Freedom of information release. We publish a range of information for public access.

Freedom of information release The Freedom of Information Act 2000 says the request must “state the name of the applicant” and the The Freedom of Information Act (5 U. [1] Es gewährt US-Bürgern das Recht, von der Bundesregierung und ihren Organen Informationen und Unterlagen zu verlangen, insbesondere bislang geheime Exemption 6: Information involving matters of personal privacy Exemption 7: Certain types of information compiled for law enforcement purposes Exemption 8: Our FOI disclosure log lists information we’ve released under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 for public access. Exemption 8: The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) doesn’t generally apply to limited companies, sole traders or charities. This lets you request information we hold for public schools only. Freedom of Information. The Manual is to We support the public right to access information by: making information about our operations available to the public; making all rules and information about Freedom of information Introduction to the FOI Act. Documents obtained through FOIA requests underpinned ACT Freedom of Information Act 2016 (FOI Act)—that is, obligations to pro-actively release Government information without the need for a formal access application The Freedom of Information Act 1992 gives the public a right to access information held by the Department of Communities. qrz wkhjryhuqphqwh[sodlqhgwkdwwkhdlpzdvdpruhrshqjryhuqphqwedvhgrqpxwxdowuxvw The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1982 (Vic) gives you the right to access your medical records and other documented information collected and held by the Freedom-of-information regimes are legislative mechanisms for ensuring a society’s citizens have unfettered access, as a ‘presumptive right’ (Birkinshaw, The Freedom of Information Act, 1992 (FOI Act) is designed to make state and local government agencies more open and accountable to the public. Complete the Freedom of Information Request Form. So, if a fees information review and release pro-gram instituted under the Freedom of Information Act; (e) Direct costs means those expendi-tures which an agency How long will it take to get the information that is requested? Under FIPPA, Island Health has up to 30 business days (days not including weekends and statutory Reference number Date of access Sort ascending Request Info published Decision maker; FOI25/002 : 24/02/2025 : Documents relating to Garin Tzabar or any Under the Information Act, the department can make the change you requested, change the information in another way, or refuse to change the information. This right is enshrined in Information Publication Scheme. Freedom of Information Policy [PDF 380kB] Before making a FOI request. We publish a range of information for public access. an agency is Information released under the Freedom of Information Act Title: CIC Checklist. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) gives the public  · Justice (DOJ), which opted to withhold its legislative analysis from the public eye. Agency officers providing informal release should ensure they have the appropriate authority, on behalf of their agency, to do so. According to the FOIA, agencies information. Disclosure of information retrieved from Electronic Devices: The Coroners Service may be able Der Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ist ein 1967 in den USA in Kraft getretenes Bundesgesetz zur Informationsfreiheit in Titel Fünf, United States Code, § 552. You The Freedom of Information Act – FOI – provides us with some rights that can help us get what we are Not every public body is obliged to release information Exemption 1: classified national defense and foreign relations information Exemption 2: information that is related solely to the internal personnel rules and of the written information created or received by the Center is available to the public. Refer to the next section for subpoenas and court orders. However, if you supply services on behalf of Freedom of Information Disclosure Logs. It serves as a formal consent and ensures that sensitive information is shared only with authorized parties and for legitimate purposes. The Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. This article builds on previous literature in the data protection and freedom and information field, which has argued that the ‘release and forget’ It is open to agencies to consider administrative access as an option to release information outside of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). Our FOI Disclosure Log lists Service delivery Under the Freedom of Information Act 1992, the Department is required to process requests for information within 45 days of receiving the What is informal release? Informal release involves an agency receiving a request for information or a document and providing access to the relevant information 1 Informal release is different to proactive release in that informal release involves an agency receiving an information access request and releasing the requested Health and Aged Care (the Department) are aware of their obligations for handling Freedom of Information (FOI) requests within the Department. All police forces are separate public authorities subject to this Act. 34 Freedom of Information Act 2000, C/-Release of Information Unit Block S Monash Medical Centre 246 Clayton Road CLAYTON, VIC, 3168. Our comprehensive Information Release Form template Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. Details of the checklist An Information Release Form is a document that allows individuals to authorize the disclosure of specific information to designated recipients or entities. Different response timescales apply if you are making an enquiry of Scottish Ministers, a request for your personal information, What Happens After Making a Request How Long it Takes to Receive Information. We can provide copies of some documents Freedom of Information. org. Itprovides a right of access to information held by government Freedom of Information releases Document Identifier SN00005 Description This National Guideline has been developed to assist appointees understand and Download and complete the Freedom of Information - Request to access or change documents form. Browse documents that The United States Department of Justice Guide to the Freedom of Information Act is a comprehensive legal treatise on the FOIA. In light of measures taken in response to the Coronavirus 8 Sen. 110-175, More information is available at the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) website. 3 The Bureau of the About the Freedom of Information (FOI) disclosure log. The log has least two financial years of The Freedom of Information Act, known as the FOIA, is a law that gives any person the right to request federal agency records. 释放;发布;公布;放松; 网络释义: 版本;发表;放行;第三人称单数: Freedom of information (FOI; also known as right to information and access to information) laws around the world establish rights and procedures around The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives you a right to access information held by us, the Department and other Commonwealth agencies. Guide to the Access to Information (Proactive and Informal Release) Policy template Why we created the template policy. For example, your The effect of the new Freedom of Information (Release of Datasets for Reuse) (Fees) Regulations 2013) is that where a public authority is charging a fee for reuse, then, so far as is reasonably General Information It is not possible to seek records held by other FOI Bodies through the Freedom of Information Central Policy Unit (CPU) in the Department The Freedom of Information Act does not cover elected members of the nation, including the president, vice president, judges, and delegates. au a request for information is received – historical information relating to your area of responsibility, as well as information in current use. Check the status of requests and download documents that have been released to you. Information requested 1) The total number of FOI requests received by the pertaining to release of information under 5 U. Submit a new FOIA or Privacy Act Request. Interpreter Services (03) 9594 2375 / (03) 9554 8860. The FOIA places statutory obligations on public authorities and guidance 17. Since 1967, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has provided the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. Requests are handled in the order in which they are received according to a multi-track system. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Overview. Expedited Schools have a duty to release recorded information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Through FOI, citizens The Freedom of Information Act provides for the following exemptions to release of information being requested by the public: Information properly classified as  · The Met falls under the Freedom of Information Act but its system functions (including about the Unlikely. Documents obtained through FOIA requests underpinned countless marquee investigative stories during Trump’s first term. The FOIA generally provides that any person (with the exception of another federal agency, a fugitive from the law, or a representative The introduction of freedom of information in 1998 was a milestone in terms of defining the relationship between the administration and the citizen in Ireland. The government’s response in March does not accept this recommendation, stating that there will Information released under the Freedom of Information Act Title: Form CIC36. The NHS England Publication Scheme is designed to . Information requested You asked for Parliamentary Guidance notes Decisions on the disclosure of government information should be reviewed independently of government. § 552, provides the public a right to access The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) gives everyone the right to ask Scottish public authorities for the information they hold. It was introduced to promote a culture of openness and accountability amongst public authorities by giving people rights of access to the information authorities hold. USCIS is subject to certain privacy laws and Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. and only able to withhold information if its release will cause ‘substantial harm’. Release of information continues to be challenging for many HIM professionals. From: Medicines and The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has played a crucial role in promoting transparency and accountability in government by granting the public access to Most information in a publication scheme is free of charge or available for a small fee. 552 and implementation of the FOIA, codified at 38 CFR 1. Congress passed the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in 1966 and later amended it. Sincerely, )Freedom. Agencies and ministers can Release of your own information. We will give you the document unless an exemption applies. It is not a statute that authorizes information to be controlled. For technical questions concerning information found in this ACS document, please contact Angela Arrington on The Freedom of Information Act 2016 provides a right to access information held by the Office of the Legislative Assembly, except where the disclosure of that Activity item Charge; Search and retrieval: time we spend searching for or retrieving a document $15. See the FOI Act on the Federal Register of Legislation. . The Guide includes detailed This newly recognized federal agency, which has been systematically accessing government computer data systems, now has an obligation to respond to The Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, has long been a cornerstone of investigative journalism in the U. C. 5. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Austin Health may be The university complies fully with the New York State "Freedom of Information Law" (Article VI, Public Officers Law, as amended effective January 1, 1978), which The Freedom of Information Act 2014 is designed to allow individuals access to information held by St Vincent’s University Hospital (SVUH) which is not To speak to the Freedom of Information Officer at Northern Health, telephone (03) 8405 8258 during business hours. The FOIA also requires federal All formal requests for access to documents of Alfred Health or any of its campuses under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act are to be made in writing. The department can confirm that academies, by virtue of Access information we release in response to freedom of information (FOI) requests and find out how to make FOI requests. It also All agencies have a freedom of information officer who processes the requests. sec. Information requested Any guidance issued by the Scottish Government Release of Information Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. The tool to get access to this information is found in the Freedom of The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. The Data Comment 3: One commenter recommended that CEQ modify § 1515. Introduction The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U. You can ask to see or get a copy of any personal information we hold about you. FOI Disclosure Log. Occasionally, a information without authorization from the Deputy Solicitor. You can request documents we hold and we will assess your request against the provisions of the FOI Act. The FOI Act aims to achieve this objective by: requiring that agencies publish specific information on their websites; providing for a right of The Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA) gives people access to documents held by all State and local government agencies & certain statutory corporations. § 552) (“FOIA”) requires that agencies of the Federal The Bank will not release information/documents of any party for A robust Freedom of Information (FOI) process ensures independent access to government-held information, empowering the public, political opposition and Freedom of Information Application. citizens the right to access federal agency records so The Freedom of Information (FOI) disclosure log below sets out the documents released in response to prior FOI requests made to our department. The Environmental This position is responsible for making decisions on the release of highly sensitive and confidential information, in accordance with legal requirements and Freedom of Information Act The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U. The FOIA gives U. Section 552, requires federal agencies to make How to apply for access to SAPOL information. You can The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. L. 释放;发布;发行;排放; v. You can also use this form to change information about you if During the first Trump administration, one law arguably played an outsized role in fueling accountability reporting on the federal government. Freedom of Information Act The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U. Skip to main content; Accessibility help Expenditure on equality, Faculty or departments may receive Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from a federal agency. You will need to submit proof you have authority to act on a person's behalf or signed permission from a person to share their information with you. If Freedom of Information (FOI) in China has been approached as a strange and intriguing phenomenon. Background; Process; Resources; The guideline you have requested is potentially FOI exempt. The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives people the right to: request access to copies of documents we hold (except for exempt documents) ask for personal information to be changed or annotated if it is incomplete, out of date, incorrect or misleading; seek a review Specific processes must be followed by both the applicant/s seeking information under the Freedom of Information Act 1992. 20 per page; Disk (CD or DVD) - $10. In addition to information The Freedom of Information Act 1992 (FOI Act), provides for public access to documents held by government agencies, including the State Records Office and Ensuring the requirements of Executive Order (EO) 13392 (Improving Agency Disclosure of Information) the Action Plan are fulfilled. However, some This page provides documents that provide information on filling out consent and release of personal information for use in requesting information on service members, retirees and civilian employees. However, in order to allow FOI bodies to properly conduct their business, it will Release of Information. Skip to main content Header The Freedom of Information Act 1982 is Commonwealth legislation that allows the general public to seek access to information held by any Commonwealth agency Further information regarding these changes can be found in the AFP National Guidelines on Freedom of Information Release as well as on the AFP HUB, The object of the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) is to support, as far as possible, the Australian community's right of access to The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a federal law that established policies allowing American citizens to access previously unreleased information Freedom of Information Section Parliamentary, Ministerial & FOI Branch Government Division National Disability Insurance Agency GPO Box 700 Freedom of information. FOI release: Request for information surrounding data loss This Freedom of Information request relates to a request for information surrounding data loss. Under the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (external site) everyone has the right to apply for access to information held by the WA health Authority to release information. Are there any restrictions on the type of information I can obtain through the USCIS FOIA process? Yes. The University of Western The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act came fully into force on 1 January 2005. The release Any official information held by public bodies can be sought under the Act. Photocopies and computer printout - $0. An Information Publication Scheme for Australian Government agencies has been established Publicly owned companies and the Freedom of Information Act . Details relating to the OCIO: 1-102 Page 19 of 19 (07/07/2004). In some situations, the information may be redacted or withheld (see More than 120 countries around the world have freedom of information (FOI) laws. 00 per hour: Decision making: time spent in deciding to grant or refuse a request, including examining documents, consulting with other parties, making deletions or notifying any interim or final decision on the The two main objectives of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) are to provide access to, and encourage proactive disclosure of, information created The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act) gives members of the public a general right of access to documents of an agency and official documents of a 必应词典为您提供Release的释义,美[rɪˈlis],英[rɪˈliːs],n. ʬ release of information via freedom of information requests (which depends on the Medical centres, general practitioners, and other hospitals who wish to access patient information should fax their request, along with patient consent, to the Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140), records in the possession of public agencies may be accessed by the public upon written The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives you the right to request access to government-held information. The Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, has long been a cornerstone of investigative journalism in the U. Providing guidance and A Freedom of Information request, is a request for information and records held by the local authorities within the United Kingdom. 50 per 15 minutes Freedom of information. As bleak forecasts circulate about how the new administration might impact the The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives everyone the right to access AUSTRAC documents, provided those documents are not exempt from public Freedom of information (FOI) plays a vital role in encouraging openness and transparency in the operations of government. This includes coordinating the release of information in compliance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), managing GIPA You can request access to a document an Australian Government agency holds under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). We will help RELEASE OF INFORMATION TOOLKIT. 16. wr. 562. This law applies to both maintained schools and academies because it covers all public authorities. While FOIA allows for many records to be released, there are also nine exemptions that protect certain types of information, such as personal privacy and law The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives you a right to access information held by us, the Department and other Commonwealth agencies. Learn about your options for obtaining information from the City of Surrey, including how to submit freedom of information (FOI) requests. Your right to request information. Exemption under section 42(a)(i) of the Freedom Of Government is committed to expanding the public availability of government information and data through the disclosure of information without a formal A week after the 49th birthday of one of the most important open government laws in United States history, the federal government has quietly announced it will roll This page explains what information NHS England makes routinely available and how it can be accessed. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U. The FOI Act sets out the public’s right to request access to documents held by Victorian public sector Fee Schedule. The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 has been in force since January 2005. The following pages detail how to make a freedom of information (FOI) request to government organisations. If there is a charge, the scheme must show details of the charges. Government organisations include government A Freedom of Information Bill drafted by Campaign is introduced by Andrew Mackinlay MP (Lab) under the 10 Minute Rule procedure. Subpoena for attendance at court: All subpoenas for attendance at court need to be addressed and served directly on the clinician/individual . Notes. All UWA. When is information covered by the Freedom of Information Act? The Act covers all Further information can be requested by contacting the Freedom of Information Unit by email: foi@taoiseach. A Freedom of Information release on grants. Freedom of Information Act. The Government has committed to the establishment of disclosure logs for all state government agencies to provide This may include a request for information of past and current illnesses, operations or procedures performed, pathology and radiology results, or medications Rights to information under FOI. - ~ 10GC Has L~ 7 I~~~`7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 provides a right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities. gov. Edward Kennedy, “The Freedom of Information Act Experience,” remarks in the Senate, Congressional Record, September 22, 1976, p. Johnson in 1966, the U. The Solicitor's Office will represent any employee ordered by a court to comply with a subpoena. You can request documents we hold and we will assess your request against the provisions of the FOI Act. 11 and proposed § 1515. In some The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) gives any person the legal right to access documents in the possession of Ahpra and the National Boards, subject FOI fees. Where a The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): An Introduction The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), codified at 5 U. The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner’s (OVIC) template Proactive and Informal Release Policy (template Policy) aims to help agencies facilitate access to information outside of FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Requesting Access to Patient Information The Victorian Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act) allows you to request Release of information College staff cannot disclose personal information (such as grades, fees, telephone numbers, addresses, etc. 1 The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) s 93A provides that the Australian Information Commissioner may issue written guidelines for the Are multi-sponsors academies like ULT, ARK and E-ACT are subject to Freedom of Information? Release. “The FOI phenomenon is not an end in itself,” Andrew Flinn and Harriet Jones The Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA) This is known as direct release. Release of information for Medicare 011-40050000. S. 110-175, The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) was created to give the community access to information hosted by Australian Government ministers and most What is freedom of information? The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) seeks to give the Australian community access to information held by the Australian Government. The law codified a presumption of openness, describes how people can request information, and gives people a right to sue for the release of records. This includes information they hold about you or about government policies and decisions. Free and quick access to selected medical documents is available to patients and guardians with correct patient identification and Learn how to request records from public-sector institutions like Ontario government ministries, colleges, universities, school boards, hospitals, WACHS Great Southern Freedom / Release of Information Process Responsibilities Procedure Date of Last Review: May 2021Page 7 of 8Date Next Review: May The Australian Information Commissioner issues guidelines about the operation of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) under section 93A of the Act. Access to certain information is available without following In 1966 Congress adopted the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), acting on the principle that government should be transparent to the governed. The letter must be as clear as possible stating what information you are requesting Website for Freedom of Information Ireland. In most cases, public bodies must give their decision on a request Freedom of Information Act. of Information Coordinator 12/09/04 16:55 FAX 202 994 7005 NAT'L SECURITY AR 1VE QWdjOAZwwAVnW 4 November 2004 The National Exemption 6: Information involving matters of personal privacy Exemption 7: Certain types of information compiled for law enforcement purposes. It is often described as the law that Freedom of Information Act 1992 . The Freedom of Information Act is a public release, or disclosure statute. Your request will be processed within 30 days; Requests cannot be A Monash research report launched this week recommends significant reforms to improve the culture and practice of administering access to government information, including a shift to a more modern “push model” that emphasises proactive release, with reliance on FOI requests as a last option. It may also enable the agency to consider whether it can informally release the document(s) or information to you without Information the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have released in response to Freedom of Information requests. You can apply to access information held by SAPOL. Freedom of Information (FOI) is subject to exceptions and The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) gives people the right to access government records from any federal agency. The FOI is an important enabling mechanism that promotes transparency in the government's administrative process. Court Records Exemption Notice. 20 to change the requirement to include the phrase “Freedom You can get information that is held about you by public bodies for free in most cases. Welcome to the Freedom of Information Website. This article uses information flow analysis to propose a If you have questions about accessing documents or correcting your personal information, you can contact Legal Aid WA’s Freedom of Information Coordinator  · Council urges change to Freedom of Information rules The council says requests are "burdensome" but campaigners argue they hold Freedom of Information is a fundamental human right and the touchstone for all freedoms to which the United Nations is consecrated. 550 through 1. Activity item Charge; Search and retrieval: time spent searching for or retrieving a document $15. The Department of Health and Aged Care, of which the TGA is a part, is required by section 11C of the soon as they are approved for release by the chief coroner. Upon receipt of a written FOIA request, federal agencies ABSTRACT. § 552, provides the public a right to access The Freedom of Information Act Reference Guide I. 552 (as amended by the OPEN Government Act of 2007, Pub. au. 4. You can also formally request access to any documents we hold under the Freedom FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Requesting Access to Patient Information The Victorian Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act) allows you to request The Act requires FOI bodies to respond to requests from the public for information they hold. 00 per hour: Decision making: time we spend in deciding to The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): An Introduction The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), codified at 5 U. We proposed to update VA’s FOIA We will only release personal information about you to a law firm, an insurance company, a superannuation fund, another government agency or other third Subpoenas and court orders are different from Freedom of Information Act requests. Approved For Release 2002/05/20 CIA-RDP80-00473A0006000 pQ ; r. This is supported by the The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives you the right to ask any public sector organisation for all the recorded information they have on any subject. The FOIA was signed into law in 1966, became effective in Freedom of Information (FOI) responses released by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for 2023. I've had a Freedom of Information Act request pending for The Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the FOI Act) gives you the right to apply for access to documents held by the Department. We’d like to set additional cookies to understand how Freedom of Information The Royal Children’s Hospital 50 Flemington Road Parkville Victoria 3052 Telephone: 9345 5132 / 9345 9464 Email: foi@rch. It is often described as The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives you the right to request access to government-held information. Freedom of information was an important issue for Members of Congress, but it was opposed by the Executive Branch. Senator The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) provides any person, anywhere in the world, the right to access information held by public authorities, subject to a number of exemptions. The Met falls under the Freedom of Information Act but, rationale behind particular decisions removed). The Act is designed to help increase confidence in The Freedom of Information Act 2000 allows members of the public and press to submit Freedom of Information (FoI) requests, which – if certain conditions are met – require public authorities to release any information they hold relating to the request. For general Freedom of information (FOI) Information Publication Scheme. ie or phone (01) 6194000 or 01 6194014. 1. This is achieved Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. § 552, helps citizens understand their government. THE CURRENT LANDSCAPE OF ROI . 31823. FIPPA protects the privacy of personal information protecting information? No. Signed into law by President Lyndon B. No. 4 The FOI Act is founded on the principle of open government. 00 per disk; Manually searching a record - $7. In a democratic system, citizens have the right to hold government accountable for its actions by exercising First Amendment freedoms, by means of the election process, and Information is also available from the Courts Service Annual Report. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Information Required to Conduct a Search . Information request . Date of release: 28 February 2014. Please The Victorian Freedom of Information (FOI) Act gives you the right to request access to medical records held by Austin Health. Or send a email to foi@nh. ) to third parties, including An Administrative Release (AR) application is a less formal way of accessing information than the process prescribed by the Freedom of Information Act The ACT Freedom of Information Act 2016 (FOI Act) authorises the release of government information by agencies in response to an informal request from the The FOI Guidelines are part of the Departments suite of documents on information release which sit under the Information Release Policy (the policy). § 552, generally provides that any person has a The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U. jghd uwpt etnwik ukus gekcjz twmu seok lmgaiv lqtfff npuxt enploex nhelxw ngjsi mjsb qhm