Android studio clear app data Restart Android studio. browser; Exit the ADB shell using the exit command. When developing my Android app (using Xamarin), I noticed that whenever I'd re-launch the app from Visual Studio, my data would revert back to data from a few months ago. Dec 6, 2019 · It is a privacy concern. These steps will frustrate you and it’s not recommended. it shouldn't clear preferences, db, etc. (Shift+F10) Discover a Bug (on phone) Navigate to Settings --> Application --> MyApp (on phone) Force Stop (on phone) Uninstall MyApp (on phone) Edit code; Select the 'Run' command in Android Studio. Mar 30, 2024 · What Happens When You Clear All Data of an Android App. If you're using the SharedPreferences API to save app settings, you should instead use getDefaultSharedPreferences() to get the default shared preference file for your entire May 14, 2014 · I am an android developer doing an update to my users of an Android app and my desire is to clear the app storage for the app on all users devices as the data packaged with the app has expired. Jun 22, 2015 · My code uses shared preferences and local db and saves some data on my usb device. Solution - use android:allowBackup="false" in the manifest file. Feb 24, 2015 · Select the Run command in Android Studio. How do I clear the app cache on Android? Go to Settings > Storage > Other Apps, select the app, and tap “Clear Cache. Open Settings; Go to the Settings app on your Android device; Navigate to Apps; Tap App or Apps and notifications (varies by device) Select the app; Choose the app you want to clear the cache for; Clear cache; Tap Storage and Cache, then select 4 days ago · How to Clear Cache on Android: Step-by way of-Step. 2 and can't find the way to clear logcat output before each Run/Debug. I am using stock Android 6. Step 3: Setting up the Android Studio. It clears out everything the apps has stored, basically forcing it to a fresh state. I need to keep my data on the device until the app is "uninstalled". after deleting all old files for the old installation. The following command clear the app data in the `com. clearCache(true); webView. – Aug 7, 2023 · delete cache: cache delete cache: shared_prefs delete cache: app_webview delete cache: code_cache delete cache: files delete cache: no_backup delete cache: databases delete cache: app_textures Then if you have to remove the parts that you shouldn't delete Sep 16, 2014 · Is there any way to know in "real-time", via broadcast I guess, when a user has cleared data of the app? I have a widget showing some user details, which are stored in the Preferences, but when the user clear the app data, I am not able to know it until the next refresh/update (the onUpdate() call) which is every 30min. when I execute this in @After, the tests crashes: Test failed to run to completion. concurrent. Apr 29, 2017 · ‘Clear app data’ can be done but the solution requires many complicated steps have to be done from you because Katalon Studio doesn’t support this. I am not using a . Alternatively you can do adb -e shell while the emulator is running, find the . Clear Cache for a Single App: If a particular app is causing problems, you may clean its cache manually: Step 1: Launch the Settings app to your Android tool. keystore ) from your renamed ~/. This would then cause later tests to also fail because the later ones assumed they would need to sign in, but the app would already be signed in. Mar 5, 2016 · AndroidStudio技巧(一):快速清除app数据. ((ActivityManager)context. I then resintall the app through Android Studio and all the SharedPreferences values are still there. My code seems to work well as there is no error, but the I sti Sep 13, 2024 · Unifying Your Android App’s Analytics: A Provider-Agnostic Approach with Jetpack Compose In the dynamic world of mobile app development, understanding user behaviour and fine-tuning your app is How do I delete SharedPreferences data for my Android App - This example demonstrates how do I delete SharedPreferences data for my android app. But after setting it to False, my application can't disable the button of Clear data in application info of Manage application. executeShellCommand("pm clear PACKAGE_NAME"). pm invokes the package manager on the device; clear deletes all data associated with a package Aug 22, 2024 · These directories contain Android Studio's configuration and cache data. 1). , debug. But the result is same. It is equivalent to clear data option under Settings --> Application Manager --> Your App --> Clear data. To do so, invoke an intent that includes the ACTION_CLEAR_APP_CACHE intent action. For example, to clear YouTube's app data, type How to clear app data with adb command. May 26, 2015 · Close Android Studio completely. 59 mb of data for some reason. Full configuration: Run configuration image. At the end of each test run, using the settings app I clear the app cache and the app data and then uninstall the app. AppCompatActivity import kotlin. Jan 20, 2025 · Here’s how to clear the cache for apps and browsers on your Android device: Clearing app cache. google. I have also used below permission in manifest file: "android. CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA" <uses-permission android:name="android. If pm clear does not work, you can write a small script and start it on the device before uploading the app. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. Is there Oct 10, 2016 · Download and install an old version of Android Studio (eg: android-studio-ide-191. Oct 16, 2016 · There are two option to clear the table from the database. As well as boosting your data security, clearing your Android app cache can also help fix technical issues like slowdowns or app errors. As an alternate I have one more option i. e. I tried using the delete method. 原文链接:Clear the app data quickly 我们在开发app的时候,debug时经常会遇到需要清除app数据的场景,比如清除登录用户名重新进行登录测试,清除某个列表页面的数据库数据等等。 This guide shows you how you can delete records in two ways. CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA"/> Question: How to clear another app application data using adb shell? Aug 3, 2022 · I'm experimenting with ROOM Database Inspector on Android Studio. Feb 20, 2016 · I then uninstall the app. WebView import android. Delete using Record IDs. Deleting a project is easy and can be done in just a few clicks. dat files, I want to find a way to delete all the app's data of my Android app, writing some Java code. When you clear app data, it's similar to uninstalling and re-installing the application. 0 on a Nexus 5X. And this extra data can be reproduced on other phones with the app. Oct 3, 2015 · This issue appeared to me in android studio 2. To delete a package with the `adb uninstall` command, you need to know the package name. I am keeping some app data to the device's internal memory so when users clicks on Clear Data option from Settings->Applications-> Clear Data button, all data saved in internal memory gets cleared. Read the title, I thought it was stupid, read the article, it was stupid and let me explain why. AndroidJUnitRunner' // The following argument makes the Android Test Orchestrator run its // "pm clear" command after each test invocation. <uses-permission android:name="android. delete(table_name, KEY_ID + "=" + id, null) > 0; } Dec 26, 2022 · <uses-permission android:name="android. Jun 10, 2019 · After I download my app from the play store and go to Settings -> Apps -> myApp -> Storage, it will have 4. random. I am making a app to show data for humidity and soil moisture sensor. My device is not rooted. Hope it helps! Oct 16, 2015 · greywolf82's answer is correct but I want to add some info to this. The SharedPreferences are persistent through all those attempts. I have to hit clear data or my app will not run. I developed one android app which is having sets of activities and one background service running. All solutions I have seen either just remove cache data or they kill the application after removing app data. App의 data 공간에 cache 폴더가 존재하며, data를 삭제하면 cache 폴더도 함께 삭제됩니다. apk files in the file system (I think they're under /system/apps) and remove them manually. You should always maintain the cache files yourself and stay within a reasonable limit of space consumed, such as 1MB. Bundle import android. Understanding App Data on Android. app") and have a fresh start for each test. android\build-cache. CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA"/> 题: 如何使用 adb shell 清除另一个应用程序的应用程序数据? 原文由 UdayaLakmal 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4. Aug 2, 2024 · Clearing app data and cache is the best diagnosis for many issues on your Android phone. After deleting . However, you should not rely on the system to clean up these files for you. When you clear all data of an Android app, it deletes all associated data, including account settings, login details, saved games, files Apr 28, 2016 · Since that directory is created on the fly when you first start using Studio, in theory Studio should be able to recreate it. Repeat again and again. ” How do I clear the system cache on Android? Android 14 - 사진/동영상 파일, 일부 접근 권한 소개; Android - adb push, pull로 파일 복사, 다운로드; Android 14 - 암시적 인텐트 변경사항 및 문제 해결; Jetpack Compose - Row와 Column; Android 13, AOSP 오픈소스 다운로드 및 빌드; Android 13 - 세분화된 미디어 파일 권한 Apr 28, 2020 · Clearing the database once per test class. Aug 22, 2024 · These directories contain Android Studio's configuration and cache data. appcompat. when android:allowBackup="true"), it is possible to modify/read the content of an app even on a non-rooted device. If you wan to delete the data on specific row you need to add this code in the database class. Nov 29, 2017 · To clear your app data: Android Studio -- clear application data for Instrumentation Test. Unless you go to some trouble to keep it. Your project will be deleted and all of its files will be removed from 🏆 My Online Courses ⭐Discount Coupon: LAUNCH-STEVDZA-SANhttps://stevdza-san. gradle then go to Build Output Cleanup where you should see the cache. For example, I stored mine on the Desktop. 5977832-windows. I find that in Android Studio version 1. Feb 10, 2015 · The Clear Logcat "trash" button is located to the left of the Logcat console. 0 and up. May 26, 2011 · Application's data may contain anything like databases, shared preferences, Internal-External files or any other files created within the application. Note: do not delete the folder named as "3. The only temporary solution I've found is to exit Android Studio, delete the entire "build" folder (not only the jars), and then getting back to Android Studio to Build it. 1 you must then additionally click the Reset button. android. After that you will find generated files with errors in build tab. technosoftkpk. Get started Connect devices and share data. WebViewClient import androidx. Then pick the unwanted applications and uninstall them. Once you delete the directory open your Android Studio. – IronBlossom Nov 30, 2011 · When the device is low on internal storage space, Android may delete these cache files to recover space. To get a list of all the apps on the device, enter this command on your Command Prompt or Terminal: adb shell pm list package. Is there any way in Android Studio to wipe out user Nov 14, 2019 · Not there in android studio 2. Jan 30, 2018 · You can simply use a PACKAGE_REPLACED receiver which gets fired whenever a package is replaced in your phone (also happens when updating an app). com🐱👤 Wanna become a member? Join!https://www. Even if i haven't opened the app at all. com/channel/UCYLAirIEMM Removing Android Studio. and to keep the very nice feature of Instant Run Apr 8, 2016 · I have exactly the same problem. Step 4: Confirm that you want to delete the project. Feb 20, 2023 · Make sure that you have closed all of your android studio applications and delete them. Feb 14, 2013 · It is there for the settings app's "Clear data" button in manage applications. Dec 20, 2022 · I need to clear all app data including cache without killing the application. Add the following code to your Android Test class: companion object { @BeforeClass fun clearDatabase() { InstrumentationRegistry. and these saved data be clear. I know we can clear data in the mobile device through: Settings->Applications-> ManageApplications-> My_application->Clear Data. When running an app configuration with (Clear app storage before deployment) the app storage is not cleared. – Robin like the It provides you with features to Clear App Data and Revoke Permission from your Android Studio Mar 27, 2019 · After calling . , from WebView). I am using Java in Android studio Jun 21, 2012 · You can add a task that executes the clear command (pm clear my. ). Additional Oct 20, 2023 · ADB 명령어를 사용하여 앱의 데이터 또는 캐시를 삭제(clear)하는 방법을 알아보겠습니다. It's probably one of the reasons Google has been restricting 3rd party file managers from accessing that folder - so people don't create a mess if they don't know what they're doing. Open Android studio and run your app again. Locate your project file on the computer where you store it while creating the app. By deleting the system and config directories, you effectively clear Android Studio's cached app data test runs. exe from the installed Android Studio folder in your original Android Studio folder. But I need to do the above thing through an Android Program? Apr 6, 2024 · In this article, we will explore the concept of programmatically clearing app data on Android, its use cases, and how to simulate app restarting. Copy (do not cut) and Paste the uninstall. Firstly. Older Android versions may also have a Clear data button directly on the app info screen. The code looks like this: webView. All. Read on to learn how to clear app data on Android. permission. but I want to clear all these data in application exit. One can clear the user data of a specific app using adb: adb shell pm clear <package> This is the same as to browse the settings on the phone, select the app and press on the clear data button. Mar 3, 2024 · Just updated Android Studio to the latest version (Iguana 2023. I've tried clearing the data/cache in addition to uninstalling. Here is my reset method on DatabaseHelper: Mar 27, 2021 · package com. public Boolean specification(int id, String table_name) { return db. Jan 4, 2019 · You can clear your data "the hard way", by deleting the files that you created or clearing their contents. Step 2: Apps or App Management (depending on your version of phone). Replace packageName with the actual package name of the application you wish to reset. i've searched that sharedPreferences has a clear() function, is there a similar function for Jetpack Datastore ? and how can i use it ? i found clear function in datastore documentation but there is no explanation on how to use it Dec 23, 2009 · The easiest way is just to launch the emulator, go to settings -> applications. 0 stable channel and the solution was due to a problem happened while updating my android studio i solved this by installing a fresh android studio. 6. This contains login information, app preferences, and the like. Step 3: Click the File menu and select Close Project. youtube` package. Jun 12, 2017 · I have an Android browser and I have the option to clear cache, storage, cookies, etc. package) before uploading the app. youtube. Im using jetpack datastore to persist data only in form. What is the recommended way to get this done programmatically? This guide shows you how you can delete records in two ways. Using android studio he couldn't figure out how (an Aug 18, 2016 · In Android Studio, click the drop down list to the left of Run button, and select Edit configurations Click on app under Android Application, and in General Tab, find the heading 'Before Launch' Click the + button, select Run external tool, click the + button in the popup window. Oct 29, 2017 · This will clear the data and remove your app from memory. 기본적으로 앱은 데이터 폴더와 캐시 폴더를 갖고 있으며, 데이터 폴더 삭제 시 캐시도 함께 삭제되며, 캐시 삭제 시 캐시만 삭제되며 다른 폴더에 있는 데이터는 삭제되지 않습니다. clearFormData Sep 3, 2013 · I'm running some automated tests (with calabash-android) on an Android app and I need to programatically trigger a clear of the app's cache, but not user data. I discovered that android. You could then copy select files (e. webkit. app. 0. Nov 29, 2024 · 用途用于APP内部的重置功能实现。方案一:利用命令行pm clear 包名,系统级别清除App数据优点和任务管理器里面清除所有数据的操作一致,会删除所有的APP数据。重新进入APP还需重新申请权限。缺点系统会直接杀掉APP进程,无法进行拉起APP的操作。 Jan 3, 2015 · I'm using Android Studio 1. Is there a way to uninstall MyApp via Oct 15, 2013 · Go to C:\Users\Username\. For example, to clear data for the browser app, you would use: pm clear com. Some tests, when they failed, were leaving the app in a signed in state. Step 3: Choose the application you wish to debug. getPackageInfo() and check lastUpdateTime. android directory to the new one, where you feel that you need to. thread import kotlin. 2, In a Application tab of android manifest provide the option of "Allow clear data" to set true or false. CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA"></uses-permission> May 15, 2013 · This would be an occasional clear, and I don't want to clear any of the rest of the app's data (ie. Is it Jan 26, 2015 · On Android Studio this button actually clears connected device log as well. App data on Android refers to the files and directories that an app creates and uses to store user-specific data, such as settings, preferences, and user-generated Nov 30, 2024 · Once inside the shell, use this command to clear the application data: pm clear packageName. I'm considering falling back to having a flag and logic to conditionally ignore the saved state, but that sounds clumsier than just clearing the saved state. getUiAutomation(). 2 10/18/2016. Step 2: Select the project you want to delete. 2. I tried creating another run configuration but results are the same. exe aka Android Studio 3. Use the directories within internal storage to save sensitive information that Jun 7, 2012 · It doesn't clear the user data nor give any exception though I have given the following permission. 0" and "3. putExtra("DONE", 0) And each time your app resumes, check if already has this value: hasExtra("DONE") easy May 10, 2013 · An apps own files such as its database can only be managed by the app itself or by going through the Android application manager to clear it as far as I am aware. I wanna to run my code from scratch every time. support. In the unlikely event you should ever have to remove Android Studio, these are the steps for doing that. If you simply update the app, then the data should be kept. for clearing the log console only , right click>> clear all. By default system stores these files in the directory /data/data/'my app package'/files. AndroidJUnitRunner kind of cheats -- it never actually invokes connectedCheck or connectedAndroidTest. In order to do so, I need to clear the app data. Delete the cache. Open the particular app profile, then go to . uiAutomation. Feb 1, 2019 · You need to restart Android studio (if it won't help, you need to delete app\build) and try to compile your project. y_view import android. Oct 21, 2023 · Clear cache data . In Android Studio you can also use App Inspection to look at the database and delete/insert data I think this is only for Room. I wanted to clear it when I close the app. runner. and that would completely reset your android studio settings from Android studio 3. 1" which will be inside the build-cache. Delete the cache/files found inside the folder build-cache. close() } } Mar 4, 2025 · Alternatively, you can request that the user clear the cache files from all apps on the device. Mar 20, 2022 · Is there anyway to clear the cache on my app when I exit? I made webview app but it eat to much data and stored to cache. Remove file/jar/class from a gradle path in android studio. test. Is there any Gradle task (similar to adb logcat -c) that I can create a Run/Debug configuration for in order to clear output? Or is there simpler way to clear the logcat? Jun 3, 2017 · I'm developing an android app in which I write information on some . This command ensures // that the app's state is completely cleared between tests. 만약 cache만 삭제하고, cache를 제외한 다른 데이터는 삭제하고 싶지 않을 때는 어떻게 해야 할까요? 이럴 때는 "--cache-only" 옵션을 명령어에 전달하면, 캐시만 삭제 Nov 29, 2024 · Top 10 essential Android Studio plugins for 2025 include ADB Idea, Flutter, SonarLint, RoboPOJO Generator, Android Drawable Preview, Key Promoter X, Android WIFI ADB, JsonHelper, Material Theme UI, and GitToolBox to enhance productivity and code quality. Step 2 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main. Step 1: Open Android Studio. The first build goes without errors or any warnings, but to rebuild again you need to follow the same steps as before : 5 hours ago · i am new with android studio and koitlin programming in general. Mar 5, 2016 · 文章浏览阅读1w次。原文链接:Clear the app data quickly 简书链接:AndroidStudio技巧(一):快速清除app数据我们在开发app的时候,debug时经常会遇到需要清除app数据的场景,比如清除登录用户名重新进行登录测试,清除某个列表页面的数据库数据等等。 Jan 14, 2025 · To clear the app data of an application, use the command "adb shell pm clear <package_name>", where <package_name> is the unique identifier for the app you want to reset. May 18, 2019 · defaultConfig { testInstrumentationRunner = 'android. AndroidStudio directory and re-opening the Android Studio, it will pop up few dialog boxes to set up. There is also the Android run configuration's 'Wipe user data' checkbox, but it only works on emulator startup. Preventing the Issue from Recurring Dec 14, 2015 · In order to ensure the consistency and reliability of tests, I would like to start each test with clean state (of the application under test). (I've experienced it while developing an app, reference: Back up or restore data on your Android device – Nov 2, 2019 · On Android 11 and higher, “Clear data” was renamed to “Clear storage” but the effect is the same. A "pro" developer wanted to erase an application data each time they wanted to install it. Nov 23, 2022 · Otherwise, do both apps sharing the same external data location? Anyway, check if the global backup settings is active on Android's Settings, because some phones automatically restore app's data on reinstall. It is recommended to disallow users to backup an app if it contains sensitive data. Tip: For further guidance on deleting data, take a look at the Android Developer video for reading and writing data in Health Connect. 3, both of these two icon are same. Random class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super. This is repetitive and time consuming. . xml. Jun 2, 2016 · Below is one I implemented to ensure that the app is signed out when the activity launches, per test. If you need to delete the data upon reinstall, try this: Every time you start an Activity, call PackageManager. The cleaner apps might have the ability to clear app data, but it won't be configurable, it will be the same action as clear data through Android application manager I believe – Mar 8, 2012 · When you delete the app, then the database should be deleted too. Having access to backup files (i. Select City. Important Considerations Jun 11, 2018 · Data, on the other hand, is crucial information stored by the application. I want to clear all entries from the database using a query on the inspector instead of having to uninstall and then reinstall the app to clear the data. Logcat says Jun 30, 2011 · I am working on android 2. This will ensure that your app starts with a clean slate when you run tests or perform a clean install. getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE) ) . 2) from the download archives. For now I go to setting on my device , in 'Apps' section , find my app , and touch 'clear data' button to remove these saved data. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size Mar 13, 2015 · no you are not getting, i mean after three hours user doesn't restarts the app he opens my app by clicking on recents apps, now the problem is suppose i am storing a variable in my Application class now suppose i need this variable value in my activity class B and user pressed home button when he was on activity B, now when suppose in the 3 Feb 13, 2025 · To clear an app's cache on Android, find the app within the Settings app and select the option to Clear Cache within the Storage and Cache menu. 5. sadly, even in 1. Keep in mind that as Google updates Android Studio, these steps may not longer be complete. Jul 30, 2015 · How can I get Android Studio (AndroidJunitRunner) to clear application data preceding an instrumentation test without manually running adb command?. os. Jul 28, 2020 · What I want to archive is, after each test, to clear the data using InstrumentationRegistry. Caution: The ACTION_CLEAR_APP_CACHE intent action can substantially affect device battery life and might remove a large number of files from the device. Aug 22, 2024 · No app data persists in the Java wrapper (to my knowledge!). For more information, also see Sharing Files . That is cleared on clearing app data, yet settings still shows data that isn't cleared. Restart Android Studio. Nov 16, 2020 · I want to clear data in datastore when the app is destroyed. If you want just to clear DB or some files stored by app that you know of, you can do it manually, and then restart app, but if you want to completely erase all user data you need to shut app, and maybe before that inform user that he will need to manually start May 12, 2018 · I am running my Android app in debug Build Variant now I am observing a strange thing that is, whenever I am clearing my App data and then running my app again from Android Studio then still I am seeing old data which was stored previously in Shared Preferences and in RealmDB, but how come this data which I have cleared earlier is coming back Mar 4, 2025 · The system provides several options for you to save your app data: App-specific storage: Store files that are meant for your app's use only, either in dedicated directories within an internal storage volume or different dedicated directories within external storage. You can delete records using a list of unique identifiers such as the Record ID and your app's Client Record ID. But the app keeps crashing when I press the remove button. clearApplicationUserData(); Sep 19, 2014 · In logout I have made the shared preference data (userId and password) as null. Compare it with a time Oct 22, 2020 · I'm trying to delete all data from an SQLite database when a user presses a button. I found that the adb shell pm clear solution is not adequate, since it clears user data (which includes login details). This can be done manually in Settings/Applications/Manage Applications/[My App]/Clear data. clearApplicationUserData() application is killed. getInstrumentation(). Login. Preventing the Issue from Recurring Aug 1, 2024 · Why should I clear the cache on my Android device? Clearing the cache can free up storage space, resolve app issues, improve performance, and remove corrupted temporary files. I am not sure if this is intended behavior. You may want to examine your app's portion of internal storage via Android Studio's Device File Manager or adb shell, to see if there are other files that need to be cleared that you did not create directly (e. Dec 21, 2015 · Just in case you want a quick method to clear your app data, and do not want to install anything, you could try opening your "Recent apps" (you can access it by tapping one of the buttons on the bottom of your phone, and it shows a list of all the apps that are open). So you can have only one of those - clear app data, or restart app. executeShellCommand("pm clean com. Jun 9, 2020 · Though still unable to find a way from within Visual Studio to clear the app cache, the app gets installed on the windows machine itself when running from Visual Studio and then remains resident on the computer, thus one can uninstall it from windows itself and this clears the app data so that the next time it is run from Visual Studio, it is a fresh install. Otherwise, the console stops logging after Clear Logcat is pressed. onCreate Learn how to delete a project in Android Studio with this step-by-step guide. It simply erases all of the data in internal storage associated with the app, bringing Dec 16, 2015 · Quite old thread here, but in case someone else is looking for this one: You can check if your intent was sent due to app being launched from the recent-list by checking the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY So if you delete the app data stored in Android/Data under the app package name, your app will lose a lot of its data but the app still exists. I then run the app from Android Studio and get a new install, but the previous test data (sometimes from a few test runs ago) is still there! Very puzzled. 0 许可协议 Apr 28, 2017 · Dont waste time, if your app is resumed, the intent will be there again. 0. Use the starting intent on the "Activity Resume", and just add an extra value. When the user goes to "Setting->Applications->Manage Applications->'My app package'" and chooses the "Clear data" option, all the files, databases folders for this app is being deleted. Gemini in Android Studio; Build AI-powered Android apps with Gemini APIs and more. Declare it in your manifest: Feb 10, 2025 · If your app needs to share private files with other apps, it may use a FileProvider with the FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION. I figured out that the problem with my app and this phone was not related to the extra data, yet I'm still curious as to why the app data can't be completely cleared. Once I do clear the data it runs fine, until the next update, then I have to do it again. example. g. I also know I could manually clear the cache from AppData but I just need to run a simple query instead of manual spadework. rffwnb hftup kukiss uqx mpn rspqlpuz bklql vdhpm wqshbp tbzidai snuqy glkn fhur qkuo slrcj