Biceps two days in a row reddit. Sometimes there is a rest day between workouts.
Biceps two days in a row reddit A bicep circuit another. As an instructor that’s what I tell my participants to aim for. If you keep your shit tight as fuck you could do a lean 25 in a Between pulldowns, rows, and dedicated curls, I probably do 6-9 sets total in a workout that work the bicep in some manner. A good split is: Day 1 - Heavy Push Day (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps Day 2 - Heavy Leg Day (Quads and Calves) Day 3 - Heavy Pull Day (Back and Biceps) Day 4 - Light Push Day (Higher reps and sets) Day 5 - Leg Day 2 (Hamstrings and Glutes) Day 6 - Light Pull Day Day 7-8 - Rest (1 or 2 days it’s your choice) Now obviously it's not as simple as that, as it is tapered from your workout period (ie. I like to do a superset of dumbbell curls then go into ez bar curls, alternating between rrgular dumbbell curls and hammer curls. Biceps? Miss me with that shit. I did 3 days in a row last week to squeeze in a workout due to holidays but I don’t recover well enough and prefer a day off after two days Basically you can train your smaller muscles on consecutive days. I add biceps sets on my leg days often. I dont take rest days at all generally, just easy days once a week or when I'm busy. Gripping activates some of the muscles in the bicep, and if you’re lessening the grip force you exert on the bar, the less activation there’ll be. I’ve done it two days in a row with the same dose and it worked almost the same both times. My program is: Monday : Chest and biceps Tuesday : Shoulders and back Wednesday : Legs and triceps You can do anything that you can appropriately recover from. But that also depends on the exercise. My upper split looks like: A: DB bench, incline flyes, seated cable rows, lat pulldowns, tricep workout (pushdown, underhand pushdown) and lastly reverse dumbell flyes superset w/tricep extension Say you’re running an upper/lower split and your upper day is Flat bench, bent rows, barbell curl , Tricep extension. Personally I could do 5 but what’s really hard for me rn is 3 days in a row. Used to do 2 diff excercises for 3 sets each 2 times a week (total of 12 sets a week). My workout: Front or Back Squat Overhead Press Hey, I'm doing a Push/Legs/Pull split, and recently I've been hitting Forearms and Biceps on both my Push and Pull day, so every 2 days currently. Then take a week or two off from pull ups, start back up again doing them twice a week for 3 sets of 8 or so. And one day of lower body. Chest? Its decent enough. Now i still do as much push ups, 4 days a week in the evening, mostly on the days when i have been also working out in the gym. If you don't feel overall exhausted that is. My biceps have never been so massive and detailed. ). As far as lifting it's usually advised to go every other day, but you can do cardio on your off days still. If i work out the same muscles group 3 days in a row and rest the other 4 days, my gains will still be good? I am training biceps, triceps, chest, back, shoulder, and two inferior muscles (quads, glute, calf or posterior). Personally I frequently train muscle groups for multiple sessions in a row. This was from not being able to climb more than 1 day in a row because of tendon pain. I felt a weird tightness in my left arm near the forearm and bicep when doing pullups at the top of the movement. For me, working the same muscle group two days in a row is just too much. 1 min rest. But if you only did a small to moderate amount of volume for a muscle group you can absolutely do it again the next day or later in th Don't often feel the urge to comment but, thought I'd add my anecdotal experience: I'm 29 now and have been doing a 2-day split three-ish times a week (Mon-Sat, Sun rest) for the past few years and I have never felt 'overtrained'. 2. Make your rest days actual rest days or go for a walk, and schedule deload weeks to give your tendons time to recover. Doing a little something everyday is a key factor in changing your lifestyle. Currently doing Steve Weatherfords 12 week bicep program and seeing great results. You didn’t lose anything in the 3 days. My schedule has me teaching BP 4 days a week, with 3 of those days back to back. Posted this before, but here's an arm day: 1) (Bicep) Standing close grip ez bar curl - 2 warm up sets with 20 pounds or so, then 5 working sets 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 all to failure; then one drop set with half the weight of your 4 rep final working set. Working hard two days in a row leads to injuries and overtraining. Utilizing one day for Mass and the other for High Volume. Day 1. . It’s my bread and butter for recommended 5 day splits. When the gyms opened again, i was so suprised how much strenght this bodyweight traini g brought me. The muscle groups and exercises and typically different on the second upper body day. The correct volume for biceps & triceps, each, is probably 5-20 sets per week done over 1-3 sessions per week. On those days you can just hit your biceps over and over in a row because you only have 1 goal - getting the muscle tired. Oct 9, 2024 · Day 1: pull. If you want to build big biceps, it’s pretty important to train your biceps directly, but it shouldn’t substitute your back training either. Machine preacher curls are great. It dedicated two days a week for biceps/triceps. Are you doing biceps a second day? Hello r/fitness30plus . Now, I lift them like once every two weeks and focus on the bigger muscle groups and the gains are not the same Day 1: Chest, abs, calves Day 2: Legs (quads and hams) Day 3: light cardio and abs Day 4: back, delts Day 5: triceps, biceps, forearms, calves Day 6: off For triceps: Rope push down 4 sets 15, 12, 10, 10 Close grip bench (superset w/ pullover) 12, 12, 10, 10 Laying dumbbell pullover 10, 10, 8, 8 Standing rope overhead extension 12, 10, 8, failure Is it detrimental to muscle gain if I hit a secondary muscle 2 days in a row? For example, I hit chest/tricep on Monday. Not trying to tell you what to do but have you thought that maybe you're over-working your biceps and thus not making as much progress? I only say this because I used to do a heavy bicep day and then I'd do some low weight bicep accessory work the rest of the week (on a 3 day split). The key with these programs is when you do 2 or 3 days in a row, you’re focusing on legs, back, or chest so you’re not hitting the same muscles two days in a row. But as an instructor. Choose variations of the exercises I mentioned. Pull from the elbow, just imagine you're trying to get your elbow to touch your spine. Your triceps are what will give your arms that big dense bulky look you want. Changed it to 1 bicep excercise 2 times a week, 4 sets. If you dedicated an entire 90 minute session to one single body part maybe don't do it again on back to back days. Then on Tuesday I hit shoulders/biceps. I know that training the same muscle group 2 days in a row is frowned upon as it does not give the muscles time enough to… But if I’m doing full body can I workout two days in a row? I’m currently doing every other day but with my schedule changing up for a couple weeks I can hit the gym more often and want to keep doing full body. You’re doing amazing and honestly I’ve read articles about how some people need days off and it helps their muscles recover in those days. Its called Armageddon and the goal is to increase arm size. Apr 22, 2001 · For example, don't do freakin' bench press first everytime you work your chest, change it up with incline, decline, dumbells, etc. Squat 3x5 Pause Squat/Leg Press 3x8-10/12-15 RDL 3x8-15 Calves 3x12-15 Day 3. If your routine is built as a daily, it’s fine to do daily. It's all about the quality of your rest, rather than the amount of it :) Tris are already worked with chest/shoulders and bis are already worked with back, so it makes sense to group them together. on So you're swimming between campusing, climbing, and climbing, and you're surprised you have bicep tendinitis? Swimming will aggravate bicep tendinitis due to repetitive use of the shoulder and bicep in a repeating motion. So lets day first day I do incline bench, leg press, ez bar curls and skull crushers superset. Just need 2 stacks of books. regular overhand pull ups dont do much for biceps, I am forced to add biceps curls to them now because my biceps is extremely weak but its okay size but still underveloped compared to lats from doing only weighted pull ups rows are going to do much more for biceps than pull ups imo The 4 day a week group improved 65% in bench press, compared to the 3 day a week group that improved 46%, and the 2 day a week thst improved 36%. Training Back day will only lightly involve the Biceps compared to frying them directly. Please see the r/Fitness Wiki and FAQ at https://thefitness. Not much else to say. A community for Redditors to discuss any topics relating to general fitness; with an emphasis on barbell & dumbbell lifting, as well as calisthenics (bodyweight movements). This is absolutely amazing. Just do 2-3 sets of a curl variant to failure every workout. A similar advantage existed for training leg press and lat pulldowns 4 days a week. They work biceps pretty well. One day people say that, another day people claim that the biceps need more rest, exactly because it's a small muscle It depends on your goals I suppose. All varies based on what their bodies can take, how motivated they are, and what their goals with climbing are. So lately I've noticed that for the past several months I need about 2-3 days to recover after a workout. If I go all out like wearing an extender 4-6 hours, I’ll take the next day off. I would do upper-lower-upper instead of upper-upper-lower. Instead of skullcrushers/cable press downs you might pick a bench press variation that focuses on the triceps. In month 2 of Shred there’s a lot of inverted rows and inverted chin curls on pull days so that might make things worse Reply reply More replies More replies I’ve been climbing for 6 months and climb about twice a week plus one gym session (strength training) per week. I currently bench and train back and triceps 5x a week and 3 of those days are in a row, and also train squats or legs 2 days in a row as well. You can throw in curls and rows, but if you work very hard at pull ups your arms will get bigger, and back and shoulders. Get serious about only using your bicep to move the weight, don’t cheat that shit. Was trying to design a two day hypertrophy split that was back/chest and then leg/shoulder (but really any will do) that would then be repeated twice a week (4 workouts a week, 2x per bodypart), but found myself having problems getting the volume right trying to accommodate rows, bench, OHP, squat, deadlift, ect. Take the first two sets to 1-3 reps in reserve and take the last set to failure. I cannot change this schedule, working out in the week-end is not an option for me. I alternate front and back squats, and lift based on Prilepin's Chart. My routine goes likes this: Day 1: Lat pulldown 4 sets Barbell Bent over row 3 sets Seated cable row 3 sets Reverse ez curls 3 sets Ez curls 3 sets Preacher curls 3 sets Day 2: Lat pulldown or pull ups 4 sets T bar row 3 sets Seated machine row 3 sets Cable pullover (only 2 sets) Yep, and if they’re feeling the same muscles being worked two days in a row (ex biceps on a push day) they may be doing the move with improper form and using a supporting muscle for the main movement rather than the agonist Say you do biceps every 3rd day which seems reasonable considering what you wrote, I suggest you finish one of the other days (maybe leg day) with biceps as well. Doesn't matter if you are curling 5lbs by the end of it. Although I'm a fan of Dorian's back training strategy: close grip pulldowns + 2 rowing motions, I manage to fit 3x10 BW pullups as my 3rd exercise so the workout goes something like this: close grip pulldowns 4x8-12 wide grip row 4 x 8-12 medium grip BW pullups 3 x 10 seated row 3 x 10-15 I currently did about 2 months of training pullups three days in a row, with super short sets every minute on the minute. And it generally won't be nearly as profound the second day. In some cases, with partial burnout reps. Keep lifting you’re doing awesome! I feel the muscles working and getting tired, I just don’t feel that swollen pump that I do in my biceps, chest, quads, and hamstrings. I've been able to sustain a 5 day climbing week by doing heavy presses 3 days a week in addition to climbing. Hinge day (A): Hinge variation, quad isolation, chest compound, tricep isolation, shoulder isolation, chest supported row/vertical pull variation Squat day (B): Squat variation, hamstring isolation, chest isolation, tricep compound, shoulder compound, bent over row variation I work out five days a week. Currently, my workout on pull day consists of training for the front lever (static holds, negatives, front lever rows), pull ups and close grip chin ups. Working out 4 days in a row is fine. rows and pulls your arms are already getting Personally, the two splits I’ve enjoyed the most and found good gains with have been an upper/lower split with an added arm or “focus” day on Friday and full body 5x per week. If you want to switch things up or target your biceps from different angles, here are some alternative and advanced variations of the bicep row: 1. On these days you want long rest periods to fully recover. Sometimes don't grab around the weight with a tight fist just hook you 4 fingers around it, this helps with lessening the load from your bicep. Even though they don't target my arms specifically, using my arms to do pullups and overhead press, deadlift, etc. I did lemontek both times. So 7 exercises per day, 3 days in a row. All kinds of curls work well, just choose the ones that work for you, make sure to get a full stretch (contract your triceps at the bottom to ensure this) and a full contraction (squeeeeeze). I've been climbing for years, now, and most weeks I climb 4 days in a row, take a rest day, then climb again, rest day, repeat. Bench super set with Bent over row 3x5/3x10 DB OHP super set with Lat Pulldown 3x8-15 Weighted Dip super set with Barbell curls 3x8-15 Lat Raise super set with Face pulls 3x15-20 Day 2. Yeah my workout is pretty similar on most days. Hey, I'm doing a Push/Legs/Pull split, and recently I've been hitting Forearms and Biceps on both my Push and Pull day, so every 2 days currently. Generally not. It looks like this: First day 4x1, next day 6x1, 10x1, day rest, then 4x2, 6x2,10x2, day rest, 4x3,6x3,10x3, then you start again with singles, but this time 10 sets, 12 sets, 14 sets, work yourself up to 10x3,12x3,14x3. 5 sets of 10. e. If you are doing back, you are also doing biceps. Lifting heavy maximizes the tension in the muscle. If you have one pull day a week and hit biceps only once, one exercise wouldn't be enough. If I don’t, and do more the next day, I get even more negative PI’s so not sure if that’s slowing me down. Which is why in general i hit a muscle group every 3 days. so i was doing biceps and triceps 3 times a week with some reps on off days and had such wild growth in just a month. At the end of the back workout you complete biceps accessory workouts. If you want to isolate your back more, I'd suggest a single arm row. Take your biceps for example. But yeah, don’t do your twice a week routine two days in a row. It'd probably work better to finish off biceps after compound pulls and triceps after compound pushes, but for practical purposes this split often puts arms on another day. With lifting, some programs have you go 2 consecutive days in a row, but that's because you will work entirely different muscles on each of the 2 days. As Dr Mike Isratael said in his hypertrophy notes, his biceps blew up after doing biceps 4 days a week and not having a devoted biceps day. Which meant they never got rest. Squeeze your bicep at the top and keep the squeeze while stretching. The following day you do legs. It's been more than a year since I am doing 5 days of work-out followed by 2 days of rest (workout Monday-Friday, rest in the weekend). Biceps stop synthesizing protein pretty quickly. People with ADHD don't experience these side effects. Sadly a few of those days will be after I work and have been up for 16 hours. Variety in weights, reps and tempo is key So full body training is the best type of training for me right now. May 3, 2023 · While it would be fine to go on a casual jog one day and do a circuit workout with air squats and lunges the next, it'd be less-than-ideal to PR your 10K run one day and then try to find a new one-rep max back squat the next, he says. Some people advocate giving a muscle group 48 hours of rest while others swear by doing squats every day. A couple months ago I could barely do a few pull ups even with the bands, I started with two bands, now down to one band, and can do about 2. Seperated over the day mostly in 2 to 4 sets, 45 sec pause beetween each set. You could do cardio every day of the week if you really wanted to. So run 5/3/1 M/T/Th/F or rotating the 4 days over M/W/F with Saturday/Sunday to just do arms or whatever you feel is lagging. I know ideally you want to have 2 or 3 days of rest between the 2 workout days. I have one more weaker band still to switch to, which will probably be within the next couple weeks. Try out that modification for a few weeks and see if you notice any improvement. Oh I don't have an exclusive biceps day. Here's a pretty solid two day plan that probably won't take more than 45 minutes. Even when I'm trying to grow the guns deliberately, I don't go more than every other day (and I wouldn't do even that for more than 2 weeks tops) Reply reply I have been squatting, pressing and pulling every single day for the last 21 days, as an experiment. However I don't always get my schedule approved so sometimes I end up working multiple days in a row which leaves me with multiple days off in a row. Your triceps make up 2/3 of your arm. I've never had the taste linger beyond the trip itself. Do you want to train your biceps a lot, then do it 3 days a week. There’s that shrinkage in the next day recovery, so I leave it alone, this is why I do 1 day on 1 day off. I do not have any scientific knowledge to back this up; this is just what I have found to work for me. Day 2: push. You’d want to do them in this order as pre fatiguing your triceps and biceps will lower the quality of your bench/row sets. And then I would do a tricep, bicep, and calf set where it was sets of 15 and drop the weight 5 pounds each set. I’ve noticed that my main limitation has been bicep soreness, both as it arises over the course of a session and how I still feel sore climbing two days or less after another climbing/gym session. I do your exact same split, though I add in biceps/forearms on leg day and add calves on chest/triceps & shoulder-day. Personally, biceps work is the first thing I ditch for lack of time, because I do plenty of one arm rows and chinups which hit the biceps to a level I'm ok with. If that doesn't work I'll try 2 days a week. I'm still pretty new to lifting so I didn't realize a lot of those use the same muscle groups. Based on your advice I'll try to make it work 3 times a week and spread it out. Rows aren’t really a good choice for biceps development anyways as the range of motion is more limited compared to a curl or even a vertical pull. Your biceps will noticeably get bigger and harder. Biceps two days in a row? It seems like there's a lot of conflicting information on recovery versus frequency when it comes to progression. I can't understand how to reach the supposed optimal volume in 2 upper days unless you do 2 exercises of each body part for at least 3 sets (3 sets x 2 chest exercises per 2 days a week= 12 sets every week). Isometrics like 1 arm lockoffs and 1 arm hangs are good for strengthening shoulder and elbow tendons as well. Generally each of those days will consist of the same exercises, just low rep high weight on the former, high rep lower weight on the latter. I have two upper days a week, so 18 total working sets per week. Additionally, visualizing a string pulling your elbow back during the row can help you lead with your back instead of your arms. For example, my arms day leaves my arms too sore to continue for back day or shoulders day (which all use my arms). I just meant it as "the day that I do biceps", which is usually twice a week. My biceps were small af. 21s are pretty dumb IMO. Most places ive looked, i have heard that muscles need 72 hours to recover. The other days are 40-45 minutes, roughly. It just helps to further take the biceps out of the movement, since it’s essentially turning you hands into hooks. I do an upper body one day and lower body the next. A good rule of thumb is to have around 2 days of rest after working a body part or muscle group. But if you train with proper intensity on a Bicep day, then they could definitely become limiting factors in the pulling movements since they will almost certainly still be fatigued. So I do barbell curls one day And the other dumbell curls for a total of 8 sets a week Personally I saw a lot of development all over my body but I wasn't satisfied with arm growth until I started hitting them every single time I go to the gym (4-5 times a week, so including 2 days in a row). I'm looking to find some good exercises for targeting my biceps. On these days the only goal is moving heavy weight. If you have two pull days and hit biceps twice, you could probably get away with one bicep movement. Be sure to include overhead triceps extensions for the long head. Furthermore, I have even trained bench every day of the week in the past while prepping for a bench only comp. For a beginner you'll probably be fine. com) Can I perform biceps exercises every day? No, you must engage in unfamiliar exercise 2-3 days per week. It’s okay to miss a few days just don’t make a habit of it really. wiki for help with common questions. Doing bench and rows before biceps/triceps won’t lower the quality of your isolations much if at all. I know it’s not always possible to follow the “ideal” routine. Then 2 exercises of chest, 2 exercises of shoulder, 2 exercises of back, 2 of biceps and 2 of triceps, 3 sets each approximately. That way your upper body has more rest in-between workouts. today there was no biceps. I work out and when I was programming my new routine 2 months ago I didn't give time for my forearms or biceps to rest. But I'm doing 4 days of legs and 3-4 days of traps to increase frequency. Crunches 3x30 Hanging Leg Raise 3x20 Weighted Plank 3x2min You can trip two days in a row, but you need to take about 3x the dose the second day. Some of my friends climb 3 days spread out, some climb 3 days in a row, some climb 5 days in a row. Lately Fitbod has been two days in a row of upper body. For people who train 6 times a week, their split is something like: chest, shoulders and triceps on mondays and thursdays; back and biceps on tuesdays and fridays; and legs on wednesdays and saturdays. And muscular recovery takes about 48 hours following a strength session. I can do a about 3 pull ups with no assistance, but its a crazy amount of work lol. However, i have a little more time on my hands during the day, so im curious if i can hit my same muscle group a second time during that day, or if thats bad for my muscles because the recover process is already in full swing and working them out again would If it was a push day I would do a tricep variation supersetted with single calf raises for 3 sets of 12. . They are smaller and are able to take a lot more volume and recover faster than say legs. This gives me more than adequate rest for each muscle group and lets me lift every day without burning out or risking injury. A couple example tempos are 1-0-3 (1 second up, 0 seconds at the top, 3 seconds down), 2-0-2, and 1-2-1. But doing the same muscle group two days in a row (especially one as small as biceps) I cannot agree with. But your routine is working the same muscle group every other day. On pull days it was biceps first. I use a upper/lower split which involves two days of upper training and 2 days of lower. I’m currently running the U/L with an added “weak points” or “focus” day. There's also pelican push ups or whatever they're called. Over two weeks, it would look like this: Workout Rest Workout Rest Workout Rest Rest Workout Rest Workout Rest Workout Rest Rest This is 6 workouts every 2 weeks. Normally I'd finish off with one arm deadhangs, but since my forearms have gotten disproportional to my upper arms, I've scrapped those and I'm looking to implement something for my biceps. This gives me two full days from using my arms, three full days rest on shoulders and chest, and three full days rest on my back (minus stabilizing for chest, etc. I don't think its a super great approach to go from 1 day to 7 a week all at once, but increasing frequency is a common concept. A place for the pursuit of physical fitness goals. Bicep curls 2-3 sets Lateral raises 2-3 sets Day 2: 1 x 3 @ rpe 8 weighted pullup Vertical back movement 2-4 sets Chest compound 2-4 sets Horizontal back movement 2-4 sets Incline chest movement 2-4 sets Optional: Tricep pushdowns 2-3 sets Bicep curls 2-3 sets Cable lateral raises or upright rows 2-3 sets Frequency matters with this question. For push and pull days, do a similar number of hard sets for triceps on push day, and biceps on pull day. If you absolutely have to, for whatever reason, then I'd train heavy the first day (3-6, MAYBE up to 8 or 10), and do only a few sets, so any soreness is minimal, then the next day work in the higher ranges (if day 1 is 3-6, then 15-20; if day 1 is up to 10, then I'd hit day 2 in the 20-30 rep range). Once on the power upper body day, once on the hypertrophy upper body day. If you’ve already been following a routine in which you train two days in a row, you’ll be able to transition to a program where you’re also training the same muscle groups on consecutive days. "Similarly, you wouldn't want to do a heavy barbell back squat two days in a row," he says. I’ve seen numerous guys with big biceps and that triceps and their arms look weird. Besides that, I see too little core work (at least do some sit ups on the decline bench while holding a dumbbell behind your head, paired with hanging leg raises) and too little biceps work (add a curl variation on Day 1 too). Remember to alternate exercises and not just get stuck on one thing like dumbbell curls You can do this with bench press as well. For the short term you'll probably manage. I run a quasi-bro split; I currently do the following on my Back/Bicep day: Pull-ups Bent Over Rows/Yates Rows Preacher Curls Seated Cable Rows Hammer Curls One-Arm Dumbbell Row Incline Bicep Curls Lat Pulldowns Usually end with 21 Gun Salutes with the EZ Bar Yeah totally, I was working a job where I was shirtless and my income had some tye to my look. the few hours after your workout are going to give you more growth then the few hours 2 days later) For this reason, doing the same muscle two days in a row would be suboptimal in comparison to spreading them out. Do rest pause sets another day. I started with 10mg and I was up to 60mg at one point. I have logged all my lifting and eating, and will be putting it online after 2-3 months of continuous lifting. If I do upper body Monday and Tuesday, I have 5 days of rest. I am able to recover and feel well enough to go three days in a row, then take a day break, then restart. Single-Arm Bicep Row: Hold a dumbbell in one hand and row one arm at a time to isolate each bicep effectively. Most of the routines I've seen (that aren't splits) are 3 days a week, with two days off at the end of the week. Taking 2 days off now is likely less days off in the long run (and less dsys feeling like crap). Repeat to infinity. Can I instead do them on Monday and Tuesday, or Monday and Wednesday. My biceps are really big for my size, could be genetic but could be my routine. You could hit biceps on consecutive days. Because I don't always have the energy to lift after work. You should be fine taking it two days in a row. So going Back then Biceps the day after won't impact Bicep performance. I. I have never found a need for additional arm workouts. People taking it every day for years (like me) tend to build a tolerance. I hate working out biceps. My favorite one is incline seated curls, 22kg per hand, 8 reps. If you don't have ADHD, you'll notice the speedy effects of it. But you have to be able to absolutely focus and train with intensity during these 45 minutes. Each of those days is 2-3 sets of rows, 2-3 sets of pulldowns and 2-3 sets of dedicated curls, each with an RIR of 0-2. Instead of the recommended Monday and Thursday? Some articles say your muscles need time to rest so I was wondering about that. I lift every day but I have a 4 day split. However, doing chest/bis and back/tris allows you to superset them and get done withe the workout quicker. However, in a split, doing monday pushing muscles (chest, triceps, etc), tuesday pulling (back, biceps, etc) and wednesday legs, I think that's OK. 5x 10-12 dumbbel curl, 5x 10-12 Hammer curl, 5x 8 full bar reverse curls. I want to include biceps training in my GZCLP program, which is: Day 1: T1 OHP, T2 DL, T3 DB Row Day 2: T1 OHP, T2 DL, T3 DB Row Day 3: T1 Bench, T2 Squat, T3 Lat pulldown Day 4: T1 DL, T2 OHP, T3 DB Row I'm new to fitness, so what T3 should I replace, or where should I add in some biceps/triceps excercises? I feel like this isn’t talked about enough. But for this case it's reasonably common to build splits this way and works alright. This is a classic sign of musculocutaneous nerve entrapment. Triceps? fine. The more widespread approach to do this seems to be some variation on the Push/Pull theme, resulting in separating Chest+Triceps / Back+Biceps, with shoulders in a separate day or split between the two; among these a /r/fitness all-time favourite and countless others. I start my lifts with high intensity low rep (for back it’s almost always dumbbell rows) and move into lower intensity high rep (bent over barbell row, pull up variations). To give you a very clear overview, the two subcategories which allow to work the biceps to a high extent are: Prone Straight Arm Strength (SAS): Back Lever, Planche, Maltese Pulling Bent Arm Strength (BAS): Row, Pull-Up, Inverted Pull-Up, 90° Pull-Up The program starts with 3x10 at bodyweight for each (dips in bench/row day, chins on ohp/deadlift day) then once you can hit 3x10BW it starts a 3x5 linear progression adding +5lbs each successful workout (so you'll need a dip belt to strap the weight on, unless you can knee hug dumbbells which sounds awkward at best) For example, when i stalled on stronglifts 5x5 i changed to PHUL which is 4 days a week (two days lifting, day off, two days lifting, two days off), and now PPL which is 6 days/week. Recover may or may not be an issues when the bis and tris get worked two days in a row. You're better off waiting at least a couple of weeks to get the magic back. Thanks for the advice. See how long you can do 10 a day until body gets too sore. This is the nerve that innervates the flexors of your upper arm, the biceps! Hypertrophy of the biceps causes compression on the fascia and connective tissue through which this nerve runs and can lead to numbness, weakness on flexion of the arm, as well as weakness in supination (turning your hand from palm down to palm up, against This is what I do when im too busy for gym, ill go just for the big lifts, and i'll do short 20 mins workout through the week (one day just biceps, next day just triceps, next day sprints, core, cardio or whatever im feeling like). It is also a good idea to change which muscle groups your work together. Nov 14, 2023 · Variety is the spice of life, and the same goes for your workout routine. The next day you do pressing/push/ chest and at the end complete a triceps accessory workout. Hammer Curls: Feb 17, 2023 · Can you train arms 2 days in a row – (Image Source: Pixabay. Or you can chicken out like me and skip biceps. But some of my shoulder exercises also hit my triceps as a secondary muscle (like a overhead military press that mainly hits the shoulders but also works the tricep). I find frequency is more effective then 2 bicep "days" So I'll do 4 sets of barbell curls10-12 one day with a rope hammer super set. Because one day I did chest, other day was back, and I did biceps on leg day. Sometimes there is a rest day between workouts. For months I used to do light weight and many reps (15 to 25) on bicep curls. Plus there’s a class I cover a fair bit that brings me to 4 days in a row. Finishers: assisted pull ups/chin ups with progressive download of weight. Especially with all the back work you have programmed here, I wouldn't do more than 10 sets total for biceps over the two pull days. Nov 9, 2022 · After all, training a muscle group before it has the chance to recover from a previous workout halts progress. You’re Already Used to Working Out Two Days in a Row. Never saw arm growth like it before. Maybe, maybe 12-15 sets as the absolute max, spread out over the two pull days - not all in one day. Legs? Love it. But its fairly far down on the list of important bicep growth factors. If you want my advice, hit a lot of skull crushers, narrow grip bench press, and tricep extensions. IF OP wants too do 3-4 bicep exercises, go fucking nuts. Since January, I started doing heavy bicep curls whatever the exercice. Again if you go into the office and make others sick you're endangering them ( even if it's just a cold, it's still giving them an illness that could easily be avoided ) - making your collegues sick would not be considered "acceptable behaviour". 4x 10 Lat pull down, 4x 10 cable row, 4x 10 dumbbell row. 4x 10 bench press, 4x 10 incline press, 4x 10 standing cable lower chest press. Day 1 is legs, day 2 is back and biceps, day 3 is shoulders, and day 4 is chest and triceps. I'm currently doing this with legs and traps, two parts of my body that really grow slow compared to the rest of me. Actually I found the second day was nice to revisit any important insights I uncovered and solidify lessons learned. I try to schedule my work days so I work every other day to allow me a day of rest in-between training sessions. When performing rows, using a suicide grip (not using your thumb to grip the bar) can result in less bicep activation. More is better, but I will choose more back work over more biceps any day because I think there's more value in it. Or another thing some people do and enjoy with 5/3/1 is adding a weekend pump day or weakness day. Posted by u/ro_beast153 - 2 votes and 1 comment 4 days for me rn. May 12, 2022 · 2. And seeing good results, btw. Nearly everyone will see better bicep growth by attacking the compounds, eating their fucking face off, and doing 1-2 bicep exercises a few times a week than 3-4 different bicep curls. I don’t know how many days in a row that could go, but for me 2 days in sequence is fine. Day 1: Incline Bench, Squats, Dumbbell Pullover Day 2: Deadlift, Pull Up / Chin Up, Dips I've made fantastic newbie gains using this plan when I first started. After the kind of workout (in your case, high-intensity resistance training) that continues to trigger a growth response, muscles require at least 48 hours of rest. Then i like to alternate between concentration curls one day and cable curls with your choice of attachment for another day Hit biceps once a week and triceps twice a week. I usually go for 6 days in a row with the 7th day being some sort of low-intensity workout but I've gone like 15 days in a row before. So i have two back/bicep days in a week. fvcp jptpyn abkqpdb fqf vbps sudee niims almbd son kepfpq wdo wdm ydgqck ymkiq kzsf