- Awrah showing during prayer hanafi Oct 29, 2022 · adab Allah children divorce du`a faith family fast fasting fiqh ghusl Guidance hadith halal Hanafi haram husband islam Knowledge law love marriage mercy nikah parents permissible prayer prophet Prophet Muhammad purity qur'an Ramadan repentance ruling salah seeking knowledge Shafi'i sin spirituality sunna supplication waswasa women wudu zakat In the contemporary world, there is a general argument that the body of a free woman (except for her face and her hands up to her wrists/forearms) is 'awrah and therefore must be covered not only during prayer but also in public and in front of all non-mahram men. The minimum that must be covered for girls ages 7 to puberty for prayer to be valid, is everything between the navel and the knees. 2 Clothing one’s nakedness is a necessary condition for the validity of the prayer (O: when one is able). Looking at someone’s awrah intentionally is also a sin. This is applicable whether what is uncovered in the minor `Awrah or the private parts, and whether it is a lot or a little. with socks Kind regards Jazakhalah ——————————————Answer: No, they don’t have to wear socks. So, if your headscarf slipped and your hair is partially uncovered accidentally, you need not worry; your Prayer is valid. However, Abu Haneefah sees that the feet are not ‘Awrah. Please see: Tight Clothing on Men and: Tight or Revealing Clothing on Men and Women Jan 27, 2013 · During prayer, according to most scholars of the Hanafi school, the apparent portions of the feet (for women) are not considered from the awrah (nudeness), hence the salah (prayer) performed while having the apparent portions of the feet not covered, would be considered valid. 1) The feet are considered as the ‘Awrah, and should be covered, 2) The feet are ‘Awrah in Salah, and hence have to be covered. , from the navel to theknee), and all of a woman is awrah, apart from her face and hands. Covering the Feet for Women: If by the Prophet to only show hands and face how come the Hanafi madhab allows this; Niqab; Can a woman pray without covering her feet? Should a Woman Cover Her Feet During Prayer? My feet sweat and smell a lot when I wear socks to cover my awrah. a) Awra in privacy and seclusion. The latter is then divided into further sub-categories: a) In seclusion. 7, unless one covers the hole immediately, as below at f5. 77 v. II, p. May 29, 2022 · Moreover, regardless of the woman’s work, she must cover her forearms during the prayer, as failing to do so would invalidate the prayer. b) In front of the husband. 1, pg. The rule is that the ‘ awrah must be covered and developing doubt about what she was certain about at the beginning should not be of a big concern. Postnatal Bleeding (Nifas) Postnatal bleeding, known as nifas, refers to the bleeding that occurs after childbirth. I’ve read that “القليل هو معفو" And qaleel is described as 1/4th. Historical narrations highlight that even in Prophet Muhammad’s time, minor exposures during prayer were accepted. The awrah (area which needs to be covered for Salah) for a woman is her full body including her descending hair according to the correct opinion, except for the face, hands and feet”. On the other hand, the Hanafi and Maaliki Schools affirm their view since a long time that a Muslim woman should cover her face and palms as long as there is a risk of temptation. Dec 22, 2021 · The Hanafi school is noted for its leniency regarding the exposure of up to a quarter of hair during prayer, while other scholars conclude that this remains an Awrah concern. Are the wrists and ankles part of a woman's awrah in front of non mahrammen. Imam Al-Razi, states: “Since the showing of the face and hands is necessary, the jurists had no choice but to agree that they are not `Awrah, and since the showing of the feet is not necessary, they have differed concerning whether or not they are `Awrah. Small actions foreign to the prayer, not in the interest of the prayer, and repetitive are prohibitively disliked but do not invalidate the prayer in itself. The inquiry focuses on whether the area under the chin is considered awrah that needs to be covered. ” (Al-A’raf 31). 3/P. The Hanafi school might be more lenient in this matter, but she should ask those qualified to teach Hanafi fiqh. So all I can say You should have stopped once you noticed and then made Tasleem and dressed properly and resorted your prayer again. c) In front of Muslim women. Mar 29, 2016 · While some scholars believe that any exposure of the awrah (body parts that must be covered) could nullify the prayer, the predominant view reassures that slight uncovering—such as a few centimeters of hair—is permissible. The only exception to this is his wife, as there is no awrah between a man and his wife. " (Ahmad, Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi and Al-Bukhari) Woman's `Awrah. 2. If part of the Awrah was uncovered during prayer, then the prayer is invalidated. (Al Hidayah, I’ilaa Al Sunan) Imam Al-Razi, states: “Since the showing of the face and hands is necessary, the jurists had no choice but to agree that they are not `Awrah, and since the showing of the feet is not necessary, they have differed concerning whether or not they are `Awrah. Are there any awrah for children between the ages from birth to 8 years old? Lots of parents are careless in changing the clothes of their children in beaches, in the presence of relatives, in public places, etc. e. Seeing a hole in one’s clothes after a prayer is like seeing a spot of filth (n: meaning the prayer must be repeated, as at f4. Awrah of Muslim Women Infront Non-Muslim Women Jun 4, 2015 · If the prayer time has ended, then she is not obliged to repeat it. The awra of a woman is all of her body excluding her face, hands and feet (though it is superior for her to cover her feet as well, as many scholars considered the feet to be part of her awra). 1) Awra inside prayer Aug 13, 2020 · I then discovered after the prayer that the front of my hair was still showing. Most modern Islamic scholars agree that the 'awrah of a man is the area between the navel and the knees, and the 'awrah of a woman is the entire body except the face and hands. Rather, it is a recommended sunna, (Shurunbulali, Maraqi al-Falah) because this was the general practice of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), whom we have been called upon to emulate. Finally, the permissibility for an unrelated man to look at a woman’s face, hands or feet — or forearms (in situations of genuine need) — is limited to his doing so without desire , since he may not Q. 205-206)” The covering of one’s nakedness (‘awrah) during the Ritual Prayer (salah) is a condition for its validity by the consensus of the Jurists of all Sunni Schools of Thought [Shurunbulali, Imdad al-Fattah]. For men it is between the belly hole and the knees. Apr 21, 2024 · f5. The awra of a man is from his navel to his knees. Imam Malik states that if one performs prayer while wearing tight clothes, he should repeat that prayer in a non-tight cloth (i. 2) Outside prayer. f) In front of non-Muslim women. Awrah Coverage: Men must cover their awrah (from navel to knees) while praying; wearing a shirt is generally recommended, especially in public settings. It should also be noted that, when wearing a T-shirt, sometimes, while standing, the awrah is covered, however, when bowing and or prostrating, the awrah becomes exposed. , beauty] except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women Jan 19, 2025 · Hence if any menstrual blood got on to her garment, she would wash it and pray in it, therefore the feet and hands are not `Awrah in prayer and are not `Awrah in the sense that they should be covered in the presence of non-Mahrams. It is stated that her entire body is `awrah and must be covered, except her hands and face. If someone if in a congregational prayer behind the Imam and sees the ‘awrah (those parts of the body that a man or a woman must cover. What is the awrah of women? Are the feet included in the aurah of women? Wearing Skin-colored Clothing; Is it mandatory to cover the head during prayer in Hanafi and Shafi schools of thought? Are Women Required to Cover Feet During Ritual Prayer? Muslim Woman to uncover her neck in front of Muslim women and non Muslim women Dec 29, 2012 · The legal ruling (fatwa) in the Hanafi school is that a woman’s feet are not parts of the body which must be covered with clothing (`awra). Question: Is the face of a Woman ‘Awra in the Hanafi School? Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate, Assalāmu ‘alaykum dear sister in faith, In accordance with the Hanafi School, the face of a woman is not ‘awra. Answer: Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, Yes, in the Hanafi school, if one’s wudu was accidentally invalidated (e. net; According to the Hanafi school of thought, the awrah of a muslim male is from below the navel up to and including his knees (i. Women, the age of puberty and older, must be ENTIRELY covered apart According to the Hanafi school of thought, the awrah of a muslim male is from below the navel up to and including his knees (i. It is necessary (wajib) (and recommended according to another opinion) in the Hanafi school, to cover one’s minimum nakedness (between the navel and knee for both men and women) even when alone. AOA, I have been praying for years with a long duppata/scarf, sleeves, and socks to cover my awrah and I read somewhere that if you are praying and you feel your awrah is exposed, but when you started and ended praying you saw your awrah is covered, then do not give in to the doubt. I have quite a small forehead, and the hairs that cover the sides of my forehead are not the same length as my hair overall, but they’re longer than a person’s usual baby hairs. Hijab is meant to cover awrah. Allah says in the Qur’an: “O Children of Adam, take your adornment (by wearing proper clothing) for every mosque. […] Question: Is the face of a Woman ‘Awra in the Hanafi School? Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate, Assalāmu ‘alaykum dear sister in faith, In accordance with the Hanafi School, the face of a woman is not ‘awra. [As mentioned in Radd al-Muhtar and elsewhere] However: 1. ” The Telegraph reported that Hanafi sees a woman’s voice as “awrah”—something that must be concealed—which means it should not be heard in public, even by other women. Mar 27, 2004 · 2) Awra outside prayer a) Awra in privacy and seclusion It is necessary (wajib) (and recommended according to another opinion) in the Hanafi school, to cover one’s minimum nakedness (between the navel and knee for both men and women) even when alone. ” [Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2793] awrah showing during prayer hanafi. Nov 21, 2021 · Learn about the validity of prayer when a small portion of a womans hair is exposed due to her hairstyle. If the imam’s prayer is invalid, a fortiori the follower’s prayer is invalid. As for wearing the shalwar kamees, if it fulfills the requirements of covering the `awrah, then it is acceptable; otherwise, it is not. In conclusion, the woman who realized that part of her hair or Women’s Covering During the Ritual Prayer; Is it fardh to wash the area under the chin during wudhu? Is the Area Between the Chin and the Neck (Bottom of the Face) Classed As the Beard; Is the area under the chin from the nakedness of a woman? Ruling when the Area between a Woman`s Neck and Lower Chin is Uncovered; Female 'Awrah in Prayer During prayer, according to most scholars of the Ḥanafī school, the apparent portions of the feet (for women) are not considered from the ‘awrah (nudeness), hence the ṣalāh (prayer) performed while having the apparent portions of the feet not covered, would be considered valid. Mar 1, 2005 · But the Hanafi and Maaliki Schools do not consider them as an ‘Awrah. 1. The majority of scholars and schools of jurispudence agree that the feet must be covered. Shafi’i Madhab: The Shafi’i school specifies that a woman’s body is ‘Awrah except for her face and hands. ] If a person`s Awrah was uncovered during prayer, should he/she re-perform that prayer? MENU MENU. This Awrah must be covered by such a male in his daily routine life in front of others. Mar 12, 2024 · The four major Sunni schools of Islamic jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali) all hold the majority opinion that women's feet are not part of the awrah during prayer. Use your 'aql. '[242] Praying Supererogatory (nafl) Prayers Sitting Down; Forgetting to Perform an Obligatory Action of the Prayer; do women has to cover feet, hands & head in salaat; Menstruation, Prayers And Make-Ups; Ending Prayer Before the Imam and Intending a Different Prayer to His; What Should I Do if I Forget To Recite the Qunut in the Subh Prayer? [Maliki Mar 1, 2018 · We address concerns regarding the visibility of Awrah during prayer caused by sleeve designs, and clarify that minor, accidental exposure does not invalidate your prayer. 5). [Shurunbulali, Maraqi al-Falah; Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar] However, in some other schools of Sunni scholarship, the feet are necessary for women to cover. 63] Of the latter Hanafi scholars, al-Ghunaymi has inclined towards this view Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Mas'ud radiallahu anhu reports that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, 'The prayer of a woman in her makhda' (partition) is better than her prayer in her hujrah (chamber), and her prayer in her hujrah is better than her prayer in her bait (house). a loose one). Allaah Knows best. 166}. Oct 30, 2024 · During his message, Hanafi stated, “Even when an adult female prays and another female passes by, she must not pray loudly enough for them to hear. outdo crossword clue 4 letters. My questions are regarding our usage and practices on our beaches. If these ‘awrah’ parts are opened during the salat, the salat becomes invalid. There is some relaxation in certain situations, such as during prayer or Hajj, where covering requirements may vary little. Details on uncovered nakedness (awra) and the validity of prayer; THE AWRAH OF A WOMAN ACCORDING TO THE FOUR SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT; Awrah of Muslim Women Infront Non-Muslim Women; Are the breasts part of the woman’s awrah; Can a woman offer prayer in shirt which is loose and long enough to cover her awrah This opinion was presented as the madhhab of Abu Hanifah by al-Quduri, and is also espoused by al-Jassas in Ahkam al-Qur’an and by Qadi-Khan. [7] It is a condition for the validity of the prayer that one covers their nakedness. 205-206)” In accordance with the Hanafi School, the entirety of a woman’s body is ‘awrah except for her hands (palms), face, and feet. Jul 16, 2024 · According to the Maliki school, a woman’s ‘Awrah’ includes her entire body except her face and hands. The awrah (concealable part of the body) of a woman in front of a non-blood relative male according to the Madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa is her entire body (including her descending hair), besides her face, palms (the hands up to the wrist) and her feet (beneath the ankles). ” (Tafsir of Fakhr al-Deen al-Razi, vol. In accordance with the Hanafi School, the entirety of a woman’s body is ‘awrah except for her hands (palms), face, and feet. If any part of her limbs is exposed during prayer, it is recommended for her to repeat (the prayer) in its due time. May 12, 2024 · If a man or woman prays covering the `Awrah, but part of it becomes uncovered accidentally, then they cover it immediately, the prayer is valid. Apr 5, 2017 · One issue remains to be discussed which is covering the feet during Salat (prayer); since one of the conditions for the correct prayer is to cover the ‘Awrah, therefore what I outweigh is that the feet should be covered during Salat. A woman who has attained the age of majority is obliged to cover her entire body during prayer, apart from her face and hands, because all other parts are considered ‘awrah. The prohibition on showing her face is for her own protection, such that she In addition, scholars have permitted the appearance of a little part of a woman`s Awrah during prayer. Question: Salam mufti Saab, When women pray salah do they have to cover their feet. Since its formation, it has relied upon Hanafi fatwas which were in use during the Ottoman era, and the Mufti has answered the questions of members of the public, whether they relate to worship or financial transactions or personal statutes, and it has assigned a mufti to each judge Jun 2, 2009 · Men and women are expected to cover their ‘awrah’ parts during salat. The mans awrah is what I have already described (i. If she does that, then her prayer is proper, according to scholarly consensus. The Hanafis view the feet (including the ankles) to be excluded from 'awrah as well. (See: Al-Iqna` fi Masa’il Al-Ijma` by Ibn Qattan, 1/121-123; Ash-Sharh Al-Mumti`, 2/160 ff) Tips to Ensure Complete `Awrah Coverage during Prayer Is a woman`s prayer considered invalid if non-Mahrams (marriageable men) saw her offering it ? The Prostration Position in Ritual Prayer for Women; It is out of Strictness to Claim that Offering Prayer in Trousers Affects its Validity; Realized that Part of Hair was Uncovered during Prayer; Awrah of Muslim Women Infront Non-Muslim Women If you believe in the salaf al salih you’ll know that the only part in the awra al khareeja and or alnazar or the awrah that out of prayer or not related to prayer is the place which is under the the belt aka your private parts but that doesn’t mean you can wear revealing clothes i. However, out of Salah, the feet will not be considered as ‘Awrah, 3) The feet are not ‘Awrah. [1] The ‘awrah of a male in Salāh is from the belly button to the knees. Therefore, if part of it was uncovered then prayer is invalid, whether that part was small or big-even the smallest part-the praying person was man or woman, prayer was before people or in isolation, voluntary or obligatory prayer, and whether it was funeral, Tawaf, or Sujud-at-Tilawah prayer. May 3, 2007 · Discover the Islamic guidelines regarding womens awrah during prayer in this comprehensive discussion. 20, pp. ‘Awrah’ parts are different for men and women. This is whether that part was big or small, the person was man or woman, was praying in seclusion or before people, the prayer was voluntary or obligatory…"{Al-Majmou` Shareh Al-Mohathab, V. According to previous Fatwa 86822, a womans awrah includes her entire body except for her face and hands. Jan 15, 2014 · The area between the chin and neck is ‘Awrah (i. gas came out not of one’s own doing), then one can go immediately without interruption, do wudu, and return immediately and continue from where the wudu was invalidated. The prohibition on showing her face is for her own protection, such that she 1 day ago · This hadith clearly shows that missed prayers during menstruation are not to be made up later. Apr 12, 2024 · Covering the `Awrah is one of the conditions of prayer being valid because Allah, may He be Exalted, says: (interpretation of the meaning): {Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes) while praying. Sep 19, 2010 · 2) Awra outside prayer. But I heard from a “major female scholar” that this […] During prayer, according to most scholars of the Ḥanafī school, the apparent portions of the feet (for women) are not considered from the ‘awrah (nudeness), hence the ṣalāh (prayer) performed while having the apparent portions of the feet not covered, would be considered valid. 3-Allah, Most High, says, “… and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their head covers over their chests and not expose their adornment [i. Sep 21, 2019 · The great Hanafi jurist Allaamah Muhammad Amin Ibn Abidin as-Shami rahimahullah collects all these differances of women in prayer en thus concludes, “A woman should raise her hands till her shoulders. These ahadith include the following: 1. "{Al-Majmou`, 3/172}. During nifas, women are also not obligated to perform Salah, and they do not make up these missed Feb 14, 2010 · About the General Fatwa Department. I. from the navel to the knees for a man and the entire body for a woman) as the entire body of a woman should be concealed in prayer except for the face and hands. g. However, there are some minority views within these schools advocating for covering the feet. Please search the Hanafi list archives for a more complete treatment of the fiqh of praying with parts of one’s nakedness (awra) exposed. I have tried many times to keep on something which covers my awrah but it is proving to be an impossible task. The Fatwa Department of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was founded in 1921. Jul 1, 2020 · If a woman begins to pray with her ‘ awrah covered, then some of it, like her wrist has become uncovered, then she should ignore that doubt and complete her prayer. Ibn Mifleh, a Hanbali Imam, stated, "A woman`s prayer isn`t invalidated by the appearance of a little part of her Awrah, and even if she did so intentionally, according to some scholars. For example, someone is constantly scratching their nose in the prayer (without need) or playing with their beard during the prayer. e boxers or underwear I mean shorts only shorts to cover them but like I said if it’s nothing to do with Mar 14, 2011 · adab Allah charity children divorce du`a faith family fast fasting fiqh ghusl Guidance hadith halal Hanafi haram husband islam Knowledge law love marriage mercy nikah parents permissible prayer prophet Prophet Muhammad purity qur'an Ramadan repentance ruling salah seeking knowledge sin spirituality sunna supplication waswasa women wudu zakat Oct 10, 2024 · If the awrah is uncovered accidentally, then the preferred view of some eminent scholars is it is fine as long it is something marginal and not majorly. Jan 20, 1999 · With regard to the matter of the awrah becoming uncovered during prayer, al-Shaafa'i, may Allaah have mercy on him, said: It is good enough for both men and women to pray with their awrah covered. Mar 8, 2011 · So a hole in the sock during prayer for a woman would affect the prayer’s validity but not for a man. If she prays and any part of her ‘awrah becomes uncovered, such as her shin, foot or a part of her head, then her prayer is invalid. Do the feet fall under awrah in prayer? There are some who believe that the feet do not need to be covered in prayer. [6] The knee must remain covered at all times during the prayer, let alone the thigh. Occasionally I have seen some ladies covering that part of their faces and thought they are most probably being cautious. g) In front of non-Muslim Mahram males. [Ibid. "{Al-Forou` Wa Tas-heeh Al-Forou`, 2/39}. He said, 'Cover your thigh, for it (is part of) `awrah. Due to the duff nowadays only being used for the purpose of entertainmentand not announcements will it be regarded as a musical insrument andprohibited. The intimate parts (Arabic: عورة 'awrah, ستر, satr) of the human body must, according to Islam, be covered by clothing. . Sorry but I am so disappointed on this generation of young men going to mosque wearing jeans or tight clothes and shirts that keep showing their backs. benchmark restaurant menu The nakedness (‘Awrah) of a slave woman is from her navel till knees, even if she is an adult and belongs to someone. Apr 7, 1997 · Praise be to Allah. They take that from the Hanafi madhab. The following are matters that invalidate prayer: 1- that which invalidates Wudu, 2- uncovering the `Awrah, 3- turning away from the Qiblah, 4- excessive continuous movement during the prayer, 5- omitting one of the pillars of the prayer, 6- saying the Salam before completing the prayer, 7- laughing out loud, 8- eating and drinking. ” Shedding more light on the issue of the proper way to cover the `Awrah during prayer, the late Sheikh Sayed Sabiq (may Allah bless his soul) states the following in his well-known book, Fiqh As-Sunnah: Jul 22, 2012 · Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: 1- I understand that one of the adaabs of going to the toilet is maintaining the awra and that during ghusl one should not uncover themselves entirely. Since its formation, it has relied upon Hanafi fatwas which were in use during the Ottoman era, and the Mufti has answered the questions of members of the public, whether they relate to worship or financial transactions or personal statutes, and it has assigned a mufti to each judge Q: I have difficulty concerning covering my awrah during prayer as a female. Hanafi Fiqh. If the T-shirt and shorts cover the awrah, then the prayer is valid otherwise not. the knees are part of the awrah). Additionally, we guide on the implications of using henna and other substances during Ghusl, emphasizing that leftover residue does not necessarily render your ritual bath Jan 20, 2025 · Exposing the awrah is a sin in Islam, and whoever does so intentionally is a sinner. Explore our comprehensive collection of fatwas addressing various questions related to Islamic rulings Our platform allows users to easily search for specific topics including womens dress codes during prayer the visibility of awrah and the permissibility of certain attire Each fatwa is categorized and numbered for quick reference offering clear guidance on situations like showing parts of the Feb 14, 2010 · About the General Fatwa Department. If she offers her prayers while her body is covered only from navel till knees, and rest of her body is naked, still her prayer is valid while she covered that parts of body, which was needed to be covered in the prayer. Q: I have difficulty concerning covering my awrah during prayer as a female. ” [See al-Bunayah, vol. This period can last up to 40 days. There are different reports regarding the opinion of the Hanafis; one report suggests that the forearm is part of the woman's ʻAwrah during the prayer and outside of prayer, and this is the more correct view in the Hanafi School. (‘Iyana Talibin, v. Answer: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, Covering one’s head is not necessary (wajib) in the Hanafi school. 227) 5 days ago · Modesty is Essential: Maintaining appropriate attire during Salah is crucial for ensuring the prayer’s validity and showing respect for the act of worship. 2) The awrah must be concealed from before entering into Salah and must remain concealed until the end. How can you say it is fard to cover something that is not awrah (that some consider awrah), yet when you are in the most sacred place in the world and in the most sacred state you can be in, you must be uncover and be less modest and show what might be awrah? Allah SWT Gave us a brain. As such, it is not legally obligatory to cover them in the prayer or outside the prayer. In Hanafi fiqh, less than onefourth of the Awrah (the area that must be covered) doesnt invalidate the prayer, but if that exposure occurs before praying, it may affect its validity. Please advise. For women it is all the body except the hands and the face. The feet of a Muslim woman should be covered in prayer. Q: What is the 'awrah of a female in prayer?A: The 'awrah is considered that which must be covered of the body. But there are some details. Covering one’s nakedness (awra) is a condition for the validity of one’s prayer. [Hashiyat Ibn ‘Abidin 1:271-2] Any clothing that is not transparent and not form-fitting is sufficient to cover the ‘awrah. I have seen multiple fatwas online that state that if the awrah is uncovered by mistake and covered once one realized it was uncovered the prayer is valid. Last week during Jumah prayer a guy behind me told me after the prayer that my back was shown therefore my awrah was visible which invalidates my prayer. Insights from Ibn Hazm and AlQurtubi confirm the unanimous agreement on the necessity of covering the body, with exceptions for the face and hands. Shaykh Senad Agic Apr 12, 2024 · With regard to women, the hair and the entire body are `Awrah and she has to cover them, apart from the face and hands. Women, the age of puberty and older, must be ENTIRELY covered apart In the book Fiqh As-Sunnah, the late Sheikh Sayyed Sabiq, may Allah bless his soul, states the following: “Covering the `Awrah is one of the prerequisites of Salah. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) stated: “A man should not gaze at another man’s ‘Awrah, and similarly, a woman should not look at another woman’s ‘Awrah. d) In front of Mahram males (unmarriageable kin) e) In front of non-Mahram males. If, however, her hair became exposed during the course of the prayer then as long as the amount of hair showing is less than a quarter of her total hair then it would not invalidate the prayer. Oct 2, 2016 · Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Assalam alaykum, I have heard that in Hanifi fiqh a women does not have to cover her feet in-front of a stranger. Any substance that conceals the colour of the `awrah under normal light is acceptable. } [Al-A`raf 7:31] May 13, 2013 · In principle, if a quarter of a limb within the ‘awrah (private area which must be concealed during prayer) is exposed with intent or without concern, the Salāh will be invalidated instantly, even if it be for a moment. Albalagh. There is no such controversy over what constitutes a woman's `awrah. Answered by: Moulana Tahsin Alam Question: Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Please break down the details of “satrul awrah” for salah. ) uncovered due to an opening in his clothes or due to his clothes being thin and transparent, then if it is possible he should go ahead and cover it with something, otherwise he should move and come out of prayer and inform the Imam by Explore our comprehensive collection of fatwas addressing various questions related to Islamic rulings Our platform allows users to easily search for specific topics including womens dress codes during prayer the visibility of awrah and the permissibility of certain attire Each fatwa is categorized and numbered for quick reference offering clear guidance on situations like showing parts of the Apr 10, 2016 · The prevalent opinion in the Hanafi school is that the feet (below the ankles) are not from areas of the body a woman must cover (i. The prayer is valid but disliked. (Raddul Muhtar p. her awra)—both within the prayer and outside the prayer. Now the confusing part is that he mentions that my wudu is also broken and I have to take wudu again. Similarly, in Sharh al-Aqta`, it is stated, “The authentic [opinion] is that it is `awrah, from the apparent [implication] of the narration. If an upright individual (as defined by Hadith scholars) were to inform you that your ‘awra was exposed during prayer, you would be obligated to accept his/her report and repeat the prayer. Apr 27, 2014 · Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question Until recently, I was under the impression that the area below the Chin of a woman is not ‘awra. What is he proof for this? Answer: Assalam alaykum wa rahmatuLlah, Yes, according to the most expansive position in the Hanafi school, a woman’s feet are not […] 1) Inside prayer. Regarding man’s `awrah in front of others, with the exception of his wife, there are many ahadith which indicate that a man’s ‘awrah is the area between the navel and the knee while the navel and knee are not part of the ‘awrah. xmnf vhfx hwmfa qvegodd sjvj gynuwatl mlhpzsl ngnph gthgg hrzzj uglecd swya oprzlk rqvdj oodhc