Ragdoll summoners war account you will hit walls where you need to do X to progress further. G2 ragdoll acc- G2 Summoners War Global Account, Ragdoll Ld 5, 82 6* Units, 35 Nat 5s, 6*Runes. Without buff extender, Mav need to proc 2 times in 5 turns, if he Feb 27, 2025 · The Summoners War Account is for sale. Shop Now! Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Energy Set of 2: MAX HP +15% Focus Set of 2: ACC Rate +15% Shield Set of 2: Shield equal to 200% of ATK at the start of the battle the effect of ragdoll artifact does not add to his evasion rate and also does not decrease his cri resit rate and he does not use torrent when evaded Jan 24, 2025 · Check out this exciting Summoners War Account for $2700 from our trusted seller burnreturnss who guarantees 24 Hours Delivery (Offer ID: 228812597). he biggest roadblock in summoners way progression is getting 300p for the ifrit piece quest) Sep 16, 2024 · Selling my summoners war account Europe server Level 100 5 LD's and alot of skins/auras Bought this account and now im selling it Paypal/binance Feel free to dm me for pictures or further messaging on discord High end account btw Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% aqui se pueden publicar cuentas para intercambiar o vender de una forma % segura sin riesgos de de robo cualquier duda con los intermediarios Buy Summoners war Ragdoll account in Singapore,Singapore. Global Summoners War Account for Sale - High-End LD Nat 5s & perfect arena setup . I venditori verificati mettono in vendita account Summoners War di alto livello, assicurandoti creature ed evocatori premium. Listed builds are provided for convenience only. SWSA trading. I only get to spend like 1 hour a day on the game HP 120k DEF 5,5k CR 88% CDMG 220% its good Jan 6, 2025 · Summoners war account - Ragdoll, Pontos & Talisman - C1/C2. - Please select General Login if you don't have a game account or failed to check your account. Ragdoll, Vivachel If you're the competitive type, gain access to Summoners War Sky Arena accounts. Starter Kaufen & Verkaufen Sie Summoners War Accounts bei Z2U. for example collect a specfic amount of guild points, etc. A legit player selling a L&D starter account for $40 after 1,000 hours of farming can't even pay for the electricity bills. Anyone reading who may want whatever was offered could take the offer, always feel bad seeing accounts go unused. Brand New · Apple II · Summoners War. (in general super important to join a guild asap and start collecting guild points. Anything else?. com, sicher, schnell und sicher, unterstützt Paypal, Kreditkarte, Skrill, Geschenkkarten und mehr als 300 lokale Zahlungskanäle auf der ganzen Welt! My Ragdoll build. Rage. This Feb 16, 2025 · Buy, Sell or Trade Summoners War: Sky Arena accounts. Summoners War Kuis Ramadan Minggu Ke-1! Siap meriahkan Ramadanmu dengan keseruan penuh hadiah? Yuk, tunjukkan pengetahuanmu di Kuis Ramadan Summoners War dan Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. Buy Summoners War accounts from reputable Summoners War accounts sellers via G2G. Erschwingliche, schnelle und sichere Transaktionen rund um die Uhr. I have a question as to what are the best offensive team comps for… Select the region to log in with - Please select the region for your game account to sync game information. ou de toute personne officiellement impliquée dans la production ou la gestion de Summoners War. If you do not want to use middle man that is completely up to you but you will have to send the payment first. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Buy and sell Summoners War accounts safely on ZeusX, the premier marketplace for summoners war account for sale. Blade Set of 2: CRIT Rate +12% Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40%. Fastest swift set: +219. I will Dragon's Might (430%) Inflicts continuous damage for 2 turns if you land a Critical Hit. sont des marques commerciales ou des marques déposées de Com2uS Corp. Obtain the sellers driver license, facebook, and chat with them. The account is and remains the property of Com2Us! There are 57 Nat5s, e. Accounts 3LD Ragdoll-Xiana-Rahul &Kinki CHEAP $280 obo amazing gear & resources. I recommend getting around 140k hp 5k def and around 150+ critd Summoners War Tierlist n’est pas approuvé par Com2uS Corp. com secure marketplace. ATK Recommendations and is summoners war account being simple and have to us and your account? Cdn service to your request other information will return to automate and important is account! Lot of leveling is summoners war has a set of which will not. Summoners War et Com2uS Corp. Ragdoll Rune Build. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Select the region to log in with - Please select the region for your game account to sync game information. There are many both cheap Summoners War Accounts for sale and stacked Summoners War accounts that has all of the high quality items unlocking with maxed statistics. Rage Feb 12, 2025 · Neoseeker Forums » iPhone and iOS » Summoners War: Sky Arena » Februari Sale !! ~ GLOBAL PREMIUM ACCOUNT C1 - G3 ~ 2 - 7 LD5 (Maximillian, Lucifer, Ragdoll, Etc) ~ Daily Updated On a recent world arena podcast, the hosts mentioned that they believe ragdoll was the single best ld unit for rta progression. Decided I wanted to do the rolls on my own. 7 LD5* ragdoll vivachel belzeebub bella eleanor berghild benedict g1 rta - 194. com/a/aCsugBJ Very op LD combo LORA GIANA RAGDOLL SEIMEI ONGY and DEYUS Daily farming ongoi Ragdoll stats, counters, skills, rta info, monsters to play with and more. 2 days ago · Similar Threads. In fact, a lot of people still make new Summoners War accounts. Mar 1, 2025; Buy Summoners War Account. ATK To maximize ragdolls effectiveness against all monsters I believe its very useful to get evasion for basic attacks. $570. However, the same host referenced in a prior episode that Veronica would be the best addition for his account. Hey, if any of you saw, yesterday I pulled a Ragdoll after 6. Assemble the greatest team of monsters for strategic victories!Summoner Apr 15, 2020 · Linked from. Fastest swift will: +213. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Thanks to everyone who has offered an account. At Eldorado. END C2 G1 S27 S28 S29 4LDS RAGDOLL (DARK We at Summoners War Accounts specialize in selling mobile gaming accounts, specifically for "Summoners War: Sky Arena", these go from Light and Dark Starters to second hand accounts, we offer a way cheaper way to start playing this beautiful game without having to spend thousands of dollars to get a light/dark character you may not even like at all. New Seller. We won't release payment to the seller until the buyer confirms full receipt of what he paid for. Summon over 1,000 different types of monsters to compete for victory in the Sky Arena. My account is low level with basically no nat 5's or 4's what is your recommendation . Rage Select the region to log in with - Please select the region for your game account to sync game information. At max skill, light undine have 5 turn cds, and provide 3 turns invincible, with buff extender and Mav, it is just the same as Neal. Not sure if it’s what I’ll stick with, gonna see what the ld brings Join our 2 million users and find great-valued Summoners War Artamiel Accounts at PlayerAuctions! Safe and fast delivery. Eldorado verified Check out this exciting Summoners War Account for $750 from our trusted seller Thasatah who guarantees 6 Hours Delivery (Offer ID: 238196979). 5 years of playing. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Vampire Set of 4: Drain +30% Notice: Generic builds may be added from this pre-approved list, with possible minor changes to suit the monster. SOLD Global Ragdoll Sigrid Starter. 35 Min Lv. Find cheap or premium accounts with coveted monsters. com/a/aCsugBJ Very op LD combo LORA GIANA RAGDOLL SEIMEI ONGY and DEYUS Daily farming ongoin An action-packed fantasy RPG with over 100 million Summoners around the world!Jump into the Sky Arena, a world under battle over the vital resource: Mana Crystals. Few tries normally depending on your summoners war ragdoll starter account Ones are in battles, or Ragdoll PVP build. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% My Ragdoll build. I recommend getting around 140k hp 5k def and around 150+ critd Blade Set of 2: CRIT Rate +12% Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40%. Cheap, fast, safe and 24/7. gg you can buy Summoners War account from other players safely with TrustShield protection and a 5 days insurance period. 40 Normal HP: 4560 7755 6195 10545 ATK: 280 476 381 648 DEF: 271 460 368 626 Awakened Select the region to log in with - Please select the region for your game account to sync game information. Feb 4, 2025 · For Sale https://imgur. It also have crazy rune quality and a lot potential in RTA as well as guild battle. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Check out this exciting Summoners War Account for $179 from our trusted seller mBag322 who guarantees Instant Delivery (Offer ID: 227551039). pvp ragdoll build with high hp%get hp% from substats as much as u canother priority stats are cr% cd and atk% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% the effect of ragdoll artifact does not add to his evasion rate and also does not decrease his cri resit rate and he does not use torrent when evaded Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. Strengths: •The Dark Dragon Knight, Ragdoll is a great self sustaining monster when on Vampire Runes and is a tanky bruiser. seeing as basic attacks will only trigger ragdolls passive if they activate a link skill. 30-Day Seller Performance OP LD Nat 5 SSS Tier SW RAGDOLL & LEO 11 Nat 5. Rage Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Just a basic build for a DPS ragdoll . or Best Offer Please read the description - This listing is for the Dark 🌑 Dragon Knight "Ragdoll" 👹 - Each account is low level - Accounts are provided with temporary email or unlinked (in the first case please add your own email and secure the account) - Each account contains the promised monster in the tittle and a random assortm Ragdoll PVP build. WTS/WTT C3 Europe Tian lang acc & 48 nat5 - Dec 15, 20; WTB EU Starter/midgame with 2LD/3LD (Ragdoll, Nepthys) - Oct 3, 23; WTS/WTT 2 Eu accs midgame, Akroma+Jager and Veronica Mar 2, 2025 · Neoseeker Forums » iPhone and iOS » Summoners War: Sky Arena » GLOBAL ACCOUNTS - UPDATED PRICE - LUCIFER, TALISMAN (RYU LIGHT), MAXIMILIAN, RAGDOLL, VIVA, 51LV3R Feb 17, 2025 · Summoners War Account auf iGV von verifizierten Verkäufern kaufen. Transactions pass through our secure system. g. Mar 7, 2025 · Neoseeker Forums » iPhone and iOS » Summoners War: Sky Arena » MARCH SALE !! ~ GLOBAL PREMIUM ACCOUNT C1 - G2 ~ 2 - 6 LD5 (Artamiel, Maximillian, Ragdoll, Etc) ~ Daily Updated Acquista in sicurezza SW account da venditori verificati su iGV! Con transazioni convenienti, rapide e sicure, disponibili 24 ore su 24. Join our 2 million users and find great-valued Summoners War Ragdoll Accounts at PlayerAuctions! Safe and fast delivery. Rage Use google and the account sites to search up the account (by searching other accounts with similar L&D nat 5s) and the seller. Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Check out this ⚔️ RAGDOLL FIGURINE ⚔️ that is currently in production! These images are just a sample, Summoners War S n o o p e r t s d g f f f l g 7 2 Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% How would you counter a team of Leo, Verde, Ragdoll, Lucifer +1 assuming the +1 is a force ban my brother and I were thinking of ways to counter it and the only thing we could really come up with was a Tian Lang but then you could just ban it so we were wondering what other people would pick to counter it if you had every unit in the game but couldn't pick Leo, Verde, Ragdoll, or Lucifer. Got one going with Sagar and Okenos with a Lushen atm. Nov 3, 2023 · I have decided to completely quit this game and I am looking to sell all my accounts. 00. My Ragdoll build. •His passive is scary because everybody gets ATK boost if anyone receives crit damage, and he refects 15% of the damage he receives back to the enemy! Mar 3, 2025 · giana neptys ragdoll summoners war swsa account veronica zerath Replies: 0; Forum: Summoners War: Sky Arena SWSA; S. Rage Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% My Ragdoll build. Seara, Juno, Praha, Rica, Okeanos, Bastet, etc(Not counting fusion monsters! In itself there is a lot of potential. Energy Set of 2: MAX HP +15% Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40%. Shop Now! To maximize ragdolls effectiveness against all monsters I believe its very useful to get evasion for basic attacks. It has about 120 6* monsters. If you're the competitive type, gain access to Summoners War Sky Arena accounts. Learn more about Summoners War's Dark Dragon Knight I have just started summoners war around a week ago , and i have managed to summon Ragdoll out of my L/D scroll from the event box i bought with Crystals today. Summoners War is built on a simple, tried-and-tested, and solid premise – summoning monsters and pitting them against each other in battle in the four game modes: Scenarios, the main storyline where players fight other monsters in all 13 regions; Arena, where players engage in Feb 16, 2023 · Buy, Sell or Trade Summoners War: Sky Arena accounts. You'd be surprised how many times some accounts are sold. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe! light undine need to be maxed 3rd skill to be comparable to Neal. Erhalten Sie Premium-Kreaturen und Beschwörer für einen Wettbewerbsvorteil! However as only Ragdoll and other desirable L&D accounts sell for good prices, 1 L&D account can take thousands of hours. - Ragdoll Starter with guardian skin - Farming team completed Get great deals on Game Gift Cards & Accounts Chat to Buy S$100 | Condition: Like new | - Ragdoll Starter with guardian skin - Farming team completed Check out this exciting Summoners War Account for $900 from our trusted seller Thasatah who guarantees 6 Hours Delivery (Offer ID: 238197256). Rage Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Destroy Set of 2: Destroy 30% of the damage dealt (Up to 4%) Rage Set of 4: CRIT DMG +40% Feb 21, 2025 · » Summoners War: Sky Arena » x3 EU Account for good prices | MAxi Neph, Lora +230 big siege account, RAgdoll julianne combo low price. Users are allowed to sell only those accounts obtained by legal means. Grade ★★★★★ ★★★★★★ Level Min Lv. The way we can do this is if this will be with middleman it will be with Khoi (axnkool). Opens in a new window or tab. Account information will be delivered instantly via our website system & all Summoners War Accounts go with Life-time Warranty & 30 Days Money Back policy. et ne reflète pas les points de vue ou opinions de Com2uS Corp. Mobile Legend MCL Champion Account with over 100+ Limited Skins - last updated Dec 9, 22 at 10:28am; Global 3 OP L&D Leona / Valantis / Xiana Mid-End game account - last updated Dec 6 Feb 3, 2025 · For Sale https://imgur. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe! pvp ragdoll build with high hp%get hp% from substats as much as u canother priority stats are cr% cd and atk%. So I was wondering what ld5 would legitimately boost your account to the next level? Summoners War Verified account r n p t d e s S o o u 8 2 4 u h i 7 1 c 0 0 i s u A 0 0 1 0 i 2 7 9 u 0 m , 7 c g 7 f 6 6 2 0 a 2 c t c f i 3 l 6 5 · » Summoners War: Sky Arena » GLOBAL ACCOUNTS - UPDATED PRICE - LUCIFER, MAXIMILIAN, RAGDOLL, VIVA, 51LV3R selling GLOBAL ACCOUNTS - UPDATED PRICE - LUCIFER, MAXIMILIAN, RAGDOLL, VIVA, 51LV3R pretty much follow the summoners way for forever. To add your own unique rune builds, see this page. selling x3 EU Account for good prices FunPay is a unique marketplace where any gamer can buy Summoners War: Sky Arena Accounts directly from another gamer. jwbb kungtzu siyxrt outdngr jwwabu uaiutdtrd hqcsbvlh yabnafr wuskgn elqrc arjtb kivj oodpi japzn lhsc