Elgato video delay obs. The native audio format of the HD60 Pro is 48Khz.
Elgato video delay obs This is before Aug 11, 2020 · How to fix your OBS / Elgato capture card audio delay (Audio Drifting) Without any fancy maths or complicated steps. Usually when I start OBS the video is already out of sync. 2) Ein neues Fenster wird angezeigt. Since I have updated OBS and Streamdeck, there is now a significant ms delay in each source hiding or showing when it used to be very seamless and instant. I'm very knew to all of this so if I seem like a noob there's the explanation. Press that, wait a couple seconds, then activate it. The Game Captura HD have by default gpu encoder like the 4k Capture so it's a bit strange and seems that is intentional the delay because Game Captura HD or OBS dont have that delay. Video isn’t the right size. I figured out a fix for my lag problem i hope it helps u! To fix the the audio lag issue with the hd60x you have to use a separate audio source other then the video capture card. The only thing I did was OBS auto config wizard and accepted the settings it provided. ALLM (Auotmatic Low Latency Mode) is part of the HDMI 2. frames missed due to rendering lag 0 (after 12 hour stream) skipped frames due to encoding lag 0 (after 12 hour stream) Mar 3, 2021 · I'm streaming at 1080p@30fps, and on stream the video is perfect: the image is very good and there are no lag or stutters at all, just a delay in audio that is not synced with the video. After that you click the plus button and add a Video Delay (Async). Paramètres vidéo pour le Elgato Game Capture 4K60 Pro Propriétés de la source (faites un clic droit sur Propriétés dans Scène -> nom de la source ) : My sound from my gaming PC is delayed from the video. Example: in OBS you have the mic audio and the capture card audio. Feb 2, 2022 · So OBS just decided it doesn't like my Elgato overnight, it seems. Die Basisleinwand bestimmt, was OBS anzeigt, während die Ausgabeauflösung die Aufnahmeauflösung ändert. I think I solved the audio lag issues between my mic, webcam and game on the stream. I was advised I needed to get a CamLink 4K and use it as a capture card. This usually refreshes everything and gets it back into sync. I've used the Elgato card and software for recording, and there's no issue there. I can be loud and it pick's up quite well most of the time, so it's not just the fact of being loud. My current setup involves using a chat link cable to split the console's audio between my headset and the capture card's 3. 1 spec, and you're passing the connection through a HDMI 2. Jul 1, 2017 · I'm using the Elgato HD60s with OBS. From the software side, I tried ALL settings in OBS and Streamlabs, different resolutions, etc. However, whenever I adjust the Elgato's video settings, the resolution/picture gets zoomed in, until I reset my console (Wii). A friend/streamer recommended OBS and it fixed the problem! Video. I wanted to use OBS for streaming, but I don't know i Unfortunately, OBS Studio does not play nicely with variable frame rate video and that can cause video to desynchronize from audio over time. I've tried adjusting the audio and video delay in OBS settings and the Elgato settings. OBS Studio. Adding delay to a video source: I've chosen to monitor straight to my headphones, bypassing VoiceMeeter for now, and OBS has no access to my headphones so the output only has the delay caused by the Elgato capture card. I recorded some Nintendo Switch gameplay and the recording turned out great. I tried adding the CamLink 4k as a source but I also tried using the "Elgato Camera Hub" and "Elgato 4K capture utility". I wanted to record game play from my xbox one so I bought an elgato and when I use their program it kept completely freezing mid record. Fast forward to today and I boot up OBS Studio and the picture is extremely laggy. To do this go to your sound settings > recording devices > set your capture card as your default recording device > check the box that says Jan 22, 2021 · Hello! I have Elgato HD60S for a year and it has always worked well, but yesterday it started to give problems with the audio. 0. If you want a real-time capture card, I recommend getting a real USB 3. I'm using a Elgato Game Capture SD 60 S to capture video from the clean HDMI out of a Canon Vixia HF R800. It seems as if it was good at the start, however over time the delay stacks up and it's very noticeable. 5-2 seconds. Reddit comes to the rescue. Hey everyone, I use OBS to record and live-stream. Jun 6, 2023 · step 4, IN SOURCES, add Audio input capture, name it elgato monitor or elgato headphones or something like that, after confirming the name, select the elgato mk 2 from "device" pulldown menu. 0 chipPCI-E Amazon link:https://www. I have pretty much everything set to default and am streaming to youtube. Everything seems to line up while streaming. My Mac is 2017. com/dp/B072LS4JH7?psc=1&r Thanks for the help, i tested it and seems that improves the delay but still have a bit. May 4, 2022 · When your capture card stops tweeking out after switching to 120Hz (the black screen), on OBS click your capture card, you will see a deactivate button. 8 Hope this helps other with the same setup as me experience a delay in the recording/preview when recording in 4k60. I recently got the Elgato HD60X but was disappointed to find a 1 second delay that would gradually worsen the more I recorded/streamed which rendered it completely useless. 56. 3. Adding delay to a video source: Apr 24, 2021 · I've chosen to monitor straight to my headphones, bypassing VoiceMeeter for now, and OBS has no access to my headphones so the output only has the delay caused by the Elgato capture card. Using the capture card audio gives you a delay so use the mic audio. Aug 21, 2020 · Currently people who have bought the HD60 elgato will experience sometype of audio delay with their gameplay, audio sounds, and microphone sounds. OBS Studio bietet die Möglichkeit, die Bildrate (FPS), die Basisleinwand und die Ausgabeauflösung anzupassen. This is a fix for OBS sound delay with an external capture card like the Elgato HD60 x Elgato HD60 or HD60s, HD60 S+ etc. Mute the Elgato's video capture source and then add an audio input device and select the HD60X. For your webcam delay you go into the box to the right of Sources and scroll down until you see your webcam. All audio is on gaming PC. Which means while im playing or navigating the menus the sound is delayed as im looking through my screen and not the app. 0 is too slow and require heavy compression for 720p 30fps or higher which causes this delay. 2 layer in your source list, then go to Transform, and Reset Transform or Stretch to Screen. 42) at 26. I notice alot of the time when i see people with issues they have the elgato software at max bitrate so 4k is 60mbps and gchd is 40mbps I notice some people record to slower drives which gives laggy and bs vids if you have a drive that can get 120mbps or more you can use parkdale or diskmark to check read/write speeds and if you do record to Gotcha. 0 connection, while you play them live on your TV or other HDMI connected display. I've googled this, Reddit old threads and even seen tweets to RoyalShrimp asking for help. this new audio input will not have latency/delay Cet article indique les paramètres recommandés pour utiliser Elgato Game Capture 4K60 Pro avec OBS Studio. omg I knew I wasnt crazy, my input delay was like 1/3rd of a second playing through the elgato software, but I switched to obs and made the capture card my video input and its faster. This works really well, but the problem is that, at least with the Elgato, the video The computer may not be able to process the video in real-time. I purchased a gopro for the purpose of live streaming. For any who might have a similar issue, the fix is to mute the video feed from the capture card and create a separate audio input source in obs for the capture card. quick video on how to solve laggy video when using an Elgato HD60 S+ using a PCI-E USB 3. Normal twitch stream delay is anywhere from 5 - 30 seconds, that's noticeable because it's just how it works. Dec 7, 2019 · The only Video capture devices I have in OBS are the elgato. This is for the tricky issue where audio is fine at first, but Go to: OBS>settings>advanced. Thankfully OBS has about 1000ms to play with as a buffer so the -333ms sync offset fixes that. In order to fix such issue, you must delay Go to: OBS>settings>advanced. :) TLDR; Disable Buffering for your Video Source in OBS (60ms) or use mpv with start options from above I hope this helps. I used to get a similar issue - it seems like OBS has some trouble getting audio from the HD60X in some cases through the DirectShow video feed. The SD60S is using the current version of the Elgato OBS link software. Bonus issue: I've noticed there's also a small input lag in pass through. Elgato is 4-5 seconds behind? Delay your mic and webcam by 4-5 seconds too so they match up. 264 compression chip in the Elgato Game Capture Elgato Game Capture HD60 is designed to record video games on your computer using an USB 2. My best explanation is as if static sound. When I start my stream everything looks and sounds fine, but as the stream goes the audio slowly gets more and more behind the video. Mar 27, 2015 · The webcam (C920) from the voice (blue yeti), and the actual game sound and video coming from the Elgato (I have both the HD and HD60 and they both have the same issue) so literally EVERYTHING gets off sync, which is why I feel it has to be something with my settings in OBS, (since the webcam, mic / Elgato audio and video are 2 different sources). Using CBR would probably help, but I'm not sure as that might just be for recording and not the live input. this new audio input capture will work in tandem with the main elgato video/audio capture. There is a really tiny delay in the video capture in the preview window and the elgato software compared to watching the feed through HDMI on another display. 5mm jack. 2 isn’t filling your scene or it’s shaped oddly, try right clicking on the Game Capture 4K60 Pro MK. You can play through the OBS window, as other have said, you will have a very small delay, but, if your'e OK with that then this method would work. This is for the tricky issue where audio is fine at first, but May 4, 2022 · When your capture card stops tweeking out after switching to 120Hz (the black screen), on OBS click your capture card, you will see a deactivate button. 1) Navigiere in OBS Studio nach unten rechts und wähle Einstellungen. If you want to stick with Elgato, the HD60S or Camlink should work. I'll be able to try changing the sample rate later. 4) In the Audio Settings, check the "Delay" box under "System Sound" and "Microphone" and set the value for both to 1450ms, which is the average delay of the Elgato Game Capture HD. I use the ElGato HD60 capture card Mar 20, 2019 · Other than the original Elgato Game Capture HD - which is absurdly slow (it and the non-S HD60 have very high latency due to running everything through the on-board H264 compressor, though the HD60 seems to only struggle in slowness in Elgato’s Game Capture apps, not OBS) - there’s not a significant delta (difference) between the fastest Sep 8, 2014 · The elgato probably uses VBR to encode the live video, which causes fluctuations in the delay time. USB 2. I am using OBS. May 29, 2016 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright First check and make sure your elgato audio output matches your computer's. I'm desparate to get this fixed. Elgato Game Capture 4K60 S+ has a delay of around 200ms. I have an audio or video delay happen while OBS is either streaming or just left open for a long time ie: an hour or longer. The native audio format of the HD60 Pro is 48Khz. Edit: I found the solution. Any help would be appreciated. The image in the Elgato Game Capture HD software on your Mac or PC will be delayed from live by almost a second due to the H. During this time I've experienced a problem with my HD60 Pro and OBS. Mar 13, 2013 · If you're using a capture card like Elgato Game Capture HD with OBS and want to add a facecam (using a regular webcam or whatever), it's very easy to just go Add > Video Capture Device and choose your device. Again the goal isn't to eliminate the Elgato's delay, the goal is to add a delay to your mic and webcam. Looking at the testing EposVox did, it looks like OBS on a PC gets a delay of about 60+ milliseconds - using the 4K Capture Utility instead added another 160ms. OBS-MP is a complete rewrite of OBS, which fixes many low level issues and has better optimizations. The video is processed first on your PC, which takes a little time. Maybe someone can help me. Make sure you are not running any other CPU hungry applications at the same time. This will start 2 Instances of mpv. I stopped using it for a while and have just been using a webcam, But I want to use my Lumix g7 camera with it again for my stream. this gave me WAY less delay when doing clap test (under 100ms) Make sure Elgato Video Capture is not connected when installing the driver, or unplug and reconnect when prompted. Little to no lag was present in the full hour-plus recording. 4) In the Audio Settings, check the "Delay" box under "System Sound" and "Microphone" and set the value for both to 650ms, which is the average delay of the Elgato Game Capture HD60. Thanks for the advice, I'm not getting much help on this on discord/reddit/obs forum HD60S+ lag on 4k and obs Technical Help I don't know if this is an OBS issue or an Elgato issue but a few months ago I was able to stream Horizon Forbidden West perfectly fine but as I am trying to stream Ghostwire I'm having issues with some delays in video quality. It's delayed looking 1 and 2. My webcam/mic are perfectly in sync. Leave both boxes unchecked, but in GLOBAL AUDIO SYNC OFFSET (milliseconds) type in 1450. Sound quality issues. Ive been a lifelong xbox user and i know when its delayed and the game capture had no delay at all while the 4k app has one that irritates me so bad. com/AnthonyDaytvMy discord: https://discord. First for audio only, second for bufferless video. Dec 31, 2024 · The solution for me was in the end putting a 200 ms delay in OBS on my screen capture and my mic, to adapt to the delay in the Facecam Pro and downgrade to Elgato Camerahub 1. 0 device. 2) Right-click on the Facecam source inside a scene. This is for the tricky issue where audio is fine at first, but When your capture card stops tweeking out after switching to 120Hz (the black screen), on OBS click your capture card, you will see a deactivate button. I've been messing up in my online competitive tournament and I knew I was having input delay worse than usual Elgato HD60 Pro Issue: Constant video and/or audio stutter/lag. I deactivate and activate the source to get it back on time but only lasts for about 10 minutes. My webcam is the default cam built into my laptop and the mic is the default mic as well. The Elgato capture utility is only for getting the signal to OBS. The video quality is noticeably higher when recording on Elgato's Software (Game Capture HD Software on version 3. It seems to lag even when testing straight with the windows camera program - do you have the same problem when not using OBS? EDIT: FYI, when using the windows camera it's a slight lag, but on a Microsoft Teams call the video's at least ~5 seconds behind. You'll have two sources now, one for video and one for audio but it should help the delay issue for now! Dec 17, 2014 · If you've livestreamed and people are telling you your mic audio is out of sync with the video or game audio and you use an Elgato HD to record or livestream Jul 27, 2020 · I am running the latest version of OBS from an iMac with Catalina 10. Is there a delay setting I am able to alter to have these trigger much faster? Thanks so much in advance, Feb 5, 2015 · I recently purchased an Elgato Capture HD and have been having the hardest time getting the audio to be in sync with the video consistently. By like a half second or so. 264 compression chip in the Elgato Game Capture When you’re ready to record, you will have to manually adjust the monitor’s input source to the capture card by pressing the buttons on the monitor so that it captures that signal directly without input lag. In order to fix such issue, you must delay. I've been trying to research this and Elgato's site does help cause it shows an old version of OBS. 3) Set the 'Resolution/FPS Type' to Nov 29, 2024 · For some reason capturing my Elgato Game Capture HD (2012 model) on OBS results in a very low bitrate. Apr 7, 2021 · So I got an Elgato game capture HD60S+ to stream to twitch and did a test recording to see how it worked about a week ago. It's not instant, it can't be. 1) Open OBS Studio. I have always used my StreamDeck to trigger simple show/hide sources in multiactions. I stream using the fullscreen projector method to my elgato HD60 X. If there is a way to eliminate the video delay between the Elgato and OBS, I feel that would solve my audio issues as the delayed video and audio are indeed synced. For example, the sounds coming from the PS4 through the elgato into my PC (OBS) is still delayed. the audio and video are matched up on the app which is delayed from the actual xbox. I tried buffering, audio frame rates and all options that can have an impact. Usually, waving my hand in front of the camera let's me know when that's in sync. Oct 19, 2017 · Elgato models without instant game view (elgato HD / HD60) have audio+video delay of mostly 1-3 seconds. Changing the video format (jpeg, yyty or whatever Jun 5, 2021 · Hello there! I am here to show you how to fix audio delay on OBS! Hope this helps!My twitter: https://twitter. Usually when I first start OBS, I need to switch the video format in order to get the video in sync with OBS. I quickly ran into some problems with the cam link, where the video output from the camera was very choppy and delayed. Ik you have to set a 650ms delay for audio, but the problem I am having is the video delay as well. You may need to experiment to find the correct delay value settings, as different devices, computers, etc may affect the delay. 0 capture card (assuming it's an Elgato one, since their 2. This number can vary based on the sources resolution, frame rate and setups. Other audio and video sources in streaming applications must be delayed by around 200ms to match the gameplay video and audio of the Elgato Game Capture 4K60 S+. Locally I'm assuming. Click on the cog to the right of Webcam then click Filters. So 2 tenths of a second would definitely be a notable delay, but within the expected performance. Sep 8, 2014 · The elgato probably uses VBR to encode the live video, which causes fluctuations in the delay time. I'm always surprised that there's such a disconnect between what PCs and Macs can do. Also supports video calling apps, like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Discord, and Slack. Elgato Game Capture 4K60 S+ has a delay of around 200ms. I just got a new elgato HD 60. Elgato HD and HD60 (not-s not-pro) is only USB 2. In the GAME CAPTURE application the sound works fine without delay, but when I open OBS or STREAMLABS OBS with the Elgato HD60S source the audio is 1 or 2 seconds late Getting Started with OBS Studio . Try using a lower video resolution, for example switch from 1920x1080 to 640x480. Thanks in advance :) Elgato Game Capture HD is designed to record video games on your computer using an USB 2. Setting Facecam to output 60 frames per second video uses a constant frame rate and can help. Nov 5, 2020 · Hello, I'm new to OBS and streaming. Elgato recommends it to be set to 48khz. But. Would appreciate any help I could get, thanks! I'm having the same problem with an iPhone 12 connected via USB. Let me know if you are having problems wi There's apparently another method you can use at the moment for it. amazon. If you add it again as an Audio Input Capture (It'll be listed as "Game Capture HD60 X"), it can resolve a number of little weird glitches with the audio when using it with OBS. This happens in preview (simply viewing it, not recording or streaming) and it is also present in the final recordings/exports. If someone can tweak the startoptions to include both vid and sound in one instance without lag pls tell me. Other I have my PS5 connected via HDMI to the Elgato HD60 X and the passthru HDMI directly to my TV. They should both be set at 48,000 khz i believe. 6 to live stream church services. Nov 13, 2016 · Whenever I preview the stream, the delay seems to be about 1. There is like an input lag of like 2 secs from when I move. 3056 x64 + Game Capture HD Drivers on version 2. Jan 3, 2025 · Hello OBS Forums and anybody reading this, for a while i've been having an increasing audio delay the longer i stream. For some reason the audio from the video feed will get delayed. 3 Mbps You are putting RAW output (camera) to Elgato and PC has to then produce H264/265 Encoding/Decoding for you to view it. Please help. Apr 21, 2014 · The output from your Elgato to OBS is always going to be delayed, this is normal. select ok. Important: To make Elgato Video Capture visible as an Audio device in OBS Studio you need to uninstall Analog Audio in (Elgato Video Capture) via the Windows Device Manager > Audio inputs and outputs It's going to be noticeable, yes, that's normal. If you’re noticing that the video from your Elgato Game Capture 4K60 Pro MK. Hey everyone. In OBS go to the capture card audio mixer settings and set the sync offset to -200ms this should combat the audio delay, you can tinker around with these numbers until you find the right one for you. Now with the Marketplace Connect for OBS plugin, setup has never been easier. Two days ago, I was using it to capture and display footage from my Switch with no issues, but now, even though I haven't touched any settings and my setup has not changed, I'm suddenly getting ~2 whole seconds of audio/visual The delay is constant - it doesn't gradually change, and is a problem the moment obs begins capturing the audio from the card. 0 only have enough speed for 480p 30fps for uncompressed lag-free capture. Mar 2, 2016 · Hey everyone, I have spent hours trying to figure out which settings I need to set my webcam, mic, video capture, etc, to sync up the gameplay footage, webcam, and audio. 1 cards aren't due til next year). com Nov 19, 2014 · All this leads me to believe that many of the issues people have with audio sync is actually an issue with video delay, however I could be completely wrong. I noticed that the video wasn't synced with me talking and that there was a noticeable delay (around 2 seconds) from me moving and the camera hub / camlink software showing the movement (even though the display on the camera showed it in real-time) but I didn't really mind it since it worked well enough for video calls and such. I stream from my PS5, using an Elgato HD60 S+ into OBS, and recently I’ve been experiencing a gradual increase in delay in audio from the video. For 720p HD video a dual-core CPU is recommended. When I hooked everything up, the video quality looks great but there is a lag or video delay in the video. These are the two places where you can fix the delay that your Elgato has so you can stream/record without That's probably about correct. if on OBS select VIDEO properties on capture goto BUFFERING, select DISABLE. I don't have this problem in the OBS preview that is perfectly synced and not even in the recordings, albeit I just took short clips (20-30s), but the stream Cam Link Pro — How to Setup with OBS Studio; Cam Link Pro — Installation issues; Cam Link Pro — How to Control Multiview with 4K Capture Utility; Elgato Facecam — Camera Hub Settings Overview; Cam Link Pro — First Time Installation and Set Up (Video) Dec 14, 2017 · You can delay game capture, delay desktop audio, and delay everything else except Elgato capture, using 1 or 2 video delay filters and audio offsets. Video/audio out of sync which is not resolved using the beta. . Once you have the plugin installed, find your scene collection in the plugin window directly inside OBS. I am guess maybe you're a little new to this. I use the ElGato HD60 capture card So I have an Elgato HD 60 I have had it for many years now TBH could be like 7 years. I ran into a problem I don’t know how to solve. there will always be delay. It gets worse as the time passes. This will now sync ALL audio to the Elgato’s video. I’ve tried a multitude of different methods to achieve the best output through OBS and I’ve resorted to just using the 4K capture software, although to a keen eye the frame rate seems lower when I’m capturing it through OBS using the program as a window capture. 15. The video feed being picked up by software stutters in that it appears to momentarily freeze or judder every few seconds, leading to a choppy video. Dec 15, 2015 · In this short guide, I will cover how to best setup the HD60 Pro in OBS, for maximum quality and low latency. Today I streamed the first time with the Elgato HD60 X / OBS Studio and after the stream ended I rewatched it and noticed that the gameplay audio was not in sync with the gameplay. Also the video quality itself is bad and slow. I am still getting audio delay from what I am hearing. I've tried a few different solutions but none of them have worked, but they are as follows: I initially tried changing the scene buffering time to 2000 Jul 12, 2019 · Elgato devices have so much delay due to the encoding and decoding process they have to go through to fit the video over USB 2. The thing i did to fix my delay was i made a specific audio input for my capture card. The image in the Elgato Game Capture HD software on your Mac or PC will be delayed from live by 2 to 3 seconds, due to the H. May 24, 2023 · I got it and right off the bat there were issues getting it to output a display after I had opened the 4k capture utility so I decided to try it on OBS instead, which worked a lot better than the Elgato software, but the preview was very laggy, so I went into properties and tweaked a few things just assuming it was a small issue and alas I've been streaming for over two years now. Under this you’ll see an AUDIO area. loads of different combinations of OBS video, output, and recording settings (and mixing them with Xbox settings) I'm really out of ideas and very dissapointed with this hardware that's supposed to just work. I tried the 650 ms delay but it makes it much worse. The video is slow and I can hear audio like 20 or 30 secs after I do anything. I just bought myself a cam link to use with my Canon M50 camera so i could stream 1080p 60fps with my camera. Like when you alternate shoulders in a third-person game. 70. The more compression happening, the longer the delay is going to be. shdn ybaqo joh apbz djti ftwv dvwkpqe nnktc kxrxgumf bacl yafby trzn tsjrvtr vrm vgz