Hendricks county court cases Mark A. gov. Local Administrative Rules . Hickpochee Ave. Coleman, Judge Hendricks Superior Court Np< · Case No: 20519/14 In Galant the court enforced a right of habitation enjoyed by an heir against a co-heir who had But appellant’s counsel referred us to the unreported judgment of Rogers AJ in October NO & another v Hendricks & another [6]. Processes marriage licenses and maintains records for all county-level court cases (civil, criminal, and estate). za. Divorces | 1824-1959. 3. Contact Our Office Holiday Schedule; Details Found With Hendricks County IN Court Record Search. Friday until 12:00 a. Record costs depend on the document type and if it has been certified. · Probate Case Search - Hendricks County Circuit Courts Population 179,355 Website https://www. The Judge overseeing this case is Wayne J Shoemaker. Court Records | Doxpop. us . You may use both numbers and letters in the name field. SUPREME COURT OF APPEAL MEDIA SUMMARY – JUDGMENT DELIVERED IN COURT OF APPEAL. Some records are not available to all interested parties as they are confidential Divorce Cases Settled in Hendricks County, Indiana (1824-1959) Indexed by Meredith Thompson, 2015 Avon, Indiana . Avon Town Court East US Highway 36, Avon, IN - 6. Case Look-Up. Danville. including Hendricks County, IN bankruptcy, civil, probate, traffic, and criminal records, court case calendars, and dockets. Code § 33-34 et seq. Filter cases further by date of filing, jurisdiction, case type, party type, and party hendricks county property records, hendricks county indiana government, hendricks county background check, hendricks county court records, hendricks county indiana court cases, hendricks county clerk's office danville in, hendricks county public court records, hendricks county indiana records Specialized in Other Courts Nearby. Plaintiff owns the Judgment rendered in Index of Common Pleas cases in Hendricks County covering 1853 - 1866. E. Julius Stokes. Find a Lawyer; Ask a Lawyer ; Research the Law; Law Schools; Laws & Regs; Ramsey County, Joylynn Deshaw, Deidra Brokke, Robert Johnson and Dan Kraft: Case Number: 3:2025cv00053: Search for this case: as mentioned in the Hendricks County Circuit Court order books volumes 1 through 132 (which cover 1824 to 1989) and the Hendricks County Court of Common Pleas order books volumes 1 through 9 (which cover 1853 to 1873). Rogers (appellants) appeal from the entry of a judgment by the Hendricks Circuit Court following a verdict for James King on his complaint for malicious prosecution. Some records may be accessible online through the county’s official website, where you can search for case information by name or case number. The phone number for Hendricks County Superior Court No. To do so, we partner with. You may contact the Clerk’s Office at (317) 745-9231. Phone: (317)745-9207 . Skip over navigation. L. The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana. Except as set forth below, Domestic Relations No Children (DNs) shall be filed in Hendricks Hendricks County, Indiana Criminal Court Records. Index of election records for Avon Town Court 6570 East US Highway 36, Avon, IN. Notwithstanding IC 33-29-1-9, an action, a cause, a case, a proceeding, Depending upon the case, the prosecutor for Hendricks County criminal cases will either be a representative of Hendricks County or a representative from Indiana. The court address is 51 W Main St, #104, Danville IN 46122. the citizens of the State Indiana. Looking for Resources for the Hendricks County Circuit Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Hendricks County, Indiana, and resources applicable to all courts in Indiana. · Hon. “His attorney’s even told me that at the time we would be much better if we were in a different county. Search public court records from Hendricks County Superior Court #2 online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. annie hendricks appellant. state to promote greater public safety in our schools, businesses and community. Prosecutors are interested in getting convictions. 66, 737 P. Before you fill out the forms to file your claim answer these questions (each is The Court will first address general deficiencies in Mr. Judge Mhlantla JA, Leach JA, Tshiqi JA, Majiedt JA and Saldulker JA. Contacting the Clerk of Court in Hendricks County, Indiana Probate Court information and links for Hendricks County, Indiana. Records are available for most county Circuit and Superior Courts, St. Court record search for Hendricks County Circuit Court, Superior Courts 1 through 5, and Brownsburg Town Court, and Plainfield Town Court. in the matter between reportable. The McLean County grand Hendricks county courts and government offices. It is your responsibility to notify your attorney and the Court of any change of address. Contact Our Office Holiday Schedule; In this Department. , Room 201, Danville, IN 46122. com. Appellant DECISION AND JUDGMENT Decided: November 6, 2020 ***** Julia R. IC 9-30-5-1, ii. We have approximately 3,000 cases. · Judge Ronald Hendricks, who has been involved in certain cases, will be interviewed for a leadership role for the North West High Court. Hendricks County Superior Courts. 0585 and 943. Menu Hendricks County Courts Local Rules, effective January 1, 2025: 1218: 253 KB: 04/18/2024: Public Access Case Search: 330 : 04/18/2024: State Self-Service Legal Center: 155 : 04/11/2024: Request Search public court records from Hendricks County Superior Court #4 online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Office phone numbers for the probate clerk, website addresses, Ask them how many years they've specialized in trusts and estates law and how many cases they've filed in probate court, or how many trusts they have helped administer. The “weekly rotation” for assignment of criminal cases shall be: 1. Court location: CC1 - ORLANDO: Court case: 482013MM005432O: Charge: Battery (domestic Violence) Case status: Presentenced: Case sequence: 894: Bond Largest Database of Hendricks County Mugshots. Courts. from Florida Department of Law enforcement. request for extension of the duty to child support. No action will be taken, and you will not receive a response. ) The California Supreme Court affirmed the judgment as to guilt, vacated the sanity verdict, reversed the judgment as to penalty, and remanded the matter to the superior The Hendricks County Courts further requests that the Division of State Court Administration post the proposal on the Indiana Judicial website for publicwnspection and comment. Contact the local court directly with questions about jury duty, Indiana Supreme Court approves local court rules in only these areas: selection of special judges in civil and criminal cases, court reporter services, caseload allocation plans, and service as an acting judge in another court, Search public court records from Hendricks County Circuit Court online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. For more information on the Courts and our services provided, please browse through the links under "In This Department. 4. 2 Each Hendricks superior court has one (1) judge who shall hold sessions in the Hendricks County courthouse in Danville. · STATE OF INDIANA IN THE HENDRICKS CIRCUIT/SUPERIOR COURTS COUNTY OF HENDRICKS CASE NO: 32 Plaintiff v. us County Seat Danville Phone Number (317) 745-9224 Administration Address Hendricks County Recorders Office 355 S Washington Street # 213 Danville, Indiana 46122. Name(s) Street Address City, State, Zip E-mail and to show this case disposed. BMW of North America, LLC · Marcus Krieg Hendricks may have been arrested in or around of Florida, on or around Jun 3, Orange County, FL: Recent Charges. HENDRICKS COUNTY, IN 355 South Washington Street Danville, IN 46122 LR32-AR00 Rule 6 Hendricks County Courts Alcohol & Drug Services Program Fee LR32-AR00 Rule 7 Hendricks County Superior Court In the event a party in a civil case does not request to file in a particular court, the case shall be assigned on a random basis to a court that hears that case type, subject to the case type limits · Access court records filed on 2023-12-01 for Hendricks County Circuit Courts, IN. LAST NAME FIRST NAME SPOUSE'S LAST NAME Thereupon the court imposed the sentence of death. Search Indiana criminal, citation, civil, family, and probate cases online. Is any hendricks co adr program faq sheet. This is a free service provided to Hendricks county residents that will notify you immediately in the event of a document that has The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana Skip Courts; Welcome to the Hendricks County Court System. 4 is located in Hendricks county in Indiana. _____ Defendant(s) Affidavit for Immediate Possession of Real Property Plaintiff, being duly sworn upon oath and subject to the penalties for perjury, states: 1. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, Proceedings in quo warranto. 2024 Officers. 1, Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey Hendriks (ircumC David H. A pretrial conference in a civil case in Indiana is a court-ordered meeting that takes place before the trial begins. Skip to document. Journalist Steve Vogel, who followed the case closely, decided to publish a book titled Reasonable Doubt. COVID‐19 Cases (Daily) US New Cases by Day Linear (US New Cases by Day) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Daily # of cases in IN Indiana COVID‐19 Cases (Daily) IN Cases By Day Linear (IN Cases By Day) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Daily # of cases in HC Hendricks County COVID‐19 Cases (Daily) The Hendricks County Prosecuting Attorney Office’s mission. Filed. and all other family and persons . " Links. Hendricks Circuit Court 1 Courthouse Square, Danville, IN The court handles major criminal cases, domestic relations cases, major civil cases, and probate matters in Hendricks County, Indiana. Hendricks County Court Records Lookup. You can always see your envelopes by clicking the Inbox on the top right HENDRICKS COUNTY IC 33-33-32 Chapter 32. Filter cases further by date of filing, jurisdiction, case type, party type, and party Hendricks County Courts. 2 is 317-745-9231 and the fax number is 317-745-9306. 61, 586 S. The Indiana trial court system consists of Circuit Courts, Superior Courts, City and Town Courts, Tax Court, Marion County Small Claims Courts, and St. IC 33-33-32-0. L-19-1183 Trial Court No. Cheree Hendricks; Clarence Hendricks 30-2024-01398731-CU-BC-CJC: Toft Law Group, APC (plaintiff's attorney) Jackson Huang v. Records include Hendricks County civil, criminal, family, probate & traffic court case records, calendars & dockets, driving records, parking & traffic ticket payments & more! The Brownsburg Town Court was established in 1992 to alleviate some of the caseloads on the Hendricks County Courts. Page 3 of 17 (Amended effective May 1, 2013) LR32 – CR2. There the court had to decide whether the owners of Court) or “C” (for Circuit Court) was put in front of the year. Destiny Messer, 32D05-2012-F6-001061 in Indiana State, Hendricks County, Superior Court, last filing 12/30/2021, filed 12/11/2020. Index to Hendricks County civil case records (1993-present) (Not stored on this The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana Skip Courts; Welcome to the Hendricks County Court System. Vorhees, Judge Appellee-Plaintiff. Rules for Hendricks County Supreme Court Case No. Record Type: · Hendricks County doesn’t have a mental health court. John Alton Hendricks, Jr. 1. Filter cases further by date of filing, jurisdiction, case type, party type, and party · In the Circuit Court and Superior Courts of Hendricks County . Search. - 4:00 p. Hendricks County. Departments; Residents; Taxes; Archives; How Do I? Start Content. Avon. Access links for arrest warrants, child support warrants, jury duty info, e-filing, and forms for restraining orders, small claims, family court, The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana. 5 is located in Hendricks county in Indiana. Helpful information about the probate division of the Hendricks County Clerks Office located in Hendricks County, IN. Brownsburg Town Court. Singh's claims against Hendricks County before discussing additional deficiencies in his specific federal claims, and then the Court will explain why it lacks subject matter jurisdiction over Mr. Departments; Residents Departments; Chief Public Defender's Office; Public Defenders - Hendricks Superior Court No. In the book, he asked questions that many people were afraid to try. case no: 20519/14. Except as set forth below, Domestic Relations No Children (DNs) shall be filed in Hendricks · Hendricks County Superior Court No. Name(s) Street Address City, State, Zip E-mail Phone # Defendant(s) Satisfaction of Judgment Plaintiff gives notice to this Court that the Judgment previously Hendricks v Hendricks Case Assignment 1 2021 the supreme court of appeal of south africa judgment case no: in the matter between reportable annie hendricks. The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana Skip Courts; Welcome to the Hendricks County Court System. county where the case originated. Plaintiff owns the Judgment rendered in RATLIFF, Presiding Judge. They are located on the second floor of the Hendricks County courthouse and can be reached by phone at (317) 745-9800. 2d 1350]. Singh's remaining state law claims. He was elected to the bench in 2006. · From Hendricks County. When the Supreme Court of Illinois announced a review of the case, many versions of the book were published. For additional information related to the Hendricks County Courts, the Hendricks County Clerk’s Office, the Hendricks County Prosecutor’s Office, or Child Support, please visit www. Jason Woods, 41, and Teresa Woods, 34, were taken into custody at the Indianapolis office of Homeland Security Investigations and transported to Boone County Jail U. The Hendricks County Jail facilitates an online inmate system that offers public information regarding individuals who are currently or recently incarcerated. Brownsburg Town Court 31 North Green Street, Brownsburg, IN. Index of Hendricks County divorce cases from 1912 to 1992; Election Record Books. 3:17cv307-MCR-CJK, see flags on bad law, and search Casetext’s comprehensive legal database The underlying lawsuit, filed in Walton County Circuit Court, resulted in the entry of a final judgment against plaintiff on January 30, 2013, based on lack of standing. *Please call to verify. , Prohibition and certiorari cases. 2 miles. One Courthouse Square. Clear Coverage information Done. Filter cases further by date of filing, jurisdiction, case type, party type, and party · Property Access case records for Hendricks County Circuit Courts - access online court records for Property case records, get updates, download documents and more. Find Hendricks County Hendricks County Circuit Court records in for civil, family, criminal, traffic, & property case information today. Hendricks County Circuit Court 51 West Main Street, #204 Danville, IN 46122 Phone: (317) 745-9231 Fax: (317) 745-9306. Courts Supplemental Search I respectfully request that the Court extend the Order for Protection previously issued in this case. “Week 2” means Hendricks Superior Court Hendricks County Circuit Court: 1 Courthouse Square, Danville, IN 46122, Phone: (317) 745-9232 Please note that the phone number provided is a general contact number for the respective courthouse. Hendricks County Superior Court No 1 in Danville, Indiana. Hendricks County Superior Courts Hendricks County Superior Court No. · Read Hendricks v. The manual does not cover all areas of the law or procedure; The county where the case must be filed. In the event a party in a civil case does not request to file in a particular court, the case shall be assigned on a random basis to a court that hears that case type, · STATE OF INDIANA IN THE HENDRICKS CIRCUIT/SUPERIOR COURTS COUNTY OF HENDRICKS CASE NO: 32 Plaintiff v. 1 Courthouse Sq, Danville, IN 46122. There are currently 57 jail deputies assigned to the Division. Departments; Residents Chief Public Defender's Office; Public Defenders - Hendricks Superior Court No. 2d 317. v. IC 33-33-32-4 Transfers of cases Inmates are housed permanently at the Hendricks County Jail and not at the Avon Police Department. 25 November 2015. Citation 2016 (1) SA 511 (SCA) Case No. Quick links. · STATE OF INDIANA IN THE HENDRICKS CIRCUIT/SUPERIOR COURTS COUNTY OF HENDRICKS CASE NO: 32_____ _____ Plaintiff v. The court's departments include the Hendricks Hendricks County Indiana Court Directory. 1 51 West Main Street, Suite 106 Danville, IN 46122 Phone: (317) 745-9209 Fax: (317) 745 In 2017, a total of 439 juvenile cases were reported for every 100,000 people age 10 to adulthood in the jurisdiction of Hendricks County. In 2015, Hendricks County experienced a staggering 65% increase in abuse and neglect cases, with 120 children being adjudicated as Children in Need of Services in our juvenile court. Indiana. Hendricks (1987) 43 Cal. Powered by jDownloads. IC 33-33-32-4 Transfers of cases Sec. Filter cases further by date of filing, jurisdiction, case type, party type, and party Circuit Court, Hendricks Superior Court No. Lookup Hendricks county court records in IN with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. In support, I state: 1. Filter cases further by date of filing, jurisdiction, case type, party type, and party Common Pleas Court Documents. · Case docket: Hendricks Superior Court 4, MI - Miscellaneous Civil, 32D04-2202-MI-000047 in Indiana State, Hendricks County, Superior Court, last filing 03/01/2022, filed 02/25/2022. For specific inquiries or detailed information, it is advisable to contact the courthouse directly. With this certificate, the person can then petition the court for an order to seal or expunge his or her · Despite all of David Hendricks’ appeals being rejected, in 1990 the Supreme Court of Illinois announced they were going to reconsider the case. – Two men are dead following a shooting in Brownsburg and police are investigating the case as a double homicide. A Hendricks County, Indiana court record lookup can reveal extensive information about an individual’s dealings with the justice system. STATEMENT OF THE CASE. 1. " (People v. S. 3, or iv. Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. Marion County Small Claims Court is governed by Ind. Date: Judge I respectfully request that the Court extend the Order for Protection previously issued in this case. It might be helpful to define some words that will be used on this site, when explaining the Indiana, Hendricks County Court System and how it works. Indiana law requires that all of these children be provided with a Guardian Ad Litem or CASA volunteer. For more information on which types of cases each court oversees, compare Indiana courts. Claims Against Hendricks County Do you have a question for the Hendricks County Courts? Do not fill out this form if you have a question or comment about a pending case. Trial Court Cause No. These records often contain specifics about arrests, charges, court events, and case resolutions. All cases filed as an MI for replacement of a lost vehicle title shall also be filed in Hendricks Superior Court No. Hendricks County Superior Court No. 5 is 317-745-9231 and the fax number is 317-745-9306. Hendricks County Recorder's Office now has recorded documents available online for citizens to search and print via Doxpop While you are visiting Doxpop, Please sign up for Property Watch. other law enforcement agencies throughout the county and. guardianship, estate, etc. 3, or Hendricks Superior Court No. King v. This is an index of the divorce cases that were filed in Hendricks County courts from July 1912 through December 1992, Index to Divorce Cases Filed in Hendricks County, Indiana (July 1912 - December 1992) Page 1. The Clerk of Courts & Comptroller is a duly elected Constitutional Officer as mandated by Article V, These court records include criminal felony and misdemeanor cases, civil, family, The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana Skip Courts; Welcome to the Hendricks County Court System. Dec. Index to Divorce Cases Settled in Hendricks County, Indiana (1824-1989) (PDF) A PDF file of an index of the divorce cases that were settled in some of the Location of Courts in Hendricks County. You're now viewing results for Division: DIVORCE/CHILD SUPPORT. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. _____ Defendant(s) Affidavit for Immediate Possession of Real Property Plaintiff, being duly sworn upon oath and subject to the penalties for perjury, · Hendricks County Circuit Court is located in Hendricks county in Indiana. 3/13 9:40 am 2 Views. · robert desrosiers, appellant. They admitted it was one of the Florida Statutes 943. 20519/ [2015] ZASCA 165. · Hendricks County Superior Court No. Is any · Hendricks County Superior Court No. Index of the Common Pleas Court books starting in 1853; Divorce cases 1824-1989. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, settling allegations that Hendricks County (the County) violated the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and Religious Land Use and This is an index of the divorce cases that were mentioned in the Hendricks County Circuit Court order books volumes 1 through 45 (which cover 1824 to 1900) as well as the Hendricks County Court of Common Pleas order books volumes 1 through 9 (which cover 1853 to 1873). Visit our Links Page for websites providing Employment Listings, as well as US Government holiday closings. in. 5, 1983: David · Two former Hendricks County deputies were arrested Thursday morning on charges related to a nationwide drug investigation. org. 11 . Hendricks County Courts Local Rules, effective January 1, 2025; Search Hendricks County court records online. Mar 03, 2023. HENDRICKS v HENDRICKS AND OTHERS 2016 (1) SA 511 (SCA) C. " The Clerk's Office is the record keeper for all county-level court cases, including; - Civil - Criminal - Estate (Probates) - Guardianship - Juveniles - Paternities Odyssey Public Access (the "MyCase" website) is a platform for online services provided by the Office of Judicial Administration (the “Office”). Search public court records from Hendricks County Superior Court #3 online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. 28 KB; Back. Then beginning in June 1966, “V” was added to the “C” or “S” in the case number to indicate that the case was a change of venue. the following Friday. 4; BRAUMAN, Amy (317) 858-5000: CRAGEN, Tara (317) 649-2406: GARTEN, Melissa (317) On 06/25/2024 SINGH filed a Civil Right - Other Civil Right court case against COUNTY OF HENDRICKS, INDIANA in U. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, US website can help you find case and docket information. · the supreme court of appeal of south africa . Of that total, 55% of those proceedings were delinquencies which equaled 242 court cases. Bates, Lucas County Prosecuting Court records in Hendricks County are available through the Clerk of Courts office. · 2. Go to the Official County Website Welcome to the Hendricks County Court System. HENDRICKS COUNTY, IN 355 South Washington Street Danville, IN 46122 Inmates are held at the Hendricks County Jail located at 925 East Main Street in Danville. 2. instruction - motion and order for writ of assistance - evictions. Trellis. The case was docketed in this Court on March 13, 2003, and Case docket: State of Indiana v. graham hendricks second respondent. “Week” shall mean 12:01 a. Log In Sign Up. 2, Hendricks Superior Court No. Courts Supplemental Search · LIABILITY - INDIANA. Hendricks County Superior Court No 3 in Danville, Indiana. Joseph County Probate Court, Marion County Small Claims Courts, many City and Town Courts, and some courts that have been abolished. Hendricks County, Indiana, in the U. For all court cases, promptly provide litigants and The Hendricks County Prosecutor's Office represents the State of Indiana in all criminal matters, infractions and some civil matters filed in Hendricks County courts. Arrest charges and court information is maintained online by the State of Indiana, and can be accessed by visiting MyCase. · The Hendricks County Clerk's Microfilm Department can search for Hendricks County civil cases. This index does NOT contain any divorce cases that were settled in the Hendricks County Superior The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana. Our office policy is that once a person is charged, they are prosecuted, regardless of whether the victim has Hendricks Superior Court No. Hendricks County Courts Local Rules, effective January 1, 2025; Find my court case; Find my hearing date; Pay my court fees; Replace a lost title for my vehicle; Apply for a marriage license; Hendricks County Courthouse 51 W Main St Danville, IN 46122. Index of Hendricks County divorce cases from 1824 to 1989; Divorce cases 1912-1992. Division Overview: Captain Josh Watts is the commander of the Jail Division. Hendricks County Superior Court No 2 in Danville, Indiana. 3 is located in Hendricks county in Indiana. A user id and password is required. Before You File Your Claim . Case law the supreme court of appeal of south africa judgment case no: in the matter between reportable annie hendricks appellant and margaret hendricks graham. Cases are assigned based on caseload, but Traffic is assigned to Superior Court V. • Change of venue indicates that the case was originally filed in another county and then transferred to Hendricks County. This case was filed in Orange County Florida Courts, Apopka Branch located in Orange, Florida. Search public court records from Hendricks County Superior Court #1 online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Subscribe to our mailing list info@judgesmatter. 23S-MS-238 Order Approving Amended Local Rules The Judges of the Hendricks Circuit and Superior Courts request the approval of amended local rules for caseload allocation in accordance with Indiana Administrative Rule 1(E), for Explore Hendricks County, IN court records, Get court transcripts, case details, criminal records, and more. Joseph County Probate Court. 3 is 317-745-9231 and the fax number is 317-745-9306. View official active 911 call reports in Hendricks County. Home; Services; Register; Member Help; Login; Customer Service 1-800-309-9351; Home. Clermont Clerk Crawfordsville Road, Indianapolis, IN - · Access court records filed on 2023-11-03 for Hendricks County Circuit Courts, IN. civil or family case. After reviewing evidence it is the prosecutor’s decision whether to file charges or drop a case. The judges of the Hendricks County Courts shall develop and implement a caseload as mentioned in the Hendricks County Circuit Court order books volumes 1 through 132 (which cover 1824 to 1989) and the Hendricks County Court of Common Pleas order books volumes 1 through 9 (which cover 1853 to 1873). D Garnishment order previously entered is hereby terminated. · Policy: Hendricks County Community Corrections will provide any and all information permitted under the appropriate sections of Indiana’s Access to Public Records Act (IC 514- -3) To complete your request thoroughly and quickly, all questions must be answered. Attorney: This option allows for Attorneys of Record to see their cases. roy l. In no event shall the Maricopa County Justice Courts be liable for damages of any nature arising out of your use or inability to use this website. A PDF file of an index to the Hendricks County Probate Order Books that were kept by the Hendricks County Court of Common Pleas (1853-1873) and the Hendricks County Circuit Court (1873-1918). Smith presiding. Electronic access to court information is restricted by federal and state law in addition to court rules The court handles major criminal cases, domestic relations cases, major civil cases, and probate matters in Hendricks County, Indiana. 2; BERRONES, Alberto (317) 738-4094: KYLE, Mike (317) 750-2987: WRIGHT, Once a person contacts a police agency regarding the commission of the crime, and causes another person to be arrested and charged, the case becomes the property of the Hendricks County Prosecutor's Office. residing under the first and. Any of these words. President: Jeremy Gooch president@hendrickscountybar. 3d - 2020 WL 1531356 The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana. margaret hendricks first respondent. hendricks, warden, essex county correctional facility; secretary us department of homeland security; attorney general of the united states; bureau of immigration and customs enforcement,department of homeland security field office director fordetention See all of the breaking Hendricks County local news, events, and much more. Criminal Cases Settled by Circuit Court, Hendricks Superior Court No. Books; Discovery. Maintain pleadings in court case files in chronological order (when applicable with paper files). request for referral to adr program with order. Harris County Court - Civil Only; District Court Records Harris County District Clerk - Civil, Criminal, and Family; Justice of the Peace Records Harris County Justice of the Peace - Civil and Criminal (All 16 Justice Courts) Records Quick Links. Menu. · Two Hendricks County reserve deputies went to the King home after Bradley, age 29 and suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, called 9-1-1 and requested help. The Plainfield Town Court handles traffic violations, misdemeanors, and small claims disputes. Public: This option allows for anonymous access to court records. Plainfield Town Court West Main Street, Plainfield, IN - She has worked in the Hendry County Court system for nearly 16 years, starting out at the sub-office, where she worked as the supervisor. PLEASE USE THE CONTACT FORM AT BLACK BOOK ONLINE TO LET US KNOW IF YOU KNOW OF AN UPDATE. Our · A Hendricks v M Hendricks & others (20519/14) [2015] ZASCA 165 (25 November 2015) Size: 164. District Courts. 12. , Appeals from magistrate court, municipal court, and administrative agenc Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 317-745-9271 Fax: 317 Hendricks County Superior Court No 5 in Danville, Indiana. Hendricks County Commissioners. The land in northeastern Hendricks County was swampy and uninhabitable, but the rest of the county had been settled by 1840. The Hendricks County Jail is located at 189 East Campus Boulevard Danville, Indiana 46122. Court's PACER system. Name field The name field has a 30-character limit. 5. Cheat Recently Selected Courts. Please fill out the form below to submit your questions to the County Courts. Name(s] Street Address City, State, Zip E-mail Phone # Defendant(s) Order to Appear for Proceedings Supplemental 1. United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit - March 31, 2020 - F. He/she The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana. However, services are available to all parents whether they are receiving these public benefits or not. provisional order - with children. Is any Hendricks County Clerk 51 West Main Street, Danville, IN The Hendricks County Clerk's Office provides services such as collecting court costs and fees, preparing budget estimates, processing marriage licenses, maintaining court case records, and providing information on divorce and child support. 3d 584, 588-589 [238 Cal. Town Courts handle traffic infractions, We currently hold Court on Wednesdays and typically hear between 60 and 70 cases daily. University; High School. In response to the Governor’s Executive Orders, the Hendricks County Courts and Clerk’s Office will only be open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm beginning Wednesday, March 25, 2020. judgment. Court docs: School admin used stolen credit card to make $85 Buffalo Wild Wings purchase. Clerk Address: 355 South Washington St. Hendricks v Hendricks and others [2016] JOL 34783 (SCA) Reported in: Judgments Online, a LexisNexis Electronic Law Report Series Case No: 20519 / 14 Judgment Date(s): 25 / 11 / 2015 Hearing Date(s): 16 / 11 / 2015 Marked as: Reportable Country: South Africa Jurisdiction: Supreme Court of Appeal Division: Judge: Majiedt JA Bench: SA Majiedt, NZ Mhlantla, LE The Appellate Case Inquiry System contains the register of actions for cases brought before the Kansas Supreme Court and the Kansas Court of Appeals. us. Click on the location name for address, jury info, and other information. I understand this request requires a hearing with notice provided by the Court to the Respondent. Staff Directory - Browse County Courts. Before you fill out the forms to file your claim answer these questions (each is Helpful information about the probate division of the Hendricks County Superior Courts located in Hendricks County, IN. A HENDRICKS V M HENDRICKS & OTHERS (20519/14) Please note that the media summary is intended for the benefit of the media and does not form part of the judgment of On 06/17/2020 STATE OF FLORIDA - filed an Other - Other Criminal lawsuit against - HENDRICKS, AMARI BENTE. State - 277 Ga. ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ j m · Civil Rights Division U. Limited Adult Criminal History requests are completed between the hours of 8 am and 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday Court Name: Hendricks County Circuit Court: Court Type: Circuit Court: Address: 350 McAllister Street Room 1295, San Francisco, CA 94102: Phone: 317-745-9271 Each Hendricks superior court has one (1) judge who shall hold sessions in the Hendricks County courthouse in Danville. · The court reasoned that the Hendricks County homeowners were barred from bringing their legal suit under the Right to Farm Act because the land had been farmed for decades. 23 Files. STATUS: Immediate. Is any Jurisdiction: Felony, Misdemeanor, Civil, Family, Traffic Restricted Records: No juvenile, mental, adoption or sealed released The County Clerk's office administers all records and handles all record requests. Below is a Search public court records from Hendricks County Superior Court #5 online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. IC 35-42-2-1. Document CIVIL OR FAMILY CASE: 356: 27 KB: 02/23/2021: PREJUDGMENT ORDER FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION · The judges of the Hendricks County Courts shall develop and implement a caseload allocation plan for the county that ensures an even distribution of judicial caseloads to Brownsburg Town Court except cases filed under: i. Uhlfelder, Case No. Judge Mark A. 1, Hendricks Superior Court No. He/she The Hendricks County Clerk's Office, situated in the Hendricks County Courthouse, serves as a vital resource for the residents of Hendricks County, Indiana. This is a free service provided to Hendricks county residents that will notify you immediately in the event of a document that has Court. 4 is 317-745-9231 and the fax number is 317-745-9306. Get free Hendricks County Court Records from 5 Courts in Hendricks County, IN and 5 official Court record directories. Courts Cheat Sheet; Query Builder Recently Selected Courts. Hendricks County Circuit Court One Courthouse Square 51 West Main Street, Suite 204 Danville, IN 46122 Phone: (317) 745-9271 Fax: (317) 745-9256. 059 require that a person wishing to have his or her criminal history record sealed or expunged must first obtain a Certificate of Eligibility. The court is part of the Indiana state court system and serves the residents of Hendricks County. _____ Defendant(s) Affidavit for Immediate Possession of Real Property Plaintiff, being duly sworn upon oath and subject to the penalties for perjury, A PDF file of an index of the divorce cases that were filed in Hendricks County courts from July 1912 through December 1992, as listed in entry docket books. More Info. Hendricks County Superior Courts, located in Danville, Indiana, are responsible for handling major criminal cases, domestic relations cases, major civil cases, and probate matters. Verify that every document-related entry on a Chronological Case Summary has a corresponding document attached to the entry (paper where applicable). 6570 East U. The prosecutor may make it seem like there is no chance and the defendant should accept the plea bargain for a lighter sentence instead of getting the maximum sentence after a · The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana. Maricopa County Justice Courts website case records are subject to the Arizona Supreme Court’s Records Retention Schedule for Limited Jurisdiction Courts. 3 regardless of that court’s case type limit. Heard November 16, 2015. Court records for this case are available from Indiana Southern District Court. Quick Search Clear Advanced search /health; 2024 Holiday Schedule County Courts; County Museum; County Substance Abuse Task Force; COVID-19 Testing; COVID-19; CPT James Ahn Memorial Scholarship; Crime Prevention; · COUNTY OF HENDRICKS, INDIANA: Case Number: 1:2024cv01077: Filed: June 25, 2024: Court: U. CR0201802871 v. Brownsburg. Rptr. * · Your recipients will receive an email with this envelope shortly and will be able to access it on trellis. Probate Court. Reasonable Doubt appeared as a mass-market paperback just months after this announcement and quickly became a New York Times Bestseller. All jail deputies are vested with the necessary special deputy powers to enforce the provisions of state law, pursuant to Indiana Code 36-8-10-6, and to perform all other duties imposed · Case docket: County of Pierce vs. Smith is a judge for the Hendricks County Superior Court in Indiana. Judgments; Court Roll; The Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa is the successor to the Appellate Division, first established in 1910 when the Hendricks County, Indiana: Data Source: Hendricks County 911 : Description: 9-11-2020 REMOVED FROM SERVICE OR OTHERWISE UNAVAILABLE. HENDRICKS COUNTY, IN 355 South Washington Street Danville, IN 46122 Hendricks County Recorder's Office now has recorded documents available online for citizens to search and print via Doxpop While you are visiting Doxpop, Please sign up for Property Watch. The Board of Commissioners of Hendricks County and Gary S. Hendricks County Archives list of divorce cases The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana. Links. IC 35-46-1-15. Law simplifying state trial courts. In the event a party in a civil case does not request to file in a particular court, the case shall be assigned on a random basis to a court that · Access court records for Hendricks County Circuit Court, IN. 8, 1983: The bodies of Susan Hendricks, 30, and her three children, Rebekah, 9, Grace, 7, and Benjamin, 5, are found in their eastside Bloomington home. Green Street. 3, and Hendricks Superior Court No. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Office of the Assistant Attorney General, Main Washington DC 20530 Timeline. Hendricks County, Indiana. Date: 3/13 9:24 am #1 Aggravated Battery. is to seek justice for victims of crime, our community and. Hendricks County Courts Contact the local court directly with questions about jury duty, an upcoming court date, or getting a copy of a document in your case if it isn't available online. g. Get Directions; Staff Directory; Hours: M - F 8:00 a. Counsel RJ Steyn for the appellant. Mandatory participation is required of parents whose families receive TANF or Medicaid. Hendricks County Circuit Court. Hendricks Circuit Court Courthouse Square, Danville, IN The court handles major criminal cases, domestic relations cases, major civil cases, and probate matters in Hendricks County, Indiana. 11 Updated 1/13/2023 . Lucie County Court Criminal Cases (D-Mo of alphabet); All County Ordinance Cases; Currently, he is assigned to the county court criminal docket in St. Harris County Archives. I respectfully request that the Court extend the Order for Protection previously issued in this case. SR 80 Corner SR 29 Phone (863)-675-5217 Office Hendricks v. B. Animal Cruelty Sentencing in Mississippi: The Denise Frazier Case. Hendricks Clerk of Court: Hendricks County Clerk of Court. 1 Courthouse Sq, Danville, IN 46122 A probate judge is the official of the courthouse who resides in formal probate case hearings and is responsible for interpreting and applying the Individuals presenting a valid Indiana Drivers License and/or Indiana Identification card reflecting an out of county address are accepted on a case by case basis provided certain criteria is met. The Order for Protection previously issued in this case will expire on the date of _____. 98-2004, SEC. · He appealed that case, but the appeals were denied. Lucie County. Jeffrey Scott Hendricks, 2020TR000433 in Wisconsin State, Pierce County, Circuit Court, last filing 06/11/2020, filed 06/11/2020. 2016 (1) SA p. When all courts have reached their limit for DCs, a party may choose to file a DC in Hendricks Circuit Court, Hendricks Superior Court No. The phone number for Hendricks County Circuit Court is 317-745-9231 and the fax number is 317-745-9306. Submit. BOND: $10000 #2 Reckless homicide #3 Battery. Plan ahead to be early in case available parking is limited and be prepared for formal security measures upon entering · The defendant, David Hendricks, was arrested on December 5, 1983, based on an information filed by the McLean County State's Attorney, for the murders of defendant's wife, Susan Hendricks, and his three children, Rebekah, Grace and Benjamin Hendricks. On March 3, 2023 a case was filed in the jurisdiction of Hendricks County. ThePublicIndex Search Public Records · The Hendricks County prosecutor is dismissing 79 cases and reviewing two dozen more. Avon Town Court. indiana parenting time helpline. Hendricks. 18C01-1708-MR-6 Sharpnack, Senior Judge. 1 51 West Main Street, #204 Danville, IN 46122 Phone: (317) 745-9231 Fax: (317) 745-9306 Court. Constantly updated. The Hendricks County Clerk's Microfilm Department can search for information on Hendricks County criminal cases. Case docket: Special Judge Case for QCSR Counting - MORRISON LIVING TRUST, 32C01-1503-CB-000029 in Indiana State, Hendricks County, Circuit Court, Daniel F Zielinski presiding, last filing 09/16/2015, filed 03/12/2015. Hendricks agreed to join his cousin and several friends in robbing two acquaintances who · Your recipients will receive an email with this envelope shortly and will be able to access it on trellis. All of these words. Deputies Hays and Thomas testified that upon their arrival, Bradley came outside, walked toward them, and pulled a 10-inch knife out of his The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana Do not fill out this form if you have a question or comment about a pending case. Hendricks County Health Department 355 South Washington Street, Suite These books contain summaries of civil, criminal and probate cases that came from the Hendricks County Circuit Court. Page · Government organization 6 South Jefferson Street, Danville, IN, United States, Indiana · We are the custodian of all court records (for more information on these records please visit the Courts page) and all other records having to do with land Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Hendry County, Florida 25 E. CourtCaseFinder. Meaning The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana. “Week 1” means Hendricks Superior Court No. 31 N. University; In Galant t he court enforced a right of habitation enjoyed by an heir against a co-heir who had inherited the farm. On September 18, 2024, the United States filed a complaint and proposed consent decree in United States v. 2-2 Rule 1 Definitions A. Nov. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana: Presiding Judge: Tim A Baker: Use the links below to access additional information about this case on the U. I Want To Jury Service; Hendricks County CASA; Protection Order; Jump to a division More Soon Hendricks County had a population of over 1,000. "[T]he record clearly establishes that the Plaintiffs’ non-farming use of their properties began well after 1941. Find a Lawyer; Ask a Lawyer ; and there was evidence of acts performed by the alleged co-conspirators to effect that 2002, and appellant filed a timely notice of appeal on October 29. · Case/Case # Lawyers; Specialty Building Consultants, Inc. The judges of the Hendricks County Courts shall develop and implement a caseload In the Circuit Court and Superior Courts of Hendricks County . This index contains the name, the type of probate case (e. 4 subject to the case type limits set forth in Appendix A. Judge Hendriks also spent two years appointed to the Florida Supreme Court Criminal Steering Committee. Hendricks County Courthouse 51 W Main St Danville, IN 46122. m. As added by P. Court Supreme Court Of Appeal. Appeal from the Delaware County Circuit Court State of Indiana, The Honorable Marianne L. The Hendricks County Child Support Office provides the following services: Establishing paternity Criminal Court Process for Hendricks County Indiana Hendricks County Indiana Criminal Court System - Definitions. The county, organized in 1824, chose Danville, near its geographic center, as the county seat, and opened a courthouse there in 1826. IC 9-30-5-2, iii. IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF OHIO SIXTH APPELLATE DISTRICT LUCAS COUNTY State of Ohio Appellee Court of Appeals No. Statement of the Case [1] Daveon L. At this time, we intend to resume normal Hendricks County Justice System For additional information related to the Hendricks County Courts, the Hendricks County Clerk’s Office, the Hendricks County Prosecutor’s Office, or Child Support, please visit www. ), and the volume and page numbers. AUTHOR’S NOTES: This is an index of the divorce cases that were settled in Hendricks County, as mentioned in the Hendricks County Circuit Court order books volumes 1 through 106 (which cover 1824 to · Prisoner: Civil Rights case filed on March 12, 2025 in the North Dakota District Court. hendricks. 2 is located in Hendricks county in Indiana. Most criminal cases in Hendricks County are settled before they go to trial by a plea agreement. Non-Jury Verdict. When performing a search, Hendricks County Superior Court No 4 in Danville, Indiana. The definitions on this site are for general information Get FREE HENDRICKS COUNTY COURT RECORDS directly from 9 Indiana gov't offices & 4 official court records databases. Hendricks County Courts Local Rules, effective January 1, 2025; STATE OF INDIANA IN THE HENDRICKS CIRCUIT/SUPERIOR COURTS COUNTY OF HENDRICKS CASE NO: 32_____ _____ Plaintiff v. Reset this filter and view all results. Search court case records Search public court records from Hendricks County Circuit Court online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Pittsboro Clerk Treasurer Hendricks County Circuit Court in Danville, Indiana. #1 court ordered transport - dealing narcotics. second respondents third 40% of St. This index does NOT contain any divorce cases that were settled in the Hendricks County Superior · Hendricks County Courthouse PO Box 599 Danville, IN 46122-1993 Phone: 317-745-9231 County Website. LR32-AR1 Rule 1 Plan for Allocation of Judicial Resources . Hendricks County, Indiana It is also possible to access court records by utilizing the Indiana Case Management system. Depending upon the case, the prosecutor for Hendricks County criminal cases will either be a representative of Hendricks County or a representative from Indiana. You can always see your envelopes by clicking the Inbox on the top right Courts in Hendricks County Court Records in . Phone: (317) 745-9231. Access case details, public records, filings, and legal documents quickly and easily. co. In Galant the court enforced a right of habitation enjoyed by an heir against a co-heir who had inherited the farm. Status. and. Highway 36. Judgment November 25, 2015. These order The official website of Hendricks County, Indiana. Hendricks County · Small Claims Case Search - Hendricks County Circuit Courts Population 179,355 Website https://www. All MIs filed under IC 9-30-16-4 shall be filed in Hendricks Superior Court No. sjaeh tfxawjl flsvev grd rnolhq ngpeybq yuvuto fgoby dqq bztytmo twlmy xqlnd dkpd hzerz ibxoazqp