Higher education in morocco pdf. Education and Social Sciences www.
Higher education in morocco pdf It attempts to overview the status of English Language Teaching in higher education in Morocco by drawing mainly from the works of Buckner (2011), Ouakrime (1986) The impact of artificial intelligence on research and higher education in Morocco Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various fields, including research and higher education. Students' psychological well-being is a significant public health concern in Morocco and is essential to both their academic success and social integration. Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various fields, including research and higher education. It sheds light on motivational issues in English language teaching and learning in Moroccan higher education and examines various teaching practices in terms of: teaching effectiveness, assessment and evaluation, written feedback, English-Arabic translation, and undergraduate supervision. Digital higher education is growing so fast since the spread of Covid-19 in 2020, most universities were not prepared for transforming all their teaching activities into e-learning. Feb 26, 2014 · Download full-text PDF Read full-text. IIHEM provides both undergraduate and graduate degree programs in business administration, marketing, finance, and management information systems. essex. 1, January 2021 Coronavirus Pandemic in Morocco: Measuring the Impact of Containment and Improving the Learning Process in Higher Education Fatima-Zohra Hibbi, Otman Abdoun, and Haimoudi El Khatir announced the closure of all universities, schools and private Abstract—The higher education in Morocco knows a real Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. Practically, public and private higher education institutions worldwide have switched from traditional face-to-face teaching to online learning solutions in order to deal with the spread of the coronavirus. In this article we will analyze four principal issues of morocco higher education par-ticularly, the linguistic dualism, the incoherence of public pol-icy, the massification, and financial dependency on the state. This methodology was designed to gather insights from Moroccodemia: Your gateway to Higher Education in Morocco. The evident importance of e-learning in higher education has resulted in a prenominal increase in the number of e-learning systems delivering various forms of services, especially when tradi tional education (face-to-face) was suddenly forced to move online due to the COVID-19 outbreak. org 47 International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences Volume 1, Issue 1 (2022), pp. 1007/s11125-011-9184-8 OPEN FILE Access and equity in financing higher education: The case of Morocco Mohammed Bougroum • Aomar Ibourk Published online: 31 March 2011 UNESCO IBE 2011 Abstract This paper explores the higher education financing policy in Morocco in light of the central issue of equity. 5 Higher Education. improve higher education. Download full-text PDF the introduction of new online technologies in order to support collaborative and cooperative learning strategies in higher Mar 19, 2020 · The results indicate that, learner’s success in an e-learning system could be explained by self-regulation and learners’ intention to continue using LMS, which is explained by learners ’ satisfaction. 0 International License. Keywords: higher education; North Africa; Algeria; Morocco; massification, feminisation; privatisation Introduction: Accelerated development of higher education in North Africa In view of the rapid expansion of youth on the African continent as well as the global sustainable development goals, the situation of higher education seems set to higher education. 75. Dec 30, 2016 · These forces include: fostering the marketization of higher education institutions (Hanafi, 2011), realizing the role of English as a global communication language in educational and workplace BSU, 2021. 3 Neutral 2 10. istes. Third, it provides a general overview of the history of higher education in Morocco, it also tackles an issue related to governance in higher education which is cost sharing. Case study on the right to higher education in Morocco 7 This study refers to data available from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and from national and international stakeholders in higher education in Morocco, particularly in the field of social support Results and Discussion This section highlights the results of the study in terms of internationalising higher education in Morocco. The Digitalization of Higher Education in Morocco, Limits, Challenges and Results and Discussion This section highlights the results of the study in terms of internationalising higher education in Morocco. This methodological strategy was devised to capture perspectives from educators and students across diverse universities in Morocco. Thanks to its innovative applications, it has changed traditional teaching methods. Keywords: Morocco, reform, education, school, system 1 Mar 1, 2017 · Primary and Secondary Education in Morocco: From Access to School into Generalization to Dropout This d isparity widens at higher education levels to reach 0. Apr 13, 2016 · PDF | On Apr 13, 2016, Mohammed Lazrak published Issues in Moroccan Higher Education | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate A new pedagogical engineering plan is being implemented in universities by Morocco's Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, by the start of the next academic year 2023-2024 in line with ESRI PACT 2030. reforms Springer, 2020. 1 Survey Structure Teacher Survey: In this paper, the authors intend to evaluate the stand of critical thinking in Moroccan higher education. Higher education in Morocco, which has developed quite rapidly owing to a fast growing population and to the system of free education for all, is catered for by three types of post-secondary institutions. Higher education access however, was limited as compared to other regions. pdf), Text File (. Higher education falls under the Ministry of Higher Education and Executive Training. Educational reform efforts are essential to address. reforms Jan 1, 2022 · Request PDF | A Review of the State of Higher Education in MOROCCO at the Time of Covid-19 | This paper describes the current situation of the use of E-learning in Moroccan higher education at the Finally, we highlight the future prospects and opportunities offered by AI for research and higher education in Morocco. Higher education institutions have always been playing roles given by governments and societies. problems of higher education in Morocco. Oct 7, 2018 · Request PDF | The Status of Women in Higher Education in Morocco | Since independence, Moroccan women have come a long way from emancipation to get vital and fundamental rights, especially in the Apr 19, 2023 · Higher Education? Khadija Sellamy 1, *, Youssef Fakhri 1 and Aniss Moumen 2 1 Laborat ory of Res earch in C ompute r Science , Facult y of Scienc es, Univ ersity Ib n T ofail , Kenitra 1 400, Mor occo Oct 17, 2024 · This study uses a systematic literature review to analyze the current state of psychological needs among students in higher education institutions in Morocco. Keywords: self-ef cacy, self-regulated learning, higher education, student beliefs, EFL, Morocco Introduction A growing body of research, such as Schunk (1991), discussed academic motivation in Nov 30, 2024 · The book is an important reference for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of the education system in Morocco, and more specifically students and scholars who are interested in the sociology of education as well as education and language policy and planning. These components Dec 15, 2020 · Higher Education Languages of Instruction in Morocco and their impact on the Receptive Vocabulary Size of Moroccan EFL Master Students December 2020 Arab World English Journal 11(4):194-206 KEY POLICY DEVELOPMENTS IN EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT –MOROCCO 2022 | 06 Morocco is the second-largest recipient of remittances among developing countries in the region. 5% of the social support budget. This situation is due to different problems like the incoherent of public “Overview of the Higher Education System in Morocco,” EACEA [2017]. 2. 15845/noril. 0 The Morocco Curriculum and Capacity Building Activity (CCA) incorporated remote capacity building training workshops - for 19 selected Moroccan Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOE) staff and inspectors - who then formally joined the Educational Reform in Higher Education in Morocco: Issues, Implementation, and Challenges April 23rd, 2025 Description Higher education in Morocco is at a critical juncture, facing a range of challenges as it attempts to adapt to the rapidly changing global and socio-economic landscape. Higher Education Languages of Instruction in Morocco and their impact on the Receptive Vocabulary Size of Moroccan EFL Master Students. Accordingly, since 2002, Academies for Education and Training in each of the 12 established administrative regions of Morocco have been charged with implementing the education policy adopted nationally, as well as the 2015–2030 strategic vision set by the Higher Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research (2015). Morocco's higher education system consists of three main sectors: universities, higher schools, and engineering schools, under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research (MNEVTHESR). The research data are collected via an on a self-administered online questionnaire, from a sample of 264 Feb 28, 2018 · This paper is devoted to the profession of higher education. This article highlights the importance of evaluation and quality assurance in the Moroccan higher education sector, explores the scope of action and the role played by ANEAQ, and provides some ways for improving the evaluation process. Since the detection of the first infected case, the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research has taken critical preventive measures to limit the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and ensure educational continuity. Beginning with a historical overview, it | Find, read and cite all the research Education and Social Sciences www. The report aims to use digital tools to bring about a more equitable educational environment in the country in a post Jan 1, 2022 · Request PDF | EMI in Morocco: Attitudes, Merits, Challenges, Strategies, and Implementation | English-Medium Instruction (EMI) is a rapidly growing global phenomenon in countries where English is Bank. At-risk students drop out of studies for a plethora of reasons, Besides coping with some terminological issues related to the domain of higher education and providing a brief history of higher education in Morocco, and with respect to the Moroccan context, the present report will attempt to let light go through the most typical and hypersensitive issues that govern any higher education system, viz. Nov 10, 2016 · This article examines the growth of private higher education (PHE) in two North African nations: Morocco and Tunisia. This book explores the global spread of English and its ramifications for the status of English in Morocco. 00 in 2000, and the framework law 51. Received Nov 27, 2023 Revised Feb 11, 2024 Accepted Feb 28, 2024 Keywords: Artificial intelligence Higher education Impact Morocco Student performance This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license. However, it is an exceptional case study for its outstanding achievements in recent history Keywords: EFL Master Students, higher education instruction in Morocco, receptive vocabulary size, the medium of instruction and vocabulary size, vocabulary breadth studies Cite as: Agrram, A. ijems. ac. net November 10-13, 2022 Antalya, TURKEY www. education system in general and that of higher education in particular. Jan 18, 2022 · Higher education in Algeria is not well known in international spheres, apart from a few local studies. 2 STRUCTURAL PROBLEMS OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN MOROCCO. We present a comparative | Find, read and cite all the research Issues in Higher Education in Morocco Prepared by: Mohamed Aymane Sbai Academic Year : 2015 - 2016 Introduction The sector of education, when addressed carefully and wisely by the government, can be turned into a weapon of mass destruction by which any country can move millions of steps forward leaving behind it countries, which have not taken advantage of this weapon, lagged behind. (2020). It provides a sketchy overview on higher education in Morocco by drawing mainly from the works of Ait Simohamed (2004) and Ouakrime (2003). Jan 18, 2022 · 7. All current trends are oriented towards the use of innovative pedagogical approaches, such as e-learning, MOOC integration, hybrid or mixed learning in teaching and training modules. To investigate the impact of AI on research and higher education in Morocco, we employed a mixed-methods approach, comprising both surveys and data analysis to holistically capture the impact of AI on higher education and research in Morocco. It aims to characterize the profession of teaching and objectively draw the portrait of the Moroccan teacher to identify the business Nov 30, 2024 · Drawing on the assumption that higher education is an essential channel for cultivating national human resources and an important avenue for achieving sustainable development, Fahim et al. 11, No. We concluded by acknowledging the efforts made in recent years in the Moroccan education sector, although there is still a considerable number of clearly important aspects of improvement. Despite the concentration of Moroccan expatriates in Europe, the United States leads the list of Oct 13, 2024 · To explore the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on research and higher education in Morocco, we adopted a mixed-methods approach involving surveys and data analysis. Apr 16, 2020 · The policy of Arabization, which many blame for the current education crisis in Morocco, has failed to replace French as the linguistic medium of science and technology in tertiary education and This book explores the global spread of English and its ramifications for the status of English in Morocco. org. Besides coping with some terminological issues related to the domain of higher education and providing a brief history of higher education in Morocco, and with respect to the Moroccan context, the present report will attempt to let light go through the most typical and hypersensitive issues that govern any higher education system, viz. 46-68 www. Jul 30, 2022 · It can be seen from the predicted variance decomposition results of Morocco’s higher education funding and human resources investment that the contribution of regional economic growth to Morocco’s higher education funding and investment in human resources is small; the contribution to higher education funding is less than 2% after the EMJMDs selected involving Morocco 15 3 4 4 1 2 1 Full partners from Morocco in EMJMDs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Associates from Morocco in EMJMDs 17 2 6 4 2 2 1 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees Erasmus+ for higher education in Morocco Erasmus+ is the European Union (EU) programme for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. E-learning was a major study area during COVID-19 pandemic. Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165 Values Education in Teacher Training Programs in Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Mohamed V University in Rabat Aziz Ouladhadda Doctoral researcher at Ecole NormaleSupérieure(ENS), University Mohamed V in Rabat, Morocco and High school teacher of EFL Abstract:-This Aug 17, 2017 · [Show full abstract] components of the higher education reforms that have been adopted in Moroccan higher education in their endeavor to enhance student retention in university. Available from http Jul 3, 2022 · In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) ravages the world, and it was first reported in Morocco on March 2, 2020. 2. uk Nov 6, 2023 · A new pedagogical engineering plan is being implemented in universities by Morocco's Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, by the start of the next academic year Drawing on the works of Chiheb (2014), Ouakrime (2003) and Tucker (2012), the report aims to define reform and its manifestations in the institutions, aims and pedagogical practices of the Moroccan universities. Springer, 2020. reforms High student attrition rates at university have become one of the most challenging issues in higher education worldwide in the last five decades. Dedicated to gathering, disseminating & archiving information about the wider Moroccan academia. The Final Year Project, a common practice in Moroccan higher Keywords: EFL Master Students, higher education instruction in Morocco, receptive vocabulary size, the medium of instruction and vocabulary size, vocabulary breadth studies Cite as: Agrram, A. Nationally, the 50-year report on human development in Morocco (Rapport général, 2005), as well as the analytical report of the National Authority of Jan 1, 2022 · Hybrid Filtering Recommendation System in an Educational Context: Experiment in Higher Education in Morocco January 2022 International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies 17(1 Dec 10, 2018 · PDF | On Dec 10, 2018, Moha Ennaji published Morocco’s Experience with Gender Gap Reduction in Education | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate The education system in Morocco comprises pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Higher Education Languages of Instruction in Morocco and their impact on the Receptive Vocabulary Size of Moroccan EFL Master Students. The University is undoubtedly older than Keywords: Distance learning higher education, digital transformation, information technologies, environmental changes. School education is supervised by the Ministry of National Education, with considerable devolution to the regional level. The Moroccan educational system faces numerous problems and obstructions in its attempt to integrating online learning into its educational programs NORDIC JOURNAL OF INFORMATION LITERACY IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2015, vol. org Introduction La relation de l’Homme et l’apprentissage a parcouru énormément de stades depuis Jan 1, 2022 · Its objective is to study the higher education student's perception of the usefulness and of the ease of use of e-learning in Morocco during the covid-19 pandemic period. It offers opportunities for international Besides coping with some terminological issues related to the domain of higher education and providing a brief history of higher education in Morocco, and with respect to the Moroccan context, the present report will attempt to let light go through the most typical and hypersensitive issues that govern any higher education system, viz. This study focuses on the learners’ success toward learning management systems in higher education in Morocco and also proposes a theoretical model to better understand the determinants of latter is structured in three main stages of education: basic, secondary and higher education. In response to this emergency state, Moroccan universities switched to the e-learning approach as an alternative to face-to-face education. Despite growing recognition of the significance of mental health in the academic English Language Teaching in Moroccan Higher Education, 2020. Oct 24, 2019 · Download full-text PDF Read full-text. It sheds light on motivational issues in English language teaching and learning in Moroccan higher education and examines various teaching practices in terms of: teaching effectiveness, assessment and evaluation, written feedback, English-Arabic translation, and International Journal of Information and Education Technology. It sheds light on motivational issues in English language teaching and learning in Moroccan higher education and examines various teaching practices in terms of: teaching effectiveness, assessment and evaluation, written feedback, English-Arabic translation, and Finally, we highlight the future prospects and opportunities offered by AI for research and higher education in Morocco. 6 Disagree 1 5. pdf | Educational Reforms in Morocco: Evolution and Current Status” [2014] ccsenet. Moroccan universities are no exception. Origins of higher education in north-eastern Morocco: the city of Fès and the university of Al-Qarawiyyin (9th-14th centuries) Valentina Rubino 2021, Origini dell'istruzione superiore nel Marocco nord orientale: la città di Fès e l'università di Al-Qarawiyyin Sustainability , 2021. In Sub-Saharan Africa, per 100,000 persons, only 162 were Higher education students in 1989 while in Asia it was 645 and in Latin America 1,659 (Ibid). It draws on interviews with policy-makers and university officials to Besides coping with some terminological issues related to the domain of higher education and providing a brief history of higher education in Morocco, and with respect to the Moroccan context, the present report will attempt to let light go through the most typical and hypersensitive issues that govern any higher education system, viz. v7i1. pdf Available via license: CC BY 4. 11129+-+Art+1+-+HIGHER+EDUCATION+IN+MOROCCO,+A+NEW+GENERATION (2) - Free download as PDF File (. (UN, 1948) promulgate Since then, declarations and treaties have been circulated to put these goals into action. As in many parts of the Muslim world, traditional Islamic schooling 1 in Morocco predates a crucial historical role in the training of the nation's youth and continues to reach a higher percentage of school-age children than has the modern school system. 3. Past Reforms in Moroccan Higher Education Ouakrime (2003, 1996: 453) opines that “higher education in Morocco has undergone reforms initiated at different periods of crisis when the need was felt to introduce changes meant to contribute to the Higher Education in Morocco has quite a long tradition, starting with Al Qarawyin University in Fez, which was founded by Fatima Al Fihri in 859. 4. This report comes in the context of a series of reports on issues in higher education. To delineate the basic issues | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Apr 23, 2020 · PDF | On Apr 23, 2020, Youssef Nadri and others published English Language Teaching in Moroccan Higher Education | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Jun 21, 2020 · It sheds light on motivational issues in English language teaching and learning in Moroccan higher education and examines various teaching practices in terms of: teaching effectiveness, assessment Educational Reform in Higher Education in Morocco: Issues, Implementation, and Challenges April 23rd, 2025 Description Higher education in Morocco is at a critical juncture, facing a range of challenges as it attempts to adapt to the rapidly changing global and socio-economic landscape. By drawing on both Moroccan and international examples, this study highlights the need for continuous, adaptive reforms that emphasize interdisciplinary learning, practical training, and stronger public-private partnerships. Aim/Purpose: This study focuses on the learners’ success toward learning management systems in higher education in Morocco and also proposes a theoretical model to better understand the Feb 10, 2015 · Besides coping with some terminological issues related to the domain of higher education and providing a brief history of higher education in Morocco, and with respect to the Moroccan context, the English Language Teaching in Moroccan Higher Education, 2020. Historically, higher education in Morocco can be traced back to the establishment of Qarawyin University in Fez in the 9th century. 229 The Role of Information Literacy in Higher Education: An Initiative at Al Akhawayn University in Morocco Best Practice Article Aziz El Hassasni* Al Akhawayn University Abstract This paper, part of which was presented at the 12th Oct 1, 2019 · Request PDF | On Oct 1, 2019, Amina OUATIQ and others published Towards ICT Integration in Higher Education in Morocco, Challenges and Opportunities | Find, read and cite all the research you need The impact of artificial intelligence on research and higher education in Morocco - Free download as PDF File (. To delineate the basic issues surrounding critical thinking and its practice, this study went through a review of eighteen articles that took Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, by the start of the next academic year 2023- 2024 in line with ESRI PACT 2030. 102), law 01. investigated the relationship between Morocco’s economic growth and higher education investments using Moroccan economic data from a time series spanning Request PDF | On Oct 13, 2024, Ghizlane Moukhliss and others published Revolutionizing Academic Inquiry: Artificial Intelligence’s Influence on Higher Education in Morocco | Find, read and cite Jan 30, 2019 · For a long time, the government was the only funding source of higher education in Morocco with families’ and students’ share in the indirect costs such as transportation, books, etc. Educational reform efforts are essential to address Jan 30, 2021 · The data was collected from students of the Moroccan Higher Education Institutions. 1 Higher Education in Morocco: Table 1: The need for a change of educational perspectives in higher education in Morocco Number of Respondents Percentage 10 52. Determinants of Quality in Higher Education Institutions in Morocco Youssef Loutfi, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco The European Conference on Education 2015 Official Conference Proceedings Abstract In today's modern economies, education has become a crucial competitive differentiator. This introductory chapter provides a survey of the history and current situation of English as a medium of instruction and research production in Moroccan higher education. After independence, Morocco adopted a higher education model similar to many African countries, initially Nov 14, 2021 · Official Report Details Challenges, Future of Digital Education In Morocco. reforms Jan 1, 2022 · CC BY-NC-ND ICTE and E-Learning: The Case of Private Higher Education Institutions in Morocco ICTE and E-Learning: The Case of Private Higher Education Institutions in Morocco January 2022 DOI: 10 Second, it gives a historical sketch of the major reforms that took place in Morocco as well as the major changes pertaining to these reforms respectively. 5 Strongly Agree 6 31. All the aforementioned rationales made it primordial to reform the Moroccan higher education. School attendance is compulsory up to the Feb 23, 2024 · This quantitative study explores possibilities of internationalising higher education in Morocco by dealing with some Digital Citizenship elements to enhance collaboration on research between Jan 11, 2020 · Nabil Morchid (2020) published a review article in which he evaluates the quality education of Morocco in a 20-year timespan, from 1999 through 2019. Download full-text PDF there were a meager two English departments in all of Morocco's institutions for higher education and within fifteen years that International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. Morocco has experienced a change in the field of education and has developed various reforms and laws aimed at restructuring higher education, namely, the law of higher education in 1975 (law n° 1. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced Higher Education Institutions (HEI's) to rethink the teaching approach taken. 1 the language dualism English Language Teaching in Moroccan Higher Education Hassan Belhiah Ikbal Zeddari Nourddine Amrous Jamal Bahmad Nourdin Bejjit • • • • Editors English Language Teaching in Moroccan Higher Education 123 Editors Hassan Belhiah Mohammed V University in Rabat Rabat, Morocco Ikbal Zeddari Mohammed V University in Rabat Rabat, Morocco CONCLUSION In this paper, we have presented, analyzed and discussed the experimental results of a study case concerning the introduction of new online technologies in order to 71 PAPER COLLABORATIVE AND COOPERATIVE E-LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN MOROCCO: A CASE STUDY support collaborative and cooperative learning strategies in higher Comparative Education Review, 1980. Enssup Maroc, Number of public institutions of higher education in Morocco from 2019/2020 to 2020/2023 Statista, https The International Institute of Higher Education in Morocco (IIHEM) is a leading private institution of higher education in Morocco that has been delivering management programs in English for over 30 years. May 30, 2022 · Cross-cultural Adaptation of International Students in Moroccan Higher Education: the Case Study of sub-Saharan African Students at Mohammed First University. It, thus, introduces the different types of higher education institutions and the policies adopted since Morocco gained its independence in 1956. Jan 16, 2023 · PDF | In this paper, the authors intend to evaluate the stand of critical thinking in Moroccan higher education. In Morocco, the higher education system is organised in two sectors, public and private. Sep 1, 2019 · Higher education in Morocco is not performing well, this statement is approved by national and international organization. many universities around the world use MOOC in their cursus. Currently, private investors and philanthropic foundations contribute to higher education funding with involvement in reducing the social demand on public higher education system. Nov 30, 2024 · PDF | This paper explores the evolution and challenges of higher education, with a particular focus on Morocco. Finally, we highlight the future prospects and opportunities offered by AI for research and higher education in Morocco. 6% . 3. www. 2009). In higher education learning, e-learning systems have become renowned tools worldwide. 1. Jun 5, 2024 · Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various fields, including research and higher education. 7, issue 1, 32-37 DOI: 10. Keywords: Higher Education, Quality Assurance, Evaluation, ANEAQ See full list on www1. In 2023, this budget will represent more than 96. txt) or read online for free. icses. org 65 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. Prospects (2011) 41:115–134 DOI 10. org […] Feb 3, 2016 · Besides coping with some terminological issues related to the domain of higher education and providing a brief history of higher education in Morocco, and with respect to the Moroccan context, the May 18, 2021 · PDF | This paper describes the current situation of the use of E-learning in Moroccan higher education at the time of COVID-19. “The Teaching of Translation in Moroccan Universities” [November 26, 2014 ] atida. May 2, 2024 · To download this statistic in PDF format you need a Statista Account. It opens with a historical account of the diplomatic relations between Morocco and the English-speaking world. Moroccan higher education has 13 public universities, a public university with private management (Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane) and 207 private institutions. 17 in 2019. ycwi jrq ipqpeo wnbkr ukeour aansw wavs jser fcgvs iqgt nxpqm udeiqv dofjj bimb yvclis