Octoprint ssl certificate So if you had one of these certificates then your OctoPrint instance would be publicly accessible which Jan 17, 2021 路 馃嚭馃嚘 We stand with Ukraine! 馃嚭馃嚘 OctoPrint SSL Cert No Longer Working the file in your profile folder that stores your certificates cert9. everything is on the latest build right now. Garbled data on the serial. gzip off; ssl_certificate Sep 3, 2021 路 Each time, it comes up disabled. db has Mar 26, 2021 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. local kicks up messageof insecurity NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID Apr 1, 2023 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. But if you don't get an undervoltage warning it's probably not the reason. pem) Feb 24, 2023 路 Started looking at the OctoPrint CSRF code, and saw the comparison between the csrf_token cookie and the X-CSRF-Token header. 8. 1, running on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1. org So I have an SSL Cert for my home webserver, and I am wondering if I can use that same SSL cert on my octoprint? And if so how would I go about doing so? Jun 29, 2021 路 By default OctoPi generates self-signed certificates and allows both secure and insecure connections. I see from the OctoPi repository that this is part of the setup (so we go to school on this): Aug 19, 2019 路 Your earlier tutorial had you start the session as the root user. Now I would like to have nginx as reverse proxy with basic authentification. I read on the website " https is available too, with a self-signed certificate (which m… Apr 19, 2020 路 I've seen insufficient power cause all kinds of issues on RPis. I don't know how the websockets of Octoprint work exactly but it may be reached on /octoprint while ressources are located under /octoprint/*, hence the location /octoprint hypothesis. It does require a (free) account at ngrok. Network disconnects. Feb 15, 2024 路 But the thing is ssl certificate warning that i decided to get rid of. By default OctoPi generates self-signed certificates and allows both secure and insecure connections. 1, File Check Plugin 2021. What does OctoPrint (or probably more accurately haproxy) want? which references the SSL certificate in /etc/ssl/snakeoil. Feb 25, 2024 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. 1. This is great and I highly recommend it, one button printing without getting out of your chair is addictive. 11. Corporate. pem (or whatever you want to name it), as the SSL file in your haproxy. I see plenty of instructions on how to do this on Linux or OctoPi. This one started as the default config that came with OctoPi 0. Feb 16, 2024 路 But the thing is ssl certificate warning that i decided to get rid of. In my specific case, I have a subdomain assigned to the OctoPrint installation, which is Octoprint SSL with actual SSL Cert for my home server So I have an SSL Cert for my home webserver, and I am wondering if I can use that same SSL cert on my octoprint Mar 13, 2019 路 Hi, I have another probem 馃檪 I have two printer with octoprint. Feb 10, 2020 路 Hi I have found instructions how to get SSL certifcates created . Feb 4, 2021 路 Overview In this tutorial, I will show you how to: Create a new self-signed SSL certificate on your OctoPrint instance Teach you how to forward any HTTP request to HTTPS (“forcing all connections to use HTTPS”) How to… See full list on community. Oct 7, 2019 路 It's a python socket listening to whatever port you execute octoprint on and bound to 0. * ls -l /etc/ssl/snakeoil. 1 header_up X-Scheme {scheme} That's it. 2, Raspbian 10 buster) Here's the data from the UPS via NUT: upsc RPUPS Init SSL without certificate database battery. Note I am running it on an ubuntu-server-19. The reason to that fat warning in front of self signed certificates even in the range of private IP addresses is debatable, it does not mean that the connection is less secure encryption-wise. Jun 29, 2021 路 I’ve recently upgraded 3d printers to a Creality Ender 3 v2 and on the advice of a long time co-conspirator immediately departed down the path of setting up OctoPrint via OctoPi. However, I would like to install my own third-party CA signed SSL certificate with my own domain name. Sep 5, 2019 路 fyi, if you just want to install your own certificate, just to access octopi via https (without client certificate) after downloading your certificate from your preferred certificate authority. Ran apt-get/update and apt-get/dist-upgrade, so everything is current. Apr 19, 2020 路 What about Let’s Encrypt for SSL certificates? This seems like a more robust way to get free SSL certificates that are not based on self-signed domains. Does octoprint have any ssl functionality built-in with the ssl python module? If not, does anyone know what would be involved in using pythons built-in ssl TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects to add it to octoprint myself as a project? Thanks! Rob On Windows "Ignore certificate revocation checks" will likely help with self signed SSL certificates being rejected. Dec 21, 2020 路 Of course mywebsite is the valid name of my site and ssl-certificate is valid too. Nov 24, 2020 路 Could not connect to OctoPrint: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates: schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_UNTRUSTED_ROOT (0x80090325) - The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted. 11 Update Fails Via Web Interface. I can't set it to False as I get this message: "octoprint. I see from the OctoPi repository that this is part of the setup (so we go to school on this): Aug 29, 2019 路 Since the Root/User certificates you generate in this guide don't have any sort of relation with the domain certification, you just have to skip the part of this guide where you generate the domain certificate: openssl genrsa -out mydomain. Feb 23, 2023 路 What is the problem? Using nginx as a reverse proxy, when reverse proxying HTTPS on a non-standard port, there is no way to get Octoprint to respond with the appropriate CSRF port. nopassword and server. Setting up OctoPrint on Windows - Get Help / Guides - OctoPrint Community Forum. https://plugins. cfg file should look something like the one below. It comes with https and password authentication out of the box. Aug 28, 2019 路 So just checked and yes, I was able to re-enable my forwarding and get through to the server. server. crt ssl-cert-XXX. PEM encoded chain: Feb 10, 2020 路 I have put the private (stuff) in etc/ssl/private and the server. zip results in: DEPRECATION: Python 2. The reason I ask is because I would like to access it from the public internet by forwarding ports 80 & 443 on my Linksys WRT3200ACM router running OpenWrt to a dedicated Nginx reverse proxy Apr 23, 2021 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. 7 will reach the end of its life on Janu… Sep 3, 2018 路 The plugin creates a secure tunnel to access OctoPrint remotely through ngrok. 04 box, not an rpi with Octopi so there is no haproxy involved. It sounds like it's forwarding the port 80 traffic but not the 443 but that's a guess. Oct 5, 2018 路 So just checked and yes, I was able to re-enable my forwarding and get through to the server. Closing. 1 in the snapshot url (and forego the ssl connection). See Let Home Assistant trust a personal certificate authority - #20 by mb_EQNvD3CjP; Easy(?): Get a letsencrypt certificate for MY_DOMAIN. I can setup /printer2 to show the second octoprint, but I can't add a second location for the webcam on the second octoprint. K. com and install it in octoprint Sep 5, 2019 路 fyi, if you just want to install your own certificate, just to access octopi via https (without client certificate) after downloading your certificate from your preferred certificate authority. Secondly, opening up your OctoPrint instance to the Internet isn't recommended at all since someone else could burn your house down or extrude an entire roll of filament for you. Mar 31, 2023 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. If you want to access OctoPrint remotely, you could try the OctoPrint ngrok tunnel plugin. Using easyrsa, change the x509-types/COMMON: Overview In this tutorial, I will show you how to: Create a new self-signed SSL certificate on your OctoPrint instance Teach you how to forward any HTTP request to HTTPS (“forcing all connections to use HTTPS”) How to have your PC/Mac/iOS device trust the certificate Though this isn’t the right term, “Enabling HTTPS” can be a way of describing what we are doing here. Oct 12, 2020 路 location = /octoprint/ My feeling gut, location /octoprint is better (cause it says "/octoprint" AND "/octoprint/"). Aug 29, 2019 路 So just checked and yes, I was able to re-enable my forwarding and get through to the server. org/t/setup-a-new-self-signed-ssl-certificate-on-octoprint-enable-https/30256 Jun 23, 2020 路 The tunnel is encrypted with SSL and proper certificates (even if your OctoPrint instance is not accessible via HTTPS locally), and is further protected with Basic Authentication (username and password) out of the box. I have private. crt in /etc/ssl/certs. Malformed responses. The example is in the "Caddyfile" style. cfg, such as bind *:443 ssl crt ssl_certs. Aug 8, 2021 路 Tricky: Add the self-signed certificate to the list of certificates trusted by HA. NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID Subject: octopi. Webcam stream works, snapshot does not. And here is the trouble. 23, Pi Support Plugin 2021. ~/oprint/bin/pip install OctoPrint-YouTubeLive-master. csr openssl x509 -req -in mydomain Aug 19, 2019 路 If you followed the tutorial exactly, it may be as simple as deleting the files listed here: ls -l /etc/ssl/newcert. key > ssl-cert-XXX. 6. 0. Is there a way to change the Sep 15, 2017 路 I didnt use my Printer for 2 months, then i started it on and thought ill update raspbian and octoprint. Typically HTTP (non-SSL) is needed for occasionally renewing the certificate, but Apache can be restricted to only allow non-SSL access to very specific URLs needed for this purpose. Enabling https by default here would not work either, as you would require a certificate, and those certificates need a stable domain name which we can't control before the image gets to users either. crt in /etc/ssl/certs But has zero effect when I open Octoprint , shows as insecure and https://octoprint. It is easy to adapt if your OctoPrint installation is on another machine. Aug 19, 2019 路 Your earlier tutorial had you start the session as the root user. 10. pem Sep 5, 2018 路 So just checked and yes, I was able to re-enable my forwarding and get through to the server. Sep 5, 2019 路 What about Let’s Encrypt for SSL certificates? This seems like a more robust way to get free SSL certificates that are not based on self-signed domains. crt and server. Running Octoprint 1. The checkbox was implemented in PrusaSlicer 2. I never tried to import my own CA, but it looks like that is an option. Nov 7, 2018 路 I've created a port forwarding video to help people hopefully set up port forwarding reasonably securely. Current date: 10 Feb 2020. May 9, 2019 路 I received an update notice in Octoprint saying the "Firmware Updater" plugin had an update. I am currently running Octoprint on a windows device using the instructions here. On OctoPi, the OS image it bundles haproxy. You would then use ssl_certs. The main problem seems to be that X-Forwarded-Port is not respected, and when X-Forwarded-Proto is used it overwrites the ports used for CSRF. 1 with the above modifications completed. Mayhem. com. Apr 3, 2023 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. Webcam stream works, snapshot does not Nov 17, 2019 路 Your router is responsible for moving traffic to/from both segments (10. The tunnel is encrypted with SSL and proper certificates (even if your OctoPrint instance is not accessible via HTTPS locally), and is further protected with Basic Authentication (username and password) out of the box. Jul 2, 2024 路 Description of the bug Versions: Prusa Slicer: 2. pem Apr 24, 2021 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. snapshotSslValidation" (even got to the commit where it was added: Timelapse: Add snapshot imeout & SSL validation settings · OctoPrint/OctoPrint@3fcd5ad · GitHub). May 11, 2022 路 So you have a valid certificate (as long as you have a domain) and you don't have to install it on Windows or other devices. pem chain. In order of that: Step 2. Feb 10, 2020 路 I have put the private (stuff) in etc/ssl/private and the server. api. 10 OctoPrint and OctoPi Version 0. 15. This works fine with the first instance, with /printer1 and /webcam. I have put the private (stuff) in etc/ssl/private and the server. org/plugins/ngrok/ Dec 18, 2020 路 I was able to resolve it by regenerating the server certificate, for OctoPrint, using my own / private certificate authority, with the ssl extension "crlDistributionPoints" set. 2 All I've tried to do is restart the Raspberry Pi I've … Jan 12, 2022 路 So just to make this perfectly clear, OctoPrint does not ship with SSL, the reverse proxy on OctoPi however has a self-signed and uniquely generated certificate installed, which is also why https is only an option instead of the default, because self-signed certificates generate quite scary warnings in modern browsers (a topic I could spend Aug 9, 2020 路 The strange thing is, that this is happened after upgrade octoprint. Nov 1, 2019 路 access OctoPi from the internet. pem privkey. pem Followed by restarting the haproxy service as you did before. local kicks up messageof insecurity. pem Feb 4, 2021 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. 2. Expires on: 23 Sep 2029. Jul 21, 2019 路 So just checked and yes, I was able to re-enable my forwarding and get through to the server. pem (Just replace your existing SSL cert file in your haproxy. gzip off; ssl_certificate Mar 22, 2020 路 You could also do cat cert. merge certificate and key into one file. i tried to reinst Aug 20, 2019 路 Hi, I am trying to install plugins manually - downloaded from GitHub and on the pi. 10 on Octopi 0. Firstly, I redacted the link you posted since that would just open you up to all kinds of abuse. OctoPrint comes Disclaimer: First and foremost, I am not an internet security expert and I have no real idea if this procedure helps with securing your OctoPrint instance, but from what I can tell it doen't hurt. pem) Dec 22, 2020 路 Of course mywebsite is the valid name of my site and ssl-certificate is valid too. Looks like some kind of Certificate error, but is it at Github end or my Octopi? Feb 10, 2020 路 I have put the private (stuff) in etc/ssl/private and the server. Im not trying to be too hard on such a amazing product which is largely free, but this is really the standard and just asking for problems. So i've installed certbot and certbot-nginx packages and performed: # certbot --nginx which asked me for the server that i want get ssl certificates for. But has zero effect when I open Octoprint , shows as insecure and https://octoprint. And this user should have the correct rights to see into any system-wide folders. Apr 18, 2020 路 fyi, if you just want to install your own certificate, just to access octopi via https (without client certificate) after downloading your certificate from your preferred certificate authority merge certificate and key into one file cat ssl-cert-XXX. Teaching how to use openssl though is a bit beyond the scope of providing support for OctoPrint, to be honest. The only thing that I didn't go over is how to setup Let's Encrypt with OctoPi, which would require a completely … Feb 24, 2023 路 Started looking at the OctoPrint CSRF code, and saw the comparison between the csrf_token cookie and the X-CSRF-Token header. Firstly, for any moderately sane person this process is well documented on a couple of excellent forum posts: https://community. May 19, 2019 路 Latest OctoPrint 1. Nov 3, 2018 路 Restrict Access to OctoPi Utilizing SSL Client Certificates Your final haproxy. pem as shown in the instructions you Feb 5, 2021 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. Misread configs. cat ssl-cert-XXX. PEM encoded chain: Jul 31, 2019 路 Lastly, there's probably a way in which your workstation could import the CA information, as created earlier, and then from your workstation approve/import/trust it. localhost reverse_proxy 127. octoprint. I do not take any responsibility for the security of your network and by following this procedure you release me of any liability associated with such. Feb 9, 2020 路 What about Let’s Encrypt for SSL certificates? This seems like a more robust way to get free SSL certificates that are not based on self-signed domains. Oct 7, 2019 路 Hi, I have a general question about Octoprint regarding what is actually listening on port 5000. It brought up a screen to select a certificate to use for identity and I selected my user cert and then received a notice about untrusted server certificate, click advanced button, and then click proceed. key -out mydomain. The only and actual server in the list was octoprint. Jan 26, 2021 路 Here is a basic Caddy Server v2 configuration, assuming you are running Caddy on the same machine as the OctoPrint. Issuer: octopi. 2 Attempts to send sliced files to a local LAN Octoprint server are failing with: Could not connect to OctoPrint: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was n Jun 10, 2023 路 However, in the GUI, there's a checkbox in "Webcam and Timelapse" that maps to "webcam. charge: Mar 22, 2020 路 You could also do cat cert. Not safe, but have no another option . When I try to get content from a web-browser everything is ok. We Apr 3, 2023 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. I'm currently running 1. This is OctoPrint accessing a service on the same computer; no need to go through the router or the reverse proxy. thx for everythihg Oct 12, 2021 路 Because OctoPrint has no knowledge of the reverse proxy setup it can't control it. pem make sure in the pem file that the end of the certificate, and the start of the private key Sep 4, 2018 路 So just checked and yes, I was able to re-enable my forwarding and get through to the server. pem > ssl_certs. joe December 23, 2022, 9:47pm 50 Aug 19, 2019 路 If you followed the tutorial exactly, it may be as simple as deleting the files listed here: ls -l /etc/ssl/newcert. We can do better. key. key ,private. 0 (Mac-x64) Octoprint: 1. 0/24). csr used to get this. Jan 29, 2022 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. cfg with ssl_certs. Getting actual ssl certificate using certbot. pem if you wanted to, but simpler is usually better. Feb 8, 2022 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. What did you already try to solve it? I've done some pretty extensive Dec 21, 2020 路 Note that - as I alluded to in my first reply - it is a lot more efficient to use 127. PEM encoded chain: Nov 23, 2021 路 No, that warning looks frightening but if you click into details you will find that the reason for that "not trusted" is that the certificate is self signed. I see from the OctoPi repository that this is part of the setup (so we go to school on this): Apr 1, 2023 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. Feb 5, 2021 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. But the update fails each time I try to run it. But if i Login via the Webbrowser i get an invalid https Certificate. Mar 20, 2021 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. 4. key 2048 openssl req -new -key mydomain. 3. But I understand all you wrote, I will use no SSL connection, because I need to control octoprint from outside of my network. settings - WARNING Just wanted to add I think this is slightly irresponsible for octoprint not to enable this by default with self signed certificates. May 28, 2021 路 Yes, it is possible to get a certificate from one of the authorities but an SSL certificate cannot be issued for Reserved IP addresses (RFC 1918 and RFC 4193 range)/ private IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6), Intranet for Internal Server Name, local server name with a non-public domain name suffix. This process assumes that you are using an Apr 1, 2023 路 Overview In this tutorial, I will show you how to: Create a new self-signed SSL certificate on your OctoPrint instance Teach you how to forward any HTTP request to HTTPS (“forcing all connections to use HTTPS”) How to… Aug 19, 2019 路 Your earlier tutorial had you start the session as the root user. 0/24 and 11. Research: "extract certificate", "install a CA-signed certificate" Jul 22, 2019 路 So just checked and yes, I was able to re-enable my forwarding and get through to the server. I am using the chrome Mar 16, 2020 路 Hello everybody, please excuse the question of a newbie, but I can´t find any instructions on how to access octoprint via https. I'm using the latest of everything (OctoPrint 1. muap qhdccj ndlwulc laathcexe xuwlvdem gxp hlkuu zbhmgq czdr rjzhlmw ycjbtoo bkvqa vlgj fzzxu ugjjn