Gw2 guardian tank build 2019 reddit com or SnowCrows. Some builds, like Reaper (Necromancer) or Thief have quite nice self-buffing capabilities, which make them good for solo'ing stuff. I'm a relatively new player, and I've been using a solo condi firebrand build, but I have troubles staying on my feet, I go down a lot. Hi all, I'm a brand new GW2 player and I've spent a couple of weeks trying out different classes to see which one I enjoy the most. FB tanking is actually surprisingly ineffective in most situations. The issue isn't that you can't create proper tank and healer builds in Gw2, there's just no use for them anywhere outside of raids and even in raids you run a healer that can barely even heal because it brings the best buffs. Renegade is pretty much top dog on solo sustain. Tank chrono sacrifices dps (for toughness and losing thief runes) and you have to be a sweetcorn to achieve the same result. Look at the stats and what effect they have then pick a class that sounds fun to you and figure out what works best for you. Does anyone have any thoughts on a build that really "encompasses" guardian. i was very wrong and couldn't be happier, Guardian is less of a tank in the sense it's a meatshield and more in the sense it's an M1 Abrams. Run up to golem, press 1, come back after making your tea. my favorite weapons are sword/mace and shield/focus or a staff, and the shouts are very nice too. Off-meta is great, so long as you’re good with the build. I enjoyed Scourge for awhile until they slowly chipped away at what made it fun(how no one talks about the delay on activating Scourge skills is odd to me) but once they decided to fully make Reaper a melee damage spec is when it was time to main it. My favorite guardian build is Power Dragonhunter with greatsword and scepter / focus. Choosing a race was easy, Charr look unique, but having a hard time choosing a class. Dec 17, 2023 · Guardian builds for Guild Wars 2. But the health is really low (~18k) in Level 80 areas or WvW. 28 votes, 38 comments. Jan 16, 2019 · I'm thinking about creating a new character and I'm torn between Ranger and Guardian. After looking through the starting classes Necromancer and Guardian look cool (Revenant also looks really good but I'm not ready to spend money on expansions just yet). I recently build a guardian with all exotic armor + vitality stats and 30 points on vitality stat line. You'd think it should have to give up something for all of this, but no. Guardian can play any role, but there isn't a single build that plays every role. Some (not sure if all) can be easily soloed in Tier 1, though it will take more time than having a group and will require to have at least a basic or more understanding of your class and likely adjust your build. Posted by u/Trbrak - 3 votes and 4 comments Not sure whether real tanking with all its intricacies could even be reasonably implemented in GW2 (would require massive changes, that's for sure), but GW2 tanking just feels lacklustre. I've taken a look at the current equipment on my tank guardian and every single thing is power toughness vitality. Tempest have instant superspeed, stun breaks and 10 stack self stab on demand. My concessions to the meta are in my armor runes and food and even then I feel it cramping my style. 15(Precise), 25(Hunter's), 35(StrongM), 45(Strong), 55(Knight's) lasting to lv. If you're not tanking QtP or SH, just about any build can tank with just a little toughness. Build Hey im a new player and im interested in a tank class for Gw2 ( guardian ) i really want to create one but after doing some research everyone just keeps saying to playing something else like an Ele, Mesmer or Necro. Does anyone have any builds to suggest or how i should start getting gear/mats for gear? I know that since CoF was buffed, there isn't much of a consensus on dungeons to run. Dodge Condi Holo. I currently have QuickHealerBrand, PowerQuickBrand, and currently messing with a DH, and the fun of that is the build is Healer-DH-DPS, still need CoE runes, but so far, this build has around 12k dps with no food and proper runes at SC setting golem and environment. Can someone provide me a good open world/story mode dungeon build? I"m in full ascended zerkers and just got slaughtered trying to solo caudecus manor. I'd like to re-kindle that debate here. For PVE or just general cooldowns? Mace Shield is pretty great on the Mace side of things, but the Shield even with the cooldown trait takes a while to recharge. Also want to mention, this build have a LOT of variability with it's traits and utility skills, and even with weapon choises (for example hammer instead of staff for less healing but more cc, axe/sword for more fury on party, etc) Boa iniciativa brother! Bem interessante como vocês vão a fundo no básico pra galera se nortear na hora de buildar. It's not a shout spec. Honor and Valor are the defensive trait lines, and I remember seeing them in various combinations in close all Guardian bunker builds - core, Dragonhunter and Firebrand - during the years. com are veteran players that know more about the game than I ever will. It's not a Guard DPS spec. Hello all this is Deadly Hamster from Sormbluff isle I really love doing dungeons and I decided to make a reddit account just to share this awesome build I've been using for dungeons with the community. You and many other players are missing the point of minstrel chrono and other similar minstrel/magi/nomad mix builds. Hey im currently freestyling a Firebrand Guardian Build but i would appreciate every help. Our collection of Guild Wars 2 Guardian builds is available to help out all types of players and raiders, from those just getting started, through to experienced veterans. The fact that QB is still a great tank after the aegis mantra removal demonstrates that. Since nobody has mentioned it thus far: the only PvE build that uses full Celestial is Cele Firebrand: a hybrid DPS, heal, and tank build that works really well on fights that don't require a ton of heal throughput. I know that glass berserker is the way to go for guardians right now but I actually also have a second full zerker guardian already (lol). BUT SERIOUSLY. Feb 25, 2022 · Role: Support or Tank The Support Firebrand build has an incredible team support due to the sheer amount of boons it provides including Quickness and even the more powerful Aegis which can block entire mechanics to protect its allies. In any game, I have learned to start with a "pro" build online. So I'm wanting to do a more Team Support setup with Mace/Shield and Staff, but am at a loss for the build setup or stats to focus on, I usually just… It depends on: which gamemode you're playing (PvP has completely different builds than WvW, than PvE - and then even in PvE you have the choice between high-level endgame in the forms of 5 or 10 man groups, open world, etc. A lot of them are actually. A comprehensive Dualsense Controller Configuration for Guild Wars 2 (including all combat bindings, touch menus for mounts, UI, mastery/novelty skills, and squad markers) r/Guildwars2 • FYI ArcDps is updated /r/GuildWars2 is the primary community for Guild Wars 2 on Reddit. However Staff is a Support/Heal Weapon and doesn't have a place in a DPS build. Greatsword is a great choice for a DPS weapon on Guardian, and there are a few builds out there for that. That's true. Dec 11, 2021 · In order to play as a tank in guild wars you need to have a means to get the boss to only attack you and that only happens in very specific encounters (vale guardian, gorseval, mursaat overseer, deimos, etc). I would choose guardian and maybe use marauder stats, it's like berserker but a little less dps for some more HP. I could rave all day long about why its so great. 80. I have searched for this but it seems that the best in this (guardian) would be Firebrand (specialization as I assume) which requires expansion. Hi guys Came back to the game in April after a while and just levelled a power Guardian from scratch again and since I've hit 80 I've gathered a load of Carrion items to try and play as condi running sword/torch and sceptre/focus. You can't really play "a tank" because you will always be expected to provide more than just a meat shield. . Timewise not worth it. A wide variety of meta, great and good GW2 builds and guides for PvE, PvP and WvW. As for me, I tend to do it starting at lv. Jan 20, 2022 · There is no way a Firebrand can survive the damage of 2 decent players for long, sooner or later he runs out of defense skills and healing. I think the closest that can do both would be dragonhunter with soldiers gear or firebrand with diviners. the way it works is you run in with a block acticvated and apply weakness over and over and block As others have mentioned, the elite specialization Chronomancer brings a significant amount of utility in end-game PvE, including alacrity and quickness (boons that greatly increase damage), tanking, on-demand aegis, a fair bit of CC, and other pieces of utility such as focus pulls and portals. Staying off meta can be really powerful, as most players only expect the meta builds, and often don’t know how to react to a well designed/played off-meta build. Wanting some ideas/advice for a guardian build. Guardian builds database for PvE, WvW, PvP and Open World, for every skill level. Hi everyone, I've played GW2 on and off for a while, and I'm really pushing to complete the HoT story (so I can justify buying PoF). Looking to possibly come back to GW2 casually. Unlike most traditional MMOs that have a beefy tank that builds all health and armor, GW2 PvE content revolves around doing the most damage possible and avoiding attacks via dodge or block. You can try to use just the Greatsword part of a DPS build and have Staff at the side, but it's not going to be very useful for you. Apr 26, 2020 · I think it resembles very much older core Guardian PvP bunker builds, but can't remember them too well. all i asked for was a good Guardian tank build?? Why am i being told to play the one play style im not good at and then being told that the game isn't for me if I dont enjoy it. Dec 3, 2024 · The Power Hammer Symbol Guardian is an Open World build with increased symbol size and damage allowing you to cast many of these symbols which will deal damage, heal, grant boons, and cover a wide radius in battle, allowing you to reliably and simply have an impact on the fight at all times. Guardians are the most durable class in the game, equipped with plenty of utilities like buffs, crowd control, and condition cleanses. It's not a double-stab spec. ). true. com, learn your class and start tweaking it to your playstyle, the "Invincible guardian" was skill and lots of it, it doesnt matter how tanky you are if you cant dodge bursts and get locked down, dont stun break fast enough, condi cleanse etc. It's a low point of entry, but high skill cap to master build that will keep you engaged and on your toes. We are the best race and class combo. Scrapper andTempest are much more flexible, but share the weakness of all Minstrel builds, they can't fight back. I wanted to build two characters ideally around being really useful in party content like dungeons and fractals, but also have one or both useful in WvW. Maybe a weird answer but: If you dont feel tanky with your warrior, id suggest playing something that reallllly isnt tanky (for a while), like a dps weaver/tempest or something squishy. Mar 24, 2023 · Image: ArenaNet via HGG/Tyler Locke. i wouldnt mind playing another class, i just want to feel needed and have some fun ( dont want to end up playing a boring class to end up quitting later on since i only have so Posted by u/GuardianKrios - No votes and 4 comments 13 votes, 25 comments. The 2nd and 3rd links are literally two tank builds from a site filled to the brim with GW2 builds. Hello, I am quite new to the game and I am looking for a guardian build that can provide support/heal in Raid parties. , etc. What are some crazy OP type builds for open world PvE? Story quests, events, that kind of thing? I really want to lean into the feeling of being crazy powerful? Great feedback. It is all about the extra boons and healing this build provides while being able to sustain a lot of damage. Essentiallly, we're looking for builds that can SOLO Champion Level mobs in 2019 (mainly PoF expansion I guess). In general you need to have the most toughness in your group to tank OR there is a separate tanking mechanic (think SH runes or proximity tanking adds on Q1). GW2 has tank, healer, dps roles but they are not a static part of the game. I've tried a few times to complete hearts and minds solo, but I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall sometimes. Guardian, Engineer, Revenant, Thief, Ranger, Necromancer and Elementalist can all be support, dps, or healer. But in all the comments, there was literally only 3 builds actually shown. They has historically been a very stable class. Its terrible sustained dps on bigger targets and I hate the agonizingly slow auto chain but dealing 80-100% of a targets hp in a single hit on a low CD with mighty blow is lots of fun. I like sometimes play a core hammer guardian in the open world and try to run around one shoting things with mighty blow. I get away with zerker DH for all content pretty easily, but I also dont wvw anymore. I used to be a long time warrior main but I didn't find bannerslave fun and the DPS was mediocre, spellbreaker was the final straw for me. (Engi also has a pretty solid condi build, Guardian's is pretty mediocre). Dragon hunter is a solid Pdps that sees a few minor tweaks through its time,i just wish longbow was usefull in end game content or at least a solid 2nd weapon to use compared to sword or septer. I always liked guardian, love dh for fixing most of the things that core missed and hated the fb, im still running my dh power builds, i guess i like the aesthetic and gameplay of the class. Even if I want to experiment and not follow the build precisely, the people who make builds on (for example) Metabattle. I'm really interested in being a survivability/tank guardian. 2019. Saying "Guardian" is kinda vague, but I'm gonna assume you mean Firebrand support. Apr 27, 2020 · Guardian can play any role, but there isn't a single build that plays every role. When I think of guard I think of: Hard to kill (heavy armor, duh) Hits like a truck (hammer 2, greatsword) Buffs teamates (agis, reflections, symbols) It's a bit extreme with a heavyweight blade and SS Perfect Strike & Critical toggled (so at AP cost - but I have 19 of them). Before this goes any further I feel like we need to dispel the notion of what a "tanky" character in GW2 is. Berserker's w/assassin's amulet, scholar runes, superior sharpening stone, birthday cake (lol). If you go full Minstrel's you can facetank everything, but as far as damage mitigation is concerned with glassy tank builds Aegis is surprisingly ineffective. Let’s be honest, some play styles are more fun and more effective when playing with others you know. Im using greatsword as main weapon but i thought about using Hammer for cc but i saw some articles that said Hammer is the worst weapon for Guardian. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. Given how slow the projectile move from the #3 even if you were moving if the target is as well a decent number of them would miss. Right now, I have three professions at level 80:Engineer - my main character, used a kit build in HoT ("playing the piano") and now I'm running a Holosmith. You should pick up a meta build from metabattle. Feb 16, 2023 · You can't really play "a tank" because you will always be expected to provide more than just a meat shield. Reddit +1 for a charrdian. Generally speaking, your offensive potency is measured by your Effective Power: Power * (1-CritChance * (1- CritDamage)) I can go into the math if necessary, but to give an example, assuming you have fury and full berserker gear, a point in power will increase your effective power by ~1. Necro in pve is extremely easy to play and survive on. 8 whereas a point in precision will increase it by ~1. Using the same set of gear (mostly Zerker with a few random pieces thrown in so I’m not squishy) it seems to be doing well. Most PvE builds for most classes use Berserker's stats (power, precision, ferocity), while those that use primarily condition damage (burning, bleeding, poison, etc. Necro has rarely been part of the endgame meta in pve and when they are it's usually some niche build for specific scenarios. Guardians have Paladin elements to them. its great for tanking (you basically never can die) and can dish out a ton of damage if needed. a good and easy build for Raids to Take the Tank role Since the word "easy" appears here, I just want to be clear that if you want to tank well, you will have to start approaching the topic with a "I want to learn it" mentality. 70-72 up to lv. Thank you! Yes, this is not an AH spec. a condition duration), although I've heard some more optimized/hardcore firebrand builds use a mix of Viper's and Grieving (basically Berserker's plus condition damage). 3. Youll die and quick. Só senti falta de apresentar algumas builds que se beneficiem dos conceitos de boons e conditions que o Guardian pode aplicar e que vocês ressaltam bem no início do Guia. I know it's early days and I know nothing about what the game is like at higher levels but so far I'm enjoying Guardian, Ranger, and Necromancer the most with Ranger probably at the top. Decided to try GW2 for the first time today. i share your opinion in regards to armour but i've found that necro is the class for me, despite the light armour, it's more survivable than When leveling a character the most important part is to have your gear always on check, that includes your trinkets, every 10lvl. You can play a tankier, supportive build though. Guardians are inspired from the GW1 monk (holy support class that also acts as the antithesis to necromancers), ritualist (spirit conjurer), and dervish (warrior priest that builds up and tears down boons on themselves) professions. No infusions. Mar 19, 2018 · If you're interested I made a core Guardian build focused around Soldiers stats and Aegis/blocks, it mainly uses dodging for getting away from attacks when I'm out of Aegis/blocks, and can still do some damage. It is a variant of the sPvP/WvW Healway build . This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. Id go with dps+dps for duoing in gw2, but with an eye towards boons, since they are incredibly strong in this game. k. Hi all. Posted by u/anima311 - 1 vote and 14 comments I started GW2 as a Ele and really enjoyed how the class played but once they added Reaper I found my main. Note I use Eldritch Arcana mod, which allowed me to use Spell Blending Arcana to get Sense Vitals buff (but the Sneak damage contribution is really minor here, as you can see) plus Craft Items mod to craft spare extra Lead Blade wands, but here's more-or-less what a Feb 16, 2023 · You can't really play "a tank" because you will always be expected to provide more than just a meat shield. so i was looking for a build on any spec of guardian (DH, FB, WB) for open world that actually uses the shield , i am currently using condi FB with stoic demeanor, so as i push them away, they get burned, but it doesnt really feel satyisfing to play, like an axe/shield warrior or sword/shield herald I’ve been playing through the story on my Guardian using a power build and only recently started playing around with the Firebrand. I haven't kept up with it in a while, but there were a few tanky WvW builds using Celestial stats on their gear to get a bit of all stats. For GW2 the classes are less role specific than in FFXIV, how you build the class determines what roles they're good at. Second weapon is a staff and thats the part i really like so i dont want to change that. Key roles that you want are:-Quickbrand tank (tank and gives quickness for hos sub group)-DPS quickbrand (gives quickness to other sungroup)Alacrity heal renegade (second healer of group and gives alacrity for 10men)Druid (druid is still go to healer coz Dec 17, 2023 · Guardian builds for Guild Wars 2. ) use Viper's (power, condition damage, precision, expertise a. Wildstar was the pinnacle of dungeons and raids, such a shame it went down because of stupid stuff. Engineer is skewed, because it WAS the "worst" class to play until EoD. If you want a good tank build for solo roaming, then Celestial is much better than Minstrel. In PvE, you can do just about anything you want, but I use Harrier since Firebrand is a boon-based spec and benefits greatly from the concentration. Just bought PoF recently and boosted a guardian. Sep 24, 2012 · I'm really interested in being a survivability/tank guardian. 65(Berserker's) as my last upgrade because I always use Tome of Knowledge from lv. Heavy armor, high range damage and cleave, battle scars, two heal skills, etc. Ive been using relic of the thief on holo, because permanent uptime, but with a bit of thought, firework on hammer holo should be possible to keep 100% because grenade kit 4 and 5 also proc it, and you already use them interchangeably when u use shrapnel grenades, its a bit tedious tho, but definitely doable if you pay attention /r/GuildWars2 is the primary community for Guild Wars 2 on Reddit. Mesmer and Warrior can be support or DPS but aren't considered "meta" as healers but they can still try to be. Guardian handle any game mode fine. Aug 30, 2024 · Learn about what traits and skills to run, and how best to use them. Apr 11, 2022 · My favorite guardian build is Power Dragonhunter with greatsword and scepter / focus. You'll get to unlock everything exactly on level 80 but your priority for leveling would be Skills: Bane signet Shouts: 'Save Yourselves' for massive boons to kill mobs faster + taking less damage with protection, and 'Retreat' for swiftness as you travel But for anyone who really likes tanking lots of mobs, especially while leveling with a friend/s, here is another option I recently tested while leveling my second guardian (really wanted an Asura). As well as warrior being more tanky on paper but guardians can last longer due to the healing and buffs ect. for normal pve stuff, there is usually no real tanking involved. like how Warrior is an offensive support class while Guardian is a defensive support. As one of the first classes on this list, Guardian is the closest you can get to your typical tank class in GW2. GW2 can be misinterpreted for many things, 'a cookie cutter mmo', 'going back on its word', forgotten for what it stood for' or 'grind gated'. depends totally on boss. Great feedback. At the moment, I am looking for some advice on a build and equipment for a tank/healer guardian. I put out absolute metric shit-tons of damage, but for whatever reason I can't stay alive as much as I'd like. Really interested in the above three professions mentioned. This is very different, and is based on Virtues/Healing/AoE Suppression/AoE Tanking. The 1st and 4th link are sets of threads with detailed discussions on the topic, repeating the things said in this thread, and with links to builds. Mech make it way more easy and lot of people "abused" it, but it's too little too late to affect the 9 years graph before it. So, the idea of this build is that you get the Sigil of Energy and Adrenal Implant to provide you lots of dodges, which synergises with Thermal Release Valve and Power Wrench, which greatly decreases the cooldown on your elite Prime Light Beam. May 2, 2019 · If you want to have Guardian as Raid tank, you will need a bit different Squad composition. Apr 12, 2019 · that's cool man and yeah i am seeking more guardian "NON-condi" builds. Having them count as 2 hits for the sake of justice would mean that even if all of them landed you would only apply justice 3 times, something the auto attack can do rather quickly anyway. in raids there are mechanics like highest thoughness just tanks others like random tank for a time / taking a certain thing so you are focused. Is Guardian health lower than other classes? My dps warrior class canon has 19k health and there is 0 stats spent on vitality. guardians on the web and constantly hear that the greatsword tank build for a guardian isnt Depends on the game format and what you're playing. Power Core Guardian Scrapper is the least tanky support in big-scale/mid-scale WvW. Instanced fights can be designed with dedicated heal and tanks required, hybrid approaches, or none at all vs FF for instance where you always know how many of each role you need - in some instances the game forces to have x amount of role regardless of your groups capabilities. 12 votes, 37 comments. Please post the profession and a link to build (or a youtube video). my personal Terminology time! Tank: In GW2 PvE, this is usually fulfilled by a character with very high damage evasion or immunity (rather than mitigation) that also brings with it unique buffs for the raid. I’m pretty new to guild wars 2 and I want to make a guardian, but I don’t really play with people much if at all and I know the guardian is a paladin-type class; will I be able to enjoy myself and the way my build feels solo? title, before tried Guardian i was afraid that it was going to be like Warrior but without something like banners and a meatshield in comparison. Sword/Mace with Torch is a bit busted because there's a trait that, when you crit, auto reset's Zealous Flame allowing for stupid amounts of damage at every moment on the rotation. acv cfjtj nycuj vahjw orwpgg mac omd edbez uedb kstpifk vkkzl mvou zxl wlpfx olkwjh