Fairfax county public schools address. Fairfax County Liber J, No.

Fairfax county public schools address. 63 acres from Horace E.

  • Fairfax county public schools address This information is intended for the use of the student's parent(s), legal guardian(s), and other authorized individuals. The podcast is dedicated to bringing families timely, important information and resources related to school news. Department of Energy. The 12 members of the Board, who were elected for a four-year term on November 7, begin their terms on January 1, 2024. The county and schools look to further engaging with the community to identify equity goals and opportunities for working together to foster equity. Meren has Chaired the School Board’s Governance Committee, Budget Committee and its Public Engagement Committee. Payment of countywide obligations is performed by the Accounting Operations team which processes payments for the schools and offices within FCPS. These special events are opportunities for families, students, employees, and community members to talk with Dr. Counseling Services. The school office hours are from 7:30 a. The competition is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors. The local or base school can be identified by the FCPS Boundary Locator. 048 acres from Russell Lee and Nancy Lewis Lee, his wife. Anderson also represents families with students who attend schools in Region 3 and Region 5. Most of the Mason District schools are located within Region 2 and Region 6. Fairfax County Deed Book 458, Page 376: July 20, 1945, 1. Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is engaging the basal resource (e. 8 Latest Update: August 9, 2024 Rebecca Baenig is the Assistant Superintendent for Region 5 serving the Chantilly, Fairfax, Marshall, Westfield, and Woodson pyramids. School Supplies; Fairfax County Public Library Summer Reading Adventure; Transportation; Community Resources. Oct 2, 2012 · Recently elected members of the Fairfax County School Board took the oath of office on Wednesday, December 13, at Jackson Middle School. . Teachers and staff from Fort Belvoir Upper Elementary School, Woodburn Elementary School, and Clearview Elementary School share their experiences, highlighting effective The organizational structure of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is designed to provide schools, teachers and students with needed supports and resources. The Boundary Locator System reflects the latest street and highway name changes approved by the local governments in 2023. Student Activities and Athletics - Central Office Staff [email protected] 571-423-1260. School psychologists collaborate with school teams to develop and oversee universal preventative practices. Community Liaisons; Community Use of School Facilities; Healthcare Resources; School Age Child Care (SACC) Student and Alumni Records Rachna is an appointed member of the Virginia State Social Services Board, was the Braddock District appointee to the board of Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board, served on the board for the ARC of Northern Virginia, was an appointed member of the Fairfax County Public School Board’s Advisory Committee for Students with When an elementary or middle school student enters Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) from a period of home instruction, the principal shall determine grade placement based on evidence of achievement provided by the parent or guardian. FCPS has not had a comprehensive review of boundaries since 1986 — nearly 40 years. 465 Springpark Place, Suite 100 Herndon, VA 20170 Previously, he was the executive director of Talent Acquisition in Houston Independent School District. An experienced education executive, Solomon comes to Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) with a track record of transformative leadership in Houston, one of the largest school divisions in the country. Office of Auditor General (OAG) The School Board has formed an Audit Committee and established the Office of Auditor General (OAG) to independently determine whether the ongoing processes for FCPS operations and performance are adequately designed and functioning efficiently and effectively. She was on the Board for seven years, with five as president. Collaborating to Address Traffic Concerns at Oakton Elementary . For those new to the district, changing schools or registering for unique school programs. A student registered in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is expected to attend the school assigned to the student’s home address. The standards describe the expectations for student learning, assessment, and achievement in grades K-12. Contact our office: 571-423-4332 or email [email protected] for assistance. Community Liaisons; Community Use of School Facilities; Healthcare Resources; School Age Child Care (SACC) Student and Alumni Records Dr. Reid School Number: 20 Region: 4 Division: Fairfax County Public Schools Division Number: 29 Division Website (opens new window) School Supplies; Fairfax County Public Library Summer Reading Adventure; Transportation; Community Resources. If you would like more personalized assistance, we encourage you to call the Cigna helpline for FCPS at 877-501-7992, visit the FCPS-specific Cigna website , or for complex questions or claims questions, schedule a personal virtual appointment with Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is committed to providing exceptional special education services that empower every student to reach their full potential. School Board Liaison: Mateo Dunne Staff Liaisons: Janice… School Supplies; Fairfax County Public Library Summer Reading Adventure; Transportation; Community Resources. Support Staff: School Counselor, School Psychologist, School Social Worker. This week, she learned about puzzle cubes, visited schools and the FCPS warehouse, took in some playoff basketball games and an elementary school musical, did a breakfast food taste test, and more! Plum Center for Lifelong Learning. At the top of each pyramid is one high school, one middle school, and between six and eight schools. Each year, Fairfax County Public Schools develops a five-year planning document known as the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to address future facility needs. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U. in Public Administration, and American University with a Master of Public Administration. The success of FCPS draws businesses to Fairfax County. Full-Time Advanced Academic Center Placements by School Contact Your Procedural Support Liaison Providing information about services or federal, state, or local special education guidelines and procedures. The primary goal of the Office of Communications (OC) is to foster the reputation of Fairfax County Public Schools as a high-performing school division where students, employees, and families are engaged and informed. Community Liaisons; Community Use of School Facilities; Healthcare Resources; School Age Child Care (SACC) Student and Alumni Records Find a school, center, or administrative center by choosing an option for filtering the schools and centers. , textbooks, Instruction in Virginia's public schools is guided by the Standards of Learning (SOL). He previously served as the assistant superintendent of high schools for Houston Independent School District, the 8th largest public school system in the nation. After a decorated 27-year career in Fairfax County Public Schools, she was elected to represent Dranesville District on the Fairfax County School Board in 2023, receiving more than 62 percent of the vote. Construction School Improvement and Supports: Kerry Ravenelle [email protected] CXO Amin, Family & School Partnerships, Communications, Community Relations, Office of the Ombuds, Student Registration, Media Relations, and Educate Fairfax: Krystle Trammell [email protected] Type keywords to find the information you are looking for in the search. This week School Supplies; Fairfax County Public Library Summer Reading Adventure; Transportation; Community Resources. 18. She has also served on the Board’s Comprehensive Planning Development Committee, Title I Parent Advisory Committee (TPAC), Human Resources Advisory Committee, Adult and Community He was previously the principal of Lutie Lewis Coates Elementary School in Region 5. Our programs are designed to meet the diverse needs of students with disabilities, offering individualized support, inclusive learning environments, and specialized resources. Fairfax County Public Schools Boundary Locator System Find Your School. Listen and subscribe to the FCPS Multilingual Family Podcast, In A Few Words FCPS. Robyn knows our school system inside and out as both an education professional and a Region 3 is organized into three geographical pyramids. Prior to a relocation within Fairfax County, transfer requests may be made within 180 calendars days of your relocation into the requested school boundary. This week, she learned about puzzle cubes, visited schools and the FCPS warehouse, took in some playoff basketball games and an elementary school musical, did a breakfast food taste test, and more! The School Board provides oversight of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) through regular engagement with Division Leadership and through these superintendent evaluation, executive limitations, and strategic plan goal reporting. Find phone numbers, email addresses, and websites for FCPS departments and offices. Social Studies Overview Our social studies curriculum helps students understand the ramifications of events from the past and to prepare for the future as part of a global society. Michelle C. Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) CSP provides information, referral, linkage, and advocacy to public and private human services available to Fairfax County residents. Fairfax County Public Schools standard terms of payment of vendor invoices are 30 days from the date of receipt of the goods or services, or the invoice for the goods or services, whichever is later. Region 3 is located in the eastern part of the county, surrounded by the Potomac River. 6th Grade Sexual Harassment Prevention Lesson: Opt Out Information; Keeping Our Students Safe Oct 8, 2024 · The Fairfax County School Board voted to update FCPS Boundary Policy 8130 in July 2024. Day and Evening Programming. With her wealth of experience, academic achievements, and proven track record in public education, Bynum brings a dynamic vision and dedication to ensuring that all students receive an excellent education. Learn about our curriculum, academic programs, grading and testing structures. Contact Our Principal: You may contact our principal, Dr. 571-423-1010 [email protected] Dr. Fairfax County Public Schools, the Fairfax County School Board, its officers and employees shall be named as an "additional insured" in the Automobile and General Liability policies and it shall be stated on the Insurance Certificate that this coverage "is primary to all other coverage the County may possess” 10. Community Liaisons; Community Use of School Facilities; Healthcare Resources; School Age Child Care (SACC) Student and Alumni Records We're here to support you as you explore your personal, academic, and professional interests while at FCPS. Here's where you can find our top tools, services, resources, and opportunities. If a parent initially enrolls the student, but then leaves Fairfax County, a change in enrollment status may be necessary. The average FCPS high school average EUI-53. The Superintendent leads the school district and is overseen by the School Board. This week, she learned about puzzle cubes, visited schools and the FCPS warehouse, took in some playoff basketball games and an elementary school musical, did a breakfast food taste test, and more! Parents must make sure that they have two items before making a request - the enrolling parent email address on file in SIS and the student’s ID number. Citizens support the financial and capital needs of the school system. School Address: 9525 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031. Fairfax HS is part of FCPS Region 5. If further evidence is necessary, consultation with school staff or testing may be required. She lives in Fairfax Station with her husband, two boys, and two big dogs. Visit the Region 5 website to learn more. The results are used by the individual schools, Fairfax County Public Schools, and the state of Virginia to identify strengths and to address relevant needs to improve learning environments for your child as well as students across the state. School Calendar: The ALC follows the FCPS calendar unless noted otherwise. m. Find the physical address, phone number, email and web link of Fairfax County Public Schools, the 13th largest school system in the nation. Brown, Administrator of the Estate of James Lee. Community Liaisons; Community Use of School Facilities; Healthcare Resources; School Age Child Care (SACC) Student and Alumni Records Learn more about the science programs from the basics in elementary school to physics and environmental science in high school. Chair: Marcia St. Aye, by emailing her assistant Ginny Cate at @email. As part of this commitment, we are undergoing a comprehensive boundary review for the first time in nearly four decades. Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has received the 2023 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year–Sustained Excellence Award from the U. Fairfax County and our school population have grown significantly since then. Achievement. The student should be enrolled in the base school assigned to the address where the family is living at the time of registration, even if the address is temporary. Pacing is the how and when teachers teach the standards. The Facilities Planning Advisory Council (FPAC) provides information to the Fairfax County School Board with regard to the development of strategic, comprehensive, and long-term plans for educational and educational support facilities. Planning your Arrival to Fairfax County; Preparing your Move from Fairfax County; Resources for Military Families; Resources for Military-Connected Families; Families: Homeless ; Health & Wellness Resources. Fairfax County students achieve at high levels in all core areas and across a broad spectrum of pursuits. Find the address, superintendent, and accreditation status of Fairfax County Public Schools, a division of 29 schools in Region 4. Experiencing Homelessness: If students are experiencing homelessness, parents or legal guardians may contact the Homeless Liaison Office at 571-423-4332 or refer to Information for Homeless Families for additional contacts Address: 6525 Montrose Street, Alexandria, VA 22312. The office reports to the School Board. Community Liaisons; Community Use of School Facilities; Healthcare Resources; School Age Child Care (SACC) Student and Alumni Records School Supplies; Fairfax County Public Library Summer Reading Adventure; Transportation; Community Resources. Setlow, Clerk of the Board; Beth Visioli, Interim Executive Director, Office of Communications Dr. 3. Reid Bio. S. Enter your street address to find your assigned schools, from elementary through high school. To find your region, enter your school’s name in the field below, then click “Search. We are the community's gathering place where, together, we foster creative thinking, a culture of caring, and lifelong connections. Kraft has an extensive background in educational leadership with 27 years of progressive leadership experience within Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). Physical Address Line 1: 8115 Gatehouse Road Suite 5400 ; City, State, Zip: Falls Church VA 22042 School Board Committee/Leadership (Previous): Ms. These programs help students use their unique strengths and skills to achieve their best in school. The main office phone number is 703-503-4600. Current term expires 12/31/27. Geovanny Ponce started the position of chief of schools on July 10, 2023. He is a graduate of George Mason University with a B. Community Liaisons; Community Use of School Facilities; Healthcare Resources; School Age Child Care (SACC) Student and Alumni Records Office or Program Position Contact; Office of Special Education Instruction: Director: Michael Bloom [email protected] 571-423-4102: Office of Special Education Instruction Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) provides electronic access to attendance, grades, and other information related to its students via its SIS Parent Account system. Nardos King was appointed chief equity officer for FCPS in July 2023 after serving as the interim chief equity officer since 2021. Michelle Reid, FCPS superintendent, is hosting several engagement events (including Community Conversations) across the division. Mar 3, 2025 · This video showcases Fairfax County Public Schools Inclusive PreK programs across multiple schools, featuring three models: single teacher, itinerant, and paired classroom. Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent: Dr. School Counseling Services. Community Liaisons; Community Use of School Facilities; Healthcare Resources; School Age Child Care (SACC) Student and Alumni Records Schools are integrated into the fabric of the community, and residents take pride in their schools. The Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Boundary Locator System identifies the elementary, middle, and high schools as well as the Advanced Academic Program (AAP) centers for elementary and middle schools that serve a particular address for School Year 2024-25. Kyle has called Fairfax County home for over two decades. Grades: 7-8. Visit the boundary (attendance area) locator to determine a school assignment for your address. She is committed to delivering excellence, equity, and opportunity in education for each and every student. If you need help interpreting this content, please contact us. Prior to her current position, King served as the assistant superintendent for Region 3, an executive principal for Region 1, assistant superintendent for secondary schools in Baltimore County, and principal of Mount Vernon High School. John-Cunning Staff Liaisons: Christina K. 4. Fairfax County Public Schools, the Fairfax County School Board, its officers and employees shall be named as an "additional insured" in the Automobile and General Liability policies and it shall be stated on the Insurance Certificate that this coverage "is primary to all other coverage the County may possess” Instructional Coach Candidate Pool . School Board Liaison: Mateo Dunne Staff Liaisons: Janice… Dr. Students in grades pre-K through 12 are offered a diverse, high quality curriculum Department Contact Information. g. Leadership positions include the following offices: Enter your house number and street name to see the elementary, middle, and high schools and AAP centers that serve your address for School Year 2024-25. ” Kyle McDaniel (he/him) began his term as a Member At-Large on January 1, 2024. Each profile includes contact information, special programs offered, recent test score data, and basic statistics, such as enrollment and staffing. Fairfax County Public Schools provides advanced academic services (AAP) for students from kindergarten through 12th grade. Ray Zhang, a student at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, has placed 10th in the national 2025 Regeneron Science Talent Search. Tom Horn Executive Director, Activities & Athletic Programs Here's a list of commonly asked questions about the new integrated disability management (IDM) vendors and the transition process. This week, she learned about puzzle cubes, visited schools and the FCPS warehouse, took in some playoff basketball games and an elementary school musical, did a breakfast food taste test, and more! Reddel brings a wealth of educational and leadership experience to the position, including her most recent assignment at Sangster Elementary School where she served as principal for six years. We collaborate with school teams to foster social-emotional skills and teach resiliency in order to reduce barriers to learning and promote student success. The main office phone number is 703-219-2200. The ALC also follows any FCPS school closures or delays due to inclement weather. Woodson HS is part of FCPS Region 5. Reid and each other about our schools and our future. “Leadership Fairfax is eager to work with the county, schools and community to identify actions that address these inequities,”said Karen Cleveland, president and CEO. She began her educational career in Fairfax County Public Schools teaching at Camelot Elementary School and North Springfield Elementary School. The address is 8115 Gatehouse Road, Falls Church, VA 22042. to 3:30 p. to 3:45 p. In 1996, he began his teaching career with FCPS as an elementary school teacher at Newington Forest Robyn Lady has dedicated her life to public education. About Regions Within Fairfax County Public Schools. Guiding Principles for the Capital Improvement Program 10. The Region 3 pyramids are Edison, Mount Vernon, and West Potomac. 13, Folio 546: March 29, 1939, 2. Each school division creates its own pacing. However, an enrolling parent may request a student transfer for their child in grades kindergarten through 12 to attend a non-base school We hope these frequently asked questions (FAQ's) help address questions/concerns you may have. The Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer comprises five offices, each providing an integral task in supporting its mission. Quarterly Overviews. 2019-20 School Year; 2018-19 School Year; 2017-18 School Year; 2016-17 School Year; 2015-16 School Year; 2014-15 School Year; 2013 Support for New Teachers at FCPS: To retain our workforce and address critical needs, Novice Teacher Instructional Coaches support new teachers and teacher trainees. This week, she learned about puzzle cubes, visited schools and the FCPS warehouse, took in some playoff basketball games and an elementary school musical, did a breakfast food taste test, and more! School Board Office Address: 8115 Gatehouse Road, Suite 5400 Falls Church, VA 22042 Phone: 571-423-1075 Fax: 571-423-1067 Clerk of the Board: Christina Setlow [email protected] Dr. - 1:45 p. Aug 9, 2024 · Centreville High School will be the most energy-efficient high school in Fairfax County Public Schools and the USA. Dr. A printable version of this map is available (PDF). These Novice Teacher Instructional Coaches provide just-in-time, in-classroom support focusing on essential areas like planning, instruction, classroom management, data analysis School Supplies; Fairfax County Public Library Summer Reading Adventure; Transportation; Community Resources. Ponce has extensive leadership experience using data to drive change in a large school division. From free, reduced lunch to assistance with technology, find the support you need. Community Liaisons; Community Use of School Facilities; Healthcare Resources; School Age Child Care (SACC) Student and Alumni Records School Address: 3501 Lion Run Fairfax, VA 22030. Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is a catalyst that transforms our community's most valuable potential - our children - and shapes a thriving future. Category: High (09-12) School Phone: 703-219-2200 Address: 3501 Lion Run Fairfax, VA 22030 Principal: Georgina Aye Superintendent: Dr. Fairfax County Public Schools Hearings Office Annual Reports. View Advanced Academic, Boundary, Region and Magisterial District Maps. Land Records. Current Address: 2855 Annandale Road, Falls Church, Virginia 22042. Reid writes about all the great things happening in Fairfax County Public Schools. The school system is divided into regions, each comprising several high school pyramids and their feeder elementary and middle schools. Description: Partners with teachers to ensure equity, opportunities, and access for all students; increases the quality and effectiveness of classroom instruction; closes achievement gaps, and provides job-embedded professional learning and coaching in the content areas of literacy, mathematics Plans strategies, topics, timelines, and other matters related to Board and community. When her children went to school, Anderson saw the opportunity to support the school community and joined the Silverbrook Elementary Parent Teacher Organization Board. The office reports to the Superintendent. Appointed to the position in 2018, Baenig serves as an instructional leader working collaboratively with administrators, educators, students, and communities to improve educational practices and produce globally-competitive graduates. School Hours: 7:45 a. Various Locations Teacher Scale, 219-day (11 month) contract. 63 acres from Horace E. With a population of more than 143,000, Providence District residents attend ten high schools, nine middle schools, and 31 elementary schools. Learn more about our schools that have earned the ENERGY STAR building certification. School Profiles provides key information on each Fairfax County public school. She was previously the principal at Patrick Henry K-8 School in Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS). By reviewing boundaries, we seek to: Ensure equitable access to programs and facilities. To protect the student data being shared with an unauthorized email, those two variables must match exactly what we have in the system to verify the parent’s association to the child. 6815 Edsall Road Springfield, VA 22151; FCAHS West. Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is committed to building a world-class workforce dedicated to educational excellence by recruiting, developing, recognizing, and retaining outstanding employees. Note: The following document does not meet FCPS web accessibility standards at this time. We want to invite you to partner with public schools in your child's education at Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). Fairfax County Liber J, No. Fairfax County Public Schools is the 13th largest school system in the nation. In order to deliver educational excellence, Fairfax County Public Schools is divided into six regions. Reid has served as superintendent of Fairfax County Public Schools since July 1, 2022. Browse the list of elementary, middle, and high schools in the division and see their ratings and profiles. Fairfax County Public Schools is committed to ensuring that each and every FCPS student has equitable access to excellence and opportunities in alignment with the FCPS 2023-30 Strategic Plan. Reid Phone: 571-423-1010 Fax: 571-423-1007 Website Street address: Gatehouse Adm Ctr 8115 Gatehouse Rd Falls Church, VA 22042 Each magisterial district elects a representative to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and the Fairfax County School Board. jueoeiv nsiavo kxfq yllgvhu bklsz rooyivj fmsgesc fmbyn ezomudj sakwx aszzpg hojhrj mwg kyprfle ufhpj