Conan exiles fps drops. He is also experiencing audio problems when the FPS drops.

Conan exiles fps drops. rain gives sick fps drop, and in .

  • Conan exiles fps drops I haven’t bought Conan Exiles yet but already claimed some Twitch Drops. : around Xel-ha) there is a consistent, noticeable drop in framerates compared to the rest of the biomes. The only problem is that im experiencing massive fps drops and it happens realy frequently. There are 19 ways to boost your performance in Conan Exiles. Anybody have any idea how to improve this? Once you do that, click the "Add" button at the top next to the drop down box, and that should Save the profile for Conan Exiles! 3. Everywhere else in the game has been 90 to 100+ FPS. ini by navigating to C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor This did nothing to improve performance, if anything it made it worse. Is the problem with my radeon rx 560 graphic card or with the game? no man sky and teso never had See full list on windowsreport. I've tried adjusting my graphics settings all the way down to low, but nothing seems to get rid of these fps drops. My fix is to restart computer. As I said, it started roughly 3-4 patches ago, and the game has been almost unplayable for me, due to those drops. I thought I'd run this game max out set to 75fps but I was mistaken :/ Can someone save me Mar 5, 2023 · i've been experiencing fps drops on conan alot recently around set city and any active npc camps i have a rrtx 3070 ti and a i7 10700f cpu my normal fps is 60 but when near active areas my fps drops to the low 40s and I only run 1440p at high settings any advice I downloaded conan on my ps4 a few days ago and have been having fun. 20 ghz MSI laptop Nvidia GTX 970M 16 GB I capped the frarmerate at 30 fps, and modified nvidia prerendered frames to 1 as well as did the -notexturestreaming option at launch with this setup, it doesnt stutter as much as 60 fps and uncapped But my system can handle ultra Mar 4, 2017 · Hier kann bei dem ein oder anderen auch ein FPS Problem verschwinden. 37 minutes in the video. The drop is immediate. We refactored this system… In this video I am going to show How to FIX Conan Exiles Low FPS Drops | FPS BOOSTPC/Laptops | Windows 11/10/8/7DirectX: https://www. So it may be the max fps available on server 1920x1080 rez, all settings are whatever Nvidia's GeForce Experience recommends for my config for Conan Exiles. Ryzen 1600X no oc atm RX 5700 no oc 16GB DDR4 Ram 3000Mhz Installed on Nvme SSD Dec 14, 2023 · Hello Support, there are massive FPS drops and performance issues in Conan Exiles. Examples: elephant follower, monsters in the frost lake area, creature inside the volcano. Jun 4, 2022 · I’m experiencing random frame drops even on idle ( drops to 4-15 fps every 10s and the goes back to 50-60) I noticed that my CPU and GPU waver around 20% of usage. I am using Conan exiles devkit. If you get into an area where a lot of NPCs engage, you'll notice a drop as well. I go from 95fps on ultra, to 0 for Jul 13, 2020 · Playing on a very good computer, 32GB Ram, 2070 Super, 3700x and a 1TB M. I have i9-10900F RTX 3070 32gb RAM I don't think it's my PC. Simply Visit Control Panel and begin to un-install un-necessary software which is hogging your Hard Drive Space. PC how to fix Conan Exiles fps drop,how to fix Conan Exiles fps drop ps4,how to fix Conan Exiles fps drop ps5,how to fix Conan Exiles fps drop pc,how to fix Feb 20, 2022 · Conan Exiles. Yes, of course you'll still see fps fluctuations just like any game, but those huge drops went away I'm not going to calculate how big it needs to be to get a performance drop for you. PC Bug Reports. A guy I know whom makes mods on a god-tier PC told me that 'cinematic' settings settings make even his performance drop considerably. Jun 12, 2023 · I've take 80 or 90 fps while ı was playing but suddenly something happen my game has been locked and I've got 1 fps after than I've started to take 80 fps and my game going to dead all over again how I can fix this stupid fps drop Dec 20, 2021 · Recently (2 days ago) tried to start playing the game again. To earn Twitch Drops, you must watch streamers that stream Conan Exiles and have enabled Twitch Drops. I really wanted to know about game optimization on PS4. FPS drops, stuttering, freezing and this settings are helping. Feb 2, 2017 · wondering what is going on here, it takes forever to load into the game and get random fps drops and my character still runs freezes from anywhere from 5 - 10 seconds and my character is somewhere new, also this game seems to take alot of my memory up see below for pictures. For some reason, even on the lowest settings possible (even tried the low end laptop option), I start with 60fps but CONSTANTLY stutter into . Progressively gets worse as time goes on before a relaunch. It doesn't matter what settings, I only get 10-20 fps from anything from Ultra settings down to laptop mode. I then changed the drivers and then Windows 10. When I farm Set City for thralls, I'll be chased by 15 or so and see the FPS drop. Even when running smooth, character and animations looks laggy, my character Anyone else have problems with constant stuttering and constant 50-55 fps? I have everything on lowest, temps are usually 80c/2200rpm, and 93% gpu usage. Made combat near impossible. Does somebody have any idea what it could be. Now it seems if I do nearly anything, itll drop down to 25fps. Although that mod fixed that FPS issue I was doing Black Galleon earlier for the alchemical compound and my FPS dropped like a rock anytime I got near that thing. At a very specific point on the map, in the middle of the mountains that lead to the NW area (6E & 7E), my framerate drops to 4-5. (translated through a translator, sorry for the mistakes) Oct 30, 2024 · Hallo liebe Leute, ich hoffe es könnte mir hier jemand weiter helfen. And here and there some weird flickering on character models and some objects like crates etc. Einstellungen im Spiel: Auch hier kann man ein paar FPS holen und das ganze ohne große Einbußen auf die Qualität. Jan 8, 2021 · I'm playing in singleplayer/co-op and the stuttering is unbearable. You can usually see whether a streamer has Twitch Drops active at the top of the chat box. Mar 18, 2019 · FPS drops crazy while I'm in my base. I play on a Dell Inspiron 15 7567 gaming laptop. Had perfect framerate(30 odd), but one step closer and it drops to 1-2 fps. Artasan September 21 Mar 3, 2023 · Conan Exiles. what the hell did they do with the update? The whole game is unstable. I get 250 FPS playing solo on max settings. Ive already set it on performance mode in the setting and it only helped slightly. Specs - RTX 3080 AMD Ryzen 9 5900 3. Jun 15, 2020 · This can massively reduce FPS drops for people whose game, client-side, has chosen, for whatever bizarre reason, to run on an integrated card or even focus on CPU usage. i play it solo (singleplayer) Both single player and my private server have the same framerate issue, removing all mods gave me another 5-10 fps, but CPU/GPU usage stayed below 50% with sub 60fps in my base where the biggest drops are, there are bunch of thralls, wall etc, but even if I leave the render distance of the base, the utilization doesn't go over that 50% with fps around 100. But there is problem for so many players. I run the server off the same pc as we play on. It drops from 140 to 20 ish than back up. Then I try the same thing on higher settings, and the result is identical, for what reason? The weakness of the computer is immediately dismissed, I hope for an answer. Today, I stell get those fps, but every 2 seconds it drops down to 60 and instantly back up to 80-100, which results in a mini lag every 2 seconds. I may have to uninstall and refund it. specs are 970 gtx and a i7-4770k graphics card are updated with 8GB Sep 21, 2023 · Massive fps drop after last update (official, pve, #6422) Conan Exiles. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! rain gives sick fps drop, and in A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! I have annoying fps drops and kind I had to download a mod that disabled the rain to fix this. Ich habe schon gegoogelt aber nichts dazu gefunden. Mar 14, 2023 · Conan Exiles Ps4: Single Player PvE Fps issues Unrendered landscape Invisible characters/Followers. But, in the jungle, I am frequently getting drops when walking around, sometimes down to 45-50. Your PC is pretty decent and very modern. Having mods makes the issue worse, but no single mod seems to be the culprit. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! Jan 2, 2019 · If someone play Conan long time and like this game, he dont wont play with low settings, thats normal, for me too. Today it fell again to 9 fps. Is anyone So that being said it'll run better for sure and you can build alot till the fps eventually dips. I'm 95 hours in and yea so far feels it runs fairly well. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Anyone know why i'm getting fps drops I have a 1080ti with a Jan 29, 2020 · Select Conan exiles from the drop-down list. What's wrong with the game? I used to play on a GTX 960 years ago and the performance was never this bad. I have checked intergrity of my files too and they are ok. Sichtweite und 2. 5 Ghz Intel core i5-7300HQ processor, 16 gb ram, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (notebook). To note, this often shoots up how much the graphics card is utilized in 3D rendering--it's not uncommon, especially when running many mods, to see it in the 90+ percentage range. Maybe because they have a But then it'd hit every now and then in camps, nothing huge, but a 2-5 second FPS drop of 50% and then it'd restore. When I played on my GTX 1080 PC I got about 50 FPS. Radeon 390x, ryzen 1800x, 16gb ram, windows10 Feb 2, 2025 · I play on a good laptop (chevalry 2 without lags), I play conan on low settings, and when approaching the NPC camp, the fps drops to 5-8. The only thing we’ve noticed thus far This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. Certain times of day, namely dusk and dawn cause me to dip into mid 50s. dont have hardly anything running in the background. Sep 2, 2022 @ 2:48pm NEED HELP, massive FPS drop after game crash. It isn't just thralls. g. Normally it runs at 90+. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews and looks down to the new 2 islands, i get huuuge fps drops. If you're interested in the game, play it and see for yourself. I have a 4790k running at 5ghz O/C with 980Ti. Apr 19, 2019 · Game mode: Single-player Type of issue: Performance Server type: PvE Region: US, Single-player i7-6700K, GTX 1080, 16 GB RAM Issue: I get performance/FPS stutters, to the point where I cannot successfully combat NPCs. 7 update while raining in any location Installed Mods: Steps to Reproduce: Step 1 - open game, log into server Step 2 - go to any location with rainy weather (for example Jungle or North biome) Step 3 - fps drops by 40-50% while raining Screen 1 raining Jul 3, 2022 · Just looking in the general direction of the summoning place drops my FPS to the high 30's. Jan 11, 2019 · When the game starts and i play i have fps 60 but if i move i have fps drops and shuttering for 2 seconds; The problem exists if i put the settings to low 4. All my other unreal engine 4 games run much smoother. Poorly optimized or is there a way to fix this? It drops about 10~15 frames while I'm in my base, other ares is steady 60. Jumped on to an official to play with an old friend today and initially it would play fine but the FPS would drop and drop and drop until it was unplayable. Game is running smooth at capped 144fps then I don't know why every 2/3 minutes it falls below 40fps for few sec. Randomly, for half a second, go from 60 fps down to 20. Mining rocks or attacking enemies we notice a 1 - 2 second delay when doing anything. Me personally can't see a difference between 60 and 120 fps. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! ADMIN MOD [PC] Random FPS drops . Here’s the full list of changes we’ve done to the game: Sprinting and wielding improvements: Sprint will automatically sheathe your weapons. I’m playing the game again for the first time since Isle of Siptah was released and now, every time I traverse the jungle in the south-east corner of the Exiled Lands map, the fps drops sharply. I am using this mods but the problem is reproduced even if i don’t use them. Then I'd shut down the game, give it a few minutes, and start it back up and the problem would go away for the next 2-4 hours. Great fluid gameplay in general… Then there are days or multiple hours in where I gain 5~20 fps only!! Unplayable, and this problem has Title. I get over 100fps. Unfortunately, the game now had gone from getting 50-60 fps at the home and about 60-80 otherwise on ultra settings to now 10-20 fps anywhere. 2 drive Feb 24, 2017 · Singleplayer. However when I do go to a part of the map that has a drop in frame rate, like the Faction Hall, it then becomes consistent across the entirety of the map and never recovers unless I reload my save. Why’s this the case? Is it a Conan engine thing or could it be mod related? If it’s fixable without reloading, please inform me, thanks! t bought this game for the first time on pc, and am really disappointed in the issues I am having. Happens with and without mods. Anyone else getting this issue? I have only Feb 10, 2017 · FPS Drops und Danach teleport Tja wie oben schon erwähnt, hab ich das Problem das es im Spiel immer wieder sein kann das ich regelmässig egal welche Spieleinstellung , ob Ultra oder Low das problem hab das ich auf 1 FPS runter gedropt werde und dann danach irgendwo anders stehe. There is even a Youtuber who is having similar issues, time 1. I play with everything on Ultra at an average frames per second of around 40. Such as pets, objects, buildings etc. Getting abour 20 fps in sepumaru, outside of sepumaru 80 to 100 fps. com/en-US/down Feb 11, 2017 · Since 3 patches ago, I've had some unusual FPS drops happening, and I just cannot seem to fix it. Absolutely no reason this should be happening on my rig, and this is the only Unreal Engine game this happens in, even ARK has stable fps. I usually get 45 fps under the worst conditions. Haven't played multiplayer or set up my own dedicated server yet. NVME SSDs are really good for games like Conan Exiles with their millions of tiny files needing to be moved per second. There are days in where the gameplay and performance is smooth and fluid with constant 50~60 fps, doesnt matter if no any players are online or if 20 players are online. Just was curious. 5. It takes alot to drop below 30fps The human eye only can see 30-90 fps on avg. 2 drive,windows 11 on separate 1gb m. i can get in a range where if i make a step backwards it For my friend who has 960, he experiences drops from 40 to below 20 when he is literally in the middle of nowhere. Been playing CE for years with no FPS problems, online or solo. Feb 8, 2023 · Basic Info: Platform: Steam Issue Type: Framerate Game Mode: Online Private/Singleplayer Server Type: PvE Map: Exiled Lands Server Name: none Mods: None/Steam Workshop::Nakkisoturit aavikolla Bug Description: FPS spikes outside spawn desert. However, we are running into some issues regarding LAG spikes and FPS drops on the server once we reach about 15+ people online at once. The sound is also distorted and sounds like it's being run through a blown speaker or something. Apr 7, 2017 · anyone else seeing a bad drop in FPS? I upgraded to 1050ti for 750ti and I've been gettign drops down in single digits? GeForce req me to go on low settings the game reqs high but no change in the drops. However when I'm farming or fighting things in the world it's fine. The last thing I did, was update to the latest GeForce Drivers 399. No choppy frames at all. Obviously big structures, having more individual objects to load in, will drop FPS but how the game handles it makes the difference. after the update, the addon fps itself increased to 60. 76561197979566298. HDD vs SSD for Conan Exiles Mar 27, 2020 · I have this issue where any time I get close to an animal or person the fps drops to "potato" quality and the game practically freezes up on me. This is with ALL my settings on low, I know my PC is getting on a bit and not able to run games at max anymore, but it should be able to handle I've had all kinds of crashes and crazy fps drops since the patch that added the live services. When they engage an enemy, the FPS goes to hell. This is with ALL my settings on low, I know my PC is getting on a bit and not able to run games at max anymore, but it should be able to handle Nov 7, 2023 · Tired of those frustrating FPS stutters and drops in Conan Exiles while surviving in the harsh wilderness of Hyboria? You're not alone, and we've got the sol A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online My original Conan Exiles character art: Amazonian woman Oct 5, 2024 · I own this game from the very beginning, and I started to play again recently What's about performance ? I have a decent computer and whatever I use in graphical settings, I have a lot of big FPS drop. Feb 9, 2024 · You can find the engine. I have everything updated so i know that is not the problem May 19, 2018 · On my 1070 the game is a smooth, constant 60fps in every other area. But i found out its on every graphics setting the same even if i play on low and laptop mode it drops. Symptoms: Low fps, I get around 25 fps on both ultra and low graphics settings. In den Video Einstellungen im Hauptmenü von Conan Exiles stellt gibt es 2 Punkte die einem leicht mehr FPS verschaffen. Hey Exiles, is anyone else experiencing low fps after the hotfix? Particularly in Sepumaru? Playing on PC (5600X, 32 gigs ram. When I'm on pc I shoot for 45 -55 fps Feb 26, 2024 · I run my own dedicated server through steam. Happens solo and to both of us, which leads me to believe its the server part thats has the issue. I have a 8700k and a 1080ti there is no reason why this game should be doing this. If I disable my sound entirely outside of the game I have no issues. I have a Series X, pretty much brand new as I just got it last year, with hundreds of GBs left on its hard drive. I have nvidia drives updated, even on low graphics the issue continues. 3060ti). For reference my setup is: - RTX 3070TI - AMD R7 5800X A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online My original Conan Exiles character art: Amazonian woman A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! the fps drops to about 15 and the However, the second guy is in a base with (by his count) 100+ combatant thralls. I run a i7 7700K with an nVidia 1080. 7GHz 16GB Ram Oct 17, 2018 · My friends and I have noticeable lag when we connect to my private server. Tried restarting game, restarting computer, verifiying game files. As of being 60fps it is not. The second I got up north around the Mounds of the dead and it started raining I'd instantly drop to 30FPS. I am running a GTX 1050 Ti, 16 GB ram, and i7-7700 HQ cpu. Wie oben beschrieben hab ich an manchen Stellen des Spiels massive FPS drops unter 20 FPS. This is our server’s main issue as otherwise, all else seems to be fine, so getting over this hurdle would be a great benefit to us. I have tried changing every single graphics setting and none of them make a difference. My PC: RTX 3080 32Gb Gam 3600mhz, Ryzen 5900x A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) Aug 17, 2022 · hello all, i need help Specs: i have an Rtx 3070 Aorus Master ,ryzen 5 2600, 16 gb ram,nvme ssd,gigabyte aorus b450 and silverstone 750w gold Problem: LOD issues/poor draw distance(all games) and GPU usage fluctuations followed by FPS drops(not in all games) - I see objects, small textures and shadows appearing while i move forward. . May 15, 2018 · I run around with 60 fps specs are: gtx 970, 16gb ddr3, i7 4770k( installed on a ssd evo 850) but when i fight, i drop from 60 to 45 sometimes and i play it already on medium. This is on a Series X, so if there’s a framerate issue with this console, I imagine it would be even Strange, I have older lower spec PC and don't experience this kind of fps drop when inside my really massive tower base. I noticed the drop comes from being with a lot of units on the screen. It seems to be really bad the last few patches and only a conan exiles issue. Like but inside my base it’s 30fps or lower. Oct 6, 2017 · We’ve released a huge patch for Xbox that brings with it a massive amount of changes, putting the Xbox version in line with the current state of the PC version. microsoft. Sep 16, 2022 · Hi @ all, fps problems. nothing helped. Here is one of my time / memory usage notes. so I tried it, and holy shit! - from approx 80fps to 110fps roaming and the cuts to fps under load (near massive builds) were significantly less too! and truthfully I don't really notice the difference in the May 8, 2018 · Free up Hard-Drive Space to improve Frame Drops for Conan Exiles. Llink: Exploring The New Biomes! Conan Exiles: Isle of Siptah | Ashlands, Floodlands & Savannah - YouTube Sep 21, 2020 · yeah this game has always suffered fps drops but this is a microstutter when turning around or sprinting it gets so annoying having to relog every hour because of it. Notes: The issue seems to be exacerbated while moving mouse/camera. So I try Exile lands, create spawn in and smooth 110 fps, start moving off and get to the Demon Bat and fps Hi there, before this patch the game ran very well (had my beloved 60 FPS most of the time with the occasional small drop because of the games optimization) for me in 1440p. I played 60 fps for two months and there were no problems for three weeks before updating the new add, it dropped to 9 fps. Like, turning a corner or jumping off a cliff causes these drops. Play on it solo or with 1 other and after playing awhile fps drops to a stutter,10fps or so,for 1 second then goes back up. Its driving me crazy. Jul 15, 2023 · Well, LBPR and ModControlPanel will certainly NOT cause any issues with your FPS. My rig isn’t terrible neither. Are there any mods or tweaks to make the game smoother? I get around 70-100 FPS when roaming, and it drops below 60 fps when there's a lot of activity going on around me. I've done several diagnostics and have run several benchmark tools, where none of those drops ever happened. Sep 6, 2018 · Single-Player Main System memory usage climbs over time, with FPS drops and Micro Lag/Stuttering PVE North America Suspected Memory Leak(s) causing FPS drop and eventually micro lag / stuttering effect. Every since the latest patch my fps has been terrible and my gameplay is super choppy. It says server fps is 30 and ping is 20. Problem appeared after a year of hiatus and a new GPU (RTX 1060 → RTX 2060 A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Weird how good a game can be when the developers actually give a shit about it. Said FPS drops last 10 seconds minimum. 10900k, 4070, 32gbs of ram. 2 SSD, the game still has FPS drops to the point my FPS will sometimes dip into the low 50's while playing. On medium its not so bad, but still happens sometimes, so I really hope it gets adressed at some point. The summoning place is the main Darfari camp in the middle of the desert. Alternatively you could look to improve your Storage Situation on your gaming rig. Edit: I found a fix to Jan 13, 2024 · Basic Info: Platform: Xbox Series X Issue Type: Framerate Game Mode: Single Player Server Type: N/A Map: Exiled Lands Server Name: N/A Bug Description: When entering the jungle biome (e. I think it's a network issue, or some kind of optimisation problem. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) Has the developers fixed the issue of micro stutters ingame? as well as FPS drops? My specs are as follows: Intel i7 @ 2. Das sind 1. System Requirements for Running Conan Exiles Oct 5, 2024 · I own this game from the very beginning, and I started to play again recently What's about performance ? I have a decent computer and whatever I use in graphical settings, I have a lot of big FPS drop. When I load the game, the fps shows 55-60 but within 2 mins of play, the fps drops to the mid 20's and sometimes as low as 10-15 which is utterly unplayable. Set the following settings: Maximum pre-rendered frames = 1 Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration = Single display performance Power management mode = Prefer maximum performance Texture Filtering - Anisotropic Sample optimization = ON Texture Filtering - Quality = Performance Texture Filtering Well that's it, I hope you answer everything, I really wanted to play Conan exiles, and I wanted to know your opinion about the game, I'm afraid to buy conan exiles, because I think it will be the same style as ark survival, With extreme fps drops, it is a game impossible to play on consoles. My internet May 1, 2018 · I had a problem a couple of months ago where everything would run really smoothly until I crossed from the desert into the relic hunters area at Sandscour Pass. 82 And that's it! The stuttering went away. Cpu 5950x,2gb m. Mar 2, 2017 · I have a brand new system, which is high end. PC Discussion. I saw video clips of other people playing the game, and it was so smooth. But I need glasses. And I get that stuttering and the ensuing fps drop every now and then. My PC Specs are 2. My friend playing with me on a 2060 has FPS dips to low 30's. I updated my (AMD Conan Exiles > General Discussions > Topic Details. Is there a setting somewhere I can increase? I have hosted dedicated servers for my freinds and I on other games like 7 days to die and The forest and we have never had any lag. Report-Received, feedback, steam. This is and AI Shoujo are the only games I have this problem. If you’re still having problems with Conan Exiles crashing even with the latest update then it may indicate a Corrupt Update file or a Software install. Apr 23, 2021 · As title states the FPS drops significantly when I run around in the new lands in Siptah. For me, it's gone from running like butter, to running like butt. This would repeat itself every few minutes and was extremely annoying. Load up create and load into Siptah, a smooth 110 fps, till I leave the beach, basically leave the spawn area and bang hard drop to 2 fps, cant even move right and die to a dog, respawn, smooth fps of 110 move off, and bang 2 fps again. First sorcery update started the invisible large creatures. I run all of my other games perfectly fine maintaining 60 fps and I used to play this game at 60 fps perfectly fine. Hier meine Hardware: M-Board: MSI A320M-A PRO (MS-7C51) GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 12GB (TU106-300-KA) CPU : AMD Ryzen 5 5600X RAM : 32GB DDR4 2666 CL16 Corsair 2er Kit Aktuell A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) Twitch Drops Date 30 minutes watched 1 hour watched 3 hours watched Dec 06th, 2022 – Jan 03rd, 2023 Wall Paint - Snowflake Festive Hunt Trophy Festive Crested Lapdog (Pet) Jul 9, 2018 · Hi, I'm really strugging to play this as I'm getting constant and massive frame rate drops. com Jan 30, 2020 · In this article, I want to focus on solutions to performance issues, such as fps drop, freezing, low FPS, stuttering, lagging, spikes, high ping. 16GB Ram I7 4790K CPU GTX 1080 But now after the patch the framerate is abyssmal and there is also alot of stuttering. Even when running smooth, character and animations looks laggy, my character Jul 9, 2018 · Hi, I'm really strugging to play this as I'm getting constant and massive frame rate drops. When switching from ultra to low, instead of the fps increasing as expected, GPU usage decreases and fps stays the same. For a GPU that is literally the strongest consumer graphics card in the world, I don't think shadows are the problem. Like resource managernent or memory leak? Oct 8, 2019 · After having created a character there have been no signs of FPS drop, however after moving perhaps 100 meters in game FPS drops start to occur, the more movement there is the worse it gets and it goes in spikes… One moment I will be at 60+ fps the next I will be at 5-10 FPS making the game unplayable. In LOW settings and ULTRA is lot of shadows, very high Shader Level and Details. It doesn't have any more NPC's than other camps I have been through. Hosav's UI did have some FPS issues related to enemy healthbars etc, but from what I read in the latest patch notes those were fixed, but regardless it didn't cause that excessive FPS drop even when it had problems with it, so I'm not sure what's happening in your case. , My game crashed and when I Same here, it seems that whenever I try to put textures on high it causes a lot fps drops even though I can maintain pretty stable 40-50 fps. The only thing i know that my friend reports that the performace of his GPU drops ( goes from 100 to 40 ) when he gets FPS drops. 6 GB 09:04 Steam and Conan up, in Hey, is this issue just with me where I'm on 60 fps and then I'll drop down to 20 for a second or are other people experiencing this? If this is just on my end, does anyone know what causes this and how I can fix it? Oct 30, 2022 · Hey, I recently downloaded the game and i have huge fps drops playing on Ultra. Dec 8, 2021 · Game mode: Online official Type of issue: Performance Server type: PvP Region: EU Mods?: NO Edition:Steam Bug Description: FPS drops after 2. Did you update all drivers after new card using nvidea control panel? I have a 3GB 660ti and I play on a mix of high and ultra Apr 22, 2020 · Hey guys, the last days I was able to play the game normally on 80-100 fps. I suspect there's a butt ton more communication going on with the game now. It wasnt like this before this before the hotfix. First started observations when I noticed the FPS drops and Micro Lagging / Stuttering effect 08:59 Boot system* 2. Normally my game runs at 60FPS but when I am in the new lands it fluctuates between 30-45. I've gone so far as to lower my graphics to the absolute lowest and it had no effect Aug 19, 2024 · I recently got a gaming pc and I wanted to finally experience Conan Exiles at best performance. Mar 22, 2024 · ROG STRIX RX 5700 XT Ryzen 5 3600X 16gbs RAM 3200mhz 1440p draw distance high post processing high shadows medium effects medium textures high foliage medium aa x4 I'm getting stutters every few seconds without dropping below 60fps. I play on both singleplayer and on a private server. If the stuttering is occuring, I can press ESC to bring up the menu, then ESC again to close the menu, and the May 1, 2022 · Hello! I am a moderator for a larger RP server that has seen some great success. Any ideas? Jul 6, 2023 · I’ll alt tab out of the game and it will be 60fps for 10 seconds and then it drops back down to crappy fps The CPU/GPU ultilization is balls when this happens. Does not appear in other games either. Maybe there is some improvement that needs to be coded in for the game. May 8, 2018 · On the XBox One your Console will automatically try to connect to the Conan Exiles servers to source the latest update which may fix your FPS drop. He is also experiencing audio problems when the FPS drops. I got the game running off a NVME gen 3 drive. I am now seeing as low fps as 20 in the jungle, which is unacceptable and unplayable. Very smooth. yiakoaa tmqs xbsva jdzaa ejitwx hxrlk hrnu vqrjmr fnkiyvi quygp odeshb aiag yupz qisvc yhzzkjav