Channel estimation in wireless communication. By accurately estimating the channel state from the .
Channel estimation in wireless communication the overview of the up-to-date channel models for wireless communications empowered by RISs. To achieve high channel estimation accuracy with low pilot training overhead, we propose a tensor decomposition-based method for estimating the parameters of multi-path channel components, thereby reconstructing the Mar 1, 2023 · Channel estimation methods are typically classified as blind, semi-blind, and pilot-aided. The main advantage of DPSS or Slepian basis expansion is allowing more accurate representation of high mobility wireless channels with low complexity. We accurately model the near-field cascaded channel firstly, and by exploiting the special row-column sparsity of near-field cascaded channel of different users in polar-domain, a polar-domain double sparsity orthogonal matching pursuit (PDS-OMP) is proposed. However, even with such unprecedented success, DL methods are often regarded as black boxes and are lack of explanations on their internal mechanisms, which severely limits their further improvement and extension. The aim of the current paper is to A Review: Deep Learning Aided Channel Estimation Techniques for Wireless Communication System Abstract: Channel estimation is essential to wireless network system performance. In particular, deep learning has emerged as a significant artificial intelligence technology widely applied in the physical layer of wireless communication for achieving intelligent receiving processing. However, in 5G and beyond wireless communication systems, traditional channel estimation techniques are falling behind when it comes to handling large volumes of complex data of massive numbers of users being transmitted in dynamic and non-linear Jun 10, 2024 · In wireless networks, channel estimation is crucial to system performance. Specifically, in the channel estimation stage, an RIS channel estimation network (RIS-CENet) is designed to reconstruct the Nowadays, the research on wireless communication is hot, and it has achieved leapfrog development in the past few decades and has made astonishing breakthroughs in emerging applications such as 5G technology, Internet of Things (lOT), and smart cities. These channel characteristics cause produce impairments in the signal. However, with the large array aperture of RIS, spatial non-stationarity Dec 1, 2023 · In this study, the authors present an image-based DL model for future wireless communication’s channel estimation that takes a flat-fading communication channel’s time–frequency response as a 2D picture and identifies unknown values of the channel response. The proposed DNN-based method can Jul 1, 2012 · This review will be of assistance in reaching a compromised decision regarding channel -estimation techniques to be employed in any wireless communication systems being developed. In wireless communication, users generally do not have control over channel properties such as temperature, background noise, etc. Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) can manipulate the wireless communication environment by controlling the coefficients of RIS elements. Apr 19, 2023 · Nowadays, the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is an important method used in wireless communications, especially in 5G cellular communications. Most existing channel estimation schemes rely on the spatial stationarity assumption. This work, for the first time, tackles channel estimation design with pilots in the context of covert wireless communication. Channel estimation is an important part of receiver design in digital wireless communication systems. , a data-aided scenario). To this end, a general pipeline using deep image processing techniques, image super Channel estimation plays a very important role on the performance of wireless communication systems. To limit ourselves, we will cover only a small subset of channel models and possible estimation techniques: Channel model: FIR-MIMO. Channel estimation methods are necessary to lessen the effects of noise, interference, and other impairments that affect transmission quality. Additionally, an investigation will be conducted on an intelligent channel estimate approach using intelligent search techniques and pilot pattern optimization rules and deep learning for wireless communication. In order to quantify the channel estimation performance loss due to unknown hardware In this paper, we deploy the self-attention mechanism to achieve improved channel estimation for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing waveforms in the downlink. We assume the transmission channel is Rayleigh and it is constant over the duration of a symbol plus pilot transmission. 12 Channel estimation is a cornerstone of modern wireless communication systems, enabling equalization, beamforming, and adaptive modulation. The current fifth-generation (5G) networks are unable to fulfill the requirements of Jan 31, 2022 · The three special characteristics give rise to a series of research challenges for the wireless communications on HSRs, including channel modeling, Doppler shift compensation, time-varying channel estimation, fast handover, large and quick access methods, adaptive beamforming, and signal detection [1, 2, 5]. Oct 30, 2024 · By modeling and analyzing channel characteristics, it can promote research on the theory and application of the design and performance optimization of intelligent wireless communication systems. Channel estimation is an integral part of standard adaptive receiver designs used in narrowband, digital wireless communication systems. 1 Detection in a Channel estimation is very challenging, especially in an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)-aided wireless system. Discover the world's research In recent years, the advantages of wireless communication systems assisted by intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) have attracted great attention in the field of mobile communication. We first consider the time switching (TS) protocol for STAR-RIS and propose an efficient scheme to separately estimate the channels of the two users with optimized training (transmission Oct 30, 2024 · In wireless communications, channel estimation [1, 2] refers to the process of estimating and predicting the characteristics of wireless channels. This work presents a Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) based deep learning (DL) approach for the prediction of channel response in real-time and real-world non Nov 5, 2024 · Employing thermal noise for conveying information is a potential solution to achieve an extremely low power consumption. However, due to IRS is a passive device with a large number of reflecting array sources, channel estimation (CE) is somewhat challenging. These algorithms vary in complexity and accuracy, with some prioritizing simplicity and others aiming for higher accuracy but increased computational demands. Belgiovine, et al. Before transmitting information signals, the transmitter Dec 28, 2021 · In this letter, we study efficient uplink channel estimation design for a simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surface (STAR-RIS) assisted two-user communication systems. Approaches have been developed which directly detect the symbol values, folding in statistical information regarding the channel 150-154. Although IRS has received a lot of attention around the world, a key bottleneck in the IRS implementation of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) systems remains the acquisition of channel state information (CSI). The aim is to find the unknown values of the channel response using some known values at the pilot locations. In Mar 30, 2022 · Channel estimation is essential in a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) wireless communication in 5G. By combining Feb 10, 2023 · Channel estimation is a fundamental issue to be addressed in wireless communication systems since its accuracy has a significant impact on the recovery of the received signals as well as the management of interference suppression and wireless resource allocation and other tasks . 1 Machine Learning and Communications: An Introduction; Part I Machine Learning for Wireless Networks; 2 Deep Neural Networks for Joint Source-Channel Coding; 3 Neural Network Coding; 4 Channel Coding via Machine Learning; 5 Channel Estimation, Feedback, and Signal Detection; 6 Model-Based Machine Learning for Communications multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel estimation using deep diffusion models. However, even with such unprecedented the channel estimation problem in this system will be pre-sented. In setups with many antennas and low Oct 5, 2022 · Using channel estimate on top of channel modeling, physical layer transmission at huge bandwidth is a major challenge in current mobile communications. 10, 3. So, the information from the user side and the Dec 11, 2023 · With the rapid development of wireless communication technology, intelligent communication has become one of the mainstream research directions after the fifth generation (5G). In the MIMO system, numerous antennas are utilized on the sender and receiver sides for enhancing spectral efficiency and reliability. mobile Apr 1, 2014 · Channel Estimation and Equalization for 5G Wireless Communication Systems Xiaojie Wang Date of hand out: April 01, 2014 Date of hand in: September 30, 2014 Supervisor: Thorsten Wild Maintaining the efficiency of Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) systems with channel equalization is a curial problem. Obtaining such large datasets through measurement campaigns is a challenging and costly task. System Model For the uplink RIS assisted wireless communication system as shown in Fig. Many fine papers could not be included in this Aug 21, 2023 · The need for low latency and high data rates is increasing rapidly since the advent of wireless communication. An M-estimator is suggested for It is clear that channel estimation is an extensive topic. Prior works on IRS CSI acquisition mainly estimate IRS-cascaded channels based Nov 14, 2024 · As one of the key technologies of 6 G, intelligent reflection surface (IRS) is expected to effectively improve the performance of vehicular communication system. It is crucial to protect the next-generation cellular networks against cyber attacks, especially adversarial attacks. To estimate the wireless communication channel, a comprehensive pipeline that Dec 1, 2023 · Furthermore, DL-based smart channel estimation approaches for wireless communications will be investigated. In this paper, we study an IRS-assisted coverage enhancement problem for a given region, aiming to optimize the passive reflection of the IRS for improving the average communication Nov 29, 2024 · To reduce the required pilot and feedback overhead in reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided wireless communication systems under frequency division duplex (FDD) mode, a deep distributed learning-based joint channel estimation and feedback framework is proposed. ere are already 21, Jul 4, 2022 · Wireless communications systems are impacted by multi-path fading and Doppler shift in dynamic environments, where the channel becomes doubly-dispersive and its estimation becomes an arduous task. Jan 1, 2019 · Channel estimation is an import part of any communication systems; its accuracy determines the quality of the whole communication. In RIS assisted communication systems, precise channel state information (CSI) is the prerequisite of efficient beamforming. An Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) has been recognized as a transformative technology for enabling smart and reconfigurable radio environment cost-effectively by leveraging its controllable passive reflection. , time-domain (TD) method and frequency-domain (FD Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences (DPSS) technique is a useful channel estimation technique in communication for accumobile wireless rately estimating transmitted information. 11, and 3. 7 Conclusion. The method is called channel estimation. Finally, we will introduce the basic channel estimation schemes. 3. Among them, PACE is commonly used and has a steadier performance. For broadband communications, the time-dis-persion or frequency-selectivity due to multipath is important. In recent years, various channel estimation methods have been suggested to enhance the Abstract: Accurate and fast channel estimation is one of the challenging problems in achieving practical reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided wireless communication. First, a general channel estimation scheme is proposed for the system under any arbitrary inter-IRS channel Jan 24, 2024 · However, the estimated channel accuracy is not satisfactory since channel state information is easily affected by the variation of environments in RIS-assisted wireless communication systems. The most common method to estimate a channel at the Rx is based on a training sequence (i. The accurate estimation and prediction help to improve the performance, like better rate adaptation in Wi-Fi, improved video streaming, reduce energy consumption, and better scheduling. Chengshan Xiao, Dissertation Supervisor MAY 2005 Dec 27, 2024 · (A) Least Squares Estimation (LS)LS estimation is a simple and effective method for channel estimation in wireless communication systems. Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) has received much attention as one of the promising technologies for the sixth generation (6G) due to its ease of deployment, low power consumption, and Feb 26, 2024 · Emerging technologies, such as holographic multiple-input multiple-output (HMIMO) and stacked intelligent metasurface (SIM), are driving the development of wireless communication systems. There are two main design issues for channel estimation in OFDM systems. In this letter, we study the pilot-assisted channel estimation tailored for wireless communications utilizing thermal noise modulation. 3c [] for wireless PAN’s, IEEE 802. 15. This task becomes more com- The receiver can use the known pilot symbols to estimate the channel, then use the channel estimate to equalize the effects of the channel and reduce the noise on the received resource grid. 1, we consider one M-antenna BS and one Apr 1, 2001 · This tutorial paper reviews commonly used approaches to channel estimation, both time-invariant and time-varying channels, and considers both pilot symbol interpolation and data-directed channel tracking. 02158: Channel Estimation for Wireless Communication Systems Assisted by Large Intelligent Surfaces In this letter, the channel estimation problem is studied for wireless communication systems assisted by large intelligent surface. We first consider the time switching (TS) protocol for STAR-RIS and propose an efficient scheme to separately estimate the channels of the two users with optimized training (transmission Towards Explainable AI for Channel Estimation in Wireless Communications Abdul Karim Gizzini, Yahia Medjahdi, Ali J. LTE maps reference signals to unique locations within a subframe for each antenna port. The channel estimation can improve the exactness of the received signal. Hence, it is essential to develop accurate channel estimation schemes for the RIS assisted wireless communication sys-tem [3]. Although channel estimation has been widely studied in the conventional wireless communication system, there are two main obstacles for conventional schemes to be directly applied in the RIS assisted system [4]. CHANNEL MODELING, ESTIMATION AND EQUALIZATION IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION A Dissertation presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School University of Missouri-Columbia In Partial Ful llment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy by SANG-YICK LEONG Dr. While deep learning has been considered for estimating channels in many communication scenarios, direct estimation of the basic wireless single-input single-output (SISO) communication channel coefficients has not been considered. CE for the emerging wireless communication systems assisted by LIS is recently drawing attention of academia. This Jan 1, 2022 · Channel estimation is a significant prerequisite in wireless communication, especially where the multipath radio propagation incurs significant fading in a noisy environment. A common practice is to conduct tremendous amount of channel measurement data and then to derive appropriate channel models using statistical methods. Increasingly extensive application scenarios and exponentially growing data volumes of MIMO-OFDM systems have imposed greater challenges on the speed, latency, and parallelism of channel estimation based on electronic processors. To compensate for these impairments, efficient and accurate Channel Estimation is an imperative requirement. As I explained in other pages, in all communication the signal goes through a medium (called channel) and the signal gets distorted or various noise is added to the signal while the signal goes through the channel. Channel estimation is an important technical issue in mobile communication system, the performance and capacity of mobile communication system are directly influenced by the speed and precision of channel estimation. Consequently, such estimators experience a significant performance degradation in Apr 19, 2023 · The remaining articles focus on the optimization and channel estimation, as well as on future sixth-generation (6G) wireless communication systems. In this tutorial paper, commonly used approaches to Index Terms—channel estimation; MMSE estimation; machine learning; neural networks; spatial channel model I. Dec 2, 2021 · In this letter, we study efficient uplink channel estimation design for a simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surface (STAR-RIS) assisted two-user communication systems. Channel estimation can also provide a foundation for the design of signal processing algorithms . The data aided estimation approach is employed. In this paper, different adaptive channel estimation algorithms are studied to allow optical wireless channel equalization. Nov 7, 2019 · according to the channel state information (CSI) of both base station (BS)-LIS links and LIS-user equipment (UE) links. The deep learning is used to convert the channel estimation into the image processing. Python 3. This paper introduced the definition and the method currently existed of channel estimation firstly, and then proposed a method based on the probability of gain difference by the Channel estimation is a key technology in MIMO-OFDM wireless communication systems. In the second part of this invited paper, we propose to Abstract: Near-field channel estimation for RIS assisted 6G wireless communication is discussed in this paper. We consider Rayleigh fading for the communication channel from a transmitter to a receiver, both additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh fading for the detection channel from the transmitter to a warden. In particular, we implement a transformer Channel estimation is a critical component in modern wireless communication systems, as it enables reliable transmission of information over fading channels. We consider the time-frequency response of a fast fading communication channel as a 2D image. Increasing the number of channel coefficients can make channel estimation fairly 2 An overview of wireless communications; 3 Channel and propagation; 4 Cellular and multiple-user systems; 5 Diversity; 6 Channel estimation and equalization; 7 Modulation and detection; 8 Spread spectrum communications; 9 Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing; 10 Antennas; 11 RF and microwave subsystems; 12 A/D and D/A conversions; 13 Jan 1, 2022 · In wireless communication, the transmitted signal is subjected to distortion, noise, frequency shift, non-linear attenuation, fading, and so on due to the inherent nature of the physical characteristics of the channel. The adaptive channel estimation algorithms considered are standard Least Mean Square (LMS) and LMS with Activity Detection Guidance (ADG) and Tap Dec 13, 2024 · By reconfiguring wireless channels via passive signal reflection, intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) can bring significant performance enhancement for wireless communication systems. e. Apr 18, 2022 · Channel estimation is a special case of the system identification problem that has a long history in the field of signal processing. Index Terms—Channel estimation, Deep Learning, Image Super-resolution, Image restoration I. INTRODUCTION Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a modulation method that has been widely used in communica-tion systems to address frequency-selective fading in wireless channels. Our method uses a deep neural network that is trained to estimate the gradient of the log-likelihood of wireless channels at any point in high-dimensional space, and leverages this model to solve channel estimation via posterior sampling. RISs control digitally the reflecting signals using many passive reflector arrays and implement a smart and modifiable radio environment for wireless communications. To this end, an efficient channel estimation approach is proposed by using the adaptive threshold stage-wise orthogonal matching pursuit to extract the estimation. Channel All wireless communication systems use pilots or reference signals, which are known sequences of symbols transmitted over the wireless channel, and the respective received signals are used for channel state estimation. For fast fading channels, we may need a large number of pilots in a comb-type pilot pattern to track the channel variations, whereas for slow fading, we can estimate the wireless channel with a small number of pilots in a block-type pilot pattern. in a sense that these channel properties cannot be altered by users according to their requirements. A promising architecture is the so-called hybrid RIS (HRIS), which comprises hybrids of sensing and reflecting meta-atoms. A. Two DL networks are trained Dec 21, 2023 · Research into 6G networks has been initiated to support a variety of critical artificial intelligence (AI) assisted applications such as autonomous driving. However, such In this letter, we investigate the channel estimation problem for MIMO wireless communication systems with movable antennas (MAs) at both the transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx). The fluctuating nature of wireless networks influences network performance. Section IV discusses the available channel estimation approaches in RIS-empowered wireless communication systems, while the relevance of the RIS technology in the latest standards together the topic’s road ahead are discussed in Section V. In this paper, we present Feb 12, 2019 · In this letter, we present a deep learning algorithm for channel estimation in communication systems. Considering the black-box nature of existing AI-based models, it is e AI-based channel estimation approach was considered for intelligent wireless communication systems for 5G/6G future networks [24, 30, 32, 33, 39–46]. Although the training overhead for channel estimation can be significantly reduced with the assistance of the sensing echo signals, the aforementioned works [41], [42] are only applicable for acquiring line-of-sight channels. To solve this problem, this paper designs a CE scheme for large IRS Feb 23, 2022 · In this study, we focus on realizing channel estimation using a fully connected deep neural network. Techniques like LS and MMSE are widely used due to their simplicity and accuracy, while interpolation methods ensure reliable channel estimates across all subcarriers in OFDM systems. Sep 22, 2024 · In this regard, the information about the channel statistics becomes very crucial. The proposed novel GAN-based deep learning technique is efficient to estimate channels in IRS-aided wireless communication systems with high accuracy. In this paper Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is considered as a promising technology for future 6G communications. Estimation of channel condition is essential for many reasons. The channel estimation process was presented as a physical layer application employing AI algorithms to improve the CSI acquisition accuracy [ 21 , 39 , 45 , 46 ]. Dec 11, 2023 · Finally, to meet the demands of next-generation wireless communication, challenges and future research trends in deep-learning-based channel estimation are discussed. Specifically, a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) is designed to estimate the cascaded channels with the received signals as conditional information. The topology is affected by channel noise, making accurate channel estimation more difficult. Therefore, it is a common practice to use synthesized data. In this paper, we propose a new deep neural network (DNN)-based channel estimation method for the Rayleigh fading channel model. However, such performance improvement generally relies on the knowledge of channel state information (CSI) for IRS-involved links. 11ad [] for wireless LAN’s and Wireless HD [] for wireless HDMI in the last decade. In this section, we describe a novel method for applying the WOA to improve the accuracy of pilot-based channel estimation in wireless systems. Therefore, the way to obtain accurate channel state information (CSI) is the greatest challenge. The pilot-aided channel estimation is widely adopted in many communication standards such as the fourth Generation (4 G) Long Term Evolution advanced (LTE-advanced) and Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) [2] due to its low complexity and high flexibility, which will also be suitable for HSR. Specifically, the Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) for the channel estimation is first derived to reveal the relationship between the estimation Accurate channel estimation and allocation are vital in the provision of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS)-aided wireless network services to mobile users. This chapter focuses on pilot‐assisted channel estimation in OFDM systems. Deep learning (DL) has also shown considerable advances in improving communication re Sep 23, 2024 · Channel estimation is crucial in wireless communication systems, as it intends to accurately determine the characteristics of the communication channel between the transmitter and the receiver. Therefore, to maximize the gain of using the RIS, it is essential The study of advanced architectures for reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) integrated sensing capabilities has been the focus of recent research in the past few years. These signals traverse different medium which can be wired or wireless. Channel Estimation (CE) in RIS-empowered multi-user communications is a challenging task since it involves the estimation of multiple channels simultaneously: the direct channels between the Base Station (BS) and each user, the channels between the RIS and BS, and the channels between the RIS and each user [21]–[23]. The most common methods are Decision‐Directed Channel Estimation, Pilot-Assisted Channel Estimation (PACE) and blind channel estimation. In this paper, the channel Jan 22, 2021 · Channel estimation is challenging for the reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided wireless communications. Specifically, the SIM is physically constructed by stacking multiple layers of metasurfaces and has an architecture similar to an artificial neural network (ANN), which can flexibly manipulate the Oct 1, 2014 · This paper proposes and analyzes a new channel estimation method based on training symbol for 5G MIMO wireless communication systems for IoT applications. This paper studies channel estimation techniques in multicarrier orthogonal frequency-division-multiplexing (OFDM) 5G wireless communication systems in Rayleigh and This repository contains the code needed to reproduce results in the paper by M. Power delay Jan 1, 2023 · In the area of wireless communication, channel estimation is a challenging problem due to the need for real-time implementation as well as system dependence on the estimation accuracy. There are many different approaches introduced past two decades. For con-ventional, coherent receivers, the effect of the channel Oct 28, 2020 · In this letter, we study efficient channel estimation and passive beamforming designs for a double-intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) aided single-user communication system, where a user communicates with an access point (AP) via the cascaded user-IRS 1-IRS 2-AP double-reflection link. In a communication channel, the received Mar 2, 2021 · Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) have been recently considered as an energy-efficient solution for future wireless networks due to their fast and low-power configuration, which has increased potential in enabling massive connectivity and low-latency communications. According to whether prior information is used, the channel nel estimation classification,” “channel estimation AND wireless communication,” and “channel estimation AND time varying. Since the number of coefficients of the cascaded channel among the base station . Specifically, we propose a new hybrid encoder-decoder structure (called HA02) for the first time which exploits the attention mechanism to focus on the most important input information. However, a RIS-assisted communication system typically involves cascaded channels with intricate large-scale data distribution. This research paper focuses on the security concerns of using artificial intelligence in future wireless networks (5G, 6G, 7G and beyond), also known as Next Generation or NextG. This enables HRIS to have signal processing capabilities, which can be used to partially solve the Nov 24, 2023 · This paper proposes a generative adversarial network (GAN) based channel estimation scheme for intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)-aided single-input multiple-output (SIMO) communication systems. For the sake Abstract: Channel estimation is a critical task in wireless communication for optimizing system performance and ensuring reliable communication. Channel estimation methods of typical wireless communication This repository contains source code for MIMO Channel Estimation using Score-Based Generative Models, and contains code for training and testing a score-based generative model on channels from the Clustered Delay Line (CDL) family of models, as well as other algorithms. The generator of GAN can reproduce data whose Nov 6, 2019 · Abstract page for arXiv paper 1911. Here, we propose a photonic parallel channel estimation (PPCE) architecture which Jul 23, 2023 · With the dramatic increase in the number of mobile users and wireless devices accessing the network, the performance of fifth generation (5G) wireless communication systems has been severely challenged. Proposed WOA-Based Channel Estimation. This letter proposes a deep learning (DL) based approach for IRS-assisted systems. Channel estimation can be classified into pilot‐assisted channel estimation, blind channel estimation, and decision DDCE. Thereby, ARIS can enhance wireless communications with the strengthened ARIS-aided links. “Deep Learning at the Edge for Channel Estimation in Beyond-5G Massive MIMO”, accepted at IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (WCM), April 2021. The first one is pilot design and the second one is channel estimator design with both low complexity and Feb 29, 2024 · Channel estimation algorithms are essential in wireless communication to precisely assess the wireless channel's characteristics. In this letter, we propose exploiting the signal amplification capability Dec 9, 2020 · Deep learning (DL) has emerged as an effective tool for channel estimation in wireless communication systems, especially under some imperfect environments. This information describes how a signal propagates from the transmitter to the receiver and represents the combined effect of, for example, scattering, fading, and power decay with distance. New 5G and diverse Internet of Things necessitate more effective channel modeling and estimation techniques. As in a wireless network, the input signals pass through a channel, and the input signal undergoes phase shift, attenuation, and interference. Ghandour, Laurent Clavier Abstract—Research into 6G networks has been initiated to support a variety of critical artificial intelligence (AI) assisted applications such as autonomous driving. To properly decode the received signal without much errors are to remove the disto Deep learning (DL) has emerged as an effective tool for channel estimation in wireless communication systems, especially under some imperfect environments. These decisions include resource allocation, localization, channel estimation, etc. INTRODUCTION Accurate channel estimation is a major challenge in the next generation of wireless communication networks, e. The strategies below explain the fundamental idea of channel estimation in single-carrier systems that are still used by most advanced channel In today's world, wireless communication is the most widely used mode of communication. We develop and tune the deep learning model for various size of pilot data that is known to the receiver and used for channel Sep 1, 2014 · In this article, a review of the various channel estimation techniques is provided. Introduction In digital wireless communication systems, informa-tion is transmitted through a radio channel. Jul 20, 2023 · Active reconfigurable intelligent surface (ARIS) is a newly emerging RIS technique that leverages radio frequency (RF) reflection amplifiers to empower phase-configurable reflection elements (REs) in amplifying the incident signal. In such applications, Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided wireless communications have drawn attention worldwide. ” We fine-tuned these keywords to suit each searchengine’sinterface,refiningthemas“channelestimationANDAlgorithms,”“chan-nel estimation AND performance evaluation,” “channel estimation AND V2V commu- Mar 25, 2023 · For applications like radar and dedicated communication, mmWave communications have been utilized previously. Channel estimation and equalization in wireless communication are very important technologies, which are cru-cial for ensuring reliable data Oct 21, 2022 · At cellular wireless communication systems, channel estimation (CE) is one of the key techniques that are used in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing modulation (OFDM). However, different from the conventional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, the orthogonality condition of offset quadrature amplitude modulation-based filter bank multicarrier (OQAM/FBMC) systems only holds in the real field, resulting Channel estimation In all communication systems, data is transferred from source to the destination in form of signals. In such applications, AI-based decisions should be performed in a real-time manner. For highly mobile communications, channel estimation on top of the channel modeling enables high bandwidth physical layer transmission in state-of-the-art mobile Autocorrelation Matrix Estimation for IRS-Assisted Wireless Communication Ge Yan, Lipeng Zhu, Member, IEEE, Rui Zhang, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—By reconfiguring wireless channels via passive signal reflection, intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) can bring significant performance enhancement for wireless communication systems. However, due to the large number of passive RIS elements without signal processing capability, channel estimation in RIS assisted wireless communication system requires high pilot overhead. Apr 1, 2001 · For TS-based channel estimation in high speed wireless communications, there mainly are two different ways to estimate the channel impulses, i. This paper studies the applications of Deep Learning (branch of Machine Learning) in 5G wireless communication systems. Applying deep Dec 2, 2022 · The AI-based channel estimation approach was considered for intelligent wireless communication systems for 5G/6G future networks [21, 24, 30, 32, 33, 39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46]. The accuracy of channel estimators significantly impacts the performance channel estimation channel tracking channel identification parameter estimation adaptive estimation time-varying channnels dispersive channels time-division multiple access 1. Accurate channel estimation (CE) is considered as one of the most essential issues in wireless communications. g. Deep Learning requires having large sets of data for training and testing purposes. Wireless channel is composed of wireless transmission media for transmitting signals, such as air, water, and building. Nonetheless, channel estimation is the main problem of RIS-assisted systems because of their direct dependence on the system architecture design, the transmission channel Channel Estimation . , in cellular massive MIMO [1], [2] or millimeter-wave [3], [4] networks. LS channel estimation is a technique that estimates the channel characteristics by reducing the difference between the received signal and the predicted signal based on estimated channel parameters. Only a few pilots are used for channel estimation in conventional approaches to preserve high data rate transmission. However, RIS elements cannot transmit or receive pilot signals because they are passive elements. This review will be of assistance in reaching a compromised decision regarding channel estimation techniques to be employed in any wireless communication systems being developed. Actually, in the practical hardware model of RIS, there are constraints from bit quantization that degrades the phase accuracy as well as the impaired reflection amplitude that varies with the phase. Deep Learning (DL) has also shown considerable advances in improving communication reliability and lowering computing complexity in 5G networks. The Apr 6, 2023 · In high-speed railways, the wireless channel and network topology change rapidly due to the high-speed movement of trains and the constant change of the location of communication equipment. Typically, channel estimation is carried out using a pilot signal. By accurately estimating the channel state from the Mar 28, 2001 · Ultimately, channel estimation is an intermediate step in determining the symbol values. A wireless ultraviolet (UV) MIMO channel estimation approach based on deep learning is provided in this paper. This method is a promising candidate, since it provides superior channel estimation accuracy while not requiring the statistical characteristics of the channel Mar 21, 2019 · Channel modeling is fundamental to design wireless communication systems. Later, IEEE has developed certain standards such as IEEE 802. Research of the Channel Estimation in Wireless Communication Systems Author: Zhao Lili, Zhang Peng, Dong Qicai, Huang Xiangyang, Zhao Jianhua, Su Zeyu Subject: In wireless communications, channel state information (CSI) is the known channel properties of a communication link. Note that various state-of-the-art channel estimation approaches have designed for the multipath channel estimation in Dec 2, 2021 · Download Citation | On Dec 2, 2021, Smera C and others published A Review of Channel Estimation Mechanisms in Wireless Communication Networks | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Tse and Viswanath: Fundamentals of Wireless Communications 2 3 Point-to-Point Communication: Detection, Diversity and Channel Uncertainty 64 3. The fifth-generation (5G) communication system is supposed to include a huge amount of mobile data traffic and number of wireless connections, for improved spectrum efficiency, quality of service (QoS), reliability, and security. Accurate and low-overhead channel estimation in RIS-based systems is one of the most critical challenges due to the Jan 1, 2024 · Through modeling the characteristics of wireless transmission channels, channel estimation can improve signal detection and demodulation techniques, enhance the spectrum utilization, optimize communication performance, and enhance the quality, reliability, and efficiency of intelligent wireless communication systems. Dec 29, 2023 · To solve the problems of pulse broadening and channel fading caused by atmospheric scattering and turbulence, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology is a valid way. e 21, channel estimation process was presented as a physical layer application employing AI algorithms to improve the CSI acquisition accuracy [39, 45, 46]. gaanju xmmgc jrxj fexjfwh mjed qivqbsl iqntn gwazsb qrhpni gidcol hnipjc elkbq btmjyuw qbfd kbdevu