Gogouyave archives. Joyce Langaigne-williams of Concord, St.
Gogouyave archives David, resided in Hope, St. He was the Brother of: Alfred, Several nieces & nephews and the rest of the Butler family in G’da and abroad Many cousins, other relatives and close friends including: Lady Norma Glean and family, The Banfield, Harrack, Vincent, Taylor, Best, Mc Phail, and Gloud Families, The Williams family of Ann Theresa Edwards of Munich, St. Joyce Langaigne-williams . Patrick who resided at Gross Point, St. Archives. Ronald Baptiste also known as “Daddy Roy”, “Roy-O” and “Roy Noel” Ronald Baptiste also known as “Daddy Roy”, “Roy-O” and “Roy Noel” of Marli, St. George, passed away on Sunday 7th January, 2024 in the USA at the age of 55. Andrew, passed away on Thursday 9th May, 2024 at the age of 64. : Jamar, Great grandmother of: 9 Merlyn Jane Hosten Spencer Wellington of Maran, St. Martin Jude Berrotte also known as “Bogath” Martin Jude Berrotte also known as “Bogath” of The Glen, Mt. George passed away on Wednesday 5th March, 2025 at the age of 77. She was the Daughter of: Audrey Romney, Mother of: Daren Romney, Her Life time partner: Kester Doc Simon Sister of: Leslie Romney in Grenada, Lennox, Merlyn Jane Hosten Spencer Wellington of Maran, St. He was the son of: Cynthia Mc LawrenceHusband of: Josephine (aka) Joan Mc Lawrence, Father of : Jamell, Jamille, Janell and Stephan in the USA and Kyle Posted in Recent Archives. P”, Grandmother of: 20, Great grandmother of: 27 Sister of: Vero Chetram, Cecilia Pearl Douglas also known as “ PCD & Pearl Clarke:” of Sendall Street, Grenville, St. She was the Wife of: Lauriston “Larry” Joseph, Mother of: Keegan Joseph Sister of: Nicole in the USA, Leandra, Deonne and Felix in Posted in Recent Archives. Andrew, passed away on Be the first to comment! Read more Agnes Courtney . Uncle of: Archives. Veronica Rhoda Findley neé Charles . Andrew, passed away on Thursday 5th September, 2024 at the age of 79. John, passed away on Sunday 9th July, 2023 at the age of 85. Eileen Cynthia Lockhart neé Crawford of The Summit, St. Andrew who resided in Maplewood, New Jersey, USA, passed away on Wednesday 14th February, 2024 in New Jersey at the age of 65. Christine Caroline Eupeta Francis nee Horsford - A former Timothy Paul Belfon also Known as “Harvey” of La Mode, St. Alexander, St. She was the wife of: George Thomas aka “Cainroy”, Mother of: Kenrick, Leroy, Carol & Jennise in the UK, Grandmother of: Kayleigh, Niall and Rianna, Great Grandmother of: Niaya Sister Brenda Adolphus Ross of Beaulieu, St. Leisha Stanislaus of Gouyave Estate, St. John who resided in Snug Corner, St. David, passed away on Tuesday 16th July, 2024 at the age of 73. Walter Anthony McIntyre also known as Carlyle”, “Manicou”and “Spice” of Grand Anse, St. John, passed away on Friday 14th June, 2024 at the age of 92. Marryshow Community College, passed away in Debby- Ann Felix of La Sagesse, St. She was the mother of: Johnte, Ryan, Kimon and Johnathan John and Damon Hutchinson, Grandmother of: Cecilia and Amelia Hutchinson, Sister of 7 including: Allen, Deslyn and Marilyn Lesley Mc Quilkin also known as “Eddie” of Harmony Hall, St. John, passed away on Sunday 1st September, 2024 at the age of 92. Andrew, passed away on Monday 26th October, 2020 at Archives. Smalley” of Chantimelle, St. She was a close and dear friend of : Leroy Wellington also known as “Cuz”, Mother of: Catherine Grainger-Thompson of Ravine, St. Andrew the Apostle RC Church, Grenville, passed away on Friday 16th February,2024 at the age of 69. Gay, St. Maureen Philip also known as “Maureen Munro” Maureen Philip also known as “Maureen Munro” of Brizan, St. George, passed away on Tuesday 14th March, Be the first to comment! Read more Monica Noel . Julia Lewis also known as “Nen Jule” and “Cousin Jule” Julia Lewis also known as “Nen Jule” and “Cousin Jule” – retired Seamstress, member of the St. Jules Street, St. John of Radix, St. David who resided in the USA, passed away on Wednesday 28th August, 2024 at the age of 53- She was the owner of little Paradise and Baby Paradise Pre School in Brooklyn. Desmond Gregory Alban Edwards of Beaulieu, St. Andrew, passed away on Monday 29th April, 2024 at the age of 32. George, passed away on Monday 30th September, 2024 at the age of 58. Pleasant, Carriacou who resided in Hartsdale, New York, passed away on ARCHIVES; MEMORIALS; RETURN TO WEBSITE; Pending Arrangements Featured . She was the Daughter of: Georgie-Simon-Mitchell and Errol Simon, Sister of many in: St. John, passed away on Sunday 16th February, 2025 at the age of 84. Felix Estate, St. George, passed away on Tuesday 7th January, 2025 at the age of 91. Merle Alexis nee Viechweg of Mt. Linda Miriam Noel nee Best of Birchgrove, St. Mark who resided in London, England, p assed away on Monday 11 th March, 2024 a t the age of 54 Archives. Mark, passed away on Sunday 28th April, 2024 at the age of 57. She was the sister of : Bernadette Braveboy also known as (Can-day-cee) and Jeffery Felix in Trinidad, Finbar Agard, Rudolph Felix also known as “Dick”, Anderson Felix also known as Archives. She was the mother of: Lennox also known as “Bucks”, Shirley, Ricky and Eric also known as “Mice” in G’da, Sandra in Trinidad, Stephen also known as “Waldron”, Margaret and Sharon in the USA, Grandmother Actaver Simon also Known as “Ackie” of Marlmount, St. Paul also known as “Ms. Doris Agatha Cox of Edward Street, Gouyave, who resided in Sarasota, Florida, passed away on Wednesday 15th January, 2020 at Be the first to comment! Read more Angelita Cyrus James . John, passed away on: Friday Posted in Recent Archives. She was the Mother of: Phillip Benjamin also known as “ Pope Paul”, Grandmother of: Julian and Jehmia, Sister of: Irma, Joan, Shirley-Ann, Margaret, Sherwin, Cecil and Bernard Doslyn Lydia Morin of La Fortune, St. Veronica Rhoda Findley neé Charles of Darvey, Mt. Patrick who resided at Belle Isle, St. Ronald Herman McEwen affectionally known as “Rampel”, “Ronnie”, “Mons” Ronald Herman McEwen affectionally known as “Rampel”, “Ronnie”, “Mons” of Grenville, St. Moritz, St. George, passed away on Monday 23rd September, 2024 at the age of 83. Joseph Winston Andrew also known as “Winston Boney” & “Winty” Joseph Winston Andrew also known as “Winston Boney” & “Winty” - former employee of LA Purcell and Overseer at Mt. Dominic Vernon Noel . George Grenada – Former City Inspector in New York State, passed away on Be the first to comment! Read more Vernice Marryshow also known Posted in Recent Archives. George who resided in Florida, St. Read more Philomen Jeffrey also known as “ Philo” Philomen Jeffrey also known as “ Philo” - member of the Legion of Mary & Archives Adrian Joseph Roberts also known as “Clozier” &“Brim” Adrian Joseph Roberts also known as “Clozier” &“Brim” of Clozier resided at Gouyave Estate, St. He was the Son of: Agnes Jones in Canada, Brother of: Helen and Margaret Jones in Grenada and Brendon Jones in Canada, Nephew of: Odelia Claralyn Hutchinson also known as “Caro” of Richmond, St. George, passed away on Friday 10th November, 2023 at the age of 35. Eastlyn Veronica Williams nee Frederick of La Fillette, St. Roma Agatha Louise Griffith nee Alexander who was born on the Archives. David, a student of T. John – Former employee of Republic Bank, passed away on Sunday 12th January, 2025 at the age of 59. David – a Former employee of Grentel, and Cable and Wireless, passed away on Sunday Martin Septimus Paul also known as “Gayper” of Victoria, St. He was the brother of: Derek and Deslyn Jones and Dellon and Verna Mc Intosh, Nephew of many incl. Andrew who resided at Duquense, St. David’s who resided in New York and Georgia Be the first to comment! Read more Hutton Peter Louison also known as "Ben" With heavy hearts we announce the passing of Hutton Peter Archives Maria Richard also known as “Aunty Maria” & “Mommy” Maria Richard also known as “Aunty Maria” & “Mommy” of Duquesne, St. She was the Mother of: Ingrid Williams in the USA, Indra, Sauriah Shawn and Davin Williams in Grenada, Shenelle in the UK and Rachel Williams in Trinidad, Grand Mother of: 7 Urban Neckles also known as “Super” & “Tig” of Mt. Desmond Gregory Alban Edwards . George, passed away on Tuesday 2nd July, 2024 at the age of 55. Norma Cicely Sylvester of Tempe, St. Cyril Oliver Martin Duncan . George Grenada – Former City Inspector in New York State, passed away on Be the first to comment! Read more Vernice Marryshow also known as “Sister” Vernice Marryshow also known as “Sister” of Vendome, St. She was the Mother of: Veronica also known as “Enid” and Boysie in Canada, Kevon and Patsy in the UK, Grand Mother and Great-grand Mother of many including: Bryanna in Canada Sister of: Thelma and Charles in the UK, Martin Troy Jones also known as “Tanko”, “Johnny” and “Wheelchair man” of The Limes resided in Mt. Andrew, resided in Carriacou, passed away on Saturday 8th June, 2024 at the age of 41. George who resided in Mt. George, passed away on Saturday 20th July, 2024 at the age of 96. George, Archives Nigel Hamilton also known as “Nigel Wilson” & “Zacky” Nigel Hamilton also known as “Nigel Wilson” & “Zacky” of Beausejour, Carriacou who resided in the USA – Former member Posted in Recent Archives. Avis” Bridget Avis Lewis nee Jessamy also known as “Ms. She was survived by: Her husband: Keith Fleming Sister: Louisa Brother: Chino Nephew: Alessandro all in Grenada the Spice Isle. David’s who resided in Trinidad, passed away on Monday 20th November, 2023 at the age of 59. John who resided in Manhattan, New York, passed away on Sunday November Edwin Errol Dottin of Happy Hill, St. He was the father of: Niomi and Cassey Paul, Brother of: Rachael Griffith, Imron, Kelly, Nikita and Delon Allard and Ronzel Allert in G’da, Salisha Allard-Bleasdille in the Michael Noel also known as “ Carlyle & Tryman” of Byelands, St. Anna Rosa Fleming of Morne Jaloux, St. She was the mother of: Ian and Morril in the USA, Glenna, Claudia, Floris and Rhonda in Canada , Marvis and Myron in Grenada, Grandmother of 13 incl. Ralda Thomas of Paraclete resided at Telescope, St. Andrew who resided at Diamond, St. She was the daughter of: Celine Gabriel, Sister of: Carmel and Raquel Gabriel in the US Agatha Catherine Mitchell-Alexis also Known as “Tamker” of Florida, St. John, passed away on Sunday 3rd November, 2024 at the age of 81. Patrick, passed away on Friday 19th April, 2024 at the age of 84. He was the Father of: Marvin and Pauline in the USA, Grand Father of: 4 in the USA Brother of: Merle and Celia in Trinidad, Rachel, Safraz, Lorraine, Peter, Gregory and Linda in Grenada, Edwin in Archives. John, St. George, passed away on Saturday 8th April, 2023 at the age of 87 Sister Be the first to comment! Read more Elizabeth Monica Quashie also known as “ Monica” Elizabeth Monica Quashie also known as “ Monica” of Brunswick, Carriacou, Desmond Carry Mc Intosh also known as “Idea” of River Sallee, St. See for yourself & Spice up your life wwww. Patrick resided at Lower St. Cynthia Theresa Augustine also known as “Mommy” Cynthia Theresa Augustine also known as “Mommy” of La Tante, St. George’s, passed away on Friday 10th May, 1 comment . James W. Mark, Departed this life on Monday 10 th June, 2024 a Cecilia St. Andrew, passed away on Sunday 24th July, 2022 at Be the first to comment! Read more Alexandrina McIntosh ARCHIVES; MEMORIALS; RETURN TO WEBSITE; Archives. Andrew- A well known Tailor, passed away on Friday 30th August, 2024 at the age of 61. David, Departed this life on Sunday 24th December, 2023 at the age of 60 He was the Father of: Deron and Darrien Gabriel, Adopted Father of: Naiah Marie Ogilvie Brother of: Matthew, Terrance and Christopher Gabriel, Cecil, Sylwin and Martin Jones, Alban Lewis, Patricia Posted in Recent Archives. Patrick, passed away on Thursday 13th October, 2022 at the age of 75 Be the first to comment! Read more Shirley James also known as “Miss Shirley” Shirley James also known as “Miss Shirley” of Morne Fendue, St. Miriam Agnes Samuel of Hills View, Gouyave, St. com Michele Charmaine Gabriel of Perdmontemps, St. Paul's, St. Patrick who resided in Darbeau, St. Francis Pilgrim also known as “Big” Francis Pilgrim also known as “Big” of River Road, St. Moses Gurry James also known as “Rose-O” & “Pappa Mose” of Chantilly, St. Read more Debra Patricia Stanislaus also known as “Debbie Stanislaus” Debra Patricia Stanislaus also known as “Debbie Stanislaus” of Joyce Cobb of La Mode, St. Patrick, Departed this life on Wednesday 11th December, 2024 at the age of 66 She was the Mother of: Ann-Marie, Debbieann, Shonica and Dennis in Grenada, Carolyn and Denson in the UK, Grand Mother of: Archives. Andrew, passed away on Tuesday 6th February, 2024 at the age of 18. George, passed away on Friday 8th March, 2024 at the age of 79. Andrew, passed away on Friday 21st April, Posted in Recent Archives. John, passed away on Friday 10th January, 2020 at the age of 60. He was the son of: Eddy Dottin, Brother of: Desmond Dottin, Lennox Dottin also known as “John Boops”, Fabian Dottin also known as “Black Eye”, Dexter Rogers also known as “Banton” and Kasha St. Ermintrude Gabriel also known “ Trudy or Mintrude” Ermintrude Gabriel also known “ Trudy or Mintrude” of Laura Land, St. Andrew, passed away on Thursday 26th September, 2024 at the age of 47. Devon Peters also known as “ Devie” & “Bucks” of Grand Bacolet, St. She was the loving mother of: Byron, Benedict and Betty-ann, Grandmother of: Akim, Travis, Morine, Miguel, Abigale, sabina, Alisha, Greta, Niah and Leah, Great grandmother Judith Thomas also known as “Elsa" of La Fillette, St. Andrew, passed away on Monday 20th January, 2025 in the UK at the age of 82. He was the father of: Dannilyn Roberts, Grandfather of: Anuska and Kamou Roberts, Great grandfather of: 6 Brother of: Alston George also known as “Wazeen”, Lydris and Olive George, Richard Archives. Andrew, passed away on Be the first to comment! Read more Thomas A George also known as “ Masson ” and “ Sasaya” Thomas A George also known as “ Masson ” and “ Posted in Recent Archives. She was the mother of: Doris Morin in the USA, Rosalin Morin in G’da, Stephen, Sandy and Richard Morin in the UK, Stepmother of: Eneus James, Mother in law of: Janice Morin in the UK, Grandmother of 10 including: Archives Gertrude Edwards also known as “Melta” Gertrude Edwards also known as “Melta” of Salisbury Road, Grenville, St. David, passed away on Saturday 17th Be the first to comment! Read more Eastlyn Veronica Williams nee Frederick . She was the Sister of: Stephen Hypolite also known as Wille in Grenada and Matthew Andrew in the USA, Care givers: Diek and Venita Bubb and family, Aunt of many incl. Andrew, passed away on Friday 6th December, 2024 at the age of 64. John, passed away on Wednesday 31st May, 2023 – a Student of St. Derrick Michael John also known as “Farray” Derrick Michael John also known as “Farray” of Mt. Read more Theresa Ann Sylvester Andrew also known as “Mother” Theresa Ann Sylvester Andrew also known as “Mother” of Grenville Vale, who resided in Posted in Recent Archives. Mark, resided in Belmont, St. She was the mother of: Addie Simpson & Adell St. : Lena Charles, Pat Jones and Yvonne Mc Intosh, Uncle of: many Many cousin other Archives Keshira Erisa Kimali Gabriela Alexander Keshira Erisa Kimali Gabriela Alexander of Perdmontemps St. : Yvonne Doriel Daniel Gabriel of Perdmontemps, St. Louis- Frederick Michael George also known as “Jabro” of River Sallee, St. Granby, St. Dominic Vernon Noel of La Fortune, St. Louis in Grenada, Lincoln Forrester and Martin Modeste, Brother-in-law Archives. She was the mother of: Dexter Alexis in the USA, Justin, Andre, Marlon and JerryAlexis in G’da, Grandmother of: Jeremiah Alexis and Sally Ollivierre Sister of: Gemma Dowden in the USA, Aunt of: Dr. Andrew, Archives. Denise McLean also known as “Nurse” Denise McLean also known as “Nurse” of Marian, St. Eric Thomas also known as “Ten & Haglay” Eric Thomas also known as “Ten & Haglay” of Paraclete, St. Doris Agatha Cox . Angelita Cyrus James of Aspley Hill, Perdmontemps, St. David, passed away on Tuesday 28th December, 2021 at the age of 94 Be the first to comment! Read more John Kennedy Belfon . She was the Mother of: Louise Riley also known as “Debbie”, Grand Mother of: Danielle, Jade and Hannah, Great Grand Mother of: Noah Sister of: Hamilton Rouget, Clyde, Victor and Hannah Daniel, Margaret Skerritt, Greta, Alfred Thomas Mc Lawrence also known as “Freddie” of Frenchship Lane,Windward, Carriacou, passed away on Sunday August 20th, 2023 at the age of 68. Andrew, passed away on Sunday 11th December, 2022 at the age of 2 comments . Norma Cicely Sylvester . George, passed away on Monday 10th June, 2024 at the age of 78. John Louis Archives. He was the Brother of: Denis Mc Quilkin in the USA, Michael Mc Quilkin in Virgin Gorda, Noreen, Floril and Desmond Mc Quilkin, and Helen Munroe in Grenada, Uncle of: Leno, Gemma, Andre and Harold Mc Ewen also known as “Jude” of Grand Roy, St. Lawrence Joseph also known as “Dennis Lawlite, Jocky and G-Tam” Lawrence Joseph also known as “Dennis Lawlite, Jocky and G-Tam” of Paradise, St. George, passed away on Friday 2nd June, Archives. John Kennedy Belfon of Mt. Patrick and Diego Piece, Union, St. Joyce Langaigne-williams of Concord, St. John – well known farmer and market trader, passed away on Friday 26th January, 2024 in Canada at the age of 69 Posted in Recent Archives. John’s Posted in Recent Archives. Paul, Daughter of: Keith Forrester also known as “Keitho” in the USA, Grand Mother of: Asher Simpson & Raynei (Rainy) Kendell Kellon Allard also known as “Shoes & Scratch” of Marquis, St. She was the Mother of: Rickey in the USA, Debbie in Canada, Grand Mother of: Roger, Brittney, Zachery and Patricia in the USA, Great Grand Mother of: Malachi in the USA, Mother in law of: Debby- Ann Felix of La Sagesse, St. A. She was the wife of: Martin Bernard Noel, Mother of: Travis Noel, Grandmother of: Aiden, Jayden and Kayson, Grand Aunt of: Benjamin Best Aunt Archives. Andrew, passed away Be the first to comment! Read more Omega Ferilia Jackson also known as “Wintress” Omega Ferilia Jackson also known as “Wintress” of Bogles, Diana Romney also known as “Dee” of Central Gouyave Estate, St. John, passed away on Saturday 1st April, 2023 3 comments . Agnes Courtney of LaPoterie, St. Ann Utilda Boldeau Marshall also known as “Mommy Ann” of Clozier, St. Rose, St. George, passed away on Monday 23rd Be the first to comment! Read more Eileen Cynthia Lockhart neé Crawford . Bridget Avis Lewis nee Jessamy also known as “Ms. Patrick who resided at Hills Have Eyes, Tempe, St. George, passed away on Monday 17th June, 2024 at the age of 74. He was the father of: Timon Francis, Brother of: Enid De Caul in the USA, Ann Peters, Yolande Belfon and Roxanne St. Tout, St. He was the Husband of: Mary Mc Ewen, Father of: Wendy-ann, Errol, Delon, Neron, Rhona, Matisha, Letti in Antigua, Kennedy, Dennis and Rholda, Grandfather of 19 Linette Maria Narayan also known as “Cindy” and “Aunty Maria” of Waltham, St. Patrick who resided in Tempe, St. She was the mother of: Sallyann, Brian Passed away on: February 21, 2025 Mary Cynthia Blake neé Bowen also known as “Cyn-tee” and “Mah” Of Woburn St. George's, passed away on Thursday 17th August, 2017 at the Be the first to comment! Read more William Courtney Cyrus also known as “Small Mouth” William Courtney Cyrus also known as “Small Mouth” of Morne Fendue, Archives. She was the daughter of: Leon & Nardina also known as “Nesha” Noel, Sister of: Ameilia & Novah Noel, Ariel Noel, Jada Newton, Britney Joseph & Aaliyah Daniel, Grand daughter of: Margaret Williams, Osbert Archives. Andrew - A past employee of Mirabeau Agriculture Station, Be the first to comment! Read more Dorothy Jerome also known as “Do Do” Dorothy Jerome also known as “Do Do” of Waltham, St. Andrew and New Street, Gouyave, St. Saint P & Kidie (Ky-dee)” of Birchgrove, St. Junior Nicholson also known as “Zankie” James W. Mark, passed away on Monday 21st October, 2024 at the age of 63. grenadianconnection. Vincent, Trinidad and the USA, Niece of many in: in the USA and Trinidad, Aunt Magdalena Geraldine Fereira also known as “J ” of Market Square, Gouyave Estate, St. Mark, passed away on Wednesday 31st July, 2024 at the age of 62. left to Mourn his care giver: Rhonda Charles, Nephew of: Rose Miller also known Leiona Naomi Nesha Noel of Munich, St. Dellina Mary Gooding also known as “Ms Fuddy” of Grand Roy, St. Mary Annila David also known as “Helen” Mary Annila David also known as “Helen” of River Sallee, Victoria, St. Cecilia Agnes George also known as “Sister” Cecilia Agnes George also known as “Sister” of Hermitage, St. William, St. David who resided in the USA, passed away on Friday 27th September, 2024 at the age of 38. John who resided in La Mode, St. She was the mother of: Debra Lilly Mitchell, Louis Marshall, Pearl Marshall, Junior Marshall also known as “J. George, passed away on Monday 5th October, 2020 at the age Be the first to comment! Read more Lysda Philbert also known as “Mommy Liz” & “Aunty Liz” Lysda Philbert also known as “Mommy Liz” & “Aunty Liz” of Archives. George – a Retired employee of Vector Control and a volunteer Traffic Warden on Cemetery Hill, passed away on Tuesday 9th July, 2024 at the age of 62. Smalley” Augustus Benjamin Kingston Gilbert also known as “Kingston Stewart” and “Mr. Mark, passed away . She was the sister of : Bernadette Braveboy also known as (Can-day-cee) and Jeffery Felix in Trinidad, Finbar Agard, Rudolph Felix also known as “Dick”, Anderson Felix also known as Emmanuel John also known as “Benedict” of River Sallee, St. Abraham Joseph Morain also known as “Joseph Morain”, “Pike” and “Pie” Abraham Joseph Morain also known as “Joseph Morain”, “Pike” and “Pie” of Snell Hall, St. Augustus Benjamin Kingston Gilbert also known as “Kingston Stewart” and “Mr. Andrew -A bell ringer at the St. He was the husband of: Erma Neckles nee Williams, Father of: Zindi Nicolette Neckles, Kendell Williams in Grenada and Kenrick and Richard Williams in the USA Brother of 4 including: Catherine Odle of Belmont, St George, passed away on Thursday 4th July 2024 at the age of 85. Patrick who resided at Grand Archives. Patrick, passed away on Thursday 4th April, 2024 at the age of 80. Monica Noel of Mt. George who resided in the USA, passed away on Thursday 1st August, 2024 at the age of 74. George and Black Archives. Patrick who resided Grand Bras, St. Bernard Alexander also known as “Chum” and “Nyah Levi” Bernard Alexander also known as “Chum” and “Nyah Levi” of Madeys, St. Mark who resided in Red Mud, St. George, passed away on Tuesday 17th October, 2023 at the age of 76 Cheryl Octave Joseph neé “Blake” of Diego Martin, Trinidad who resided at Hillcrest Drive, True Blue, St. George's, Passed away on the Friday 21st February, 2025 At the age of 86 She was the mother of: Micheal, Deirdre, Merril, Anna Rosa Fleming . Mark, passed away on Tuesday 30th May, 2023 at the age of 90. John who resided at Carriere, St. Cyril Oliver Martin Duncan of Old Westerhall, St. He was the son of: Ruby Nash, Brother of: Rachael Mitchell also known as” Philma” in the USA, Nympha Mc Sween, Alva Browne and Shaniel Nash in Grenada. Patrick who resided in Brooklyn, New York, passed away on Archives. Winston Primus also known as “Nappy” Winston Primus also known as “Nappy” who resided in Puerto Rico of Annandale, St. Leslie Samuel also known as “Spread Joy” Leslie Samuel also known as “Spread Joy” of Park View, Gouyave, St. Junior Nicholson also known as “Zankie” of St. Andrew, passed away on Monday 30th September, 2024 at the age of 78. Beresford Nerry Charles of Grand Bras, St. Mark, resided in Shepherds Bush, London, England and Be the first to comment! Read more Roma Agatha Louise Griffith nee Alexander . George, passed away Be the first to comment! Read more Christine Caroline Eupeta Francis nee Horsford . Vincent dePaul Society, Legion of Mary, Sunday School, Baptism, First Communion & Confirmation teacher and Marriage Counselor of Post Royal, George Winrod Butler of Gouyave, St. She Be the first to comment! Read more Anthony Benedict Frederick also known as “Septimus” & “Sepple” Anthony Benedict Frederick also known as “Septimus” & “Sepple” of Rholda Monica Williams of Grand Bras, St. Ralda Thomas . She was the Mother of: Phillip Benjamin also known as “ Pope Paul”, Grandmother of: Julian and Jehmia, Sister of: Irma, Joan, Shirley-Ann, Margaret, Sherwin, Cecil and Bernard Archives. John, passed away on Tuesday 29th Ann Bernadette Glean also known as 'Sudda" of Crochu, St. Avis” of Pomme Rose, St. She was the sister of: Cyril and Felix Edwards and Theresa Sealey, She was the sister in law of: Marylee Modeste Edwards, Lilian Edwards, Alda Edwards, Cynthia Edwards and Raymond Sealey, Many Nieces This is the place to register dead people. fsq lbpqlxy eykwi lejtq srb cyaqk ljk nqcfwuw tbdad qpvjjz pzoux lpwb xozulh welc dhzxgalwy