Optics letters. Submit a Paper Sign Up For Alerts.
Optics letters 27, which is computed in 2024 as per its definition. We investigate dynamical generation of macroscopic nonlocal entanglements between two remote massive magnon–superconducting-circuit hybrid systems. Novikova takes over the Editor-in-Chief position from Prof. It covers topics such as lasers, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, biophotonics, imaging, and more. 15 May 2020, Volume 45 The accuracy of depth estimation based on defocus effects has been essentially limited by the depth of field of the imaging system. In this case, the diffraction grating Optics Letters. Volume. Furthermore, taking advantage of We propose and demonstrate a low-threshold single-wavelength all-fiber laser generating cylindrical vector beams using a few-mode fiber Bragg grating. It was established in A method to design lasers that emit an arbitrary beam profile is studied. The impact factor of optics letters is 3. We present a simple, yet effective, approach for optical induction of Lieb photonic lattices, which typically rely on the femtosecond laser writing technique. He has been Associate Editor and Deputy Editor for Optics Express, Chair of Spotlight on Optics, Associate Editor for Optica, and currently serves as Editor in Chief of Optics Letters. 15 December 2024, Volume Optics Letters covers the latest research in optical science, including optical measurements, optical components and devices, atmospheric optics, biomedical optics, Fourier optics, integrated optics, optical processing, optoelectronics, lasers, nonlinear optics, optical storage and holography, optical coherence, polarization, quantum Optics Letters covers the latest research in optical science, including optical measurements, optical components and devices, atmospheric optics, biomedical optics, Fourier optics, integrated optics, optical processing, optoelectronics, lasers, nonlinear optics, optical storage and holography, optical coherence, polarization, quantum Its subject coverage includes fiber optics and optical communications, lasers and laser optics, nonlinear optics, image processing, instrumentation, measurement and metrology, integrated optics, materials, quantum optics, ultrafast optics, etc. Topics germane to the journal include optical technology, lasers, photonics, environmental optics, and information processing. Chinese Optics Letters (COL) is an international journal aimed at the rapid dissemination of the latest and significant discoveries and inventions across various branches of optical science and technology. 学术期刊 Optics Letters:期刊短名:OL,期刊 ISSN: 0146-9592, 1071-2763, 1539-4794。光学学会 (OSA) 在其期刊组合中发表高质量的同行评议文章,这些文章服务于光学和光子学社区的全部广度。光学快报以简短、原创的方式快速传播所有光学领域的新成果,同行评审的通信。 OPTICS LETTERS 涵盖光学科学的最新研究 OPTICS EXPRESS: DEC 2024: Optics Express Research - Researchers 3D print compact, low-cost vortex beam generators : 11: OPTICS EXPRESS: DEC 2024: Optics Express Research - Researchers achieve seamless all-light mobile communication across air, land and sea : 04: OPTICS LETTERS: DEC 2024: Optics Letters Research - Seeing deeper into the cosmos 学术期刊 Optics Letters:期刊短名:OL,期刊 ISSN: 0146-9592, 1071-2763, 1539-4794。光学学会 (OSA) 在其期刊组合中发表高质量的同行评议文章,这些文章服务于光学和光子学社区的全部广度。光学快报以简短、原创的方式快速传播所有光学领域的新成果,同行评审的通信。 OPTICS LETTERS 涵盖光学科学的最新研究 Optics Letters covers the latest research in optical science, including optical measurements, optical components and devices, atmospheric optics, biomedical optics, Fourier optics, integrated optics, optical processing, optoelectronics, lasers, nonlinear optics, optical storage and holography, optical coherence, polarization, quantum About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. Optics Letters has been publishing high-impact research in the field of photonics for over 45 years and offers rapid dissemination of new results in all areas of optical science with short, original, peer-reviewed communications. It is considered to be one of the most important journals in optics in China. 1 June 2022, Volume 47 We present what we believe to be the first evidence of nitrogen vacancy (NV) photoluminescence (PL) from a nanodiamond suspended in a free-space optical dipole trap at atmospheric pressure. The radially and azimuthally polarized modes can be switched by simply adjusting the polarization A phase-only hologram applies a modal transformation to an optical transverse spatial mode via phase encoding and intensity masking. Alonso joined the faculty of the University of Rochester’s Institute of Optics in 2003 and, since 2018, he is also with Institut Fresnel, Ecole Central Marseille and Aix-Marseille Université in France. Kurt Busch, who led the journal from 2019 – 2024. 1 November 2021, Volume About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. Optics Letters Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. Issue. Optics Letters Research - Tapered polymer fibers enhance light delivery for neuroscience research : 07 JAN 2025: Optica Publishing Group Announces New Editors-in-Chief for Two Journals Optica Publishing Group publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed articles in its portfolio of journals, which serve the full breadth of the optics and photonics community. The method can reconstruct an arbitrary cross section of a three-dimensional object with higher image quality and a wider viewing angle than from conventional digital holography Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (QEPAS) with a single-tube acoustic microresonator (AmR) inserted between the prongs of a custom quartz tuning fork (QTF) was developed, investigated, and optimized experimentally. We recognize and appreciate their important contributions. The journal publishes new findings across all areas of optics in a concise format, covering the latest research in optical science Single-cycle terahertz (THz) transients in the frequency range 0. Photoacoustic effect is extremely sensitive to variations in hemoglobin. Optical trapping of dielectric particles by a single-beam gradient force trap was demonstrated for the first reported time. Optics Letters is a peer-reviewed journal published by Optica Publishing Group that covers all areas of optics and photonics. The CBC setup is designed to minimize the telecom signal degradation, with a polarization beam splitter used to minimize the power fluctuations and to control the output polarization state of the Optics Letters. It also exhibits exceptional stability at low-offset frequencies, with frequency noise of 200Hz2/Hz at 100 Hz offset. In this Letter, we present a method to encode the amplitude and the phase of an optical field into a phase-only hologram, which allows the exact control of We show that pairs of prisms can have negative group-velocity dispersion in the absence of any negative material dispersion. Mar 11, 2024 · Longitudinal detection of hemodynamic changes based on wearable devices is imperative for monitoring human healthcare. The spectral feature is probed by a single frequency-modulated (FM) sideband, and the associated absorption and dispersion are measured by monitoring the resulting radio-frequency beat signal We show explicitly that the well-known Gouy phase shift of any focused beam originates from transverse spatial confinement, which, through the uncertainty principle, introduces a spread in the transverse momenta and hence a shift in the expectation value of the axial propagation constant. Xi-Cheng Zhang, Editor-in-Chief Editorial Board . ISSN: 0146-9592. Optics Letters: 6-Displays: 6: 32: High Power Laser Science and Engineering: 5-Image and Vision Computing: 5-Journal of Biomedical Optics: 5-Ukrainian Journal of Physical Optics: 5-IEEE Photonics Journal: 5-Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer: 5-Microelectronic Engineering: 5-Neurophotonics: 5-Optical Fiber Technology: 5 Optics Letters is a biweekly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by The Optical Society (formerly known as Optical Society of America). Due to their high quality factor (Q∼108), microsphere resonators possess a narrow reflection bandwidth. Search this Journal. 2 -- February 10, 2025 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS • pp: 020604-021202 Vol. Miguel Alonso, Editor-in-Chief Editorial Board . The discrete-dipole approximation method was employed to calculate the absorption spectrum of pure rutile TiO2 and that of TiO2 mixed with Au nanoparticles. 15 September 2024 Optics Letters. Jun 20, 2024 · About Optics Letters. It has a high impact factor and a long history of rapid dissemination of new results. 93 W of pump power. The results indicate that pure rutile TiO2 has its maximum absorption located in the deep-UV band. Therefore, wearable photoacoustic devices are apt to monitor human healthcare via the observation of hemodynamics. Due to the high acoustic coupling efficiency between the AmR and the QTF, the single-tube on-beam QEPAS spectrophone configuration improves the detection sensitivity by 2 Topic Scope: A highly regarded, premium quality must read for everyone in the optics field that offers applications-centered research in optics, photonics, imaging, and sensing. 9999984 and to a cavity finesse of 1. 15 March 2019, Volume Optics Letters covers the latest research in optical science, including optical measurements, optical components and devices, atmospheric optics, biomedical optics, Fourier optics, integrated optics, optical processing, optoelectronics, lasers, nonlinear optics, optical storage and holography, optical coherence, polarization, quantum Optics Letters. To recognize their hard work, we have listed all of the Editorial Board Members of Optics Letters along with their tenure of service. Optics Letters accepts papers that are noteworthy to a substantial part of the optics community. Such Nov 20, 2024 · About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. Jun 30, 2023 · Highly efficient coherent beam combining (CBC) of two very-high-power optical amplifiers (VHPOA) with applications to long-range FSO communications such as ground-to-space feeder links is presented. The journal publishes new findings across all areas of optics in a concise format, covering the latest research in optical science Nov 15, 2012 · By using two sets of cavity optics, we further achieved the broadest, continuous tuning range, obtained to date for a Tm3+ laser, extending from 1845 nm to 28 nm. 6 off-axis paraboloid. 0×1022 W/cm2 by correction of the wave front of a 45-TW beam Optics Letters. Page. 15 January 2023, Volume Optics Letters. Optics Letters covers the latest research in optical science, including optical measurements, optical components and devices, atmospheric optics, biomedical optics, Fourier optics, integrated optics, optical processing, optoelectronics, lasers, nonlinear optics, optical storage and holography, optical coherence, polarization, quantum About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. We also investigated the 2-µm laser operation, where with a 1. We demonstrate a highly sensitive and stable fiber-optic Fabry–Perot cantilever microphone based on fast demodulated white-light interferometry. 6 × 10−6 (transmission plus absorption and scatter), which corresponds to a reflectivity of 0. In these lasers, output-coupling is performed by a diffraction grating that imposes a phase and amplitude distribution onto the diffracted light. Willner, Editor-in-Chief Editorial Board . By means of birefringent wedges, we are able to control the pulse delay with attosecond precision and stability better that λ/360, without affecting the pulse duration and in a spectral range that spans from UV to Sep 3, 2024 · The Impact IF 2023 of Optics Letters is 3. 15 October 2024, Volume We show that optical Bloch oscillations can emerge in waveguide arrays with linearly varying propagation constants. 1 September 2021, Volume In 2003, he joined the faculty of The Institute of Optics. 1. A general expression is given for the Gouy phase shift in terms of expectation values of the squares of About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. 1 October 2020, Volume Optics Letters. Its consequences for conservation of energy, angular momentum, and effects like negative torques are discussed. Alan E. achievements, Optics Letters. Optics Letters. This confirms the concept of negative light pressure due to the gradient force. 15 August 2022, Volume Dec 17, 2024 · About Optics Letters. Herein, heterodyne amplification is implemented in WGM We propose a new type of scanning fluorescence microscope capable of resolving 35 nm in the far field. However, achieving perfect absorption requires adding back reflectors at the bottom or placing at least four asymmetric elements in each unit of monolayer metasurfaces, which will increase the design complexity. One can tune the center frequency About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. 15 February 2023, Volume Optics Letters. Journal Chinese Optics Letters, ISSN: 1671-7694. Here, we propose a new, to the best of our knowledge, method to realize rainbow trapping based on higher-order topological corner modes (HOTCMs), which are constructed by two configurations of breathing kagome photonic crystals with distinct topological phases. Nonlinear effects (such as stimulated Raman lasing) were also observed in our Mar 19, 2024 · All-dielectric high-Q metasurface absorbers based on quasi-bound states in the continuum (QBICs) are essential for optical and photonic devices. For Optics Letters, it proves that we have established a signifi- About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. We show that a glass microsphere resonator can be used as a wavelength-selective mirror in fiber lasers. A prism arrangement is described that limits losses to Brewster-surface reflections, avoids transverse displacement of the temporally dispersed rays, permits continuous adjustment of the dispersion through zero, and yields a transmitted beam collinear with the incident beam. 9 × 106. Characterizations of low-loss mirrors by measurements of cavity-decay time and of cavity finesse are reported near 850 nm. The aberrations of the paraboloid and the low-energy reference laser beam were measured and corrected, and a focal spot size of 0. 006Hz2/Hz at 4 MHz offset, corresponding to a Lorentzian linewidth below 40 mHz—a record among semiconductor lasers. 62% when compared to preceding year 2022, which shows a falling trend. In contrast to near-field scanning optical microscopy, this method can produce three-dimensional images of We establish the equations for the time-averaged optical torque on dipolar bi-isotropic particles. This not only increases the mode spacing by orders of magnitude but also eliminates the distributed in-plane feedback to enable single-mode About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. An Jul 28, 2022 · Whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) microcavities have shown significant applications in nanoparticle sensing for environmental monitoring and biological analysis. 1 March 2022, Volume 47 Vol. These transients are fully characterized by electro-optic sampling with ZnTe and GaP crystals. With A new method for three-dimensional image formation is proposed in which the distribution of complex amplitude at a plane is measured by phase-shifting interferometry and then Fresnel transformed by a digital computer. 1 November 2020, Volume Jan 17, 2025 · Optics Letters covers the latest research in optical science, including optical measurements, optical components and devices, atmospheric optics, biomedical optics, Fourier optics, integrated optics, optical processing, optoelectronics, lasers, nonlinear optics, optical storage and holography, optical coherence, polarization, quantum We generalize the concept of photonic gauge potential in real space by introducing an additional “synthetic” frequency dimension in addition to the real space dimensions. For example, in JCR 2012, Optics Letters has a cited half-life of 6. As an illustration, we consider a one-dimensional array of ring resonators, each supporting a set of resonant modes having a frequency comb with spacing Ω, and undergoing a refractive index modulation at Optics Letters Research - Seeing deeper into the cosmos with gravitational-wave detectors : 26 SEP 2024: Optics Letters Research - Researchers harness liquid crystal structures to design simple, yet versatile bifocal lenses : 17 SEP 2024: Optics Letters Research - Researchers simplify design of optical atomic clocks without compromising performance Optics Letters. 5 years. The comb is generated from a single-frequency pump laser at 1562 nm and spans 128 THz with a spacing of 226 GHz, which can be tuned slightly with the pump power. The hybrid integrated laser reaches a frequency noise floor of 0. A solid-state laser emitting beams with a two-dimensional Airy intensity profile is demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally. 15 June 2021, Volume 46 Optics Letters Editorial Board Members. Optica Publishing Group provides the largest collection of peer-reviewed optics and photonics content, featuring 20 prestigious publications and over 1,150 event papers. The site features editorials, top-cited articles, editors' picks and historic material from the Journal's history. It covers short and rapid communications on all topics of optics and photonics, and has an impact factor of 3. It is regarded as one of the most important journals in the field of optics in China. Such lattices are established by judiciously overlapping two sublattices (an “egg-crate” lattice and a square lattice) with different periodicities through a self-defocusing photorefractive medium. In 2017, Optics Letters will be cel-ebrating 40 years of bringing the optics and photonics commu-nity rapid delivery of some of the best work in the field. To celebrate, Optica Publishing Group launched this website collecting material from OL's rich history. Accurate control of the optical field crucially depends on the method employed to encode the hologram. 179. That means that articles published in Optics Letters between July 2006 and December 2012 account for 50% of all citations to Optics Letters articles in 2012. Trapping was observed over the entire range of particle size from 10 μm to ~25 nm in water. They are free to access throughout 2017. . Optics Letters offers rapid dissemination of new results in all areas of optics with short, original, peer-reviewed communications. This topic browser contains over 2400 terms and is organized in a three-level hierarchy. 1 September 2012 Optics Letters. COL is published by Chinese Laser Press and is available from CLP and Optica Publishing Group Read more. 7×1022 W/cm2 by focusing a 45-TW laser beam with an f/0. For a continuous-wave trap, the neutral charge state (NV0) appears to be We report a technique for measuring and correcting the wavefront aberrations introduced by a biological sample using a Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensor, a fluorescent reference source, and a deformable mirror. By altering the lattice geometry of the photonic crystal (PhC) surface-emitting lasers (PCSELs), we tune the regular lasing band edges of quadratic dispersions to form a single accidental Dirac point of linear dispersion at the Brillouin zone center. Optics Letters is a biweekly peer-reviewed journal of optics and photonics published by Optica. We demonstrate a frequency comb spanning an octave via the parametric process of cascaded four-wave mixing in a monolithic, high-Q silicon nitride microring resonator. The measurement and correction at one wavelength improves Dec 4, 2024 · About Optics Letters. 3% output coupler, a maximum CW output power of 917 mW was obtained at 2094 nm with 3. Use of the new trap extends the size range of macroscopic particles accessible to optical trapping Optics Letters. 41 m long, ultra-high Q integrated resonator. 1 -- January 10, 2025 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS • pp: 010601-011902 Actions About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. Since 1977, Optics Letters (OL) has been advancing the science of optics and photonics by publishing high-quality papers rapidly. Both radially and azimuthally polarized beams have been generated with very good modal symmetry and polarization purity higher than 94%. See its scope, criteria, quartile, SJR and documents evolution. We propose a scheme to enhance near-UV band absorption of a rutile TiO2 nanoparticle by placing Au nanoparticles in its neighborhood. Jan 7, 2025 · Her editorial experience includes serving as a Deputy Editor and Associate Editor for Optica, two terms as Topical Editor for Optics Letters, and a member of the editorial board for Scientific Reports. We formulate the problem by using information theory analysis and present, to the best of our knowledge, a new paradigm Optics Letters. 15 December 2024, Volume We self-injection-lock a diode laser to a 1. May 22, 2017 · Optics Letters, a peer-reviewed journal of optics research, celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2017 with a special website. Optics Letters covers the latest research in optical science, including optical measurements, optical components and devices, atmospheric optics, biomedical optics, Fourier optics, integrated optics, optical processing, optoelectronics, lasers, nonlinear optics, optical storage and holography, optical coherence, polarization, quantum Celebrate 40 Years of Optics Letters. Optics Letters has had leading scientists and researchers shape the journal by serving as editors. 1 November 2022, Volume Optics Letters. In addition, we investigate the RF amplitude noise characteristics A new type of wavelength-modulation laser spectroscopy is accomplished by utilizing an external phase modulator driven at radio frequencies large compared to the width of the spectral feature of interest. Optics Letters is a journal published by the Optical Society (OSA) that aims to rapidly disseminate high-quality, peer-reviewed original research in the fields of optics and photonics. This kind of longevity represents a true milestone for any endeavor. The PL rates are shown to decrease with increasing trap laser power, but are inconsistent with a thermal quenching process. We show that depth estimation can be improved significantly relative to classical methods by exploiting three-dimensional diffraction effects. Jan 9, 2020 · Miguel Alonso, Optics Letters OSA Publishing is pleased to welcome Miguel Alonso as the new editor-in-chief of Optics Letters. The lowest observed mirror loss is 1. 15 May 2024, Volume 49 To highlight some of the seminal research published in Optics Letters, below are the most-cited articles in the history of the journal. Due to the interference of the scattered fields, it has a term additional to the one that is commonly employed in theory and experiments. Sep 24, 2024 · In this paper, we propose bifocal lenses based on bilayer structures composed of a liquid crystal (LC) cell and LC polymer, and the relative intensity of two foci can be adjusted arbitrarily through applying an external voltage. Apr 29, 2015 · About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. The evolution of arbitrary initial excitations is described, and potential applications are suggested. However, the bulky system and difficulties in miniaturizing and optimizing the imaging Optics Letters covers the latest research in optical science, including optical measurements, optical components and devices, atmospheric optics, biomedical optics, Fourier optics, integrated optics, optical processing, optoelectronics, lasers, nonlinear optics, optical storage and holography, optical coherence, polarization, quantum This website uses cookies to deliver some of our products and services as well as for analytics and to provide you a more personalized experience. It is published by Optica Publishing Group. We overcome the diffraction resolution limit by employing stimulated emission to inhibit the fluorescence process in the outer regions of the excitation point-spread function. 1 July 2022, Volume 47 About Chinese Optics Letters. The journal is indexed in UGC CARE, Scopus, SCIE, PubMed, Embase. Submit a Paper Sign Up For Alerts. The cavity length of the low-finesse Fabry–Perot interferometry is absolutely measured by realizing a high-speed demodulation method utilizing a full spectrum, with the advantages of both high resolution and large dynamic range. The reference source and sample fluorescence are at different wavelengths to separate wavefront measurement and sample imaging. About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. The journal is indexed in the digital library published Journal Optics Letters: Abbr: OL, ISSN: 0146-9592, 1071-2763, 1539-4794. He is a Fellow of Optica (formerly OSA, The Optical Society). 1 February 2025, Volume Optics Letters Research - Tapered polymer fibers enhance light delivery for neuroscience research : 07 JAN 2025: Optica Publishing Group Announces New Editors-in-Chief for Two Journals : 17 DEC 2024: Optics Letters Research - Hyperspectral imaging lidar system achieves remote plastic identification Journal Optics Letters: Abbr: OL, ISSN: 0146-9592, 1071-2763, 1539-4794. 23, Iss. The existence of localized modes (Wannier–Stark states) with equidistant wave-number spacing (Wannier–Stark ladder) that do not undergo diffraction is analytically proved. 15 November 2022, Volume About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. Optics Letters is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes concise, high-impact articles on all aspects of optics and photonics. Optics Letters IF is decreased by a factor of 0. 1 January 2024, Volume Optics Letters. 15 January 2024, Volume We generated a record peak intensity of 0. The optics letters is a reputed research journal. Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. However, the enhancement of detection resolution often calls for active cavities or elaborate structural designs, leading to an increase of fabrication complexity and cost. 3–7?THz with electric-field amplitudes of more than 400?kV?cm are generated by four-wave mixing of the fundamental and the second harmonic of 25?fs pulses from a Ti:sapphire amplifier in ionized air. Two LC layers have different light modulation functions: when circularly polarized light passes through the first layer, part of the outgoing light is converted with About Optics & Photonics Topics Optica Publishing Group developed the Optics and Photonics Topics to help organize its diverse content more accurately by topic area. We introduce the translating wedge-based identical pulses encoding system, a novel device for the generation of collinear, interferometrically locked ultrashort pulse pairs. The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 1. The recent advancements in higher-order topology have provided unprecedented opportunities in optical device designs and applications. 8 µm was achieved. Two fiber-coupled microwave cavities are employed to serve as an interaction channel connecting two sets of macroscopic hybrid units, each containing a magnon (hosted by an yttrium–iron–garnet sphere) and a superconducting-circuit qubit. This feature enables construction of single-frequency fiber lasers even when the laser cavity is long. 1 October 2019, Volume 学术期刊 Chinese Optics Letters,期刊 ISSN: 1671-7694。CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS (COL) 是一本国际期刊,旨在快速传播光学科学和技术各分支领域的最新、重要发现和发明。它被认为是中国光学领域最重要的期刊之一。被美国光学学会(OSA)出版数字图书馆收录,并被科学引文索引(SCI)、工程索引(EI)等收录 Optics Letters. Chinese Optics Letters (COL) is an international journal aimed at the rapid dissemination of latest, important discoveries and inventions in all branches of optical science and technology. It is shown that the peak intensity can be increased to 1. 56 and approximate percentage change is -14. This work proposes a honeycomb Optics Letters. hure locaml alfm pezy aarhqy zxit kqmwy xgmac otdwe wksaty ujsstgh bhqa ukkv krcuub zjjajxr