county. Sublette County held a swearing-in ceremony for three County Commissioners on Monday morning, January 6th in the District Courtroom in the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale. Clerk of District Court. View the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial District website. 21 South Tyler Avenue, Pinedale, WY 82941. The primary duties of the Official District Court reporter are to keep a verbatim record of Pinedale Circuit Court 40 North Fremont Avenue, Pinedale, WY. Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat, Libertarian. 3,905 votes. state. Income Withholding Orders and Notices to Payor. You can find judicial assistant information for other presiding judges under the court name (look for county and then judge) found here The Ninth Judicial District includes Sublette County, Teton County, and Fremont County. The people of Sublette County are served by a district court, a circuit court and municipal courts. FACTS [¶ 3] Joe's Concrete and Lumber, Inc. It is recommended prior to visiting the Pinedale Clerk offices to call and set up an appointment prior to visiting this Pinedale office. Each packet is $10. The first results in Judicial Retentions for Judge of the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial District are for Wesley A. The court address is 21 South Tyler, PO Box 764, Pinedale, WY 82941. S. Dec 29, 2023 · Friday 12/29/2023 10:00 AM: 2020-CV-0008755: Heather Kay Guzman vs. Sweetwater County - Court Forms Resources The Criminal Division consists of trial attorneys and support staff responsible for the prosecution of all crimes that occur in Sublette County. Their primary responsibilities include record-keeping, case management, and facilitating court proceedings. The Criminal Division works predominately in two separate courts; the Circuit Court and the District Court. , Sublette County, Wyoming state of wyoming ) in the district court county of sublette ) ninth judicial district ) ) plaintiff, ) ) vs. McKay is presiding is pinedaleja@courts. Donald J. McKay’s appointment fills a vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Marvin Tyler. ] The following is an alphabetical listing of the various departments located within our County. If you receive a jury summons and have any questions or concerns please call the Clerk of District Court at 307-367-4376 May 14, 2013 · Petitioner Kevin Koessel was terminated from his position as a deputy sheriff in Sublette County, Wyoming, due to concerns about the lingering effects of a stroke he suffered. Skip to content. Available Forms. [Note: Mail is NOT delivered to the Court’s physical address. Provide copies of non-confidential court records to authorized parties in return for a reasonable fee. In response, petitioner brought suit in district court against the Sheriff and the County alleging they violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), breached his employment contract, and violated his substantive On Thursday, August 27th, the District Court Courtroom in the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale held an open house to showcase technology upgrades that were made recently to the courtroom. Phone: (307) 367-3801 At this time, the Sublette County Clerk of District Court's office will process passports by appointment only. Filing Fees. The Road and Bridge Department provides road maintenance, construction, and snow plowing resources to County-maintained roads. Pinedale, WY 82941. The Criminal Division consists of trial attorneys and support staff responsible for the prosecution of all crimes that occur in Sublette County. The presiding judge may decide whether to use the courtroom audio in his or her discretion, and use of that feature will therefore vary from court to court. CHEYENNE - The Wyoming Judicial Nominating Commission is taking the first step to fill a new District Court judgeship in Sublette County by inviting qualified people to file their "expressions Sublette County General Election ballot preview November 3, 2020 General Election September 23, 2020. Many employers have been ordered to withhold income for child support from people in their employment based on Income Withholding Orders and Notices to Payor. Sublette County Wyoming Court Directory. Fax: (620) 675-8447 Criminal Cases - All felony cases; Juvenile Cases - Delinquency - Child In Need of Supervision - Neglect/Abuse cases; Probates - Probate of Estates - Probate Interstate cases Sublette County District Court records as maintained by the Wyoming State Archives consist of civil case papers from two cases tried in the court. What We Do: Clerk of District Court Janet K. _____ ) -vs- ) _____ ) defendant ) defendant’s request and affidavit suppporting request for court-appointed counsel The District Court personnel will continue to communicate and consult with the Clerk of District Court regarding scheduling and the development and implementation of a public proceedings operating plan. us. Link to page; Extension Service Make checks payable to the Clerk of District Court. Affidavit for EXEMPTION COUNTY OF SUBLETTE ) from Jury Duty (Your Name) _____, being first duly sworn on oath and says that she/he is the person summoned to appear as a trial juror before the District Court in Sublette County. JIM McBRIDE, STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, in his official Email Pinedale Office/Sublette County. Montgomery is responsible for maintaining and preserving the records of all cases filed with the Ninth Judicial District Court in Sublette County. At this time, the Sublette County Clerk of District Court's office will process passports by appointment only. Court records for this case are available from Wyoming District Court. owens Mar 13, 2024 · After this visit, on November 6, 2019, Dr. For more information on court-ordered payments, please contact the Clerk of District Court at (307) 367-4376. Filing Type Cost; Civil: $160: Domestic Relations: $160: Claim for Child Support Abatement: $10: Sublette County. Passports Jury Summons’ for the District Court, Ninth Judicial District have been sent out for the upcoming jury term of April 1, 2024 to March 31 , 2025. 21 S Tyler. Phone: (307) 367-4877 Cell (307) 371-3983 Fx: (307) 365-6633. The results for State Representative are for District 20. Aug 22, 2024 · James Lyle Dohrmann, Daniel: Sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree, sexual intrusion on a victim under the age of 13 years old, two counts of sexual assault in the second degree, position of authority, and three counts of incest: blood relationship, bound over to Sublette County District Court. View and download court notices, orders, and appellate briefs. Court-Ordered Payments. 1. The Sublette County District Court is comprised of the District Court judge, the Official District Court reporter, the judicial assistant, and the law clerk or staff attorney. 60 votes. The Program provides Sublette County's criminal justice system an important research-based alternative to lengthy incarceration sentences or Nov 8, 2022 · SUBLETTE COUNTY 2022 GENERAL ELECTION KEY . Box 681 21 S. McKay of the Ninth Judicial District (Sublette County) Posted on: March 17, 2023 Wyoming Supreme Court Looking for Sublette County District Attorney criminal cases & court records? Quickly find DA phone number, directions & services (Pinedale, WY). You may also purchase a printed packet at the Clerk of District Court office, as well as at any Clerk of District Court’s Office in the State of Wyoming. O. Judge Kate G. Plains Municipal Court Grand Avenue, Plains, KS - 20. at the Sublette County Courthouse. Phone: 620-675-2671 Fax: 620-675 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SUBLETTE COUNTY, WYOMING NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. The phone number for Sublette County District Court is 307-367-4376 and the fax number is 307-367-6474. Court security will be performing screenings to enter the courtroom so be sure to leave your personal items IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SUBLETTE COUNTY, WYOMING NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. Feb 25, 2002 · The Sublette County Board of County Commissioners (the Board) concurs with the Appellant's statement of the issues. Contact Information. The court installed additional monitors in the jury box and at the defendant and prosecuting attorney’s tables to allow everyone to see the visuals The Sublette County District Court, Pinedale, Wyoming is seeking applicants for a full-time Judicial Assistant. Pinedale Municipal Court West Pine Street, Pinedale, WY - 0. Harris and Tim Walz, Democratic. Case Types. Jury Duty. state of wyoming ) in the district court ) ss. Feb 20, 2025 · Sublette County Court House. The primary duties of the Official District Court reporter are to keep a verbatim record of County Courthouse 300 S. County Courthouse 300 S. Jan 29, 2009 · TAKE NOTICE that Homey Siems and Angela Siems have filed a Complaint in the District Court in and for Sublette county, Wyoming, Ninth Judicial district, to quiet title to real property located in Sublette County, Wyoming and more particularly described as follows: Township 35 North, Range 113 West of the 6th P. Kansas Probate Clerk. 300 South Inman, PO Box 146, Sublette, KS 67877 Phone: 620-675-2671 Fax: 620-675-8599. ) civil no. Judges If you receive a jury summons and have any questions or concerns please call the Clerk of District Court at 307-367-4376 the unorganized County of Sublette The main duties of this office, which is not operated by the county, are: Food safety for Sublette County including licensing, inspection, epidemiology, and investigation of food illness; Swimming pool design and inspection; Response and help with environmental health emergencies and other public health emergencies; Other duties of this office The County Surveyor's primary duty centers around county roads (alignment, rights-of-way, surveying, mapping, legal documents, etc. d. The Program provides Sublette County's criminal justice system an important research-based alternative to lengthy incarceration sentences or Jury Summons’ for the District Court, Ninth Judicial District have been sent out for the upcoming jury term of April 1, 2024 to March 31 , 2025. Simpson’s report and, ultimately, decided not to charge Aaron. Hours. The Program provides Sublette County's criminal justice system an important research-based alternative to lengthy incarceration sentences or If the GAL costs and fees exceed the amount in the account, the Court order will order the parties to pay the balance. M. C-Track, the browser based CMS for Appellate Courts. The phone number for Haskell County District Court is 620-675-2671 and the fax number is 620-675-8599. Pine St. Thomas Joshua Guzman: Status Hearing: Video Conference County Clerk Find information on licensing and election information within Sublette County. The clerk has many duties, which include the processing of cases and court-ordered payments as well as the SUBLETTE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER NINE, STATE OF WYOMING and SUBLETTE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER ONE, STATE OF WYOMING and CAMPBELL COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER ONE, STATE OF WYOMING; FREMONT COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 300 South Inman Street, Sublette, KS 67877. Haws Judge. The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining and preserving the records of all cases filed with the Ninth Judicial District Court, Sublette County, dating back to 1923. ) You can also visit this facility to have applications Directions Physical Address: View Map P. 300 South Inman, PO Box 146, Sublette, KS 67877. Contact Us. Amy Knotts, Chief Clerk Voice: 307. Clerk of the District Court; County Appraiser; County Attorney; County Clerk; County Counselor; Sublette 620-675-2485. The Wyoming trial court system consists of District Courts, Circuit Courts, and Municipal Courts. 6 miles away The Sublette County District Court, part of Wyoming's Ninth Judicial District, handles felony criminal cases, juvenile matters, and probate matters for Sublette County. Nov 5, 2024 · 2024 General Election Unofficial Results from Sublette County. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 700 W. Sublette Municipal Court Cody Street, Sublette, KS - 0. PO Box 791 219 E. Garden City Municipal Court 304 N. 2556; Fax: 307. 429 E 1st Street Marbleton, WY 83113 Phone: (307) 276-3575 Feb 24, 2025 · Haskell County District Court is located in Haskell county in Kansas. United States President/Vice President - 1, four-year term. Search public filings in cases docketed in the Supreme Court. Pinedale District Court South Tyler Avenue, Pinedale, WY - 0. Fax applications will NOT be accepted or considered. Please contact the court directly for any questions concerning scheduling of hearings. Fees. Contact. This page provides information regarding school board members, election rules, finances, academics, policies, and more details about the district. Pinedale Municipal Court Haskell County District Court in Haskell County, Kansas Court Online Resources. Website County Clerk Find information on licensing and election information within Sublette County. Appeals from the District of Wyoming go to the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit. Sublette County District Court Forms View and download guardian and conservator report forms, and view information about other forms available from the Sublette County Clerk of District Court. us Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale, Wyoming. The Ninth Judicial District includes Sublette County, Teton County, and Fremont County. Mailing address. wy. ) ) ) defendant ) notice of payor of voluntary order to withhold income for child support employer: _____ Clerk of District Court Published n the Sublette Examiner May 30 and June 6, 2002. Clerk of the District Court. Simpson contacted the Sublette County Sheriff’s office and explained that Jane had revealed she had been groomed and sexually abused by Aaron while attending Big Piney High School. Phone: (307) 734-9023 If you receive a jury summons and have any questions or concerns please call the Clerk of District Court at 307-367-4376 the unorganized County of Sublette The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining and preserving the records of all cases filed with the Ninth Judicial District Court, Sublette County, dating back to 1923. - District and Circuit Court Judges Fremont County Circuit Court in Lander, WY, is part of the Wyoming Judicial Branch, serving as a vital hub for legal proceedings in the 9th Judicial District. akdbtah lckg zvp yffrxp pmbb ztehai jjrhs rfu puuh prdy mgmpx vldvz niok yiupzdw jbhzx