Whirlm variants tip Who red/pink whirlm varint (yes i know varint is spelled wrong). If you feed Whirlm a watercress seed, it changes Whirlm’s color to green. Robean: Trick 1 - Hazelnut Tree Seed. As a small bird, it can fly onto other larger piñatas, tree branches, buildings, and certain decorations. Like an actual worm, it will crawl around a garden. Galagoogoos Master Romancer is an award obtained by having seven of a species of Piñata resident in your Garden at the same time. Variants: Feed it a thistle flower for a purple variant Feed it a water lily flower for a A Squazzil is an orange and yellow squirrel piñata. The Fizzlybear also has a pattern of brown Nov 20, 2006 · What did work was doing things like feeding a turnip to a Whirlm and making the little guy turn purple or give a Taffly a buttercup seed to turn him yellow. They love to climb trees and seem to fascinate the Chewnicorns and Orchids. Resident requirement. You get the first wildcard by using the method stated above. It can fly unlike the Rashberry, and it is seemingly based on the phrase "When pigs fly. Esta piñata es muy fácil de conseguir y es uno de los requisitos de la sparrowmint los requisitos de residencia son: tienes un pinometro de tierra; los requisitos de enamoramiento es tienes un pinometro de tierra en tu jardín Variant 1 burgundy : 1. It has a round, plump body with thick black stripes through it, the black stripes have orange zig-zags in them. Feed it with the turnip for change in violet for have the first variant. Tinkered items 6. This is a Whirlm, a worm with a big-eye 1 Whirlm in the garden helps meet the Sparrowmint Appear requirements. This is possible by one of three ways or a combination of the three ways. Player must get the Whirlm romance award. Most of its body are green, but the two heads are orange with different patterns on them. Go to "Pinatas" and select a species - click on the option for Variant to see what's required for that species. If you feed Whirlm a lily seed changes, it changes Whirlm's color to pink. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited. Leafos after the Bunnycomb appears. In Viva Piñata, it is sold for 3080 chocolate coins at Miss Petula's Paper Pets shop in the village starting at level 25. S'morepion: Trick 1 - Mushroom . Also feeding a Whirlm to a Roario will teach your Roario pinata a trick. The Pigxie is a purple deformed pig Piñata with wings. Requisitos de residencia Comerse 2 Whirlm. Focus Reset There is a Whirlm house in the garden. It has orange patterns on its body. The frilly, trilling Newtgat is a general pond favourite, sharing many traits with its nemesis the Lickatoad: a penchant for puddle-hopping, a low rank on the food chain and some interesting evolutionary Feb 6, 2011 · 10 wildcard species of pinatas. Have a Sparrowmint house in the garden. The rest of the body are different colors, ranging from purple, red, blue, and yellow, in the order from how far away it is from the face. Other information: Will keep Buzzlegums from becoming residents in your garden. A second way is buying from the Paper Pets store. Leafos gossips. Resident Requirements: Has eaten 1 Whirlm. (Random chance per profile, not a set 2). They are also nocturnal, and only visit the garden during the night. They have a love for Mothdrops, Tulips, and Moon-on-a-Sticks. Its head is brown, it has yellow and purple markings around its eyes, and it has green irises. If you feed Whirlm a turnip changes, it changes Whirlm’s color to a dark purple. If you feed Whirlm a lily seed changes, it changes Whirlm’s color to pink. The Whirlm is a small worm pinata who appears very early in all of the videogames. For Whirlms, the conditions The Buzzenge is a brown Buzzard piñata. Dec 21, 2008 · Wildcard Variants: 1. It aired in the United States on September 16, 2006 and in Canada on December 2, 2006. They also get scared of the Pretztail, a piñata that they despise. First: white spikes down back My Second: coller of spikes that matches the whirlm colors Her Second: two antenna matching the whirlm colors I'll get pictrures to put up later for proof. It has a red and cyan pattern on its body. EDIT: The woman who birthed me has master romanced every pinata and gotten every wildcard. Credit goes to the ones who selflessly uploaded their pinatas for Aug 30, 2024 · This page was last edited on 30 August 2024, at 18:24. In Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise Paper Pets doesn't exist and it is instead purchased from Gretchen Fetchem's. To know if a piñata is a wildcard look at its value. Visit requirement. The outer layer is blue, then orange, then blue again, while the apex Sep 18, 2008 · Trick 2 - Whirlm. Attracted to the soil, it will almost instantly visit and become a resident. For example, if you feed a turnip to a Whirlm, it changes color to a purple Whirlm. Variantes Comerse una campanilla Comerse una bote de miel Comerse una medicina ---Fudgehog--- Imagen Requisitos de aparición Cuarta noche después de hacerte cargo del jardín. It has a yellow tail with a blue and orange pattern, and red tentacles protruding out of each side of its mouth. It can only be found in the Piñarctic. info community is the #1 guide to the Viva Pinata Xbox 360 game and television series. You can only get 2 of the 3 wildcard variants by breeding. How do you get Taffly in Viva Pinata? May 11, 2016 · Variants: Feeding it a bluebell flower changes its color to blue. So like you’ll have a whirlm that has little horns, etc. It is the evolved form of the Rashberry. A few species such as the Dragonache and the Choclodocus cannot hatch from an egg on their own over time and require a Cluckles to hatch the egg for them. Has eaten 1 chili seed. A wild-card is a rare piñata which is visually different from a regular piñata of that species, and has a far greater value than a regular piñata. In Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise it is found in the wild instead, and thus has appearance, visit Aug 22, 2020 · How do I get Whirlm variants? Variants. But they A variant is a differently-colored version of a species. Instead, it must be purchased from Paper Sep 18, 2008 · Amalrik - Info on Peckanmix's + Polollybear's 3rd variants that were missing, and correcting Goobaa's Pink variant. Simple as that. Good news! You have attracted a Mousemallow! This little piñata must have smelled a turnip in your garden. Eating 1 Whirlm helps meet the Sparrowmint Resident requirements. Aug 23, 2015 · Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies. Some species have to eat more than one item to change colors. Resident requirements: Romancing 2 Whirlms. Has eaten 1 Bispotti. The Kittyfloss is a domestic orange cat piñata. The Choclodocus egg My issue currently though is for some reason I still haven't gotten the 3rd variant of my whirlm, even though I traded my 2nd stage wildcard and had the other user romance it. A Fudgehog is a multicolored hedgehog Piñata. The PinataIsland. (say raisants) you fill their romance requirements (eating a sandwich and having a raisant house in your garden Did you see that Bunnycomb appear! He must be able to smell the carrot in your garden. Each species has three color variants (one color variant for Pocket Paradise) which must be discovered through various means. The Kittyfloss has a yellow face with a red and orange pattern. It has an orange body, and red feet. It has a purple, tiny, stub tail, and purple leg markings, like that of a Giant Panda. My fiance and I have both been playing and we both got the same first wildcard whirlm but each of us got a different second wildcard whilrm. Similar mistreatment of the The Fizzlybear is a big bright orange grizzly bear piñata. You have 1 square pinometer of snow (1%). Romance requirements: Has eaten one Whirlm. •*´¨`*•. This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements. It also has various shades of brown in a pattern covering its body, belly, and tail. Feeding it a Jack 'o Lantern changes its color to orange. . The Rashberry is a purple pig piñata. Here are the list of 5 species that would be some of fastest residents: Total 15 Variants possible of these i listed, so you should be able Run your cursor over the Whirlm and it's be called Whirlm 1, then press to bring up its basic information. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. Unlike actual hedgehogs, they have the first one or two will allow you to see the default wildcard variant then after you get those two wildcards romance the two existing wildcards to see a secondary one then when you finish getting the second wildcard variant decide which one you like best and sell the other two wildcards that you don't plan to keep for 10 times normal value In TiP, there are 3 different wildcards for every species. Resident requirements: You must have a sparrowmint house in your garden Romance two whirlms. Can only be found in the Piñarctic. Evolution is not the same as Variants, which are simply different colors of the same piñata species. Evolution occurs when specific requirements are met. Its gills are red, and its large eyes have green irises. Have 5 Candary in the garden. 0) unless otherwise noted. Dec 12, 2018 · To obtain this, you need to do all Langston's Challenges for the countries in Region 3 (China, Japan, Korea and India). Variants: Feeding it a watercress flower changes its color to green. Garden must have 10 Squares of soil or Dec 19, 2006 · Eaglair require for White variant; Transforms to Cheese +Nightshade Berry*: Rashberry require for Purple variant +Orchid Flower*: Bonboon requires for White variant +Poison Ivy Flowerhead: Barkbark, Dragumfly, Fudgehog, Galagoogoo, Taffly require for Green variant +Poppy Flower*: White Flutterscotch requires for Red variant; Juicygoose requires Jan 6, 2009 · To get a variant piñata, you have to feed it something. The Bunnycomb is a blue bunny piñata. Feeding a piñata certain items will change their color. Easily attracted by the meagrest of bouquets, a Taffly has many uses: mobile fruity fertilizer factory, raw material for a Hot species, bait for Arocknids and Lickatoads nobody said insect life was easy. 0 International (CC BY-SA 4. 4 Whirlms in the garden helps meet the Fudgehog Visit requirements. It has a long thin tail with yellow and red rings leading to an orange tip. People post on here occasionally for trades but can’t vouch for the effectiveness. I was wondering, is there something like a 50% chance to get either variation 2 or 3 of the final wildcard for your account? Whirlm [] la wirlm es una piñata aparentemente un gusano que aparece prácticamente en todos los juegos y en la serie. It is the first piñata that will be encountered in the games. Honey is used COULEURS1- graine de cresson2- graine de nénuphars 3- un radisTOURS1- fleur de bouton d'or2- graine de bouton d'or There is a Whirlm house in the garden; Variants – Feeding it a turnip changes its colour to a dark purple. •* Trick requirements • Missing information Romancing two of the wildcard whirlms with bumps will then give you either the whirlm with a frill or the whirlm with two antennae, but you'll only be able to obtain the one kind through romancing, you cannot romance for both. The whirlm doesn't need anything to romance aside from a house, so start with those, and then go down the list. It has a big light brown and darker brown tail, large brown wings, and yellow feet. Feed it with the water lily's seed for change in fuchsia for have the second variant. Arocknids and Reddhotts will fight. Variant 3 light blue : 1. Refer to each Piñata’s description to see which foods cause them to become variants, as well as what each variant looks like! Protected by copyright. Whirlm Page 4 of the full game walkthrough for Viva Piñata: Trouble In Paradise. Have 3 square pinometers of snow (3%). Every time you discover a new variant, you are awarded more experience. The Pigxie is created by cross romancing a Nov 16, 2006 · --Feed a Whirlm a Turnip (or a blackberry, I cannot remember), and it will turn purple--Feed a Bunnycomb a Pumpkin, and it will turn orange. Although they don’t care about what people think of them, they grow jealous of the Horstachio, and may even beat them in fights. Tener su casa en el jardín. The Buzzlegum can produce honey and by redirecting it to the Honey Hive it will produce honey to use. Each challenge requires the player to send a particular pinata at full "Whirlm with a Dream" is the seventh episode of Viva Piñata's first season. The Rashberry cannot be found in the wild. Eating 1 Whirlm helps meet the Roario Trick requirements. Use this list to breed pinatas in the Sep 11, 2008 · I will break down the math of the amount of experience for obtaining every variant: 85 pinata * 3 variants * 4 experience petals = 1020 9 flutterscotch variants * 4 experience petals = 36 Total amount of experience possible = 1056 petals The average number of experience petals required from 40+ is 60 so you would get 17. Variants. Garden must have 2 Whirlm residents. Educated mistreatment of Syrupent eggs can result in this two-pronged mutation. The Mousemallow is a pink mouse piñata. The Galagoogoo make cry-like sounds while they’re awake, and even when sleeping. Usually only one condition must be met, though some have slightly more complicated requirements. It has yellow markings above its mouth, and a multiple layered circular shell. Click on the section called Basic Info and then press to rename your first piñata resident. Viva Pinata. All the links below are provided by vivapinata. The Whirlm appears as soon as you wack away the first bit of dry land with your shovel. Eating 2 Whirlms helps meet the Cluckles Romance requirements. Every species has three color variants which must be discovered through various means. You have a Whirlm in the garden; Visit You have 2 Whirlms in the garden; Resident After 2 Whirlms have Romanced; Romance Has eaten a Whirlm; Have a Sparrowmint house in the garden; Color Variants Eating a Water Lily flower changes their color to pink; Benefits: Feeding a Buttercup flower to a Sparrowmint will turn them into a Candary You must have a whirlm resident in your garden. They are very small, and are mainly used to attract the Jameleon into your garden, although certain colors have other uses as well. Have a Candary in the garden. Feeding it a water lily flower changes its color to pink. Jun 29, 2012 · This is the Purple Variant of the whirl on Viva Pinata, and very easy to do! The Mallowolf is a blue wolf piñata, despite being called a gray wolf in reality. Have a Robean house in the garden Feb 2, 2013 · When even just a sliver of your land is prepped, you’ll see a video of your first piñata arrive. Got a Hazelnut Tree? In that case you've probably got a few Squazzils too. They live in a coral-like tree and are deeply terrified of Arocknids. ¸¸. It is particularly unhelpful in its Sour form as it scares off visitors, and pigs must fly before it is tamed. Visit requirements: You must have two whirlms residents in your garden. Variants: Turnip: Purple Water Lily Seed Jan 15, 2020 · Piñatas are smart enough to know what to do; targeting a Sparrowmint, then targeting a Whirlm, will cause the Sparrowmint to attack and eat the Whirlm. It has a yellow beak, it has markings that make it look like it is wearing glasses, and it has blue irises. Each pinata and the things you can do with it are ranked by difficult. Variants Master Made 20 variant The Galagoogoo is a reclusive pink bush baby piñata that can only be encountered at night. Trick 2 - Fireweed Flower Jul 19, 2008 · Variants ----- Taffly : Poison Ivy Flowerhead Blackberry Seed Sparrowmint : Watercress Flower Whirlm : Watercress Seed Reddhot : Carrot Cake (transform Carrot) Bluebell seed Shellybean : Bluebell Flower Ear of Corn Quackberry : Bluebell seed Squazzil : Watercress Seed bunnycomb : Pumpkin Mousmallow : Bluebell and Daisy Syrupent : Buttercup Truco 1: Pieena Truco 2: Whirlm Robean: Variante Naranja: Zanahoria Variante verde: Batido de grosella Variante Morada: Flor de Laurel de San Antonio (Fireweed) Truco 1: Semilla de avellana Truco 2: Avellana S’morepion: Variante Blanca: Leche Variante Morada: Flor de cactus Variante Naranja: Lámparas de calabaza Truco 1: Cicuta (Hemlock Flutterscotch are butterfly piñata that come in various colors and designs. Its ears are orange and red, its eyelids are red, and it has orange irises. Feed a Whirlm a turnip to change its color to purple. Its tail is a part of its body, and it has stubby small legs. Feeding it a Venus pinata trap changes its color to yellow. Wing ears 3. Its face is asymmetrical, with its head permanently twisted to the left. When minding their own businesses, the Chewnicorn might start a fight with these short animals and often might get them sick. Nov 24, 2006 · Here is a list of variants available for each species and what to feed it to get the desired color. For example, to get a Whirlm variant, you will need to feed your Whirlm a turnip. " Its body shape is very similar to the Rashberry. There is a Whirlm house in the Aug 18, 2010 · Comerse 1 seta venenosa. It has black antennae, a red star pattern around its eye, and brown irises. They are full of energy and are quite a happy species. Dec 21, 2008 · A Pinata's meter will also usually fill up while you are going for that species Master Romancer award, so the candy isn't necessary but it is the fastest way. Requisitos de visita Tener 4 Whirlm o 2 cardos en el jardín. A wildcard piñata will have a value of 10,000 or more coins higher than its regular value in the original Viva Piñata game, or ten times its original value in Viva Piñata: Trouble in Jul 30, 2016 · The Whirlm pinata is needed to get the Sparrowmint pinata, the Profitamole visit requirements, and the Cluckles romance requirement. In addition, the Twingersnap and The Moozipan is a domestic tan and pink cow piñata. Variant 2 bright yellow : 1. The Taffly may seem a little bit lazy, but to put it to work you only have to give it a piece of fruit. If you do the wildcard minigame with 2 wildcard parents, you will get either the 2nd or 3rd wildcard (chosen randomly when you start your file). The Whirlm is well known for repeatedly entering a garden and becoming a resident due to its incredibly simple visiting and resident requirements, where it only needs 10 square pinometers of soil or grass to be satisfied with a garden The Newtgat is a small pink newt/axolotl piñata. Have a resident S'morepion in the garden. Different colored Flutterscotches can be obtained by feeding the White Flutterscotch different foods and depending on the food, the player will get a different variant with a completely Jun 6, 2013 · Variants Snapdragon Seed: Light pink, almost white Venus Piñata Trap flower: Yellowish-orange Bottle of Medicine (tinkered Honey): Light orange, believe it or not Whirlm Arocknid Appear Requirements Gardener Level 6 Visit Requirements 4 Taffly Residents or 4 Raisant Residents Residents Requirements Eat 2 Tafflies or Eat 2 Raisants Romance Requirements Eat 2 Buzzlegum Arocknid House Variants Bluebell Flower Jack o Lantern Water Lily Flower Badgesicle Appear Requirements Have 2 Nocturnal Residents (Fudgehog, Galagoogoo, Mallowolf, Mothdrop, Pretztail, Sherbat The PinataIsland. You have 1 square pinometer of soil or grass Have a Whirlm house in the garden Variant 1 requirements: Has eaten Aug 23, 2015 · Appear Requirements: Have 1 resident Whirlm in the garden. Trick 2 - Hemlock Flower. It can also fly over most fences, so a bird proof fence is required to block off this piñata from accessing a certain zone. It has an orange band around its belly, its lower back is yellow and it has a purple pattern on its hind legs. Edited September 19, 2008 by rileyvace CrAzYnEsS Piñata VariAnts Almost every Piñata has multiple variant appearances, triggered when they eat a certain type of food. Wings have curled tips 2. The Whirlm is an orange worm piñata in Viva Piñata. The Raisant is a small red ant piñata. May 11, 2016 · Appear requirements: Have 1 Whirlm resident in the garden. General hints and tips; 3: Story walkthrough; 4: Master Achievements; 5: Oct 31, 2008 · Click on the DS icon on the top right, and go to the Encyclopedia. Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to orange. The Rashberry is a species that proves rotten food can be useful, if you can be sure to keep the Mallowolves out of your pen. A S'morepion loves a juicy chili Hey! Check the encyclopedia and go to pinata awards. feed it with the watercress for change in green for have the 3rd variant •*´¨`*•. Trick 2 - Hazelnut. Have a Level 3 piñata in 🎉Games catalogue, archive, references and gifs blog 🎉 Viva Piñata sideblogs: @pinata-central-archive, @pinata-aesthetic-paradise, @vp-memes-uwu, @theglittersalamango-moved 🎉 main: @theglittersalamango 🎉 The Cluckles is a red chicken piñata in Viva Piñata, most likely named after the candy Chuckles. you need two resident pinatas of the same species. In Viva Piñata, they are like a 1 in 10,000 chance when romancing. Variants can breed with normal Pinatas, but will only yield normal offspring. It has a somewhat thick tail. It can be ordered to hatch an egg immediately, by selecting the Cluckles and then selecting the Egg with the cursor. Other information: Squazzils will stay away from the garden when a Twingersnap is present. The Robean is a brown ball-shaped robin piñata introduced in Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise. Piñata Island pet shops cater equally to Kittyfloss and Barkbark lovers, but don't try to The Twingersnap is a green two headed snake piñata. please subscribe A Taffly is a small blue fly piñata. com. Given a steady food source, they'll stick A wildcard piñata is a piñata that has a different physical trait from the normal species. They also love the idea of being Irish, as their romance is Irish-themed, and like top hats. Leafos after the Mousemallow appears. A Robean can't stop eating holly berries. The third way is to acquire them from Gretchen Fetchem The Shellybean is a blue and orange snail piñata. For answers to commonly asked Rashberry questions, see below. 6 levels from variants May 11, 2016 · Variants: Feeding it a snapdragon seed will change its color to purple. Feeding it a water lily changes Color Variants Eating a Turnip changes their color to purple; Eating a Watercress seed changes their color to green; Eating a Water Lily seed changes their color to pink; Benefits: Having a Whirlm in the garden helps meet the Sparrowmint Appear, Visit, and Resident requirements; Eating a Whirlm helps meet the Roario Trick requirements Jun 6, 2013 · Viva Pinata at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies The Whirlm is a worm piñata in Viva Piñata. They love to hop around the garden and have a great love for carrots. Originally from desert lands, the Zumbug is a circus piñata and is the Jul 21, 2008 · Romance Requirements Feed it 3 Chilies 3 lights of any kind are in the garden Variants Bluebell Seed= Blue Water Lily Flower= Pink Carrot Cake= Red Roario Appear Requirements Level 38 Visit Requirements 5 Doenuts are residents 5 Zumbugs are residents Garden value reaches 40,000 Chocolate Coins Resident Requirements Feed it 2 Doenuts Feed it 2 Evolution is the act of changing a Piñata into a different species, such as turning a Doenut into a Moojoo. It has orange irises. IMO, a huge waste of time. Salamango: Trick 1 - Chilli. If directed to eat a fruit or berry, it will The Buzzlegum is a yellow bee piñata. You’ll need to trade for the third. Romance requirements: Feed it a whirlm. It has orange eyestalks with blue stripes wrapping around them, and green irises. Each challenge requires the player to send a particular pinata at full The Zumbug is a purple zebra piñata evolved from the Horstachio. These energetic little critters are unlikely to cause trouble, but fence them off before letting a Twingersnap into your garden or you risk mass panic. Whirlm [] la wirlm es una piñata aparentemente un gusano que aparece prácticamente en todos los juegos y en la serie. Visit requirements: Have 2 Whirlm residents in the garden. If it romances with the graceful Swanana, it might produce some interesting results. After being tamed its eyes start blinking red and it is able to scare Ruffians. They are not very sociable, mainly because of Nov 2, 2008 · Tips and advices 4. Every player gets either one or the other of the two variants for each species so the only way to obtain the third -Whirlm journal entry. Have a Fir Tree in I’m assuming you’re playing Trouble in Paradise. Its face is green, and has a darker green rectangle around its eyes as if it had a mask, and it has blue irises. Perhaps the easiest prey on Piñata Island, Raisants are an easy meal for everything from Arocknids to Fizzlybears. Variants: Turnip: Purple Water Lily Seed: Dark Pink Watercress Seed: Green Tricks [Insert Catalyst] May 14, 2009 · Variants If you feed Whirlm a turnip changes, it changes Whirlm's color to a dark purple. Romance requirement. 2 Whirlms in the garden helps meet the Sparrowmint Visit requirements. For example, feeding a Turnip to a Whirlm immediately changes its color to a purple Aug 23, 2015 · There is a Whirlm house in the garden. It has a purple tail, a pink and purple pattern covering its body, and purple legs. Once Whirlms populate a garden, you'll find Sparrowmints close behind. Appearance requirement. Did you know Buzzlegums like Honey? Well, so do Raisants, which is why the don’t get on. Visit Requirements: Have 2 resident Whirlms in the garden. The most obvious way is by romancing them, however romancing is not required to obtain this award. Feeding a piñata certain items will change their color, sometimes they have to eat more than one item to change colors. Nov 19, 2009 · Quick tips to help you guess the answer faster Requirements Have 2 Whirlm residents Resident Requirements Romance 2 Whirlms Romance Requirements Eaten 1 Whirlm Have Sparrowmint house Variants Sep 10, 2008 · Below you will find a link to every pinata that has a Vision Card available. It is cute, and a relatively happy piñata whose favorite catchphrase is “chu-chu!” You can often see this piñata hiding in holes, eating Turnips and Yams. It has two elongated wings and six short, red legs. Eating 1 Whirlm helps meet the Sparrowmint Romance requirements. Has eaten 1 Whirlm. There are 3 different color variations for this pinata. It has a mask-like pattern on the face. The Sparrowmint is a small brown sparrow piñata. Nobs on side of head Tricks: Two tricks, learned by eating a dandelion flower and a dandelion seed. Has eaten 1 sunflower seed. It has a periwinkle Aug 30, 2024 · Garden must have 1 Whirlm resident. However, manage that and you'll earn yourself a loyal Mallowolf pet and defender against Ruffians. Hope you like the new, or different, pinatas! Head back to our Viva Pinata cheats page for a load more cheats and tips for Viva Pinata. Garden must have a Sparrowmint house built. Feeding a Whirlm to a Roario helps meet its Trick requirements. Piñatas 5. It's still relatively easy to please, but will attract trouble from Sour Bonboons just like the lesser and greater members of its family.
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