Lincoln memorial park washington dc Cependant, pour vous déplacer à Washington, il est plutôt conseillé de prendre les transports en commun afin de ne pas perdre de temps dans des embouteillages ou pour trouver une place de . (1809-1865) 16th U. Request a Customized Tour to Washington DC for your Group Jun 30, 2023 · The Senate Park Commission Plan, published in 1902, called for a Lincoln Memorial at the new Potomac River edge that would serve as the terminus of an expanded National Mall across the recently created West Potomac Park. Najłatwiejszym sposobem dotarcia do Memorial jest Metrorail lub Metrobus. S. Quando estiver bem na frente, olhe para as belas colunas de mármore cercadas por vegetação, parte de um design inspirado em antigos templos gregos. Quando ti trovi proprio di fronte, ammira le belle colonne di marmo circondate dal verde, parte di un design ispirato agli antichi templi greci. SW & Daniel Chester Oct 14, 2020 · On Independence Day in 1848, Illinois Congressman Abraham Lincoln attended the cornerstone-laying ceremony for the Washington Monument at the western terminus of the Mall in Washington, DC. to Lodging - There are no National Park Lodges in Washington DC. In 1875, the statue traveled to Washington to be placed in Lincoln Park. 100 Years of the Lincoln Memorial. Apr 6, 2017 · The camera offers one-of-a-kind views of the WWII Memorial, Martin Luther King, Jr. Oct 10, 2024 · The Lincoln Memorial honors the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. Except for Christmas day, park Rangers are on hand from 9:30 AM to 10 PM to answer questions. daily, and interpretive programs are provided throughout the day and upon request. C - This aparthotel features an indoor pool, a restaurant, and a health club In 1867 when Congress officially named the park Lincoln Square, it was the first site to bear the name of the martyred President. 889321 Fogliame autunnale al Lincoln Memorial sul National Mall - Monumenti a Washington, DC Fai una passeggiata verso il memoriale e guardalo mentre diventa gradualmente più grande. Washington, DC 20242 Phone: 202-426-6841 Site Index; Español; Stay Connected. Concklin, 1927) Lincoln Memorial Commission Report (1913) The Lincoln Memorial, Washington (1927) The Lincoln Memorial, Washington (James P. to 6:00 A. Strażnicy pełnią służbę codziennie od 9:30 do 10:32. By the time we got to Lincoln Memorial it was just another one of the sites for me and as I walked around the outside of the memorial, I looked up to the top and noticed all the states. [3] [4] Lincoln Memorial. The World War II Memorial is located on the National Mall between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. Dedicated in 1922, the Lincoln Memorial is the most visited site on the National Mall. Das große Lincoln Memorial thront über dem Reflecting Pool und verankert das westliche Ende der National Mall. Please see the park ranger on-site to pick up a copy. Explore the National Mall and plan your trip to the nation’s capital today. Park rangers are on duty to answer questions from 9:30 a. Phone: (202) 426-6841. The National Park Service, Ford’s Theatre Society, the Library of Congress, the National Archives, President Lincoln’s Cottage and Tudor Place have all teamed up to host a fun-filled day. M. Camping - There are no campgrounds within the memorial. President. District of Columbia Info; Alerts; Maps; Calendar; Fees Feb 17, 2025 · The Washington Monument seen from the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC Perito Moreno Glacier in Patagonia's Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina. Library of Congress photo. Cherry Blossom Festival Contact Info. com Lincoln Park is the largest urban park located in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D. The Lincoln Memorial is an essential part of a Washington, D. Lincoln Memorial Découvrez DC en vidéo à 360 degrés 3 choses à rechercher : (1) Tout droit : la statue de 19 pieds de haut du président Abraham Lincoln par le sculpteur Daniel Chester French ; (2) à gauche : le sombre discours du président Lincoln à Gettysburg gravé sur la chambre sud du mémorial ; (3) à droite : son deuxième Washington, DC a accueilli le Lincoln Memorial dans son paysage le 30 mai 1922. to 10 p. Website: nps. Lincoln Memorial. Washington , DC 20024 Phone: 202-426-6841. Washington, DC 20242 Phone: 202-426-6841. Entdecken Sie die Geschichte der Gedenkstätte oder finden Sie Öffnungszeiten und Wegbeschreibungen. King's famous "I Have a Dream” speech, which was delivered from the nearby steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963: "With this faith, we will be able to hew out of a mountain of despair, a stone of hope. , from the top of the Monument! Lincoln Memorial Discover DC in 360-degree video 3 Things to Look For: (1) Straight ahead: the 19-foot-tall statue of President Abraham Lincoln by sculptor Daniel Chester French; (2) to the left: President Lincoln’s somber Gettysburg Address engraved on the memorial’s south chamber; (3) to the right: his unifying Second Inaugural Address on Closest Metro Stops: Smithsonian Foggy Bottom-GWU Arlington Cemetery View Metro Map. 050166 Address: 2 Lincoln Memorial Circle, NW, Washington, D. La forma más fácil de llegar al Memorial es metrorail or Metrobús. National Park Address. Parking throughout the District of Columbia is restricted generally (see individual area signs for site specific closures/restrictions) from 12:00 A. The site was designed as a lasting tribute to Dr. Contact Us The memorial sits along the central vista of the National Mall, at the east end of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. Apr 10, 2015 · Lincoln Memorial, National Mall and Memorial Parks, Washington, DC; Ford's Theatre National Historic Site, Washington, DC; Fort Stevens, Rock Creek Park, Washington, DC ; Lincoln Park, Capitol Hill Parks, National Capital Parks-East, Washington, DC; White House (President's Park), DC; Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site, KY The Lincoln Memorial, designed after the temples of ancient Greece, is America's foremost memorial to its 16th president. Cancel. Lincoln Memorial National Memorial, a unit of the National Park System, stands in the center of Lincoln Memorial Circle, where 23rd St. The Reflecting Pool and the long promenade of elm trees on either side are key features of the Lincoln Memorial landscape. Jan 1, 2020 · There is accessible parking at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt and World War II Memorials and near the Washington Monument and the Thomas Jefferson, Lincoln, Korean War Veterans, and Vietnam Veterans Memorials; at the Tidal Basin. O Lincoln Memorial homenageia o presidente Abraham Lincoln, o 16º presidente dos Estados Unidos. Open daily 6 am - midnight. The National Council of Negro Women, which she founded, raised the funds for this monument. The statue was unveiled on April 14, the 11th anniversary of Oct 14, 2024 · This is where the nation comes to remember and where history is made. Los guardabosques están de guardia de 9:30 am a 10 pm todos los días. To further recognize President Lincoln, a memorial statue, known as the Emancipation Group or Freedman's Memorial, was placed in the park in 1876. The Lincoln Memorial is a U. Explore This Park Explore the National Park Service Learn about the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial, its evolving meaning over the last 100 years, and plans to 100 Years of the Lincoln Memorial. May 4, 2022 · Journée familiale du centenaire du Lincoln Memorial : 14 mai, 10 h - 1 pm Emmenez toute la famille à une célébration le samedi sur le site du mémorial. Feb 4, 2022 · The first time I visited the Lincoln Memorial I was with my grandparents and I was 13 years old, and we had already seen a lot of Washington DC. m. Lincoln Memorial Centennial Family Day: May 14, 10 a. The promise of the monument’s rise paralleled that of the nation as the Union continued to grow. May 4, 2022 · While in today’s vernacular the land west of 14th Street all the way to the Lincoln Memorial is also referred to as the National Mall, technically this is part of the Memorial Parks, as is the Tidal Basin area and West and East Potomac Park where you will find the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, and the Martin Luther King, Jr. This Memorial Day, May 30, 2022 will mark the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial. " Jan 28, 2025 · This post is a guide to visiting the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, including information on its architecture, symbolism, and myths. The grand Lincoln Memorial towers over the Reflecting Pool, anchoring the western end of the National Mall. Rangers are on duty from 9:30 a. Additionally, for a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), please visit our FAQs Page. The park is open year-round. gov. Honoring the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, and inspired by the Parthenon in Athens, Greece, the memorial features a statue of the seated Lincoln; engravings of the Gettysburg Address and Second Inaugural Address, two of his greatest speeches; and Apr 23, 2015 · Explore the National Park Service Exiting nps. There are no National Park Lodges in Washington DC. Introduced measures that resulted in the abolition of slavery, issuing his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and promoting the passage of the There are no National Park Lodges in Washington DC. is a very busy metropolitan area. El gran Lincoln Memorial se eleva sobre Reflecting Pool, anclando el extremo occidental del National Mall. The Lincoln Memorial Turns 100 in 2022! May 30, 2022, marks the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial. Godziny otwarcia i wskazówki dojazdu do Lincoln Memorial Lincoln Memorial jest otwarty 24 godziny na dobę, każdego dnia w roku. Ouvert au public en 2011, le mémorial est le quatrième à Washington, DC à honorer un non-président et le premier à honorer un homme de couleur. La mejor manera de acercarse al monumento es desde el este, por el Monumento a Washington y el Monumento Nacional a la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Herfstbladeren bij het Lincoln Memorial op de National Mall - Monumenten in Washington, DC Wandel naar het monument en zie hoe het geleidelijk groter wordt. Apr 26, 2020 · The Lincoln Memorial is open year-round, 24 hours a day, and at night it is illuminated. Memorial. " South Chamber: The Gettysburg Address Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863 during the dedication ceremony for the Soldiers' National Cemetery. Rehabilitation of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool and surrounding area Environmental Assessment (December 2009) The Lincoln Memorial (Edward F. Address: Lincoln Memorial Cir SW, Washington, DC 20037 West Potomac Park, the area between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial, includes the Tidal Basin and the beautiful cherry trees. GPS Coordinates: 38. The north wall mural of the Lincoln Memorial. The statue, called “The Emancipation Group” or “Freedman’s Memorial,” was dedicated April 14, 1876. NW meets Constitution and Independence Aves. Apr 10, 2015 · The nearest Metro station to this site is Foggy Bottom/George Washington University at 23rd and I Streets, NW; this station is just over 6/10 of a mile north of the memorial. Das Lincoln Memorial ehrt Präsident Abraham Lincoln, den 16. Our Customer Service Ambassadors can answer any questions you have. Das Denkmal ehrt Abraham Lincoln, den 16. In 2019, Lincoln Memorial had 7,808,182 park visitors. 889321, -77. Mar 15, 2024 · 100 Years of the Lincoln Memorial. Das Lincoln Memorial gehört zu den bekanntesten und meistbesuchten Attraktionen in Washington. 30 when meters are in effect. Feb 17, 2021. Planen Sie Ihren Ausflug zum berühmten Lincoln Memorial und erfahren Sie mehr über das Denkmal, das zu Ehren des 16. Wanneer u er recht voor staat, kijk dan naar de mooie marmeren zuilen omringd door groen, onderdeel van een ontwerp dat is geïnspireerd op oude Griekse tempels. Hours: 24 hours. In 2021, Lincoln Memorial had 5,792,331 park visitors. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, near Hodgenville, Ky. C - This aparthotel features an indoor pool, a restaurant, and a health club Call Number: HABS DC,WASH,462- Medium: Photo(s): 233 Color Transparencies: 1 Measured Drawing(s): 29 Data Page(s): 7 Photo Caption Page(s): 14 Please use the following steps to determine whether you need to fill out a call slip in the Prints and Photographs Reading Room to view the original item(s). Nearest Intersection: Independence Ave. US-Präsidenten errichtet wurde. gov/linc. These National Park Service (NPS)-run memorials are usually staffed by NPS Rangers who can answer your questions from 9:30 a. This address was selected for its familiarity to many, but also because it displayed the president's strength and determination to see a successful conclusion to the American Civil War. The Lincoln Memorial programs and events are kept on the Schedule Of Washington, DC 20242 Phone: 202-426-6841. Inscribed: "In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever. Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, DC War Memorial, and East and West Potomac Parks; Pennsylvania Avenue National Mar 15, 2024 · Explore This Park Explore the National Park Service Learn about the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial, its evolving meaning over the last 100 years, and plans to Best Breakfast & Brunch near Lincoln Memorial - Founding Farmers - Washington, Old Ebbitt Grill, Unconventional Diner, The Pembroke, Matt and Tony's All Day Kitchen Bar, Milk & Honey Southern Inspired Kitchen, Palette 22, I Egg You, Tupelo Honey Southern Kitchen & Bar, Cafe Du Soleil How much does Lincoln Memorial parking cost? Parking on-site on Ohio Drive, located south of Lincoln Memorial, is free. – 1 p. Lodging near the Lincoln Memorial includes: Fairmont Washington, D. Mailing Address: 1100 Ohio Drive SW Washington, DC Mar 15, 2016 · Navigate. Its proximity to the Vietnam Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, and the Memorial Reflecting Pool makes it the perfect setting for groups to visit. Learn more about the most visited and least visited National Parks in the US. Il a mené la célèbre marche sur Washington en 1963, où il a prononcé son légendaire discours « I Have a Dream » sur les marches du Lincoln Memorial. The National Park Service offers daily programs that rotate throughout the memorials on the Mall. Horas y direcciones del Lincoln Memorial. Memorial, Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool. I will also explain how you can tour the Lincoln Memorial, on your own, or with a group - maybe us, Free Tours by Foot. See full list on parkingaccess. Sep 16, 2023 · National Mall and Memorial Parks preserves more than one thousand acres of federal parkland in Washington, DC, including: the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, Martin Luther King, Jr. The Lincoln Memorial honors President Abraham Lincoln, the 16th United States president. Explore subjects and stories related to this Lincoln Memorial Centennial Family Day: May 14, 10 a. national memorial honoring Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, located on the western end of the National Mall of Washington, D. Presiding through the Civil War, Lincoln not only saved the Union, preserving its government, boundaries, and ideals, he reinvigorated the nation's founding principle - that all men are created equal. Click on the map for directions to the memorial from anywhere in D. Folhagem de outono no Lincoln Memorial no National Mall - Monumentos em Washington, DC Dê um passeio em direção ao memorial e observe como ele gradualmente fica maior. Honor the legacy of the 16th President, President Abraham Lincoln, with a 3-day tour itinerary highlighting his life and accomplishments, completed in The grand Lincoln Memorial towers over the Reflecting Pool, anchoring the western end of the National Mall. Resources for Teachers and Students alike to learn about Explore This Park Explore the National Park Service Exiting nps. Lincoln Memorial hours and directions The Lincoln Memorial is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. On the 11th anniversary of Lincoln’s death, nearly every African American organization in the city joined in a large parade. The 19th foot tall statue of Lincoln gazes out from a solemn chamber in a building surrounded by 36 columns, each representing a state in the union at the time of the Lincoln's death. The memorial itself is based on a line from Dr. Located in Lincoln Park on Capitol Hill, the Emancipation Memorial (sometimes referred to as the Freedman's Memorial) features President Abraham Lincoln with the Emancipation Proclamation in his right hand and holding his left hand over the head of a liberated slave kneeling at his feet. The Mary McLeod Bethune Statue Lincoln Park commemorates educator and activist Mary McLeod Bethune. in West Potomac Park in Washington, DC. District of Columbia Info; Alerts; Maps; National Mall and Memorial Parks Junior Ranger Program Washington, DC 20242 Phone: 202-426-6841. has been the site of various famous speeches and is one of the several memorials built to honor an American president. Its attractiveness improved after landscaping and engineering transformed the land's appearance by the early 1900s. Thanks to EarthCam's partnership with the National Park Service, anyone can experience Washington, D. Oct 2, 2021 · A Large Print version of the Gettysburg Address is available at the Lincoln Memorial. Washington, DC le dio la bienvenida al Monumento a Lincoln a su paisaje el 30 de mayo de 1922. SW which is along the Potomac River south of the Lincoln Memorial or in Lots A, B & C south the Thomas Jul 3, 2022 · In 2021, Lincoln Memorial had 5,792,331 park visitors. Contact Us Opened to the public in 2011, the memorial is the fourth in Washington, DC to honor a non-president and the first to honor a man of color. In 2020, Lincoln Memorial had 2,980,075 park visitors. visit. Park Address - 1750 Independence Ave. The Emancipation Memorial, also known as the Freedman's Memorial or the Emancipation Group is a monument in Lincoln Park in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D. In addition to being a prominent work of neoclassical architecture, the monument also serves as the formal terminus to the extended Mall in accordance with the McMillan Commission's plan for Washington's monumental core. One of Washington, DC’s most recognizable and most visited landmarks, the Memorial has evolved into a backdrop for the nation’s events, demonstrations, and civil rights activations. Each year, millions of people come to recreate, commemorate presidential legacies, honor our veterans, and make their voices heard. National Park Service Logo National Park Service. . The Memorial, constructed with a Colorado-Yule marble Jun 2, 2020 · Baustil des Lincoln Memorials. L'un des monuments les plus reconnaissables et les plus visités de Washington, DC, le Mémorial est devenu une toile de fond pour les événements, les manifestations et les activations des droits civiques de la nation. The World War II Memorial is free and open to the public 24 hours a day. Mar 25, 2021 · Washington, D. The Lincoln Memorial is a unit of National Mall and Memorial Parks. Contact Us Epic Guide to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC including things to see, history, how to get to the park, and so muc. Präsidenten der USA, der in den Augen vieler Amerikaner neben George Washington, Thomas Jefferson und Franklin Delano Roosevelt als einer der bedeutendsten Präsidenten in der Geschichte der US On Independence Day in 1848, Illinois Congressman Abraham Lincoln attended the cornerstone-laying ceremony for the Washington Monument at the western terminus of the Mall in Washington, DC. The memorial is built in a neoclassical style in the form of a classical temple. Dedicated in 1922, the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D. Las estaciones de metro más cercanas son Foggy Bottom y Smithsonian, ambas en Located in Lincoln Park on Capitol Hill, the Emancipation Memorial (sometimes referred to as the Freedman's Memorial) features President Abraham Lincoln with the Emancipation Proclamation in his right hand and holding his left hand over the head of a liberated slave kneeling at his feet. El Lincoln Memorial está abierto las 24 horas del día, todos los días del año. In effect, this Lincoln Memorial would serve as a gateway, at the foot of a new Arlington Memorial Bridge, to the Capitol and May 18, 2021 · Though not completed in time for the memorial's dedication in 1922, the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool has become one of the most recognizable and filmed sites in Washington, DC. Explore the National Park Service Exiting nps. The easiest way to reach the Memorial is by Metrorail or Metrobus. The memorial sits along the central vista of the National Mall, at the east end of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. Sculptor Thomas Ball depicted a life-size figure of Abraham Lincoln, extending one hand over a kneeling African American man while holding a copy of the Emancipation Proclamation in the other hand. Memorial, the FDR Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Please call us at 1-301-839-5261 or visit our Contact Page to contact us. 2 Lincoln Memorial Circle, NW Washington, DC 20002. Its location is the only downside of the Lincoln Memorial, as it is not near any Metro station and parking can be limited. King’s legacy and will forever serve as a monument to the freedom, opportunity and justice for which he stood. Oct 10, 2024 · Almost immediately, the memorial's backers proposed the reclaimed land as the site for a memorial to Lincoln, but this nearly mile-wide swath of dredged, stinking mud formed an unappealing aesthetic. Matthews, Jr. Learn about the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial, its evolving meaning over the last 100 years, and plans to celebrate its centennial. Uno de los monumentos más reconocibles y visitados de Washington, DC, el Monumento se ha convertido en un telón de fondo para los eventos, manifestaciones y activaciones de derechos civiles de la nación. Der beste Weg, sich dem Denkmal zu nähern, ist von Osten, am Washington Monument und am National World War II Memorial. The Emancipation Monument served as the primary national memorial to Lincoln until 1922, when the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated in West Potomac Park. May 13, 2018 · Park News Check out our latest news and press releases or get in contact with our Public Affairs staff. Located on the National Mall, it is an easy walk from other nearby monuments. O grande Lincoln Memorial eleva-se sobre o Reflecting Pool, ancorando a extremidade oeste do National Mall. Bring the whole family along to a Saturday celebration at the site of the memorial. The construction and dedication of this memorial not only stood as a symbol of one our great presidents, but also as a temple to our reunification as a people. @brandonmkopp If it’s too crowded during the day, come back at night to watch the sunset and spend some one-on-one time with Honest Abe. Washington, DC 20242 Apr 18, 2017 · Explore the National Park Service Exiting nps. Sep 15, 2022 · District of Columbia War Memorial; Ford's Theatre National Historic Site and the House Where Lincoln Died; Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site; World War I Memorial; Uptown Parks; Plus 150 statues, reservations, circles, fountains, and park spaces in downtown Washington, D. test Situated on the west end of the National Mall, the Lincoln Memorial is one of the most recognizable structures in the world. , 1934) The Lincoln Memorial, Washington (1947) The Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument – let’s face it, Washington, DC’s famous monuments and memorials are why you’re here. Walk along the Reflecting Pool or step inside to learn more about the 16th President of the United States. From 1862 to 1865, it was the site of the largest hospital in Washington, DC: Lincoln Hospital. As local walking tour guides, the Lincoln Memorial is like a second home to us. Best Food near Lincoln Memorial - Founding Farmers - Washington, Roll Play: The Happy Eatery, 54 Restaurant, Municipal Fish Market at The Wharf, Soupy Dumpling & Fancy Cuppa Bubble Tea, Life Alive Organic Cafe, J's Noodle Bar, Tatte Bakery and Cafe, Julia's Empanadas, Open Road - Rosslyn The memorial is one of the most-visited of those in Washington DC and it is a very popular location for gatherings for various groups. It was sometimes referred to as the "Lincoln Memorial" before the more prominent national memorial was dedicated in 1922. daily. These include the Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, National World War II Memorial, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Explore This Park Explore the National Park Service Learn about the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial, its evolving meaning over the last 100 years, and plans to The Lincoln Memorial This memorial honors the 16th President of the United States (1861-65), a statesman who practiced the virtues of tolerance and honesty, and whose life, mind, and character have become an enduring inspiration to the world. SW Washington 20024. It is the first monument to honor a black woman in a public park in Washington, DC. - 10 p. " Led country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War. Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten. Photo, Print, Drawing Lincoln Memorial, West Potomac Park, Washington, District of Columbia, DC National Mall & Memorial Parks Back to Search Results View 234 images in sequence. Limited street parking near Lincoln Memorial, on 22nd and 23rd Street, costs $2. The son of Thomas and Nancy Hanks Explore the National Park Service Exiting nps. Le National Park Service, la Ford's Theatre Society, la Bibliothèque du Congrès, les Archives nationales, le President Lincoln's Cottage et Tudor Place se sont tous associés pour organiser une journée pleine de plaisir. Rangers also conduct various Jan 28, 2025 · The Lincoln Memorial address is 2 Lincoln Circle Circle, NW, Washington, DC 20037 . As “America’s Front Yard,” the National Mall and Memorial Parks is home to many of our country’s most iconic memorials telling the story of people and events that shaped us as a nation. Mar 15, 2024 · Here a grateful nation honors a martyred president who guided the country through civil war and freed 4 million enslaved persons. Aug 14, 2019 · Pour cela, entrez simplement l’adresse de ce monument dans votre GPS, celle-ci étant : 2, Lincoln Memorial Cir NW, Washington, DC 20037, États-Unis. It was known historically as Lincoln Square. Otherwise, parking is extremely scarce in Washington, D. C. Explore subjects and stories related to this The grand Lincoln Memorial towers over the Reflecting Pool, anchoring the western end of the National Mall. A melhor maneira de chegar ao memorial é pelo leste, pelo Monumento a Washington e pelo Memorial Nacional da Segunda Guerra Mundial. The best way to approach the memorial is from the east, by the Washington Monument and the National World War II Memorial. The Lincoln Memorial was built between 1914 and 1922.
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