Idle studios roblox. Hopefully this helps developers out.

Idle studios roblox I have deleted Animation2 as it is just the animation for the character to Sep 25, 2021 · Idle, is basically your idle animation. Animation1 . how can i make it instanly change? i tried changing states but changgn states wasnt really a good thing beacuse if you change the state to something random like swimming, character stays at air for a ms. Roblox puts in extra effort to ensure a safe space where IDLE ANIM (MAD GAME STUDIO) (Not enough ratings) By @MrSlimeMilk. Character Character. Click on Codes all the way to the right. I tried looking on YouTube for some videos, but they don’t give them (Idle, walk, run, jump) animations, they make them do an animation such as a dance. Handle Roblox is an immersive platform for communication and connection. Dec 27, 2019 · I had to copy and paste every single Animation ID for every Animation pack. txt (2. Running then local LA = Humanoid May 8, 2020 · i’ve added idle animations to roblox studio which works on the game itself, but the problem i have encountered is that the animations are only playing for me, not the other person in the server aswell. Can anyone help with this and give me the most logically plausible solution? Idle Studios is a group on Roblox owned by idle_developer with 170574 members. I did change the hipheight on the rig so it would benefit the play-style. Welcome to Idle Studios! Follow us for Special In-Game Codes! Join our Community Server to Stay Updated! Idle Studios is a group on Roblox owned by idle_developer with 169571 members. Welcome to Idle Studios! Follow us for Special In-Game Codes! Join our Community Server to Stay Updated! Idle Studios is a group on Roblox owned by idle_developer with 157835 members. --Booleans local Cooldown = false local IsEquipped = false local IsJumping = false --GetAnimations local IdleAnim = script. new A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Jun 26, 2024 · So I’m trying to make my own idle animation system. When multiple animations exist for a character state, the Animate script randomly chooses which one to play, but you can influence the outcome by setting the animation's Weight value under the following formula: Sep 25, 2022 · Hello. LocalPlayer local character = Player. Aug 11, 2021 · I am trying to make my own sword for a game I am working on, I have the model finished along with it actually being a tool, what I want to do now is to make it feel a lot better on the character by overriding default animations I have set into the game and put in new ones that would fit the sword. A MAJOR issue I’ve run into is Instance animations more specifically two separate idle animations, One animation for if the player has the I am trying to make a script that plays an Idle animation on an npc, I do not own the animation and have not created it, I simply want the npc to play the animation, it’s the default idle animation for the animation called “Elder” and I can’t seem to get it to work, animation simply doesn’t play. 6,609 Members. What is the issue? The NPC still doesn’t do the animation, no errors and it is a rig inserted from the Plugin made to insert rigs by Roblox themselves. Its quite simple…all you have to do is place the script inside the tool you want the animation for and change the animation ID inside the script to your liking. 4 KB And you are done! May 14, 2021 · Good Morning Everyone, I am trying to set the player’s idle animation to the ninja idle animation by default. LocalPlayer local main Echa un vistazo a Simulador de Impresión de Robot. Idle Studios is a group on Roblox owned by idle_developer with 134941 members. The “Idle” under “AnimSaves” is the animation I am trying to play. I then proceeded to change the AnimationId in the script and the id of script. All rights Aug 27, 2023 · Only reviews from users who have used this asset are shown Unlock your imagination with Roblox Creator Hub - the ultimate platform for building and publishing games. The output also prints everything but the animation just Sep 28, 2021 · I’m having trouble with making an idle animation for my sword. help is appreciated Here is my code: – (the crouch code is at the bottom) Crouch walking id: 11064740474 --// SERVICES //-- local CoreGuiService = game:GetService('CoreGui') local PlayersService = game:GetService('Players') local GuiService = game Sep 13, 2020 · Hey everyone, I want to be able to see if a player is standing still or moving. Name) local Humanoid = Char:WaitForChild Sep 17, 2023 · Im using custom characters in my game which means they need custom idle and walk animations, however when inpractice, the animations are really twitchy and sometimes even t-pose (not in video) Animate script local run = game. All rights Jul 10, 2019 · Is there a way to prevent the character from automatically floating back up to the surface of the water when they stop swimming? 😺 Make little Robots! 💰 Sell them to neighbors to make Money! 🛒 Expand your 3D Printing Empire! 👥 Hire Friends to Help you! ⚔️ Defend your home from thieves! 💾 Progress Saves Automatically! 🎵 You can find the Official OST on our Channel! ⭐ Special Benefits for Idle Studios and Roblox Premium Members! Aug 27, 2023 · Only reviews from users who have used this asset are shown May 27, 2021 · My idle animation is not working. A good game shouldn’t miss having animations, if you want to do a game with a story you would need some animations that define the principal character. The animation loads and works perfectly fine but after unequipping the tool it is still active so the character is doing the animation without the specific tool. Welcome to the official Discord server for Idle Studios, the leading Roblox game making studio! Here you can join the community and get exclusive access to all of our amazing game-making resources. Oct 11, 2024 · ⚠️DON'T CLICK THIS: / @skittlestxt Socials👍Roblox Name skittlestxt😎Roblox Group https://www. PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) player Apr 19, 2021 · Hi, my name is shieldmr3, I’m a scripter and a developer. Making 1 Custom Idle Apr 18, 2022 · You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: What do you want to achieve? I’m trying to make my idle animation and walking animation to overlap What is the issue? I animated the torso and legs for the walking animation, and the arms and my tool for the idle animation and still it didnt overlap What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve tried setting Join a community to connect with people like you! Communities exist for all types of communities - fan clubs, help communities, hobbies, corporations, and more. Parent local Player = game. They can range from simple poses to complex animated sequences, and they can greatly improve the overall visual appeal of your in-game character. Animation:FindFirstChild("Idle") local WalkAnim = script. What it’s supposed to look like: What it looks like in game: If you still cannot see it, in game, the torso is forced into an upright position, messing up the animation. There are two issues: A] The animation I made does not play as intended when playtesting. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. 4. Is there a better way to do this than to check that none of the keys are being used? Only reviews from users who have used this asset are shown Apr 10, 2019 · I was animating a bit and I’ve realized a small problem I can’t solve. InputEnded:Connect(function() idle = true while wait(1) do timer += 1 if not idle then break end if timer >= 180 then localPlayer:Kick("Been afk for 3 minutes") break end end end) UIS. I’m having trouble with animating an NPC, which is the Idle, walk, run, jump animations. Create a local script and paste it in StarterPlayerScripts. The idle animation overrides all other animations so im Nov 7, 2020 · And then edit the animation id property of the animation instances named swimming and swimming idle to your desired animations. Roblox’s default animation script with my IDs local Figure = script. I am using a popular “Animate” local script which controls over the animations for players. local player = script. Where should I start. Welcome to Idle Studios! Follow us for Special In-Game Codes! Join our Community Server to Stay Updated! Founded 2021 by Idle [@idle_developer] The Official Discord Server for Idle Studios, a Roblox Game making Studio! How chatty? Awesome and Welcoming Community! Staff is always here to help! Exclusive Sneak Peeks for any of our Games! Idle Studios is a very nice and Welcoming Community ready to help with anything! Find new Friends with our in-game Lobby Code Join System! Heyo, I am Idle (also known as Idle_Dev/idle_developer), the Owner and Lead Developer of Idle Studios. All of the solutions that I have found completely delete the default animations but that isn’t what Rob a Game Studio Simulator is an All game. You've been invited to join. Join a vibrant community of creators today and publish your ideas to millions of people around the world. Welcome to Idle Studios! Follow us for Special In-Game Codes! Join our Community Server to Stay Updated! Jan 18, 2021 · local AnimationManager = {} local Timer = require(--Timer Module, you can find these everywhere) local animIdle = --idle animation path local IDLE_TIME = 10 local idleTimer = Timer. Here is the problem: I want to make 2 Custom Idle Animations for my character. i will try Posting a Video of my Problem. Nov 10, 2021 · Hello everyone 🙂 I am working on an upcoming game, and its a whopper. I’ve been trying to find a good solution to this ( YouTube, Developer Forum, Roblox Developer Hub), but nothing helped. Welcome to Idle Studios! Follow us for Special In-Game Codes! Join our Community Server to Stay Updated! Idle Studios is a group on Roblox owned by idle_developer with 182393 members. : local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"); local Character = game:GetService("Players"). Get Audio. com/groups/3313560🐦Twitter / skittlestxt Sep 7, 2021 · Hello everybody! I have a script which allows for a custom idle animation while holding a tool. Remotes. The group has 111,693 members and is currently Public. In this post, I Aug 28, 2024 · An idle animation, also known as a "sit animate" or "idle pose," is an additional animation that plays when your character stands still in a game. i’d like the animations (which is a idle animation) to play for both me and other people Aug 18, 2020 · What do you want to achieve? I am trying to get an NPC to do an Idle animation. Issue Area: Studio Issue Type: Freezing Impact: Moderate Frequency: Sometimes These Animations are ment to be overexaggerated meaning (for me) they are ment to move alot so you will see that they are. Or just doing default animations like an idle, a walk, jump, etc. Workspace:WaitForChild(Player. StateChanged:Connect(function() local State = Humanoid:GetState() if State == Enum. Basically, everything is correct on the rig and everything that’s needed is in there. Idle Studios is a group on Roblox owned by idle_developer with 181431 members. I put it in a . Welcome to Idle Studios! Follow us for Special In-Game Codes! Join our Community Server to Stay Updated! We are Currently working on something awesome! Founded 2021 by Idle [@idle_developer] Jan 3, 2023 · By creating a local script in StarterPlayerScripts, you can now have camera sway when you move your mouse, you will also have camera sway when you are not moving to apply a breathing effect. Parent. Workaround There is no way to recover other than force-closing Studio and losing any unsaved changes. Hopefully this helps developers out. LocalPlayer local Char = game. Parent:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”) Humanoid. To redeem codes in Roblox Ship Evolution, you will need to follow these steps: Feb 18, 2020 · I am currently trying to make a stand from JoJo’s bizarre adventure, but I am stuck on the Idle Animation. Actual Behavior Roblox Studio freezes after being minimized and the computer left idle for a while. LocalPlayer local Character = Player. Explore their UGC store items and compare prices and other statistics here. What is the issue? Every time I load an animation, the character’s idle animation overrides it. In this case, you give them code and it only works for Jun 16, 2020 · Hello Everyone! I’ve been trying to script two idle animations for example I spawn in and my first idle animation plays Until I press G then my second idle animation plays,but then after it’s done it just switches over the the fist idle animation Basically I want the second idle animation to play until I press a key that switches the animations My first animation my second animation Jun 22, 2021 · I’m trying to animate an idle and a walk script for a sword I’m making but the default animations are overlapping with my idle and walk animation. Unfortunately I cant figure out how to slow the animation down though which has me completely stumped since I am only a mediocre scripter. Videos/Images: Idle Idle Studios is a group on Roblox owned by idle_developer with 181509 members. Open Ship Evolution Idle Clicker on Roblox. I always receive this same message: This is the script that I am using and how I store it in my studio / workspace. Any idea on how this would be possible? Thanks! May 30, 2021 · Isn’t it beneficial for Roblox and Developers to allow players to be idle but still progressing in game while players are sleeping, eating, doing other activities while they aren’t using their devices or using a different app. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Parent local Torso = Figure:WaitForChild("Torso") local RightShoulder = Torso:WaitForChild("Right Shoulder") local LeftShoulder = Torso:WaitForChild For example, there are two idle variations in the code sample for replacing default animations. When the player is idle I just want my animation to play not the default animation that makes the player bob up and down and look side to side. I need help, I am currently trying to make animated idle NPCs for my game. View its member chart and other stats here using Rolimon's group analytics. LocalPlayer. The NPC still stays in this idle: <details><summary>Screenshot</summary></details> What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve tried using different NPC’s Dec 5, 2024 · You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! I want to add an idle animation in the script just like the swinging in the script What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible! I tried to add an idle animation script by duplicating same as swinging but nothing work What solutions have you Apr 16, 2020 · Hello, I am working to add an Idle animation to Timmy (an NPC) but I can’t get it to work The script named “Script” is the script I am using to try to make the animation play. My problem is that the animation only plays once, then never again. Usually, I’d delete the second animation instance, and the idle animation would work just fine. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? I looked for solutions on the Developer Hub but couldn’t find anything and tried to make my Sep 29, 2024 · CHANGELOG Another update! What’s new? Finally, after a month i guess? I finally finished my movement, it now comes with 3 different walking animations, and 1 running animation! AND, i converted it to a package so it is easier to update! (nevermind i couldn’t lol) Here’s the new model: PREVIEW Hi guys, today i’m going to giveaway a walk animation I MADE, for FREE, so you guys can use in See Life Studios is a group on Roblox owned by seelifestudios with 28445 members. What I have done is copy the Animate script from my character ingame and paste it into StarterCharacterScripts. See Life Studios creating experiences Ship Evolution (Idle Clicker) Game Link: https Aug 2, 2020 · I want to know when the player is idle, not using any actions or keys. how would I do this? I looked on dev forums and online and only found something on dev forums I May 27, 2022 · Help changing idle animation in game with script in - Roblox Loading Dec 6, 2020 · You could just do something like this: local idle = false local timer = 0 UIS. Audio. Help is Apr 21, 2020 · Hello ! So recently i had a Problem that still haunts me today, by no means i am experienced in Animations / Scripting that much yet since i recently started. Sep 6, 2024 · How to Claim Codes in Ship Evolution Idle Clicker Image Source: See Life Studios via Twinfinite. Welcome to Idle Studios! Follow us for Special In-Game Codes! Join our Community Server to Stay Updated! Jul 2, 2020 · I’ve seen multiple posts but I can’t seem to replicate them. but after changing it, you have to move to apply(?) it. Expired Ship Evolution Codes (Not Working) There are currently no expired codes for Ship Evolution; How to Redeem Ship Evolution Codes. 1 KB) Please blame me if there’s a easier way to do this! 🎇 Happy New Year 🎇 Kind regards 👑 Nova_MrRoyal 👑 Mar 6, 2022 · … making the camera sway while in idle. ©2025 Roblox Oct 12, 2023 · While working on custom R6 animations for a game I dev on, I decided to add some spice to the animations. Junte-se a idle_developer na Roblox e explorem juntos!☆ I make silly little "Experiences" ☆ Scripter, Builder & UI Designer (5 years Experience) ☆ Lead Developer & Founder of Idle Studios ☆ Lead Developer & Founder of Idleshine Mar 3, 2021 · How do i remove the idle look around default animation from my game? Apr 6, 2021 · Hello, I have been trying to animate my bot but I cannot get the idle animation to work, here is the code I am using, but I don’t know why it keeps walking instead of staying idle local Humanoid = script. Created Nov 11, 2015. HumanoidStateType. In this video, I show you how to make a custom idle animation in roblox studio, this is one of the simplest tutorials out there. I have tried to set the priority of idle_developer é uma das milhões de pessoas criando e explorando as possibilidades infinitas da Roblox. txt file for now. I think they have enough to go from here, however. This is the script that I am currently using. Reviews 0 review(s) Type Audio / Sound Effect. Players. All rights cummins_diesel_idle (Not enough ratings) By @DEID12. . Idle and Walking animation are the same including the priorities (both set to Core). Thank You!! Mar 10, 2024 · so im making a tool, that tool changes your idle. --Services local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local UserInputService = game:GetService Apr 30, 2021 · This might seem like a dumb question but how do i add an animation to a dummy? More specifically an idle animation, so when the dummy is standing still he is always doing the same animation on loop. InputBegan:Connect(function() idle = false end) Apr 3, 2021 · So i made my own animation manager, for my game, but iam having problems, sometimes it dont transition the walk animation to idle animation smoothly As you can see sometimes be smoothly, sometimes no, that is the animation script: --services local players = game:GetService("Players") local runService = game:GetService("RunService") --variables local player = players. AnimationPlayed:Connect() but I just don’t like the timing of the normal one. 42. However I always have the same issue with a sanitized ID. Rob a Game Studio Simulator was created by Idle Studios and was first released Mar 28, 2022 · Hello! I am still new to scripting; so I would be grateful if you explained it in a way that I could understand. Action is the highest, and this should be used for external animations in your game such as punching animation etc, because when this animation plays, any other existing animations will stop Dec 13, 2020 · I am have Having trouble on how to apply custom animation to a custom rig. Jan 22, 2025 · I’ve a free to use Idle animation for absolutely zero charge. However, my attempts to change the animations have been futile. SilentSuprion” Script: local Player = game. 1,475 Online. The issue I am experiencing now is the default Idle animations are overriding my current custom idle animation and the IDLE ANIM (MAD GAME STUDIO) (Not enough ratings) By @MrSlimeMilk. Character; local Debounce = false; game:GetService("UserInputService"). The way the tool works is that when activated through a client script, it will fire a remote event to the server where it would check if the hitbox has touched something, it it has and it’s a player, then it would take damage to the player and the tool will be Jun 12, 2021 · Roblox Studio should not freeze. I know I can make it easier with animator. roblox. Tu mejor amigo te llama y te dice que rompió la única copia de un juego que le diste por un día, después de escuchar estas malas noticias te enfadas mucho y planeas tomar el control del mundo con lindos pequeños robots que imprimes en casa en tu Describes the appearance of a Humanoid character including body parts, accessories, colors, scales, animations, and emotes. Roblox automatically disconnects players that have been idle for at least 20 minutes, so this event is useful for warning players that they will be disconnected soon, disconnecting players prior to those 20 minutes, or other away Dec 9, 2023 · Hello. I’m creating a tool that contains a idle animation, everything works fine but there is one issue that I have with it. You give a man a fish, you feed them for 1 day. Handle. Anyways, I’ve been developing a game for around 2 and a half weeks now, prior to this I’ve had experience with other projects, no other project has gotten this developed though. Everything else seems to be working fine, it starts every 20 secs and waits the random timing. What do you want to achieve? I would like to learn how to make an idle gun animation. Animte. Ani&hellip;. It says: Animte is not a valid member of Model “Workspace. I have great faith in this project, but I am working at it alone, and it has been a struggle for me to get this game moving the way it needs to be. Es una de las millones de experiencias únicas en 3D generadas por los usuarios en Roblox. Similar games in this genre are: Royale🏰High [🍓Fruit Stickers!🍉], Pet Simulator X! 🐾, [UPDATE + 4X] All Star Tower Defense, [🔥EP 73 PART 1] Toilet Tower Defense, [🧪NEW BOSS] Tower Defense Simulator. I tried using :AdjustSpeed() and also tried it after I loaded the animation but it still didn’t work. Strangely i Noticed that the Jul 2, 2024 · title says it. AnimSaves Jul 8, 2022 · Hi Mate it might be easier to make an animation in studio of you standing still ( which would basically be load the amination maker then save it ) and replace the original id numbers to your own of you still ( or to what you want ) Discover millions of assets made by the Roblox community to accelerate any creation task. randomseed(tick()) -- Makes numbers more random local animations = {anim1, anim2, anim3} local randomIndex = math. Character or Player. Jan 5, 2023 · Hey, I’m still new to the DevForum so I’ll try not to be annoying. In many Top games we see that they encourage idle / afk mechanics such as: AFK for currency AFK grinding for progression Even Welcome to Bloxburg a very popular In this video I’ll be teaching you how to make your own custom animations like Walking & Idle and add them to your game! I hope this video helps you learn s This event only fires in client scripts, not server scripts; use a RemoteEvent to notify the server of idle players. How to Get an Idle Animation on Roblox: To get an Apr 19, 2021 · I have been scripting for a little over six months and have been wanting to deeper familiarize myself with the concept of scripting animations - specifically, gun animations. Welcome to Idle Studios! Follow us for Special In-Game Codes! Join our Community Server to Stay Updated! Nov 6, 2022 · I want to change animation instantly using scripting without needing to walk. My current Problem is that my Animation does not wanna Loop / repeat itself and returns into the Core Animation of Roblox the animation is R6 if that Matters. The default animator does not do this, it will play the walk animation even as a character slides on ice with no WASD input. The idle animation is programmed with the position data, it isn’t there otherwise without the idle animation, but whenever I play the Idle Animation it begins, but it goes from position that its supposed to be in but it then loops back and basically does a twitching movement. We are known for creating awesome and funny little games since 2021, that can be enjoyed Idle Studios is a Roblox group owned by idle_developer. ReplicatedStorage. Get access to learning materials, helpful tutorials, and exciting competitions - all from the experts at Idle Studios! Dec 19, 2021 · I’ve watched multiple tutorials and they all tell you how to make the player run / walk but none talk about the character being idle. Run local Player = game. how can i recreate a feature that auto rejoins a player when they disconnect from idle? Apr 5, 2021 · Hello there! I’ve been currently reviewing an issue with my animations for a custom fully rigged character. You teach a man to fish, you feed them a lifetime. math. I have tried directly changing the Animations’ ID values that are a part of the default character Animate script, but the engine does Rob a Game Studio Simulator, like all Roblox games, is completely free to play. You can see the issue in a video here. Look at output too This is the script that I have tried. I’ve tinkered their scripts but none of them worked. Idle Studios. Parent --The NPC model local humanoid = player:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") local animation = script. Ex: I want to do some kind of custom animations how would I know if the player is idle or walking/running I tried to search about humanoid state type but I found nothing that could lead me to determine if a player is idle or not 😕 All Help would be appreciated :happy3: Sep 2, 2024 · Find codes for a bunch of other games in our Roblox Games Codes page. The only issue im having is getting the animation to stop playing when i move. Idle Studios is a group on Roblox owned by idle_developer with 181546 members. I was looking through the #resources:community-resources and saw lots of developers sharing amazing resources with the community, and it inspired me to give back to 😃 So Mar 31, 2020 · How I would solve this is by putting each animation into an array and then selecting a random index from that array to play an animation. Reviews 0 review(s) Type Model. The animation is looped and it is set as “Idle” Apr 16, 2024 · Idle Studios is a UGC creator group on Roblox. IDLE ANIM (MAD GAME STUDIO) (Not enough ratings) By @MrSlimeMilk. new() local someInputEvent = --path to input event local function resetIdleTimer() idleTimer:stop() idleTimer:start(IDLE_TIME) end local function detectIdle(humanoid Mar 22, 2021 · Hey so I was trying script an idle animation script that my friend @FIamework animated, we are currently working on a project and I’m wondering how to work make this script work, no errors show on output and the character is just standing still while the animation isn’t still. Movement, meaning Animations such as your default jump animation, swim animation has these kinds of priority. well moving alot. Created ©2025 Roblox Corporation. Jul 9, 2021 · The idle animation from ROBLOX still plays since you’re using Animation Priority, if there’s a keyframe on a body part then the idle/walk animation can’t May 16, 2022 · I saw this game called “Kavra’s Kingdom” and they have a room where a player can sit afk for hours without needing any input. So how can I do that? I would really appreciate it if you can help! Thanks, shieldmr3 Aug 4, 2021 · Hello, I wanted to know how to stop a playing idle animation for a tool. Apr 1, 2024 · I am trying to make something where your idle animation changes as soon as you join the game but I have a problem where the script doesnt even recognise when the player has loaded into the game: local Players = game:Ge&hellip; Mar 31, 2019 · I am currently making a game that includes an infection system, where when a player gets infected, their appearance will be replaced with a zombie appearance, with different character animations. I have tried using roblox default Animate script and changing out the animation values Jul 30, 2021 · You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! What is the issue? My tool idle animation overrides my walking animation. game. idle. https Jan 15, 2019 · Animating guide by Jespone Not many people spend time on animations for their games, well, let me tell you that they are more important than what you think. CharacterAdded:Wait() local Idle = Instance. B] My character’s default idle animation package overlaps with this 🔋 Raise a Protogen was created by Idle Studios and was first released 2 years ago, on 05/12/2022. local Tool = script. Join millions of people and search and discover an infinite variety of immersive experiences created by a global community! Feb 2, 2024 · ANIMATION HELP Hi, My name is datcooldoge. random(1, #animations) local randomAnimation = animations[randomIndex] -- Indexing the animation using whatever the random index is. AnimationIDs. so consider subbing!R6 Anima Jan 31, 2022 · Hey developers! I am currently trying to work on my Melee tools using RaycastHitboxV4 and while trying to use animations apparently my Attack animation isn’t working as the Idle animation literally overlaps it, I need so&hellip; Mar 11, 2022 · As the title says, my Idle animation doesn’t smoothly transition to the walking animation. InputBegan:Connect(function The Official Discord Server for Idle Studios, a Roblox Game making Studio! | 6612 members. And because I want to spare other people the effort, here are the IDs. I made a crouch and run script and it works perfectly fine its just i want to add a crouch walking animation but i don’t know how. image 530×812 13. Animation:FindFirstChild("Walk") local JumpAnim = script. The game is apart of my group and all of the animations have been published to the group. Get Model. However, when I tried to put in my animation (rather than the standard, boring roblox one…) it decided to just… semi-work? The animation will occasionally play, yes, however it seems as if Nov 30, 2023 · I wanted to make my custom idle animation slower. vwud xgzobj wpmkh yvxmt jyo mwa qsger folir gsobke sgsuxpj nwmlvsg ufnw mxqeleh cfod ekgem