- Swtor gift subscription 2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch Sep 21, 2020 · A cancelled subscription will remain active until the paid plan expires. I think there's a difference between giftcards and prepaid cards, never used them myself, so I don't know how they work. ) The Monthly 500 coin gift that we get for being a Sub, what is the best thing to spend that on? I am looking for something to po Oct 7, 2014 · Hey, I want to preorder Shadow of Revan, but I'm playing with a friend who can't afford it and don't want to outlevel him. Whereas a subscription keeps charging you monthly (or whatever recu Dec 29, 2015 · I found this embedded gift calculator spreadsheet googling, you put in your legacy companion gift bonus, current level and influence in your current rank , and it tells you how many of each gift is needed per influence bracket. Go to swtor. Find out what rewards you can earn as a SW:TOR subscriber . Would love to do HM flashpoints, but waiting over an hour just to run one, isn't fun at all. com for example) I've done it at least 3 times now. From what I read, visa "gift cards" allow for maximum anonymity. Select a saved payment method, or add a new one, and select Continue. Share Dec 8, 2019 · You can also gift her subscriber status by buying a time card - either a physical one that you give to her and she uses, or an electronic one that you buy on Amazon or similar (you can't buy her time on the SWTOR site unless you add your card to her account). However, the budget sometimes says "No" to the $30 sub cards that we currently have access to. Nov 3, 2024 · The MC gift card doesn't work because it requires a name and address, but none of that is on a gift card. I have the emails that show I paid and the new expiration date of 5 January 2025. May 20, 2014 · Instead of a title, pet or speeder, introduce the use of gift certificates (bound to legacy). It will give you a one-use CODE – you can then send that code to your friend or family member, and tell them to go to swtor. I cannot create a ticket because it says I'm not a subscriber. I bought one month subscription during January 11th through steam and it worked flawlessly, a new charge was made this February for another 30 day subscription and this time its not working. Yet the lower level and quality gift gives more. Whether or not you want to stay subbed or convert to preferred is going to vary per player. 0 or better. The number of certificates you'd get could be based on the total number of months you are subscribed, or just like with cartel coins, based on the subscription period. Star Wars: The Old Republic - 90 Day Prepaid Subscription Game Time Card [Online Game Code] ESRB Rating: Teen | Sep 15, 2015 | by Electronic Arts 3. Maybe not 100% complete but thought atleast share with you what I come up wi Begin your journey with one of eight origin stories, and follow the path of the light side or the dark side of the Force™. 99 whoever cashes in the code gets 90 days of subscription plus a bonus 2400 cartel coins forbeautification. As a quick presentation, I started with swtor in December of 20 Feb 20, 2014 · I feel like they should offer those larger bundles on the website. Those that feel these Cartel Coins are Free coins given to subscribers as a "thank you" of sorts and May 15, 2013 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Cartel Coins With Subscriptions: A Gift Or A Purchase? (long) Gifts are one of the main ways to make your companion strong in Star Wars: The Old Republic. But there may be other ways. com, I don't really know what to do anymore. Purple Gifts - 576 Affection per gift "Love" Gifts : 2000 - 4000 Affection Points Green Gifts - 144 Affection per gift. com gift cards don't work for me b/c outside USA. My Amazon has 60 day for $ 69. This will just make it easier than buying a time card. SWTOR username INBHKBW Message 1747 of 1,748 (274 Views) Feb 23, 2019 · You cannot trade, and a F2P needs an unlock to access a guild bank, but you can send them items and credits by mail. Over 200 gift cards. Pretty please. Please note that some Subscription Plans are governed by the game's billing system, in which case you'll need to visit your game account for upcoming billing details. Then I had to use the gift cards and buy the swtor deluxe edition which contains a 2 month subscription. 2) Same as step one, excpt instead of clicking the "buy now" button, scroll way down the page and click on the Cancel your subscription" link. Choose your preferred subscription plan and select Buy. Purple Gifts - 576 Affection per gift It's all the same in regards to what you get in-game. i get it as a birthday and christmas gift for a friend. She doesn't seem to have access to in game mail and trade seems to be similarly restricted. my mom used to pay for my swtor subscription but now she. Jul 21, 2020 · Buying SWTOR Subscription or Cartel Coins as a Gift on Steam. From gift cards to the ps store, raybands, iTunes, Amazon and many more. Offer may not be substituted, exchanged, sold or redeemed for cash or other goods or services. You can get some on Amazon but i like the 180-day sub but it is not available on there right now. Outside the USA Nov 30, 2019 · I Might catch a bit of heat for this but I want to Enlighten the player base, Especially Newer players regarding Companion Gifts, on a bit of knowledge. You can then redeem them for gift cards and of course you can always sell those gift cards for cash. (I guess the official title is still "KNIGHTS OF THE ETERNAL THRONE – PREMIUM PACK BUNDLE") Sep 10, 2020 · You can't gift a recurring subscription, so the options at the top of the store page won't work. Feb 19, 2015 · I am getting to the point where I merely log in just to do daily black hole on 5 toons and check professions and log out. If you want to get into Legends, Canon, or both or want to learn more about the Expanded Universe in general, you can find a few links in the sidebar that Sep 21, 2012 · Hopefully they who post in gold can help Will we be able to purchase Cartel Store items as gifts and send them to other players? Edit: To add to this Will we be able to purchase subscriptions with Cartel Coins. Jun 27, 2012 · You know, it's bad enough I have to even look at an option for companion gifts with Diplomacy but to zone FOUR times and STILL have nothing but Companion Gifts as options to chose from is just utterly ridiculous! Jun 1, 2021 · Hi All, I would like to leave here my opinions in general about the game specially for the subscription in terms of what it gives us as Subscribers, and some ideas in how we could improve this and eventually have more subbed players. Jan 4, 2018 · I dont know if this has been asked before, I used the search function and couldnt find anything (If anyone has a link to a post with the answer, I would appreciate it. The only way, other than buying them on the GTN, to get the fragments that I know of is from Treasure Hunting missions. Dec 17, 2011 · *NEW* INTRO Spent a long time around on google to find an easy view of all the gifts we can give to our companion, but without much luck. Gift purchases Dec 12, 2016 · Fine print: **To qualify for the “Galactic Alliance Statue” 5-Year Distinguished Veteran Reward, players must have become a SWTOR Subscriber within 90 days of the game’s official launch on December 20, 2011 and remained a continuous Subscriber as of Sunday, December 11, 2016 at 11:59PM PST / Mond Dec 25, 2012 · I agree with Darth_Victus. A true F2P can't pay for items (COD works only for subs and preferred), but just giving them stuff works fine. Gifts become less effective as higher influence brackets are reached on a companion, especially the cheaper Dec 13, 2011 · It wont allow me to set up a subscription, its telling me that i have to redeam a game code first, thing is i already have: Below is a list of valid Star Wars: The Old Republic codes that have been redeemed under this account. The only difference between the two is that when you buy game-time, you automatically get reverted to preferred status once it runs out. Especially when I have several subscriptions and regular purchases on my card. Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 Tauntaun Gift. Game. 1st. Nov 27, 2012 · I was thinking maybe give subscription players the ability to carry one extra companion with them. You may be able to buy a master card or visa Gift card put 20 bucks on it to pay for your sub. This article will also go over ways to save money on a SWTOR subscription by purchasing Star Wars: The Old Republic subscription packs and special deals. Jul 9, 2018 · Currently the only way of doing that would be to either buy a subscription card (only 60 days available) and sending it over via an unsecure channel (where the recipient could then sell it to someone else) or send them some money so they can buy the subscription time (but then, they could also not do anything and simply keep the money) Dec 8, 2012 · Heyas, I played SWTOR a LOT when it came out and I'm going to set up something for my nephew as he's a huge Star Wars fan and I think he'd love the game. I found a few stray pages with little information. Or, could I park/freeze my account so the game time Aug 24, 2015 · This thread asks about prepaid cards, maybe the visa gift cards I was thinking about are a little different. Sep 15, 2015 · This code offers the Star Wars RPG gamer awesome benefits including 90-days of unlimited prepaid Subscription access to all of the exciting game features and an unparalleled story-driven experience all the way to Level 75. team can't seem to figure it out. There are many different packages and ways to subscribe, and which one is best depends on how you want to play. Basically an option to gift a friend a subscription if you have their username or email. (Amazon. So, buying another subscriptio YES! I want to give one year (10 issues) of The New Republic to a friend for only $20. Subscribe Now! You want to purchase the "swtor bundle" (that's the easiest search) - for $39. After that they sent me a key and I could use it to claim the deluxe edition on the swtor website. Subscription Plans Get unlimited gameplay access, free monthly Cartel Coins, free expansions and more. com/topic/556899-non-recurring-60-day-subscription/ Dec 18, 2015 · Game Time awarded at the end of the first paid month or paid subscription period or end of the first paid Game Time Card period. If you are looking for SWTOR, aka Star Wars The Old Republic, redeem codes to get free pets, mounts, cosmetics, in-game currency, and other lucrative rewards, then we have got . Same goes with subscriptions. Redeeming your Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Pre-Paid Game Time Card will immediately add sixty (60) days of play time to your account! Beginning at launch on December 20, 2011, 12:01AM CST, if you have redeemed a Product Registration Code, your pre-paid 60 days of play time will begin upon the expiration of the 30 days of game time Jan 30, 2018 · Dont know if you can do this but. Nov 30, 2019 · I Might catch a bit of heat for this but I want to Enlighten the player base, Especially Newer players regarding Companion Gifts, on a bit of knowledge. If anyone has any suggestions, or a direction to point me in, it would be greatly appreciated. 0GHz or better Memory: 6 GB RAM Graphics: Star Wars: The Old Republic requires a video card that has a minimum of 1 GB of on-board RAM as well as support for Shader 3. May 22, 2024 · I paid for another 6 month subscription on 28 June and on 7 July swtor placed me back on Preferred Status. com, then to Account to log in to your account. Play Now. Thx. On the Imperial fleet, the Curator is right next to the regular Gift Vendor (I can only assume the same on the Republic fleet). Feb 23, 2012 · Complete List of Rank 5 "Love" Gifts "Love" Gifts : 0 - 2000 Affection Points Green Gifts - 144 Affection per gift. Through unfortunate events, I have to take a break from SWToR and would be a shame to waste the remaining game time since I've paid for it. Thanks. Click the "buy now" button under the 180 days sub option. This reference guide will help you find out which gifts are good for which companions - gifts that they love will reward you with more influence than ones they only favorite or like. You will need to either send them your friend link, and have them click it, or have them send you their Friend Code So I had to find a workaround to disable that feature so I could access Origin and view swtor. My brother is interested in playing, and I wanted to purchase a sub for him, but I'm not interested in using a different card than I use for my own account. If you can't fix them, at least make them exchangeable for a different category of companion gift. Blue Gifts - 240 Affection per gift. Pay a couple more dollars for the subscription to Improve servers' stability, health and maintenance for the foreseeable future (Including upgrades such as the DirectX 12, textures and other future AI graphical enhancements as well as all the old bugs that have been hurting the game since launch). Store. SWTOR. The Unofficial Official subreddit for Fetch Rewards 🎁. Look I know the whole thing is an MMO but it would be nice if someone could carry an extra companion with them. 90-Day Gift Card; 180-Day Gift Card 14,500 Cartel Coin Code Card Aug 6, 2012 · I have been helped out by my guild when I was in a pinch by someone loaning me a 60 day card and I would love to be able to easily pass that help on. Forums. Please provide a one month option for cards or gift subs. Both get something but the non-customer gets the 30 days free as a hook to try to keep them as a sub after it expires. Or Cartel Cards. com/articles/star-wars-the-old-republic-is-now-available-on-steam/#Buying_SWTOR_Subscription_or_Cartel_Coins_as_a_Gift_on_Steam Otherwise, it's surprisingly hard to buy it for a gift if they are not using steam. eBay has some but it takes a couple for weeks and to have to pay postage and customs on top of that doubles the price. Members Online First time doing imperial makeb-honestly, this is way too much interesting than republic side. Dec 6, 2012 · I was wondering if there was a way to "gift" cartel coins to a player as a Christmas present or other gift. By MysticCowboy April 19, 2012 in General Discussion. You can purchase that one as a gift. 75 - way too high. Feb 13, 2014 · The 60-Day Pre-Paid Game Time Code gives you full access to Star Wars: The Old Republic game content and features. Follow the on-screen prompts to reactivate your subscription. May 4, 2016 · Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to give, as a gift, my remaining subscription time to someone else. The money has been removed from my bank account yet my account has a preferred status as of yesterday February 12. Posted November 17, 2017. Is there any way for me to purchase this for him and let him redeem a code or something? You can subscribe to STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ by setting up an automatic recurring payment or using the one-time payment option. Please fix courting gifts. Mar 5, 2016 · A gift that says large amount of affection for two different companions but one get 200 the other get 2000+ seems odd to say large amount for both. Nov 21, 2012 · Maybe I've missed something but my kid started playing SWTOR when it went F2P and I was looking for a way to give her some unlocks from the cartel market. Also let us level up past 50 say maybe till 55-60 so we can get extra abilities. May not be combined with any other offer, Gift Card, rebate or discount co·upon. News. It ended up with this document. Jun 16, 2018 · We should be able to buy subscriptions and cartel coins as gifts for people. 02. Apr 6, 2022 · You can probably buy it through Steam as a gift like you could with a game for someone else but you're probably gonna run into paying and not getting the sub time for them, then that's gonna be a complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ if it doesn't go through because now you're contacting support for both yourself and on behalf of your friend. Smugglers Crate is the leading Star Wars themed subscription box, bringing officially licensed gear and collectibles from a Galaxy Far Far Away to fans worldwide! Feb 17, 2019 · Going to keep this short and simple. Under Subscriptions & Cartel Coins, choose the Subscriptions tab, and select Add Subscription. Support. Click on the "Edit Subscription" link. In the case of gifts you can purchase it tells you the total you need to spend in the relevant currency too. Any help appreciated. Is there maybe a way to take a game time card and conver Welcome to the **Star Wars Expanded Universe** subreddit! We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories. Wield a blaster or swing a lightsaber, fight under the banner of the Galactic Republic or the Sith Empire, and experience hours worth of fully-voiced cinematic storytelling. Aug 28, 2020 · Amazon. Nov 8, 2016 · It's been almost a full year. Also a blue level 3 gift giving 500+ to a companion and a purple level 5 only giving 200 to the same character seems odd as both also say large amount. If you are able to pay for 1 month subscription, you should have to buy a item from the store that gives it, but make that item sellable so you can throw it up on the GTN for credits, that way if you wanna spend 18 dollars then sell a item that gives 1 month subscription, then sell that item for 500k credits or something, it takes out the gold farmer and helps Apr 19, 2012 · SWTOR. You can subscribe to STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ by setting up an automatic recurring payment or using the one-time payment option. Jul 26, 2015 · Do you want to subscribe to SWTOR, but don't want to give your credit card information out on the internet, just in case? Or perhaps you don't have a credit card, or you just prefer to avoid credit cards. Set up a recurring subscription Feb 13, 2018 · Not really, standard business practice to give non subs or non customers a 30 day free trial by being referred by a friend. So that just tells me that there are more F2P peopl Jan 19, 2021 · It shows the number of gifts(of each rank and quality) needed to reach the next bracket of influence ranks, as well as the cost. Firstly you'd have to make sure your friend has SWTOR setup on Steam; then you'll need to cross your fingers and hope that Steam/SWTOR has gotten their act together and started crediting peoples' accounts immediately rather than waiting hours or days for the purchase to register on both sides (I've been seeing a lot of complaints that I'm glad I got it from the SWTOR site back when it wasn't available on Steam yet, or else I may have made the same mistake. Mar 12, 2017 · 1) Cilck on MY SWTOR (^^ up there ^^), and log in. Loyal You can most definitely gift Cartel Coins, my dear. Yeah, I'll never do this again Mar 11, 2012 · I just don't get it, what purpose does it serve? other than being a annoying Feb 6, 2024 · TL;DR My take as I have been a recurring subscriber since 2013 with no lapse: 1. I looked at the some the "ask for support options" but they all go back to steam and not SWTOR. May 3, 2013 · Why not add a way for people to purchase blocks of Subscription time from the Cartel Market and sell them on the Galactic Trade Network for credits? Similar to the concept of PLEX in Eve Online, these blocks would have to be purchased with real currency or Cartel Coins, then sold on the open mark Apr 28, 2013 · https://forums. Over the life of this game there have been many ways to pay to play, from cartel coin cards, game time cards to credit card subscriptions. Gift subscriptions include print and digital magazines. Plus, you’ll receive complimentary Cartel Coins, unlimited access to Warzones, Flashpoints and Operations. Set up a recurring subscription I bought a subscription through Steam gift, the account status did not change, the subscription was not activated. I was unable to pay for a subscription on the SWTOR site because my "card could not be processed". Mystery boxes with Star Wars Gifts, Star Wars collectibles, Star Trek Gifts, Game of Thrones Gifts, Black Series Action figures, Marvel Legends Action figures, DC Comics gifts, merchandise, statues, movie props and more for fans of the biggest comic, sci-fi and fantasy franchises in the world. 4 out of 5 stars Nov 16, 2017 · I doubt there is an way to buy an gift Subscription directly on swtor. It seems now that the only way someone can buy cartel coins is with their own credit card or payment method linked to their account. There is a companion gift vender on the fleet in the mid stall where the GTN is that sells Rank 5 Gifts for 10k a pop. swtor. Once you pay for them on Amazon, you're simply given a code to apply on the Code Redemption page of your SWTOR account. Here is a quick list to help you out with with what gifts each of your companion likes. Apologies, You seem to receive a lot of these! I went ahead and sent a report to support with my screenshots about an hour ago now, hoping my returning experience doesn't continue to be this rocky :eadisappointed: Steam and SWTOR ID: ZStoneheart Cheers! Minimum: OS: Windows 10 or later – 64-bit Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better / Intel Core 2 Duo 2. You will need to first add them as a friend. Jul 22, 2020 · Should I create a in game support ticket to ask them everything is ok or not? I remember asking them to check my character name if its ok in terms of naming policy, and they quickly sent me an email like "hey xxxxxx we need to talk about your account, it seems you violated the rules" but they didn't ban me or anything they just gave me an token to rename my character which happened in the Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Both methods grant you subscriber status. Preferably in the 1 month variety and give them as gifts. I did however have a problem with SWTOR when I resubbed a few months ago in preparation for LOTS. May 15, 2013 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Cartel Coins With Subscriptions: A Gift Or A Purchase? (long) May 15, 2013 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Cartel Coins With Subscriptions: A Gift Or A Purchase? (long) Jul 26, 2020 · If I were you I'd wait on doing any Steam gift purchases. Again, i do not know if you can do that, but i hope it helps you. com and log in to their account to redeem the code. To buy a gift for a friend, they must have a Steam account (you do not get a code they can redeem like a normal gift card). If yes I made a little guide for how to buy for a friend https://swtorista. Use Referral Code: D1NGU for 1,000! Points! New Users. How do I go about purchasing something from the Ca Must have previously signed up for a Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ recurring subscription using a valid payment method, redeemed a Star Wars: The Old Republic game time code or redeemed a Star Wars: The Old Republic game product Registration code; Account must be in an inactive Subscription status due to cancellation or non-payment Begin your journey with one of eight origin stories, and follow the path of the light side or the dark side of the Force™. Members; 37 Author; Dec 2, 2024 · Can you please make a 12 month subscription that is affordable? The 6 month subscription is to much to pay every six months 180 days. Dec 16, 2011 · Take on a variety of enemies in action-packed Star Wars combat ; Immerse yourself in the story with interactive narration featuring full voiceover ; Provides a 60-day subscription to Star Wars: The Old Republic (game not included) Choose your side in this award-winning massively-multiplayer online game › Feb 9, 2012 · I have just cancelled my subscription, but I would like to leave you with one last suggestion since your dev. There is nothing really to do. The only option right now is the 60 days game time at the bottom of the store page. Now gamers can jump into the center of their own Star Wars: The Old Republic cinematic story-driven online RPG adventure with this Prepaid Subscription Game Time code, a fast and easy way to jump into the game with maximum access to three major game expansions, Knights of the Fallen Empire, Shadow of Revan and Rise of the Hutt Cartel taking you all the way to Level 65. If you can't fix them, please remove them from the game, or at least prevent them from dropping. I have a guild member in a pinch and cannot afford to send him a 60 day card, but being able to get him a $15 month of play would be a lot more fea Jul 13, 2017 · But after that if they still enjoyed the game and wanted to play as a sub to keep the unlocks, they're not able to afford to pay a reccurring subscription and I wondered if there was any way for me to buy/gift subscription to their account if they want to keep playing? Things to keep in mind:-I/we are both UK based, NOT in America. Dec 30, 2024 · If someone already has a 180 day recurring subscription and purchases the Starbolt Edition bundle, how is the 180 subscription time that comes with the bundle handled? If the current 180 days does not expire until February 2025, is the 180 day that comes with the bundle added in February? Sorry i Dec 25, 2011 · Hey everyone, as many of us are approaching 50, we are all trying to gain affection to our companions so they can perform crew skills faster. Dec 1, 2021 · If your in a qualifying country (as I've not checked the fine print) - you can buy a code and give said code to a player to gift them subscription time. This code is also a great way to gift the fun of exciting RPG gameplay to a friend in the Star Wars: The Old Republic Ana Amazon SWTOR Gift Card is the EASIEST way to gift someone a SWTOR gift. May 2, 2017 · How do I do a gift purchase of cartel coins or 1 time 60 day subscription? Jump to content. Nov 28, 2015 · There are 3rd party sites where you can buy virtual game-time cards without having them "bound" to any account so you can just buy the code, pass it to a friend and have him redeem it. My only question is should I give him 6 months of full access or go for a FTP model gift with the money added to his account for spending in th Hi guys! I have a question; do any of you know if it's possible to give a swtor subscription as a gift? I don't know if it's possible to buy a subscription for another account (I don't know their password) and as far as I know you can only buy it for your own account. it lists all the companion gifts in an accessible format for quick Mar 6, 2025 · This guide shares all active redeem codes for SWTOR while talking about how you can redeem the codes to get free rewards. Thank you in advance. com. May 15, 2013 · There has been a lot of discussion about the Cartel Coins given to subscribers (in virtually every thread where the CM is being discussed) and from what I can see there are essentially two camps. I would love to be able to do like on Amazon getting a digital key code to gift to my fri Dec 12, 2012 · And it's called the Curator (or the Gift Curator). Jul 30, 2014 · It would be great to be able to help out a guildie or friend with a quick $15 sub if they need it. Dec 10, 2022 · Is there a way to gift subscription to someone else? If I wanted to give them for example the one time 60-days sub? How can I go about it? Don't see that option in My Account, all just says it will be automatically added to my account. For instance, it would You can subscribe to STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ by setting up an automatic recurring payment or using the one-time payment option. Jun 14, 2016 · One thing I've really been wanting for a long time is the option for a "family" or "group" subscription plan. NO ONE WILL USE YOUR PTR UNLESS YOU PROVIDE AN INCENTIVE. ----- 12. I would love to be able to easily gift big chunks of CC to my friends for birthdays/holidays. This can be as simple as starting characters at level 50 so others can try new classes/specs an Jan 24, 2013 · Is it possible to gift a preorder to the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion? Do EA/Bioware offer that as an option when purchasing? Just wondering as a friend, who is also a subscriber, may not be able to buy it for themselves, and I might be able to cover their costs. EvilGussy. Is making me pay for my swtor subscription. Most times my budget will allow me to do that. Set up a recurring subscription Jul 16, 2013 · All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Dear Bioware: About Your Free "Gifts" The first month of subscription is 110% worth it, since it permanently unlocks all available expansions at the time of subbing. Influence ranks are grouped into seven different brackets: 1-5, 6-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, and 40-50. Sep 15, 2015 · Added Value. You can buy them in 2400, 5500 and even 14,5000 coin packs. cnuup gzby fixiar vcjps ahhgpo xluwdp tcyxc teapy emie nsiezg yrgolu tsguy rvcjg rbp vqvmflz