Bachmann dcc decoder manual DCC Sound-Equipped. In addition to excellent audio performance, WOWSound® decoders Page 22: Other Bachmann E-Z Command® Dcc Products Other Bachmann E-Z Command® DCC products that can be used with Dynamis 36-507 Dynamis ProBox Upgrade your Dynamis system to operate with up to 4 wireless handsets, plus a programming track, a bus connector for wired throttles and devices, and more. 0A continuous load. Notice The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Click Here Bachmann HO EMD F7B Sound Value Equipped Configuration Variable Defaults No User or Technical manual available for the decoder. Check with your decoder instructions and remove any locomotive that does not have an appropriate decoder from the track during Turntable direction control. NMRA 8 pin plug wiring configuration for DCC-ready locomotives. NOTE: all modifications to CV 16 should be done before installing the decoders to avoid rewriting CV 16 on all of the decoders. Related Manuals for Bachmann E-Z TRACK 44950 Toy Bachmann EMD GP40 Operating Instructions Manual Large scale modern diesel locomotive dcc ready, rc ready, sound-ready, and onboard battery-ready 1:29 scale (8 pages) Thank you for your choice of the Bachmann E-Z Command® Dynamis® DCC model train control system. The Sound Value decoder is not a Tsunami but similar. The WOWSound® diesel-electric locomotive sound package includes sounds for horn, bell, prime mover, air compressor, cooling fan, coupler close/release, brakes, and many more! Page 1 ELECTRI C PRODUCTS, PRECAUTI O NS SHOULD BE OBSERVED DURI N G HANDLI N G AND USE TO PREVENT ELECTRI C SHOCK. Bachmann Trains is pleased to bring you E-Z Command® Plus. Jun 10, 2018 · I finally got the pickup to work properly with the Decapod. 0. Find out the features, specifications and programming options of your decoder and how to install a sound module. You will have to adapt Click Here Tsunami Diesel User's Guide 4、Decoder lock Decoder Lock is used when a locomotive has 2 or more decoders in it. Service mode decoder lock for changing the address on the layout. This seemed like a good time to install a DCC decoder. Damage may result to any train without a decoder placed on a track powered by Dynamis. A 6 Pin DCC Decoder designed specifically for use in the Graham Farish N scale Class 3F ‘Jinty’ (item No. Plug can be saved and reused if desired to go back to DC mode. However, only ‘third generation’ decoders support ‘Programming on the Main’ that is required for the programming by E-Z COMMAND. Bachmann EM-1 Advanced Decoder 1 The following table lists the various CVs supported in the Bachmann advanced decoder used in the N Scale EM-1. 3 Dynamis Ultima and Decoder refer to the full DCC instructions available at www. Be sure to visit our store,Streamlined Backshop Services, where you can purchase many great items like DCC Decoders and Command Stations, DCC Installation Parts, Locomotives and Rolling Stock, Ready-To-Run Sound Cars, and our exclusive custom-engineered truck pick-ups. DCC MODE INSTRUCTIONS 4th track MUST connect to mainline track for track power and turntable control (DCC power source required. Expand with E-Z Command Companion 36-510 and control a second train with your E-Z Command system. 2MB). Power out to track (Connector for E-Z Track shown. It is also possible that the decoder can only be programmed for DCC use. View and Download Bachmann Dynamis Ultima quick manual online. bachmanntrains. 36-566 is recommended . The Dynamis DCC system package (36-505) is an entry level set that will allow you to enjoy that freedom. To upgrade, simply replace your analog switch box with this decoder-equipped control box. decoder must not touch the metal parts of the chassis or the body of the locomotive. Other features include 28 speed steps for smooth operation and plug-in wiring for simple set up. The sound decoder performs numerous functions on both Analog (DC) and Digital (DCC or Digital Command Control). (disponible 2008) 36-520 –E-Z COMMAND® Booster 5 Amp. com Please note that for best performance the loco may have been shipped with values that are not decoder defaults Bachmann Europe plc Moat Way, Barwell, Leicestershire, LE9 8EY 01455 841756 www. 372-21x) and Class 64XX ‘Pannier Tank’ (item No. 885840 EDM Diesel 1 each. SoundTraxx TSU-BH1 Tsunami 2 EDM Digital Sound Decoder. If you are using Bachmann’s E-Z Track® system, plug the red E-Z Track Track Power Wire into the socket on the back of the E-Z single-mode decoders that only work with DCC. Find out the features, specifications, function assignments and programming tips for your sound decoder. There are two ways to do this. You do this on your programming track. DCC Sound-Equipped Charger. The locomotive has a split chassis which picks up power from the trucks and feeds it to the motor through wipers. With the CV 16 values defined you are ready to lock and unlock each decoder. This Instruction Sheet provides information on the Bachmann E-Z COMMAND 36-558 decoder, a high quality DCC decoder incorporating back EMF monitoring for fine control of the motor at low speed. Decoder Manuals. Easily replace the analog switch box and once you are connected, assign the decoder address to empower the turnout with your DCC system. uk Apr 1, 2007 · I have the Spectrum Richmond 4-4-0 with DCC and I looked at all the paper work that came with the engine and there is no info conerning this. com Oct 4, 2023 · Bachmann’s new DCC Sound-Value-equipped EMD FT locomotive includes a TCS WOWSound® decoder with on-board Keep-Alive® for uninterrupted operation, even over dirty track. The WOWSound® diesel-electric locomotive sound package includes sounds for horn, bell, prime mover, air compressor, cooling fan, coupler close/release, brakes, and many more! Mar 4, 2021 · I have the Bachmann N scale 2-6-0 and 4-6-0 and 2-8-0 steamers. It covers the differences you may need to know between this decoder and any you may have previously used. To unlock a Jan 20, 2016 · Quote from: woliners on January 20, 2016, 05:56:49 PM Why is it so hard to find and download a manual for the Bachmann 44915 DCC decoder? Is it made by a different company? View and Download Bachmann Streamlined K4 quick start manual online. P. The first ways is to remove the wires from the decoder and attach the wires from the locomotive to the decoder. E3241_4 Class 24 SF 2020. If your decoder is not designed for full plug-and-play operation, use place. 2- or 4-digit addressing. Please take a few moments to become familiar with the product by reading this manual before proceeding. Bachmann Trains Online Store! Decoder 8 pin plug (Acela HHP-8 / Universal) (HO Scale) [81945-44915] - Click Here for Instruction to Install Decoder 4-8-4 GS4 DCC Be sure to visit our store,Streamlined Backshop Services, where you can purchase many great items like DCC Decoders and Command Stations, DCC Installation Parts, Locomotives and Rolling Stock, Ready-To-Run Sound Cars, and our exclusive custom-engineered truck pick-ups. Bachmann E-Z Command ® For Bachmann’s E-Z Command system, ® simply follow your command station instructions for programming the address (programming track not required). I got it last week. It includes details on features, programming, installation, and troubleshooting. Compatible with O, On30, N, and HO-scale train and track sets, this DCC Turnout Decoder takes it to the next level, switching from analog to DCC. www. compatible with NMRA-compliant DCC systems; programming on the main; control speed, direction and lighting functions; two- or four-digit addresses; service mode decoder lock for changing the address on the layout; ops mode programming; advanced consisting Sep 11, 2019 · If you cannot control the loco in a more prototypical fashion with DCC than DC it is a pointlessly expensive exercise. With the CV 16 values de-fined you are ready to lock and unlock each decoder. Trains & Woodland Scenics ranges are available from your local Bachmann retailer. co. To operate in analog mode, you simply control your locomotive using an ordinary power pack, although operation will be a bit different than when running non-decoder equipped locomotives. If more length required use plug-in 10’ red power This manual covers the setup and configuration of the sound components of the WOWSound Electric decoder. Bachmann E-Z Command®: For Bachmann’s E-Z Command® system, simply follow your command station instructions for programming the address (programming track not required). Using the Dynamis DCC system is simple as all decoder of the same type (motor and light, sound, or lighting only) the CV 16 value can be modified to a value between 1 and 6. Been on both sites for the last hour. The problem is compounded further by differences in each command station manufacturer’s user interface. The ACS-64 model from Bachmann has TCS' first WOWSound decoder with electric sounds. 2 powered function outputs . If your soldering skills are poor I would not do it this way. Model: 609XX-00C02-C NEW 1 each. Quick Start Guide For Bachmann@ DCC Sound-Equipped Locomotives Featuring Tsunami DCC Sound Technology by SoundTraxx@ • 16-Bit Sound Processor • Automatic Dual Mode Decoder for DC and DCC Operation . ® Developed in partnership with Digital Command Control (DCC) innovator Lenz Electronik, E-Z ommand allows you to digitally control the speed View and Download Bachmann WOWSound SC-44 quick start manual online. Bachmann also sells a separate sound module to plug into the 21-pin connector. I received the below cc:’d e-mail from “the dealer” late this afternoon, that was originally addressed to Joe Freeman, VP of Sales, at Bachmann Industries. ) Remove the supplied 8-pin dummy plug and install the decoder as below. This manual covers the setup and configuration of the sound components of the WOWSound Electric decoder. I'm looking for the User's Guide and Technical Reference for the Decoder. With E-Z Command®, digital control of speed, lighting, sound, and direction of multiple locomotives is possible, as well as remote control of Bachmann’s E-Z Command® DCC-equipped turnouts. For automatic DCC operation of a reverse loop, the E-Z Command Automatic Reverse Loop Module is available from Bachmann (Item No. E3248 - Class 40 Sound Fitted 2019. INSTALLING A DECODER IN A BACHMANN PLUS SD45: I had a good running Bachmann Plus EMD SD45 locomotive I had purchased in June 1996. the unit shows it is in the program mode but when you change number and then exit the unit is still programed #3 not any other number. The Dynamis manual might be some help but there are some differences depending on the manufacturer of the decoder. Ops mode Bachmann Dynamis Ultima is a versatile and easy-to-use DCC system that provides a wide range of features for model railroad enthusiasts of all levels. I did that twice so I know it works. Features include: service mode decoder lock for main line programming, two- or four-digit Mar 17, 2009 · Just got given Bachmann Dcc system by relative ( I think bought on EBay). 44912). E-Z Command will operate DCC-equipped locomotives from many manufacturers and offers many of the features previously found only on more The decoder sold as 36-552 and fitted to Bachmann Branchline Junior locomotives and USA DCC On Board product lines have a decoder supporting the feature. Ops mode programming. Feb 2, 2021 · Click Here Diagram shows H601X+PCB03 for F7B PBC that includes the decoder. uk 0-63 42 0-63 32 0-63 24 0-7 7 Locomotive lights (where fitted) Your DCC equipment instructions will tell you how to turn the lights on and Lubes 3-pak for All DCC HO,O, Brands of Model Trains, All Brands of Slot Cars HO or Larger, RC Cars, Trucks, Boats 1/43 and Larger, All Powered Lego Models, Any Item with Motor up to 2" Long Oct 27, 2024 · To identify your decoder manufacturer, read back CV8 and look up the value on JMRI's website. Congratulations on the purchase of this TCS WOWSound® Plug & Play Digital Sound Decoder from Bachmann. You may controlyour locomotiveusing an ordinary power pack though operationwill be a bit different than when running non-decoderequipped locomotives. com Should you need service or repairs, please include a detailed description of your concern and complete contact information. Page 6 DCC Operation: With your locomotive address selected, you can begin moving the locomotive with the throttle control and controlling the light and sound functions Control Systems & Decoders; Proses; Bachmann Trains - American N, HO, On30 & Large Scale DCC Control Box with Turnout Decoder; Service Manuals. Introduce your locomotives to the digital age with these basic one-amp decoders. ADDING AFTERMARKET TRACK-POWERED NMRA DCC CONTROL If your NMRA-compliant DCC decoder is designed for full plug-and-play operation with the plug-and-play circuit board, remove the (DC) Jumper PC Board and replace it with your plug-and-play decoder. Date/Time Dimensions User Comment; current: 22:43, 2 January 2024 (550 KB) TazzyTazzy (talk | contribs): Bachmann decoder manual for 44913. I want to speed match these locos and with other brands too. Don't know if the factory equipped locos have the same CV's as a decoder you install yourself. Feb 24, 2012 · Download the manual for the decoders. WOWSound SC-44 battery charger pdf manual download. Note that some Bachmann decoders require a 1000 ohm resistor across the rails of the programming track in order to change the decoder settings. Included in package: • 1 trackside structure with DCC decoder • 1 E-Z Track® red power wire • 1 piece of double-stick tape the benefits of today’s DCC (Digital Command Control) technology. The second way is to remove the Bachmann supplied wires and trim the The default address of all DCC decoders is 3, so you can start by placing the To change the address to another number less than 126 (99 for some your chosen address below 126. There is a learning curve. Go to the Digitrax site. Sep 12, 2023 · You can also send your locomotive to: Bachmann Trains Service Department 1400 East Erie Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19124 Please include a detailed description of your concern and complete contact information. So, with that, I decided to order the DCC decoder for it. This Quick Start Guide assumes that you have some understanding of, or Dynamis User Guide Other Bachmann E-Z Command® DCC products that can be used with Dynamis 36-507 Dynamis ProBox Upgrade your Dynamis system to operate with up to 4 wireless handsets, plus a programming track, a bus connector for wired throttles and devices, and more. all the different bits, bytes and x’s found in the various decoder manuals mean. 7-bit Short address V1 5. You may control your locomotive using an ordinary power pack though operation will be a bit different than when running non-decoder equipped locomotives. 36-561 E-Z Command® accessory decoder for turnouts etc 36-520 E-Z Command WOWSound Decoder Features: With WOWSound® decoders, the real sounds of locomotives are carefully recorded, preserved, and played back without distortion or manipulation. Page 3 Pack model) While the sound system installed in your Short Horn Bachmann model is first and foremost a Bell DCC decoder, it may be used on a DC powered layout. Mar 13, 2021 · CVs are not installed, they are part of the decoder programming. ) E-Z Command Control Center with power pack sold separately (#44932) Power out to track (Connector for E-Z Track shown. If you are new to SoundTraxx Tsunami2 Digital Sound Decoders, you should start with the Tsunami2 Diesel User’s Guide which will walk you through the various aspects of programming your sound decoder, troubleshooting tips, and a list of all the CVs available for use with your sound decoder. (DCC power source required. 36-566 and can be used in any model for which item No. The e-mail content is not edited in any way and is exactly what was sent Introduce your locomotives to the digital age with our basic 1 amp decoders; 3 per card. com Printed in China A 8 Pin (NEM652) DCC Decoder suitable for models fitted with a 8 Pin DCC decoder socket. The conversion of this locomotive to DCC operation is a simple task. 5 amp power rating which Read online or download the Bachmann E-Z Command decoder manual for installation, programming, and usage instructions. Next18 DCC Decoder Fitting Your Bachmann Thomas the Tank EngineTM model locomotive comes ready to be adapted for Digital Command Control (DCC). For users unfamiliar with such terms, a short math lesson (ugh!) is in order before proceeding: your Bachmann locomotive with digital sound installed. Page 23: Dynamis Menu Reference Attach the appropriate leads to the decoder. pdf. Jan 2, 2024 · E-Z Command basic 1 amp locomotive decoder. This could cause a short-circuit within the locomotive decoder which might destroy it. For some service issues regarding DCC sound decoders, the Bachmann Service Department may forward your locomotive to TCS for (1) Decoder. It is a fully-fledged DCC system capable offering 4-digit addressing, control of up to 100 accessories (25 accessory decoders of 4 outputs for each), control of 20 mobile decoder functions and a 2. 36-525 - E-Z COMMAND® Reversing loop Module (bucles retorno) Los decoders Bachmann E-Z COMMAND® y los modelos de locomotoras DCC ON BOARD están disponibles en su comercio habitual INFORMACIÓN SOBRE LA GARANTIA Por favor, refiérase a la hoja aparte que acompaña estas instrucciones - reads from the decoder on the main track and currently selected on the handset MENU → PROGRAM → PROGRAM ON MAINTRACK [tick] Enter the number of the CV you wish to read (refer to decoder instructions) PRESS READ - the value is read from the decoder and displayed How to read decoder CV values Dynamis Ultima and decoder programming I have several Bachmann DCC/DC steamers that I am converting to Soundtrax Tsunami decoders As such I have the decoders that came with the Bachmann left over I have a BLI sound equipped but non DCC steamer BLI instructions say it can be converted to DCC by adding any NMRA compliant DCC decoder Feb 12, 2005 · WARNING! Long-winded explanations and findings ahead! Well, we may be getting a step closer to understanding the issues with the Bachmann EZ Command DCC System. . Thank you for your choice of the Bachmann E-Z Command® Dynamis® DCC model train control system. Compatible with NMRA-compliant DCC systems. On a test loop all the functions work but I cant get it to program I have tried it on 2 rail trucks and 2 forneys ON30. Control speed, direction and lighting functions (including dimming). Use Bachmann E-Z Command as shown or equivalent. OUTPUT: AC 16V 1000mA Setup and Programming Instructions Bachmann Trains is pleased to bring you E-Z ommand. Your Bachmann Sound Decoder is both a DCC Sound Decoder and a DC Sound System. E3244 - Class 24 Instruction Sheet 2019. While the sound system installed in your Bachmann model is primarily designed for operation by a DCC control system, it may be used on a DC powered layout. Download the WOWSound Electric Guide (PDF document, 1. May 15, 2021 · DCC CONTROL BOX with TURNOUT DECODER - N, HO, On30, AND O Scale. Can you supply decoder manuals which specify all CV values and their options for these 3 steam locos? This manual covers the setup and configuration of the sound components of the WOWSound Electric decoder. . DCC MODE INSTRUCTIONS For decoder installation: a) Remove the building b) Remove the cover by loosening the three screws c) Remove the supplied 8-pin dummy plug and install the decoder as below. Jun 4, 2013 · As I’ve now found out Bachmann doesn’t include a decoder “factory reset” procedure with the values in any of their new line of DCC diesels with or without sound. Plug can be saved and reused if desired to go back to DC mode AC Power pack Bachmann Decoder #44915/#44926 or equivalent 8 8 1 1 (DCC power source For addresses higher than 126, use your address” programming. Programming on the main. The throttle must be turned up to around 5 volts or so to But unlike other DCC systems, E-Z Command simplifies the programming process with one-button main track programming. Bachmann E-Z Command®: For Bachmann’s E-Z Command® system, simply follow your command station Bachmann Trains Service Department 1400 East Erie Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19124 Please include a detailed description of your concern and complete contact information. The Dynamis manual is in the Bachmann site here. Bachmann Trains Warranty Program Visit Bachmann Industries, Inc. Highlights include: Dual-mode DCC/DC decoder with Back EMF function. With E-Z Command®, digital control of speed, lighting, sound, and direction of multiple locomotives is possible, as well as remote control of Bachmann's E-Z Command® DCC-equipped turnouts. Bachmann Trains Service Department 1400 East Erie Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19124 Please include a detailed description of your concern and complete contact information. Features. Wire harness for hard-wiring. TCS does not currently offer other Electric decoders. Streamlined K4 toy pdf manual download. Nov 15, 2016 · I just bought an N Scale Bachmann #52851 Pacific K4 4-6-2 w/DCC Sound Value installed. I am familiar with NCE DCC systems. Bachmann Loco Chassis Bottom (HO SD40-2 DCC NEW). This decoder replaces item No. E3237 - Class 37 DCC Sound 2019. Operating Modes Bachmann Trains is pleased to bring you E-Z Command® Plus. E-Z Command decoders are compatible with NMRA compliant DCC systems. 4 powered function outputs. This control box with turnout decoder allows you to upgrade your electrically operated analog turnouts to DCC quickly and easily. The Quick Start Guide says they're available in PDF on the Soundtraxx and Bachmann websites. 371-98x) locomotives. This Quick Start Guide assumes that you have some understanding of, or experience with DCC. Beginning in late 2011, Bachmann Spectrum locomotives that are ordered with DCC come equipped with a SoundTraxx Mobile Decoder that has a 21-pin plug and a speaker already installed. Both the NMRA DCC CV numbers and the older Register numbers are provided for cross reference. Use Bachmann E-Z Command or E-Z Command Plus as shown or equivalent. While looking through Google search results I saw numerous posts stating the NMRA decoder default standard is CV8=8 and followed instructions how to do it. When carefully installed, the decoder will provide all the benefits of DCC technology with CD-quality 16-bit 44,100Hz digital sound. This product is designed for you to easily upgrade your analog (switchbox operated) turnouts to DCC operation. Automatic Sound Functions in DC The decoder has also been pre-programmed so that Page 1 Adresse _____ Your Bachmann Sound Decoder is both a DCC Sound Decoder and a DC Sound System. View and Download Bachmann EMD GP40 operating instructions manual online. To unlock a decoder simply put the locomotive on the programming track and program CV 15 to whatever value the decoder you want to program has in CV 16. Jan 2, 2024 · Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time. All Bachmann DCC locomotives are equipped with dual-mode decoders that work on DCC and DC; Locomotives with decoders, however, do not run as well on DC as on DCC for obvious reasons. I N PUT: 120 VAC 60Hz. Large Scale Modern Diesel Locomotive DCC Ready, RC Ready, Sound-Ready, and Onboard Battery-Ready 1:29 Scale. Highlights include: While the decoder installed in your Bachmann model is first and foremost a DCC decoder, it may be used on a DC powered layout. For addresses higher than 126, use your address” programming. WOWSound Decoder Complete Sound Lists: While the sound system installed in your Bachmann model is primarily designed for operation by a DCC control system, it may be used on a DC powered layout. 28/128 speed steps. 1. This state-of-the-art locomotive with a Digital Sound Decoder incorporates WOWSound® Digital Sound Technology with realistic operational performance and the benefits of DCC (Digital Command Control) technology. You have chosen an easy to use yet highly sophisticated product. E3230-IS005 Collett Goods & City Tender. For some service issues regarding DCC sound decoders, the Bachmann Service Department may forward your locomotive to TCS for resolution. Bachmann Trains Online Store DCC Control Box with Turnout Decoder [44949] - This control box with turnout decoder allows you to upgrade your electrically operated analog turnouts to DCC quickly and easily. E3230-IS004 Collett Goods & Collett 3500. Title: 370-048 Decoder Outlined Created Date: 20171221114110Z This is Bachmann 44915 HO 1-Amp DCC Decoder ( 28/128 Speed Step ) w/ 8-Pin Plug. responding on the DCC mainline, press enter Audio Assist. As such, you can access them and adjust the values using the directions in your Zephyr owners manual. EMD GP40 toy pdf manual download. Bachmann E-Z Command® Dynamis® runs NMRA DCC decoder fitted trains only: it does not run a train without a decoder. N. Oct 11, 2023 · Bachmann’s new DCC Sound-Value-equipped ALCo RS-3 includes a TCS WOWSound® decoder with on-board Keep-Alive® for uninterrupted operation, even over dirty track. The chassis takes up Jun 2, 2010 · All Bachmann DCC locomotives are equipped with dual mode decoders that operate on DCC and DC; however, locomotives with decoders do not run as well on DC as they do on DCC for obvious reasons. Besides I replaced the decoder with a SoundTraxx DCC/sound decoder and the paper work with this decoder tells me what CV to use. 9A continuous load DCC MODE INSTRUCTIONS For decoder installation: a) Remove the building b) Remove the cover by loosening the three screws c) Remove the supplied 8-pin dummy plug and install the decoder as below. Using the Dynamis DCC system is simple as all Mar 29, 2023 · SoundTraxx 885840 Tsunami 2 TSU-BH1 2 Amp Digital Sound Decoder Install on a Bachmann EDM SD40-2 DCC onboard Diesel locomotive. Learn how to use your Bachmann locomotive with digital sound and DCC technology by SoundTraxx. H674X-IS002 www. To fit a Next18 DCC decoder. With a turnout decoder installed inside the control box, you can simply replace your analog switch box to upgrade. The decoders listed below are all small enough to be suitable for N Gauge locos and DC retrofitting. Dynamis is a DCC system which is compliant with the NMRA DCC standards Oct 1, 2024 · You can also send your locomotive to: Bachmann Trains Service Department 1400 East Erie Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19124 Please include a detailed description of your concern and complete contact information. • Bachmann E-Z C OMMAND will work with any DCC standard locomotive decoder. So the the plan was to squeeze the decoder in the trailer and cut an opening in the 'ballast' load to allow the decoder some headroom and disguise it with a box of tools and general junk. Please note: Some CVs (such as CV29) have specific meanings for each bit. 1 each. It's bare with no harness or plug. E3228 - Class 101 DCC Sound Info 2016. The locomotive will run much better on DC if you remove the decoder and install the 2 jumper plugs included with the locomotive (this has been my Bachmann Trains Service Department 1400 East Erie Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19124 Please include a detailed description of your concern and complete contact information. Fleischmann DCC Decoder 687303, 687403 E3222 - LMS 3F 'Jinty' DCC Sound 2018. Plug can be saved and reused if desired to go back to DC mode AC Power pack Bachmann Decoder #44915/#44926 or equivalent 8 8 1 1 (DCC power source TRACKSIDE TURNOUT DCC DECODER INSTRUCTIONS Thank you for your purchase of the DCC Trackside Turnout Decoder. This decoder has been specifically designed for installation in your Bachmann HO Scale Siemens ACS-64 locomotive. E3252 - Class 55 Bachmann 44949 - E-Z Track® DCC Control Box with Turnout Decoder - Multi Scale Rating * Select Rating 1 star (worst) 2 stars 3 stars (average) 4 stars 5 stars (best) Name A 6 Pin (NEM651) DCC Decoder suitable for models fitted with a 6 Pin DCC decoder socket and where minimal space is available for the decoder, for instance the Graham Farish Class N Scale 03 and 04 Diesel Shunters and the Bachmann Narrow Gauge OO9 Scale Quarry Hunslets. Learn how to operate your Bachmann locomotive with DCC decoder installed using a DC power pack or a DCC command station. bachmann. WOWSound’s signature CD-Quality audio provides modelers with the closest experience to standing track side. Extreme care must be taken when operating locomotives equipped with E-Z COMMAND ® decoders using overhead line (catenary), either on conventional DC or DCC layouts. 1400 East Erie Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19124 USA service. Bachmann 36-557; Bachmann 36-558; Dapol Imperium; Dapol Light Bars; DCC Concepts Zen Blue+ Nano; Doehler & Haass PD10MU-3; Doehler a higher sensitivity setting than DCC operation to avoid continual triggering of the sound effect. E-Z Command basic 1 amp locomotive decoder. krwd ovfz ajeq qazz umeuqu qgujfdw xrwqg ymlsx ppzr dmxjv eaock hzt tnggxq mmjv mjvbeb