40 meter hex beam. This is the antenna G0EVY was using on 7.
40 meter hex beam At 20 feet in the air, that Yagi won't have the advertised gain. The problem with an 80 meter Hex, besides its large size is getting it up high enough. 3. 00 1 Add to Cart $2,250. 5mm² distance between 40/30m wires 100 cm. Length 15. He recommends that a 40 Meter version be 50 feet high. Author: Michael Sanchez, N2UJNSummary: A simulation comparison of a full size 20m dipole in inverted V format is developed relative to a shortened, 2 element Yagi with dimensions similar to the Mosley Mini-32-A (10-15-20m) tribander. May 18, 2017 · I have a little too much loss on the 70-cm antenna, as it does not have UHF grade coax feeding it, but it works just fine. 5 lbs Save yourself all this trouble and get a G3TXQ Broadband Hex beam of premium quality components already built. G3TXQ Broadband Hex beam by K4KIO. Cushcraft XM240 Monoband 40 Meter Yagi Antennas utilize rugged Big Thunder hardware combined with high-strength aluminum tubing, which provides outstanding wind survivability. HEX – BEAM SP7IDX TECHNOLOGY 1 HEXBEAM MARK III HD & HEXBEAM MARK III Light Ver 05. Feb 21, 2020 · Ant has experimented further with my idea and finally came up with the 40 meter kit, where the 40 meter wire, stretched in a W shape, is placed a bit above the 6-band hex by using. I’ve had time to figure out what I like and don’t like about that first version. de under data & files. Get a strong, clear signal with less noise from 2 meters through 40 meters with your choice of single- and multi-band Yagi antennas with up to 16 elements. This 40-meter hex beam weighs in at 1,600 pounds and the boom is just Feb 12, 2012 · An Hexagonal Beam in 3 hours. DXE-HEXX-5WRP - HEXXAGONAL BEAM 5-band Wire & Wire Guide Qty Description 2 20/17/15/12/10 Meter Wire Driven Element Sets - #14 Copper Stranded Wire with Black PVC Insulation with Ring Terminals attached and Wire Guides installed 1 20/17/15/12/10 Meter Wire Reflector Element Sets - #14 Copper Stranded Wire with Black PVC The result is a beam that requires only two center supports. Apr 23, 2018 · Sentinel sells a 40 meter version of the hex beam and it is roughly twice as large as the 6-20 meter version and the price is twice as high. ) Wind Surface Area: 0. Search for: Skip to content. 35 dBi and the FB from 16. m (6. With the broad band add on, you can work 160m-10m in an omni directional fashion. Then from the other side start with the 17 meter band and work out toward the 20 meter band. 153 when he was booming into Alabama (and pretty much the rest of the world) last night. Route coax through hole in plate. Does anyone have any drawings and parts list for a do it yourself 40 meter band add on project? I looked on your web site under the broadband dimensions and saw the wire dimensions but couldn't find any info for the spreader lengths or the vertical spacing to use for a 30/40 meter hex. 1 dBi. It took me a while looking at different options. It will take a little time. Place feed spacers to prevent feed tubes from rotating at the 40 Apr 11, 2020 · 40 Meter Hex Beam Antenna. Could that mast handle a 40 meter hex? Very doubtful. at a height of 48". The price of a 20 -10 meter hex beam is in the neighborhood of $600+. The 4 band Broadband Hex beam 20-17-15-10 meters; Dutch PACC contest; HF-antenna's Vertikal Dipole 10-40m; Modifying a 27MHz CB Ringo Antenna for 80–6Mtrs; A HF MULTIBAND VERTICAL ANTENNA; 160 metre "L" Antenna; A FOUR SQUARE ANTENNA FOR 80 METERS; Hex Array - 80/40 Meter Vertical; KIO Broadband Hexagonal Beam that family of wire beams which includes the VK2ABQ, the Moxon, the X beam, and of course the traditional Hexbeam . F. Jun 20, 2011 · 4. The antenna’s resonant frequency per band furthermore increased by about 350 Khz when raised from the ground to the 9 m mark. If you want to add bands, why not focus on figuring out how to build a Hex for 30 Meters, or better yet 40. I've used Cubical Quads my who Amateur Career until a few months ago when I Purchased an MFJ 1848 Dec 21, 2009 · Anyone looking parts and information to build the larger Hex Wire Beams I have the baseplate kit and dimensions for building the 30 and 40 meter Hexbeam using the wire dimensions from G3TXQ broadband calculations. eMail Subscription Save yourself all this trouble and get a G3TXQ Broadband Hex beam of premium quality components already built. ft. HF Beam Antenna Band Coverage: 40 meters. But a hex beam might be low enough in wind surface area to allow you to put up a 10 foot mast to get it higher, with will add gain. It is an antenna inside 2. Fishing screws inside pvc tubing. It is featured in the March 2009 edition of QST magazine and is a significant improvement over the classic Hex-Beam design. 4NEC2 simulation was utilized for all results (a highly capable simulator interface Now I want to do a DIY upgrade to a full 40 meter two element. hexbeam. Station pg1n s ham radio site 40m a tale of 4 beams ham radio site wire beam types hexbeam 7 band 40m Dec 5, 2001 · a home-brew 40 meter model in the air! I wonder if anyone has tried a 40 PM Subject: [hex-beam] Homebrew Hex Beam For those interested in a much (much) cheaper 6 Band hexagonal beam antenna covering 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, and 20 meter bands shipped to your door for only $700($640 + $60 shipping) The NA4RR Hexagonal Beam (commonly referred to as the hex beam) is a popular antenna based on the G3TXQ design. Copies an older design of the KIO Hex beam in nearly all other particulars except the center post and the baseplate (which uses tubes rather than U bolts). If you use insulated wire, elements will be shorter 3-8%, depending Choose from top-brand HF Yagi, HEXX beam, and other rotatable antennas to meet your high-frequency needs. The antenna came as a gigantic 32' diameter 20-6 meter Wire antenna with a 40m and 30m dipoles interlaced inside the antenna spreaders. Radiowavz Sentinel Hex Beam 40-10 gain is 6. How about for DX and the bands above 30 meters? Hello, i plan to built a 40 meter hex-beam, but i'm new with this kind of antenna, can someone give me the formula to calcul the length of driven et reflector ? what is the distance from the bottom of the plate to the feed point ? I have 20 feet fiberglass pole, is this lenght is enought for 40 meter hex-beam ? Please help me Thank you Francois Subject: [hex-beam] Re: 40 meter Hex Beam Hi Jim, I'm following this thread with interest since I designed (EZNEC) and built a 40m Hex a few years ago and had it tuned nicely. 60 m (18. Lifting the antenna to +_9 m (this was around ¼ wave for 40 m band, which was the lowest band) off the ground was good enough to get a clear view of the performance. so about 26 foot to the 20 meter element I recommend for people that purchase a hex from me to install them at 25 to 35 feet. 00 add on for the Hexbeam. 73 de Barry - W4WB i run my Hex at 22 feet high from the group. Aug 16, 2010 · I have another tower at 60' guyed rohn 45 and I am thinking about building a 40 meter hex for it. Background. 5 dBi, free space, peak DXE-HEXX-1HBP HEXXAGONAL BEAM Hub package (US Patent No. com ALL SALES FINAL ON THIS ANTENNARadiowavz Sentinel Hex Beam 40-10 gain is 6. com, Jim Isbell <millenniumfalcon@c> wrote: I would like to build my own 40 meter Hex Beam, where can I find drawings and specs for wire length etc. com/db/F4VUP Feb 11, 2012 · An Hexagonal Beam in 3 hours. Can be much heavier; Needs heavy-duty components; May require professional help; May have a higher total cost; Common types of Wire Beam Antennas Wire Beam (V-Beam) This is the NARS 40-meter Wire Beam antenna at Field Day 2017. 0 dB Beam Antenna F/B (dB) and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! G3TXQ Broadband Hex beam by K4KIO. Measuring 40" of tubing starting from the baseplate to end of the tubing. > > Any formula's or practical applications out there in Hex land? > > > All Cushcraft HF Beam Antennas. I put mine up at about 40 feet on a tower. I put a stand pipe in the ground to put the Hex Beam together, so the bottom of the beam was about 8 inches from the ground. HF Beam Element Material: Aluminum tubing. With the base plate at a working height of 10m EZNEC shows the 15m element has increased its forward gain from 9. To conserve space the driven element and the reflector are bent into “W” shapes. The turn radius is 21 ft. A handful of people have built one for 40 Meters. This article documents the construction of a 6 band broadband hex beam HF antenna. Reviews For: RADIOWAVZ RWST40LL-6 Sentinel Hex Beam 20-6m with 40m section Category: Antennas: HF: Yagi, Quad, Rotary dipole, LPDA. Once I get the Hex Beam on the tower, it should be up about 35 ft. This site features the G3TXQ broad band hex beam R. a hex beam antenna construction project for 30 and 40 meters band by n6aq. 62 sq. May 8, 2020 · Mfj 40 Meter Hex Beam. Go to the NA4RR Apr 17, 2022 · Almost three years ago I purchased a Radiowavz Sentinel hex beam. Free Shipping - Hy-Gain Discoverer 7-2 40 Meter Yagi Antennas with qualifying orders of $99. This is “take two” on the basic hex beam idea, having first built a large 30m bamboo pull-up hex beam a few years ago. Find HF Yagi, HEXX Beam and Rotatable Antennas 40 meters HF Beam Antenna Bands and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Ham Radio News, Reviews, Tips & More – Check Out Our Blog, OnAllBands. I would like to build one but need the info to know what to order from Max Gain Systems. ft. The photos are in the folder called "Bobber Hex 6 to 40" in the Group. Element Material, North American Aircraft Grade Aluminum . It is easy to construct, requires less space for deployment and yet provides good performance. After I got the beam Feb 20, 2022 · Aluminum Beam Cons. I started looking for a multiband antenna that included my favorite band which is 40 meters. The Sentinel series single band hex beam consists of two elements. Also, "ardsranger" (Robert of Hex Bobber) copied some of the photos of my 6 thru 40 meter Hex Beam which is the Hex Beam that he designed, and of which I am beta testing for him. More details and files in the file section or on my webpage Oct 18, 2011 · Look, I could be wrong, but I have an idea this hex-beam antenna idea may work well in situations as a multi-band. It looks to me it could be very efficient in doing what it does. The classic hexagonal beam is a proven winner among those who have built one. Operates at full legal limit on all bands. Howdy Duke and Koichi N6AQ www. Antenna Power Rating: 5,000 W. The wire beam is a very high performance, but it cannot change direction. HF Beam Antenna Elements: 2. Yes the total Driven element (433″ x 2) = 866″ is longer than the total reflector length. DL7IO has built several. Posted on May 8, 2020 by Sandra. Most of the time, the bazooka shows a higher signal strength on my TRX , but that’s mostly noise showing. 40-10 meter Barrett Hex Beam Home Shop All Shop All More; Shop All > ShowBarrett 40-10 ShowBarrett 40-10 $2,250. Jan 19, 2023 · Gain will be less, of course, but still be better than a 2 element hex beam. With the hex I can hear station I can’t hear with the 6 Band hexagonal beam antenna covering 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, and 20 meter bands shipped to your door for only $700($640 + $60 shipping) The NA4RR Hexagonal Beam (commonly referred to as the hex beam) is a popular antenna based on the G3TXQ design. > > In shopping for spreaders I am unclear of the length required to accomodate the two 40 meter elements. Oct 16, 2018 · [hex-beam] Subject: Re: [hex-beam] NA4RR on 40 Meters The 40 mtr option is a $175. Apr 14, 2021 · My setup was from an MFJ 1848 40-6 meter antenna with the added dipole for 40 and 30 meters. n6aq. Steve G3TXQ May 26, 2022 · Good times with my dad F4VUP (fka PA3ALB), here we add the 40 meters to the 6 band Hexbeam. After I got the beam 2 days ago · This is a hex beam designed for six meters. Feb 28, 2025 · This was a great project build and went the way of most of my antenna builds and projects, over budget, over man hours, over materials. 4 mm heavy duty “ice” support ropes with thimbles and stainless steel carabiners --- In hex-beam@yahoogroups. . The result is a 2-element parasitic beam 6 meter insulator 6 meter driven element (2 pcs) 6 meter reflector element (one piece) ~28. I've used Cubical Quads my who Amateur Career until a few months ago when I Purchased an MFJ 1848 HexBeam. A consequence of the Classic Hexbeam's geometry is a relatively narrow performance bandwidth; typically the F/B exceeds 10dB over a band equivalent to only 1. ) Feedpoint The original or classic hexagonal beam is the configuration of the Hex-beam manufactured by Traffie Technologies and copied by many homebrewers. Find HF Yagi, HEXX Beam and Rotatable Antennas 20 meters HF Beam Antenna Bands and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! ALL SALES FINAL ON THIS ANTENNA. I was clear I needed to replace a multiband hex beam and a 2 elements 40M Hy-Gain monobander using the old linear loading system. The two tails were connected using plastic ‘fishing rope’. qrz. Weight 24. Essentially a full size 2 element 40 meter beam at 60′. Thanks P. meter antenna, but there is directivity with this 40 meter shortened hex. It has three elements with a turning radius of 54 inches. Build your own Hex SWR <2:1 except for high end of 10 and 6 meters. NEW. Looked up this hex-beam NA4RR and I did not see a 40m option. Conclusion: Overall, the Potabeam 10 Meter Hex Beam is a fantastic choice for any amateur radio operator seeking a portable, high-performance directional antenna for the 10-meter band. 12 dBi to 10. D624,060)Feeder System 6 DXE-HEXX-5WRP-2 - HEXXAGONAL BEAM 5-band Wire Element & Wire Guide 6 DXE-HEXX-1WRP-2 - HEXXAGONAL BEAM 1-band Wire Element & Wire Guide 7 Parts Required but not supplied 7 I was able to get in contact with someone who had been involved with G3TXQ when the broadband hex beam was being developed, and he confirmed my suspicion that the 40 meter bent dipole on the hex beam has an impedance of much less than 50 ohms, so some form of matching is necessary (and in fact the other two vendors I found that have the 40 One thing that keeps me awake at night is the generalization of SWR instead of R and j. Do you have a web site (URL) where you have seen a 40 meter option for the hex-beam?? 2 Meter - 440 mast extension for VHQ hex. All Stainless Steel Fittings . Thanks to May 22, 2006 · Subject: [hex-beam] Re: 40 meter Hex Beam spreader length Hello Ron, spreaders have to be 6m long. Go to the NA4RR web site there is a video of how to attach it to the antenna. The 40 was laced in one half of the spreaders and the 30 was laced on the opposite half of the antenna spreaders. During the tuning process, a few short cuts were found. 88 ft. I would like to build one but need the info to know what to order from Max Gain Save yourself all this trouble and get a G3TXQ Broadband Hex beam of premium quality components already built. Beam Antenna Boom Length: 5. To: hex-beam@ Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 11:13 PM Subject: [hex-beam] Re: 40 meter Hex Beam spreader length Hello Ron, spreaders have to be 6m long. can I? To: hex-beam@ Date: Sunday, April 5, 2009, 8:17 AM John, There will significant interaction between the two antennas unless you are prepared to orientate the dipole so that it fires 90 degrees off from the hexbeam; then the interaction is minimal. Now I want to do a DIY upgrade to a full 40 meter two element. this Hex Beam on. It covers 6 through 40 meters. The Classic Hexbeam . Posted on April 11, 2020 by Sandra. Easily add any 2 Meter /440 vertical antenna to your VHQ HEX BEAM. The 4 band Broadband Hex beam 20-17-15-10 meters I also used schedule 40 1 in diameter PVC sections cut in about 5 inch lengths on the base plate so the spreaders Oct 9, 2018 · [hex-beam] Subject: Re: [hex-beam] NA4RR on 40 Meters The 40 mtr option is a $175. Data an EZNEC-model can be found on my webpage www. The defining feature of the Classic Hexbeam is its shape. VHQ HEX Manufactures the highest quality hex beam on the market, Hands down! 40 Meter Dipole; 2 Meter-440 YAGI Mast Extension . Go to the NA4RR Apr 23, 2018 · I am building my own Hex Beam antenna and I would love to add the 40 meter band. Shortened 2 Element Yagi vs Full Length Dipole via 4NEC2 Simulation for 20m. My Dads page: https://www. I ended up using a gin pole to mount it. 37 ft. The Sentinel Hex Beam is a directional antenna that provides great performance and reduced size. John, There will significant interaction between the two antennas unless you are prepared to orientate the dipole so that it fires 90 degrees off from the hexbeam; then the interaction is minimal. Equally related to the outer structure of the hex beam is the 3-element 40-meter reversible Yagi developed by WA3FET. Get an amplifier and become the big signal on your 75 meter net. 40 Meter Wire Beam N1FD. Mfj 1848 hex beam 8 band 6 10 12 15 hex beam installation eham mfj 1848 antenna hf beam multi band. 6 sq ft . ? Jim W5JAILook in the files area Jim and you will find the equations you need for element lengths and such. Dec 1, 2001 · When I worked him, he turned the beam towards Alabama and his signal jumped up significantly. We build all the components, tune the wires, and pack it up so all you have to do is spend an evening assembling a plug and play beam and have the best broadband hex in the world ready to go. com #18276 Hi, I'm K5DA. This is normally the case with the broadband hex beam. Our antenna doesn’t require a large expensive tower, many people are using inexpensive push up poles. 8 sq. May 22, 2006 · Subject: [hex-beam] Re: 40 meter Hex Beam spreader length Hello Ron, spreaders have to be 6m long. I don't have the plans for it, but I can say that it was quite a challenge to have the antenna play with each set of 40m elements and 30m. If and it's a big, the antenna is resonant, that is j0, then we can address the R and get a transformer match for it. Hex-beams can be designed in two different variants. com, Michael Lodico <k1eg@> wrote: Hi Steve, I looked on your web site under the broadband dimensions and saw the wire dimensions but couldn't find any info for the spreader lengths or the vertical spacing to use for a 30/40 meter hex. Find HF Yagi, HEXX Beam and Rotatable Antennas 80 meters HF Beam Antenna Bands and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! HF Single Element Rotatable Dipole, 40 Meter Band . YAY! It's so nice to have my rigs alive again! But I have to say that I'm missing my good ol' vertical that included 40 meters. I figured that I could add 5' extensions onto the antenna bringing it to a 42' diameter and then reconfigure a set of 40meter wires and I'd be set. 4% of the centre frequency, and the SWR is above 2:1 for a significant proportion of this band. Mar 17, 2025 · Find HF Yagi, HEXX Beam and Rotatable Antennas 40 meters HF Beam Antenna Bands, 0. Craig and I did simplex tests on all bands between 40 meters and 70-cm (except 222mhz) and were really pleased with the outcome. Jun 2, 2016 · Hexagonal Wire Beams for 40-10m from DL7IO, different mono/multiband designs with building descriptions and model files for EZNEC (by DL7IO) Hexbeam 6 bands antenna An HexBeam antenna project, a 2 full elements on six bands (by OZ1CX) XB-5 Hexx Beam Features The DX Engineering XB-5 Hexx Beam design has a number of important advantages over other Hex Beams and a Yagi: New, easy and fast assembly - fewer parts to speed completion of the antenna project Pre-made 4. 5 dBi, free space, peak Radiowavz offers a hex beam for all bands 40 – 10 meters but it is twice as large as the other hex beams discussed here and costs over $2,200. S. ) Feedpoint May 31, 2023 · Over the winter I started work on constructing the three-element hex beam that I designed previously. ) HF Beam Antenna Longest Element: 14. The VSWR is less then 2:1. D605,184) DXE-HEXX-1SCP-2 HEXXAGONAL BEAM Spreader & Center Post package DXE-HEXX-5FFP HEXXAGONAL BEAM 5-Band Stainless Steel/Teflon® Rigid Feeder System (US Patent No. Apr 4, 2009 · Subject: [hex-beam] Re: 40 meter under the Hex. Mar 23, 2014 · This 40-meter hex beam This is the antenna G0EVY was using on 7. But man let me tell you this thing was a serious performer and pile up buster on 40 meters. It is a bent dipole with a separate coax. As well, by using rope on the ends of the elements, the tie down points will also be reduced to 2. The DX Engineering XB-5 Hexx Beam is a lightweight directional five-band HF antenna for the 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 Meter bands that is ideal for permanent or temporary installations. Hex Beam Compact 6-band antenna (10, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40) Hex-Beam (Hexagonal beam) antenna is a nice and compact multi-band antenna. Later QSOs on 17, 20 and 6 meters indicate that the hex beam is working well. I'm wondering if anyone else has one and what your opinions are. Shop HF Yagi, HEXX Beam and Rotatable Antennas at DX Engineering. I can only compare my 40 m hex with my inverted v double bazooka 40 meter antenna ( fixed of course). 90 m (48. DXE-HEXX-1SCP-2 - HEXXAGONAL BEAM Spreader & Center Post 6 DXE-HEXX-5FFP HEXXAGONAL BEAM 5-Band Stainless Steel/PTFE Rigid (US Patent No. The mechanical portion will likely be Oct 9, 2018 · [hex-beam] Subject: Re: [hex-beam] NA4RR on 40 Meters The 40 mtr option is a $175. I have only found a few links for spec's I am doing research right now if anyone know of additional links please provide them. com posting 1986), 40/30m (posting 1996), 40/30/20m (posting 2000), 40/30/20/17m (currently in use) and 40/30/20/17/12m (not yet built). May 28, 2020 · They perform well in many cases and for the low frequency bands such as 80, 40 and 30 meters, they are usually not competing with directional antennas so everybody can be on a level playing field. ) Beam Antenna Turning Radius: 7. By WB3BEL HEX-BEAM Group Discuss here about hex-beam antennas The Small, Powerful Hex Beam How to homebrew an hex beam antenna for 20 17 15 12 10 meters Apr 21, 2019 · 40 meter Hex Beam keywestlifter@yahoo. Element wire: bare copper wire of 1. However, the classic beam has a significant shortcoming that is a result of its compressed configuration. By measuring the impedance of the design of antony's antenna, it turned out that the bandwidth could be improved with the use of a better tuned balun. 12 ft. Subject: [hex-beam] Re: 40 meter Hex Beam Hi Jim, I'm following this thread with interest since I designed (EZNEC) and built a 40m Hex a few years ago and had it tuned nicely. The G3TXQ broad band hexagonal beam for 20,15,10,6 meters is constructed of six fiberglass arms and insulated stranded copper wire. With front and back peak at 20 dBi. Nov 27, 2011 · this Hex Beam on. Even at this height, the F/B was over 2 S-units. antenna for the six amateur radio bands, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 meters. This antenna can be built from low cost materials available from the local hardware store. On thing I did not think about when I purchased was how I would get it to the top of the tower. Go to the NA4RR Limited to 10 meters without using a tuner (though specialized for this band) Requires a heavy-duty mast or suitable support structure for deployment . Gain 5. extension poles. The 40 mtr option is a $175. Drilling out the holes for our 5 band Hex Beam. --- In hex-beam@, Ron Weaver <w6ron@> wrote: > > I have decided to build a 40 meter Hex Beam, may inlude 30 meters as well if the 40 portion performs well. Listed under the Antennas/HexBeam category that is about HexBeam Antenna. 51 dB to 16. D624,060) DXE-HEXX-5WRP-2 HEXXAGONAL BEAM 5-band Wire Element & Wire Guide package Anyone looking parts and information to build the larger Hex Wire Beams I have the baseplate kit and dimensions for building the 30 and 40 meter Hexbeam using the wire dimensions from G3TXQ broadband calculations. The 4 band Broadband Hex beam 20-17-15-10 meters; Dutch PACC contest; HF-antenna's Vertikal Dipole 10-40m; Modifying a 27MHz CB Ringo Antenna for 80–6Mtrs; A HF MULTIBAND VERTICAL ANTENNA; 160 metre "L" Antenna; A FOUR SQUARE ANTENNA FOR 80 METERS; Hex Array - 80/40 Meter Vertical; KIO Broadband Hexagonal Beam Broadband Hex Beam Antenna - 6 Band: Hello fello Hams and anyone else interested ! My name is Dave (call sign G7IYK) and I am based in Bristol south west UK. Heavy Duty High Q Coils designed to prevent interference with Yagi or Hex Beam on same tower . A list of the required Max Gain Systems fiberglass tubing is also on the link below. I first must point out this antenna is not m… --- In hex-beam@yahoogroups. Comes with six bands. For a 40 meter hex, you are looking at something more like a full scale tower to get it in the air. 5” 6-32x5/16 6-32 locknut 6 meter Insulator n o 6 n o 6 6 meter 40 30 20 17 15 12 10 6 Attach coax with balun beads to this point on bottom of feed tubes. Mike constructed it so it works with interchangable elements optimized for 40m CW and 40m SSB. Its installation doesn't require any additional tuning. [hex-beam]" wrote: Hi, I'm K5DA. NA4RR . 96 m (26. Oct 4, 2019 · After installing my hex beam almost a year ago, I finally got around to stringing the coax and rotator control cable through my attic to my home office/shack. 09 meters (49' 6") Wind Area 3. Jun 10, 2012 · New HexBeam from MFJ delivers solid gain and directivity on 40, 30, 20,17, 15, 12, 10, and 6 Meters in a low-profile package that will have yourpocketbook and your neighbors smiling!The MFJ-1848 uses an updated G3TXQ element configuration for excellentgain, improved bandwidth, superior front-to-back ratio and low SWR - May 16, 2020 · The typical support mechanism for a 20 – 10 meter hex beam is a steel push up mast that costs around $100. If you use insulated wire, elements will be shorter 3-8%, depending Oct 12, 2015 · I am focused on improving my station and started with the antenna system. The weight is 90 lbs so the wind load area is 12 sq. The tail spacing is also critical for the tuning of the Broadband Hex beam and I have left a spacing of 46″. and be absolutely fantastic, I am really looking forward to getting the tower up and getting the beam on top of it. Phillystran boom support trusses are used in the Cushcraft XM240 design for extra boom stability. The 80 and 160 add ons are not "yagi" antennas or true hex beams although they might use the hex beam frame to mount them. I have I believe the only existing 30-40m Traffie Hex-Beam and it is outstanding. But, CB's are generally looking for effectiveness with high gain type antennas. Rugged Billet and Tig Welded Extension adapter that replaces the top cap on your center post and allows the installation of a vertical antenna. Power Rating 5k SSB . 94 dB also the beam width has narrowed giving more rejection on the sides but forming lobes towards the rear. 018 HEX-BEAM SP7IDX TECHNOLOGY ANTENNA is a broad band hex antenna operating in PLUG AND PLAY system, its assembly time is 1-1,5h for one person. ybhv jtcnlk fwhiu zttjxg pkrjp hepaz ozs gzxcka rdjp nyib mvhaefk vgydd kaic oppavc rpjrqr