Pathfinder nature oracle build. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons.
Pathfinder nature oracle build Maybe Paladin 4, then the one level in any of these, then Paladin the rest. grave singer as weapon Improved Critical was just nerfed so Grave Singer is now 17-20/x3 instead of 15-20/x3. Although the gods work through many agents, perhaps none is more mysterious than the oracle. So im very new to the game, i had difficulty choosing which class i wanted to play, but i finally decided that i want to go as Angel mythic path, and wen Oracle for that. Understanding the build is more important than knowing the build. If you want to use armor, single classed oracle is honestly just fine. Just use the mythic for your spell boosts and spec all the vanilla feats into fighters stuff. Too many enemies with too many resistances. Then take 3 or 4 levels of a non casting archetype paladin for Cha to saving throws and all other levels in oracle. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Battle especially, has incredibly high value revelations that can replace multiple feat slots with a single revelation and so trading a third of your precious revelation slots for four more feats just isn't Crpg bros updated builds are all meant to be used in conjunction - so you have a squad of mounted melee all abusing outflank and attacks of opportunity. to mimic some of the battle Oracle perks but the animal companion is unique to nature. With Life as primary you want Selective Channeling in case you need to use Channel Energy mid fight so you don't heal the enemies and possibly Extra Channeling because Oracles only get 1+Cha uses/day unlike Clerics. It treats her initial level in Paladin as a dip that gets her some martial proficiencies and the ever-useful Smite Evil ability. Probably going 4 Paladin (Hospitaller)/16 Oracle (Divine Herbalist) with the Angel path, of course. This is a bit of a quick mechanical guide to the Oracle to help people to see how the class can work, as its not immediately obvious. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. The creature must be one that you are capable of riding and is suitable as a mount. Seeker is not worth it if you are going some kind of Oracle build that wants more than 4 revelations, like Battle/Nature or vice versa. Oct 25, 2021 · The main stars of the build are the Cure Wounds spells and the Summon Nature's Ally spells - they will likely be the lynchpin of Daeran's mid-battle strategy. Regarding Nature vs Battle as your level 1 choice, I'd go with Nature. If u want to play a melee oracle , battle/nature oracle is a decent choice. Angel Oracle as MC. For solo, the main option is to go with a pet and melee. [Probably a bug; certainly not following RAW. They are a very versatile and powerful class and mp combinations. The level of a curse is equal to the Oracle's class level plus one for every two non-Oracle class levels. Dec 5, 2021 · The Pathfinder franchise has a few interesting features that you won't find in other TTRPGs. Since you are a Pathfinder, if you'd like a closer to tabletop experience (with the Tabletop Tweaks mod) with less of the Owlcat cheese like unlimited Extra Mythic Ability, while viciously taking advantage of some of the stuff Owlcat left out (waves to Extra Revelation + Archetype dumping revelations abuse), I have a great Oracle-Angel Nature Cosmos Legacy Content Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Angel makes up for the lost caster levels in my opinion and the early BAB makes a big difference. Tempered champion Paladin x/nature Oracle 1/Bard x-1 with desna's divine fighting technique. I’m looking for at least 2 levels of Paladin dip for As a nature oracle , u also get a pretty nice selection of spells , like creeping doom (probably 1 of my favorite summon in the game) as well as cave fangs , which can be insanely cheesy Nature Oracle / Scaled Fist will add twice the CHA modifier to AC, so you can completely ditch DEX (leave it at 10) and take improved initiative to make up for it. As is the Razmiran Sorcerer channeling divine spells, though not sure that counts as "divine side of things". Well, Nature Oracle + Scaled Fist monk is one of the most powerful combos when it comes to AC since you get to double dip AC from CHA. But it was obvious the guy really, REALLY didn't want to hear that twf without massive sneak attack bonuses (which a shadow shaman can get) and/or getting the twf feats for free Nature Oracle can be pretty strong with just a few levels if you’re fine with a wolf, but you probably want to reach Paladin 5 soon if you want your companion to keep up in levels. Twice per day (with Abundant Revelation) you can smite a creature, then charge it the following round for a guaranteed Nat-20 and get 5× damage on your Smite, effectively giving you 10× Paladin-level in Smite damage (plus the regular 5× crit) on your charge attack. The key here is to get a build that works for the difficulty setting you choose. Class Skills: An oracle with the nature mystery adds Climb, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Ride, Survival, and Swim to her list of class skills. Incidentally, my melee oracle/angel build doesn't bother with nature oracle -- it uses Daeran gets a revelation at Oracle level 11 but this build takes a level of Sorcerer before that so there's no way for him to have friend of animals at level 11 before his loremaster levels. Unlike a cleric, who draws her magic through devotion to a deity, oracles garner strength and power from Waves oracle 1 - freezing spells revelation crossblooded - cold / cold With this build all cold spells - including ray of frost - force enemies to save against a slow effect. A lot of people swear by Creeping Doom so one option is a druid, Shaman, or Nature Oracle specced for summoning. You don't need heavy armor as a rider, so question is if that is a core component of your RP experience. Nothing else quite reaches the Painter Wizard level of broken, but the re-awakening Nature Oracle is broken too (infinite Charisma). Your class will look like anything from 1 scaled fist/19 Oracle to 1 scaled fist/1 stigmatized witch/2 pali/4 mutation warrior/12 oracle. See full list on rpgbot. If I'm going to get martial proficiency for free, there's no need Oracle with dips is the most powerful angel far and away. They get +2 to an attribute of your choice, an extra feat at level 1, and +1 skill point per level. Nature's Whispers REPLACES the Maximum Dexterity Bonus of your equipped armor with a Maximum Charisma Bonus. Everything scales off of your charisma. If you go legend you can grab mark of justice pretty easily too. Looking to see if anyone has advice on builds, combat seems obvious (that's the only one I've found via search, with a reach weapon), though I'm also very curious about the wind oracle, as well as any others that might be interesting. Perhaps you see the glittering stars as a divine blessing, or perhaps you feel drawn to the infinitely dark spaces between. You should be able to design your own build if you plan on going into solo unfair. I’m running an Angel Oracle (Purifier, Wolf Scarred, Battle) for my first play though to get a good-aligned baseline before I start making the world worse. 5's Favored Soul, then introduced in Pathfinder 1st edition, where it introduced the concpet of the Oracle's Curse. I suppose I could take other feats/abilities instead of paladin, monk or other levels, but what bothers me most is that they choose the mystery of nature to have a mount. Nature oracle on its own is sort of meh. Dual-Cursed Oracle, Nature mystery to begin with, then Battle with your first mythic ability. Basic strategy is kill weak enemies with AOE Angel spell or my main character’s cleave. - An Oracle with 10 Angel levels that can beat any challenge the game throws at me. If you want to optimize a bit more and are ok with being unarmored, dipping scaled fist monk 1 will let you stack far more ac. This attack deals 1d6 points of negative energy damage +1 point for every two oracle levels you possess. I personally recommend playing the game the way it was intended and learning all you can learn. Really though I'd recommend just getting your Wolf from a full pet class, not Ranger. You’d get level 10 spells either way. If you picked up the Cyclopean Seer archetype you can flash of insight d100 rolls, making Strange Fluids a very attractive choice if she can get her hands on some (the mutant template Hello! I'm newer(ish) to Pathfinder 1E, I have played before with a barbarian and Alchemist, but I was looking into playing something different, and starting a new Class. Nature Oracle can take a companion at level 1 while Animal-domain cleric has to wait until level 4 and has an extra feat tax (Boon Companion). Be a nature oracle and get an animal companion at level 1, riding pets is very strong in this game and will be a huge boon for you in melee, both for defense and mobility. you dirdnt offer suggestions for the build as much as just offered a different build all together. Players love character customization, and Pathfinder finds a way to take it to a whole new level with 25 class choices, which becomes exponentially more if you include Archetypes and Prestige Classes. Then it's usually a choice between DEX-based with Weapon Finesse OR dipping Nature Oracle for Nature's Whispers (subs CHA for DEX to AC); the latter stacks with Scaled Fist dip for double-CHA bonus to AC. Paladin 2 is pointless if you get Nature as your second Mystery (and Battle/Nature is a very good combo) since you get CHA to Saves at 20 (Friend to Animals + Nature Final Revelation), and before that Seelah can just cast Besot Grace on you. Otherwise only metamagic quicken can reduce the cast time. Table top tweaks so fewer bugs and better… Leveling Guide; Level: Take: 1: Oracle - Hellbound // Nature // Animal Companion: Wolf // Cure Spells // Spell Penetration 2: Oracle 3: Oracle - Greater Spell Penetration I recommend a nature Oracle for the animal companion and extra green magic. STR: 18 DEX: 7 CON: 12 INT: 12 WIS: 10 CHA: 18 Angel-Blooded Aasimar Apr 2, 2024 · Preferably a guide that's clear, concise, organize with an optimized build. Im doing his angle oracle build with his ember sosiel seelah lann and skald builds atm and its been bonkers since before act 3 on core tbh. You can ride the companion in battle for a lot of speed and it will stack a ton of defense, especially with you as a merged Angel. I am not telling you you have to do this, only pointing out a lot of people will go Scaled Fist 1/Nature Oracle 1/whatever class they actually want 18 since while unarmored, you can ignore Dex to AC, and instead get double Cha. Oh yeah, for race, Human is always good. Disadvantages can be fun, I hope you like a challenge. 0 Celestial bodies great and small exert influence on you, giving you sublime cosmic power. Also in Google Docs here. Battle oracle can pick skill at arms (which will give u mastery with all martial wepons and heavy armor) if you want. Such examples are battle oracle (melee or ranged), mounted melee oracle, polymorphed melee oracle, ray blaster caster oracle, bolt of justice oracle, and DC caster oracle angel. A Small oracle can select a pony or wolf, but can also select a boar or a dog if she is at least 4th level. Also "harder"? It's easier since you can actually cast them more than once so you can build around them - you can't make fireball focused Cleric, but you can do it with oracle. Oracle with nature mystery who takes additional mystery with a mythic class, pretty much a character I have going whose got about 40ac without any clothes or buffs, can spam level 9 spells including everlasting buffs and has an animal companion that solos bosses. For Kingmaker, the game has been out a long time and there are a lot of build guides around on the web. However, since Life Oracles don't get Life Link, does it make more sense to go Nature first for Bounded Mount and pick up the Life mystery later on to get more Channeling? From my experience oracles are better at everything. well, you basically said change your entire build. Focusing on a warrior/spellcasting self-buffing damage build. You go nature/battle as an oracle. Nov 22, 2023 · i was thinking more in the lines that on this build you would have 20 bab (16 oracle and + 4 from the multi classes), so more and better attacks with the axe, granted as you said for a very short Angel oracle is one of the more simple unfair solo builds, comparatively. Go gnome Nature Oracle and never go into battle yourself, just send your waves and waves of critters at them. I started out this Angel campaign as a backline Nature Oracle who was mostly pew-pewing things with a longbow. Final Build; Oracle (Seeker) Monk (Scaled Fist) Oracle - Fluid Nature: 9: Oracle - Toughness 10: Paladin: 11: - They fixed the AC-Bonus-Exploit to work according to the Pathfinder game Life Oracle is the premier healing class in the game, with a side of buffing and support. It is perfectly fine to stay pure in this case. Nature also comes with nature’s whispers and friend of animals, both of which add a TON of value to charisma. 75 2. That's an annoying hit. If you're going merged oracle, it's hard to beat a mythic vital strike build. Having a mount that trips enemies is very strong, and being able to use Charisma in place of her low Dexterity for AC is worth a couple of extra levels. change the two of your stats, your secondary focus, your revelation, rework you skills yo better suit the revelations. And you are more likely to want to use a shield, given that you are going with a purifier armoured oracle rather than the superior base oracle (due to the popular Nature/Battle base oracle build that gives you a full strength animal companion and CHA=>DEX revelation for pajamatanking that is as good as, or better, than wearing armour, or Nature A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. There just aren't much text based builds online which was surprising for me. Mar 4, 2025 · An Oracle bears a Curse which hinders him but which also comes with benefits. A level 20 nature oracle can also pick up blood of Baphomet for the man-eating animal template and a few scrolls of atavism for the advanced simple template. If you don't like gish and you don't like being alignment restricted, be a dog-riding animal summoner instead. You can either go pure-class for the full 20 levels, or take 3 levels of Loremaster and 1 level of either Scaled Fist or Geomancer, in which ca But pure Oracle with Nature's Whispers + Ice Barrier (or using new Mythic Armor feats for higher MDB) still has plenty of AC without giving up any spellcasting. The only upside to Animal cleric is they can take any pet ( bear mounts FTW ) whereas Oracle is restricted to horse, wolf, or dog. Mileage may vary, but for a Paladin dipping into Scaled Fist Monk and Nature's Whispers Oracle is a pretty much untouchable tank. You actually don't really need the bard levels, you can also just stick to oracle and enjoy the full caster. Anyway what I did notice is that his build wasn't too out of ordinary, I think, and what made his oracle build strong was really the spellbook merge, I think. Oracles are extremely powerful they can really do anything. If you aren't, I wouldn't bother with it. I have a few questions: Either lich or angel would be fine. Nature oracle + scaled fist + mage armor + archmage armor + dumping dex is sort of broken. g. With some lots of help from other forum members I've put together a simple build for each Mystery. Nov 5, 2021 · About oracle, yes, the nature mystery has the animal companion revelation, so you can pick an animal companion (but only if you have that mystery). I’m planning on 15 levels of Purifier, which will get me my 2nd Revelation of choice and the “1 round/level to full day” conversion with Greater Enduring spell. . I've seen a few builds on the net but nothing pure. Jun 15, 2013 · After playing a string of ranged based characters I am looking to build a sturdy tank character that is more versatile than a pure fighter or paladin. Monster Tactician with Animal domain gets Summon Nature's Ally spells and a pet at level 4. Friend of Animals also automatically adds the summon nature’s allies spell chain for free, despite what the tooltip says. An Oracle of Nature can still choose to automatically gain inflict spells no matter what its alignment and it has thematic revelations, such as an attack that drains the life of an enemy to give you temp HPs and a mount which most likely be made Deathtouched Archetype (negative energy You’re playing double Oracle and your main is giving 24 hour buffs so his only purpose will be lost battle healing with your set up. Battle for melee traits and nature for counting cha for your ac in stead of DeX. Picking up the game again after a while and I'm wanting to refine my Nature/Battle Oracle build in a new character. Take the skill feat Battle Medicine (trained in Medicine - Life Oracle). nah in fact might as well play multiiclass into other things. (IIRC it's illegal in tabletop version, but not in CotW) Paladin's Divine Grace or Antipaladin's Unholy Resilience CHA to saves CHA is useful in intimidating builds. Nature Oracle, Hunter, Beast Rider Cavalier will give it at level 1. As well as wepon mastery which give u wepon focus and greater wepon focus at 8th and 12th level. Aasimar is good too since they get +2 to two attributes based on the heritage and have no drawbacks while other races that get +2 to two attri Death's Touch You can cause terrible wounds to appear on a creature with a melee touch attack. You can get 2 mysteries, so add the nature spells and a pet, and battle abilities, or some other secondary list of good spells, you get all the best buffs from oracle list, AND the angel spell book is full of massive blasts far better than anything in the wizard or cleric book. Feats like Weapon Focus or stuff for survivability like Crane Style. Nature's Whispers & Scaled Fist's Charisma to AC would never work together. Conjuration wizard summoner. Others have covered stat and skill choices well, so the biggest tip I can recommend is just to read the text for each level of your curse very carefully so you know exactly what impacts (good and bad) apply to you at any given time. Or use Loremaster to add the spell to e. Choosing them here will be a waste of a Oracle is a class in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Scaled Fist's Charisma to AC gives you bonus AC while you are not wearing any armor. a 2H melee Oracle with Nature+Battle Mysteries who really only cares about two stats: STR & CHA. Sep 12, 2021 · Hello all. You want a high threat range 2H (like a falchion or fauchard) with the oracle weapon mastery discovery (for weapon focus and improved critical), outflank, vital strike, greater vital strike, dazzling display+shatter defenses (very nasty with frightful aspect), mythic vital strike and mythic improved critical. You can always just run Wind Oracle (not the Wind Whisperer, just base Oracle with Wind mystery) and later on grab Nature as second mystery once you get to the mythic A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Nature. A Medium oracle can select a camel or a horse. The current build I am looking at is going to be Oracle ( Nature mystery )1/ Paladin 2/ Oracle 3/ ? with stats as follows. Nature's Whispers substitutes CHA for DEX to AC bonus allowing you to stay pure Oracle and have high AC; or splash Scaled Fist to get CHA x2 to AC while unarmored. That's because if you go Battle first, you can snag the Martial Weapon/Armor Proficiency at level 1, but you still run into a stat problem, since you still want a little DEX with heavy armor. ] Both are very good, the path I'm currently taking on my Oracle is Life then Nature once I hit MR3 because I'm taking enduring 1/2 first. From my understanding, the Final Revelation allows the Flame Oracle to cast all Fire spells as Empowered Spells. 0 thumbs! I am a fan of spontaneous casters, so I am looking at the Flame Oracle going into the Angel mythic path. For wind revelations, I like armor and vortex spells. It's not tabletop legal but hey, it works. You can always take feats for martial weapons etc. Think something like a battle/waves oracl I would go nature oracle > scaled fist for double cha to ac. Also there are A LOT of oracle angel to oracle legend builds which are impressive and fun. Make sure you keep a note of which spells Daeran will get automatically, as they will often still pop up when choosing spells upon leveling up. Nature's animal companion and the Nature's Whispers revelation make you super tanky, and Battle gives you feats that are usually fighter-only. - Caster-lvl 28 end-game, able to cast lvl 10 spells. I did angel oracle, with a primary in battle and secondary in nature, to get a mount, but I never wound up riding him. Jul 18, 2024 · Hello, I want to make my main character a melee oracle. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Oracle. Thing is, oracle angel alone is perfectly op. So yeah, nature oracle is great if you are actually planning on optimizing around it. net Make a lance-wielding Paladin with Spirited Charge. Yep, Oracle Angel is awesome both solo and in a party. One of them is the choice of classes. [Hasn't been nerfed by Owlcat so far, though Tabletop Tweaks nerfs it. However having 2 oracles with no pets is an odd choice. ] So you can play e. The two best frontline Oracles are Battle and Nature, so you're on the right track. Ever since my group switched to pathfinder 3 years ago we made a collective 0 clerics but every campaign has an oracle. This mount functions as a druid's animal companion, using your oracle level as your effective druid level. EDIT: My bad, Nature's Whispers does work while unarmored. Im following this build: Oracle 20 if you're going Angel, and even if you're not, Final Revelations are great. For the quick cast, you might have a feat or revelation that quicken healing spells, it's a life oracle revelation. Throughout its history, the Oracle has been the divine equivalent to the Sorcerer, sharing the cleric's armor and weapon options but using the Sorcerer's spellcasting I've actually watched crpgbros YouTube video, which I normally don't since I prefer wall of texts. Sacred Huntsmen gets a kick ass animal companion which gain team work feats and its base class is inquisitor. You can really just copy your own mains build on him and make him melee. These divine vessels are granted power without their choice, selected by providence to wield powers that even they do not fully understand. The choices are as follows: Blackened. You take a -4 penalty on weapon attack rolls but add Burning Hands to your list of known spells. At level 2 - Replace the Oracle feat with the Herbalist Dedication Archetype (trained in Nature, Natural Medicine - Herbalist background). Barbarian: 2 alignment restrictions, but gives a nice boost in damage for strength builds, and a rage-talent. Bonus Spells: charm animal (2nd), barkskin (4th), speak with plants (6th), grove of respite (8th), awaken (10th), stone tell (12th), creeping doom (14th), animal shapes (16th), world wave (18th Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. The Second Mystery Mythic Ability lets you take both. Nature: An oracle with the nature mystery adds Athletics and Lore (Nature) to her list of class skills. If you want a companion, nature mystery is mandatory. Well not exactly a seeker when I was new I played a possessed oracle with nature as my first mystery for getting a wolf which when you get Aivu you get two pets which the more pets the better and having battle mystery as my second mystery to act as a melee oracle when I ride my wolf(or Aivu when she grows up) into battle though I had to get the boots for permanent freedom of movement to Dec 14, 2022 · After literally four days of deliberation, theory crafting, and experimenting, I've decided my MC is going to be the classic goody two-shoes LG Angel type. I'm a little bit stuck on where to continue with my Oracle build, and any advice would be welcome. Really comes in handy when you are out of spells because you can always cast ray of frost to slow enemies down. And where can i get a free action item early on? Hi! Sorry for my english. That's because you really want a couple key revelations for life oracle. Oracles with the nature mystery automatically learn the following spells at the appropriate level: Feather Step (2nd) Barkskin (4th) Poison (6th) Spike Stones (8th) Cave Fangs (10th) Primal Regression (12th) Creeping Doom (14th) Animal Shapes A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Mar 28, 2011 · Wondering if there is a good guide to oracles yet, using the search has been very sparse. Good options for Angel melee oracle are base oracle or seeker oracle and taking the battle mystery. Oct 20, 2021 · The Oracle is an exciting concept, originally based on DnD 3. Druid isn't the most powerful class, but you don't really need the most powerful build unless you're an expert at the game playing on the hardest difficulty. Laugh hysterically as you dump Str and Dex since you don't care about hitting anything, that's for your summons. Nature Oracle for Cha to AC in place of Dex (works in armor), plus an animal Aug 31, 2021 · Pathfinder: WotR - Wind Whisperer Oracle Starting Build - Beginner's Guide [2021] [1080p HD] [PC]Pathfinder: Wrath OF THE Righteous - Wind Whisperer Oracle S Was in this thread yesterday and stopped posting because I spent all my time posting my build 18 battle/nature oracle/1 stigmatized witch/1 scaled fist and was tired. Base has more revelations and seeker gets 3 caster feats that you can use to get metamagic and spell focus: Conjuration for your angel spells. So I am assuming that I will go 20 Oracle and then full Angel. When I reached Mythic 3, I decided that I wanted to give a more melee build a go (shoutout to u/Smirking_Knight for the invaluable help in ranged and melee Oracle things, truly a godsend when it comes to advice). It should work out for full pet progression. So I'm planning on playing an Oradin for my first playthrough. I'd like to do a melee oracle, but i'm kind of stuck with specifically how to build it: OPTION 1) First Mystery is Battle, steer into the Heavy Armor and free weapon feats. I hear so much about the phenomenal divine power of the Angel Oracle, but am so torn on whether to try to build for melee oracle (battle mystery, buffs and beatstick energy), or a caster oracle (nature mystery, animal companion, buffing allies and focusing more on spells than fighting). Its a scary af build even just starting act 4 Monk scales poorly as a solo class build in this game. The next Campaign that I'm going to be in is Wrath of the Righteous. 3/4s bab + a ton of good buffs will make you decent at melee. My first pf2e character was also a Flames Oracle! It's a super fun mystery to play, and is really flavorful to roleplay. There are a couple key interactions First, Divine Herbalist has the problem of losing both its level 1 and level 7 revelation. At level 3 - Nature skill increase (Trained > Expect, Herbalist background) Sep 15, 2021 · Oracle build for Seelah in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous This Seelah build takes her passable Charisma and turns her into a full spellcaster . qufu mscyl waxgd msu ipr ixmm budq cugnube yrmr xbmvf jspat gve denszva zxwbt eyjdog