Deoria district population 2011. It is one of 5 Tehsils of Deoria district.
Deoria district population 2011 Sohanpur is a large village located in Bhatpar Rani Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 1310 families residing. The Sarya village has population of 8879 of which 4485 are males while 4394 are females as per Population Census 2011. The sex-ratio of Rampur Karkhana city is around 919 compared to 912 which is average of Uttar Pradesh state. Deoria district is further subdivided into sub-divisions/tehsils or talukas. 27% of total population. The district has a population density of 1221 /km² (people per square kilometer). The total population of Kolhuwa is 1534 out of which 777 are males and 757 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Population of Deoria District. Thus, slight deviatiations from the actual population are possible in some cases. The literacy rate of Pathardewa Karmajit Pur is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 900 families residing. The sex-ratio of Pathardewa village is around 864 compared to 912 which is average of Uttar Pradesh state. Deoria Population, Caste, Working population Data of Deoria in Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh. )Census 2011 5 312 Number of Villages (RHS 2014) 1180 (Census 2011) 106704 Number of District Hospitals (RHS 2014) 1602. Gorakhpur District Brahmpur is North towards this place . As per the Census India 2011, Deoria district has 468346 households, population of 3100946 of which 1537436 are males and 1563510 are females. Bhatpar Rani (NP) has a population of 14,839, of which 7,692 are males and 7,147 are females. Bhaiari Baghel is a large village located in Bhatpar Rani Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 500 families residing. The Khairat village has population of 2447 of which 1151 are males while 1296 are females as per Population Census 2011. The Narayanpur Pandey village has population of 230 of which 119 are males while 111 are females as per Population Census 2011. Most populated town in Deoria Teshil is Rampur Karkhana (NP) with population of 9943. Uttar Pradesh District List; Deoria District; Bhatpar Rani Population; Bhatpar Rani Town Population Census 2011 - 2025 Bhatpar Rani is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. The Itwa village has population of 1239 of which 647 are males while 592 are females as per Population Census 2011. Also it is in the Border of other district Kushi Nagar . Madanpur 2011 Census Details . Sonda is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 363 families residing. The population of children between age 0-6 is 464516 which is 14. The Deoria village has population of 19165 of which 9993 are males while 9172 are females as per Population Census 2011. Jan 19, 2021 · HL-14: Percentage of households to total households by amenities and assets, Uttar Pradesh, district Deoria - 2011. The above population and growth rate are an educated estimate based on many things including past growth rates and new Rampur Mahuari is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 1220 families residing. Bhagua is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 366 families residing. Rudrapur Tehsil population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. 66 km², Salempur is home to a population of 604483 people, according to the 2011 Census. Mahuadih is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 480 families residing. Khairat is a large village located in Bhatpar Rani Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 406 families residing. The Bhaiari Baghel village has population of 3509 of which 1683 are males while 1826 are females as per Population Census 2011. In 2011 there were a total 468,346 families residing in Deoria district. The Pokhar Bhinda village has population of 1107 of which 582 are males while 525 are females as per Population Census 2011. As per the Census India 2011, Rampur Karkhana city has population of 129479 of which 67462 are males and 62017 are females. The Average Sex Ratio of Deoria Tehsil is 1,004. The Ekdanga village has population of 704 of which 363 are males while 341 are females as per Population Census 2011. 17 km², Bhatpar Rani is home to a population of 449256 people, according to the 2011 Census. Badhara is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 139 families residing. Rampur is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 254 families residing. Deoria district Total population is 3098637 according to census 2011. According to the census 2011 rural and urban population was 2784143 and 316803. Deoria is a Nagar Palika Parishad city situated in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district. The literacy rate of Bhragusari As per the Census India 2011, Madanpur village has population of 585 of which 254 are males and 331 are females. Deoria is a large village located in Paroo Block of Muzaffarpur district, Bihar with total 3112 families residing. The estimated population of Deoria district in 2024 is 35. Parsauni Population, Caste, Working population Data of Parsauni in Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh. Bhatpar Rani city is divided into 12 wards in which elections are held every 5 years. The Maharajpur village has population of 1104 of which 572 are males while 532 are females as per Population Census 2011. Madanpur Village Total population is 13789 and number of houses are 1899. The literacy rate of Lar city is 69. Ekdanga is a medium size village located in Salempur Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 103 families residing. Sukrauli is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 66 families residing. The Churia village has population of 6072 of which 2972 are males while 3100 are females as per Population Census 2011. As per the Census India 2011, Rampur Mahuari village has population of 962 of which 516 are males and 446 are females. The sub-district has a high population density of 1247 /km² (people per squar km), making it one of the densely populated regions in the district. Literate people are 2050058 among total. Population Census 2011-03-01 ; Deoria: District: Salempur is a subdivision located in the Deoria District of Uttar Pradesh, India. The Aam Ghat village has population of 962 of which 516 are males while 446 are females as per Population Census 2011. Parsa Barawa is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 387 families residing. The Badahara village has population of 2407 of which 1234 are males while 1173 are females as per Population Census 2011. Female Population is 50. 63 % of total population of Saraura is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 523 families residing. 41% of total population. Literacy rate of Deoria is 71. The Rampur village has population of 1659 of which 792 are males while 867 are females as per Population Census 2011. 57%) and (50. e. Barnai Khas is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 495 families residing. Census Data Jan 27, 2025 · This Place is in the border of the Deoria District and Gorakhpur District. The Rampur Mahuari village has population of 8935 of which 4310 are males while 4625 are females as per Population Census 2011. Deoria is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 122 families residing. The Banjaria village has population of 1763 of which 910 are males while 853 are females as per Population Census 2011. Lar Town Population Census 2011 - 2025 Lar is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. [9] Its population growth rate over the decade 2001-2011 was 14. The Barnai Khas village has population of 3444 of which 1744 are males while 1700 are females as per Population Census 2011. Check out important data about Deoria district as per Census 2011. Start year End year; 2011 Mar 1, 1991 · Source: Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, Delimitation Commission of India. The Sonda village has population of 2689 of which 1391 are males while 1298 are females as per Population Census 2011. Deogaon Local Language is Hindi. India, 2011. The sex-ratio of Bhragusari village is around 1303 compared to 912 which is average of Uttar Pradesh state. The Karmajit Pur village has population of 5767 of which 2909 are males while 2858 are females as per Population Census 2011. Churia is a large village located in Salempur Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 931 families residing. Ahirauli is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 171 families residing. The sex-ratio of Lar city is around 902 compared to 912 which is average of Uttar Pradesh state. The Pandey Chak village has population of 475 of which 249 are males while 226 are females as per Population Census 2011. Tarkulwa is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 972 families residing. The Uska village has population of 236 of which 118 are males while 118 are females as per Population Census 2011. 2 days ago · The Demo graphical details of Deoria District as per census 2011 Number of Villages Apr 20, 2022 · PCA: Primary Census Abstract C. There are 701 villages and 3 towns in Deoria Tehsil. Badahara is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 355 families residing. The Sohanpur village has population of 8986 of which 4441 are males while 4545 are females as per Population Census 2011. District in Uttar Pradesh State. Explanation: Districts, cities and towns in the boundaries of 2011. Kolhuwa Population, Caste, Working population Data of Kolhuwa in Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh. Shahpur Puraini is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 246 families residing. Population figures of new delimitated districts and split subdistricts are mostly computed by using subdistricts or villages in the boundaries of 2011. The Banjaria village has population of 986 of which 507 are males while 479 are females as per Population Census 2011. The sex-ratio of Rampur Mahuari village is around 864 compared to 912 which is average of Uttar Pradesh state. Total population of Deoria district is 3,100,946 as per census 2011. Population of Deoria in 2024. The Bhingari village has population of 5386 of which 2800 are males while 2586 are females as per Population Census 2011. Uttar Pradesh District List; Deoria District; Bhatni Bazar Population; Bhatni Bazar Town Population Census 2011 - 2025 Bhatni Bazar is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. Out of which 218712 are males while 221051 are females. 98% of total population. The Chakbandi Urf Ghataila Choti village has population of 1534 of which 796 are males while 738 are females as per Population Census 2011. Covering an area of 484. Thus, slight deviatiations from the actual population are possible in some Deoria District Village Map Directory. The sex-ratio of Madanpur village is around 1303 compared to 912 which is average of Uttar Pradesh state. The Tetari Hardo village has population of 750 of which 349 are males while 401 are females as per Population Census 2011. The Batarauli village has population of 1631 of which 867 are males while 764 are females as per Population Census 2011. Pokhar Bhinda is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 133 families residing. Covering an area of 359. The population of children between age 0-6 is 14779 which is 11. Out of which 1,537,436 are males while 1,563,510 are females. Kolhuwa is a village situated in Deoria tehsil of Deoria district in Uttar Pradesh. The Bharhe Choura village has population of 6338 of which 2967 are males while 3371 are females as per Population Census 2011. Bhingari is a large village located in Bhatpar Rani Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 756 families residing. The Bishunpura village has population of 2316 of which 1177 are males while 1139 are females as per Population Census 2011. The Ahirauli village has population of 937 of which 447 are males while 490 are females as per Population Census 2011. The Bhatpar Rani city is divided into 12 wards for which elections are held every 5 years. Bhujauli is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 353 families residing. Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district has a total population of 1,237,450 as per the Census 2011. Madanpur Local Language is Hindi. Sex ratio in Deoria teshil is 1004 per 1000 male. The Narayanpur village has population of 4635 of which 2366 are males while 2269 are females as per Population Census 2011. The population in Deoria as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). Population figures of new delimitated districts are computed by using subdistricts or villages in the boundaries of 2011. The literacy rate of As per official census 2011 and population data 2025 of Deoria district, Hindu are majority in Deoria state. Contents: Subdivision. The Birni village has population of 245 of which 128 are males while 117 are females as per Population Census 2011. Parasia Misra is a medium size village located in Barhaj Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 64 families residing. The Madanpur village has population of 13789 of which 6769 are males while 7020 are females as per Population Census 2011. As per the Census India 2011, Bhragusari village has population of 585 of which 254 are males and 331 are females. 61 % of total population of Census Digital Library. [9] The district has a population density of 1,220 inhabitants per square kilometre (3,200/sq mi) . District: Deoria: Population (2011 ) • Total. The Baikunthpur village has population of 3851 of which 1927 are males while 1924 are females as per Population Census 2011. Rampur is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 150 families residing. These villages are located in the Barhaj, Bhatpar Rani, Deoria, Rudrapur and Salempur Tahsils. The population development of Deoria. The Gauri Bazar city is divided into 10 wards for which elections are held every 5 years. Chakbandi Urf Ghataila Choti is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 257 families residing. The Kanchanpur village has population of 4186 of which 2068 are males while 2118 are females as per Population Census 2011. Birni is a medium size village located in Bhatpar Rani Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 45 families residing. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Deoria District as per Census 2011. Pandey Chak is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 54 families residing. The population of children between age 0-6 is 70296 which is 15. Jan 19, 2021 · PCA TV: Primary census abstract at town, village and ward level, Uttar Pradesh - District Deoria - 2011. The Rampur Karkhana city is divided into 10 wards for which elections are held every 5 years. The total population of Deoria is 129479 out of which 67462 are males and 62017 are females. The Shahpur Puraini village has population of 1618 of which 753 are males while 865 are females as per Population Census 2011. It is one of 5 Tehsils of Deoria district. Itwa is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 171 families residing. The population of children between age 0-6 is 118 which is 12. The annual population growth rate of Deoria is 1. The Dhanauti village has population of 2868 of which 1429 are males while 1439 are females as per Population Census 2011. 07% of Deoria population. Explanation: States and districts in the boundaries of 2023; subdistricts in the boundaries of 2011. This is an increase of 15. The Rampur village has population of 1094 of which 553 are males while 541 are females as per Population Census 2011. As per the Census 2011 Deoria District's total population is 3100946. ORGI HOME; Home; Catalog; Advance Search; Home / Central Data Catalog / PC11_PCA-TV-0959 Narayanpur Pandey is a medium size village located in Bhatpar Rani Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 33 families residing. In 2011 there were total Uttar Pradesh District List; Deoria District; Gauri Bazar Population; Gauri Bazar Town Population Census 2011 - 2025 Gauri Bazar is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. Batarauli is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 247 families residing. As per the Census India 2011, Bhatpar Rani Tehsil has 66080 households, population of 449256 of which 220610 are males and 228646 are females. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 142 families residing in the village Parsauni. Parsauni is a village situated in Deoria tehsil of Deoria district in Uttar Pradesh. Out of which 617,458 are males while 619,992 are females. 23%. As of the 2011 Indian census, [2] Bhatpar Rani is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. According to the census, the 2011 population of district Deoria is 3100946 and there male and female population is 1537436 and 1563510. According to the 2011 census Deoria district has a population of 3,100,946. Deoria is 32th most Populous district out of total 71 districts in Uttar Pradesh and it is 114th most Populous district in India. Phulawaria Pandey is a medium size village located in Barhaj Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 212 families residing. Katarari is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 425 families residing. 65% of total population. Mar 1, 1991 · Cities and Towns in Deoria (Uttar Pradesh, India) with population District. Deogaon 2011 Census Details . Source: Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner. Narayanpur is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 646 families residing. The Rudrapur city is divided into 16 wards for which elections are held every 5 years. Bharhe Choura is a large village located in Salempur Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 1050 families residing. 83%. Its total area is 2535 sq. The total population of this district is 2784143 *. The Bhaluani village has population of 5505 of which 2768 are males while 2737 are females as per Population Census 2011. The population of children between age 0-6 is 2081 which is 13. The Census data provide information on demographic and socio-economic characteristics of population at the lowest administrative unit i. Gorakhpur District Brahmpur is west towards this place . 42%). [9] Deoria district of Uttar Pradesh has a total population of 3,100,946 as per the Census 2011. The Lar city is divided into 16 wards for which elections are held every 5 years. The Saraura village has population of 3021 of which 1500 are males while 1521 are females as per Population Census 2011. Aam Ghat is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 149 families residing. As per the Census India 2011, Majhauliraj city has population of 15352 of which 8070 are males and 7282 are females. The Badhara village has population of 1015 of which 526 are males while 489 are females as per Population Census 2011. The literacy rate of Madanpur village is Bhatpar Rani is a subdivision located in the Deoria District of Uttar Pradesh, India. 25%. 01 Lakh. The Sukrauli village has population of 372 of which 168 are males while 204 are females as per Population Census 2011. The population of children between age 0-6 is 112 which is 19. 67% from the 2011 census population of 31. 9,943 Hindi: Time zone: UTC+5:30 : Rampur Karkhana is a town and a nagar panchayat in Deoria district in the Kolhuwa is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 225 families residing. Deoria is a district in Uttar Pradesh, India is an administrative division of India. The Average Sex Ratio of Deoria district is 1,017. 68% out of which Baikunthpur is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 620 families residing. Rudrapur Tehsil of Deoria district has total population of 439763 as per the Census 2011. The Bakhra Khas village has population of 5855 of which 3017 are males while 2838 are females as per Population Census 2011. Deoria is a Tehsil located in Deoria district of Uttar Pradesh. Bakhra Khas is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 858 families residing. Bhaluani is a large village located in Barhaj Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 805 families residing. The literacy rate of Rampur Sarya is a large village located in Bhatpar Rani Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 1314 families residing. The sex-ratio of Majhauliraj city is around 902 compared to 912 which is average of Uttar Pradesh state. ORGI Census 2011 Tables: PC11_HL14: List of all towns and Villages in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh. 87 Lakh. Madanpur is a large village located in Rudrapur Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 1899 families residing. The Bhatni Bazar city is divided into 12 wards for which elections are held every 5 years. Literacy rate in Deoria teshil is 71. The Bhujauli village has population of 2514 of which 1290 are males while 1224 are females as per Population Census 2011. Total geographical area is 2540. Pokhar Bhinda is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 180 families residing. 11 Number of Districts (RHS 2014) 751 Number of Sub District (Tehsil/Taluka etc. The Mahuadih village has population of 3168 of which 1568 are males while 1600 are females as per Population Census 2011. It is the 32 nd largest district in the state by Population . The Deoria Nagar Palika Parishad has population of 129,479 of which 67,462 are males while 62,017 are females as per report released by Census India 2011. Mar 1, 1991 · Source: Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner (web), Delimitation Commission of India (web), Rand McNally International Atlas 1994, School of Planning & Architecture (web). The Kolhuwa village has population of 1534 of which 777 are males while 757 are females as per Population Census 2011. The Tarkulwa village has population of 6693 of which 3432 are males while 3261 are females as per Population Census 2011. Population Census of Deoria District in 2011 is 3,100,946. 56% of total population. Mar 1, 2011 · Deoria. As per Census 2011, total families in Deoria district were 47,696. Sonari is a large village located in Barhaj Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 611 families residing. The sub-district has a high population density of 1251 /km² (people per squar km), making it one of the densely populated regions in the Banjaria is a medium size village located in Bhatpar Rani Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 265 families residing. The Salempur city is divided into 13 wards for which elections are held every 5 years. Population of Children with age of 0-6 is 14779 which is 11. The above population and growth rate are an educated estimate based on many things including past growth rates and new Jun 3, 2021 · It contains both Census and non Census data of urban and rural areas for each District. Rudrapur Tehsil in Deoria District of Uttar Pradesh. Kanchanpur is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 643 families residing. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 225 families residing in the village Kolhuwa. As per the Census India 2011, Lar city has population of 15352 of which 8070 are males and 7282 are females. The Katarari village has population of 3025 of which 1625 are males while 1400 are females as per Population Census 2011. The Bhirwa village has population of 1327 of which 665 are males while 662 are females as per Population Census 2011. 13 percent. Banjaria is a medium size village located in Salempur Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 164 families residing. District Profile: Deoria Uttar Pradesh Rural Population (In lakhs) (Census 2011) 2781739 (Census 2011) 1551. Hinduism constitutes 88. Total population of Deoria teshil is 1237450 as per Census 2011 Data. Uttar Pradesh District List; Deoria District; Rudrapur Population; Rudrapur Town Population Census 2011 - 2025 Rudrapur is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. Maharajpur is a medium size village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 181 families residing. 41 % of total population of Deoria (NPP). As per 2011 stats, Deoria has a population of 31,00,946 peoples, out of which urban population is 3,16,803 while rural population is 27,84,143. The Deoria village has population of 790 of which 391 are males while 399 are females as per Population Census 2011. The rural population stands at 2784143, while the urban population is 316803. The district has a population density of 1221 inhabitants per square kilometre. According to Census 2011 data of India, there are 2162 villages in Deoria District of Uttar Pradesh, India. The Karuana village has population of 545 of which 254 are males while 291 are females as per Population Census 2011. km. The icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (gender, urbanization, population group, literacy (a7+), age groups). The Sonari village has population of 4708 of which 2330 are males while 2378 are females as per Population Census 2011. As per the Census India 2011, Deoria Tehsil has 189288 households, population of 1237450 of which 617458 are males and 619992 are females. The Parsa Barawa village has population of 2643 of which 1315 are males while 1328 are females as per Population Census 2011. 15% of total population. Bhirwa is a medium size village located in Rudrapur Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 185 families residing. D. Total number of households in Deoria District are 468346. Salempur Town Population Census 2011 - 2025 Salempur is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. Karuana is a medium size village located in Barhaj Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 82 families residing. 00 Ha. Mathia is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 374 families residing. 4 days ago · This Place is in the border of the Deoria District and Gorakhpur District. The Phulawaria Pandey village has population of 1386 of which 722 are males while 664 are females as per Population Census 2011. As per the 2011 Census, the population of Deoria District is approximately 3100946, with a division between rural and urban areas. The literacy rate of Majhauliraj As per the Census India 2011, Pathardewa village has population of 962 of which 516 are males and 446 are females. The Pokhar Bhinda village has population of 772 of which 367 are males while 405 are females as per Population Census 2011. Dhanauti is a large village located in Deoria Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 363 families residing. 9%. Block wise, Uttar Pradesh - District Deoria - 2011. of each Village and Town and ward of the District. Population Census 2011 Time periods. Deogaon Village Total population is 3256 and number of houses are 549. Deoria District data as per Census 2011 Tetari Hardo is a medium size village located in Salempur Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 108 families residing. Males are 1539313 and Females are 1559324 . There are 3 town in Deoria sub-district which lies in Deoria administrative devision. [9] This gives it a ranking of 114th in India (out of a total of 640). In Itwa village population of children with age 0-6 is 206 which makes up 16. It is 12th most densely populated out of 71 districts in Uttar Pradesh and it is 61th most Uttar Pradesh District List; Deoria District; Rampur Karkhana Population; Rampur Karkhana Town Population Census 2011 - 2024 Rampur Karkhana is a Nagar Panchayat city in district of Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. Uska is a medium size village located in Bhatpar Rani Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 41 families residing. The Bhagua village has population of 2536 of which 1225 are males while 1311 are females as per Population Census 2011. The population density of Deoria is 1220 Persons per square Km. There are 353 villages and 1 towns in Bhatpar Rani Tehsil. The Parasia Misra village has population of 390 of which 176 are males while 214 are females as per Population Census 2011. Population of Deoria district is 3098637 as per Census 2011. In 2011 there were a total 189,288 families residing in Deoria Tehsil. Complete details of Population, Religion, Literacy and Sex Ratio in tabular format. Sex Ratio for Deoria district is 1017 per 1000 male. The Mathia village has population of 2478 of which 1301 are males while 1177 are females as per Population Census 2011. ORGI Census 2011 Tables: PC11_PCA-TV: Data source(s) Source; The total population of Deoria District is 3,100,946 out of which urban population is 316,803 while rural is 2,784,143. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 20076 families residing in the Deoria city. Percentage wise population male are and female are (49. In Sonda village population of children with age 0-6 is 366 which makes up 13. Explanation: Districts in the boundaries of 2023. The total population of Parsauni is 1030 out of which 510 are males and 520 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio Bishunpura is a large village located in Bhatpar Rani Tehsil of Deoria district, Uttar Pradesh with total 327 families residing. ufxf rewvrwe uurybsb tmi rramuom cjzb qjasw mdkae pxpwmm zrdedq wfuhvy brnun rzg qgtke qgg