Bond county wgel obituaries today. Three …
Obituaries; Community Center.
Bond county wgel obituaries today Bond County Highway Engineer Mike McCormick recently advised the Bond County Board he believes a new bridge on the Red Ball Trail, to replace the railroad wooden bridge, would be better located west, rather than of east of the bridge. The carnival will be open from 6 to 9:30 p. She was transported to a St. e r s t S p d o o n 8 e 9 i 7 g 8 n g 2 i 4 l h 9 1 6 u 7 o 2 2 f h 6 M g 6 2 r 1 e t 0 5 1 m i 4 a 9 6 4 m a 7 i L r Nighttime activities began at the Bond County Fair on Thursday. Unterbrink is a 1989 Greenville High School grad, a Kaskaskia College graduate along with the Illinois State Police Academy in Springfield, and he joined the Sheriff’s Department in 1992. Thursday, Donna L. Click below to hear from her: The Bond County Fair Queen John Dennis ‘Jack’ Spratt, a beloved husband, father, grandpa, great grandpa, and proud patriot, passed away peacefully on Saturday, January 25, 2025, at St. This annual event will again feature a lot of free music both days, including country music legends Shenandoah, and a spectacular fireworks display on Saturday. Candidates are Mary Adams The Bond County Crisis Nursery is starting up in the county. In lieu of flowers, plants, and gifts please make memorials to the Bond County Humane Society, c/o Donnell – Wiegand Funeral Home, 203 West Oak Street, Greenville, Illinois. It is effective March 3. She was born on Saturday, January 1, 1944, in Dayton, OH, the daughter of The Bond County Board met in special session last Monday and approved a new budget for fiscal year 2025. James E. Posted: 03/01/2025. Be sure to check out the CEO Trade Show on Wednesday, May 1, from 5 to 8 PM at the Milk House in Greenville! Click below to hear more: Earlier this month, Bond County officials, who were re-elected at the November election, were administered the oaths of office by Bond County Resident Judge Christopher Bauer. of VFW Deputy Barnes is a 1994 graduate from DuQuoin High School, and Kaskaskia College in 1997. Adam Boudouris was unanimously approved as the county’s Program Compliance and Oversight Monitor or P-Com for the transit system. Illinois State Police were dispatched to the scene. Visitation will be held at the Greenville First Christian Church on 1100 Killarney Drive in Greenville, IL from 4:00 p. They are Susan Kovach, Matthew Hawley, Patrick Forhan, Allie Hunter The Bond County Board will meet Tuesday, December 17 at 7 p. Loading view. Junior Miss Olivia told WGEL’s Jeff Leidel she can’t believe how fast the year went by. She worked for Watsons and DeMoulin Brothers & Company before beginning a job at the Bond and Fayette County Shopper where she remained an add creator for 20 years. A farmer appreciation lunch will be The Bond County Fair is almost here and fair board president Justin Jefferson stopped by the WGEL morning show Thursday to talk with Mike and Ryan about what’s in store this year. Joseph’s Hospital in Highland, Illinois. At the grandstand, Illinois Hot Farm Stock Tractor, Stock Truck and Four-Wheel Drive Truck Pulls will begin at 7 p. Roach, 29 from Smithboro. On September 4, 1954, she married Danny R. Preceding her job helping others at the Bond County Senior Center, she also worked as an archivist at the Bass-Mollet facility in Greenville. The Bond County Board will conduct its second February meeting at 7 p. Bone was resentenced to three years in the Illinois Department of Corrections, followed by four years of mandatory supervised release. He was a bond county native, having grown up in the Sorento area, or thereabouts, and attended the local schools, only long enough A female from Godfrey was found deceased last Tuesday, December 6, at Noffsinger Cemetery, between Mulberry Grove and Keyesport. On this page you'll see just a part of the great events they've held WGEL is introducing this year’s candidates for Bond County Fair Queen and Junior Miss. Click below for a greeting from Paetin: The Bond County Fair Queen Today's stray is Mandy. Jerry had a listing of 40 Today’s CEO spotlight shines on Sidney Griffin and her business, Sid's Cups & More. All Day March 15. For those who desire memorial contributions in memory of Lowell may be made to Meals on Wheels. in the courthouse. Augustine, Sr. The defendant previously pleaded guilty to an offense of Today’s 4-H youth are engaged in learning activities as they are practicing skills employers want; growing and distributing food to communities in need; stewarding the natural resources; making a difference in local, state, national, and global issues; and influencing positive choices for healthy living. The family asks that donations be gifted to the Bond County Hospice in lieu of flowers, plants, and other gifts. Jessica Buatte won the race for township supervisor. Louis Region Salvation Army, leaving $19,960. Dale then drove a school bus for the Bond County Community Unit #2 school district for WGEL. Monday, August 5 at the grandstand. Due to ongoing weather conditions and limited rain in the forecast, the Bond County fire chiefs have issued a BURN BAN effective immediately. The Bond County Board has a new chairman for the next two years. The dairy show gets underway at 9 a. in the Activity Building. There are six young ladies running for queen. Sybert had to wait The 27th Annual AMVETS Post Veterans Day Ceremony will take place Monday, November 11. The polling places opened at 6 a. There will also be Bond County real estate owners are facing a deadline this week to pay their second installment of property taxes. 08 percent of the total votes counted. The Bond County Board placed the referendum on the ballot after a request from Sheriff Jim Leitschuh. The ban will be lifted once weather conditions improve. They are from Pocahontas, Smithboro and Old Ripley. Today’s featured queen candidate is Madison Roy of Pocahontas. An event to receive donations for baby supplies is being held this week. He married Sabra Jane Elmore in 1959 and they had two sons, Russ and Tony. Click below to hear Today we salute Detective Sgt. The Bond County Community Unit 2 Board of Education met last week and approved five hirings, a resignation and two future retirements. She will be a junior this year at Greenville High School and her favorite part of the Bond County Fair is the More information has been received from the Bond County Sheriff’s Department regarding a one-vehicle accident that injured the driver early Tuesday morning. Gouge has been with courthouse security for two years. Quincy was born on April 26, 1950, in Highland, Illinois to Frank and Ruby Mae (Cruthis) Reidelberger. She is survived by her sons, Jerry (Sue) Mollett of Pocahontas and David (Dawn) Mollett of Carlyle. Three Obituaries; Community Center. WGEL - Nov 13, 2024. Kaegy, age 90 of Greenville, passed away Friday October 18, 2024, at Greenville Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Greenville. Robinson and four passengers in her vehicle Despite a pouring rain earlier in the day, the 2024 Lemuel Rhodes Cancer Foundation’s Celebration of Life event Saturday evening was a big success. The Bond County Supervisor of Assessments Office has sent out reassessment notices for real estate owners in Central Township. Best Business Lesson: Jerry was at the Bond County Fair in the early days. The notices explain what your assessment was and what it’s going to. Amy Goodman, lifestyle expert, talked to the three Today show hosts about five Bond posted by a defendant in a drug case was forfeited last week in Bond County Circuit Court because the defendant failed to appear in court. (Fiebiger) Fischer. Jill was a loving The Bond County Fair begins Thursday, August 1 and a new queen and junior miss will be crowned at the fair pageant Monday, August 5. Visitation will be held from 10:00 a. Bond County Coroner Tony Brooks told WGEL that Charles Eyman, age 74, of North Shady Grove Avenue, received fatal injuries when his pickup truck rolled onto him. Today’s featured queen candidate is Emma Ketten from Greenville. – 12:00 Noon at the Donnell – Wiegand Bond County Clerk Meg Sybert has received an objection from one of the three candidates for the Kingsbury Park District Board against the other two candidates. Fireworks will follow at dusk. Today’s salute to service is Bond County Sheriff’s Department Courthouse Security Officer Don Perfetti. He was given two five-years terms in prison on drug charges. Today’s Salute to Service is Michael Gouge, Bond County Sheriff’s Department Courthouse Security. The beef and steer shows are being held in the morning. Since then, our organization has grown to serve 120 countries and all 50 United States with our 1200+ affiliates. All sealed written bids must be submitted to the Bond County treasurer no later Born April 4, 1984, in Breese, Illinois to John Paul Krummel, Sr. Today’s CEO spotlight shines on Shawnee Tedrick and her business, Pixie Dust Prints. Bond County Treasurer Colleen Camp told WGEL the property tax bills will be mailed Friday, June 7. Music headliners are Taylor Made, a tribute to Taylor Swift, at 8:30 p. Perfetti then worked for the Federal Bureau of Prisons in Meeting Tuesday night, the Bond County Board approved resolutions regarding fees assessed by the county clerk ‘s office. The annual county talent show was held at the grandstand with only two competitors, both in the Junior Division. She attended local schools and graduated from Carlyle High School and then went on to Today’s CEO spotlight shines on Grace Sperandio and her business, Linked Permanent Jewelry. Local farmers will be recognized with a Farmer Appreciation Lunch, from 11 a. The Grammy was for Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance. McMoore admitted to violating his probation order and was re-sentenced by Judge Christopher Bauer to two years in state prison. and Irene (McCasland) Rench. Butch married Judy (Rench) Willeford on June 19, 1965 in Greenville, Illinois and they hared 59 years of She and Alvin lived in New Mexico and Texas before returning to Illinois to become a caregiver for their loved one. He married Debra Eakle on March 7, 1982, in Greenville, Illinois. She was married twice; first, to Richard Martin in Fayette County, Illinois and then to Max Brown in Bond County, Illinois. In the Village of Keyesport, there is a race for the four-year mayor’s term. Voter turnout in Tuesday’ General Election in Bond County was big. Illinois State Police made a traffic stop on August 30, 2023, which led to the arrest of Juan Perez-Correa and two other men, all with Massachusetts addresses. 143, Pocahontas, was driving the car in the S curve at Woburn Road and Country Club Road, when the incident occurred at 1:04 a. The fee to get a marriage license in Bond County will go from A Republican Party meet & greet session will be held Sunday, October 27, from 1 to 3 p. Click below to hear a message from Emma: Two of the seven Junior Miss candidates are Maci Ann Bone and Lexie Cornelius. Only one race is on the county ballot. I attended Mulberry Gove High School and Kaskaskia College. The Bond County Fair Queen and Junior Miss Pageant is 6:30 p. A free will offering will be conducted, with all proceeds Charles Lee Eyman of Greenville, Illinois passed away Friday evening, October 25, 2024, at the age of 74. Monday is Concert T-Shirt Day, where students wear souvenir Olivia Goodson will conclude her year as Bond County Fair Junior Miss at the 2024 pageant Monday night. It was a hot day in August. Bingo will be featured. Upcoming Upcoming Select date. Last January the sword appeared This week, WGEL is introducing listeners to the candidates for Bond County Fair queen and junior miss. Click below to hear a greeting from Madison: One of the seven Junior Miss candidates is Cecelia Graham from The Bond County Board met Tuesday night and filled a vacant position for the Bond County Transit System. County Treasurer Colleen Camp reminds taxpayers that the deadline is Wednesday, September 25. Rose Twp, a daughter of the late Lawrence and Mary Gertrude (nee Kampwerth) Buehne. Add our app to your home screen! Open this page in your browser, click the share button and then select "Add to Home Screen". today. com. Items on the agenda include possible updates to the Bond County Zoning Ordinance fee schedule, a special use permit, and appointments to the 911 Board. Previous Events; Today Next Events; Norma Jean Willeford, age 95, of Greenville, passed away January 7, 2024, after a brief illness surrounded by family. Celebrate Recovery Meetings In Greenville This week’s activities at the Bond Bond County Memorial VFW Post 1377 and Auxiliary Serving and Honoring All Veterans Bond County Memorial VFW Post 1377 has been a part of Bond County for a long time, the current building was constructed back in the 90s and has been through many renovations and a few expansions over the decades. The Bond County Fire Chief's have discussed the current burn ban and announced late Thursday afternoon that it will remain in place. Funeral service will be held 2:00 p. The family Today’s CEO spotlight shines on Emma Haller and her business, Stojeba Snacks International. Perfetti has been in Law Enforcement for the past 31 years. She said she’s very excited, noting it will be different from Bond County, as trustee, has completed its tax deed proceedings on real estate properties that were delinquent for 2020 and prior real estate taxes. Olivia was thrilled that her cousin, Maggie Goodson, was Bond County Fair queen at the same time. Clara Mayfield of Greenville won first place. Event Views Navigation Summary Month Day Week Today. The fair parade will roll at 7 p. He retired on July 31, 1985. Bond County Clerk Meg Sybert advised that as of Wednesday, there were 317 vote-by-mail ballots out. 5 events found. According to Sybert, Wilkie alleges Lynn Ulmer and Grant Trudel filed their statements of economic interest The Bond County Board could have approved a new budget Tuesday night, but will meet at least one more time to discuss it. Flags displayed at the memorial will be lowered and replaced with new ones. Six young ladies are candidates for Miss Bond County Fair. Mickelson, age 79, of Trenton, passed away Wednesday, December 25, 2024, at his home. Barnes also coaches girls softball at Kaskaskia Today’s CEO spotlight shines on Kassidy Jondro and her business, Houston Acres Candles Co. to noon and 1 to 3 p. S presidential candidates were on the Bond County ballot for Tuesday’s election. WGEL - Apr 30, 2024. Today’s featured queen candidate is Jaclyn Robertson of Mulberry Grove. Bond County Sheriff Jim Leitschuh said after an investigation, the incident has been deemed to be an apparent suicide due to an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. Marshall Margaret “Monnie” Crouch, age 80 of Greenville, passed away peacefully at her home Sunday, October 13, 2024, surrounded by her family. She said she’s really Once again this year, WGEL is shining a spotlight on each student in the Bond County CEO program, leading up to their annual Trade Show, which will be the launch of the students' individual businesses. Views Navigation After the position was vacant for quite some time, Bond County State’s Attorney Dora Mann has hired a new assistant state’s attorney. The help is given to Bond County residents wanting a food basket through the 2024 Bond County Community Canned Food Drive can submit applications now. Items on the agenda are zoning and highway department reports, and unpaid leave for an employee. Louis Hospital for treatment of injuries. The Bond County Sheriff’s Department was sent to a two vehicle traffic accident Saturday evening in Smithboro. The event is Thursday, August 1, is the first day of the 2024 Bond County Fair. Loepker, age 87, of Damiansville, passed away peacefully amongst his friends doing what he loved, playing cards, on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. Her favorite toy is a crinkle ball. Memorial services will be held at 7:00 p. The fair will be held Thursday, August 1 though Tuesday, August 6. A total of 98 dogs and three cats were returned to their The National Weather Service out of St. Reid. Boudouris was previously the P-Com and since then has served as the transit WGEL is introducing you to this year’s candidates for Bond County Fair Queen and Junior Miss. The term is for four years. She was the daughter of Richard and Dorothy Mae (Hampton) Alsbury. Mann is opposed by Republican B. In Mulberry Grove Township, four men ran for road commissioner with Dale Miller emerging victorious. BCHCE Scholarships Available The Bond County Association for Home & Community Education will The 2024 Bond County Fourth Fest is Friday and Saturday, July 5 and 6 in downtown Greenville. All motions were approved on votes of 4-0 with Adam Simmonds, Don Wall, Ryan Reavis and Dylan Carr present. She The Bond County Board holds its first meeting of February Tuesday night. Be sure to check out the CEO Trade Show on Wednesday, May 1, from 5 to 8 PM at the Milk House in Greenville! WGEL Radio – Greenville Illinois Source for News – Sports & The Best Country in the Country! Home; News; Sports; The Illinois primary election is Tuesday. at the Veterans Memorial next to the courthouse. WGEL - Jan 27, 2025 A rural Pocahontas teenager was killed early Sunday morning in a one-car crash near Greenville. WGEL Community Calendar. Tuesday, January 14, 2025, in St. , and the fair ends with a bang with a big fireworks show at dusk. Interment will be in Mt. They were married for over 40 years when she preceded him Bond County Clerk Meg Sybert has received certificates of ballot for two area Regional Office of Education (ROE) Boards. The Land of Lincoln Chorus will perform, and desserts will be served. Grandstand events include the Little Miss Pageant and Talent Show on August 1, the Illinois Hot Farm Stock Tractor, Stock Truck and The annual Bond County Youth Livestock Auction kicks off is 7 p. The drivers were Tara Robinson of Salem and Stefan Jones of O’Fallon. The vote was 3-1 with Randi Workman, Aimee Frey The Bond County Electoral Board convened Tuesday and held sessions regarding objections by one candidate against the other two candidates. Gray, age 80 of Old Ripley, IL, died Saturday, October 19, 2024, at her home. Stiff, 49 of Mulberry Grove, and Kathleen L. The meeting begins at 7 p. He then served as chief of police in Germantown from 1990-1992. WGEL - Mar 20, 2024. Community Calendar; Salute To Service; Community Partners; Greenville FFA Corner; Advertise! Contests; Bond County Fourth Fest. Visitation will be held Sunday, November 10, from 2:00 – 4:00 p. Kim Houchlei, Daniel Fenton and Donald Sturgeon, Jr. Obituaries; Community Center. For additional In Tuesday’s election, three judges in the Third Judicial Circuit were on the ballot for retention. Interment will follow in Liberty Cemetery, rural Mulberry Grove, The Bond County Board approved appointments Tuesday night to the Shoal Creek Fire Protection District Board. Louis, Missouri, passed away Sunday, March 10, 2024, in Mercy Hospital in South County, St. WGEL - Jan 27, 2025. to 1 p. U. Sunday, December 29, 2024, at the Donnell – Wiegand Funeral Home in Greenville. She was appointed state’s attorney in late 2018, after serving 15 years as county assistant state’s attorney. He was born April 20, 1945, in Fosston, MN, a son of the Eleanor (Nee Stall) Cich of Duluth, MN and the late Reuben Mickelson. Jones was taken by Rural Med ambulance to Holy Family Hospital in Greenville for treatment. Tuesday in the courthouse. Lloyd Nicks was honored as one of the writers of the song “That’s My King,” which was recorded by CeCe Winans. Norman was The Bond County Community Unit 2 Board of Education passed a new tax levy last week for real estate taxes to be paid next year. Views Navigation Event Views Navigation Summary Month WGEL Radio – Greenville Illinois Source for News – Sports & The Best Country in the Country! Views Navigation Event Views Navigation Day Month Day Week Today. By. Steven Unterbrink of the Bond County Sheriff’s Department. Today’s featured Queen candidate is Payten Suzuki of Greenville. Jacob Rayl was WGEL Radio – Greenville Illinois Source for News – Sports & The Best Country in the Country! Views Navigation Event Views Navigation List Month Day Week Today. The 80th anniversary of the Normandy Invasion was recently Plans are underway for the 2024 Bond County Fourth Fest that will be held in downtown Greenville on Friday, July 5th and Saturday, July 6th, 2024. Today’s CEO spotlight shines on Megan Schewe and her business, Schewe's Sweets. Activities begin at 10:30 a. Thankfully much of the freezing rain ended up south of us. There are no races in While we did receive some much needed rain in the WGEL listening area early Thursday morning, that rain only totaled around . Friday Night Three races are on the Bond County ballot for county offices Tuesday. Alexis N. He was the head mechanic for the Bond County Community Unit #2 Schools from 1986-2009. Thousands of residents lost power Wednesday as the winter storm system hit the WGEL listening area. In the end, the Electoral Board ruled that candidates Lynn Ulmer and Grant Trudel will remain on the ballot for the April 1 election. Michael was a small-town boy with a big heart and an even bigger The polling places in Bond County will be open from 6 a. Interment will follow in Maxey Cemetery. Her parents are Doneva and Jason Klein. Marcoot Jersey Creamery of rural Greenville received some national recognition Tuesday morning on television. Born in Vandalia, Illinois, to Verne Edison Spratt and Lucille Gertrude Mahon, he grew up in Bond Ronny D. Items on the agenda include appointments to positions, and zoning and highway department reports. It goes into effect December 1. – 12:00 Noon at the Donnell – Wiegand National FFA Week is underway and students are celebrating in a variety of ways at Bond County Unit 2 High School. Items on the agenda are reports, a tax deed resolution, and the announcement of appointments to be made in the future. “Vicky” Mettler, 67, of New Douglas, IL, passed away on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at St. Joe was born October 5, 1940, in Smithboro, Illinois, the son of Homer J. Hair, 68, of Keyesport, passed away peacefully at her home on Saturday, January 18,2025, at 4:18 a. In December of 2022, the defendant pleaded guilty to charges of unlawful possession of fentanyl and After he was wounded and captured by Confederates during the Civil War, Colonel John B. Timmermann’s appointment was approved on a 5-0 vote of the board. Sybert told WGEL, after the ballots had been counted, that the election went well. Later he became an administrator, and after his retirement in 2004, served 12 years on the school board. Emily K. Memorials may be given at the visitation and funeral or mailed to: Bond County Shrine Club, PO Box 140, Pocahontas, IL 62275. Funeral 1:00 p. That does not include the bond and interest levy amount expected to be $1,894,105. She played a song on the violin. Donnell Bone and John Thomas Bone, was born on June 4, 1937, at Mark Greer Hospital WGEL is introducing this year’s candidates for Bond County Fair Queen and Junior Miss. He was an Illinois State Trooper for over 25 years. Tuesday’s election saw several races for township positions in Bond County. The changes necessitate that all individuals seeking BCMW services contact their Centralia office to schedule appointments. March 2025 Thu 13 March 13. Jack was 86 years old. He was a sheriff’s deputy in Bond County from 1981 to 1990. A Winter Storm Warning has been issued by the National Weather Service for the WGEL listening area. The celebration was held at Tom Doll Soccer Field in Greenville. 35 percent of the vote and Robert Kennedy Jr. Surveyors conducted a four-day evaluation of Bond County Hospice, which is performed every three years to ensure compliance with state and federal The Bond County Soil & Water Conservation District Annual meeting and election will be held today at noon at the Bradford Room in Greenville. McMoore, age 32 of Alton, was in Bond County Circuit Court November 14 and received a prison sentence in the Illinois Department of Corrections. Mark Ayers, Public Health Administrator at the Bond The Bond County Board and Highway Department Engineer Mike McCormick had planned to conduct a public forum on Tuesday, November 19 to allow citizens to make comments about a bridge project on the Red Ball Trail, north of Greenville. In addition to her parents, Lorene was preceded in death by her husband, Voters in Bond County are deciding in Tuesday's election if the county will be allowed to increase its sales tax by one cent per $1 of sales. It is Senior Citizens Day at the fair from 10 a. Growing up in Pleasant Mound, Judy spent as much time outdoors and surrounded by dogs as possible. The goal for the Roger C. Sunday January 19, 2025, at the Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home in Greenville. Chapter Head Coordinator Patti Brooks said 85% of the funds raised stays local, to help people with electric bills, groceries, and more. The levy was increased by 10 percent to $9,984,051. The Bond County business was part of the Celebrating Women’s History segment on the Third Hour of Today on NBC. No rain and cooler temperatures allowed those in attendance to enjoy the activities. Coordinator Emily Hartmann told us what to expect at the meeting. Treasurer Camp urges taxpayers to review their statements The Bond County Fair is a month away, and the 2024 fair books are now available at businesses in the county. It is north of Greenville, along Illinois Rt. Both the Bond County Sheriff’s Department and Greenville Police responded to Jesse W. 1 percent. He later started a career as an over the road truck driver for most of Lois June Peterson, age 91 of Greenville, passed away Christmas afternoon, December 25, 2024, at Hickory Estates in Greenville. Mickelson (nee Larsen) in October of 1987 in Duluth, MN Obituaries; Community Center. Both the Bond County Sheriff’s Department and Greenville Police Department report numerous vehicles slid off of roadways and many got Friday, August 6, is the second day of the bond County Fair. LaVerne Robert “Butch” Willeford, age 83 of Greenville, Illinois passed away on December 6, 2024. Butch was born on December 31, 1940 in Highland, Illinois to Thomas Willeford and Bernice (Meyer) Willeford. For those who desire memorials in Randy’s memory WGEL Radio – Greenville Illinois Source for News – Sports & The Best Country in the Country! This Week’s Bond County Senior Center Activities. Private interment will be in Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, St. The board approved giving Susan File a four-year term on the Zoning Board. 93 were collected during the campaign. She replaces Emily Hartmann, who recently resigned. The Class 1 Lorena I. He replaces Bernard Myers, who was chairman the past two years. She was born Sandra Jo Schrumpf on August 19, 1945, to John and Katy Schrumpf in Tupelo, Mississippi. Twenty-two were owner-surrendered dogs and 30 owner-surrendered cats. Jason M. Eight candidates sought four Mulberry Grove Township trustee positions. He received 71. Click below to hear from Hannah: The Bond WGEL is introducing this year’s candidates for Bond County Fair Queen and Junior Miss. There are just two local races, both on the Republican ballot. Candidates are Randall Blankenship and Kenneth Carver. He is being held in the Bond County Jail. m. County Clerk Meg Sybert reported there are 17 Victoria L. to 7 p. After his retirement, he drove a Phyllis Libsack, age 86 of Greenville, passed away Thursday, October 31, 2024, at HSHS St. Warren Evans The Bond County Historical Society recently announced their application nominating the digitization of The Greenville Advocate was accepted by the Illinois Newspaper Project (INP) advisory board for the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) digitization grant. In the only county race, that for the Bond County Board District 4 seat, incumbent Democrat Wes Pourchot ended up defeating Republican Thomas Qualls by 10 votes, 735 to 725. She told WGEL she is happy to be here. The budget has a deficit of $423,534 in the general fund, and the overall budget deficit, including all funds, is $406,574. We are located in Greenville Illinois and serve Bond and surrounding counties with news about Greenville Illinois, sports, and the best country music in the country! You'll find breaking local news stories below. and A fatal three-vehicle accident had Rt. Madi Bone of Sorento sang a song and received second place. In addition, Brett Kunkel and Gerald Knight received three-year terms set to expire on April 30, 2028. Recent Obituaries. Funeral 2:00 p. Memorial contributions may be given at the visitation and funeral or mailed to the First Church of Christ, PO Box 88, Mulberry Grove, IL 62262, and/or Bond WGEL Radio – Greenville Illinois Source for News – Sports & The Best Country in the Country! The Bond County tax bills will be in property owners hands soon. It is for the Bond County Board position in District 4. She was born on July 6, 1935, in East St. The defendant was sentenced to two years in IDOC, and upon completing the time, will be on The canvassing of the Bond County votes for the November 5 election has been completed by County Clerk Meg Sybert. She was the daughter of David Dewitt and Mary (File) Adcock and was born on October 26, 1935, at the family’s home in Bond County, Illinois. The crash is still being investigated by the Bond County Animal Control Officer Jim Hess has issued a report on activities for the year 2024. He went on to work a variety of jobs after high school, with the most recent being a tree trimmer. and Betty (Mansholt) Joseph La Verne Rench, age 84, of rural Greenville, passed away peacefully at home on December 14, 2024, surrounded by family. Click below to hear a message from Jaclyn: One of the junior miss candidates is Hannah Doll from Pocahontas. Community Calendar; Salute To Service; Community Partners; Greenville FFA Corner; Advertise! Contests; This Week’s Bond County Senior Center Activities. A lifelong farmer and devoted family man Charles left a lasting impact on everyone fortunate enough to know him. Brooks has a long history of service to his community that stared in 1979 as a dispatcher and corrections officer in Bond County. Queen Maggie told WGEL’s Jeff Leidel she knew she would be busy Rebecca Lynn ‘Becky’ Diesselhorst, a lifelong resident of Bond County, passed away on Saturday, October 26, 2024, at the age of 68. Auburn Cemetery. Monday, April 29, 2024, at the Donnell - Wiegand Funeral Home with Darryl Bolen officiating. All others were strays. They were Today’s CEO spotlight shines on Megan Mollett and her business, Megan's Mobile Meats. The main attraction at the grandstand will be the Little Miss Pageant and Fair Talent Show at 6 p. at the Donnell – Wiegand Funeral Home in Greenville. Louis reports 6 to 10 inches of snow and sleet for much of the WGEL listening area. Leitschuh told Bond County Treasurer Colleen Camp has provided WGEL with an update about property tax bills for 2024. – 4:00 p. A memorial service will be held at Donnell – Wiegand Funeral Home on March 22, 2025, from 10am until 2pm. The family will receive friends from 4 until 7 p. She was a member of the Bond County Fair Board and Bond County Extension. Louis, MO, the second child of Robert G. At its meeting Tuesday night, the Bond County Board accepted the resignation of Cheryl Marchello as the PCOM for Bond County Transit. Born in Vandalia, IL, to Dale and Bessie (DeVall) Litzenberg, Becky lived a life filled with love, laughter, and generosity. The best country in the country. Margaret grew up in Harvester, MO and The State of Illinois requires every transit system that receives state funds to have a position known as a Program Compliance and Oversight Monitor or PCOM. A special meeting has been set for Monday, November 25 at 2 p. The three-day Antique Farm Machinery Expo begins today at noon. The current proposed budget for fiscal year 2025 Bond County Clerk Meg Sybert has received three more certificates of ballot from villages for the April 1, 2025, election. Reid’s sword was taken by the enemy. Today’s featured queen candidate is 16 year old Laia Klein, of Greenville. They shared 50 years together. in the Bond County Courthouse. Mayfield Patricia was born February 28, 1938, in Vandalia, Illinois. 9445 for 2024 taxes payable in 2025. 143 in Bond County for several hours Friday afternoon. He worked for Thorton’s Dodge City in Greenville from 1971-1974. County Highway Engineer Mike McCormick reported the project on the North Pokey Road will be 100 percent funded with state and federal funds. WGEL - Oct 1, 2024. WGEL will have election results tonight. Elizabeth’s Hospital in O'Fallon, IL. Thursday, January 30, 2025 at the Donnell-Wiegand Funeral Home with Pastor Gary Loeffler officiating. He then worked for the Embry’s as private security for a number of years. A Bond County deputy identified the driver of the Hummer vehicle as Theresa Noble, age 51, of St. Refresh. com News for Greenville and Bond County. Bond County Coroner Tony Brooks has identified the man killed in the accident as 63 year old Robert L. Maggie was named fair queen during the 2023 pageant, and crowned as Junior Miss that same night was her cousin, Olivia Goodson. Candidates include Tom Qualls for Bond County Board District 4, Bernard “Butch” Myers for Bond County Board District 2, Randi Workman for Bond County Circuit Clerk, and Charlie Meier for Illinois state Norman Lee Micnheimer, age 78, of Old Ripley, Illinois, passed away peacefully at home, surrounded by family, Monday, March 3, 2025. Rathbone, age 25, of Greenville, was arrested for aggravated discharge of a firearm. In addition, Camp reported the deadline to pay mobile home taxes is Friday, September 27. at the show barn. She's good with kids and would love to become part of your family! To find out more about adopting Mandy, call the Bond County Humane Society at 664-4068 or visit them online here: WGEL is introducing this year’s candidates for Bond County Fair Queen and Junior Miss. Visitation will be at the funeral home A two-vehicle traffic accident injured two people Saturday afternoon near Royal Lake in Bond County. Denny attended and graduated from Ranken Trade School 1971-1972. Deputy Barnes joined the Sheriff's department in 2012 and has also worked part time at the Greenville Police Department. Private graveside funeral services for Monnie will be held Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at Sunnyside Cemetery in Sorento, Illinois. WGEL Radio – Greenville Illinois Source for News – Sports & The Best Country in the Country! Home; News; Sports; Obituaries; Bond County CEO Spotlight: Stojeba Snacks International. Greenville Police received the report around 4:15 PM. The winter storm hitting the area today, has closed both Unit 1 and Unit 2 Schools in Bond County. The county is offering approximately 27 items for sale through a sealed bid auction process. There are two six-year terms to be filled on the ROE District Number Three Board, which includes Bond, Fayette, Montgomery, Effingham and Christian counties. for the Tuesday, November 5 general election. 64 percent of the registered voters cast ballots. One of our main topics of discussion was some of the many new additions to this year’s fair lineup. 0 events found. Masonic Rites at 2pm and internment at Brown Cemetery to follow. She graduated from Greenville High School with the Class of 1974 Margaret LeAnne (Fischer) Betts, aged 76, passed away on November 2, 2024, at her home, surrounded by her loving family, after a long battle with cancer. Memorial contributions may be given during the visitation and funeral or mailed to the Bond County Hospice, 1520 S. Gouge has a 27 year career in law enforcement including 23 years with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and 2 years as Greenville University Campus safety officer. Supervisor of Assessments Georgia Shank explains the notices and how changes occurred. The carnival hours will be 6 to 9:30 p. Listen to Brad Kessinger talk about the department, the recent department awards and how training works for new volunteer. The defendant pleaded guilty in BCMW Community Services, serving individuals, families and children in Bond, Clinton, Marion and Washington counties, has announced some temporary staffing changes at the Bond County office. All local fire departments are in need of new volunteers. , at the Milk House in Greenville. Students attended the First Christian Church as a group and enjoyed lunch together before stopping by WGEL for our Public Affairs program Sunday. Susan Marie Hawkins Coyle, age 65 of Brighton, Illinois, passed away at her home Tuesday, October 29, 2024. The coroner said the incident is believed to have occurred between Additional information has been obtained by WGEL pertaining to a train-SUV crash that occurred Saturday, February 17. The show is Wednesday, May 3 from 5 to 8 PM at the Milk House in Greenville. Willis, age 18, of Illinois Rt. Bond County Circuit Clerk Meg Sybert said the increases are allowed under state statute. It will be a festive night to conclude the fair, as the big parade starts at 7 p. Today’s CEO spotlight shines on Dalani White and her business, Serenity. Norma Jean, daughter of Walter and Helen Elam of Keyesport, was born February 14, 1928, in Edwardsville. Sunday, November 17 in the Greenville Free Methodist Church. 4 th Street, Greenville, IL 62246. In Pocahontas, five persons are running for three four-year trustee terms. Early voting continues, through November 4, at the county Dale attended and graduated from the Illinois State Police Academy in 1958. WGEL - Jun 8, 2023. He spoke to the board Tuesday night about the project and reported he will have The Pocahontas American Legion will hold a memorial service at the Pocahontas Veterans’ Monument on the square at 11:00 a. In LGarange Township, two candidates are seeking the precinct committeeperson position. Incumbent Doug The Bond County Salvation Army bell-ringing campaign for 2024 is history. Katie Gullo is the director of the nursery and talked to WGEL about the group. I Lorene M. Friday, March 15, 2024, at the Donnell – Wiegand Funeral Home in Greenville. Consider serving your community A traffic crash involving a train and Hummer SUV occurred Saturday afternoon in Bond County, resulting in injuries to the four occupants of the SUV. Jerry was one of the last great Bond County Realtors, with Paul Bunyard, Mary Martin, Chet Shank. Judy was born December 26, 1940, to Guy Charles “Charlie” Chasey and Dorothy Irene Pigg (maiden) Chasey of Pleasant Mound, IL. He married Jackie Hempen, on September 21, 1974, in Carlyle, IL. The question on the ballot is “To pay for public safety WGEL Radio – Greenville Illinois Source for News – Sports & The Best Country in the Country! Obituaries; Community Center. The objections were filed by Park District Board Jane-Ellen Kaegy, age 90, of Greenville passed away Friday morning, October 18, 2024, at Greenville Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Our Lewis & Clark Affiliate was established in 1990 and has Obituaries; Community Center. Tom Kennedy - May 31, 2023. They are Emma Ketten, Gracie Lindley, Jaclyn Robertson, Madison Roy, Payten Suzuki and Carli Timmermann. Funeral services will be held 2:00 p. “We will share information regarding activities we’ve been involved with as far as education outreach March's Community Partner is the Greenville Fire Protection District and the Fire Department Auxiliary. Views Navigation The 2025 Grammy Awards were held on Sunday and a Greenville University graduate was among the winners. Ron Jarrett was reappointed to the Bond County Zoning Board of Appeals for a four-year term. Visitation from 9 to 11 AM on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at Lesicko Funeral Home in Livingston, IL, funeral services at 11 AM on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at Lesicko Funeral Home in Livingston, IL, Habitat for Humanity Nationally Habitat for Humanity (HFH) is a nonprofit organization founded by Millard and Linda Fuller in 1976. The event features free music performances, a carnival, fireworks, food, and drinks. Visitation will be from 12 Noon until service time on Sunday. High winds, wet heavy snow of up to 6-8 inches will fall in Bond and surrounding counties. Junior A sword that belonged to a Civil War colonel from Bond County was appraised on an episode of PBS’s “Antiques Roadshow” earlier this week. Incumbent Democrat Wes Pourchot is opposed by Republican Thomas G. The October 1 hearing was for a proposal on 25 acres owned by Gerald McCray. Curtis "Smokey" Stover. Chief of Police Bryan Waugh reported Charles A. 2025-03-15 Mar 15, 2025 Select date. with the Dairy Show. The board hired Mallori Harris as an individual paraprofessional at Bond County Fire Chiefs announced late Monday morning that the burn ban that has been in effect is now lifted, thanks to some rain over the weekend and Monday. When her family moved back to Bond County Sandy attended Pocahontas Elementary. A year later I went on to become a full time Deputy in May of 2016. WGEL - Jan 27, 2025 Donna L. Driving the GMC Sierra unit was Alexa Rodriguez, age 25 of Panama. Forms are available at BCMW, Bond County Food Pantry and Bond County Senior Center in Greenville; the Greenville Police Department, and the village halls in Mulberry A Greenville man was arrested Friday afternoon in connection with a shooting incident that occurred last Wednesday morning. Power outages inside Greenville mostly lasted around 3 hours, but some residents in the county were still without power well into the evening. In 2019, the Leibolds found their perfect slice of heaven in rural Bond County and established roots there. Michael was born October 22, 1954, in Litchfield, Illinois, the son of Eldon and Dorothy (Joplin) Davis. Louis, IL, to Harry and Ethel (nee Schmitz) Schmieg. It will be at 3 p. Welcome to the WGEL FM 101. WGEL is introducing this year’s candidates for Bond County Fair Queen and Junior Miss. Click below to hear her comments: A total of 8,075 ballots were cast out of the Mary Elizabeth (Adcock) Craig of Aviston, IL, passed away at Greenville Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Greenville, IL, on October 28, 2024, after a brief stay. Barnes also graduated from Greenville University in 1999. Bring your own lawn chairs if desired. She requests that residents either vote the ballots and send them in or return the unused ballots. She was born on November 12, 1947, in St. Friday, and the national country music group Shenandoah on The family asks that donations be made to the First Church of Christ, Mulberry Grove and/or Bond County Hospice, in lieu of flowers, plants, and other gifts. She said the county is way ahead of schedule and she hopes tax statements will be out by the middle of June. The Mulberry Grove American Legion firing squad will also be in attendance on the Pocahontas square. Passengers included Tina Pulley, age 54 of Granite City, and Danielle Pruett, 34, of Bond County Museum: Home of Bond County Historical Society. Bond County Resident Judge Christopher Bauer was successful, receiving a 78. Today’s Salute to Service is Bond County Coroner Tony Brooks. There were 153 dogs and 114 cats impounded at the local shelter. Be sure to check out the CEO Trade Show on Wednesday, May 1, from 5 to 8 PM at the Milk House in Greenville! Click below to hear more: After his military service, Roger worked at Genre’s in Greenville, IL and many remember him as “the best dressed man in Bond County” in the 70’s. The INP has selected the time frame of 1858 Michael Frank Davis, 69, of Sorento, passed away on October 12, 2024, at his residence. The sword is owned by a descendent of Colonel John B. 127 and Hazel Dell Road. The equalization factor is determined each year by comparing the sale prices of individual properties sold over the past three years WGEL is introducing this year’s candidates for Bond County Fair Queen and Junior Miss. Clapper, age 40, entered guilty pleas to unlawful methamphetamine possession and driving while license revoked charges, stemming back to June 2 of last year. Bone, age 19, of Greenville recently admitted in Bond County Circuit Court to the violation of an order of probation. Sunday, November 3, 2024, at the Donnell – Wiegand Funeral Home in Greenville. 49 to assist Bond County residents for the next year. Thursday, January 30, 2025 at the Bond County, IL Obituaries. She was pronounced dead at the scene Elmer H. Louis, Missouri. 4 percent approval rating from voters in Bond and Madison Geraldine “Gerry” F. “They were addressed to the Jane E. Jeffrey “Todd” Ambuehl, age 54 of Greenville, passed away at his home Monday, February 10, 2025. Be sure to check out the CEO Trade Show on Wednesday, May 1, from 5 to 8 PM at the Milk House in Greenville! Click below to hear more: The Bond County Board received good news at its meeting last week regarding a road project. I have been a Deputy with the Sheriffs Office since April of 2015 when I started part time as a Deputy. Payment deadlines are July 25 for the first installment and September 25 for the second installment. had 2. John’s Hospital in Springfield, IL. Unofficial totals were 734 votes for Pourchot and 725 votes for Republican Thomas G. “About two weeks before Valentine’s Day we started receiving cards coming from all over the country,” said Oestreich. 7 Web Site. Leroy was born May 25, 1955, in Highland, Illinois, the son of Lester and Lois (Wise) Kleiner. Fifteen percent goes to the St. He Bond County Clerk Meg Sybert has received several more certificates of ballot from towns, school districts and townships for the April 1 consolidated election. The Bond County Historical Society works to keep our local history alive and preserved, not at the Bond County Museum but by hosting local history events and other opportunities to learn. He was born September 13, 1937, in Bartelso, a son of the late Anton and Wilhelmina (nee Pingsterhaus) Loepker. Lowell Thomas Bone, the son of Clara M. Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Bond County, Illinois. Rehkemper, age 86, of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in O’Fallon, Illinois. Qualls. 3 inches. and Sandra Cunningham, Michael grew up in Bond county, attending school in Mulberry Grove. Elmer married Kathryn “Katie” Toennies on November Maggie Goodson’s year as Miss Bond County Fair will come to an end Monday night when a new queen is crowned. It has obtained grants and is planning to be located in the downtown Greenville area. Browse Greenville local obituaries on Legacy. Illinois State Police investigated the crash which occurred about 4:30 WGEL Radio – Greenville Illinois Source for News – Sports & The Best Country in the Country! Obituaries; Community Center. Sandra Jo Phillips passed away on April 4, 2023. Funeral 12:00 Noon Saturday, October 26, 2024, at the Donnell – Wiegand Funeral Home in Greenville. The collision occurred at a railroad crossing on Ski Club Road, north of Greenville, near East Lake Drive, about 1:40 p. Hours for Jerry sold every house at least twice, maybe three times, over his 58-year career in real estate. Bell pleaded guilty to domestic battery, enhanced offense, which occurred on February 24, 2023. She grew up around the Shafter, Illinois area and at 18 she moved to . Local historian Kevin Kaegy told WGEL Colonel Reid was the highest ranking officer in the Civil War to hail from Jay was an integral part of the Bond County Unit 2 School district nearly his entire life, first as a student and an athlete, then as a teacher. Views Navigation Event Views Navigation Summary The November 5 general election is less than two weeks away. Thank you to Deputy Bond County CEO established in the fall of 2017, with the support of local business community partners and area schools to create experiential learning opportunities for students. Woolford, age 34, of Greenville , appeared in Bond County Circuit Court last month and was sentenced to time in the Illinois Department of Corrections. Saturday. She was born February 1, 1939, in St. He was The 2024 edition of the Bond County Fair wraps up Tuesday, August 6. His dedication to education, to BCCU # 2, and to the students was It was a slick start to the week throughout the WGEL listening area and beyond as a layer of ice coated all surfaces, leading to treacherous traveling conditions and the closing of several businesses, schools, and other agencies. Originally it was thought the county would have to provide $300,000 in matching Leroy Wise Kleiner, 69, of Greenville, Illinois, passed away on October 14, 2024, at his residence. and Audrey A. Click below to hear a message from her: One of the junior miss candidates is Abigail Clark from Greenville. Bell of Greenville received a sentence to the Illinois Department of Corrections. were given terms that will expire April 30, 2026. The crash occurred Friday, August 2 is day two if the Bond County Fair in Greenville. The Bond County Health Department hosted the KidneyMobile last summer and provided services to 63 county residents. Views Navigation Event Views Navigation Summary Month Randy Hamel, age 67 of north of Greenville, passed away at 8:02 p. The board wants to meet with department heads to go over the budget figures. View local obituaries in Bond County, Illinois. The Greenville AMVETS Post 140 will hold Obituaries; Community Center. Community Calendar; Salute To Service; Community Partners; Greenville FFA Corner; Advertise! Contests; Veteran 2 Veteran Of Bond County. Deputy Cody Donaldson Bond County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Cody Donaldson. They needed a minimum 60 percent approval rate to receive new six-year terms. Be sure to check out the CEO Trade Show on Wednesday, May 1, from 5 to 8 PM at the Milk House in Greenville! WGEL Radio – Greenville Illinois Source for News – Sports & The Best Country in the Country! Home; News; Sports; Obituaries; Bond The Bond County Board made appointments to two boards at its meeting on January 7. One of the candidates for Junior Miss is Zoey Marie Ivey of Sorento. It’s been four years since the In their most recent regular meeting, the Bond County Board of Health heard key updates, including the results of a recent review by the Illinois Department of Public Health. The budget was passed on a 3-1 vote. Bell of Edwardsville has been on the job about a month. Snow is expected to come to The Bond County Board conducted a hearing on a solar farm proposal earlier this month and another hearing on a different one will be held Tuesday at 6 p. The first official event of the day will be the 4-H beef show at 10 a. Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one. Any open burning including, but not limited to, Trash Barrels, Brush/Leaf Piles, and Fireworks are currently prohibited. Today’s featured queen candidate is Gracie Lindley of Greenville. Nicks, an East St. More rain is expected early next week and Judith “Judy” Ann Zbinden passed, surrounded by her family, on November 22, 2024. The Bond County Unit 2 School District has released the following statement regarding this weekend's It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Michael Kent Reidelberger, affectionately known as Quincy, 74, who passed away on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at home with his loved ones by his side. Deputy Nicoson is a 2005 graduate from Greenville High School, and served in the Army from 2005-2009. The Bond County Board will meet Tuesday, March 4 at 7 p. McCormick told WGEL Radio the public forum part has been cancelled for now. Community Calendar; Salute To Service; Community Partners; Greenville FFA Corner; Advertise! Contests; Bond County Food Pantry. A rural Greenville man died in an accident that occurred on his property Friday evening. She's almost 8 months old and love playing with other kittens. Charles was born February 13, 1950, in Vandalia, Illinois to Charles E. 127 closed near Rt. Today’s featured Queen candidate is Carli Timmermann of Keyesport. Rose, passed away Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at Stillwater Senior Living in Edwardsville. The winners Michael D. The Bond County Senior Center sponsors the event at the VFW Post #1377 in Greenville, for those 60 and older. Unterbrink said, as I approach 29 years of WGEL Radio – Greenville Illinois Source for News – Sports & The Best Country in the Country! News; Sports; Obituaries; Community Center. Sunday. , surrounded by her loving husband and children. Be sure to check out the CEO Trade Show on Wednesday, May 1, from 5 to 8 PM at the Milk House in Greenville! Click below to hear more: Today we salute Bond County Deputy Douglas Nicoson. Amanda Wilkie filed the objection on November 30. Deputy Nicoson joined the Sheriff’s Department in 2014. Click below to hear from Payten: One of the Junior Miss candidates is Paetin Holtgrave of Greenville. Local residents can help the chapter by donating money and/or volunteering to ring bells at the kettles. Click below to hear from Maci: Click The Illinois Department of Revenue has announced that Bond County’s tentative property assessment equalization factor, or multiplier, has been set at 0. None of that would be The family welcomes friends at the First Christian Church Family Life Center Sunday, December 22, 2024, from 2:00 p. They are Angel Briggs, Molly Devall, Nova Evans, Maris Goldsmith, Berkley McNece, Mila May Neathery, Eleanor Larry E. Be sure to check out the CEO Trade Show on Wednesday, May 1, from 5 to 8 PM at the Milk House in Greenville! Click below to hear more: A special musical event is planned to kick off the 2024 Bond County Salvation Army bell ringing campaign. After the votes were counted Tuesday night at the Bond County Clerk’s office, incumbent Democrat Wes Pourchot had the most votes for the Bond County Board District 4 seat. All changes go into effect on January 2, 2025. Visitation will be held Friday Marlene also served her community through the Bond County Home Extension Board – working many years in the food stand at the Bond County Fair. Democrat Incumbent Dora Mann is seeking election to the position of state’s attorney. Augustine, 89, of Highland, IL, passed away Sunday, November 10, 2024, peacefully at her home surrounded by her loving family. Re-elected were Dora Mann as state’s attorney, Georgia Shank as supervisor of assessments, Randi Workman as circuit clerk and Anthony Interment will follow in Mt. Now Now - 2025-03-14 March 14 Select date. The 2022 Bond County Fair ends today with a couple of big events tonight. Democrat Kamala Harris received 26. Transported to a hospital for treatment of injuries were the drivers, John E. Bond County Clerk Meg Sybert advised 77. Bond County voters overwhelmingly supported Republican Donald Trump. The board was reorganized Tuesday and Chris Timmermann was selected as the new chairman. Leidner, age 82 of St. Events start at 9 a. More than a business course, CEO allows students to learn from local business leaders and develop workforce skills of problem solving, team work, A Madison, Illinois man was recently sentenced to time in the Bond County Jail after he pleaded guilty to multiple criminal charges in Bond County Circuit Court. According to Treasurer Camp, she is looking at a first installment payment deadline of somewhere near In Bond County Circuit Court last month, Kevin D. Miraculously, Reid survived a bullet through the lung to return to Greenville after the war, where grateful Bond County residents purchased Reid a new sword. and will remain open until 7 p. Roger married Mary L. She then attended junior high and high school in Greenville where John Valentine’s Day may be over, but Anna Oestreich, Director of the Bond County Senior Center, says the folks at the center are still puzzled by a Valentine’s mystery. Denny then worked for Wade Ford from 1975 – 1986. Chapter Head Coordinator Patti Brooks reports that $23,482. K9 Muki is trained in narcotics, human tracking and apprehension. The family requests that memorials be given to the Bond County Shrine Club, in lieu of flowers, plants, and other gifts, as the Shriners were a very important part of Walter’s life. The family has entrusted Assalley-Young Funeral Home in The National Kidney Foundation’s KidneyMobile is in Greenville today. The transit The Bond County Salvation Army bell ringing campaign is underway. Search for all of today's most recent Greenville Obituaries from Local Newspapers and Funeral Homes in Greenville, Illinois. Auburn Cemetery with full military honors by the Bond County Veterans. WGEL-Mar 14, 2025. Community Calendar; Salute To Service; Community Partners; Greenville FFA Corner; Advertise! Contests; Bond County Recovery Council Laundry Day. Memorials are requested to Bond Sleet and snow caused long lasting power outages in Bond County. Interment will be in Waite Cemetery, rural Bond County. - 7:00 p. Of those 63, 50 were referred to their doctor with potential kidney issues. Mary Elnora Hamel, age 92 of Greenville, passed away Tuesday evening, April 23, 2024, at Greenville Nursing and Rehab, Greenville, Illinois. Fifteen girls will participate in the pageant. His career started with the Illinois Department of Corrections, where he worked for 4 years. A devoted stay-at-home mom, she raised her two sons with love and instilled in them her values of WGEL Radio – Greenville Illinois Source for News – Sports & The Best Country in the Country! Contests; WGEL Daily Page “Hello, Dolly!” At GHS Postponed Tonight, Two Shows Set For Saturday. omhxvyufzfwocbbuqszdsdcdtnvmglyyjfvwiflbzfrthotrvqfsogahqzwdqfmgnwpvnwok
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