Kar98 vs hdr reddit 4M subscribers in the CODWarzone community. Every bolt action rifle from the sniper one hit headshots. Well HDR gives you a wider ranges of darks and brights with more clarity and accuracy. For Kar98, I was thinking: Tac Supressor, Tac laser, Sport Comb (maybe precision comb if I want to line up my crosshairs easier), stippled, Sniper scope. That’s why everyone is using them. Even the HDR is good for quick sniping but is less reliable up close. 1. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 20 comments Welcome to r/KobeReps! We are exclusively dedicated to guides, news, posts, and questions on Kobe reps and other basketball rep related content. It’s the #1 most used gun for a while now, is it balanced? I know there are so many Kar fan boys out there that of course this is going to say mostly… If we're talking about the user being good enough to use both the same level, swiss is the better sniper, esp with more zoom for verdansk. already has way less bullet drop than the kar98 and the ax50 but after a bit of modding you can make it play like theres barely no drop at all. r/Warzone A chip A close button A chip A close button Will say that the few times I've used the FG42 I've switched back to the Kar98 because when I'm sniping I want one-hit kills. Call of Duty: Warzone is a first-person shooter video game series developed by Infinity Ward and Raven… About HDR 800m mark. Most engagements were under 300m (where like 90% of engagements take place) and it's slight snappier but with equal bullet velocity/ballistics and single-shot head shot potential. Posted by u/Yugobaas - 134 votes and 16 comments Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. My 2 cents. Good sights, fast and handy. There are dots between first line and 2nd line and 3rd line etc. The HDR is objectively better in long range engagements due to absurdly high bullet velocity. Says more damage than MK lever action or the HDR sniper rifle. What do u think is better why and what do u think are the best attachments?? 45 votes, 16 comments. and higher when it comes to some of the more esoteric arsenals that produced lesser numbers of the original Kar 98. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter video game released in 2019, developed by… I could be mistaken, but I think the "Swedish Mauser" trigger I ordered on eBay may be a Kar. The second video is the HDR with the Tac Laser and the FTAC Stalker-Scout Stock. if you want to go full accuracy with the gameplay aswell, you'd have to adapt the different doctrines the two nations used in infantery combat: germans basically building their squads around the machine gun as their main source of fire power, and the US trying to often split up, flank and take out the MG. that's 34K subscribers in the CODLoadouts community. Proof right here at about 4:20 (gotta love that lol). No matter what barrel you use, its mostly effect bullet velocity so you can easier hit long/moving targets. I ran Mono, 26, Tac, 28mm, and Lapua and it handled like a slightly better HDR. Whereas Kar98 has slower initial bullet velocity, it maintains speed better over distance, thus making it easier to learn to lead targets on various distances with Kar98. Kar has more bullet drop, less velocity, less range, smaller damage multiplier, smaller mags, slower reloads There are MANY instances at long range where a kar headshot will not kill a player in 1 shot for example. 3M subscribers in the modernwarfare community. I think this is partly why the SKS never took off. When I am sniping with the HDR it genuinely feels unfair just how easy those 250-300m headshots are, with the variable scope you seriously can’t miss. 9x*) AX50 Variable low 5x Kar98 sniper scope 7x HDR variable low 5. g. I have to aim much higher and predict more to get my headshots. My first dot is 550 yours is 575, that's why i said your HDR values are close enough. I’ll use the kar98 rather than getting annoyed by the HDR or AX-50. Business, Economics, and Finance. There is no dot between center and first line. [Request] Kar98K Vs AX50 Vs HDR for Quickscoping and Hardscoping Hi I'm going to be using one of these guns for quickscoping and Hardscoping I have been using all three but wondered what your thoughts are on which one offers the best of both worlds being decent and good long range also, and suggested Loadouts ADS faster (367ms vs ~500ms), one shot people in the head and deal more damage in the upper torso (157 vs 100) up to 50/67m, the Kar98k is a better aggressive sniper while the other two are more for long range sniping So I maxed the vanguard kar98 and tried a variety of different attachments from youtubers who claim it's hitscan but after 5-6 games Imo the Swiss has better bullet speed and less bullet drop, the new kar98 just does not feel as good no matter what attachments I use. S. It’s not all because “nostalgia”, the sweats want to win and they’re using the Kar98 because it’s OP. Hdr with the longest barrel has very little bullet drop, probably the lowest in the game (virtually none at normal sniping rangesl. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Kar98: WWII vs MW19 vs Vanguard Video Share Sort by: Top. Yesterday in the final circle I had my KAR98 and had to pick up some crappy ground loot smg with a single clip, cracked this guys armor and luckily thanks to the ads speed of the KAR98 I quickscoped his chest which won the game, if I had the SPR the scope in could have taken too long. It's too inconsistent for me to gun run with. The meta wouldn't matter if you just played better. Reply reply 1. Kar98k is better for final circles, Rebirth Island or general aggressive play but takes a lot of skill to use at extreme ranges. Initial bullet velocity is better for M24, but it drops off more steeply. Posted by u/MaxIsANerd64 - No votes and 22 comments Interestingly enough, despite how it looks and feels the HDR and AX50 have the same base ADS. Um, no it isn't. I said mine is at 2nd dot and your 2nd dot isn't 700, but 825m. For closer range sniping id go with the Lee Enfield (84rpm baby!) or the Arisaka (has the second highest RoF after the Lee Enfield coupled with almost M95 levels of bodyshot damage making it extremely lethal). Please go to r/CODLoadouts. Reply Reddit . ARs are completely power crept out of the meta by the Kar98. e. in the hands of a professional player a kar98 is better, but in the hands of a lesser skilled player the hdr is better. Posted by u/BloodyFame4 - No votes and no comments woops, i meant kar98k but voted swiss on accident. The Lever action kills people with a chest shot at close-medium range and the HDR will drop people at a distance Feedback 33K subscribers in the CODLoadouts community. 75 seconds vs. Best. Call of Duty: Warzone is a first-person shooter video game series developed by Infinity Ward and Raven Software, and published by Activision. Top. Tbh, i prefer them to lower the damage, so that there is an incentive to pick another sniper. The largest community for PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. However after landing 60-70 shots on people up close. I'm gonna now decide to switch to an AX-50 or HDR not because it's a bad gun. HDR with the oceanographer blueprint variable zoom is a great time. longest barrel + high grain + sonic suppressor: XRK Stalker one-shot kill to 75 metres Kar98 one-shot kill to 85 metres The only advantages the XRK has is bullet velocity + a built in scope. I have NEVER EVER 1 shot a person. Full range build for both - I. For example, if you were to look at a building in the distance with HDR off you may see it look as if it were all one washed-out level of brightness, whereas with HDR on you should (assuming the game isn't applying a filter) be able to see clearly-defined differences between the light, the shadows and the After hearing you say this is the most in-depth weapon analysis you’ve done I was shocked to see that you didn’t test or provide analysis for the different attachments, e. The magnifications are what the attachment description says it is but as u can see lower zooms have more zoom than higher ones, weird. But the spr is the all rounder. I like new LW3 Tundra. I don't really like going for blazing long shots because usually it just downs them and they get revived in safety and all we're doing is trading ammo and armor. The kar doesn’t have that. I personally prefer the kar98 because of the higher initial damage though I'm more of an action sniper so i rarely shot over 100m also the feel of the kar98 is better in my opinion. 2. A subreddit to show-off, suggest, request and overall share loadouts (competitive or not), class setups… Call of Duty: WWII is a first-person shooter video game developed by Sledgehammer Games and published by Activision. M82, rytec, and dragunov cannot headshot kill at any range The rest can headshot kill up to about 50 meters, except the pelington which can reach like 65 one shot (headshot) potential at all distances (besides the Kar only the HDR and the AX-50 can do this [and the Crossbow but let’s not take it into further consideration]) two shot (upper chest) potential (besides the Kar only the Dragunov can do this [!]; the HDR and the AX-50 only deal 112 upper chest damage) Posted by u/CaligulaZei - 16 votes and 42 comments Thanks dude. 98a trigger mislabeled. How I am literally hitting chest shots and getting markers. Warzone: Go HDR for the lower bullet drop at range, or kar98 for faster rate of fire/handling and aim for headshot which are always a OHK. Which bolt action rifle do you feel is superior? Personally I feel the Kar98k is the better rifle overall but do feel the Springfield is the better sniper between the two. Much larger If we ignore how the gun performs completely, range, damage, ttk, and recoil, the DMR still wins. You give up a lot of range for that but for me and my squad that’s acceptable. If it's just rebirth with less zoom, or if you want more aim assist, it's kar. 45K subscribers in the MWLoadouts community. com! We prioritize getting you new Call of Duty news first, as well… I like the Pellington, but I also preferred the Kar98 playstyle to the HDR. 2K votes, 118 comments. New Kar98 bc the variants don’t change the reticle, the M19 would be my fav but every variation of it has that ugly dotted line reticle that can’t be changed, really turns me off from a lot of snipers Kar98 Is Unquestionably broken. Apr 19, 2021 · There are multiple snipers in Call of Duty Warzone that are extremely viable and useful. Essentially since the game has seen a pretty decent uptick in players. 6, tac laser, sniper scope. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. 5x Kar98 variable low 3. Both have their advantages, no clear winner. 2M subscribers in the PUBATTLEGROUNDS community. reReddit: Top posts of June 30, 2020. Slowly you’ll build the muscle memory to know how far you need the flick to be & then you’ll be quickscoping all over the battlefield :) I also put a post up about the general inconsistency of this gun. It's all down to preference at the end of the day, but just off numbers alone HDR is the "best" Most notably, the Lapua is only 493ms vs the Norma's 485, again showing why Lapua are better. 92x57mm round. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Kar98 Kriegsmodell: Worse performance, but awesome sound and animations. Even though the most recent update has made that far less common. I can’t wait to try it out in Warzone. Hdr/tundra are best a long range, not ax-50 which is rarely used. These are the only 2 attachments (that aren’t scopes) that improve the aim down sight speed. The third video is the HDR with the Tac Laser, FTAC Stalker-Scout Stock, and the Scout Combat Optic. 33K subscribers in the CODLoadouts community. Open comment sort options. Share your COD: Modern Warfare Warzone clips. Hard scoping is the best way to learn how to track your target. A central place for… If your Kar98 has less effective damage range than your XRK Stalker then you aren't comparing similar builds. In my opinion, The top two snipers in Warzone though, are the HDR an The Kar98 is objectively better in shorter range engagements due to ads-time and mobility. The only thing that made me consider playing Berlin Axis instead of Berlin Allies. The Kar98k has twice the ADS speed of even the fastest HDR build. Should I use Kar98 or Pelington? I’ve seen a lot of youtubers use the Kar98 but I also got recommended the Pelington by a friend, and I’ve seen… 27K subscribers in the WarzoneClips community. They Should either lower Neck / Chest / Stomach shots, to a lower level than HDR / AX 50 etc, or nerf the flinch. As well, reload speed is a lot faster on the SPR than the KAR at 2. I say go for it. Kar can down at full armor with a headshot but it doesn't do as much damage as the hdr, so at very long ranges the hdr can down where the Kar will take two, but honestly pretty much all practical ranges the Kar will be a one shot down. 34 votes, 14 comments. The max range ADS build (using norma mags) on the SPR is just slightly faster then a max range HDR, but has more bullet drop compared to a max range HDR (also, to note the variable zoom goes to 12x on the HDR VS 8x on the SPR if you use that scope) and less damage. r/CODWarzone is a developer-recognized community focused on the series. This subreddit has been deprecated. I’ve had far more success winning gunfights with my kar compared to when I was running the HDR. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home namely the fact that the kar98 pre-war seem like just a better version of the kar98. Buffing other snipers to the Kar98 is the worst possible way to handle this situation. Kar98 Pre-War: Better performance, but worse sights. I confirmed through the replay system that they had lvl 2 helmets on. A subreddit to show-off, suggest, request and overall share loadouts… "don't use SP-R at closer-ranges - use Kar98k instead because it has better handling", "use SP-R instead of HDR/AX-50 - not instead of Kar98k", "use SP-R for longer-range snipes 60-70m+ as you'd use HDR/AX-50". Crypto The range is much shorter than the HDR/AX What I use it for is the reduced flinching, faster ADS, and higher mobility compared to the “real” snipers. Or check it out in the app stores Well yeah, a real Kar98 also uses a 7. This is called a meta. Warzone. I’m not sure what it is but sniping people out of vehicles and helis is super easy, feels like the HDR is shooting telephone pole sized bullets 24 votes, 18 comments. Snipers are always popular, altough I feel like Kar And Swiss have too much for them. I find that the HDR is better suited for more traditional sniping at very long ranges. I'm currently only seeing 3 specific guns being used in warzone solos, the ffar, the kar98k and the mac10, I personally like the ffar and kar98k but it feels way too strong to go against the kar98k, maybe nerf the long barrel ads time penalties, I really would like to see some variation between snipers but kar98k is too strong for that to happen Call of Duty: WWII is a first-person shooter video game developed by Sledgehammer Games and published by Activision. anyways, I tried both swiss and kar98k, kar with the ads stock and stability stock. So, this puts the SPR is a truly disappointing spot. Not worth it. The K98 currently is suffering from some issues that have cropped up since U7. The Subreddit for Modernwarzone. Call of Duty: Warzone is a first-person shooter video game series developed by… K98 specific issues. 3. Kar is mostly for quick scopes and middle range, hdr has higher bullet velocity and imo for long range. Also, the ax50 and kar98 have many pros over the HDR like the faster fire rate, (meaning more follow up shots) the kar98 does more damage to the chest than either of the other two snipers and it also has the fastest ads time. The HDR, AX50, ZRG, 3 line, and the gorenko are the only sniper rifles that can one shot kill someone at any range. 106K subscribers in the girlsfrontline community. Kar98 Variable high 8x HRD default (7. The kar can struggle at range, the hdr/tundra wmcan struggle at close in. It has Imperial German crown over Fraktur proofmark (as opposed to the different crown shape of the Swedish Mauser proofmarks) and the trigger "hook" is located more "forward" of the pivot point hole, which seems to correspond to the different location of the trigger slot of the Skip to main content. although i prefer kar98 and thats what i use atm because faster fire rate, faster draw and what i feel is a much a better option for closer distances. A subreddit to show-off, suggest, request and overall share loadouts (competitive or not), class setups… 311 votes, 31 comments. 70K subscribers in the ModernWarzone community. :) It is ONLY the sniper rifles that can one-shot a fully armored played with a headshot, that is not because of its base-damage alone (which would not be able to do it) but because of the headshot-multiplier that applies to the rifles the sniper rifle-category. It’s slightly slower on ADS than the Kar98 with a comparable set up, but it’s still pretty quick, and it hits harder than the Kar98. The actual advantages of the HDR are better BV (it's small but even 100m/s difference improves sniping a lot), much higher body shot damage (an upper chest shot with the HDR usually cracks someone, and more), and higher zoom magnification (I use the variable zoom scope which goes from 5. 6 on the KAR (with SOH too!) and movement speed is a bit higher. Girls' Frontline (少女前線) is a Chinese mobile game developed by Mica Team The Kar98 has somehow become my main bolt rifle and i love that thing. (monolithic+longest barrel for Kar98, Wrapped suppressor+combat recon barrel) Added info: The magnification of the Kar98 sniper scope is comparable to the Royal & Kross 4x on Pelington/Tundra Kar98K: good ADS (412ms) best damage to body most people use it, can always pick one up after a kill if you need That being said . Holy shit man you are preaching to the choir, I only play rebirth and I've been running MW Kar98 w/ a Ram7 and the shit is lit The Ram7 might be the best kept secret in Rebirth, it shoots almost as fast as a sub machine gun but has the damage of an AR, I can easily take out a trio in close quarters with a single mag and the Ram7 What’s everyone opinion on which one is the better sniper? I’m prefer sniping for the most part and I’ve always used the ax-50 but I’ve been trying… Kar is a better choice for players that want a low Bullet Drop and high muzzle velocity Rifle for long/medium range combat and prefer to use side weapons at closer ranges to finish enemyes, taking advantage of the higher damage. the kar is a high skill weapon and certainly not a ‘point and click’ sniper like the HDR and tundra. Who Y’all Got?! Comment what sniper class I should try next! #kar98 #vs #hdr #sniper #twitch #streamer #callofduty #warzone #highlights Mar 19, 2023 · Based on my experience in recent years, really decent, all matching, non-beater Kar 98A's, later to be termed the Kar 98AZ, will easily go for $1500 U. The mechanics we had also made it great, current wz2 garbage mechanics like the looting system, clunky parachuting, lack of tactical sprint reset, horrible vehicle handling, slower bullet velocity would make sniping like this video impossible, and the game feel clunky as hell. the time it takes to shoot 10 rounds with bullet loops Kar98 vs extended mag M24, or the difference in sway when using a cheek pad or a compensator, or if the flash Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 5 comments I got a few head shots with the Kar98/Mosin the past few days and they didn't die. I use the stock scope, ADS boosting and range boosting attachments on HDR and it is plenty quick for warzone at most ranges. I recommend using the precision stock instead of the sport stock (or stippled) as it does make it a lot steadier without much impact to ADS. 5x least zoomed in out of all of these. The AX-50 falls in between the two. the swiss has it's upsides, mostly being the extremely aggressive, but the kar has it's bases covered. But some of my friends really like doing that and use the HDR, so I'd recommend the Tundra for them. Feels like more of a true sniper rifle. I get the whole “aim assist” gimmick but I don’t see a difference. Plus the scope is just better. Bullet velocity is basically equal across all 3 guns around 900m/s. The spr does both well There is a lot of mis-conceptions in this thread regarding the headshot damage. Not the greatest sniper but I want to start sniping more often, I was wondering which of the 3 guns Is most preferable for you guys in warzone and… Kar98 build - Stippled Grip vs FTAC Sport Comb Question Im building my Kar class, and curious as to people opinions on these attachments: mono suppressor, singuard 27. 256K subscribers in the Warzone community. HDR is much more preferable over extreme distances. Probably the most satisfying set up in the game to use. I have used the Kar98 for quite some time now. Bitching about a kar98? Theres always a post about the kar98, spr 208, asval, ak47, mp5, uzi and how it's destroying the game. Small difference, but Kar98 can one-shot neckshot level 1 helmet. Reply reply More replies More replies Love the Kar98 with the Cronen and T Pose Reticle. For SPR, a potentailly slighter long range build. It's specifically warzone damage lock to 250 headshot damage for kar98k, hdr and ax50. Reddit . . r/WWII is a developer-recognized community focused on the title. is there any reason to use the kar98 when you can just get the pre-war version with a higher fire rate? Share the garand is no doubt superior to the k98k, that's just how it was back then. [warzone] No glint Kar98 vs no glint Swiss I used to main a no glint cronen kar98k, what are your thoughts on doing an axial 3x on the swiss? One of the main benefits I've found with the swiss is the sniper scope is so crystal clear and the zoom is significantly improved. The kar rules snipers up close, but crucially, at that distance you're better off with AR /smg unless you have godly aim. You can carry 210 reserve ammo with the DMR but only 40 with the EBR. The DMR uses AR rounds vs Sniper rounds. Skip to main content. I decided to level up the SP-R yesterday, and I can say I really like it. 5x to 12x, the SPR and Kar only go up to 8 or 9x, which makes long range sniping much easier) The variable zoom (5-8x) on the kar98 only gets you to the same as the Swiss’ default scope (8x) would get you, and it has worse ads time. Kar98: mono, default barrel, ads attachments and sniper scope AX-50: mono, shortest barrel, ads attachments default scope… Kar98: Best all-around. Posted by u/Runeskrt - 4 votes and 9 comments MK2 is a better Kar98 but without 1-hit kill capabilities,and Dragunov is that spammy boi that's only useful on Iron Trials(because of the 1-shot range being 30m). I always lose long back and forth sniper battles so its not worth me using ax50 or HDR. Kar98 is better than HDR/AX50 up until 200+ metres or, really, until you aren't comfortable hitting people with the Sniper scope on it. I like kar98 for getting an initial hit then switching to mp5 or AR. The first video is a stock HDR with no attatchments. wgbmsph vfij fila alf ykxh bywkmr mtmae ifpcx qsyrj zgegwtn drfzm evde owtqe hwaqg hdzok