Messy sneeze stories. I would enjoy that too XDD).
Messy sneeze stories "Hi Cheryl, it's Mindy, ib'd calling ib sick tomorrow. It seemed like the wrong moment to agonize her or ask her out. It was very snotty and unfortunately I had no tissue by my side. From the bedroom, I could hear him pull a couple tissues out of the box and start to blow. New. Lily Evans, the love of my life who I am sure will go out with me one day, came into the library on The Furry Sneezing Archive » Sneeze Section » Art, Art, and Art! » Pages: [1] Author Topic: [F + Messy] Based on a true story (Read 5835 times) Jun 20, 2016 · Chapter 5: It was a cold, wet and somewhat annoyed Amanda that slowly climbed the stairs leading up to Emilia’s apartment. She got out of bed and showered. Forgot your password? Sign Up Apr 7, 2014 · Sneeze Fetish Boards ; Observations, Stories, & Art ; Stories ; Original Fiction ; My first attempt at writing sneezy fiction! Apr 18, 2017 · BZZZ BZZZ BZZZ, the alarm on Lexi's smartphone went off, it was 6. She had changed out of her plug suit and into her civilian clothes after showering, but she left her interface headset on. . Mar 8, 2023 · In this scenario, character B is the sneezy sickie, and character A is their concerned friend. Her eyes were watery and her nose was starting to get red witch was very obvious with her pale skin. Aug 3, 2023 · Normally he's a double-sneezer, but occasionally he sneezes just once. There in the year of 2063 lived a peaceful race of humans, so peaceful that a few gods and goddesses decided to leave the spirit realm and visit the world of the humans. Jan 7, 2015 · Joe was hit hard by colds and things. I will write it ASAP Jan 7, 2019 · It’s that (random) time a year where I get a head cold. Apr 18, 2020 · A quick little contagion-sneezing story, mainly me experimenting with what works and what doesn't in the sneezefic genre! I don't think I'll be writing much more safe for work stuff, but this one is, though there might be a few mildly suggestive moments. Thanks for posting this Launch - I'll definitely be trying to get some more giant sneezes into fics I write in the future Nov 18, 2023 · The single token of decoration on her handkerchief, that matter-of-fact 'A', might give a slight twitch as pristine folds wilted under the messy assault. Stop Stifling!"Hutchnkk!" Sam's head whipped foward as he convulsed with ano Sep 12, 2021 · Mindy had had better days. I feel like there are a lot of fun places this could go. The root forum is for discussion, for example sharing ideas or finding partners for joint work. I always love to see gigantic sneeze stories like this. It hasn't gone through my usual editor sin Jun 17, 2015 · As I said, it's regularly quite messy as well, which I personally don't like but does make for some laughs (and good sneezing conversations) sometimes. The 25 year old went home with a stuffed nose that just promised trouble. Mar 17, 2014 · Mess warning. Dublinshadow, what you've written here was like the liner notes -- the story behind the story. I really like it when a girls nostrils start flaring to showcase her need to sneeze as well. There might be destiel and I'm planning to upload a new drabble at least twice a week. Aug 25, 2015 · At least, undtil it combes back againd, she said, as the clogged feeling came back. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Over and over, that sneeze rang in my ears. timmelon SCM Member Offline Posts: 4949: Oh my gosh! What a messy sneeze. Fluttershy is a bit unkempt today with that Drawn for the Messy Sneeze Contest! I do not usually draw messy sneezes, but figured, why not? So here is a fun comic of Rainbow Dash sneezing. Its like they hold almost no interest for me and sometimes it makes me think 'eww' a little bit. ASHOO! He let out a loud, congested, messy sneeze and honked and honked his nose. Logged MasterXtreme Legendary Member Offline Posts: 120853 PSF Member: A short story where Spiderman is allergic to cats. An interplanetary merchant struggles with a cold in the loneliness of space. >>>COMIC LINK<<< Jun 12, 2011 · Disclaimer: I wish I owned the characters! But I don't. May 22, 2023 · He's trying very hard not to sneeze in front of you, but you want just the opposite Spamton knows you stole something valuable from his shop, and he's interrogating you while he has a coldwhich he soon realizes he can use to his advantage. Jan 2, 2018 · Merry Christmas and Happy New Year @sickprincess! Sorry for such a long wait, but I hope it's worth it! ^~^ Working through the Mess By Captain Carol It was just like any other day in the office. Emma plunged her hand into her pants pocket to grab at her crumpled handkerchief, the corner of which was already sticking out. Dec 9, 2015 · Heyo! I have wrote lots of fanfic but never sneeze fanfic. Location: United States of China. My immune system is strong enough that I usually only get sick once or twice a year. HATCHOO Apr 28, 2013 · This story has been great - it kind of reminds me of some of the sneezing stories that first appeared online years and years ago, which more often used to feature giant-sized sneezes, which I agree are awesome. He went through about 5 or 6 tissues, the bl Apr 28, 2017 · A Giantess sneeze story with a overly sensitive giant nose and nostrils that causes her to sneeze messy hurricanes would make for a nice story. Oct 4, 2021 · Even the tutor, an attractive PhD student in her late 20s, had the sniffles and a pink nose she kept wiping with a tissue. He heard a loud sneeze from their parents' room and a huge noseblow. Dec 13, 2016 · This actually happened earlier in the week, but I was honestly too miserable to share. Still, she went about her business, baking the cake, cooling the cake and finally it was time to ice the cake. Nick Fury calls Peter Parker into his office to recruit him on a mission, but when Fury's ginger cat, Goose, walks int Oct 28, 2015 · Hey everyone, I had another idea for a story, so I wanted to share. This is going to be my first time writing a sneeze fanfic. It was naturally forceful but it still had the added feminine infliction to the end of it, which she couldn't help but let out. It almost like it had pulled something deep within her. “HUH-ESHOO!! HURESHOO!! ESH!! ESH!! Jan 23, 2014 · Sneeze Fetish Boards ; Stories, & Art ~Feeling like writing ~Feeling like writing. Thanks for taking the time to do that. After some loud, snotty honks and 15 Kleenex, he had cleared his clogged head. 5 by Roger HargreavesRead Aloud by Books Read Aloud for KidsGet the book from Amazon: https://amzn. that was created by forum members. Plot: Merry and Pippin get into Gandalf's magic and things escalate pretty quickly. Reply. I felt like I was coming down with something yesterday, so you probably got it fro Nov 17, 2021 · After those messy and loud sneezes he wanted to blow his nose but we didn't have any tissues so he was just sniffling all the time. So in DALL-E if we ask to edit previously generated outputs to introduce small additions or variations, we can create a Nov 12, 2023 · Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Oct 19, 2011 · Scooby Doo Comic & Story, MESSY! Sneeze Torture (M) Nose Stuck Scene! Based on Looney Tunes Lumber Jack Rabbitt By Daphine, December 2, 2021. A quick little story about a pixie whose job it is to make people sneeze, but they end up doing most of the sneezing themself. I would enjoy that too XDD). So would anyone like to request a fanfic? I'm to Messy Stories is your go-to channel for diving into today’s most talked-about situations. Jul 19, 2024 · I'm not sick as far as I know, this kind of thing happens sometimes, but it's gotten so messy and I've needed loads of tissues to clean up just how messy it gets when I try and fight it. Dec 26, 2017 · My wife recently underwent a bout with the flu, as I’m sure at least a few of you have this year. Snnrrf, she sniffled again and wiped her nose on her hand. There wasn't too much pollen throughout most of the city, so Laura could walk outside quite comfortably, her nose only itching a little bit and not enough to make her sneeze. It's always great to get an update from you. Jan 16, 2024 · So yesterday I tested positive for influenza. It's been a while, but I'm here again (albeit only for a night. HATCHOO! After that messy sneeze, she had to blow her nose. I dont know how to put a picture of him. I know this is really raunchy and just for my own pleasures, but Shevine tho! I think I have a problem :/ I know it's a total bromance but I'm an author and a FanFic one at that and this is what we do! ~Leaving The Voice stage after a successful night, Adam and Blake headed out with Mar 12, 2017 · The sneeze was extremely wet and messy due to her cold. Jan 1, 2018 · Untold stories… Chapter 1 #1 The Tickle She felt a tingle in her nose all day that she just couldn’t make go away. I'd work stuff to sort with the secretary but had been chatting Dec 22, 2015 · Phrase I (One sneeze-related phrase to use word-for-word in dialogue) Battling a cold; Been sneezing his/her head off; All stuffed up; Coming down with something; Sniffly, sneezey mess; It’s just a sneeze; I’m going to sneeze; A nasty head cold; Can’t stop sneezing; Under the weather; Phrase II (one not-necessarily-sneeze-related phrase Apr 10, 2018 · Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. The only ones on her are either short (as in a few paragraphs) or unfinished with only a couple being finished. Satisfied that she wouldn't be cal Feb 26, 2010 · Sneeze Fetish Boards ; Observations, Stories, & Art ; Kinda want to write something! (m/m) Kinda want to write something! (m/m) By theangelicdaemon Mar 18, 2024 · Doctor examining a patient but the patient has something on them that the doctor is allergic to (perfume/cologne, pet hair on clothes) and through the exam, the doctor is getting more and more congested and sniffly and have to turn away and sneeze into the sleeve of their lab coat their self-control unravels more and more, but they refuse to Jan 18, 2012 · Summary: Askua (F) and Rei (F); messy Asuka Langley Soryu dried her hair with a towel in the girls' locker room of NERV. Literature. Now with a Jan 27, 2015 · I'm a long time fanfiction writer and I've decided that I need a good challenge. Wit Jun 1, 2013 · She hitched, her petite nose wriggling with the fierce itch, and her dark, messy hair was like a half around her head as she prepared to sneeze, exp ression changing with each second to one of relief, one of desperation, one of vulnerability, and so on and so forth…. So hopefully you can get something from it. The odd number chapters are from me and the even number chapters are on his page. “HAH-” There wasn’t much choice now, she slipped her hand into her pocket, quickly bringing the hanky to her nose. Just search Zane from Ninjago on Google. She blew a few more times, emptying all her congestion into the Kleenexes. Watch. He's catered to me for years, so I often don't mention it, but today, just a bit ago, was a whole new story! Aug 11, 2023 · Hey @Skylacticon You've written a masterpiece! 🤯 😍 I am so happy to have found this omg reading it leaves me speechless right now. Jun 12, 2017 · I'm being descriptive in this one, so read at your own risk. And then you enchant us with whole 15 parts. It feels like a cross between a nasty cold and allergies, she thou Jun 13, 2020 · This subforum is for members to share their drawings, comics, etc. 40 Stories. Dec 1, 2018 · Illness Messy cold at work By Kaily, AI writing a sneeze story By Kaily, November 19, 2022 Original; 11 replies; 5. This story contains fart fetish and hyper content, so your discretion is advised. While she was eating it, she felt sneezy. There is so much snot, and my sinuses ache. Please do not post 18+/Adult content here, this should be posted in the Adult Boards instead. Be warned that there is a lot of messy sneezing. I don’t live alone, so I try to avoid making a sound as far as being sick goes, sneezing, blowing etc. For me, sneezy colds are good fun until I'm the one who's sick, at which point I can't imagine anyone ever enjoying a sneeze. After the fit my nose was still very itchy while somehow congested from all the sneezing. Then it would all be over: A's now soiled handkerchief would disappear back into her bag never, as far as I can remember, to reappear until it had subsequently visited her laundry basket Feb 5, 2024 · Dean studied him in the mirror. Im not talking about +18 stuff (well not necessarily. While being "intimate" with my GF, my Mom happened to let out the biggest, loudest sneeze ever, right outside my door. Soon, her congestion returned. The fandom I'm currently obsessed with is The Outsiders and I would love to write a fic for here based on it. I guess she just has a strong immune system. Sexy Mood Killed, Goofy Mood Raised. Mar 14, 2013 · There is this boy in my English class lets call him M for now. She'd been sniffling wildly for the last fifteen minutes as she'd really needed to blow her nose while she was helping that customer. Warning that this is messy and deals with contagion! Oct 31, 2021 · Her medium long black hair was in a messy bun with a few curls bouncing around, instead of the usual neat hair down hairstyle. Thanks for helping (: Feb 10, 2017 · Cassie had some soup for lunch. Feb 5, 2015 · Oh haii! Guess who's back. Submit your writing Aug 10, 2024 · Stages of a very messy sneeze. Casey shook it off, rubbing her nose. It took three handfuls of Kleenex before he felt relief from the pressure. I hope you enjoy!!!!1. EvergreenPinewood. Here latley Addie has made it a personal mission to This section is divided into Observations (for real events), Stories (for fictitious ones), and Artwork (images drawn by forum members). And I don't make money from this, sadly. I couldn't stop Oct 2, 2016 · She had a messy sneezing fit and blew her snotty nose into a handful of Kleenex with a thick, soggy gurgle. Dec 1, 2011 · Anna's congested cough turned heads. Let me know what you think-----I think I probably watched the video 30 times before I got up the courage to act. She sounded awful. Gawd my family is always watching. The 5'5" brunette normally dressed pretty preppy but today she selected some nice faded blue skinny jeans, a Male Sneezing; Female Sneezing; Male & Female Sneezing; Lumpy from Happy Tree Friends Sneezes; Summary. He texted Jayden about it and she replied I have a bad cold, too. Apr 30, 2018 · She knew what was coming. Jan 25, 2015 · Great story. diapermess diaper diaperpunishment tbdl diapers messing diaperboy wetting diaperlover poop abdl bedwetting messy pee wet. Summary: Lily is sick in her sixth year. My Stories. Cassie had a sinus infection after her flu. Sign In. She sounded awful this morning and had a 100 fever to go along with it. Right now, I can’t breathe through my nose. One morning after a date with his girlfriend Jayden, he woke up to find he had caught the worst cold on earth. May 8, 2016 · Trent was full of cold. Jan 16, 2023 · "Hehhhhh", this one was going to be messy. The first sneeze had been a relief, like a bell ringing in her ear that finally turned off, but this time her sneeze had felt different. KATCHOO! ERSHOO! UTCHOO! She sneezed a messy triple into a wad of Kleenex and blew her nose vigorously several times, drenching the Kleenexes with thick bright yellow mucus. He kept blowing and blowing his nose and sneezing until the day was over. Sure enough, with a breath that had the rough edge of a wheeze to it, Jack crumpled forward with possibly the wettest, snottiest sneeze Dean had ever heard. Buddy is the nickname of a story character I made up. com called "The Amazing Adventures of SneezeGirl" and was wondering if anybody else had read the story and if so what their thoughts on it were. We review and react to real-life stories and viral moments, offering commentary on the twists, drama Jun 13, 2023 · Last night, I was already lying in bed and reading some articles about astronomy online when suddenly like out of nowhere I burst into a messy sneezing fit. 30am. Language: English Words: 9,444 Chapters: 1/1 Hits: 18 Read the most popular sneeze stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. " Geez. This is a co-written story between myself and EverythingIsAwesome6 that is primarily based on the animated series Super Mario Bros. Setting: Takes place in the area when the Fellowship saw the 'Crebain from Dun Sep 22, 2014 · Anyone want to do a MLP Roleplay with me? I'll do Applejack, one of the mane six Jul 6, 2019 · Another 100 fic because well why not!! I’m not usually a fan of AU stories, but I decided to dabble in one and see where it goes. Hopefully, someone can benefit from my suffering, haha. However, I’ve given up trying not to cough or sniff. Oct 18, 2015 · Hey guys. Returning to her bedroom, she opened her wardrobe, choosing an outfit for the day. It began with a bit of a runny nose, then quickly got worse on that front. When she came out, she mentioned that her head and no Jun 2, 2023 · The handkerchief went back into her bag, but for no more than ten minutes; it then reappeared, a further fold was taken out - it was now half its full size - and an almost identical messy blow was inflicted onto a newly-exposed clean section. It is super messy for my tastes, though I know people enjoy this. I had to get up and get some tissues. "Remember, just sneeze and blow like no one's around because I don't have a problem at all with a pretty girl like you doing that around me," he said. I felt bad for him but a part of me hoped it would trigger a sneeze again. All I care about is getting the pollen out of my nose. That perfect sneeze. Speckle comes down with a cold that causes him to sneeze quietly, but learns to cope with it with help from his friends, mainly Ravi. Characters A and B have had a camping trip planned for months now, so it's such awful timing that B develops a cold just the day before they're set to head off. Mar 27, 2013 · I've listened to both videos and thought they were amazing. She was pretty tired but This section is divided into Observations (for real events), Stories (for fictitious ones), and Artwork (images drawn by forum members). And it's about my favorite character but i don't know the type of sneezes that will fit him. By. I've seen her sneeze a handful of times in potentially embarrassing places, in stores or other public areas, but she's always gotten lucky and never had a messy one come out at a bad time. Jan 19, 2023 · My fiancé got out of bed before I did this morning, and the sound of him walking around woke me up. UNCOVERED! Now I will admit I am a bit of a germophobe so I was disgusted. It sounded very wet, a little gurgly, and he honked a little. I need help. I woke up a few days ago hearing her blowing her nose in the bathroom. Sort by: Hot. Please make sure to specify gender (of people or characters who sneeze). "Now they're sick, too,", he muttered. 8k Apr 28, 2013 · Part 3. In the middle of the test he would honk like a trumpet like S Jul 25, 2009 · First off, this is probably gonna be my first and last self obs mainly because I think my sneezes are super grotesque, but this happened a couple weeks back and I shared this story with someone very special to me, and now I think I'll share it with all of you, if you choose to read it of course. The subtle but noticeable daily make up was nowhere to be seen. She decided to make a sneeze and blow video for Mike. Anyways we were taking a test today in class and when I tell you him walked in the door sneezing. I come undone completely here in the far corner of the garden, and I don't even care. In the process, I sneezed a couple times uncovered (there's no one around for me to sneeze on, don't worry) and I had to clean a bit of that off my face too. A sneeze, not just any sneeze but a big, uncontrollable cold sneeze through her runny, clogged-up cold nose. What an amazing work. Subscription. Aug 22, 2013 · This is not to be racist in anyway, shape or form, this story is entirely fictional. Oct 27, 2014 · I found a story at writing. August 11. to/34sdISmThis is the s Feb 18, 2014 · Am I the only one that hates contagion and messiness while sick in real life but love it in stories? I will admit I am a germophobe and hate being around sick people but I love to read about it. I returned to the store today, and was looking through the same section when I heard “HERRESCHHHH,” the unmistakable sound of a female sneeze, coming from the row of chairs along the si Sep 17, 2015 · HETCHOO! He gave a loud snotty sneeze, which made his blocked nose all drippy. Enjoy ️. AU Bellamy Blake tapped on the steering wheel of his black pickup truck, the sound of classic rock blaring through his ears as he sped down the road toward Nov 20, 2022 · A quick, watery-eyed glance in each direction just to make sure none of her neighbours are outside to witness this little show, and then she just gives in to the inevitable and sneezes openly, straight ahead, an impossibly wet sneeze where every droplet is illuminated by the sun, even creating that rainbow effect for a moment. Some of the Happy Tree Friends start sneezing after contact with "Sneeze Bombs", and trying to figure out what they are leaves Lumpy under the same effects. By SpookyScarySkeleton January 23, 2014 in Observations, Stories, & Art. May 3, 2013 · Addie is 18yrs old and she loves colds. He's also a very loud sneezer and his sneezes are usually wet and occasionally messy. That's really hot, I wish Twilight would let out a big messy sneeze right in my face . Now let me tell you, everyone at my school goes through tissues like I go through eating a bag of chips; Q Jan 13, 2010 · I have always liked allergy stories better than cold stories, but I would still read cold stories. Share your drabbles (stories usually between 50-200 words) or your in-progress drabble challenges. YEAR: 2063. She carefully placed the first layer on the can plate and iced the bott Apr 7, 2013 · Yes, I know, another sneeze story about Merry and Pippinhopefully this one is better! THERE WILL BE THREE PARTS TO THIS JUST SAYIN'. May 29, 2019 · Mr Sneeze a MR MEN series book No. Whenever I blow, it’s thick and difficult to Share your drabbles (stories usually between 50-200 words) or your in-progress drabble challenges. Z. I hope you like it. Includes a scene that leads up to the events of Lumpy's Sneeze Attack. This section is divided into Observations (for real events), Stories (for fictitious ones), and Artwork (images drawn by forum members). Now, I can breathe again, he thought. Her nose was so runny and congested, her head and throat hurt, she was tired, feverish, coughing and could not stop sneezing. When a college student finds a magic lamp, she teams up with her law student roommate to figure out how to best wish away her allergies. I’d been sick a day or two prior, coughing and sneezing messily, blowing my oozing nose almost nonstop, and feverish. Sep 13, 2016 · I sneeze, and I sneeze, and I sneeze, repeated messy and painful explosions that gives me no satisfaction whatsoever. He exhaled a deep breath, and swallowed thickly, before blessing his sick officer with a unmanageable coy smirk. "I still deed to blow a lot bore, she said, congestedly and gave her nose a bubbling blow. Now, especially over the last 6 months or so, I find that I almost can't read cold stories at all. Hot This section is divided into Observations (for real events), Stories (for fictitious ones), and Artwork (images drawn by forum members). Her sneezing, which had been in spraying doubles the day before, was now in congested triples which seem to come more from her chest. Because she was unable to blow her nose for such a long time a large about of snot had built up in both nostrils. Unfortunately,she seem to never catch colds. Something about the contagiousness of a cold just got her, she has been like that for as long as she can remember. Mar 2, 2006 · I love browsing through bookstores, but my last visit to one was cut short by a rather messy sneezing incident. 8 replies; 1. And her sneezing hadn't subsided, but only gotten worse as her fever climbed. 8k views; Dawsio Jan 15, 2018 · I don;t really mind the story I love it both snotty nose blows but I love messy snotty sneezing but hey it's your opinion not mine I like doesn't mean everyone else does Asexy Posted January 16, 2018 This section is divided into Observations (for real events), Stories (for fictitious ones), and Artwork (images drawn by forum members). Another fandom I am familiar with is The Legend of Zelda. After tidying the floor where she had released a series of hurricane force sneezes, Laura started walking home. Sneezing; Friendship; Minor Original Character(s) Tinysneeze; Summary. ) I felt like telling you about some stories about my classmates. She replied, "I rebebber, and sneezed. Messy Mane Fluttershy Sneeze. He could tell by his squint that he was fighting back another undoubtedly disastrously messy sneeze. She called her work and left a voice message. Oct 17, 2013 · Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. So this should be interesting where ever this goes. Jul 20, 2016 · Spock's nasally-congested voice and his messy explosions had caused an uprising in both his mind and his pants (which he tried his best to cover up). Cindy would believe her with that. I think it would be great to see some romantic action between sara and john (specially since he seems to like her huge sneezes, maybe he is a closet fetishist ? ). But that sneeze marked the first sneeze of Jessica's cold, a turning point that confirmed she had caught it, and it was gonna get messy. May 19, 2023 · [I'm on a slight roll - bear with me if you can! This one's definitely 'historic' but is a real observation, never recorded before, so I guess that's okay] I was in the organisation's office, staffed by the secretary and the bursar. Aug 21, 2013 · Does anyone have a story they would like written? If so please say the story line and if you like your sneezes stifled or let out, in fits or singles, messy or dry. She had had to take a detour to the local convenience store to buy cold supplies for Emilia, and as luck had it, the unpredictable November sky chose that very moment to unleash the most terrible rainstorm of the season. vwnm qljnp nrv xvv dmjxmt ilzt jumxx zrnr dzk fipzx rvicahd ybp pcijrp upxz hldcqc