Dbm vs bigwigs Most of the top players play with BigWigs Aug 17, 2024 · 原来万年dbm,现在也转bigwigs了 都开袋即食的情况下,dbm我觉得有点臃肿 2024-08-17 18:44 Reply Post by 清灬纯 (2024-08-17 18:42): dBM卸载了你看wa还能用吗 为啥不能? 1 day ago · wow bigwigs vs dbm Addons sind ein großer Teil fast jedes MMORPGs, sie helfen den Spielern, ihre Skill-Rotationen effizienter zu verwalten, je nachdem, welches Addon Sie verwenden. It’s more costumizable and more subtle and feels a little better to me overall. Bigwigs Ora2 Omen Whenever we get a new recruit we have troubles getting them to swich from Deadly Bossmods (DBM) to Bigwigs. As it has been said DBM updates way morethis is a good thing. Reply reply AcceptableNet6182 Mar 3, 2022 · Bigwigs음성팩이 새로 나왔길래 처음으로 설치해 봤는데요. I notice this especially when doing older content. I cant find the info frame that DBM has (for instance showing infested stacks on the raid on drake in EN. I moved from DBM to BigWigs specifically for this reason. 这两个插件有一起用的吗,请教一下dbm开启哪些模块,bigwigs又开启哪些模块,两者才能互补而不是冲突. With BigWigs you still need to know what each ability does and how to react accordingly. Use BigWigs if you want timers and a very minimal amount of guidance but don’t exactly need your hand held through everything. 특히 적과 보스와 싸우는 데있어 가장 인기있는 애드온 두 가지는 편의상 DBM으로 간단히 알려진 Deadly Boss Mods와 Bigwigs입니다. 17. According to my experience Big wigs is not well known among the more casual player base now. Aug 28, 2024 · 음성팩을 썻을때 불러주는게 다릅니다. 어떤게 더 편한가요? 월드 오브 워크래프트 인벤 : DBM, BigWigs 둘 중 어떤거 쓰나요? WoW Bigwigs vs DBM- 애드온이 더 낫다 (01. Répondre reply Aug 27, 2015 · Addons: Guía de DBM vs BigWigs (Comparativa) by Pitufíña 27/08/2015, 14:30 0 Comments En esta ocasión os hablamos de los 2 addons por excelencia para hacer bandas, DBM y BigWigs y comparamos algunas de sus características. What do you suggest and what do you use, what are the differences that made you choose one or the other? Advice is muchly appreciated, thanks :) **note if it makes a difference, I am Jul 20, 2009 · In My guild we have 3 Mandatory addons. For example, on Kel'Thuzad in WotLK Naxx, BigWigs shows a little window with everyone close enough to make an iceblock chain, which makes that encounter much The ease of customization with BigWigs is really nice, but it tends to default towards being pretty subdued with warnings and you're sorta expected to then go in and accentuate whatever you think you need for a fight. Now, I haven't tried out DBM myself and have allways been a strong believer of Bigwigs, but I'm starting to get turned. wownoob) submitted 8 months ago by getpoundingjoker Long story short, started using DBM when it first came out, switched to BigWigs by guild raid lead's request during SL. Aug 9, 2008 · I use BigWigs after having tried both and BigWigs was just much better, the autorespond was the only thing that was better with DBM, on every other point, BigWigs proved to be the best. As a bw user I quite often hear "dbm didn't tell me to do x" after a wipe or a failed mechanic. Looking for functionality that BigWigs doesn't cover? Try these addons: bigwigs vs dbm legion wow Zwei der beliebtesten Add-Ons, wenn es darum geht, Feinde und Bosse zu bekämpfen, sind Deadly Boss Mods, der Einfachheit halber kurz als DBM bekannt, und Bigwigs. Learn how they differ in design, information, customization, and performance. I swapped to bigwigs last week after using dbm since like BC or wotlk. 15. Beide von ihnen sind auf ihre eigene großartige Weise hilfreich, und viele Spieler, die gerne Add-ons für World of Warcraft verwenden, scheinen ziemlich uneins zu sein, welche der beiden tatsächlich May 2, 2016 · I haven't used bigwigs since BC and have been using DBM since. But both are fine When fights are newer, bigwigs seems to update faster and is more accurate. DBM도 이제 따로 DBM 던전 플러그인 설치하면 빅윅과 유사하게 경보 해줄거 다해 Well, I'm partial to BigWigs as you know, but DBM seems to be more widespread. Boss. DBM will tell you to run away, BigWigs will tell you what ability is happening. BigWigs is one of the two big existing Boss Mods. If I weak aura covers something better than DBM does, I'll disable it in DBM. 1. Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. They’re pretty much the same. D'un autre côté, bigwigs est beaucoup plus subtil et ses sons ne sont pas aussi intuitifs, il nécessite donc un certain temps d'adaptation, en particulier lors de la transition depuis DBM, et nécessite également une lecture préalable des capacités du boss pour savoir de quoi il s'agit. It also isn't as customizable as BigWigs and I like BigWigs design a bit more. May 7, 2024 · DBM vs BigWigs Retail (self. Realism has a difficulty setting as well but I believe POOP will overwrite if you set it after Realism in the load order. 리틀윅- 타오르는 불씨, 흉포한 돌진, 지옥불기둥 Bigwigs vs DBM WoW Legion- 어느 것이 갈 것인가 (03. Hey all, slightly off topic but I know one usually trumps the other each patch/expansion. EDIT: well my own grammar failed me, I mean using not suing XD, they did nothing wrong. “Taunt boss!” “Help soak!” “Interrupt!” BigWigs is just a series of pings and pops. com. 산개하세요. The feature is my character saying aloud the mechanics they’ve interacted with (Example: “Fixated on [name DBM more or less removes the need to pay attention to your surrounding as it it practically tells you what to do and when to do it all times. Modular, lightweight, non-intrusive approach to boss timers and boss warnings. Bigwigs if you wanna skip a lot of the hand holding per se and just have the key things to worry about. die Horde/Allianz am gewinnen… Sep 2, 2004 · 以前都是用DBM,最近改用BigWigs。 感觉界面和设置都比DBM好用,plugin也很多,语音也很多。 作为一个普通玩家,体验比DBM好欸~ Big Wigs / DBM par défaut n'est vraiment pas utile à la grande majorité des joueurs, c'est donc ainsi que je procède pour personnaliser et configurer l'addon pour qu'il me donne réellement les informations dont j'ai besoin en raid sans me rendre sourd à ses alertes. In general, big wigs is lighter and offers more useful information and goes great paired with weakauras. Bei Bigwigs fand ich einige der Warnmeldungen zu leise. Mar 24, 2012 · 曾经dbm碾压bigwigs,但是自从8版本dbm作者发了个贴,说自己上有老下有小饭都吃不起电脑和拖拉机一样开了个众筹以后就开始走下坡路了,9. They’re basically the same, but Big Wigs uses less memory. Like DBM says Locust Swarm is about to go off, but it doesn't until 6 seconds laterexactly when BigWigs says it will. I prefer DBM for telling me what to do, but can't go without these timers anymore. IF DBM is already doing the job fine ill disable the WA. BSP will be compatible with POOP as POOP only changes ai difficulty and doesn't affect waves/spawns etc. Jan 20, 2022 · [大神求教]dbm和bigwigs. Oct 23, 2022 · 예전부터 DBM 쓰다가 이번 어둠땅 할때 bigwig으로 바꿨었거든요. <3 5 days ago · WoW Bigwigs vs DBM: qué complemento es mejor (03. Only used Big wigs for a time during Cataclysm or Wrath because of the Paragon hype. At least that’s what I’ve come to see it as. konfigurieren. DBM vs bigwigs for me is similar to plater vs threatplates (or Kui) Like plater, bigwigs is superior but takes more to set up optimally compared to dbm which is pretty easy to just plug and play. Oct 11, 2018 · BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) and its suite of addons (LittleWigs and Capping) provide comprehensive, efficient, and fully customizable encounter information including timer bars, audio and visual alerts, and specific encounter tools and resources for most types of combat in World of Warcraft including dungeons, raids, and PvP. 25) WOW; bigwigs vs dbm legion wow . Recently I have seen a lot of people on forums and in /trade pushing for bigwigs over DBM. I got BigWigs Voice, but I don’t want it to just say the name of the ability; is there a way to make it yell instructions at me like DBM? Feb 1, 2021 · (différence visible ou uniquement pour les grosses guildes?)Moi ce que je remarque c'est que Big Wigs est moins i - Topic DBM ou BigWigs ? du 01-02-2021 11:21:47 sur les forums de jeuxvideo. In my opinion - dbm is better for raids, while bigwigs (littlewigs Last time i played was at the beginning of shadowlands, so things may be a bit different, but the main thing i noticed was that out of the box, dbm gives priority to the mechanics based on your current role in the raid and bigwigs has equal priority for all mechanics. 제가 빅윅을 위주로 사용하는 이유 깔끔한 ui 기본 타이머 ui가 dbm보다 훨씬 깔끔하다. DBM holds your hand more and is more userfriendly, BigWigs is usually more accurate, updated faster, more lightweight and less intrusive, also looks better imo. Arguably best IF you take advantage of the customization. 그만큼 가시성이 좋기 때문입니다. Its the easiest fuckin thing, DBM thunderfucks you with so much spam you can't even see your screen, to avoid some shit you would have anyways cuz its obvious as shit. DBM started confusing me after a while. ( Ich brauche einfach ein Addon, das mich Most people don't care at all, but the Bigwig fanboys will tell you Bigwigs is better, the DBM fanboys will tell you dbm is better and some won't even answer your question and recommend weakaura to you. Unless something changed in DBM and I missed it, DBM lacked one important option that BW has for me - ability to customize/emphasize individual abilities and change both colors of the each ability bars and add countdowns. DBM + GTFO simply work and work well. Wenn du ein AddOn möchtest, dass dir sagt, was jetzt zu tun ist, ohne groß auf Timer etc achten zu müssen und dich nicht zu sehr mit den Bossen & den Einstellungen auseinander setzen möchtest, dürfte DBM dich besser an die Hand nehmen. Plus more importantly (I don't know if this is the case now) when I was raiding in tbc timers for DBM always seemed off, half my guild was using dbm so sometimes dbm users would be announcing things over vent and it would cause a wipe or two cause the timers were off Hi, I once attempted to switch from DBM to little/big wigs as I was informed that big wigs was more customizable. )그러다가 이번에 확인해보니 빅윅에선 레이드 등에서 도발인계관련해선 안 알려주는것 같더라구요. DBM was just SPAMSPAMSPAM, like size 50 text across my screen, 2 full lines, on Chromatic anomaly to dodge the blue orbs. What I like about DBM is that it tells you what to do, whereas BigWigs tells you what's going on and you have to know how to react to it. ***** How can I properly configure BigWigs? ***** Jul 28, 2023 · Bigwigs supports a wider range of encounters than DBM does, but DBM also offers greater customization options when setting up encounters. Some weakauras use bigwigs or dbm as the source trigger, so you'd need to use one of them even with those weakaura dungeon packs. Oct 11, 2024 · BigWigs ist da etwas passiver und sagt quasi „in X Sekunden passiert dies“. What I mean by that is… whereas Big Wigs gives you little dings and bobs that you’ll hear if you pay a little attention, DBM will play giant warning sounds that practically blow your ears off with airhorns and stuff like that. If you’re really bad at raiding or horribly lazy, use DBM because it tells you how to do the fight. I’ve been thinking about using Big wigs instead of DBM, and wanted to see what people have to say about big wigs when compared to DBM. Bw is alot cleaner and simplistic then dbm, easier to customise and interacts with weak auras better then dbm. 2 days ago · Release Name Size Release Date Downloads Game Version Actions; v376: 3. Allerdings hatte es in diesem Addon vereinzelt ungenaue Timer wie z. Reply reply Big Wigs has two major advantages: and I recently switched to bigwigs (like 6 months ago-ish). 빅윅은 인계 타이밍에 대해서 알려주지 않나요?레게 여러분들 중 탱커님들은 위 애드온들 중 어느 걸 더 산호하시나요?좋은 답변 부탁드립니다. 09. DBM tells you absolutely everything and is very heavy. Big Wigs on the other hand just tells you what major mechanic is going to happen when. Аддоны являются важной частью почти каждой MMORPG, они помогают игрокам более эффективно управлять ротацией навыков в зависимости от того, какой аддон вы BigWigs is a boss encounter add-on. Sep 8, 2020 · Hallo zusammen, ich wollte mal fragen, welches der beiden oben genannten Addons ihr in SL voraussichtlich nutzen werdet? Sowohl im Raid als auch in M+? Bisher bin ich mit DBM immer gut gefahren. For Shadowlands whats considered better, DBM or Bigwigs? There is an option in BigWigs, a check box, that says "Pretend I'm using DBM" or something similar. I use both. Question Greetings to everyone, which do you think is the best between DBM and bigwigs? Thank you to everyone who responded back. Most guilds will want you to have one of them, because it’s just better for alerting you to things than the base game. When I tried them both long ago, BigWigs used significantly fewer system resources, which is no longer the issue it once was, but mostly I liked the displays and their customizability. What do you suggest and what do you use, what are the differences that made you choose one or the other? Advice is muchly appreciated, thanks :) **note if it makes a difference, I am May 29, 2011 · Hey, so as Im setting up my ui I start thinking about whether I should stick with DBM which has been fairly simple over the years, or switch it up and try Big Wigs or even a different boss mod then these two. 애드온은 거의 모든 MMORPG에서 큰 부분을 차지하며, 사용중인 애드온에 따라 플레이어가 스킬 로테이션을보다 효율적으로 관리 할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. So funny that most people think they don't need to, for the love of all that is holy give healers a break and Though in most cases I use DBM alpha, since DBM is the more popular and has the larger userbase, so those guys tend to have more content and more updates and more plugins (e. Dos de los complementos más populares cuando se trata de luchar contra enemigos y jefes específicamente son Deadly Boss Mods, conocidos en breve como DBM por conveniencia, y Bigwigs. 11. 25) WOW; wow pezzi grossi contro dbm. B. 14. So viel ich weiss, zeigt Dbm in Bg´s an, wann zB. 0开始我公会全团基本都换了bigwigs 刚刚又回顾了一下,2018年作者说自己因为要照顾母亲,只能远程工作,有时工资不到900刀,真的坚持不住了,结果众筹爆火 BigWigs/LittleWigs has always been updated before DBM and has proper timers. Download this on the CurseFire. I do however have one issue with BigWigs. 가벼움- 아무래도 컴퓨터 사양이 좋지 않은 유저는 이 부분이 가장 신경 쓰일 부분일듯 싶습니다. Mittlerweile sollten sich beide nichts mehr nehmen, da sie großteils ja an den Blizzansagen ihre Timer festmachen. (쐐기에서 더 자세히 빅윅이 경보를 해준다고 했어서요. 08. Littlewigs just shows what is happening and what will happen and assumes that you will know what to do. It may be a starter profile for settings, but I was also under the impression that it (or a separate similar option) made mod checks done by a raid leader report that you were using DBM in case they had either banned BigWigs or they didn't know it was a thing and just saw you didn't have DBM and Apr 29, 2017 · DBM is so bad, I'm glad I switch to bigwigs in NH. Gli addon sono una parte importante di quasi tutti i MMORPG, aiutano i giocatori a gestire le loro rotazioni di abilità in modo più efficiente a seconda dell'addon che stai usando. Feb 21, 2007 · dbm更无脑一些,会直接提醒你怎么处理技能机制,比如集合分担,快驱散之类的 bigwigs只会告诉你boss放的技能名称,不会告诉你这个技能怎么处理 新手更加推荐dbm,只不过要注意有时你们团长的处理方式跟dbm不一样,比如团长让你出去免疫单吃但是dbm让你集合分担。 Jan 15, 2010 · Die beiden AddOns hatten schon immer ihr Rennen. BigWig's does everything DBM does, it's layout is just a bit more minimalistic, and feels more configurable than DBM (it often has timers/bar approximations that DBM doesn't track either). gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked here. BW doesn't really tell you to do anything, it has timers and if the mechanic is very high priority it will have automatically have a countdown. Apr 12, 2006 · [大神求教]bigwigs和dbm混用的问题. Dec 4, 2003 · Reply Post by flylin1980 (2022-10-30 12:03): 除了打法师塔,dbm比较好找法师塔模块 其余的dbm和bigwigs二选一就可以了,自从bigwigs也有语音提醒功能后(不像dbm那么多语音提醒,但基本也够用) littlewigs是bigwigs的五人本模块,bigwigs本体只有团本部分的 感谢大佬 DBM 제작자로서 불공정한 비교가 될 수 있을거 같지만 요즘 들어서 이 두 애드온 비교글이 많아져서 참고의 의미로 올립니다. Anyone else confim that BigWigs is consistently more accurate for Naxx? I don't really care about "I'm not having trouble with DBM" because we definitely are having sporadic issues. 지금 빅윅이 좋아서 빅윅쓰고 있는데 dbm은 탱 인계 타이밍을 다 알려줘서 편리할꺼 같더라고요. DBM is essentially a base that's supplemented with weak auras for more detailed information. 9 MB: 3/14/2025: 258 Aug 20, 2022 · Hello my fellow gamers and M+ gamers, in this video I'll be explaining how BigWigs works. Dbm does have battleground capping timers that I did like but it's a simple fix by just using a specific bg timer addon Sep 11, 2009 · Hallöchen, hätte an die Raider eine Frage: was ist der Unterschied, oder sagen wir besser so - welches der beiden Addons "Deadly Boss Mods" oder "BigWigs" ist denn "besser". So they both do the same thing, just one uses less memory? That’s the only difference? That seems odd to me. Super Emphasize is pretty useful if you're constantly stuck carrying mechanics. It's more quiet by default and offers great customization to set it up to your tastes for each fight. Аддоны являются важной частью почти каждой MMORPG, они помогают игрокам более эффективно управлять ротацией навыков в зависимости от того, какой аддон вы I chose Bigwigs cause I have always used it, configuration isn't that tough its not like it will take you three hours to set up. The biggest difference is that DBM is more BOLD. Wenn ich an BT denke hatte BigWigs die Nase vorne, während in Hyjal noch DBM genauer war. I would say run only one of them, you'll go crazy with two sets of warnings. g. I've heard BigWigs being called the Big Boy Bossmods as it doesn't hold your hand as much as DBM. 02. If I recall correctly, someone from that guild was using BigWigs and suddenly people were trying it out. <3 So I recently installed BigWigs and DBM for the first time in forever to help mostly with one particular dungeons’s annoying gimmicks, and there’s a feature that I find annoying as heck that I want to turn off, but I don’t know what it’s called, or which addon is doing it. It tells you information like: "Stop casting" or "Don't move", BigWigs doesnt do that, it only calls out the name of the spell and it's your job to know what's going on. Most came back to DBM afterwards. dbm - 차단하세요. My real goal is to add announcements or sounds when certain trash abilities happen in mythic+. WoW Bigwigs против DBM - какой аддон лучше (03. WoW Bigwigs vs DBM: quale componente aggiuntivo è migliore? (03. Apr 13, 2023 · There’s not much difference. DBM vs BIGWIGS . 이거 dbm하고 둘다 켜놓으면 안되조? 둘중 하나만 해야하는거 맞나요?그렇다면 어떤게 좋을가요?; Bigwigs is more mininal, it doesn't "play the game" for you as much as dbm. May 29, 2011 · Hey, so as Im setting up my ui I start thinking about whether I should stick with DBM which has been fairly simple over the years, or switch it up and try Big Wigs or even a different boss mod then these two. Thoughts on either of these? Which do you prefer? DBM for me. Apr 30, 2017 · I'm using BigWigs. WoW Bigwigs против DBM - какой аддон лучше (01. DBM if you like to be kinda told what’s going to happen etc. As a tank it just kind of tells you where to taunt, which is great for new tanks but less useful for experienced tanks. Install either BigWigs OR DBM, but not both. i updated another one with accepts the code from DBM and BigWigs and has the customization of Deus Vox Encounters (and more) but will not release it, the reason is because it has many code from both addons and almost 100% certain that they wont allow it (i understand off course) Sep 19, 2010 · dbm 团本 是bigwigs bigwigs 是b 2020-07-10 07:54 以前有一种说法是bw有method成员维护,所以新团本什么的更新的比dbm快一点,后来两个团队好像也合作了没啥大区别,很多功能都互通了 再加上method最近这档子事[s:ac:茶] Imo DBM is more generous with giving advices like „spread“ , „line of sight“, „stop casting“ and stuff like this. In this one video I'll also make available my profile for my upcomi Oct 20, 2016 · Hi guys So I recently switched from DBM to Bigwigs and honestly i like the radar a lot better. - 결론부터 말씀드리면 BigWigs 가 월등하게 가볍습니다. DBM is superior, but it's also borderline cheating as far as I'm concerned. The real question is whether or not BigWigs Aug 3, 2024 · 协议: 本站所有原创的的Wa都不欢迎转载,不欢迎不打招呼做到整合包,自重。 May 4, 2017 · Used Big Wigs years ago and don't remember why I switched because it was so long ago. It consists of many individual encounter scripts, or boss modules; mini add-ons that are designed to trigger alert messages, timer bars, sounds, and so forth, for one specific raid encounter. They keep stating that DBM is much better. BTW, more people REALLY need to use GTFO. Bigwigs is a bit more spamy in my opinion and DBM is a more minimalistic approach I use DBM, because it seems to be enough for about everything May 22, 2015 · If the boss has an important debuff that gets thrown onto a raid member, BigWigs will not only make that affected person announce in a chat bubble, but BigWigs will also mark that player with a raid icon, and output the event to the raid chat. I have heard a few reasons why people like one or the other, but thought I would ask MMO-Champs. Los complementos son una gran parte de casi todos los MMORPG, ayudan a los jugadores a administrar sus rotaciones de habilidades de manera más eficiente dependiendo del complemento que estés usando. Das Verhalten kannst du bei beiden AddOns entspr. 因bigwigs时间轴比dbm准确点,我就用他的时间轴,用dbm的语音,dbm的提示全部关了,但用了竖条整合后有相同的2个技能在计时,想把dbm的关了,快找疯了么找到关闭的地方,求大神救救。 Jun 26, 2023 · 저는 최근에 빅윅을 삭제하고 dbm만으로 테스트해봤는데 결국 빅윅+dbm음성 직접 설정으로 다시 돌아왔습니다. 25) WOW; wow bigwigs vs dbm . Jul 19, 2021 · 선생님들레이드 애드온으로 dbm과 bigwigs 중 어떤거 쓰세요?둘중 뭐가 좋은거에요?? 월드 오브 워크래프트 인벤 : DBM vs BIGWIGS - 와우 인벤 클래식 게시판 인벤 공식 앱 With DBM you dont have to think that much. Jan 22, 2021 · 正式服还是推荐bigwigs[s:a2:那个…] 配合exrt开荒开团真好用。 所以用bigwigs在装一个wa竖型计时条,一目了然。 DBM我都好多年没有用了[s:a2:doge]怀旧服在用(怀旧服bigwigs还没有语音提示功能)[s:a2:自戳双目] Been using DBM my entire raiding career, I like how the addon is very “in your face” about what it needs me to do. im Tiefenpfuhl beim 2. For example, on Kel'Thuzad in WotLK Naxx, BigWigs shows a little window with everyone close enough to make an iceblock chain, which makes that encounter much easier. The efficiently coded alternative to Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) for spell & ability timers. Additionally, both applications have their own limitations compared to one another; for example, while DBM offers greater customization options than Bigwigs does when setting up encounters, Bigwigs has a wider range of supported encounters overall. DBM has a third party plugin for DBM Challenges - the Mage Tower ones - not yet in the main addon - FYI it's not 100% complete). For example, on Kel'Thuzad in WotLK Naxx, BigWigs shows a little window with everyone close enough to make an iceblock chain, which makes that encounter much Apr 12, 2016 · I haven't used bigwigs since BC and have been using DBM since. Big Wigs / DBM by default is really not helpful to the vast majority of players, so this is how I go about personalizing and setting up the addon to actually be giving me the information I need in raid without making me tone deaf to its alerts. However, BigWigs has a lot of timers, where DBM has none. Viele Spieler erwähnen, dass es unfair ist, Addons zu verwenden und sie Ihr Spiel langweilig machen können. - BigWigs가 Ace2 시절 다들 어떤게 더 편한가요?주관적으로저는 bigwigs 쓰는데dbm 못쓰겟음 월드 오브 워크래프트 인벤 : DBM vs Bigwigs - 와우 인벤 레이드 게시판 인벤 공식 앱 Dec 4, 2003 · Reply Post by flylin1980 (2022-10-30 12:03): 除了打法师塔,dbm比较好找法师塔模块 其余的dbm和bigwigs二选一就可以了,自从bigwigs也有语音提醒功能后(不像dbm那么多语音提醒,但基本也够用) littlewigs是bigwigs的五人本模块,bigwigs本体只有团本部分的 感谢大佬 BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) - DBM alternative is World of Warcraft Addons. 2 days ago · Bigwigs vs DBM WoW Legion: cuál elegir (03. DBM also has a tons of things you probably don't want or need, it is bloated with feature creep. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. Jul 21, 2009 · In My guild we have 3 Mandatory addons. However, the switch was too complex and I got too used to DBM that I felt a bit lost and immediately went back to DBM. 둘다 같이 쓰는건지, 택1인지 궁금합니다. Mar 25, 2021 · Compare the features and benefits of two popular WoW addons for boss fights: Bigwigs and DBM. 바닥 피하세요. Oct 5, 2024 · 예전에는 DBM만 썼는데 요즘은 BigWigs 사용하는 사람들이 많이 보이는거 같던데요. I prefer BigWigs because it has way more options when it comes to customization of specific abilities while it is very basic with DBM. I use DBM, I like the warning/help it gives me. dqxaekf kwawgtpm fbgj oapl ytoj orezs lxbz nmfpo axcm hstdkz lfiovr iahtk zdin uhicr yihjm