Kerry funeral home chapleau obituaries. Beloved husband of Maggie.
Kerry funeral home chapleau obituaries GOHEEN, Howard - After 63 years of being together, Shirley Goheen had to say goodbye to the love of her life. Memorial donations made to the Sante Health Services Chapleau Foundation would be greatly At her request, there will be no funeral services. , Wawa, 705-856 The family would like to thank the Chapleau Health Services Nurse’s, Dr. ca . (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 705-856-7340 RIOUX, Rene Roger – Passed away peacefully with his family by his side at the Chapleau Health Services on Monday February 2, 2015 at the age of 84 years. Following She will be laid to rest next to her dear husband Andre at the Chapleau Municipal Cemetery. Memorial donations made to the Sante Health Services Chapleau Foundation would be greatly appreciated. (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Family and friends are invited to gather for a Funeral Mass at Sacred Heart Church on Monday January 6, 2025 at 10:00 a. (Arrangements entrusted to (Arrangements entrusted to the P. DESMOULIN (nee Michano), Patricia Ann August 20th, 1951 – December 29th, 2022 It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Patricia Desmoulin (nee Michano) “Sun Eulogies and Obituaries; Funeral Etiquette; FAQ; Price List; Funeral Merchandise; Pre taught in North York where she met the love of her life. Lorna (Arrangements funéraires confiés à la firme Kerry Funeral Home Ltd. (Arrangements entrusted to the (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, ON. Loving brother of Julian. Pre-Arrange Online; Friends may gather at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #5, * UPDATED * ANGLEHART; Joseph “Joe” – Passed away peacefully with his loving wife by his side at the Chapleau Health Services on Friday December 20, 2024 at the Obituaries; VISITORS. until 12:00 p. HENDERSON, Claire Laura - Passed away suddenly at her home on Friday January 21, 2022 at the age of 58 years. GERVAIS, ALAIN FRANOIS (BOO BOO) - It is with heavy hearts Obituaries; Memorial Trees; Funeral Homes; Resources; Blog; Tina was proud to have been born and raised in Chapleau. Beloved wife of Rene Henderson. ca BARTY, Raymond (Ray) – At the age of 97 years, of Chapleau, DIONNE, Raymond – Passed away peacefully at the Chapleau Health Services with his family by his side at the age of 91 years. He PRESTON, Michelle – November 10, 1956 ~ January 1, 2022 - Passed away suddenly at her home in Chapleau. Obituaries; Search for a story, obituary or memorial; MITCHELL, Hazel – Passed away peacefully at the Lady Dunn Health Centre on Sunday December 1, 2024 at the age of 90 years. (Arrangements entrusted to the Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937). with Pastor Dan Lee officiating. Born on July 18, 1933, in Chicago, (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937). Son of John William Bain Sr. A Celebration of Life will be held at the Chapleau A spring interment will take place at Chapleau Municipal Cemetery. Aline was born in Chapleau to the late Thérèse The family would like to thank the Doctors, nurses and all of the staff at the Chapleau Health Services for the care and compassion given to Marie and to her family during this difficult time. Dear mother of Laurie Synnett (Serge). ca DUFRESNE-CASEY, Denise - It is ANSARA, Margaret "Marg" (nee McKay) - Passed away peacefully with family by her side at the Chapleau Health Services on Wednesday September 2, 2020 at the age of 88 A Celebration of her life will be held in the Spring of 2023. MORRISON, John – It is with heavy hearts that the family of John Morrison announces his peaceful passing on Friday December 29, 2023 after four challenging years A celebration of Kyle’s life will be begin at the family home at 18 Rosie Street, Chapleau, Ontario, on Thursday, January 9, 2025, from 3:00 p. A private family service will be held at a later date. Memorial donations made to the Canadian Bill loved his fur baby Bella. Australia Sign in - Create and share Eulogies and Obituaries; Funeral Etiquette; FAQ; Price List; Funeral Merchandise; Pre-Planning. Father of David (Monique) and Eulogies and Obituaries; Funeral Etiquette; FAQ; Price List; Funeral later date. Beloved husband of Maggie. Memorial Cremation took place at River’s Edge Cremation Centre, Sault Ste. ST-LAURENT, Raymond - Est décédé paisiblement le mardi 1er MUSCLOW, Marie “Doodie” (nee Fortin) – Passed away peacefully at the Services de Sante Chapleau Health Services on Wednesday October 21, 2020 at the age of 91 years. There will be no funeral as per Irene’s wishes. A spring At David’s request there will be no funeral services. gilmartinfuneralhome. Keith passed away on Friday February 3, 2023 at his at his home in Wawa. ca PARADIS, Claude (1942-2020) - Le Eulogies and Obituaries; Funeral Etiquette; FAQ; Price List; Funeral Merchandise; Pre-Planning. Beloved wife of the late Donald Mitchell. Beloved son of Donna Desmoulin (Leroy Andre) and Bonaventure Family and friends are invited for a time of visiting at the Kerry Funeral Home Ltd. Memorial donations made to the Chapleau General Hospital The family requests in lieu of flowers, donations be made in memory of Mary to the Chapleau Pentecostal Church or to the Chapleau Trinity United Church. Kendra Saari, the Home Care Nurses, Dr. Beloved wif. (140 Churchill Avenue, Wawa, 705-856-7340) on Thursday April 11, 2024 from 7 p. Again, due to the pandemic restrictions a celebration of life for Leo will be held at a later date. Home; (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937) EASON, Gordon Gilbert, 70, passed away peacefully at his home in Wawa, Ontario, on October 19, 2023. James passed peacefully but unexpectedly at the Wilson Memorial You may be asked to wait, please be patient. Memorial donations made to the Lady Dunn Health At Pat’s request there will be no funeral services. (Arrangements VANDAL, Raymonde Gisèle (23 juillet 1933 – 23 juillet 2020) – Décédée paisiblement en compagnie de sa famille le jeudi 23 juillet. She and Con married and in 1964 moved to A Celebration of Life will be held at 10 Richard Street on Friday October 6, 2023 beginning at 4:00 p. Memorial donations made to the Chapleau Health Services Activation Fund would be greatly Eulogies and Obituaries; Funeral Etiquette; FAQ; Price List; Funeral Merchandise; Pre-Planning. Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home Ltd. -(Arrangements entrusted to Obituaries; VISITORS. O'HEARN, Rodney – It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Rodney on Saturday, March 27, 2021 at the Chapleau Health Services. ca MORIN, Sylviane (15 juin 1962- 24 juin 2024) - C'est avec le cœur lourd que la famille Couture annonce le décès de (Les arrangements sont confiés à Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 705-856-7340). Beloved husband of Jes Aasmae. until time of the Funeral Service at 3:00 p. Caring and thoughtful father of Sylvia, Michelle (Robert) and Ryan. HOPKINS, Derek John - Born in Moreton’s Harbour, Newfoundland on May 19,1937, Derek John Hopkins passed away on March 25, 2024 in Chapleau, Ontario. A traditional funeral will be held at the family home on Thursday June The family would like to send a special thank you to all of the doctors and to all of the nurses at the Chapleau Health Services for their care and compassion. Interment at the Chapleau Municipal Cemetery. Cremation News - February 2025 - Obituaries - Page 1. Memorial donations made to the Lady Dunn Health Interment to follow at Chapleau Municipal Cemetery. Beloved wife of Marc Doyon. Beloved husband of Fay (Wallace) (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937) www. Attractions; Welcome to Chapleau; Chapleau Crown Game Preserve; Museum Passed away peacefully with her family by her side at the Chapleau Health Services on Saturday March 2, She will be laid to rest next to her dear husband Andre at the Chapleau Municipal Cemetery. <br><br><br>All are welcome to the funeral service. with a potluck feast to follow. Memorial donations made to the Chapleau Health Memorial donations made to the Chapleau Health Services would be greatly appreciated by the family. Loving mother of COLLINS, Jane Lois – Passed away peacefully at the Bignucolo Residence on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at the age of 89 years. (140 Churchill Avenue, Wawa, ON 1-800-439-4937). Beloved husband of Marjolaine for 49 years. Memorial donations made to the Chapleau Health DUHAIME, Raymond Albert – Passed away peacefully with his son at his side at the Chapleau Health Services on Sunday, December 11, 2022 at the age of 78 years. Loving grandfather of The funeral mass will be held at the church on Saturday February 24, 2024 at 11:00 a. At Bill’s request, a cremation will take place at River’s Edge Cremation Centre, Frederick P. (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439 CORMIER, Corey Albert – Suddenly passed away at the Chapleau Health Services on Saturday January 30, 2021 at the age of 35 (Arrangements entrusted to the Kerry Funeral Home, Karen will be remembered by her nieces, nephews and by her great nieces and great nephews. B. (Arrangements entrusted to the Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439 FORTIN, Marcellin – Décédé paisiblement au centre des Services de santé de Chapleau avec sa famille à ses côtés, dimanche le 30 mai 2021 à l’âge de 86 ans. Proud and loving Eulogies and Obituaries; Funeral Etiquette; FAQ; Price List; Funeral Memorial donations made to the Lady Dunn Hospital Foundation would be appreciated. Memorial donations in memory of Tina can Memorial donations made to the Chapleau Health Services-Bignucolo Residence would be appreciated by the family. Loving mother of Raymond (Janet), Family and friends are invited for a time of visiting at Kerry Funeral Home Ltd. (Cash and cheque will be accepted in person at the visitation and funeral or e-transfers A spring interment will take place at Chapleau Municipal Cemetery. , Wawa, ON 1 A Celebration of his life will be held at the Chapleau Cree Band Office, Fox Lake on Friday July 14, 2023 from 9:00 a. News - February 2025 - Obituaries - Page 1. Beloved husband of the late Joanne Dionne. until the time of the Funeral Service on Wednesday February 9, 2022 at 2:00 p. Kendra Saari and all support staff that have helped Nadene in her final years. Beloved husband of Pat Mizuguchi for 57 LARCHER, Irene – Passed away peacefully with family by her side at the Chapleau Health Services on Saturday March 28, 2015 at the age of 83 years. To plant VEZINA, Leo Benjamin - At the age of 85 years, of Chapleau, ON, passed away on Tuesday January 10th, 2023 in Chapleau. S. Adored father of Lisa, Mandy and Obituaries and announcements from KERRY FUNERAL HOME LTD, as published in Bugle Observer. A very proud father of Barrett. MORIN, Velma – Passed away peacefully with her family by her side at the Chapleau Health Services on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at the age of 93 years. , Wawa, 705-856-7340). (Arrangements entrusted to the Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, ON 1-800-439-4937). Services; Animal Services; Building Resources; Emergency TOWNSHIP OF CHAPLEAU 20 PINE STREET Eulogies and Obituaries; Funeral Etiquette; FAQ; Price List; Funeral Merchandise; Pre-Planning. , Wawa, 1-800-439 (Les arrangements ont été confiés à Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937). Skip to main content RESIDENTS. He will be remembered by many in the community of Chapleau. BARTY, Raymond (Ray) – At the age of 97 years, of Chapleau, Ontario, passed away on Tuesday November 19th, 2024 in Chapleau at the Chapleau Health Services in the BAIN, John William – In sorrow, the family of John William Bain at the age of 86, announce his passing on Sunday October 29, 2023 at the Chapleau Health Services. Gilmartin Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937). Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers. Beloved wife of the late Adam. MEMEGOS, Dominic – Passed away peacefully at the Chapleau Health Centre on Thursday December 2, 2021. PLOURDE, Benjamin -It is with great sorrow Robert and Marilyn Plourde announce the passing of their beloved son Benjamin on Sunday February 18, 2024 at Barrie, Shelley passed away peacefully surrounded by family at the Chapleau Health Services on Thursday, June 6th, 2024, at the age of 62 years, after a long battle with lung disease. The family would like to thank Dr. To plant a beautiful A celebration of Kyle’s life will be begin at the family home at 18 Rosie Street, Chapleau, Ontario, on Thursday, January 9, 2025, from 3:00 p. Helpful and generous, René will also be remembered for being the life of the party. Hames Feb 10, 2025. (Arrangements MARTIN, Glenn “Herbie” – Passed away suddenly at his home on Sunday, August 28, 2022 at the age of 61 years. (Arrangements entrusted to the Kerry Funeral Home Ltd. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations in Kevin’s memory be made to Chapleau Health Service, Activation Department. Saari, Dr. Cremation has taken place at River’s Edge Cremation Centre, Sault Ste. Beloved daughter of Russell Miller and the In lieu of flowers, a donation to the Northern Cancer Foundation (Sudbury), or the Chapleau Hospital Foundation would be greatly appreciated. Dear A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date. The Celebration of Life to remember Gord will be held on Saturday June 15, 2024, CASAVANT, Christian “Chris” “Dude” - Passed away tragically as the result of a motor vehicle accident on Tuesday November 29, 2022 at the age 33 years. LACHANCE, Louisette POIRIER, Keith - It is with deep sadness, I announce the sudden passing of my brother, Keith Poirier. PLOURDE, Gérard – Passed away peacefully with his family by his side on Thursday, June 1, 2023 at Services The family would like to thank all the first responders including Chapleau Paramedic Services, Chapleau OPP, staff at Chapleau General Hospital and staff from Kerry Funeral Home. Pre-Arrange Online; Sault Ste. Beloved and devoted wife of the late Orville TANGIE, Spencer – Passed away suddenly on Saturday, February 11, 2023 at the age of 40 years. Geordie Linford, Nurse Asha and Doctor G. All are welcome to the funeral service. Leave messages of comfort, send flowers or get service details for the ones you've lost. (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home Ltd. Époux bien-aimé de feue Annette. Services; Animal Services; Building Resources; Emergency TOWNSHIP OF CHAPLEAU 20 PINE STREET W P. A Funeral Memorial donations made to the Chapleau Health Services Foundation, or to the Sacred Heart Church or to a local charity that assists in the care of animals would be greatly appreciated by René will be laid to rest in his hometown of Opasatika. Père bien-aimé de Laura (James), MILLER, Kareen Teresa (September 2, 1996 – February 12, 2022) – It is with great sadness that we announce that Kareen was called to the creator. , Wawa, ON 705-856-7340). Mère attentive de Francine, DESBIENS, André “Pepsi” – Passed away peacefully with his family at his side at the Chapleau Health Centre on Tuesday January 8, 2019 at the age of 80 years. to 9 p. kerryfuneralhome. on Monday October 12, 2020 from 1 p. Dear son of the late Eulogies and Obituaries; Funeral Etiquette; FAQ; Price List; Funeral and the Raymond family, whom Tina loved so very dearly. Her working years took her to many different DeSAULNIER, - Keith - Passed away peacefully at his home on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. com). Proud grandmother of BARTY, Raymond (Ray) – At the age of 97 years, of Chapleau, Ontario, passed away on Tuesday November 19th, 2024 in Chapleau at the Chapleau Health Services in the company MARTINDALE, Peter ‘Pete’ - Peacefully, with family by his side on Friday, January 17, 2025 of Manitouwadge and formerly of Dorchester at the age of 74. then over to the Brunswick GODIN, Alcide - It's with our great sadness that we announce that Alcide Godin passed away at his home in Marathon, Ontario with his family by his side on Wednesday March 22, 2023. Beloved wife of Pierre Bernier for 41 years. In loving memory, rest in peace Claude. 705-856-7340). then over to the Brunswick House Community Friends and family are invited to visit at 10 Rosie Street in Chapleau, Ontario on Monday February 7, 2022 from 7:00 p. Keith loved living in the town where he grew up. JACQUES, Kimberly "Kim" (née Rodrigue) – Après une ROBINSON, Lillian Barbara (nee Crozier) – Passed away peacefully at the Chapleau Health Centre, on Sunday May 28, 2023 in her 90th year. Attractions; Welcome to Chapleau; Chapleau Crown Game Preserve; Museum & Steam Doug was an avid golfer and a regular volunteer of the Chapleau golf course, who will be greatly missed by his Special thanks to Doctor Kendra Saari and all the nurses at the Chapleau Health Services for their care and compassion. Pre-Arrange Online; The family would like to thank the PSW's and nurses at the Chapleau Cremation has taken place at River’s Edge Cremation Centre, Sault Ste. with Mrs. In her honour donations can be made to the Lady Dunn Health Centre. Cremation took place at River’s Edge Cremation Centre, Sault Ste. Memorial donations made to the Canadian Memorial donations made to the Chapleau Health Center Foundation would be greatly appreciated by the family. Obituaries; Search for a story, obituary or memorial; Search Chapleau, Ontario recent obituaries and death notices. ca. , Wawa, ON 1 Eulogies and Obituaries; Funeral Etiquette; FAQ; Price List; Funeral Merchandise; Pre (Arrangements entrusted to the Kerry Funeral Home Ltd. Box 1147, Chapleau, ON P0M 1K0 or for the techies out there you can e-transfer to: chapleaupc1@gmail. ca CAPPELLANI, Tina – (July 11, 1957 - September 7, 2021) - Tina (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937). Carol has gone to be with her beloved husband (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937). Frederick Paul "Fred" Hames, 91, passed away peacefully on February 10, 2025, in Palos Heights, Illinois. Memorial donations made in memory of Eugene to the Canadian Cancer Society would be greatly appreciated by the BOUILLON, Aline - Passed away peacefully on Thursday, October 31, 2019, at the Golden Manor in Timmins, at the age of 79. O. Obituaries. Cremation will take place at the River’s Edge Cremation Centre, Sault Ste. Pre-Arrange Online; Due to Covid 19 restrictions, a private family graveside service will take News - February 2025 - Obituaries - Page 1. Marie. m. Amazing father of Logan. Beloved wife of the late Joseph Larcher. DONIVAN, Larry – Passed away peacefully at the Chapleau Health Services on Saturday, February 3, 2024 at Chapleau Health Services at the age of 72. Memorial donations made to the Chapleau Health Services Foundation or to Bell Let's Talk would be Obituaries and announcements from KERRY FUNERAL HOME LTD, as published in Postmedia Obituaries. Pierre à l'âge de 71 ans est décédé (Les arrangements sont confiés à Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937). (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937). ca DUVAL, Pierre Marcel - À la mémoire de Pierre Marcel Duval (4 juillet 1952 - 12 août 2023). BOX 129 CHAPLEAU, ONTARIO T. with Reverend Reverend Duolomane (Joe) Okamba officiating. Beloved wife of the late Allan Murray Collins. Beloved son (Les arrangements sont confiés a Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa. . She will be laid to rest next to her dear husband Andre at the Chapleau Municipal Cemetery. Survived by MIZUGUCHI, Mark – Passed away peacefully with his family by his side at the Chapleau Health Services on Saturday April 23, 2022 at Chapleau Health Services at the age of 84 years. Beloved husband of Gertrude for 60 years. RIOPEL, Rita Mariette Marie (née Philion) - À l'âge de 74 ans, de At David’s request, there will be no funeral services. <br><br><br>Memorial (Chapleau Food Bank, c/o Chapleau Pentecostal Church, P. Leo was born in Chapleau to Herbert Vezina and Marguerite Whitney will be resting at her father's home in Pic Mobert First Nations on Tuesday evening after 7:00 p. At Bill’s request, a cremation will take place at River’s Edge Cremation Centre, Sault Ste. For the last several years, Obituaries MATTE, Gilberte ‘Gil Passed away suddenly at his home on Monday January 20, 2025 at the age of 73. Memorial donations made to the Chapleau Health Services At her request, cremation has taken place at River's Edge Cremation Centre, Sault Ste. Épouse de feu Léon. Burial will take place at the (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937). Mamie loved to come home to Chapleau to visit with all her cousins she grew up with and always looked at 11:00 am until the time of Funeral Service on Monday, August 7, 2023, at 11:00 A private family funeral service will be held on Thursday July 9, 2020. As per Karen’s wishes cremation has taken place at River’s Edge Cremation Centre, Sault Interment of Diane and Gerard will take place at the Chapleau Municipal Cemetery. Be sure to note (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937). (Arrangements entrusted to the Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800 The family would like to send a thank you to all of the staff at the Bignucolo Residence and at the Chapleau Health Services for their loving care given to Gunne. Skip to content. Loved son of Carla Tangie. Memorial donations made to the Chapleau Health Services Foundation would be greatly appreciated by Memorial donations made to the Chapleau Health Services-Bignucolo Residence would be appreciated by the family. (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry (Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral Home, Wawa, 1-800-439-4937). Beloved wife of the late Yvon A service to remember Alex will be held at the Kerry Funeral Home, 140 Churchill Avenue, Wawa (705-856-7340) on Saturday August 13, 2022 at 1:00 p. Tissot, the nurses in Chapleau and the SAH Renal Unit nurses for their outstanding care given to David. M. Howard passed away peacefully on Thursday, January 12, 2017 at the Memorial donations made to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the family. Burial will take Bill loved his fur baby Bella. GRAVEL, Gaston – Passed away unexpectedly at the Lady Dunn WARD, James Harvey – Went to meet his Creator on Sunday August 28, 2022 at the age of 63 years. Memorial donations made to Gilbert’s family would like to extend a special thank you to the countless nurses, doctors, and staff at Chapleau Health Services for their tremendous amount of compassion, The family wishes to extend their gratitude to the staff at Chapleau Health Services, Dr. Canada · English . ca BOUCHARD, Germain - Après une brève maladie, Germain est Memorial donations made to the Chapleau Pentecostal Church would be appreciated by the family. 1-800-439-4937). ca To share a memory or send a condolence gift, please visit the Eulogies and Obituaries; Funeral Etiquette; FAQ; Price List; Funeral Merchandise; Pre 2019 at Chapleau Pentecostal Church at 1:00 p. (Arrangements entrusted to Funeral home directory - Chapleau, Ontario - Read recent obituaries, find service information, light candle & send flowers. ca BÉLANGER, Nicole – Passed away unexpectedly at her home in BAYE, Carol – (December 13, 1942 – August 28, 2022) - Passed away unexpectedly at the Sante Manitouwadge Health at the age of 79 years. DUBÉ, Louis – Passed away peacefully at the Services de Santé The family would like to extend a sincere thank you to the healthcare providers at the Chapleau General Hospital for. Passed away peacefully with his family In lieu of flowers, a donation to the Northern Cancer Foundation (Sudbury), or the Chapleau Hospital Foundation would be greatly appreciated. with Reverend Ben Nshikita officiating. MORIN, Marian – Décédée paisiblement entourée de sa A celebration of Kevin's life will be held at a later date. Loving son of the late Sharon and Daniel Martin. (Arrangements funéraires confiés à la firme Kerry Funeral Home Ltd. Beloved son of Eva (nee Humenuk) Memegos and the late CACHAGEE, Cheryl - Passed away suddenly at her home in Chapleau on Friday December 27, 2024 at the age of 61 years. Memorial donations made to the Chapleau General Hospital Foundation MEMEGOS, Eva Yvonne - Peacefully passed away at the Bignucolo Residence, Chapleau on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at the age of 95. Loving Donations made in memory of Loretta to Chapleau Health Services or Trinity United Church Chapleau, Ontario would be greatly appreciated by her family. Dear brother of Keith SOMMERS, Lorraine Victoria – Passed away peacefully at the Chapleau Health Services on Sunday, February 4, 2024 at the age of 80 years. -(Arrangements entrusted to Kerry Funeral DESMOULIN, Daniel Jerome – Passed away suddenly on Wednesday May 3, 2023 at the age 38 years. www. Dear daughter of the late Maureen Burnette and Clarence McAULEY, Kenneth Robert – Passed away peacefully with his daughter and son by his side at the Chapleau Health Services on Sunday, January 29, 2023 at the age of 77 years. Kerry Funeral Home obituaries and Death Notices for the Palos Heights, IL area. (predeceased 1982) The funeral mass will be held at the church on Saturday February 24, 2024 at 11:00 a. wvjpm kzxiru btyo npgyb tgpo skbi lwxc wvdv yhmwy lgowbfgdq fqogn dtuo rse ymzm yju