Ranger headshot guide eq They have a small respawn timer so easily farmable. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Field of Scale Headshot Guide. Sometimes I get 3x + kills in a row and barley have enough time to cycle though targets quick enough. ranger burns with headshot in ME, i cant pull the mobs to camp while burning because they die before getting there. ) Empowered Blades + Arbor Stalker's Discipline: Now the best route to take in using a disc like Arbor Stalker's or Empowered Blades is to use them with hundred hands effects. Are there any other places that give better experience? I was told you can headshot in brother island and / or bixie warfront but I cant seem to find any decent places. that was fun, but I run out of mobs in a hurry. I know rangers are melee until getting the necessary AAs (AM3, Endless Quiver) in luclin that you can rotate to range dps and are at your prime come PoP with headshot and other AAs. It provides a chance that any Archery based attack on a lower-level humanoid mob can hit for extremely high damage, often a one-shot kill. It just takes some thinking, commonsense, and just knowing what your stuff does. It may not be all inculusive but as i get back in HS a little more ill start posting more of it as i realize it. com - /eq/leveling/SoD/Locations/PostMercNoobZones/MoreInfo/DragonscaleHills/ [To Parent Directory] 10/27/2024 7:20 AM 5866 MinotaursHeadshot. Parses or gtfo. Saffron here. Its in full ToL T3 TS group gear but only has a few type 5/7 augs. the main (only?) reason to work a 2hander for a ranger is in kunark, and is irrelevant once you finish your epic. Play what you want to play. Sep 29, 2020 · I didn't play a Ranger to 65 on AK but I did in era on live. xx. Autogrant ramped my 65 ranger with 105 AA's to a thousand. At the current state, its likely that only plate-tanks can outtank the mage air-pet, once all pet-AAs and a decent pet-focus-Item is gained. II Disc. 68053 81 fights: Total Hits> 7196 HeadShots > 169 : %2. Flew up to 72 very easily. Also to Headshot efficiently you will want the spell Vinelash Cascade which can be purchased in PoK. Past that, if you want to gear up, you can molo the Gribble HA's in the Dead Hills. Headshot maxed works on level -1, so at 100 you can HS level 99 mobs. Ranger guide | EverQuest Forums (daybreakgames. Lets goTips? Comments? Please comment below!Twitch: https://www. If you want to bow-kite non Headshot viable enemies, then you will want to stick to the highest damage, lowest delay bow you can get. Sep 24, 2013 · The damage mod on that disc does increase headshot damage. It was only useful for solo xp on significantly lower level mobs and despite the period where the hail of arrows could trigger AE headshot, it was an extremely slow form of xp and using a merc or having another player in the group made it not worth using. Upshot, I prefer headshot for outdoor zones. Feb 28, 2023 · For anyone not in the Ranger Discord, I have updated my raiding guide for Rangers. it procs a moderate slow, and improves your group utlity if noone brought a shaman or enchanter. Best bet is to snare/root/shoot/dot. Dec 18, 2022 · Was wondering if anyone knows of a good headshot area for a 115 ranger. Not that it increases the headshot rate, just that you fire more Dec 12, 2019 · When I go to a new expansion or zone, I hear when I headshot something and write it down. I’ve joined a new guild and they are great but they are mostly max level so any zones they are playing in will get me steamrolled. That is how I found out about the mech rats in GMM. Feb 17, 2012 · http://almarsguides. A lot changes after PoR and I think this expansion marks the end of the classic era of EQ, things start to change a lot after this era as devs balance classes and the game. You can solo melee the weak conned mobs in the heroic starter area and you can headshot the ogres there with root. The picture in NoS is entirely different. www. Use the 110 ranger to headshot all the sarnaks (about 13 in my usual rotation) on the upper floor of the neighboring room. This is a must for Rangers looking to Headshot. Do the Griffons and undead in a loop. Apr 1, 2022 · Run to Kor'sha Laboratory (left non-cave entrance) and park your lvl 80 toon at the bottom of the ramp down the hall from the zone-in. You're not a tank. cfm Oct 14, 2023 · This one is my favourite. -Rat May 29, 2012 · Welcome to our Plat guide for Classic Everquest. Mar 30, 2020 · Ranger Guide for Planes of Power. 0 Epic: Best in Slot Gear: Classic: Best in Slot Gear: Ruins of Kunark: Best in Slot Gear: Scars of Velious: Best in Slot Gear: Shadows of Luclin Jul 18, 2020 · The answer is 7. At 60, rangers could smoothly solo things like fungus grove mushrooms for slow solid aa xp. Jan 15, 2022 · It's been a long time since I've played EQ and I have a question about Ranger Headshot. You're a DPS class. So as for now I know that this list is updated up to House of Thule. You weren't designed to be. You have many root/snares and 2 punts and cover tracks to keep you alive when headshotting. Definitely going for Headshot and Master Archer AAs. Sony likes to troll us by putting a bunch of mobs that can't actually be headshot in all the good camps, whether because they are not humanoid, or because they are too high for the max rank. I was a raider at the time in velious/Luclin mixed gear and found pop just hit too hard without shaman slow. You'll want to park the dogs using snare/punts. You can't go by appearances. com/ Crashes related news from eq guide will suck, so dark you are the intrigue of where your arrows. 0 Epic: 1. 59020 Also I found out (very easily) delay doesnt matter. 0 Blade will be alerted on how to acquire a 2. To use… I wouldn't worry about headshot till 81. cfm Dec 2, 2015 · I'm currently level 105 and headshot in Neriak 4th gate. Dec 31, 2014 · Is there any decent headshot area for level 120? The last good spot was Rygorr in ToV, but I am wondering if I am overlooking a zone in ToL or NoS since ToV/CoV are not the greatest exp anymore. As far as getting to 80. Dec 27, 2021 · This site is unaffiliated with EverQuest and its owner Daybreak Game Company, LLC. There's almost nothing "noticeable" in EQ from incremental improvements and there hasn't been for well over a decade. Not that it increases the headshot rate, just that you fire more May 15, 2019 · With ranger harmony and the ability to punt/root mobs and wipe their memory/aggro, ranger is pretty easy to get singles. 5 Epic Pre-Quest: 1. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! Rangers have a lot of utility and bring a good amount of personal dps to the table when that utility doesnt mean much. Honestly I don't know what I would do without these plugins. there is a ranger-only 2h-sword in karnors castle called Swarmcaller. cfm Ranger Class Guide (Classic - Prophecy of Ro) This guide will cover the Ranger Class from Classic all the way until the end of Prophecy of Ro. FM is the zone where the perfect balance of the HP amount of mobs versus the amount of damage headshot procs do, exist. twitch. Several good ranger headshot guides that are good until 100ish or so. Have been carrying my lower level war and bard. Ranger Headshot Guide - Minotaurs in DSH ***Notice*** Everyone reading this guide in 2018 or later should note that this guide was written in 2009 or so when Underfoot was the current expansion pack. It's a refreshing change after having to slave away 5 whole levels without a single good place to Headshot. -Rat Oct 27, 2019 · Ranger Guide [Velious] | EverQuestTime Stamps:0:00-1:00 Intro1:01-1:50 Soloing Methods1:51-6:46 Group Roles6:47-10:40 Raid Roles/AAs/Disciplines10:41-24:02 M Crypt of nadox always served me well. Sep 18, 2020 · The issue is, those mobs have a whole lot more HP and so when a headshot or critical headshot procs, it doesn't take down the mob's HP bar as fast as you are used to seeing on mobs in older expansions. 85-110 just Headshot. This still works in GMM. Thank you. Especially as you are learning the location. Oct 21, 2013 · There's a reason there are 101 jokes about ranger gate. Area of Effect Blades - This ability does do more DPS than the Focused line of Blades. Last time I went to go blow a lesson with a headshot grind i think i ended up netting about ~70 AA, in a guild group i was able to easily go past 120 in the same 30 minute lesson duration killing in Sathir's Tomb. tend to save the burn until there are 3-4 mobs up or its a waste of some of it. Back then I had no problem during an exp weekend headshotting and doing the repeatable kill quests in Valley of Lunanyn to go from 98-100. I’ve been poking around different zones and the only thing I’ve found that I can headshot are the bandits in the karana zone. That should give you a good idea at what you're looking at. Dec 25, 2021 · Also, there is no up to date headshot guide. This guide was written with P1999 in mind but can be used on any classic or progression EQ server to make platinum. youtube. tv/hammackjYouTube: https://www. So headshot-farming will soon be off. I play my ranger as an Archer. My Ranger has been collecting dust for years and now its fighting for top with my rogues dps. It gets a lot better at level 89 but until then you are stuck with quite possibly the worst zones ever to Headshot in. Headshot is a long line of Alternate Advancement Abilities that allows the Ranger to instantly kill (or almost kill in some cases) a humanoid mob, lower level than them, that they are firing their ranged weapons at. It's a game. Warrens and Toskirakk are two of the final zones you will be Headshotting before being able to do Feerott. I’ve recently come back to Everquest after a fairly long break. I have been trying to find some sort of updated guide so I can not only prioritize aa's but learn burns a bit better. This is getting to be kinda like an all-purpose "Ranger levelling at 60" guide. Easier and druids behind by other players to the tracking. Direwind is your best bet. cfm 2/29/2024 10:46 AM 648 CoD. co Feb 17, 2021 · The devs adjusted the ranger headshot AA in an effort to balance it out. The likelihood that the developers put breakpoints at 1500 and 1750 for the headshot code is vanishingly small to nonexistent. With headshot (an insta-kill ability, essentially) they pretty much always have a path forward for exp at the higher end of the game, even when solo most of the time. OMG, if you can max that. The damage is treated as physical damage and cannot be mitigated or resisted. If you have some to burn, dump them in Fletching tradeskill AAs. Hi guys looking for some feedback regarding headshot areas for a 100 ranger. If you want to stick to Headshot then the lower delay bows such as Bow of the Destroyer , Wind Sabre , Featherwood Compound Bow , etc will potentially outperform even raid tier bows until level 70. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! Jan 10, 2022 · You've discovered RedGuides 📕 an EverQuest multi-boxing community 🛡️🧙🗡️. May 29, 2012 · Welcome to our Plat guide for Classic Everquest. x. This camp is most commonly used by Rangers for their Headshot line of AAs. Bow of the Destroyer is arguably one of the absolute worst headshot bows that you can equip. com/c/hammackj/joinTwitter: https://twitter. com and sorted by DMG/DLY to decide what bows to use (it won't correctly rank TS bow with special slot TS DMG augs) 65 Steamwork Compound Bow (Group) 70 Bentback Bow (Group) 75 Transient Bow of Solar Winds (Raid. Good for Feb 12, 2023 · Bow: Luclinite Ensanguined Longbow (augmented) (319/23 damage delay ratio)Max Hit (Headshot/Pureshot Rk. Kills an experience for ranger headshot guide that your new key. As you may notice Korascian Warrens Headshot Guide. Even headshot-able weaklings take quite a bit of time to bow-down. My guild had all but stopped playing so I solo’d a lot to get myself to lvl 101, I’ve 13700 odd aa’s and headshot lvl can be up to lvl100. Started tanking with him rather than just root rotting with ranger. just swap to dual wielding as soon as it procs, swap back on next Jan 1, 2013 · Version 1. At level 65 and 70 (and probably all the way into the 90's) with max ranks in the AA and full raid gear you don't see more than 1 proc an hour. The Bow & Arrow. What is HS (head shot) HS is when you are shooting a humanoid mob and you proc a innate skill called Headshot. cfm 10/27/2024 8:05 AM 20777 Blackburrow. As you can imagine a lot has changed in the game since that time and some of what you read in this guide may be inaccurate or misleading. Everquest Ranger Class Guides. Mar 19, 2008 · So i was curious if anybody already had a link to good zones for using headshot, and/ or if u guys had some ideas for me? Currently my ranger is lvl 62 and i wanted to see how good exp is with headshot, and if it would be the best way to continue lvling up. After that go to pofire and farm aas with headshot at c2. C1 in PoFire is very well known for its great loot, great XP and easy to kill mobs. The alt ranger is barebone level 120 toon. FM is really efficient. He's FTP, and max aa for TOV, so it would be more intended on power leveling other toons. At 85 you have Dragonscale Hills which is really annoying and not that good of XP. Matters for Welcome! Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. Feb 26, 2008 · 85 ranger, max headshot AA little over half way through Trick Shot aa's. Wich IMO is where EQ should have taken the ranger. cfm 2/29/2024 10:46 AM 690 Commonlands. Yes, trickshot will make you headshot more often. General Feb 23, 2019 · Now, these things may be true for your average and below-average ranger, but a well played and knowledgeable ranger can put people to shame for thinking these things. They are missing all the non auto granted AA and typically perform anywhere from 50% - 75% as well as the maxed out characters. Thanks! I'm currently level 105 and headshot in Neriak 4th gate. May 13, 2012 · Headshot is a powerful ability exclusive to Rangers in the popular online game EverQuest (EQ). Sep 11, 2016 · Headshot is a passive AA ability that only Rangers can purchase. Warrens is a bit frustrating and you should most definitely expect to die a few times here. I used the search feature of raidloot. Thanks Kar Mar 5, 2014 · The biggest factor that makes getting all of the headshot AA worthwhile is that it can be triggered from the Hail of Arrows line of spells. There are two places to Headshot in Field of Scale, the field and the city. When I last played, Daybreak was making changes to how headshot works. The hive had many more mobs and I could easily pull 20+ at a time Autogrant covers your Headshot needs and so many other DPS aspects. I chose it for it's faster DLY. com/hamma If you haven't already I recommend you read my Live Servers Plane of Fire Leveling Guide. And he spams the log with frequent 100K+ critical hits 30-40-or more times per minute with infrequent 500K+ crippling hits. and yes, there will be plenty of flamage about who is the best DPS class out there. Headshot is set at a base proc per minute - I think it's 2 - and is modified by heroic dexterity and absolutely nothing else. Any advice on where to go for building AA later on as I advance. He is level 85 and all range stuff maxed out with Sporerune bow and Best Arrow available that is non expendable. com/eq/farming/80-85/crypt. As I remember, the changes were still being tuned when I left so I have no idea what the final state of the AA ended up being. Jan 26, 2021 · Just hit 115 recently on my ranger. If there are new ranks of Headshot, then you will be able to go to RoS and headshot the stuff that is now yellow or white con if humanoid. The rank of Headshot you need depends on the type of mob you want to kill. With group gear you can go up to May 29, 2012 · Headshot is a powerful ability exclusive to Rangers in the popular online game EverQuest (EQ). Welcome! Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. com Feb 14, 2018 · “Pretty much what Dewhead said. Making plat in EQ is pretty tough, especially as a new player and gearing up is done mostly through plat, except from at the end-game… Jun 2, 2022 · Max ranger + 953K DPS over 1975s Alt ranger + 634K DPS ~ 65% that of max. Viewer Discretion Advised: EverQuest itself is rated "T" for teen however Discord & Chat communication in-game are unregulat Jun 29, 2014 · If you max out Headshot AA you can solo most all of the Alarans in the Valley with it now. 5 Epic: 2. This is until you get Time+ melee weapons where it sounds like you go back to melee. Jun 28, 2014 · If you max out Headshot AA you can solo most all of the Alarans in the Valley with it now. If you are just curious about the additions they are below. Other damage modifiers such as guardian of the forest, group guardian, outrider's accuracy, and hunter's fury also increase headshot damage. [To Parent Directory] 2/29/2024 10:46 AM 4701 85-90. Sep 22, 2023 · Rangers these days do some 3-4 million headshots, 2-3 times per minute on average. The ability cannot be resisted or mitigated, making it a highly effective tool for farming XP and AAs. Headshot becomes available at level 60, although it is not viable for good experience gains until higher levels. Rangers with their 1. As a ranger level to 81, get am4 and endless quiver, then get headshot 11. So far I've found the hive to be the best spot fooled around in The Steppes for a while to practice. 58824 38 fights: Total Hits> 2580 HeadShots > 81 : %3. almarsguides. It does roughly 283k dmg with 1 arrow at 1. Innate RUN SPEED. Air but will now saved on it can crowd control away and is! Player what are in eq bards can see the water. Will try going to Acrylia Caverns and working on AAs some more. Thanks in advance. Fight things 2 lvls or so below so headshot can proc. 5 Blade can now 'infuse' its essence into a lesser Bow via these tradeskill recipes: Alchemy - Potion of Essence Conversion (Search in game or on the Allaclone) Apr 29, 2020 · I kill a few mobs in the Overthere while comparing and contrasting Ranger Headshot with Rogue Assassination. Once or more per minute. Hey all. However, after 62 I remember the exp going slow outside of pop in anything pre-luclin. Also, I typo'd and said C2 was 82, but it's lvl 83, oopsie! :P and the headshot rate had noticeable improvements at the 1500 and 1750 marks. Getting Started w/ Headshot: 112 Headshot Efficient: ~250 Well Rounded: 350 ~ 380 Headshot Proficient: ~500 Headshot King: ~750. Once you get level 70 I believe you can get headshot aa that will let you kill. I assume you meant trickshot. Feb 24, 2018 · Download >> Download Everquest ranger guide 2017 Read Online >> Read Online Everquest ranger guide 2017 ranger headshot nerf everquest leveling guide progression everquest ranger leveling guide eq ranger solo leveling guide everquest ranger headshot guide 2017 everquest humanoid list everquest leveling guide 90-100 everquest leveling guide 1-105 Everquest Leveling Guides. Round up 8 or more humanoid mobs that are at the low end of light-blue, use Vinelash cascade to root them all, then HoA or AoA (depending on your level) and get 32 chances for headshot to work (4 shots per target, max 8 targets per cast). I got torn up anytime I tried to tank. Trash has 60-120 million HP. Easy to kill - extremely fast respawn times. As far as I know its just the matter of getting code done. Has anyone found a good place to solo headshot in TBM? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Jan 29, 2014 · Wow, awesome information and tips. Sep 12, 2013 · I play a level 75 alt Ranger (context of my comments). I'm excited to get online tonight and try some of these ideas out. TOL Bow Ranger - Headshot FTW 1 DanNetDelay=20 IRCOn=0 CampfireOn=0 May 1, 2016 · 54 fights: Total Hits> 4250 HeadShots > 110 : %2. 13953 38 fights: Total Hits> 3656 HeadShots > 98 : %2. This ability allows a Ranger to instantly kill a lower-level humanoid mob with an archery-based attack that deals physical damage. Dec 6, 2021 · Ranger Epic Bows . Please let me know :) Jan 25, 2021 · Only 110 here but looking thru everything I’ve been going (still going atm) of this route. Can Jun 15, 2018 · (In modern EQ you likely won%u2019t get Focused Para unless you%u2019re lucky, so don't bank on it. Easy to single pull. But my information is dated since when I played my ranger 85-100 it was years ago before the change to how headshot works. 34853 Total : 211 fights Total Hits > 17682 Headshots > 458 : %2. . ): 7,135,555Augs:-Type 3: Luminous Restless Apr 25, 2019 · At Sarnak camp in FM with a 110 ranger (auto-grant AAs +270) and headshot, averaging 80-90k dps. Field of Scale is the best location to headshot since Plane of Fire. Who cares. 1 - Works for Paladin slay undead, Berserker decapitation, Rogue anatomy/assassinate, and Ranger headshot. You all have sent me scrambling to look up Jul 16, 2018 · Now I take the 85's to EoK's Frontier Mountains group with my 110 ranger find a spot with plenty of mob's and head shot power level the rest of the way to 110 as the mobs here are mostly dark blue and respawn rather quickly. I like to raid them together and also use my 2 other 110 rangers for headshot as it goes amazingly fast. Since the most recent patch that changed how headshot worked, weapon delay no longer matters for headshot. Jun 27, 2012 · By popular demand i have decided to make time to write up a headshot guide. May 13, 2012 · Headshot is a powerful ability exclusive to Rangers in the popular online game EverQuest (EQ). Not much it didn't give me that wasn't level restricted. Like most have said, the proc rates can be pretty random at times. Feb 17, 2021 · The devs adjusted the ranger headshot AA in an effort to balance it out. Also, mgb auspice is huge if you decide to raid. If you want to headshot stuff then GE or PoN goblins. Please let me know :) Apr 23, 2021 · “ Could anybody educate me of importance of Headshot for ranger exp grind ? Let me elaborate: my lvl 115 max AA group-geared ranger does about 3'ish mil Headshot. 0 Bow upon entering PoK. Are there HSable humanoids that are level 95-96? If you haven't already I recommend you read my Live Servers Plane of Fire Leveling Guide. Here are 2 links for the Guide and 1 link for Discord. Ranger AAs This entire page will show you all of the AAs available to each class taken directly from their lists in game. Ranger Class Guide. Blackburrow was alright but let's face it, it was really annoying. Important Things to Note: DPS for all melee classes is highly dependent on timing. Making plat in EQ is pretty tough, especially as a new player and gearing up is done mostly through plat, except from at the end-game… I "headshot" farm in a few places with my rogue (so assassinate farm). With 50 Heroic Dex at L65 you would only see it proc on 1 out of 5 mobs at best and considering that a lot of mobs have been reclassified to being non-humanoid after the patch, the Headshot guides on the web are even less reliable than before. Archery AAs (headshot, trick shot, ranged finesse, etc)I missed flaming arrows so going back to get that. With that being said, I also partner up with rangers from time to time. To use… May 7, 2010 · Where is the best place to get Humanoid targets and take advantage of all the hard AA grinding with my Ranger that got me to Headshot 13? I box him with my 85 Shammy and use 1 healer merc and 1 tank merc. great fun, one of my fav classes to drive as main toon. I know FM works good, but it slows down after 110. Tips? Comments? Please comment below!Twitch: https://www. But it's gone too far in the other direction. Nothing paths there and you can just sit. There are some mobs in our Headshot camp that can not be Headshot. Looked hard at the other AA's. Take a look at the main headshot page to figure out where you can go at each of the available ranks of headshot. The gear from that currency is only a click or two under RoF raid gear, and the exp is decent. Can someone please bring me up to speed on how it currently Until you get 500+ Heroic Dex, I would not invest in Headshot. EQ used to seem like a hard game, now it feels like a an RTS on easymode. Since those particular mobs are low 90s. Mar 9, 2019 · Anyone have an updated ranger headshot guide? Im currently 71 and having a hard time finding a zone that is worth the experience. Good for Mar 25, 2015 · I have been grinding farmers and troopers in valley for awhile and I was wondering if anyone has any information about where a ranger can go at lvl 97 for a higher level non summoning HS able mob. mobs in pofire which is probably the best solo xp you can get around that level Exclusive the Rangers, the Headshot AA gives the Ranger a chance of doing a huge amount of damage to humanoid targets when hitting them with an Archery skill based shot or spell. Rangers who have acquired their 2. I will try to keep this as accurate as possible but it is rather hard to tweak all the guides on my website with each passing expansion. These 5 levels of the Ranger are excruciatingly painful if you enjoy leveling up with Headshot. Jan 20, 2013 · http://almarsguides. x Mar 31, 2015 · Column Notes: Tab; Current General, Archetype, Class, or Special tab; Old; Old Tab when tabbed by Expansion; Type; Type of AA; Subtype; Subtype of the AA; Targ. My wonderful web hosting providing service (not mentioning any Jan 14, 2022 · It's been a long time since I've played EQ and I have a question about Ranger Headshot. Headshot Levels 85 - 90. My warrior dinged 105 and I outfitted him in RoS T1 gear. Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. Sometimes stuff dies a slow death. Those of you who play on a TLP server will want to use my PoP TLP PoFire Leveling Guide. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! Nov 12, 2021 · ive not ever grouped with a good zerker i dont think, and havnt run one myself. Prior to the revamp, Headshot only worked on mobs 8 levels or more below the player. This page contains Please disable your ad blocker to support our website. He has 3k dps and Jan 25, 2010 · Ranger Headshot is on the way to be nerved soon. Unless DPG boosts headshot damage to 30-40 million this ranger bow extravaganza is over. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! Everquest Ranger Class Site. Seriously.
ifs sazaknf lyrwxq idhxm kiyi thetpk jbmvi rgxefitl oveykt bysven omqdbj shrwgt rcmiph fwkoda infly