New york supreme court calendar Briefing Schedule. Public Notices . 9 AM to 5 PM. The Court's day calendar generally contains between 20 to 30 appeals. Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Term First Judicial Department N. Box 7288, Capitol Station Albany, NY 12224-0288 (518) 471-4777 An updated Session Calendar, indicating the Justices sitting for a particular session, the attorneys arguing, and the time allowed for each argument, will be posted on · The New York State Unified Court System uses these calendars to organize case schedules. Search cases by index number, plaintiff or · The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System. Timing Applicable Statute, Rule, or Case Law. · SESSION CALENDAR FOR WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2022 1:00 P. · September Term Calendar -- Watch Oral Arguments Live and On-Demand. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. PAPERS NUMBERED Notice of Motion - Order to Show Cause - Exhibits and Affidavits Annexed 1 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF BRONX-----x GARIBALDY JIMENEZ AND ROSA ROJAS, Plaintiff(s), - against - SAVITRIE DEONARINE, KAMALDAI JAIJAIRAM, CALENDAR FOR: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY 2023-08036 People of State of New York v Santos 3 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Kings J/O: Judgment RENDERED:12/09/2022 2022-10523 People v Alvarado, Dennys 4 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Kings J/O: Order DATED: 03/17/2022 2022-02946 Konstantynovska v Friendly Home Care, Inc. 20-843 NEW YORK STATE RIFLE, ET AL Calendar Info/Key attorneys for each side of a case given 30 minutes to make a presentation to the Court and answer Supreme Court. Y. Cases are assigned to a “track” (primarily “standard” or “complex”) upon filing SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION : SECOND DEPARTMENT CALENDAR FOR: Thursday, January 11, 2024 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY Duffy, J. gov. · Supreme Court of the State of New York New York County. Overview To Place A Case on Calendar. , Miller, Ford and Love, JJ. This rule applies to all Civil Term Parts of the Court. Box 7288, Capital Station Albany, NY 12224-0288 (518) 471-4777 · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Decided and Entered: March 4, 2021 530864 530916 _____ THE BANK OF NEW YORK, as Trustee, Now Known as THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, Appellant, v PATRICK RICHARDS et al. Jason Marisam . For a copy of the Auction Rules, please see Foreclosure Auction Part Rules. 12th JD - Bronx County. Box 7288, Capitol Station Albany, NY 12224-0288 (518) 471-4777 An updated Session Calendar, indicating the Justices sitting for a particular session, the attorneys arguing, and the time allowed for each argument, will be posted on · A case in the supreme court or a county court marked “off” or struck from the calendar or unanswered on a clerk’s calendar call, and not restored within one year thereafter, shall be deemed abandoned and shall be dismissed without costs for neglect to prosecute. My Recent Business Development Alerts NYS Supreme, New York County; List of New Complaints, NY Supreme, NY County, Commercial Division; NYS Supreme Court Calendars; NYS Supreme Recent Decisions; Common Forms; Add Case to Watch; NYS Supreme Court websites; New York County website; New York County Term Sheet Large print; Kings County Term Sheet A. _____ Calendar Date: May 31, 2022 Before: Garry, P. Please notify the Clerk's Office at least 24 Hours PRIOR to argument of any NEW YORK SUPREME COURT APPELLATE TERM - FIRST DEPARTMENT 60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007 | Tel: (646) 386-3040 2024 CALENDAR COURT DATES Appellant’s Briefs, Record on Appeal Notice of Argument Respondent’s Briefs Appellant’s Reply (MONDAY) (TUESDAY) (WEDNESDAY) (THURSDAY) Office Info Motion Support Office 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. (1) On consent, documents may be filed and served by electronic means in Supreme Court in such civil actions and in such counties as shall be authorized by order of the Chief Administrator of the Courts and only to the extent and in the manner provided in this Clerk of the Court MARCH 2024 Term Calendar This is a TENTATIVE calendar of argued and submitted cases. Motions, orders, and other filed papers shall be indexed with protruding tabs. , AARONS, J. WebCivil Supreme, New York State Unified Court System. Information is available for all criminal courts in New York City and Nassau and Suffolk Counties, some County Courts, and many City Courts. Our court is the highest trial-level court for civil cases in the state court system in New York County. Supreme Court Justices, Appellate Division, Third Department · A case in the supreme court or a county court marked “off” or struck from the calendar or unanswered on a clerk's calendar call, and not restored within one year thereafter, shall be deemed abandoned and shall be dismissed without costs for neglect to prosecute. com | (212) 619 Address. Small, Esq. Gordon J. Term Argument Noticed For Appellant's Brief, Record on Appeal or Appendix, and Note of Issue New York State Unified Court System. 1/31 3/28 5/16 7/18 9/19 (submitted only) 10/31 12/12 State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department 518-471-4777 SESSION CALENDAR FOR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2021 Please notify the Clerk's Office at least 24 Hours PRIOR to argument of any changes to this calendar, including submissions and attorney changes. Explore cases by calendar year published after January 2019. Appellate Division Rules of Practice (effective 9/17/18) · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department 518-471-4777 SESSION CALENDAR FOR MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2024 J. Court Seminars and Public Events Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name. 80 & 111 Centre Street New York, NY 10013 646-386-3685 (80 Centre) 71 Thomas Street New York, NY 10013 646-386-3770. When a cause is argued or submitted to the court with Chief Justice's Year-End Reports on the Federal Judiciary Calendars and Lists Supreme Court Calendar (October Term 1991) (PDF) Special Master Report Appendices E-1 APPENDIX F: Delaware’s Index of Evidentiary Materials Provisions in the New Jersey-New York Compact of 1834 and the New Jersey- Delaware Compact of 1905 · In order to improve court efficiency in the Civil Branch and the Commercial Division, the New York Supreme Courts utilize staggered court appearances. gov Supreme Court of the State of New York New York State Unified Court System. Calendar Info/Key Chief Justice's Year-End Reports on the Federal Judiciary What Can I See and Do? in argued cases – followed by the swearing in of new members to the Bar of the Supreme Court. 2 [C], 100. R. 00 shall be Office of Court Administration Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for Courts outside of New York City Supreme Court Justice Hon. Under the "16-7-1" briefing schedule, the moving party must serve the notice of motion and motion papers at least 16 days before the return date Pursuant to Judiciary Law § 468-a and Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts (22 NYCRR) § 118. nycourts. Suffolk County HOME; MARQUETTE L. Such as: motions, dated, decision, changes of parties, attorney, judge etc. Sunday February 25 New York Supreme Court Appellate Term—First Department 60 Centre Street, Room 401, New York, N. When a cause is argued or submitted to the court with four · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department 518-471-4777 SESSION CALENDAR FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2024 Please notify the Clerk's Office at least 24 Hours PRIOR to argument of any changes to this calendar, including submissions and attorney changes. Hauppauge, New York 11788-0099 Welcome to New York State Unified Court System WebCrims log in page. Term First Day of Term Court Days Last Day to File Appellant’s Brief Last Day to File Respondent’s Brief Reply January January 4 January 4 January 11 The New York Law Journal is now providing to its subscribers online access to court calendars in Civil Supreme Court in New York and surrounding counties. ” Turn right onto New York State Bicycle Route 11/Washington St. See, How to File a Request for Judicial Intervention, available in Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name. 1 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Kings J/O: Judgment RENDERED:07/26/2022 2023 · Director of the 3rd Judicial District for the Association of Justices of the Supreme Court State of New York from 2018-2022, and member of Italian American, Capital District Women's Bar Association, as wells Greene and Albany County Bar Association. Supreme. , Chambers, Dowling and Voutsinas, JJ. We hear more than three million cases a year involving almost every type of endeavor. Skip to content 229 West 36th Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10018 212. 800-531-2028 dickbailey. When a cause is argued or submitted to the NEW YORK SUPREME COURT APPELLATE DIVISION - FIRST DEPARTMENT 27 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 | Tel: (212) 340-0400 2024 CALENDAR OPENING DAY OF TERM The Calendar is called at 2:00 p. Click here for Civil Court/ NY County Calendar. , MCSHAN, J. eCourts contains dockets for local civil cases, supreme court civil cases, criminal cases, and family court cases. · Public access to court records in Supreme Court, Broome County Court, New York. Search Civil Court. Decisions; Search Decisions; Search Motions; Dismissal Lists; Offices and Agencies. V. David Sampson Supreme Court Justice 130 South Elmwood Avenue Suite 300 Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone: 716-515-4820 Fax: 716-515-4823 IAS Rules. Protocols for the Expansion of Court Operations ** Efiling Protocol** · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department 518-471-4777 SESSION CALENDAR FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2022 1:00 P. Albany County Courthouse, Room 102 16 Eagle Street Albany, NY 12207. Open main menu. O. NYCourts. County Courthouse Room 401 60 Centre Street New York, NY 10007 (646) 386-3040. 516-493-3400 . Special Referee Calendar (Part SRP) Information Sheet. , timing of the case categorization)). , J. Term Argument Noticed For Last Day to File Record Appellants' Points, and New York Supreme Court Appellate Term—First Department 60 Centre Street, Room 401, New York, N. 1 South Main Street New City, NY 10956. James P. Changes to calendars after publication will not be reflected. Hal B. ENDS. Any Party May File Note of Issue. Cuffy Phone: 315-671-1014 Fax: 315-671-2110. NEW YORK COUNTY SUPREME COURT-SPECIAL REFEREE CALENDAR (SPREF PART) INFORMATION SHEET Title of Action Index no. except on Fridays at 10:00 A. . Hall of Justice 5th Floor Room 545 Rochester, NY 14614. 7 affirmation/affidavit and the photocopy thereof, together with the motion fee ($45) in the form of a money order or attorney's check (a law Local Civil Courts ONLY Enter at least the index number and year to find results, or select case type and court type for an exact match. · CALENDAR FOR: Monday, September 19, 2022 at 10:00 AM 2021-04664 People of State of New York v Ramirez 2 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Kings J/O: Judgment RENDERED:03/10/2016 2016-04094 People v Owensford, Antonio 3 COURT: County COUNTY: Westchester J/O: Judgment RENDERED:07/18/2018 2018-11213 People v Crosby, Destin 4 · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department 518-471-4777 SESSION CALENDAR FOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2022 1:00 P. Grossman · (Other information same as Supreme Court - Civil Term) Court of Claims. Courts Home. 1308 |516. submit this form (with additional pages if needed to identify other counsel), with a copy of the Order or Reference, as soon as The Calendar is called at 2:00 p. Browse opinions by calendar year » Douglaston, New York 1 1363 INDEX NO. · 60 Centre Street - Room 119, New York, New York 10007 - - This form must be sent to the Special Referee Clerk by fax (212) 401-9186 or e-mail (spref@courts. While the Supreme Court has authority to hear criminal matters involving felonies (offenses punishable by more than one year in prison), generally outside New York City these matters Order, Supreme Court, New York County (David B. Post-RJI coverage for the all New York State Counties: State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Fourth Judicial Department includes twenty-two counties located in Central and Western New York. unless otherwise ordered by the Court: New York, New York . gov Supreme Court of the State of NEW YORK SUPREME COURT APPELLATE TERM - FIRST DEPARTMENT 60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007 | Tel: (646) 386-3040 2023 CALENDAR COURT DATES Appellant’s Briefs, Record on Appeal Notice of Argument Respondent’s Briefs Appellant’s Reply (MONDAY) (TUESDAY) (WEDNESDAY) (THURSDAY) · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. Edwards347-296-1200Chief Clerk, Civil TermCharles A. Monday February 26. at 265 East 161st Street, the Hall of Justice, Bronx Supreme Court unless otherwise specified. This constitutes the decision and order of the court. NEW YORK SUPREME COURT | APPELLATE DIVISION - FIRST DEPARTMENT 27 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 | (212) 340-0400 Friday 10:00 AM 2024 CALENDAR | APPELLATE CONSULTING & MANAGEMENT | DOCUMENT PREPARATION | E-FILING | COMPLIANCE REVIEW | APPELLATE PRINTING 229 West 36th Street, New York, New York 10018 | recordpress. _____ Calendar Date: January 7, 2021 State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department P. Location Information. 347-296-1800Hours of Operation:Monday - Friday9 a. LIBRARY; VISIT; ABOUT. We hear family matters, personal injury claims, commercial disputes, trust and estates issues, criminal cases, and landlord-tenant cases. Until the case is placed on the trial calendar, it can never be called for trial. 10007 (646) 386-3040 2021 CALENDAR The Calendar will be called at 10:00 A. Eisenpress Hon Kyle C. S. Supreme Court Appellate Division Schenectady County Judicial Building 612 State Street Schenectady, NY 12305. SESSION GA LY PR CO CE BENCH POSITION: COLANGELO, J. 2 . com Radar; Sitemap; MEMBERSHIP PROGRAMS. When a cause is argued or submitted to the court with four State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. Term Argument Noticed for Last Day to File Record Appellants’ Points, and Notes of Issue Last Day to File Respondents’ Points Last Day to Court Calendars. Clerk of the Court MARCH 2023 Term Calendar This is a TENTATIVE calendar of argued and submitted cases. 2025 Terms of New York State Unified Court System. This requires cooperation and participation of litigants. Supreme Court, New York County Auction Part Rules for Outdoor Auctions. Office Building 600 South State Street Syracuse, NY 13202. State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. , Powers, J. , j. Provides access to · Supreme Court of the State of New York Nassau County. : oo~mg; oo~g defendants' attorneys: santangelo benvenuto & slattery 1800 northern blvd. Blvd White Plains, NY 10601Civil Department - 9th floorPhone: 914-824-5300 Fax: 914-824-5873 State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. J. New York Supreme Court Appellate Division – First Department 27 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10010 (212) 340-0400 2025 CALENDAR The Calendar will be called at 2:00 P. , Reynolds Fitzgerald, J. This requirement applies to all attorneys, regardless of whether they reside in New York or elsewhere, including attorneys who have Find Supreme Court, New York,Suffolk County. Accessibility (ADA) Civil Supreme Bronx; Criminal Supreme Bronx; Supreme Court Criminal Term 265 East 161st Street Phone: 718-618-3100 Fax 718-618-3585 Bronx, NY 10451. 19. The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System. Resources. Supreme Court Justices. The E-Track Cases scheduled for settlement and trial appearances will also be listed on calendars in the New York Law Journal. except on Fridays at 10 A. 1 . SESSION E LY PR RE BENCH POSITION: REYNOLDS FITZGERALD, J. It is vested with unlimited civil and criminal jurisdiction, although in many counties outside New York City it acts primarily as a court of civil jurisdiction, with most criminal matters handled in County Court. Plaintiff must confirm that the case in question has had a COVID-19 Assessment Conference Counsel in all cases pending in New York County Supreme Court should subscribe to the E-Track service, which is free of charge. Browse by year. Criminal Court, Bronx County 215 East 161st Street Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name. The Clerk’s Office is located in Room 401 at 60 Centre Street (hours: 9:00 A. gov Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division: Fourth Judicial Department. , Barros, Dowling and Wan, JJ. Judicial Ethics Opinions Court Calendar Court Notes Decisions- Download Court Calendar- State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department P. , Maltese, Taylor and Landicino, JJ. ), entered on or about March 8, 2022, which, to the extent appealed from (1) granted defendant Jeanine Pirro’s motion to dismiss all causes of action asserted against her; (2) granted, in part, Supreme Court of the State of New York, Civil Term 89-17 Sutphin Blvd. 11 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Queens J/O: Order DATED: 12/09/2020 2021-00285 George v Plotnitskiy 12 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Suffolk J/O: Order DATED: CALENDAR FOR: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY 2016-11400 Bank of New York Mellon, formerly known as Bank of New York k v Hosein 11 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Suffolk J/O: Judgment DATED: 02/08/2016 2016-02828 Matter of Sagaponack Ventures, LLC Welcome to FindLaw's searchable database of Supreme Court Erie County New York Erie County decisions since January 2021. District Administrative Judge SUPREME COURT, CIVIL BRANCH NEW YORK COUNTY RULES OF THE SPECIAL REFEREES’ PART (PART SRP) (1) Special Referees’ Part (Part SRP): Marking a Matter Off the Calendar; Restorations: A reference may be removed from the queue only where a compelling reason is shown (e. Supreme Court Justice Part 5 - 3rd floor 92 Franklin Street Buffalo, NY 14202 Phone: 716-845-2693 Fax: 716-845-7587 Court Clerk: 716-845-9422 IAS Rules. 34; Uniform R. Any requests sent by FAX will not be processed and will be returned to the sender. Box 7288, Capital Station Albany, NY 12224-0288 (518) 471-4777 SUPREME COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY IAS PART 9, Matrimonial Division 60 Centre Street, Room 355 New York, New York 10007 o Counsel, or someone from their office with authority to handle their office calendar matters, is required to appear before the Law Clerk on the scheduled appearance date, at which time the request will be · Open the Dockets & Litigation tab. Schedule of Court Terms; Session/Day Calendars State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. Counsel should note that the court will not send notice of the scheduling of a matter New York Supreme Court Appellate Division – First Department 27 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10010 (212) 340-0400 2023 CALENDAR The Calendar will be called at 2:00 P. 212-946-0349. decisions, opinions, and cases in FindLaw's searchable database of records beginning in April 1760 to the present Skip to main Explore cases by calendar year published after January 2016. Phone: 518-480-6920 Email: [email protected] Hours: 9 a. Search civil court calendars for all New York City Civil Courts, all Nassau and Suffolk County District Courts, and most local city courts by court, part or judge, and date range. Choose to search a particular New York state court or all New York state courts by typing "New York" into the Courts search box and choosing the relevant courts. Special Referee Calendar (Part SRP) Information Sheet Form. An auction will not go forward if it is not on the Auction Calendar. In response, the Legislature enacted a law establishing the Superior Court of the City of New York. Argument Calendar: October Term 2024. Supreme Court Civil Calendars Welcome to the web site of the Civil Branch of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County. Please notify the Clerk's Office at least 24 Hours PRIOR to argument of any Address20 County CenterCarmel, NY 10512Phone: 845-208-7800Fax: 845-208-7869 or 212-457-2871 Supreme Court JusticesHon. Unless the court otherwise directs, · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. State Office Building 317 Washington St. 2. : 201300165mm motion date: 9/25/14 motion seq. See Uniform Rule 202. Civil Motions. 2 Order) and amended on or about April 1, 2024 (the Amended Restraining Order, and Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name. · The Court convenes at 10:00 a. You will need to create an account to · Supreme Court of the State of New York New York County. 4030 www. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK CALENDAR FOR: Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY Dillon, J. (a) Application. Whalen Presiding Justice Ann Dillon Flynn More news » Calendars · Supreme Court of the State of New York New York County. 285 Main Street Goshen, NY 10924 Phone: 845-476-3500 . OCTOBER . Powers. , Genovesi, Landicino and Hom, JJ. Session Beginning October 07, 2024 (PDF) Session Beginning November 04, 2024 (PDF) Session Beginning December 02, 2024 (PDF Find Supreme Court New York Niagara County decisions, opinions, and cases in FindLaw's searchable database of records beginning in April 1760 to the present Explore cases by calendar year published after January 2016. 3 . (4)ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO. COURT CALENDAR. gov Hon. : 2009014590T MOTION DATE: 1 / 1 3/20 1 1 MOTION SEQ. Failure to file a thereafter place this matter on the CCP II calendar for a hearing date to be State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. 1 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Queens J/O: Judgment RENDERED:03/20/2018 2018-04449 People v Sobers, Christopher 2 · Supreme Court of the State of New York. SESSION E LY PR RE · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department 518-471-4777 SESSION CALENDAR FOR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 Please notify the Clerk's Office at least 24 Hours PRIOR to argument of any changes to this calendar, including submissions and attorney changes. s. This SmartRules™ procedural guide sets forth rules and requirements of general applicability for motion practice in the referenced court. SUPREME AND COUNTY COURT. com . ny. Please notify the Clerk's Office at least 24 Hours PRIOR to argument of any changes to this calendar, including submissions and attorney changes. Ashton, on behalf of C. , Egan Jr. , Christopher, Genovesi and Landicino, JJ. Tuesday January 2. 1st JD - Supreme Court, Civil Branch, NY County. · Supreme Court Calendar (October Term 2025) (PDF) Ms. TERM. Monroe County Supreme & County Court 99 Exchange Blvd. choose to opt out by filing the same form. 4. CaponeHon. A link to a mobile version is provided. 2 COURT: County COUNTY: Orange J/O: Order DATED SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK CALENDAR FOR: Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY Duffy, J. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION : SECOND DEPARTMENT CALENDAR FOR: Friday, February 2, 2024 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY Dillon, J. IMPORTANT INFO State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. baisley, jr. Sunday March 24. 60 Lafayette Street New York, NY 10013 . , respondents. supreme court - state of new york calendar control part - suffolk county present: hon. Papers. Martin Luther King Jr. 1 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Queens J/O: Order DATED: 04/06/2021 2021-04125 People of State of New York v Gentile 2 Clerk of the Court AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2023 Term Calendar This is a TENTATIVE calendar of argued and submitted cases. Any party may file a note of issue. Each case is argued or submitted in order until the calendar is concluded at which time the Court will recess. Civil Court Help DIY Forms. 227. The executed form shall be delivered to the New York County E-Filing Department (60 Centre Street, Room 119 A; newyorkef@courts. Click the links The Appellate Division, First Department Calendar lists deadlines for all the briefs to be filed as well as opening and closing dates. State courts handle everything from criminal cases to divorce. BAISLEY, JR. State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Decided and Entered: November 1, 2022 CV-22-1955 Calendar Date: November 1, 2022 Before: Egan Jr. · The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System. gov 2. Home; Welcome; Accessibility (ADA) Statewide info; Local ADA Info; Directory. An attorney whose office is located outside the County of New York may submit to the General Clerk's Office by mail or express delivery service the notice of motion/petition, proof of service, and 202. SUPREME COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY IAS PART 31 111 Centre Street, Courtroom 623 New York, New York 10013 Part 31 Virtual Courtroom Part Clerk: Ann Lee Part Clerk Email: SFC-Part31-Clerk@nycourts. Sunday February 25. Mark L. Elizabeth A. S . 1 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Nassau J/O: Sentence IMPOSED: 07/14/2021 2022-01427 People v New York State Supreme Court Post-RJI: Alerts on everything recorded by the court employees on your cases once a judge is assigned to the case. 4 . Term First Day of Term Court Days Last Day to File Appellant’s Brief Last Day to File Respondent’s Brief Reply January January 5 January 5 January 12 TERM. Contact Us . Box 7288, Capital Station Albany, NY 12224-0288 (518) 471-4777 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK CALENDAR FOR: Friday, November 22, 2024 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY Brathwaite Nelson, J. Please note the following time allotments . Appendix, and . 10th JD - SUFFOLK COUNTY. _____ oral argument is allotted as follows: 20 minutes for petitioner, 15 minutes for the Acting Solicitor General, and 35 minutes for respondent. Tisne of counsel), for the People of the State of New York and Alvin L. Collins, Esq. SESSION E LY A RE MS BENCH POSITION: REYNOLDS FITZGERALD, J. Index Number CV LT TS - - / BX HA KI NY QU RH RI New York Supreme Court Appellate Division – First Department 27 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10010 (212) 340-0400 2022 CALENDAR The Calendar will be called at 2:00 P. (d) If an order of restoration is granted, it shall provide that a new notice of trial be filed forthwith and that the case be placed on the general trial calendar in its regular place as of the date of filing the new notice of trial, unless the court in its discretion orders otherwise. Related Links . -----)(VINCENT PERRETTI and MATTHEW FERRO by his mother and natural guardian KAREN FERRO, Plaintiffs, City o[New York, 49 NY2d 557, 427 NYS2d 595 (1980)). Prior to scheduling publication, the plaintiff and referee shall contact the Auction Part clerk at [email protected] to place the auction on the auction calendar. decisions, opinions, and cases in FindLaw's searchable database of records beginning in April 1760 to the present Skip to main Explore cases by calendar year published after January 2020. · New York State Unified Court System. Murphy Phone: 315-671-1100 Fax: 315-671-1183. The Judges of the Civil Term Supreme Court, in order to promote the efficient and impartial administration of justice, hereby adopt the following common and uniform rules (see Note #1): PART A. About State Courts. for oral argument . Clerk of the Court OCTOBER 2023 Term Calendar This is a TENTATIVE calendar of argued and submitted cases. Term Argument Noticed for Last Day to File Record Appellants’ Points, and Notes of Issue Last Day to File Respondents’ Points Last Day to New York Supreme Court Appellate Division — First Department 27 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 (212) 340-0400 2022 CALENDAR The Calendar will be called at 2:00 P. Sunday January 28. Calendar Control Part Microsoft Teams Link. 10007 (646) 386-3040 2022 CALENDAR The Calendar will be called at 10:00 A. New York, New York State Board of Elections, Senate of the State COURT CLERK'S OFFICES. Chief Clerk II From Interstate 81, take Exit 45 (Arsenal Street) East toward “Public Square. Lambert: SUBMITTED, unless oral argument is requested and granted. Sherri L. Gina C. Lindsay Haverlock, Chief Clerk Katherine Thompson, Deputy Chief Clerk. Whalen Presiding Justice Ann Dillon Flynn More news » Calendars Auction List In a foreclosure action, the judgment of foreclosure directs that the mortgaged premises be sold at auction to pay the sum due to the foreclosing plaintiff. Term Argument Noticed For Last Day to File Record Appellants' Points, and · The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System. : 11369/11 calendar no. In an order dated February 26, 2019, the Supreme Court denied the plaintiffs’ motion on the ground that they had failed to move to restore the action within the one-year time limit of CPLR 3404. Cohen, J. Calendar Practice § 3403; N. Use the searchable Civil Motion Calendar to find motion dates. Oral Argument Archives . State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department 518-471-4777 SESSION CALENDAR FOR WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2022 1:00 P. appellateinnovations. J. , Miller, Wan and Hom, JJ. E-Courts also provides procedural snapshots of cases-- judgments, prior court dates and criminal charges. 11 . , Lynch, J. Garry Presiding Justice Robert D. HOME; ABOUT THE COURT. 6 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Richmond J/O: Judgment DATED: 09/01/2023 2023-12175 Mainardi v Imperial Towers 7 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Queens J/O: Order DATED: 01 New York State Unified Court System. no. 1* Tuesday January 2. Preliminary Conference Stipulation and Order form Oral Argument Live - Brooklyn. The plaintiffs appeal. The Justices of the Supreme Court are elected to 14-year terms by the voters of their respective judicial districts; there are 13 such districts in New York State. v Dannhauser 1 Find Supreme Court, New York,Ulster County. SESSION CL LY RE MS PO BENCH POSITION: McShan, J. Robert E. Mayberger Clerk of the Court. Mayberger Clerk of the Court New York Supreme Court Appellate Division – First Department 27 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10010 (212) 340-0400 2024 CALENDAR The Calendar will be called at 2:00 P. 26 Broadway, 10th Floor New York, NY 10004. , Wooten, Love and Hom, JJ. IN SUPREME COURT . New York County Courthouse 60 Centre Street New York, NY 10007 646-386-3600. Phone: 845-483-8310 Fax: 914-358-8058 . McGovern Clerk of the Court JANUARY 2024 Term Calendar This is a TENTATIVE calendar of argued and submitted cases. December CHRISTIAN 18-280 CFX NEW YORK STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASSN. SESSION E LY PR RE Court Calendar Week of March 10, 2025 Please note: All court proceedings are scheduled for after 9:30 a. 2020 Calendar. Please notify the Court, especially while a motion is pending before Justice Ventura, if The New York Unified Court System utilizes E-Courts, where upcoming court dates can be found for Criminal Supreme, Lower Civil, Housing, Family and Civil Supreme. Courthouse Hours. Unless the court otherwise orders, notice of a motion for preference shall be served with the note of issue by the party serving the note of issue, or ten days after such service by any other party; or thereafter during Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name. There are only a few types of cases state courts cannot take on · 34. 4 [D] [3]). CITY OF NEW YORK Monthly Argument Calendar December 2019 December 3 Tuesday, December 10 18-1269 17-1498 (3)RODRIGUEZ V. · The new nine-month Supreme Court term officially starts Monday, with the justices appearing in the courtroom to hear oral arguments. ), entered June 25, 2024, which, among other things, Calendar Date: February 9, 2021 Before: Lynch, J. Dianne T. Court calendars provide public access to court schedules, a requirement upheld - STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT . 1, all attorneys admitted to practice in New York are required to register with the Office of Court Administration, Attorney Registration Unit every two years. 4/26/22, and duly submitted as no. · Oral Arguments Calendar The Court convenes at 10:00 a. 5-b. com - New York Consolidated Laws, Civil Practice Law and Rules In New York City, bank failures and the conspiracy cases of 1826 caused severe calendar congestion in the Supreme Court and in the Court of Common Pleas. > > Read More. , MEMORANDUM AND ORDER Defendants, and TERRI RICHARDS, Respondent. Calendars. Our user-friendly interface allows you to easily search for cases by County, Judge, Index Number or Party Name. Minnesota Attorney General . Justices of the Court Calendars. Rules of Practice. Respondent's . Phone: 315-221-5818 Fax: 315-266-4779. Any party may file a note of State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. Greenwald Hon. Court Holidays. us). Most people who engage with the legal system will do so in state court. COURT: COUNTY: J/O: UNDATED 2024-09094 People ex rel. The Queens County Surrogate’s Court Calendar Days will be as follows: PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE CALENDAR is scheduled every Monday at 9:30 A. Phone: 585-371-3758 Fax: 585-371-3780 WebCivil provides online access to information about cases in Civil Supreme Court in all 62 counties of New York State. gov and NOT to chambers. 461. Term Argument Noticed For Last Day · Prior Calendars for years 2024 and 2023. It will be the first time all nine justices have been seen in · New York Codes, Rules and Regulations, Title 22 - JUDICIARY, Subtitle A - JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION, Chapter II - UNIFORM RULES FOR THE NEW YORK STATE TRIAL COURTS, Part 202 - Uniform Civil Rules for the Supreme Court and the County Court, Section 202. Self-Represented Legal References . Hon. , Miller, Genovesi and Love, JJ. CPLR 3402(a). Rules of Procedure; 2025 Calendar (PDF) Information Sheet; General Guide; Decisions on Motions; Decisions on Appeals; Forms. Thomas Buchanan Supreme Court of the State of New York Suffolk County. · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department 518-471-4777 SESSION CALENDAR FOR MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2022 J. com 27 Madison Avenue | New York, New York 10010 | (212) 340-0400. , Clark, Aarons and McShan, JJ. Antonacci II · The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System. 27 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 (212) 340-0422. - - Please direct all inquiries to the Special Referee Clerk by phone (646-386-3028) or e-mail (address above). Attorney Matters. Clerk of the Court FEBRUARY 2024 Term Calendar This is a TENTATIVE calendar of argued and submitted cases. The opposing party must present facts suflicient to require a trial on Address. Manhattan Misdemeanor Treatment Court. Gerald J. Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name. Appellate Division Election Appeals Order. com Radar; Court Calendar Download. Keith Ellison . SUPREME COURT CALENDAR . Bragg, Jr. Watertown, NY 13601. Dulles State Office Building will be on left. 5 Supreme Court. c. SEARCH NYCourts. Box 7288, Capital Station Albany, NY 12224-0288 (518) 471-4777 · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department 518-471-4777 SESSION CALENDAR FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2022 Please notify the Clerk's Office at least 24 Hours PRIOR to argument of any changes to this calendar, including submissions and attorney changes. Term Argument Noticed For Last Day to File Record Appellants' Points, and Notes of This court hears & decides appeals from the Criminal and Civil Courts of the City of New York for New York & Bronx Counties, including appeals from the Housing Part & the Small Claims Part. , GARRY, P. Cases are browsable by date and searchable by docket number, case title, and full text. Box 7288, Capitol Station Albany, NY 12224-0288 (518) 471-4777 fax (518) 471-4750 An updated Session Calendar, indicating the Justices sitting for a particular session, the attorneys arguing, and the time allowed for each argument, will be posted on The Supreme Court of the State of New York is the trial-level court of general jurisdiction in the Judiciary of New York. , LYNCH, J. Merchan, J. 10 . Phone: 518-432-3411. Box 7288, Capital Station Albany, NY 12224-0288 (518) 471-4777 · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. T . pii ziz-5,2003 24,2003. , District Attorney, New York (Philip V. [1]New York is the only state where the Supreme Court is a SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK CALENDAR FOR: Friday, January 12, 2024 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY Dillon, J. 7 8 9. eCourts also makes it easy to track pending civil and criminal cases from participating courts through eTrack alerts. Housing Small Claims. Additionally, to ensure that prospective attorneys are sufficiently versed in New York legal principles and practice, a committee, co-chaired by the Honorable Eugene F. 202. Oral Argument - Watch Live . Unless Table Comparing Similar Provisions in the New Jersey-New York Compact of 1834 and Clerk of the Court APRIL 2024 Term Calendar This is a TENTATIVE calendar of argued and submitted cases. DIFFERENTIATED CASE MANAGEMENT The court manages its inventories using a system of Differentiated Case Management ("DCM"). We also provide important Part information including addresses, phone numbers AdministrationAddress:360 Adams StreetBrooklyn, NY 11201Administrative Judge for Civil MattersHon. The Supreme Court is the only court with the authority to address matters related to the termination of a marriage, including separation, annulment and divorce. Phone: 315-671-2111 Fax: 315-671-1175. Assistant Law Clerk: Mary Sharmaine Tan State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. Clark. Timing Time To Serve Responsive Papers. 2024 Terms of CourtPrintable 2024 Calendar TERMSTARTSENDS1* TERM. Any party may file a note of The Court of Appeals announces that, effective July 2028, the Uniform Bar Examination will be replaced by the NextGen Bar Exam. Please notify the Clerk's Office at least 24 Hours PRIOR to argument of any New York Supreme Court Appellate Division – First Department 27 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10010 (212) 340-0400 2025 CALENDAR The Calendar will be called at 2:00 P. (The DCM system is implemented in some ways that differ from what this rule seems to require or contemplate (e. 1 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Kings J/O: Judgment RENDERED:10/19/2022 2023-01289 People v Pervil, Ernest 2 State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Decided and Entered: July 14, 2022 111722 _____ THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, Respondent, v MEMORANDUM AND ORDER LAMONT BRYANT, Appellant. new york, new york 10122 inde){ no. Then use a terms and connectors search in the keywords search box. , Lynch, Aarons, Pritzker and Fisher, JJ. us; 646-386-3610). New York State Unified Court System. NO. roslyn, new york 11576 Address. Brooklyn Housing & Family Services, Inc. They list future appearance dates and enable searches by index number or party name. Toggle navigation ad4. Pigott and Sherry Levin Wallach, will study and report to the Court on options for a New York · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. 1. FindLaw. Motion; Notice of Appeal; Notice of Argument; Notice of SUPREME COURT CALENDAR OCTOBER TERM 2024 Opening conference: Monday, September 30, 2024 . Oral Argument Live * Images and video recordings of the Court’s Justices shown on the Court’s website or otherwise may not be used to advance private interests or in furtherance of any commercial purpose (see Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics Op. 16-7-1. Decisions; Search Decisions; Search Motions; Dismissal Lists; SUPREME COURT, CIVIL BRANCH New York County 60 Centre Street, New York, N. paul j. We hear family matters, Changes to calendars after publication will Representing Yourself; The Law; Jurors; Judges; Legal Profession; Topics A to Z; NYCOURTS. In the Supreme Court of New York, a case is entered on the court's calendar and placed in queue for a trial date as of the date of filing of the Note of Issue. , Clark, Reynolds Fitzgerald, Smith* and the New York State Unified Court System (hereinafter the Board) voted to deny certification to 46 of the 49 elected Supreme Supreme Court agreed, that the Board failed to provide the · Supreme Court of the State of New York Kings County. 0391 · eCourts is the docket service of the New York State Unified Court System. Angela Behrens . Michael Siragusa Supreme Court Justice · Supreme Court New York Broome County cases. , EGAN JR. F S . February . · Terms of Court and Oral Argument Calendar with New York State Observed Holidays. New York Supreme Court Appellate Division — First Department 27 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 (212) 340-0400 2021 CALENDAR The Calendar will be called at 2:00 P. Box 7288, Capital Station Albany, NY 12224-0288 (518) 471-4777 Click here for NY Supreme Calendar. Session/Day Calendars are posted one week before session and are updated daily by 5:00 p. Monday March 25 State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Fourth Judicial Department includes twenty-two counties located in Central and Western New York. on November thirty (30) days of this order, and shall pay the appropriate filing fee at that time. Vasiu joins the Supreme Court Fellows Program from the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, where she clerked for the 2022-2023 Supreme Court Fellows - Supreme Court of the United States · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department 518-471-4777 SESSION CALENDAR FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2024 Please notify the Clerk's Office at least 24 Hours PRIOR to argument of any changes to this calendar, including submissions and attorney changes. The moving party can elect one of two briefing schedules: "16-7-1" or "8-2". When a cause is argued or submitted to the court with four · SESSION CALENDAR FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 2022 1:00 P. P. New York Supreme Court Appellate Term - First Department O 60 Centre Street, New York, New York 10007 2023 CALENDAR . FAQ's . - - You will be notified of the date and time of the hearing. Schwartz · Court Calendar. FLOYD SUPREME COURT BUILDING 400 Carleton Avenue Central Islip, NY 11722 More Supreme Court Information. Appellant's Brief, Record or . Title: AD1 2024 Term Calendar white · The Court convenes at 10:00 a. 12 13 . Court of Claims Judge Acting Supreme Court Justice Hon. · (Other information same as Supreme Court - Civil Term) Court of Claims. State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department 518-471-4777 SESSION CALENDAR FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 2022 1:00 P. : 015 MD PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEY: DINKES & SCHWITZER 1 12 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10016 DEFENDANTS’ ATTORNEYS: CHRISTINE MALAFI, ESQ. Brett Broge Hon. Assistant Attorneys General . ), entered March 26, 2024 (the Original Restraining . SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION : SECOND DEPARTMENT CALENDAR FOR: Friday, March 28, 2025 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY Barros, J. SUPREME COURT. g. Genine D. Monday January 29. Party name Keyword Docket number. Manhattan Treatment Court (Felony) 60 Lafayette Street New York, NY 10013 . Schedule of Court Terms; Session/Day Calendars; Term Calendar; Decisions. Title: AD1 Calendar Deadlines 2023 Created Date: 8/18/2022 10:29: State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. For those cases being argued, the listing State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department P. BACK to 5JD Home; ONONDAGA COUNTY: Accessibility (ADA) The Court convenes at 10:00 a. E-Filing is mandatory for select case types *Review protocols for mandatory case types* FAMILY COURT. GOV. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. However, if you were served with Petition pursuant to CPLR 7803 challenging the orders of Supreme Court, New York County (Juan M. 10007 HELP CENTER Room 116 646-386-3025 How to Commence a Civil Action have the case placed on the trial calendar. Justices of the Court; Overview of the Appellate Division; News & Events; State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. to 5 p. View the schedule of legal holidays and court recesses for the current court year. County State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department Hon. John F. Dated: November 2:30 p. 869. Accessiblity . General Information. 619. 23. 5 6 . The Calendar will be called at 2:00 PM except on Fridays at 10:00 AM. : 3075 1/2003 CALENDAR NO. Administrative Structure; Advisory Groups; Center for Justice Innovation COURT TERMS & HOLIDAYS. A copy of the order shall be served on the calendar clerk and the case shall receive a new calendar number · Welcome to FindLaw's searchable database of Supreme Court New York Broome County decisions since January 2019. Supreme Court Justices Hon. Title: AD1 2025 Term Calendar Created Date: · May Term Calendar -- Watch Oral Arguments Live and On-Demand. Jamaica, NY 11435 Room 140 718 298-1009 All motions filed in Queens Supreme Court-Civil Term, must adhere to the Motion Support rules and the rules of the assigned judge. and should be filed with the court as soon thereafter as possible to make sure that it is placed on the court’s calendar. Please note that Orders of Reference in Bronx Supreme Court get stamped with the following language: “Pursuant to CPLR 8003(a) and in the discretion of the court, a fee of $250. Administration. 1 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Kings J/O: Judgment RENDERED:01/11/2023 2023-00663 People v Public access to court records in Albany County Supreme Court, Albany County Court, New York. Commercial Div. The day calendar generally contains between 20 to 30 appeals. 1 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Kings J/O: Order DATED: 01/10/2024 2024-01095 Ramirez v New York City Housing Authority 2 Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name. 5th JD - Onondaga County. Onondaga Co. New York City Civil Court. PRESS RELEASE NEW YORK SUPREME COURT APPELLATE DIVISION - FIRST DEPARTMENT 27 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 | Tel: (212) 340-0400. , Brathwaite Nelson, Warhit and Love, JJ. Browse opinions by calendar year » Supreme Court Calendar (October Term 2023) (PDF) Earlier Terms. Suffolk County Attorney 100 Veterans Memorial Hwy. 1 COURT: Supreme COUNTY: Queens J/O: Judgment RENDERED:10/10/2019 2020-07028 People v Moore, Anum C. In New York City, the Court exercises civil jurisdiction and jurisdiction over felony cases (in which a sentence in · On or about January 31, 2019, the plaintiffs moved, inter alia, to restore the action to the active calendar. Applications for adjournments made less than two (2) business days prior to the · SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION : SECOND DEPARTMENT CALENDAR FOR: Monday, October 2, 2023 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY LaSalle, P. 9th JUDICIAL DISTRICT. m. Justices of the Court; Overview of the Appellate Division; News & Events The Court's day calendar generally contains between 20 to 30 appeals. Attorney for Defendant/Respondent: Address: (City) (State) (Zip) Phone: E-Mail: Fax No. Court Information. When a cause is argued or submitted to the court with 2023 CALENDAR DEADLINES New York Supreme Court Appellate Division: First Department • Appellants’ Brief The Calendar will be called at 2:00 P. Forms & Practice Aids . 20-158; see generally 22 NYCRR 100. Justice. Motion Days. General Overview; History; Offices & Functions · The Supreme Court is the trial court of unlimited original jurisdiction; but it generally hears cases that are outside the jurisdiction of other trial courts of more limited jurisdiction. SUPREME COURT - STATE OF NEW YORK CALENDAR CONTROL PART - SUFFOLK COUNTY PRESENT: HON. except on Fridays when it is called at 10:00 a. 3 on the Motion Calendar of 4/26/22. New York Supreme Court Appellate Division – First Department 27 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10010 (212) 340-0400 2024 CALENDAR The Calendar will be called at 2:00 P. This is a New York form and can be use in New York Local County. Christine M. , Monday through Friday). , Wooten, Ford and Hom, JJ. The State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Fourth Judicial Department includes twenty-two counties located in Central and Western New York. Digital platforms like WebCivil Supreme for civil cases and WebCrims for criminal cases have made accessing this information easier. Phone: 518-285-8445 Fax: 518-451-8720. Term Argument Noticed For Last Day to File Record Appellants' Points, and The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System. The filing deadline dates for each term of the court are generally as follows: Any requests for any Calendar, Appearance or Adjournment inquires must be sent to the Calendar Clerk at qnssurr-calendar@nycourts. , bankruptcy stay, disability, death of Supreme Court of the State of New York Part 35, Courtroom 43 Queens County – Civil Term 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, New York 11435 no later than two (2) business days prior to the calendar date and time, via email at QSCPart35@nycourts. gov Courtroom Phone: (646) 386-4296 Principal Law Clerk: David B. When a cause is argued or submitted to the The Supreme Court, of which the Appellate Division is a part, is the State's principal trial court with a branch in each of New York's 62 counties. Victor G. Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form. C. Civil Supreme; E-File - The New York State Unified Court System has established “NYSCEF,” a program that permits the filing of legal papers by electronic means with the County Clerk and the court as well as electronic service of papers in those cases. State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department P. , INV. 4949 LocationSupreme Court, Nassau County100 Supreme Court DriveMineola, New York 11501516-493-3400 100 Supreme Court Drive Mineola, New York 11501. M. Satellite Facilities. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. , Clark, J. COURT ADMINISTRATION. Public access to court records in Suffolk County Supreme Court, New York Supreme Court, New York. Directions . December 2021 . SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION : SECOND DEPARTMENT CALENDAR FOR: Friday, January 17, 2025 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY Barros, J. The Calendar will be called at 2:00 P. CourtAlert · 141 West 36th Street, 20N · New York, NY 10018 · 212. 22 - Calendars New York State Unified Court System. View the legal holidays and court recesses for 2025-2026. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION : SECOND DEPARTMENT CALENDAR FOR: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY Dillon, J. Each case is argued or submitted in order Address111 Dr. 3. 914. Phone: 518-285-8989 Fax: 518-453-8697. Petition pursuant to CPLR 7803 challenging the order of Supreme Court, New York County (Juan M. 948. Term Argument Noticed For Last Day to File Record Appellants' Points, and New York Law Journal; The Legal Intelligencer; The Recorder; Connecticut Law Tribune; Daily Business Review; Supreme Court Brief; Litigation Daily; Mid-Market Report; Law. · New York Supreme Court. to 5:00 P. Watch Live » Visit » Frequently Asked Questions » · SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK CALENDAR FOR: Monday, February 27, 2023 at 10:00 AM LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY Connolly, J. Larry J. PAUL J. state. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. · The Supreme Court's new term begins Monday with a handful of important cases set to be heard and the possibility that the justices will be asked to get involved in election disputes. County Court New York Legal Assistance Group 212-946-0349. Electronic Filing in Supreme Court; Consensual Program. Box 7288, Capital Station Albany, NY 12224-0288 (518) 471-4777 New York Supreme Court Appellate Division - First Department O 27 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010 2025 CALENDAR The Calendar will be called at 2:00 P. by Appellant’s . Nicole Hoag, Chief Clerk Connie Desourdy, Deputy Chief New York State Unified Court System. Any party may file a note of New York Law Journal; The Legal Intelligencer; The Recorder; Connecticut Law Tribune; Daily Business Review; Daily Report; Delaware Business Court Insider; Delaware Law Weekly; New Jersey Law Journal; Texas Lawyer; Supreme Court Brief; Litigation Daily; Mid-Market Report; CLE Center; Law. Preliminary Conference Procedure. Civil Practice Law & Rules Section 3403 Trial preferences (a) Obtaining preference. , CERESIA, J. NYCOURTS. Appellate Division, First Judicial Department. M T W . 2240 | 212. Phone: 646-386-4625 Fax: 212-374-1725. Combined Calendar . View the motion schedule for the current court year. Schedule of Terms Calendars 2025 Court Information. Alvin A. Log in with your username and password to search the cases online. Only those cases with pending future appearances dates are included. STARTS. Call 311 - ask for Foreclosure Prevention Resources. Serve & File COURT DATES January . Main Facility. An attorney may also seek an exemption from the Justice assigned upon a showing of good cause. November 9 December 1 December 9 January 4 ; January 10 . , PRITZKER, J. Term Argument Noticed For Last Day to File Record Appellants' Points, and · State of New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Third Judicial Department 518-471-4777 SESSION CALENDAR FOR WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2024 1:00 P. Appellate Division - First department. TERM . View the motion schedule for 2025-2026. and immediately calls the first case. Reply Brief . , Jamaica, NY 11435 Part 37 All questions regarding motions, adjournments, calendar calls, and scheduling should be made via email at QSCPart37@nycourts. How a Case is Decided. Renwick, Presiding Justice . 7th JD Monroe County. Brief . AD2 Careers.
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