Ruger mark ii reassembly problems. Here is a step by step guide on how to do it.

Ruger mark ii reassembly problems To solve this problem I took a 5/16" drill bit (. Take photos before removing any pins. 5K views 12 replies 10 participants last post by James6591 Dec 19, 2011 Jun 21, 2024 · I've had customers report they have run as many as 10 bricks (5000 rounds) of 22 LRs through their gun before it started having feeding or ejection problems. " Which Ruger Mark Iv Problems. Incidentally, the Mark III is basically the same thing but I find myself needing to pull the trigger while flipping the mainspring housing on reassembly, probably due to the magazine disconnect. All Remington 700; Remington Rifle Barrels; Remington Rifle Stocks; Remington 870; Remington Triggers; Remington Parts; More Gun Complete disassembly and reassembly of a cool Ruger Mark I Pistol. I printed out the Ruger Instructions they are more detailed than the old owner's manual instructions And look at them every time I do the Mark II Song and Dance so I wont forget any of those steps Oct 28, 2020 · Re Assembly of the Ruger Mk II Question Jump to Latest 3. I disassembled it, and reassembled it correctly, and when you pull the trigger w/ the magazine in the gun, nothing happens. The FTEs occurred shooting Win Xperts (36 grain lead HPs) lot #1YE32M where the fired case stays in the chamber. Ruger says so. Jul 4, 2003 · Mark II recoil spring assemblies are no longer available, but the Ruger Mark IV assembly will work if Ruger will part with one of those. When new and unfired you will need a plastic hammer the first time you take one apart and reassemble. I have a stainless Mark III 5. or do the mod your self GunTalk-Online. Any ideas would be much appreciated. These pistols are often ignored due to their infamously difficult reassembly. Nov 16, 2023 · While it has some strong points, like an easy-to-use design, I also stumbled upon a few issues that I believe many users might encounter. I too had problems until I set the pistol down and picked up the owners manual. it's only the second time I have taken it apart and I have tried everything to get it to cock but it won't. I thought it was a rite of passage to be able to master the dissassembly / reassambly of the Mark II. Sep 29, 2022 · A few days ago I went to the range to shoot my Mk II target. Aug 29, 2024 · Watching You-Tube video's and down-loading the written disassembly / reassembly instructions from Ruger's web site is all I got for you . Huh, how in the world does your Mark II have so much less finish wear than my Mark III?! Oh well, I'll just call the silver bits "Love Marks" on mine. Apr 14, 2013 · I had a Mk II 22/45, sold it several years ago and bought a Mk III 22/45. Ruger Mark® Pistols . Apr 7, 2014 · I recently purchased a Ruger M77 MK II Target in 223. I understand them well also. And, I see the rounded part of the bolt stop pin above the top of the rear receiver hole. I do have a 10" Mark 11 with probably somewhere around 100,000 through it, that suffered a broken disconnect in its trip. And in only Jun 14, 2004 · I've recently purchased a new Ruger Mark II (model MK 512) pistol and am having some difficulties with disassembly. Ruger MK III Standard . Some common problems include difficulties with the reassembly process after field stripping, occasional ejection failures, and minor feed issues with certain types of ammo. Taking apart the MkII is pretty easy, reassembly is not as intuitive as any other firearm I've taken apart. 22LR pistol is notoriously known for its disassembly and reass Jan 12, 2009 · My grandfather gave me his Ruger Mark II to clean today and I'm having a hell of a time with it. Apr 17, 2005 · Get the hammer to go forward. 22 LR is too finicky for auto-loaders so why bother wasting 22LR ammo in a nice piece like the Mark III when I can just run it through a revolver. Once apart, try putting a small bit of gun grease on the lugs where the barrel and receiver match up. Aug 28, 2006 · I am having a problem with a Ruger Mark III (678) target pistol. a standard 4 inch and a bull barrel 5 1/2" target. I've looked up and seen the instructions on takedown procedure. Detail disassemble is also a piece of cake. Dec 31, 2011 · For the Mark I/II you can do this without inserting a magazine. This component not only retains the firing pin in the bolt, it also restricts the forward movement of the firing pin and prohibits the firing pin tip from contacting the breech face when dry firing. Works like a charm. Ah but now I have no problems at all. Jul 11, 2008 · I have a Mark II Target model that's exhibiting some odd behaviors that haven't shown themselves previously: an occasional failure to extract from the chamber, and more recently, doubling or pinch-firing. So, I'd then remove the grips (if not already off), using a punch the size of the hammer pin start to drive it out. Easy install, no tools other than something Nov 16, 2024 · I wasn't able to stay long enough to see a definite pattern, but the CCI rounds in the Ruger mag seemed (more) reliable. HSS installs in minutes with no experiece or special tools needed, and remains in the Ruger MK. Sep 20, 2019 · Hello from North Dakota. The front sight is A03612 and the rear blade is MR05901. Oct 18, 2016 · When reassembling the Ruger Mark II pistols, along with the Ruger Mark III's with the magazine disco removed, one only needs to remember that once the bolt is back in place to reach in and push the hammer as far forward as it will go, even use a punch if you need to, but get it as far forward as it will go. " Now, I never attempt reassembly without the laptop close by playing the Ruger 'how-to' video for reassembly. com :: View topic - RUGER MarkI/II/III Pre-travel screw install - DIY project Click on our Amazon link to support our channel : http://amzn. II. Tried everything. 22 caliber pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more! May 30, 2020 · Reassembly of the Standard and Mark I, II, and III can be, shall we say, challenging. I replaced extractor and extractor spring but no much improvement. Why they happen and the easy fix. Reassembly was a nightmare. The top edge has a slight divot that holds the hammer pivot pin in position. Feb 23, 2019 · Mark II Government Model 6-7/8" Mark II 22/45 4" and 8" Tac-Sol Target Mark II Stainless 5-1/2" Mark II Blued 5-1/2" Mark III Target Slab-Sides Standard Model 5-1/2" All: Burris Fastfire Red Dot All: Volquartsen Trigger Set Mar 7, 2011 · I've got a couple Mark II's and the 22/45 IV. " On another note, I purchased 2 new MKIV's a year ago. Feb 27, 2013 · Ruger 22/45 Mark III Detail Reassembly - YouTube Save Share Reply Quote Like May 3, 2017 · I've had my Mark III for about 10 years and have never had any issues with reassembly after cleaning, but I made a dumb mistake and I need help. May 23, 2013 · coh2000, Look again at the left grip panel. 312" diameter) and cut about 2. By far, the best video I have ever found to illustrate the reassembly is: Dave We show you how to disassemble and reassemble a Ruger Mark II 22 pistol. I could never get the lead out of the barrel. 3. I have created a brand new Ruger MkIII problem. But wanted to throw it out the window after cleaning it and attempting to put it back together. Aug 27, 2017 · Fact is that I do some minor gunsmithing myself, mostly on Smith revolvers and . The TWO most common issues are the hammer and the hammer strut support. Hammer uncocked, pull out mainspring housing, remove bolt, remove barreled receiver, etc. By Tom Perez in Florida. 22 rimfire enthusiasts. I've never owned a Ruger Mark rimfire but for years have read and heard how difficult they are to disassemble and reassemble. The problem definitely doesn't look like a Tandemkross problem, because I now have all stock parts. Unlike most tech manuals this one is excellent and the problems people report are really simple if they would just read the manual. Dec 6, 2008 · Mark II Disassembly tool Jump to Latest 5. You can accomplish this by pulling the trigger and pushing on the back of the hammer or hammer strut with a screwdriver, or by pointing it in the air and getting the hammer strut to engage the main spring housing again and while pushing it closed pull the trigger. I have since bought 2 more 22/45's. New Mark III with a roll pin firing pin stop (picture here) Step #5 Flip pistol upside down and insert an empty magazine Jan 2, 2024 · I'll admit that the very first time I took my Clark Bullseye MK-II apart, my first Ruger . Thanks, Brian Jan 31, 2014 · Hello to all, New member, suggested to your site. Just about ready to throw in the towel when I came upon problem. The Ruger MK II is a rimfire single-action semi-automatic pistol chambered in . The bolt will not retract more than approx. I can't believe a rubber mallett is required to do this! Aug 18, 2006 · Hello all, I have a friends Ruger Mark III. And no, I will not buy a newer model. 3/4" Jan 8, 2022 · So, yesterday, I called Ruger & explained my problem. The IV is the 22/45 lite version and the ii's are stainless. Should all else fail Ruger's customer service is excellent. My gunsmith put the Majestic kit in for me several years ago, and it’s great as long as you follow the rules and don’t end up removing the mainspring housing. I have never had a problem disassembling or reassembling any of them. Jan 15, 2020 · This process works on all Mark series guns, even the current Mark III and 22/45 Lite (note that magazine disconnect, if present, will slow you down but procedure still works). The RUGER® 22/45 has a grip frame assembly made of molded synthetic polymer and a magazine latch button on the left side of the frame. Aug 19, 2009 · Glad I'm not the only one having a problem with the disassembly and re-assembly of my new Ruger Mark III. So, I have a V. At home, I disassembled it for cleaning, and after cleaning, reassembled it. I have put about 75 rounds through the gun since purchasing it last September with no issues. rjm6120; Jan 6, 2025 Ruger Mark II Easy assembly and disassembly of a Ruger Mark I, Mark II, or Mark III 22LR Pistol. Dec 24, 2008 · The key is rotating the firearm as directed in the instruction set, as you put the piece elements back together. Step-by-step instructions to disassemble and reassembly a Ruger Mark II, Ruger 22/45 auto pistol. Mark II beats Mark III easily as Mark III is the worst of the bunch. Mar 5, 2016 · The OP fixed his problem, however anyone wanting to remove their mainspring, it is a challenging task. , who make upgraded trigger parts that offer smoother operation and reduced trigger pulls, along with a plethora of aftermarket receivers of different materials, barrel Jun 29, 2018 · REASSEMBLY (The procedure is the same for all RUGER[emoji768] MARK IVTM pistols. Here is a step by step guide on how to do it. 22 rifles, and never had a problem with re-assembly of Ruger "Marks" once practicing "the angle. Very accurate, cheap ammo and a blast to shoot. Also the loaded chamber indicator should be removed and replaced. Yes reassembly can be a PIA even after reading manual and watching You Tube (the video above is good). 3K views 15 replies 9 participants last post by Lost Sheep Feb 10, 2009 Apr 21, 2016 · I've removed and replaced several hammers in the Mark ii and Mark iii. Step #4 Insert bolt into receiver. Without a doubt the Mark II's are more accurate. There is no need to disassemble the pistol again. Nov 20, 2007 · between the video AND the book Ty mentioned, you should be 'OK' but yes, there are a few of the small springs, and 'steps' that will drive lots of folks crazy, and many put them in backwards or upside down, so take your time, "study" the video, read the dis-assemly steps as well as the 're- assembly' follow them in order. Dec 3, 2011 · Mark III re-assembly problem- HELP Jump to Latest 4. 3K views 28 replies 12 participants last post by Outbuilding Nov 6, 2020 Dec 22, 2020 · I know there will be a few "experts" who claim to have had no problem with reassembly since their favorite uncle gave them a Ruger Standard model when they were 7! There truly may be a few among them who have never had the same problems with reassembly that caused even an Australian Regimental Sergeant Major and myself to offer up curses upon Showing all the Ruger MK III's assembly and disassembly problems. This is my first ruger and it was my grandpas, so its very old. com and get their little drop in part and it will cure all your reassembly issue. The thing you must always keep in mind during the reassembly is the position of the hammer and hammer strut. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Apr 14, 2023 · I called Ruger for help. Well, some Common Ruger Mark IV Problems include magazine issues, the gun not returning to battery, recoil spring complications, and slide issues. 22 for a little while but last night, upon reassembly, I inadvertently pushed the mainspring bolt up next to the hammer and it got lodged there. After some effort and no success, I tapped the barrel back out and that fixed it. When the left grip is off the gun and the bolt is operated, the hammer pivot pin will walk out to the left, create a bind in the hammer, and cause the exact problem you described. The Ruger website has a short video online for the Mark series pistols that is helpful. There are a lot of YouTube videos to show you the finer points. The bolt stop pin is not visible through the bolt, it is somewhere forward of that position. Feb 15, 2013 · Mine was never that hard to disassemble or reassemble. Feb 20, 2009 · Hello, I have a Ruger Mark III Hunter and wanted to know if Ruger sells standard non fiber optic sights for it. Last year I wanted a reliable solid . Mag in, pull the trigger all the way back to the guard, and only sometimes it will fire after many attempts. Dec 13, 2019 · For me, there was no problemonce I read the OM and quickly figured out the simple sequence of the action parts! However, for those who still find the MkI-II-III re-assembly process difficult, this $20 add on could end their frustrations and fear of the Mk Series reassembly process. Assuming that there is no damage to any parts that might make the main spring impossible to get in, my guess would be that the hammer strut is not in the right position. It keeps the hammer strut from getting stuck behind the cross pin in the grip handle used to retain a sear spring. 22 rimfire pistols. Two hours later I finally got it disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled. They can be a bit finicky sometimes, but just keep checking the hammer & strut and you will get it. Went well. HOWEVER, detail re-assembly is a whole unique can of worms. Aug 13, 2008 · Say what you will about how supposedly easy it is to take apart the Mark II Ruger. Oct 27, 2024 · The Mark II series pistols have what are considered the best of the factory triggers, thought there are numerous aftermarket companies such as Volquartsen, Tandemkross, etc. My question is - are there any parts or kits available for this model that makes disassembly and reassembly easier? My 71 year-old arthritic hands gave me hell. The bolt can be pulled with two fingers but it seems to take a bit of effort. Oct 30, 2007 · I've been owning and shooting Ruger . But I messed up. This little $15 support makes re-assembly of your Ruger Mark I, II and III pistols much easier. that's as far as you need to go. ) 1. I'd like to "downgrade" the stock sights with normal target sights. Jun 15, 2012 · Hope this video helps some fellow mark 2 owners, don't mind the damn black smudge in the frame, it's an issue with my phones camera May 14, 2010 · On the other Ruger Mark II pistol, and by the way, it was a Mark II 6-7/8 with the Heavy Tapered barrel in stainless, the pin had drifted far enough to the left where it got hung up under the shoulder in the grip frame. 3 weeks later I received my rebuilt Mark-II with all new springs. I've also read about a kit from Majestic Arms which will simplify the process. still on YouTube, I think it’s one of the first ones that comes up if you search ruger mk2 re assembly. After over 30 years of ownership Ruger replaced the bolt on my Mark II free of charge when it developed a dimple of the bolt face. Jul 4, 2018 · Since getting the "hang" of it many years ago, I can disassemble and reassemble any of them in no time with no problems. I was shooting lead through it at a high enough velocity with poor lube characteristics. sear for a Ruger Mark III 22/45 if anyone is interested! Feb 10, 2023 · I bought Ruger Mark II for my wife, she enjoys it very much but there is quite frequent problem with jamming (2-3 time per magazine). Come join the discussion about . The gun will not fire. . sear's top shaft is a wee bit longer. Dec 29, 2011 · Ruger Mark 2 Reassembly problems Well a couple of days ago I took my Ruger Mark 2 stainless apart and the only thing I did diffrent was take the recoil spring out and clean it also. My problem right now is the mainspring housing. Don’t sell this Mar 6, 2010 · First time reassembling a new Mark III, and I cannot close the mainspring housing. Jul 31, 2012 · The V. Love the gun at the range. This simple little plate, called May 27, 2020 · Also, this tip from the attached link below: "If you have assembled your Mark II but the bolt will not fully retract, simply unlatch the MHA and repeat steps 9 and on. All RUGER® MARK II pistols have the same basic operating The little toggle under the hammer (the Hammer Strut) is the cause of most hassles when reassembling a Mark Series pistol. It is at the below Step #5. I am able to insert the mainspring housing bolt stop pin until it "clicks" fully in place. II is that the magazine must be inserted when it is necessary to manipulate the hammer. I went to disassemble it and ran into a few problems that I haven't found an answer to. Beyond that, it seems to be the same as the MK. While the first video in this two part series, the one on Disassembly, was only ju Feb 17, 2013 · Update: I received a new 22/45 sear spring from Ruger and got it installed. " How to Reassemble a Ruger Mark II Ruger Mark III detailed solutions for when things keep on going wrong. Contents:Disassembly0:40Bolt, detail Bolt3:20Bolt, reassemble3:50Cleaning4:50Assembly5:45Hammer Strut Trick7:00How to disassemble and reass Jan 21, 2010 · I seem to always get hung up at the same point during re-assembly. Jul 13, 2014 · If I could have had one wish in life in my world of guns, it would be that every gun that I have ever taken down, and put back together again, would have been as simple as the Ruger Mark. Sep 29, 2021 · When it comes to the Mark III pistols, the key is to remove any of the magazine disconnect nonsense. Tandemkross sells a hammer bushing that will eliminate the magazine disconnect nonsense. Make sure the magazine is removed before you swing the latch open or pound it out. That was 31 years ago and the gun is still one of my best shooters. Jun 3, 2022 · I own several Mark IIs. Jan 8, 2019 · I used the reassembly directions and diagrams from the owners manual for the Ruger Mark II and it worked the first time! The reassembly method used in the manual (beginning on page 20) incorporates many of the suggestions from my fellow forum members (thanks again); it was actually quite easy for me with the diagrams provided in the manual. Each time I reinstalled the original it gave me no problems and everything worked as it should. Feb 28, 2013 · When activating everything in the grip, it seemed to work just fine. I wonder if the MKIV, which has numerous problems, was introduced simply as a "fix" for owners issues with the previous MKs; I hope that's not the case. I spent about 30 minutes searching for Ruger Mark II disassembly videos, all of which showed the very basics of here's how to remove the mainspring, barrel assembly, and bolt and ended with "Well. I noticed the Ruger mag sits about a mm higher in the chamber than the others. This is NOT just a field strip. Some questions/suggestions: Did you buy it new? If so, I suggest contacting Ruger. 5 inch bull barrel with some pretty nice Ruger wood target grips. Oct 18, 2010 · Ok i took my Ruger mark II apart to clean. Oct 26, 2011 · Look the internet is flooded with blogs about problems with disassembly and reassembly of Ruger . The HSS physically will not allow the mainspring assembly to be re-installed incorrectly, no matter how hard you try (or try not to). I made a re assembly video with this same gun (and hammer haha) back in 2012. All Ruger Mark® Pistols; Ruger Mark IV® Ruger Mark IV 22/45® Ruger Mark III® Ruger Mark III 22/45® Ruger Mark II® Ruger Mark II 22/45® Ruger Mark I® Ruger Mark Magazines; Remington 700 . We use Federal Automatch 22LR - 40 grain (well, it is cheap and available in Walmart) With a new magazine it is better, but not 100%. Aug 23, 2015 · The best video I have ever found for reassembly is the official factory Ruger Mark III re-assembly video posted on the Ruger site under Tech Tips. 22 handgun and everybody said Ruger MK II was the best so I picked up a blued 5. I've also sent back my Ruger LCP and Ruger LCP Max with failure to feed issues which they quickly resolved, free of charge. 22 Long Rifle and manufactured by Sturm, Ruger & Company. This is actually recommended in the manual for the Mark III. Take a box of RUGER parts to neighborhood gunsmith and PAY to reassemble. Add a hammer strut support (Google it). Jul 2, 2002 · Many great ideas. Aug 31, 2015 · The best description I've ever seen for reassembly is "quirky. Aug 12, 2021 · Those who complain about dis and then reassembly of ANY of the Mark I, II, III & 22/45 versions DON'T have the patience, or willingness to LEARN what it takes to understand what's involved with take-down, therefore, the availability of products to serve a problem the doesn't exist. I was able to grind a hack-saw blade thin enough to get in between and cut the pin. Once the above is done, with magazine not inserted, swing the MHA out and pull it out. The safety must be in the "on" position with the white dot fully visible for reassembly (see Figure 6, p. I'm not sure if that's my problem, but this was the third and last time that I've tried to get it to work and it never did. Jun 7, 2020 · Take your MK II apart to clean and then not a chance of proper reassembly. The only reason that I can think of why anyone wanted to do this is to reduce the power of the mainspring, for the overall goal to allow the gun to cycle with low power loads. To reduce variables I'll use only new CCI rounds going forward. I also have a Ruger Redhawk (hence the handle). Looking for a bit of advice here regarding a Ruger Mark II that I recently sort of inherited. That means there were likely several years between uses. 13). Feb 12, 2019 · how to reassemble some of the parts found in a Mark II Frame? While cleaning mine, things got away from me real fast and I 'm left with an assortment of loose parts. I have no problems with the mainspring assembly or bolt removal. Feb 23, 2013 · Warix, you might consider installing the Speed Strip kit. I received it new in the box as a birthday present (woot!) this week so I wanted to clean it before I went to the range. But, when I close the Jul 25, 2014 · As part of Brownells Firearm Maintenance Series, in this video one of our gunsmiths goes through step-by-step how-to properly reassemble the Ruger Mark I,II, Sep 28, 2020 · In the Ruger Mk II pistol, there is a component called the Firing Pin Stop. The Ruger Mark IV, while generally well-regarded, does have its share of issues reported by users. The 30 millisecond video is no help either as it is just a "show-off" video that is too fast to actually help. It appears that my hammer pivot pin is a bit too short and is moving side-to-side and causing the sear spring leg to pop out of the notch. Caution - visually verify firing pin stop pin is installed prior to full bolt insertion. The seller, who I trust, stated that he had put less than 100 rounds through it. Mar 1, 2010 · VOLQUARTSEN : RUGER MARK I,II,III TARGET TRIGGER - World's Largest Supplier of Firearm Accessories, Gun Parts and Gunsmithing Tools. I managed to get it done, but I noticed two things in the process. 5" bull barrel that is giving me fits. They told me to box it up and send it in. And you are not the first to have some issues. There's also the Hammer Strut Tool available from many sources that makes it a bit easier. Be certain the pistol is free of cartridges! Keep your finger out of the trigger guard. Dec 11, 2009 · The only substantial difference between it and the Mk. The mainspring is in the little steel sandwich on the back of the grip frame that has the lever and assembly pin on it. After assembling the whole gun, its back to the same problem. Mar 31, 2020 · I have always had a problem getting the holes in the barrel-receiver and the frame to line up to install the mainspring housing bolt stop pin assy. While field stripping this is harder than with other pistols, they are not May 11, 2014 · I would be completely frustrated, too! I have a Mark II 22/45 that has never given me grief, though reassembly has sometimes been an adventure - and that was before the age of YouTube. It really should take only a minute to reassemble. He said, "Are you slapping the mags in?" P97 reassembly problem. I have followed the instructions to the. It may loosen things up enough to free the strut without completely removing the pin. 22 autos since 1960, so am no stranger to the proper disassembly and assembly procedure for the standard, Mark I, Mark II and Mark III models. Jul 25, 2018 · I just purchased and installed a hammer strut support for my 1980 Mark I pistol. Mark IV: One button take down, no problems with re-assembly. This also works for the Ruger Standard. I inserted the mainspring assembly housing wrong, and it is now stuck, but loose. The RUGER® COMPETITION MODELhas a slab-sided, heavyweight barrel with target grips and a scope base supplied with optical sight mounting rings. Less than $20. I have triple checked that it's assembled correctly, as the bolt will hand cycle as it should, but will Jan 26, 2021 · A forum community dedicated to Ruger firearm owners and enthusiasts. I've field and detail stripped them so many times that I got my own technique and a couple home made tools. youtube. I managed to get it reassembled. The more you take it apart, the easier and looser it becomes. If you follow the presenter's process exactly, you should never have a problem. I cannot get the slide stop pin back through to save my life. I dont know if anything got About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright May 25, 2013 · A Mark II was my first semi auto pistol. They are my favorite shooters. 5" of the shank off. Now I can field strip and reassemble in five minutes no problem. 2. Just support the gun by the bottom of the frame/grip ass'y. Did it jam/fail with the original 2 magazines? May 6, 2012 · I have a Mark II that is giving me fits. The difference between a citizen and a civilian is that the citizen makes the safety of the body politic his personal responsibility. Brand new Mark III Competition model – 1st time apart. On new guns you sometimes need to pound it out with a rubber mallet and wooden dowel. Did New, patented, Hammer Strut Support (HSS) makes reassembly of mainspring assembly into Ruger MK quick, easy, ALWAYS CORRECT. Reassembly of Ruger Mark II Pistol: What can I say, this is a long video. What's the trick to getting the mainspring out. Feb 8, 2014 · 22/45 Mark II and III Rimfire Central is a forum community dedicated to . I did this for two of my Mark II pistols. Apr 23, 2011 · Hello all. I can't even get the mainspring housing to come out so all the REassemblyh tips are mute. Unfortunately, Ruger does not provide guidance on fixing common reassembly problems. Everything else about reassembly is pretty easy. After the bolt is pulled back the magazine releases normally. A quarter turn of the retainer screw and the bolt slips out without the usual take-down and reassembly chore with the mainspring housing. Check with HammerStrutSupport. I only had revolvers up to that point. After a week of familiarizing myself with the Ruger Mark II, I was able to get a better idea of what was going wrong. Dec 16, 2009 · I recently bought a SS Mark II Target. Wish I could watch and see what the problem is. Nov 16, 2011 · I've had reassembly problems & found the best way to get the mainspring latch out is with a dowel rod (~1/4") and a rubber mallet, struck on the top of bolt stop pin. EZ install-see video. Fit and finish is excellent on all. Dec 20, 2009 · I'll either use that ammo for my 10/22 or I'll buy a Taurus 22 LR revolver or Ruger Single Six. Quirky as they are, my Mark II 22/45 and Mark III Hunter are the most accurate and most fun to shoot pistols I own. I'm guessing it's just extremely tight since it's a new pistol. I have attached a couple of pictures and i am curious about the pin that is laying down in the channel on the back of the grip. A MK Series pistol is second only to Ruger 10/22s when it comes to shooting without cleaning, Here's my MK III Slabside. I'm sure this has something to do with the accuracy differences. Ruger rimfire pistol Oct 24, 2010 · The only trick is getting the hammer strut tip centered on the mainspring plunger. First disassembly and cleaning. Apr 3, 2022 · Many people get frustrated disassembling and reassembling the Ruger mark 2 (actually mark 1-3). It is the hammer strut not sitting properly in the mainspring recess while reinserting and locking down the housing that causes all the problems. The Hammer Strut Support fits and works perfectly on all other Ruger Mk pistols (Ruger Standard, MK I, MK II, and MK III) except the 22/45 versions and the new MK IV. Last night is the first time I have tried to field strip the gun. Happy to help! Nov 17, 2009 · I like the MKII. -Zach Response: We do sell a front sight and a rear blade that will replace the fiber optic and V-notch sights. Oct 11, 2019 · Mark II: Once you get the knack of the Mark II disassembly/assembly, it's a piece of cake. There was force used. When the last shot is fired the bolt locks back as expected but is binding the magazine so that it cannot be removed unless you pull the bolt back to remove the bind. This process works on all Mark series guns, even the current Mark III and 22/45 Lite (note that magazine disconnect, if present, will slow you down but proce Nov 5, 2019 · The first time I broke down & reassembled my old Standard and a Mark II, it took me three tries, with the help of one of the better Ruger disassembly/assembly videos to guide me - with frequent stops, rewinds, and "Why doesn't mine come apart/go together so easily" comments to myself. I put in a tandemkross (sp) trigger which is super light and amazing. A MK II Target Competition slab side stainless finish. when assembling my Mark II. I do like the IV. The current version of the recoil spring assemblies are relegated for Mark IV assembly. What I take away from this is to use good 22LR ammo with my Mark III and to be gentle with it. Jun 22, 2013 · Once you get the reassembly of the Mark III down, you will join the exalted Brotherhood of Mark III Masters. It was also drilled and tapped with a rail so it had everything I wanted for $300. Apr 14, 2022 · I have a Mark II that I’ve owned for about 25 years, and one of my problems is that I use it infrequently, and forget the right way to do things as times pass. to/2i7oGsHDisassembling the Ruger Mark 3 Target and showing some problems that may come up duri Apr 21, 2009 · Reassembly Instructions for your Ruger Mark III Pistol Mar 24, 2012 · A very long story (several hours of disassembly, testing & reassembly) I will cut short. Thank you sir. The gun was manufactured in 2000. Apr 14, 2013 · I have been cleaning this great . Jul 3, 2021 · It's the best of pre-lawyer Ruger! Here is my synopsis: Mark II beats the Mark Standard/Mark I with 10 rounds instead of 9, a bolt hold open and no e-clip on the trigger pin! If you take one down all the way, you'll know what I mean. Watching closely. More money than a Mark II. I purchased one for my Mark III Hunter and it sure makes cleaning the pistol much easier. Also, welcome to the forum. Nov 12, 2018 · I used the reassembly directions and diagrams from the owners manual for the Ruger Mark II and it worked the first time! The reassembly method used in the manual (beginning on page 20) incorporates many of the suggestions from my fellow forum members (thanks again); it was actually quite easy for me with the diagrams provided in the manual. com/watch? Mar 17, 2010 · This is my first post in the mk II forum. Nov 21, 2022 · Finally found a rimfire I've been wanting for years now--and bought it today. Video of my learning curve: https://www. On reassembly, mainspring housing lug would not completely install. Watched several videos on youtube and the one of the Ruger site. I have not, however, been able to separate the barrel receiver assembly from the grip frame assembly. I know the weapon fired recently then it came to me and set in the safe for a few months and prior to firing it I wanted to clean it and check it. I own MKI,MKII, MkIII. 22, I had to take to my friend / gunsmith to help me out. First, the piece that you unlatch and pull down and out of the reciever (whatever it is called), comes out very hard. If I can get reliable with the Ruger mag, I'll start working on the Mec-Gars.