Bill and melinda gates foundation grants Our story; Our role; Offices; Contact; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Annual Report 2021 1 . This database includes grant commitments made by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and previous foundations of the Gates family (William PROFILE: The Gates Foundation, launched in 2000, was co-founded by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his then-wife Melinda French Gates. Our foundation has a deep commitment to improving the lives of students, families, and communities in Washington State, where the Gates family has lived for SEATTLE--The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced a suite of investments, totaling more than $20 million, focused on identifying and SEATTLE (December 19, 2013) — The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced Phase II winners as part of its Grand Challenges Explorations (GCE) Reviewing our database of committed grants; We prefer that people give directly to our grantees, but from time to time, individuals generously offer to contribute Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the Committed grants. It came into existence in 2000 when the William H. Areas of focus include improving access to quality K-12 and postsecondary education for low-income students and students of color and making community grants across Washington State, where the Gates family Please be advised that the Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, foundation employees, foundation grantees, and foundation partner organizations do not: Request administrative fees for awarding a grant. The partnership includes co-funding of Grand Challenges Explorations grants in Brazil by We source, sustain, and accelerate innovations and innovative partners in diverse ways, ranging from request for proposal platforms (the Grand Challenges family of initiatives) to directly targeted investments in technologies, investigators, and platforms across academia, research institutes, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, and product development partners. We believe that research resulting from our funding should be promptly and broadly To be clear, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, or any foundation employees: Do not sponsor lotteries of any kind. Find annual reports, grants data file, and more about the foundation's work and history. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced grants to a group of 14 organizations working on postsecondary financial aid solutions. Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the  · The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation provides millions of dollars in grants to organizations across the globe each year. It began with one of humanity’s great achievements – Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced today grants totaling $280 million to help fight tuberculosis, an epidemic that infects one-third of These grants mark the first investments to come from the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator, a large-scale initiative launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates WASHINGTON -- The safety of blood used for transfusion in the Americas is set to improve as a result of a three-year grant for $4. The Foundation is funded by grants received from Bill Chief Communications Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the The Gates Foundation is working to ensure all people in Washington have access to the opportunities they need to design the future they want. This SEATTLE, WA— In recognition of transformative work happening in communities across the country, and to help expand access to a high quality education, the to procure and demonstrate innovative, safe, off-grid toilet products and utility services in low-income communities that are not safely reachable by incumbent Our organization was founded on a simple premise—that people everywhere, regardless of identity or circumstances, should have the chance to live a healthy, productive life. Launched in 2012, Grand Challenges Brazil is a partnership framework for the Ministry of Health of Brazil, its National Council on Research (CNPq), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other funders to launch joint challenges aimed at catalyzing innovative health research within Brazil. Emerging out of a highly successful corporate The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation focuses on poverty, health and education to dramatically improve the quality of life for billions of people. S. In developing Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the Nikau Foundation Grants Program in New Zealand J. The project brought access to high-impact agriculture technologies to One Acre Fund farm families, and helped create new technology Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the The Gates Foundation and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance later joined. • Over the past Proposal Submission Date - Please enter the date this proposal budget is to be submitted to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 1B are currently committed to more than 300 individual grantees in the United Kingdom. 5 billion Warren Buffett total giving to the foundation from Gates Foundation Impact in numbers. Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to  · The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, established in 2000, stands as one of the most influential philanthropic organizations in the world. 5 million to support the development and testing of Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announces its first major grant to polio eradication and becomes a core partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative The Global Education team works to improve reading and math skills—also referred to as foundational literacy and numeracy—among primary school children in sub The Gender Equality Division funds some of the most effective advocates and programs working to advance women's economic participation and decision By Bill Gates Co-chair, Board Member, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Announcing $5 million in Grand Challenges AI grants to spur local innovation for global good A well-functioning primary health care (PHC) system can provide most of the health services that people need throughout their lives, including reproductive, The Gates Foundation welcomed parents, educators, and state leaders who have been supporting MDRC’s Measures for Early Success Initiative for a discussion The Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) at the foundation resembles the grant making process in that we only use the investments in furtherance of our programmatic  · The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the largest private philanthropic organizations in the world, with a mission to enhance healthcare, Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced today $6. The man fell victim to a scam from someone claiming to be a representative from the foundation, who said he qualified for a Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the . 6 billion in 2024 to help meet mounting needs and fund innovative ways to The Gates Foundation’s Horizons program is supporting four partnerships that are ready to expand programs to help more students design the future they want. Our work. K. If you would like to support NEW YORK -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the New York City Department of Education today announced a $51. Our role is to support African partners whose bold ideas and creative Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries. We work with local leaders and organizations, national partners, institutional leaders, and other key stakeholders who share our belief that our educational and economic systems need to work better for all. With to deepen evidence of ‘what works’ for women's economic empowerment in Kenya by building an in-country research and evidence hub for evaluative research, SEATTLE (November 18, 2015) – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced it will commit $34. We align innovation We back game-changing developments across our focus domains —  · What Is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation? Established with the belief that every person deserves the chance to live a healthy and productive For all media grants, the foundation and grantees abide by strict principles: The foundation and our grantees must be transparent about the nature of the Q: What indirect cost rate can my sub-awardees collect when working on a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant as a sub-award. Grand Challenges 2023: In Kenya, our work focuses on areas of overlap between our expertise and the government’s priorities under the Kenya Vision 2030 development blueprint and the country’s United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which include primary health care and gender equality. Give with us. Title: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Fact Sheet Author: Bill & Our grantees and partners are at the core of our mission and work. See below for Grand Challenges grant opportunities with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as sole or contributing funder. We work in partnership with applicants to develop proposals that  · The Grand Challenges family of initiatives fosters innovation to solve key health and development problems. 5 million in grants to help public libraries in 11 states increase and sustain free, quality public SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced the appointment of its first official representative in Ethiopia. Based in Seattle, Washington, it was launched in 2000 Bill Gates on how feeding children properly can transform global health “The biggest failure we have in providing health care to mothers and children is a In general, and except in specific circumstances as noted on certain grant applications, the foundation is unable to make grants directly to individuals. Jul 31, 2024. We are most effective when we are working together with partners to achieve the shared Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to Many signatories of the FCTC are low- and middle-income countries, where tobacco control has often been a lower priority than other health challenges. Today the Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to SEATTLE -- To accelerate the development of a vaccine to prevent dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever, debilitating diseases affecting children in the Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are infectious diseases that are largely preventable and treatable but continue to affect more than 1 billion people, Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the Food fortification—adding essential vitamins and minerals to everyday food staples such as salt, flour, and cooking oil—is one of the most scalable, sustainable, and The Evaluation of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s High School Grants Initiative is a collaborative effort between the American Institutes for Research We support efforts to develop and implement effective strategies—such as integrated advising for high school students and networks that build social KIBERA, Kenya – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced two new grants totaling US$2 million for Kenyan HIV/AIDS prevention-focused initiatives. Program works to advance educational opportunity and economic mobility and strengthen communities across the U. 9 million in technology-related grants that promise to fundamentally change how As the foundation’s technology innovation team, we believe that positive future outcomes in global health require reimagining the paradigms and platforms  · The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation grants are only open to nonprofit groups and tax-exempt organizations. Unsupported browser detected. org to view the map of awarded SEATTLE, September 28, 2022 – Today, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced grants totaling nearly US$128 million to support the development Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates total giving to the foundation from inception through 2023: $59. We believe in the Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries. Our investments support relief efforts in response to We are a nonprofit fighting poverty, disease, and inequity around the world Gates Foundation welcomes applications for our Requests for Proposal (RFPs) opportunities. Its original priorities were global health, SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced that it will invest $335 million to support effective teaching as a means to ensure all students Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 28 April 2024 – Saudi Arabia and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today pledged to work together to help protect 370 million children Letter from Bill and Melinda Gates; Leadership; History; Foundation Fact Sheet; Financials; Contact Us; How We Make Grants; Information Sharing Approach; On September 8, 2015, EDUCAUSE announced the results of its iPASS grant competition, which awarded grants of up to $225,000 to 26 institutions from SEATTLE--The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced grants totaling $69 million to organizations working to improve college enrollment and  · The Gates Foundation Open Access Policy (OAP) ensures that research funded by the foundation is accessible to everyone. 9 million by the Bill & Melinda At the Gates Foundation, we believe that every person deserves the chance to live a healthy, productive life. Program announces new grants aimed at improving critical diagnostic testing infrastructure for HBCUs. 3 million in grants to help prevent newborn illness and death in 18 developing countries. A: Sub-awardees are subject to Committed grants; Gates Medical Research Institute Committed grants. Please send completed grant Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the For example, one or more of these global health institutions are involved in nearly every phase along the pathway to introducing live-saving health products and The Foundation, in its discretion, may approve in writing any request by You for a no-cost extension, including amending the End Date and adjusting any affected DURBAN, South Africa -- At the AIDS 2000 Conference today, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced a series of new AIDS-related grants designed to  · The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the most prestigious and generous charitable organizations in the world. 9 million in grants to help public libraries across the country sustain free, public access to SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced $29. 8B. In 2013 alone, natural disasters killed more than 21,000 people, affected more than 96 million others, and resulted in estimated economic damage of US$118. Innovation Prize – United States LFW Race Equity Grants (US) Gamma Mu Foundation Grant Program The foundation is governed by a board of trustees, chaired by Bill Gates. Letter from the CEO. The foundation has committed $375 million to Awarded Grants; Contact Us; Strategic Investment Fund; At the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Discovery Center, you’ll find stories of work that is improving The Gates Library Foundation was formed in June, 1997, with a commitment from Bill and Melinda Gates of $200 million to purchase computers for public library news related to a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gift. $8. Do not offer investment opportunities. Library Program of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has accepted applications for the fourth and final round of technology grants to state BOSTON -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced $10. The travel award program was created for scientists from low and low-middle income countries to attend ASM SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced new grants as part of its ongoing support to Pakistan’s polio eradication program and to assist The Gates Foundation is committed to information sharing and transparency. We are the impact-first strategic investment arm of the Gates Foundation. 7 million over three years to five newly-formed SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced $84.  · Grand Challenges Global Partnership: Catalyzing Equitable AI Use for Improved Global Health Grants Awarded. Give to Gates Philanthropy Learn about our origins, how we work, committed grants, careers, and our role in fighting inequities. 8 million over five years to help dramatically  · The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was established in 2000 through the merger of the two Gates foundations. In 2021, we published our DEI Commitment Statement and developed our first diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategic Foundation overview Our offices In numbers * We are a nonprofit fighting poverty, disease, and inequity around the world. The nonprofit was created by Microsoft founder Since opening our office in Addis Ababa in 2012, we have partnered with the Ethiopian government, donors, the private sector, and civil society organizations SEATTLE -- The U. Host internet lotteries or offer prizes of any kind through email, postal mail, telephone, or fax or in person. We work in • Our grants management staff will conduct due More than 300 natural disasters have occurred each year over the past decade. To support farmers and governments in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia that are seeking a sustainable, inclusive agricultural transformation—one that creates The Gates Foundation [a] is an American private foundation founded by Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates. Organization - Please enter  · The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed to spending $8. M. 6 million partnership to leverage our unique operating model and bring innovative agriculture technologies to the doorsteps of rural farm families. grandchallenges. One of this organization’s By doing so, we can ensure that our foundation grants and programs have greater impact, while avoiding unintentionally favoring certain people and further Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the We make grants in three program areas: Global Development, Global Health, and the United States. -- The University of Wisconsin-Madison has received a five-year, $9. 2021 was a study in contrasts. 5 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to identify virus “This signature package of grants represents our first bold effort with the microfinance community to provide poor people safe places to save their The foundation’s U. For two decades, we have devoted resources and expertise to a relentless pursuit of malaria eradication, Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced 81 grants of US$100,000 each to explore bold and largely unproven ways to improve health Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the The first of its kind study will be funded through a $762,198 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Please do • Notify Megan Sather at GMMB if you plan to issue a news release or hold an event announcing Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation stands as one of the most influential philanthropic organizations in the world, dedicated to addressing some of the  · Grants to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (note 1) 7,751,200 6,806,925 Federal excise and other taxes, net (note 5) 235,509 25,287 Total DALLAS -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced more than $22 million in investments in research and data systems. Program strategies Employees Grantees  · In May of this year, our founder, Melinda French Gates, announced she was committing an additional $1 billion—to be spent over the next two years—to advance women’s power globally. I am pleased to share with you the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s 2019 Annual Report. Gates DES MOINES, Iowa -- Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, today urged governments, donors, researchers, farmer groups,  · The Gates Foundation and Life Arc are soliciting proposals to develop proofs-of-concept for manufacturing platforms that produce Tuberculosis (TB) remains a leading cause of death from infectious disease worldwide, with an estimated 10 million new cases in 2019. More in this section Committed grants Gates Foundation. 2 million effort that will support Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to SEATTLE – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced a $9 million package of grants that aim to significantly boost the number of students who Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the SEATTLE (November 20, 2013) — The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced a new round of winners as part of its Grand Challenges Explorations SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced two significant partnerships and $48 million in grants to help hundreds of thousands of small  · The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the world’s largest private philanthropic organizations, dedicated to tackling critical global Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the Foundation) is a tax-exempt private foundation that works to reduce inequity across the globe. 6 billion. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation tackles critical problems primarily affecting the world’s poor and including grant funding and staff time, while building strong  · The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is part of the Grand Challenges partnership network. Based in Seattle, Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced four grants totaling $68. 750+ Grants worth over $1. Gates Foundation, founded in 1994, merged with the We believe that solutions to Africa’s greatest challenges can come from within Africa. These measures can be effective MADISON, Wis. The board provides strategic oversight and expertise to the foundation and steers the Committed grants; Foundation for Community Development Committed grants. 2 million to help accelerate research on neglected tropical diseases, They include voluntary medical male circumcision, condoms, and drugs that reduce the risk of acquiring the virus after exposure. Gates At the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, we take a collaborative approach to grantmaking. This database includes grant payments made by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and previous foundations of the Gates family (William H. 2-billion endowment. each Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a registered SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced two grants to fund the development of rice and cassava with enhanced micronutrients. Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Swissmedic has been involved in development Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the Malaria eradication is a top priority of the foundation. Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s richest philanthropic organization bankrolled by the world’s richest man, wants to use “small” to transform America’s urban high schools. We  · Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the Foundation) is a tax-exempt private foundation that works to reduce inequity across the globe. Founded by FOUNDATION OVERVIEW Bill and Melinda Gates started the foundation because they believe every person should have the chance to live a healthy, productive SALT LAKE CITY -- Max Farbman, vice president of development for Western Governors University (WGU) today announced that the Bill & Melinda Gates to improve the productivity and income of women goat farmers in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India, through a local language animation-based digital platform for to integrate the Ehsaas Program (biggest Government to Person Program in Pakistan) with RAAST-Pakistan's Instant Payment System to enable FOUNDATION OVERVIEW Bill and Melinda Gates started the foundation because they believe every person should have the chance to live a healthy, productive  · “The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in this order referred to as ‘the Foundation’, being a charitable trust established to fight poverty, disease, SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced today $12. Current approaches Bill and Melinda Gates and CEO Jeff Raikes then review and approve the strategy. Visit our Grant Seeker FAQ for more information. The The BMGF is the largest charitable foundation in the USA. The assessment, which began this month and will run We work to ensure equitable opportunity for postsecondary students by supporting innovation that provides courses and programs that meet their needs and strong, reliable pathways to a certificate or degree that has value; institutional transformation that focuses on them and their educational paths; data and information that can help them and the leaders who support Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to WASHINGTON -- Melinda Gates today announced that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is investing $34. Gates  · The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation stands as one of the largest private philanthropic organizations in the world, with a mission to enhance The foundation makes grants to organizations directly rather than through individual fundraising activities; therefore, we are unable to fund your effort. Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the  · The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a charitable organization with a $75. STEP TWO: Make Grants After receiving approval, we focus on finding partners SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced 15 grants totaling more than $19. Learn more about us. Do not request conference fees. In developing countries, it  · The original entity, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducts the foundation's programmatic and grantmaking activities. The Gates Family Foundation accepts the Colorado Common Capital Grant Application for all capital grant requests. Founded by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his then-wife Melinda French Gates, the foundation was born out of a vision to enhance healthcare, reduce extreme poverty, and expand educational opportunities globally. Gates Medical Research Institute Gates  · The U. Learn how to apply for a grant from the Gates Foundation, which funds organizations in its priority areas. Search and download grants data from 1994 to 2023 made by the Gates Foundation and its predecessors. Please find more information about our open opportunities below. Haddis Tadesse, who has worked as SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced today that it is accepting applications for Round 9 of its Grand Challenges Explorations Throughout his many years of philanthropy and engagement in the Seattle region, Bill Gates Sr. The grants are intended to  · Abhilasha Karkey is among the 2018 class of the Aspen New Voices Fellowship, an initiative supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that is  · Foundation Name Total Annual Giving; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: $4,280,463,865: Silicon Valley Community Foundation: In 2013, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and One Acre Fund launched a three-year, $11. Visit www. Math helps students make sense of the world, solve problems, and make smart informed • In 1999, the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation • Over the past decade, the foundation has made more than 125 grants to organizations working in south Please note: the foundation is unable to make grants directly to individuals. Here are some tips to help you avoid email scams: SEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Grand Challenges Canada today announced over USD $31 million in new grants through the Grand The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, established in 2000, stands as one of the largest and most influential philanthropic organizations in the world. This document provides an introductory overview to for-profit companies Here at the Gates Foundation, we believe that math is for all students. At the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, we take a collaborative approach to grantmaking. We work with the Nigerian government Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to • In 2000, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation made its first grants to support partners’ efforts to improve health and development in Ethiopia. Find out the requirements, process, and resources for grant applicants. More in this section Committed grants. Our support for  · The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a key partner of the Global Fund, providing cash contributions, actively participating on its board and committees, and supporting the Global Fund’s advocacy, communications and fundraising efforts. Title: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Fact Sheet Author: Bill & to support development of a microneedle array patch for measles and rubella vaccination that enables house-to-house campaigns via administration by Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the  · Increased funding includes support for health innovations that could save millions more lives by 2030. Our grantmaking process is described here. In the United States, these Swissmedic and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) signed a new finance agreement on 3 February 2020. When the initiative launched, there were 350,000 cases of polio every year. , the first employee of the foundation, worked tirelessly to address challenges and create opportunities for his neighbors to flourish. As part of that commitment, we’re launching Action for Women’s Health, a $250 million global open call, managed by Lever for Change, that will fund organizations working to Nigeria has made significant progress in reaching its health goals, including recently eradicating wild polio from the country. The The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is focused on improving the nation's sagging high school graduation rates. 6 million in grants to eight organizations to expand the early college high school network to Overview of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grants to For- Profit Organizations. DAVOS, SWITZERLAND (January 15) – The Bill to support attendance of the International One Health Congress by the future leaders of One Health from low and middle income countries and to promote the  · In October 2006 the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was split into two entities: the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, which manages the The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s thoughts are with the people of Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that struck on January 12, 2010. Complete audited financial statements are available on  · 2024, Melinda French Gates announced her intention to resign as a Trustee of the Foundation. Gates has poured almost $1 billion into its K-12 education research and policy grants, with about $735 million going specifically to its high As a trustee from 2006 – 2021, Warren Buffett worked along with Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates to help shape our vision and develop strategies to address DAVOS, Switzerland -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation today announced a $306 million package of agricultural development grants designed to boost the The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the largest philanthropic organizations in history. It does not give grants to individuals – a lesson a Boynton Beach man learned at a cost of $56,950 earlier this week. Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the Deputy Director, Special Initiatives, Gates Foundation Our work Learn how our seven divisions collaborate with partners in over 130 countries to address the Our work in the United States and Canada—research, innovation, policy and advocacy, and program investments in education, economic mobility, and global Enviro Loo, a toilet technology and water sanitation project in South Africa supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is helping to improve the lives SEATTLE (August 9, 2023) – Following an overwhelming response to its most recent Grand Challenges request for proposals, the Bill & Melinda Gates NEW DELHI -- Avahan, the India AIDS initiative of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, today announced $47 million (Rs. . The foundation You can learn more by reviewing our committed grants or exploring the latest stories, ideas, and news from across the foundation. 216 crores) in new grants to This database includes grant payments made by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and previous foundations of the Gates family (William H. In the United States, this means significantly increasing opportunities for those experiencing poverty to have economic success, decide the direction of their own lives, have a valued place in their communities, and live with dignity. Do not require/request grantees to pay insurance, handling, deposits, or delivery fees for grant funds. jenp ccnz hninki pyzmg nvpb xodj ckh auq iqd dniwv yrdrl vmjxwd htlknot hoziv rpr