General education department kerala contact number. India; Kerala; MyGov; NIC; Contact details.

General education department kerala contact number 7219,email id-sreeja101619@kerala. 1208/2020/HEDN Higher Education Sixth Working Day 2019-20 Provisional TRANSFER TO MODEL RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS – INTERVIEW Protected Teachers- Deployment Order General Transfer – 2019 -20 – Final Orders HST Core Subjects / Language & Specialist / LPST / UPST / PD Tr / LPST/UPST (Tamil) Primary HM Promotion- 2019- Orders Inter District Education Sector Kerala. c, higher Sl. ker@gmail. Looking for old site? click here Find your Schools in Sametham Contact. education:online tranfer of ministerial staff:instructions for updating of spark data. Contact Us. in: Additional Secretary official website of General Education Department. Home About Us Circulars & Orders Vision Mission Resources Academics Institutions Programs Offered Contact Us. General Education Department; Sampoorna; School Wiki; Sametham; Samagra; Govt Links. No: District: Land Phone: email id: gmail id: 1: Thiruvananthapuram: 0471-2472302: ddetvm(at) education. in email: secy. IMPORTANT PHONE DIRECTORY HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL PHONE  · helpline for teachers and employess in general education department. ADDRESS: FXW6+7MJ, Jagathy, Thiruvananthapuram, The victory of Kerala’s school framework is a result of well-planned instructive approaches, committed instructors, and effective administration. 0471-2325106 / 2324601 Email. (Rt) No. gov. No: Educational District: Address: Mail id: Phone: 1: Attingal: Near Govt. Schools; 693616: 1266: 1118109: 1444: 266104: 806  · contact; covid 19: related orders; daily wage ; da ( dearness allowance) general education department kerala employees and teachers forum phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school data bank (s The receipt of Applications for Admission to GPF and allotment of account numbers have been centralised. The contact number for Directorate of Public Instruction is +91 471 232 5106 Head office of General Education Department, Kerala. NUMBER OF SCHOOLS IN IDUKKI – 2017-18 (6TH WORKING DAY) AEO/DEO Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. of students No. in, Tel : 0471-2721100, Fax : 0471-2720266 KERALA . in  · Director of General Education. Muhammad Hanish Secretary Roon No. chief / ast. O, Thiruvananthapuram 0471-2703456 Telephone Number: e-Mail ID: 1: District AEO: Address: Phone No. Varkala: AEO Office, Varkala, Varkala P O: 0470-2608440: aeovarkala@education. VHSE Kerala. Muhammed Kunju. Sl. Order approving Expert Committee on School Education; GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT -SCHOOL STATITICS - 2018-19; Athletic Pareekshabhavan (Office of the Commissioner,Government Examinations) Pareeksha Bhavan, the office of the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Department of General Education, Govt. com; Info Corner; eServices; Dearth of manpower and meagre infrastructure facilities have been the serious maladies tormenting the department right from its inception. Looking for old site? click here Find your Schools in Sametham . 3. Present Director is Sri. 5607,MG Road, Thiruvananthapuram 695 039. in; Info Corner; eServices; English English Malayalam Tamil Kannada. Srikumar K S. Office Districts Contacts Email Id; 1: RDD ,Thiruvananthapuram: Thiruvananthapuram; Kollam; 0471 2328247: rddtvm. Place: Address: E-mail: Phone: 1: Varkala: Assistant Educational Office Varkala: aeovak. circular no. JEEVAN BABU K, IAS: DIRECTOR OF GENERAL EDUCATION: PA To Director 0471-2320714. College Attingal, PIN – 695101: deoatl. Registrar of Firms O/o Inspector General of Registration, Vanchiyoor P. No: DISTRICT : Name of office: SPIO (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg:-Govt. by സാക്കി (grievance redressal contact no:1800-425-0237) (contact : 1800 phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school ddepkd. General Education (G) Department Phone: 0471-2517193 1. in: 2: Thiruvanantha puram: Statue Jn Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg:-Govt. Ernakulam. 0471-2320714; directorhse. Order approving Expert Committee on School Education; GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT -SCHOOL STATITICS - 2018-19; Athletic General Education Department is located at FXW6+7MJ, Jagathy, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695014, India. in: ddetvm@gmail. No: NAME OF OFFICE: Section : SPIO (DESIGNATION) OFFICE PHONE NO. com; Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. Rasak Valavannur said. Rajesh R. No: Name: Designation : Sections: Phone No. Home; Offices Associated. Ground Floor, South Block Government Secretariat Thiruvananthapuram- 695 001 Kerala. supdtm. Education Mission; SCERT; ddetvm. 9497010694. Office: Telephone : E-mail: Education Minister: 0471-2327574, 2332868: min. PHONE DIRECTORY HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL PHONE NUMBER ALL KERALA HIGH SCHOOL PHONE NUMBER ALL Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. (സാധാ) നം. in: Education Secretary: 0471-2320434, 2518851: secy. in Software helpdesk support and policy matters by  · District Educational Office in Statue, Trivandrum Contact Person : Statue, General hospital Landmark : Near General Hospital Pin Code : 695001 Phone Number : 0471 2476257 Last updated : May 16, Phone Number : 0471 2476257 Last updated : May 16, 2010 . Users can get name of the officials, their designation, telephone numbers and other contact details. Know more Announcements Welcome Information Contact Us. Address: HSE, DGE Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. ENGLISH Kerala Raj Bhavan, Kerala Governor’s Camp P. in സ്ത്രീ സുരക്ഷ സഹായ നംപര്‍ 7827-170-170 നിരാകരണം | പകര്‍പ്പവകാശം Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Pareekshabhavan. No. Secretary, General Education Department : 0471-2518851, 2320434: Additional Secretary: 0471-2327846 / 337, General Education Department, Govt of Kerala. Minister for General Education; Ail matters relating to Last Grade Servants and Ministerial Staff of General Education Department Additional Secretary,Contact No. No: DEO: Address: Phone: Email: 1: Neyyattinkara: Trivandrum, PIN – 695121: 0471-2222381: deonta@education. if anyone want to learn SAS Training So you Can Contact Here-9311002620 or PHONE DIRECTORY HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL PHONE NUMBER ALL general administration (co-ordination) department kerala government secretariat thiruvananthapuram phone: 0471-2518463 email id: gadcdn@gmail. in The General Education Department is one of the important departments in Kerala. Therefore, all applications for admission to GPF and allotment of account numbers are to be forwarded to the Office of the Accountant General (A&E), Kerala, PB No. What is the contact number for General Education Department? The contact number for General Education Department is +91 471 251 8997 Office: Room No. 9 Subhash Nagar Perumthanni Vallakkadavu Phone Number Direct PABX Residence/ Extn. Home; Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. com: 2: Kollam: 0474-2792957  · departmental test:notification dt:26/08/2021:download rte amendment:primary hm promotion:departmental test exemption to those who have attained 50 years of age. Mobile Number Official Details Department Government Department Administrative Secretariat Advocate General. com  · The roll of education department, The Department of General Education is always eager enough to make practice such un-paralleled method of education to transform our children to perfect human beings. About 350 employees are working in this office. Looking for old site? click here Find your Schools in Sametham Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal Authority (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Administrative Assistant: 4692600181: ddepta. O. Anil Kumar. Int. SIET Kerala is the one among the other seven SIET’s in the country. js@kerala. General Education Department, Kerala. State Institute of Educational Technology (SIET) Kerala is an autonomous institution working as a part of General education department, Government of Kerala. c3/198/2019/dge dt:22/09/2020; gen. Finance Department; General Education ; KITE - (Formerly known as IT@School) Kerala Govt. HSE Kerala. ക്രമ നം: DISTRICT : Name of office: SPIO (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal Authority (Designation) Office Phone Number Dearth of manpower and meagre infrastructure facilities have been the serious maladies tormenting the department right from its inception. Home > DEO. deokhd@education. VHSE | DHSE. Related Links. : 9446048800, E-mail: min. 2. Find contact details of General Education Department, Kerala. com; Info Corner; Contact Us. The Union Budget, 2018-19, has proposed to treat school education holistically without segmentation from pre-nursery to Class 12. OFFICE EMAIL ID: APPEAL AUTHORITY No. Kerala – 695035 regig. It is established on the lines of NCERT at the national level, and is a resource body in the academic matters of school education – from Preprimary to Higher secondary. in: Rose House, Vazhuthacaud Thiruvananthapuram: Mulakkal No. please send an e-mail quoting 10 digit official website of General Education Department. in: 0470-2608440: 2: Attingal: Assistant Educational Office General Edu – Secretariat. 8541611007. BY സാക്കി I am not able to login to Sanwya ( manager) not geting fogot password also whom to contact I am from Malappuram Areecode sub. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education; Directorate of General Education; Reference Number Title Content Education Sector Kerala. Website  · clerk to senior clerk promotion:service card called for:circular no. Kerala’s achievements in social development and quality of life are, no doubt, inspiring and encouraging. Sreeja V. Scholarships. y2/661885/2022/dge dt:15/09/2022 substantive vacancy to the post would arise only on the actual date of retirement of helpline for teachers and employess in general education department. E-mail: min. Mobile. The Department plays an eminent role in the physical and metal development of all pupils studying in schools. 201- A 2nd Floor Education Room No. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education; Directorate of General Education; Regional Deputy Directors; GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Name, Location and Portfolios Phone Number Direct PABX Residence/ Extn. l. മലയാളം; DEO. dge[at]kerala. ,Thiruvananthapuram-695 099 PERSONAL STAFF OF THE GOVERNOR OFFICE (DIRECT) EPABX RESIDENCE MOBILE E-mail : keralagovernor@gmail. by സാക്കി any contact number january 13, 2025 at 3:22 am phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school data bank (s  · counting of leave vacancy service for various service benefit like probation,increment,grade& pay revision etc: a case study:go(rt)579/2022/gedn dt:03/02/2022 Tel: 0471- 2327574, 2332868, Fax: 0471- 2332133, Mob. DETAILS OF APPELLATE AUTHORITY (RIA) IN GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. com Department Nodal Officers Department Government Aided Un-aided; Students Schools Students Schools Students Schools; 693616: 1266: 1118109: 1444: 266104: 806 Kerala Higher Education Department - About Department , Department Organization, Notable Function, Department Section and Contact Details -  · Find the Contact Number of Higher Education Department and Minister Kerala 2021. in: DDE: supdtqip. com . in: Education Secretary: 0471-2320434, 2518851 Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. 31/2022/fin dated 15/03/2022 leave surrender helpline for teachers and employess in general education department. 206, Second Floor, South Sandwich Block, Government Secretariat, Ph: 0471-2518002, 2339182, E-mail: secy. dge@kerala. Higher Secondary Education-To whom to contact for a matter: DHSE–Thiruvananthapuram (Enquiry General Education Department ( Kerala Government ) DPI: 0471 - 2324601 0471- 2325106 2518529: General Education Department Joint Secretary : 0471- 2328326, 2518358: General Education The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT Kerala) is an autonomous body of the Department of General Education; Government of Kerala. 0471-2325106 / 2324601 general administration (co-ordination) department kerala government secretariat thiruvananthapuram phone: 0471-2518463 email id: gadcdn@gmail. Jeevan Babu Island. Ajith Nath 19 months ago  · daily wage payment in examination days:clarificationletter no. Minister for DEO Offices; AEO Offices; Language. Order approving Expert Committee on School Education; GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT -SCHOOL STATITICS - 2018-19; Athletic HELPLINE FOR TEACHERS AND EMPLOYESS IN GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Uppalam Road, Statue, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001. com: Contact No. Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. Order approving Expert Committee on School Education; GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT -SCHOOL STATITICS - 2018-19; Athletic  · The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. Directorate of General Education Jagathi Thiruvananthapuram-695014 Phone Numbers. gedu@kerala. in: Attingal: AEO Office, Attingal, Attingal P O  · online transfer of ministerial staff in general education department: rules & regulations. Looking for old site? click here Find your Schools in Sametham Samagra Shiksha Kerala; SIET; SIEMAT; Pareekshabhavan; SIMC; State Council for Open and Lifelong Education; Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority; Kerala In India, the Department of General Education is the Government of Kerala's body for school education. General Education Department in Thiruvananthapuram AGs, Thiruvananthapuram listed under Government office with Address, Contact Number, Reviews & Ratings, Address of the Government office is 2nd Floor, Secretariat Annex 1, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001. in: Govt Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg:-Govt. Samagra Shiksha Kerala. 8358, email id-gedn. Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg:-Govt. Share This. ഉ. 5. AS: B, G, U & PS sslc certificate correction:instruction:download sslc exam march 2022 -centralised valuation camp-addl. 2020-09-30: 30/09/2020: G. For enquiries contact the CA concerned and for making complaints and suggestions contact the officer concerned in the Mail ID noted below: JOINT DIRECTOR (Exam): jd2hse. This imposing mansion, clerk to senior clerk promotion:service card called for:circular no. 301 3rd Floor-Annexe(1) 2326436 8695 2433843 9496361074 To get AdimaliWeb updates via WhatsAapp, add our number "9961866602" & introduce yourself. Public examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations and allied matters. FOR PRISM RELATED QUERY:CONTACT BLOG ; ADMIN email:keralaedn@gmail. Sir, Medical Reimbursement നായി സമര്‍പ്പിച്ച അപേക്ഷയുടെ status അറിയാന്‍ DPI Office ൽ ഏത് number ൽ വിളിക്കണം. Innovative Instructive Hones: Contact Info. No: Name of office: SPIO (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal Authority (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: 1: DIET PALAKKAD official website of General Education Department. Home > Pareekshabhavan. Contact; Locate Us; RTI General Education Department; Health and Family Welfare Department; Higher Education Department; Home Department; Kerala Government Secretariat, the nerve-centre of administration in the State, is completing 151 glorious years. Port Department Helpline 155300 (for BSNL connection) Tel: 0471- 2335523 2115054, 2115098 Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. c5/800/2020/dge dt:16/09/2022 school kalolsavam 2022-23:fund collection :instructions:circular no. gov : NCW Women Helpline 7827-170-170. com Department Nodal Officers Department Sl. Address: Directorate of General Education, Vocational Higher Secondary Wing,DPI helpline for teachers and employess in general education department. Minimum age rules (SSLC). O. DISTRICT: Name of office: SPIO (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal Authority (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: PATHANAMTHITTA : Govt HSS PERINGARA: HM: 0469 Phone Number. Higher Education Minister of Kerala Contact number. BY സാക്കി Please keep sharing this type of information. in This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. com ; OTHER IMPORTANT PHONE DIRECTORY HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL PHONE NUMBER ALL KERALA HIGH SCHOOL PHONE  · Kerala government helpline numbers, toll free contact telephone number for emergency, Government of Kerala important tollfree and contact numbers. Rani George IAS: Principal Secretary – 2518002 – 2: Smt. in Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. in: 2: RDD ,Chengannur: Pathanamthitta  · Information & Public Relations Department. ടെലഫോൺ: 0471- 2327574, 2332868, Fax: 0471- 2332133, മൊബൈൽ: 9446048800, ഇമെയില്‍: min. . 201 2nd Floor Annexe -2 Secretariat Thiruvananthapuram– 695001 Tel: 0471- 2327560, 2517048 Mobile: 9400009100 E-mail: min.  · സ. GPF BIMS SPARK BAMS ORDERS EDUCATION PSC ADVICE PENSION PRISM DCRG COMMUTATION SCHOLARSHIP PAY FIXATION GRAD sakkir. Schools No.  · കേരള സ്കൂള്‍ കലോത്സവം -2024-25- ഫെസ്റ്റിവല്‍ ഫണ്ട് Vocational Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. dirvhse. General Education Department - ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBERS OFFICE RESIDENCE PERMANENT ADDRESS Room No. India; Kerala; MyGov; NIC; Contact details. Private Secretary V Sivankutty Minister for General Education and Labour; Shri. in സ്ത്രീ സുരക്ഷ സഹായ നംപര്‍ 7827-170-170 നിരാകരണം | പകര്‍പ്പവകാശം ഓഫീസ്: Telephone : ഇമെയില്‍ Education Minister: 0471-2327574, 2332868: min. Tel: 0471- 2332868 Mob: 9447741385. Condonation of delay in submitting applications. 498/2025/gedn തീയതി,തിരുവനന്തപുരം, 17-01-2025  · official website of General Education Department. But transcending all limitations, the concerted efforts by all levels of functionaries at the Directorate have helped it to become a full fledged department and to attain organisational Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. of Kerala is the institution for conducting various Government examinations including SSLC, THSSLC, KGTE, K-TET, Sl. in contact : 0471-2703456. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education; Directorate of General Education; Regional Deputy Directors; helpline for teachers and employess in general education department. by സാക്കി contact us: india - +91-9654279131 | uae - +971-585346679 phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school data Sl. Language examination, Correction of date of birth (SSLC/School records) 4. Location. FOR PRISM RELATED QUERY:CONTACT BLOG ADMIN email:keralaedn@gmail. Director of General Education,Jagathi, Thiruvananthapuram-695014 Office Tel :0471-2325106 / 2324601,Fax: 0471-2324605, 7. The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. in: സ്ത്രീ സുരക്ഷ സഹായ നംപര്‍ 7827-170-170. About Us . Minister for General Education; Office Number & Mobile Number: NCW Women Helpline 7827-170-170. Disclaimer The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. examiner registration circular: download sslc valuation:circular:download order of the commissioner of disability for the benefit of sslc examination of students with disabilities:download s. mail id : dirdhse. What is the contact number for General Education Department? The contact number for General Education Department is +91 471 232 5106 What is the nearest railway station from General Education General Education Department is located at 2nd Floor, Secretariat Annex 1, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001, India. c3/19817/2019/dge dt:29/06/2020; online general transfer is not  · SPARK DMU CONTACT PHONE NUMBER ( GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ) Alappuzha. in: Killippalam Chalai P O THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695 036: 2: Kollam: ddeklm. 22194/J3/2013/GEDN DT:22/06/2013 Government Aided Un-aided; No. Mobile Residential Address Shri. in Rose House, Vazhuthacaud Thiruvananthapuram Mulakkal No. in JOINT DIRECTOR (Academic): jd1hse. 9447138494.  · general education department,English. by സാക്കി contact bims & bams 9846106029, 0471-2328471 bams. 8355 email id – priyarenji@mail. Tel: 0471-2327782, 2518443 official website of General Education Department. rajbhavan. Mobile No. ker@nic. Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. edu@kerala. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in: 0470-2622413: 2 OFFICER: DESIGNATION: MATTER: CONTACT: Sri. com, Website : www. kerala. in aided school appointment gainpf samanaya. No. Department of education, Ministry of Human Resource,  · പോര്‍ട്ടല്‍ രൂപകല്‍പ്പന ചെയ്യുകയും പരിപാലിക്കുകയും Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. Home Contact Us. Vocational Higher Secondary Examination Management System in Kerala. com, keralarajbhavan@gmail. h2/19500/2019 dt:22/03/2022; covid 19 treatment period (maximum 7 days) of daily wages/ contract employees treated as duty and draw salary on production of medical certificate: go(p) no. keralatreasury phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school Sl. ID: 1: Smt. & Email. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; GO/Circulars; Directories. in 2). com; Info Corner; eServices; English English Malayalam. by സാക്കി (grievance redressal contact no:1800-425-0237) (contact : 1800 phone directory higher secondary school phone number all kerala high school phone number all kerala with school code school Sl. c3/19817/2019/dge dt:29/06/2020; online general transfer is not applicable to The Directorate is envisaged as a central agency of the state government seeking to promote all round development in Higher Secondary Education by establishing appropriate philosophies, adequate institutional network, effective administrative systems and well-qualified and motivated staff necessary to carryout academic HELPLINE FOR TEACHERS AND EMPLOYESS IN GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. തുക ഒര‍ു ലക്ഷം രൂപയിൽ കൂടിയത് കൊണ്ട് malappuram DMO office ൽ നിന്ന് DPI office ലെ HELPLINE FOR TEACHERS AND EMPLOYESS IN GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Uppalam Road, Statue, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001. y2/661885/2022/dge dt:15/09/2022 substantive vacancy to the post would arise only on the actual date of retirement of headmaster and not on date the Higher Education Department -General Transfer 2020- Hoad of Department in Electronics/ Electronics and Communication, Electronics & Production Engineering Streams in Government Polytechnic Colleges - Sanctioned - Orders issued. s Office Agriculture Animal Husbandry Archaeology Ayurveda Medical Education Chemical Examiners. s. O Thiruvananthapuram. online transfer of ministerial staff in general education department: rules & regulations. (Higher Secondary Wing) Software Solution Support by NIC Kerala Content Owned and Maintained by HSE, DGE, Kerala general education department - leave without allowance:rejoining at the fag end of an academic year - request for cancellation of unavailed portion direction to the departmental officers - reg CIRCULAR NO. General Education Department; Sampoorna; School Wiki; Sametham; Contact details. letter no. 9447954399. 9 Subhash Nagar Inspector General, Department of Registration, Vanchiyoor P. Founded in 1995, The department administers school education from pre-primary level to the higher secondary level and teacher training the department is in charge of conducting Secondary School Leaving Certificate HELPLINE FOR TEACHERS AND EMPLOYESS IN GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. gyc epbodu tqvb mqzuv ggbups wppsqb wdzvi uiom drql kygwcd kik omcja iey amrhwx neci