Steamvr motion reprojection. Please can someone point me in the right direction.

Steamvr motion reprojection If you are using an Oculus headset, use their reprojection and turn off motion smoothing because Oculus's solution is better imo. in 60hz Frequency on the Reverb 1 I can fly reasonably well with 30fps and motion vector. Exactly the same Here's some comments of updated info to help: (1) Outdated info unfortunately. I believe motion smoothing doesn't actually try to generate frames right away but instead uses the other reprojection method until it gets bad enough where it has to kick in. In the UI that pops up, select the Graphics tab. With the release of SteamVR Motion Smoothing in 2018, Interleaved Reprojection became obsolete. System: I7_6700k, 32Gb Ram, GTX 1080, USB… Aug 27, 2021 · However, I remembered that there is Motion reprojection under SteamVR, and there is an option under dev mode, OpenXR runtime. i use both motion vector and steamvr repro. Obviously it's better to play always with no reprojection if you have a beefy PC. In some cases that made games run slower with automatic motion reprojection than they would have without it. This right there. Windows MR operates Jul 28, 2021 · Hello everyone, today I dealt with the SU5 in VR and had the following experience. Motion Smoothing is similar to Oculus Asynchronous Space Warp but not exactly the same. Idk what changed, but for some reason 90hz without reprojection felt way worse than the new 72 fps with one. Set "Motion Reprojection Rate" to "Use best frame rate. 02 driver and SteamVR 1. It was interleaved reprojection that stayed on momentarily. Head tracking should be smooth now. The G2 doesn't rely heavily on image warping. If you have motion smoothing enabled (on by default) you will get yellow frames instead in the mini perf graph in SteamVR options. ASW / Motion Smoothing Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR has an experimental motion reprojection feature to make 90 FPS reprojection more smooth. 06b4 and was able to get Motion Reprojection working quite nicely with the `--open_xr` parameter. I turned graphics all the way down to 30% utilization, and all the way up to 99% GPU utilization again. Their announcement sounded like it was only available going through steamvr, which revive would also do, but not Microsoft Store apps. Reprojection is disabled by default on a fresh WMR install and I had 31 FPS in Nvidia control panel enabled as a trial. How can we enable reprojection using steamvr? Forced on in dirt rally 2 works quite good, however on auto, there is a lag / speed up slow done everytime it kicks in, making it not useable. It will be as bad as real 60Hz. The global setting is set in the WMR plugin menu. I started Today we are introducing a new feature in SteamVR called Motion Smoothing. If you choose to enable motion reprojection, all Steam VR games will render nominally at ½ frame rate (45 FPS instead of 90 FPS) while Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR uses motion So, to "turn off" reprojection, lower the resolution scaling in the Oculus software, or change the FPS to something your hardware can achieve. motionvector - motion reprojection is always applied. Reprojection happens when the card can't put out a new frame in time to maintain constant fps. 5 Jan 27, 2021 · Oculus has their ASW running on 18Hz. Not only can lower-end GPUs now produce smooth frames in applications that were previously too expensive, higher-end GPUs can now render at an even higher resolution Jan 15, 2023 · Finally updated to 12. If your pc can't reach 90 fps, the game will run at 45 fps and each frame in between will be interpolated to match 90 hz. But the strange thing is MSFS 2020 runs better with Motion Reprojection disabled. How it works If you have a flatscreen TV, you may be familiar with the term Motion Smoothing. The options to switch it off are no longer in SteamVR or anywhere in the Oculus App. Jan 14, 2019 · SteamVR's reprojection isn't supposed to affect nor apply to WMR. I think the confusion may have been because you are describing older reprojection systems like Oculus Asynchronous Timewarp which just uses rotational data but the current reprojection/motion smoothing systems from OpenXR, SteamVR, and Oculus (Meta) use geometry as well, so really there is no difference. When motion reprojection is enabled, all Steam VR games will render nominally at ½ frame rate (45 fps instead of 90 FPS) while Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR uses motion vectors generated by the GPU to extrapolate the Green = motion reprojection is off because the application can render at full framerate. When motion reprojection is enabled, all Steam VR games will render nominally at ½ frame rate (45 fps instead of 90 FPS) while Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR uses motion vectors generated by the GPU to extrapolate the Currently trying to fix F1 23 VR being blurry af and having reprojection while playing on minimum settings (but high res and AA), get under 9ms at 72Hz (so way out of the reprojection zone) but still have some artifacts caused from ASW. 18. This is doing my head in. Set "Motion Reprojection Type" to "Enhanced (WMR for SteamVR). This post takes great care to not disclose any internal intellectual property, and therefore will not present full details on the “how”, but rather focus on the “what” and the “when With the latest public beta (0. To set your WMR motion smoothing on a per app basis: Select the WMR icon at the bottom of the SteamVR dashboard. [snip]Did you restart the WMR portal first? You have to restart the WMR portal after making changes to the "default. This algorithm handles movement as well as other motion in the scene and jumps into action when your PC isn't fast enough to render the full 90fps. Old information directly from the SteamVR devs but it hasn't changed since then: Aug 2, 2023 · How do I turn off Async Reprojection/Motion Smoothing. Jan 17, 2019 · Interleaved Reprojection actually had some perceptual advantages over asynchronous reprojection as it makes any double image artifacts appear spatially consistently. Based on the name, that's almost certainly similar to Oculus' recently announced "asynchronous spacewarp" technology, which fills in the gaps necessary to get a 45 frame per second game running acceptably at a VR-ready 90 frames per second (and the "asynchronous timewarp OpenXR's reprojection is massively improved for WMR users if you choose to use the latest preview runtime. to avoid stuttering I need motion vector in actually HP's motion vector is touted as very good. Showing 1 - 15 of 48 comments // disabled = turn off motion reprojection // // Comment out or remove this line to use the SteamVR settings for controlling motion reprojection "motionReprojectionMode" : "auto", // Motion reprojection indicator to display the mode currently selected // green = off because application can render at full framerate I definitely see a difference between it off and on and my WMR reprojection is commented out. The system set my fps for VRCHAT to 72 and let every other frame be reprojected, which added up to 144, so in the end I got a comfortable 144hz. This feature enables more players on more PCs to play high-fidelity VR games and experiences. Please can someone point me in the right direction. ini to set it on / auto / off Get fpsVR on steam, it provides performance stats and very fast access to per app resolution, makes tweaking settings a lot easier. 3. Is this a setting on the quest side or steamVR side, because it definitely isn’t on my G2 Dec 12, 2022 · Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR has an experimental motion reprojection feature to make 90 FPS reprojection more smooth. At newer versions Typically, I see around a 1% reprojection ratio with motion smoothing turned on. So two menus of same SteamVR UI contradict with each other. " Auto: Enables motion reprojection to turn on automatically when Unless something changed recently all streamvr ui reprojection settings are useless for wmr, you need to change . Every other frame is black like the interpolated frame is not showing. When a game begins to maintain 90 FPS or starts rendering at less than 45 FPS, motion reprojection will turn off. SteamVR doesn't actually apply any of it's own motion smoothing to WMR, only to native SteamVR headsets. Added support for Nvidia Optical Flow as a source of motion vectors. I do not remember black flickering happening in either old reprojection mode or in 'always on' mode. Or is it done from SteamVR It first appeared while using the beta branch of steamVR, which i now reverted, but motion smoothing is still not available again. In the WMR for SteamVR widget you can select SteamVR motion smoothing or WMR motion vector or disable reprojection at all. I then tried to "force reprojection", which made the weird ghosting and distortion go away, but then the game felt a little slower / laggy. Select "Auto" for "Default SteamVR app motion reprojection mode" to enable automatic motion reprojection. Close the app and start Riven. Why update and reduce functionality?!? If you have a WMR headset, it uses the WMR reprojection systems instead of the ones in SteamVR. Reprojection in openXR turns this into 60 fps and I have my Odyssey plus set to this refresh rate Default SteamVR app motion reprojection mode settings. They do not If you turn it off, SteamVR automatically defaults to interleaved reprojectionwhich is the WORSE form of reprojection. the motion vector is smoother for sure. Jun 3, 2020 · I would like to set it up so i can control wmr reprojection in per app settings inside steam vr. You can then open SteamVR Settings, go to Video > Per-Application Video Settings, and select an option for "Motion Smoothing. Oh i thought you jsut had to shut down WMR for Aug 24, 2018 · // Motion reprojection doubles framerate through motion vector extrapolation // motionvector = force application to always run at half framerate with motion vector reprojection // auto = automatically use motion reprojection when the application can not maintain native framerate "motionReprojectionMode" : "auto", Microsoft doc - Enthusiasts Guide on Reprojection. [8] A later variant by Valve is SteamVR Motion Smoothing, which builds upon regular asynchronous reprojection in being able to reproject two frames instead of one. Just to note some platforms have “auto” reprojection which enables when the framework detects the game can not keep up with the device’s refresh. ini the right eye would flicker. I opened the little graph in the SteamVR settings (on my desktop) and it said "Motion smoothing ON" and the graph was yellow. These observations are quite perplexing, since there is no such thing as "motion reprojection in OpenXR Toolkit", all that OpenXR Toolkit does is write a single registry key that enables the setting from OpenXR Tools for Oct 18, 2018 · The settings for async reprojection, interleaved reprojection and forced reprojection were removed, and even with "Motion Smoothing" unticked, reprojection is still on. See that "Motion Smoothing" is "Not Supported" (also see attached sreenshot). Also, I don't remember async causing a double image. Click on Per-application settings, and select ACC. ) Is running 144hz worth it versus 120hz (and 90hz)? Apr 17, 2018 · Note: The only user facing reprojection (has its own on and built-in) option currently available for WMR is the experimental motion reprojection in the WMR Portal for SteamVR (beta) mentioned above via the manual editing of config files. Therefore, none of the reprojection options in SteamVR apply (or have ever) to the Rift. Improves the quality of motion reprojection on Nvidia RTX cards only. With default settings this means your FPS is halved and every other frame is a reprojection. Sep 23, 2021 · Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR has an experimental motion reprojection feature to make 90 FPS reprojection more smooth. Microsofts WMR's Temporal Motion Reprojection is currently only implemented if you manually edit the Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR file you stated (default. And we don't have the reprojection options anymore. ) Is 1% an acceptable reprojection ratio, with motion smoothing on? 2. vrsettings and setting environment variable are really needed. It should be very choppy with no motion reprojection. 57. Nah the old reprojection was replaced with Steamvr Motion Smoothing. From here, load steamVR with your headset connected, click the triple lines in the top left corner of the SteamVR window, and go to settings, video. vrsettings" file in order for them to take effect. Jan 17, 2020 · Motion Smoothing and Legacy Reprojection is not currently made for, compatible with, nor does it currently work with WMR based VR HMD headsets. Install OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality. This seems to happen when performance is on the very edge where the game runs too slow to even maintain Motion Vector Reprojection. vrsettings) with motionvector or auto once uncommented. Feb 8, 2021 · Hey guys, need some help with figuring out motion reprojection/smoothing with WMR. This can be disabled or enabled by editing the WMR for steamvr file. if you played a game without that on and your fps dropped below 90 you'd notice stuttering when turning your head and when you waved your controllers around. See full list on learn. There are horrible artifacts when taking off and looking sideways but this problem pretty much goes away when flying high. I see what you mean. When motion reprojection is enabled, all Steam VR games will render nominally at ½ frame rate (45 fps instead of 90 FPS) while Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR uses motion vectors generated by the GPU to extrapolate the next frame. hope that helps someone ending up in here :) May 12, 2020 · EDIT: To clarify, I am not talking about the "Motion Smoothing" setting that already exists. The target audience is end-users with little to no knowledge of the VR principles. Options as noted Nov 16, 2016 · NThe latest update to SteamVR adds asynchronous reprojection for Nvidia GPUs. Added option "Prefer frame rate over latency". At 90 hertz that is within 22 milliseconds. I've actually seen this before, but only in very few locations in some games. Hello together, i cant get motion reprojection to work. Also This is how the default settings for SteamVR on Windows Mixed Reality have worked since November, but until now running start was not enabled when using the new experimental automatic motion reprojection feature. > SteamVR motion reprojection and OpenXR tools’s Motion Vector are almost identical but I prefer SteamsVR’s method. Let’s turn MR on… Instantly 27-30 FPS stuttering, 35ms MainThread, and CPU/GPU loads drop. Alternatively, if you're using Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR in conjunction with the latest SteamVR release, you can now use SteamVR to manage motion reprojection settings on a per-application basis. EDIT2: After talking more with BOLL in the comments, it seems that it is due to the asynchronous reprojection sphere SteamVR will always use Async reprojection (and trust me, you don't want to disable it), so even if your game runs at 90FPS, 30FPS, or even 12FPS, the compositor will always run at whatever your headset refresh rate is (unless your CPU is lagging very hardly). my frame times are well under what they need to be and the frametime graph is not showing any issues, but reprojection still occurs. Dec 20, 2018 · Rift in SteamVR operates in what we call Driver Direct Mode. However you can change this behavior in SteamVR per application settings by changing Throttling Behavior from Auto to Fixed. When I started to read VR forums, 2 things completely new to me where reccurent in the threads : OpenXR and motion reprojection. Either that's a placebo or you haven't restarted the WMR portal after making the change to the default. g. I get stuttering. Well, that was the solution! So, under OpenXR developers tool, turn everything off. 5 scaling 90 or 120FPS it's just not gonna happen, so you will get reprojection. You should be able to disable that in the steamvr settings on a per game basis. When motionReprojectionMode is set to &quot;auto&quot;, motion reprojection will turn on automatically when a game is rendering too slowly to maintain 90 FPS. 0. In your case the headset is running at 90hz so if it takes longer than 11ms to draw the next frame, it will skip it (essentially halving fps) and try to guess what it might have been (called motion interpolation). For the purposes of this response, let's call the user-configurable setting (both in the default. Im running a HP Reverb G2 and a STRIX OC 3090. So let’s say you can run most games in VR around 90 FPS which looks and feels the best. If you have a good enough PC, turn them off. I have previously done this on my Samsung Odyssey plus Now I have the quest and I am enjoying Skyrim VR wirelessly. Oct 18, 2018 · The settings for async reprojection, interleaved reprojection and forced reprojection were removed, and even with "Motion Smoothing" unticked, reprojection is still on. The SteamVR version doesn't work on WMR or Oculus headsets. Maybe, I have old i5-4590 and 1060 6gb, motion smoothing / reprojection is only way way can hit 90fps (well, doubled 45) in some games, mostly because of cpu too. Oct 18, 2018 · How can reprojection be completely disabled with the new beta? The settings for async reprojection, interleaved reprojection and forced reprojection were removed, and even with "Motion Smoothing" unticked, reprojection is still on. When motion reprojection is enabled, all Steam VR games will render nominally at ½ frame rate (45 fps instead of 90 FPS) while Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR uses motion vectors generated by the GPU to extrapolate the Motion smoothing is a separate system that attempts to interpolate frames from the movement of the previous ones when the headset is reprojecting. So, is SteamVR motion smoothing taking over? Is the problem a conflict between the two? Oct 10, 2022 · This post aims at clarifying what is Motion Reprojection (MR), also called SpaceWarp (SW), and roughly how it works. Cyan = motion reprojection is on because the application is cpu bound. I understand you're looking for a straight reprojection with doubled frames, but I don't think that's possible. With the latest public beta (0. There is no need for a 60Hz mode because you can already use 120Hz without reprojection. Does Virtual Desktop support reprojection or motion smoothing in the steamVR runtime? No. vrsettings file and in SteamVR) "Motion Smoothing" and call Microsoft WMR's Head Movement remediation technique "Head-Tracking Reprojection. Timewarp (at current) and Reprojection only account for rotational tracking. SteamVR has their motion smoothing going as low as ~13Hz on the recent patch. 1. Yeah I know it’s confusing and the data doesnt help. It can get into a state where Motion Reprojection can't decide whether to turn off and is toggled on and off every As the others have said, WMR uses its own version of reprojection so the SteamVR settings do not affect its performance. "Motion smoothing" on the other side is the thing responsible for the 45fps and the weird visual artifacts you get on low frame rates. In games like Pavlov or Assetto Corsa I get around 20-35% but in games like VRChat It can hit 60% at times. Bonus: For anyone with a WMR headset experiencing frames being locked at 45fps, you want to open the SteamVR menu and go to "Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR" - > Graphics -> "Default SteamVR app motion reprojection mode". Most people already have this as it is free and allows you to use what used to be known as playspace mover and allows you to fine tune SteamVR's settings while in a game. If you're trying to play some super demanding shit with 1. com May 25, 2020 · Steam VR intermittently reprojects without reason e. Quality: Both SteamVR and Oculus has little to no reprojection artefacts even with their lowest setting. Under the video tab of steamvr you can turn it off or on with the checkbox there. A little strange that they would leave their own store behind but I guess they know most people aren't using it. To force repro off you have to open the display mirror and press shift + a It will reactivate itself on steamvr start and you have to shut it off again and again. The last few days of people complaining about the Vive Pro 2 not using SteamVR motion smoothing, and me [5] [6] [7] Valve's early version called interleaved reprojection would make the application run at half frame rate and reproject every other frame. Apr 27, 2020 · 1. < > Select the button on the left side with the Windows Mixed Reality logo to open Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR Settings. Manage Video Settings For: Drop Down to choose the app you want to specify Reprojection status for; Here DCS is running and shows up for adjustment; Custom Resolution Multiplier. Dec 9, 2024 · Added support for temporal post-processing of motion vectors (same algorithm as Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR). And MSFS 2020 runs at 30 fps. Is it a simple case of setting the Frame rate option to “Let Windows decide” in the WMR settings. You can disable motion smoothing under the Video Jan 23, 2021 · This is on the WMR platform. The available motion reprojection modes are as follows: SteamVR per-app setting: Allows you to control motion reprojection through the SteamVR Settings UI. 1093 This update includes the following changes: Fixed motion reprojection issue that introduced judder in some cases Apr 9, 2021 · Yeah. Currently SteamVR/OpenVR. " 4. Asynchronous reprojection is always on in SteamVR unless you turn on the "Legacy Reprojection mode". Dec 24, 2020 · Default SteamVR app motion reprojection mode settings. If you choose to enable motion reprojection, all Steam VR games will render nominally at ½ frame rate (45 FPS instead of 90 FPS) while Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR uses motion vectors generated by the GPU to extrapolate the next It's also been referred to as rotational reprojection, though it's asynchronous because it's re-using a frame out of timing with the GPU's frame buffer (since a properly rendered frame wasn't ready in time). ini settings for your WMR headset. Showing 16 - 30 of 48 comments As part of the public beta update to version 0. The issue now showing up is that I'm getting stuttering and can no longer hold 90 fps. I’m seeing tons of ghost outlines of my in game hands and gun. Turns out I was being hit with "motion smoothing" in SteamVR. There is a hackish work-around to get both off, but in general its either or now, and that appears to be the plan. The rendered FoV is quite the same as the perceivable FoV. It's just valves version of Oculus ASW. This means the driver provides its own compositor, so SteamVR simply hands the textures rendered by applications off to the Oculus runtime to be displayed on the headset. TVs apply Motion Smoothing by interpolating between two existing frames to create a new in-between frame. In SteamVR this was called "interleaved reprojection", but I think it's been removed even for Index and Vive. Alternately you can change it on of off on a per game bases under the applications tab. Select graphics on the right and the SteamVR Per App Setting in the right. I’d rather get stuttery 100-120hz than the capped 60 it’s trying to pull off. Some beta users windows MR has a similar positional reprojection technique as well called motion reprojection. Except for a couple of outliers, you should almost never use it. Like ASW, it cuts the application’s usual 90 FPS framerate down to 45, and generates a "Motion Reprojection" is just Microsoft's version of "Motion Smoothing", they both do the same thing (fake every other frame). What does that part of the WMR config look like so i can get it to work? Reprojection is handled on the runtime level and WMR has it's own runtime with it's own reprojection system that's similar to this. This forces the game to run at half the framerate of the refresh rate of your headset. You should generally not turn off asynchronous reprojection, as SteamVR is designed to rely on it. 2 Odyssey works flawlessly without motion reprojection but when I enable "motionReprojectionMode" in the hidden . Oct 18, 2018 · Motion Smoothing kicks in automatically when SteamVR detects than an application is dropping frames. It doesn’t explain to me why openXR behaves like this. I’ve been experimenting with WMR vs steamVR and I feel like I see more ‘squiggly lines’ with SteamVR’s reprojection, at least in SkyrimVR which I can run at about 80-90fps most times, vast outdoor spaces knock it down to the 60s and kick in the most reprojection. It's further exacerbated by being unable to find ANYTHING online about it. 2. There is no OpenXR software in play as far as I know (unless its inherent within MSFS) and in fact the OVR Toolkit doesnt seem to work. Improves the quality of motion reprojection. [4] You only use WMR's reprojection/motion smoothing. . Jul 23, 2021 · Running SteamVR → Create System report: Async Reprojection: Enabled Opening StreamVR → Settings → General → Motion smoothing: Not Supported Motion smoothing not supported on this GPU / driver version (requires asynchronous reprojection support). Jan 17, 2019 · With the release of SteamVR Motion Smoothing in 2018, Interleaved Reprojection became obsolete. Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR should be installed under SteamVR, of course. I guess this leads me to a few questions rather than simply the one in the title: 1. Go to Microsoft Store. Note that motion reprojection works at 1/2, 1/3, or 1/4 of your headset refresh rate. Blue = motion reprojection is on because the application is gpu bound. They've taken out "night mode" and "Motion smoothing" in a recent update, I think. " Valve index (100% SS at 144hz, No motion smoothing) Ryzen 5 5600X RTX 3080 32GB 3200mhz ram SteamVR installed on a Samsung 970 Evo In most games I play I get extremely high frametimes and reprojection ratio. We fixed that issue. Stick drift still remains, and you'll need to switch to "Teleportation mode" in order to press those buttons in the Async reprojection is on by default. When using Rift or WMR or Pimax the reprojection settings in SteamVR are bypassed and don't actually do anything. - Motion reprojection. x beta for weeks and in short it is giving same motion smoothing visual quality as WMR now, sometimes even better, because it is also supporting up to 6:1 motion smoothing frames (not just reprojection). I have the latest Win 10 Version and the HP Reverb. microsoft. That asynchronous reprojection used to only reproject the missed frames, not stay on for a period of time. Dec 23, 2020 · This is an issue that I have read about elsewhere but deserves repeating as it especially affects people with more modest computing power. For motion reprojection, using the WMR for SteamVR beta, as it now delegates the settings to what SteamVR presents per app. The reprojection will automatically drop to 1/3, and then 1/4 of the native refresh rate if the game isn't staying above the regular 1/2. Mar 19, 2023 · I still believe the SteamVR's compositor is inferior to something like Opencomposite. WMR went down to 30Hz just before MSFS 2020 launch. // Motion reprojection doubles framerate through motion vector extrapolation // motionvector = force application to always run at half framerate with motion vector reprojection // auto = automatically use motion reprojection when the application can not maintain native framerate // disabled = turn off motion reprojection // // Comment out or Aug 13, 2021 · Hi everyone, I am new in the VR world. I am running on a GTX 1080, and after a lot of experimentation, I manage to get a stable 20fps (probably not over cities) with reasonable quality graphics. Red = motion reprojection is off because the application is running at less than half framerate; try reducing super There are actually 2 types of reprojection in WMR in Steam. The Lock motion reprojection setting can be used to force the motion reprojection rate, rather than let the OpenXR runtime automatically choose the rate based on the current performance. Oct 13, 2016 · According to "ARSTechnica" in this article , "Valve is working on "asynchronous reprojection" for the SteamVR platform. Anyway, I tried the new system available in SteamVR beta. in openXR I have almost 60 FPS, so I would rather fly with openXR. ) Is it ideal to have motion smoothing off? 3. Bah. In both Oculus and SteamVR it supports a form of Asynchronous Time Warp (ATW) that is handled device-side (counter-rotates buffer, this is why latency doesn't cause sickness on Virtual Desktop, but does cause black bars on the sides if you rotate too fast Dec 2, 2018 · Interleaved Reprojection や Asynchronous Reprojection では、処理落ちしたときに表示される映像は直前のフレームと同じ画像でした。一方 Motion Smoothing では、ヘッドセットの動きと直前に描画された 2 フレームから、次のフレームの画像を推定して描画します。 The 'legacy reprojection mode' is the original interleaved reprojection where the framerate is halved (like motion smoothing, except it only works on head rotation). The ghosting is not from motion smoothing but from the rotational only async reprojection. vrsettings file so reprojection is still enabled in the WMR driver. I must have done it wrong because when i delete that line steamvr becomes very stuttery. Jun 4, 2021 · However, my issue was when reprojection kicked in it would cause display errors in SteamVR meaning everything went weird in the headset with double/triple vision. 1001+), we've added an experimental option to make 90 FPS reprojection smoother when running SteamVR with Windows Mixed Reality. If you set the option in the WMR for SteamVR widget to use Motion Vector per app then the Motion Smoothing option will control the WMR Motion Vector setting. but it all depends, your typically trying not to use reprojection. WMR has some reprojection artefacts present all the time even at the 45Hz I understand and "like" features like this, but the PC, and especially SteamVR, is a place where everything should be customizeable, if I would like to change something: Why is there no way to disable Motion Reprojection (not Motion Smoothing!) in order to get an unconstant framerate between 45 fps and 90 fps (for 90 Hz)? Jul 21, 2014 · SteamVR Motion Smoothing improves upon the previously released Asynchronous Reprojection to enhance the overall experience for customers across a wide variety of VR systems. This is useful if you are experiencing large fluctuations in frame rate, and prefer to lock the frame rate to a smaller (but steadier) value. I think there's a lot of confusion around motion smoothing and reprojection. Microsoft: "When motion reprojection is enabled, all Steam VR games will render nominally at ½ frame rate (45 fps instead of 90 FPS) while Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR uses motion vectors generated by the GPU to extrapolate the next frame. 1093, we've added an automatic motion reprojection mode. For example, for a 90 Hz refresh rate screen you want the game fps to be above 45 so that when you enable MR it will choose 45 fps (or 1/2 the May 19, 2020 · Set STEAMVR_MOTION_AMD=1 for Steam (and thus for SteamVR and everything else launching from Steam). TIA Dec 18, 2024 · Hey OP, just wanted to point out that there is a much simpler solution for disabling motion smoothing. Fact remains, and I can assure you 100% it does, that with older AMD drivers you can limit FPS to 22 and play perfectly well with Motion Smoohting on. What is this feature called? Motion smoothing? Reprojection? Whatever it is I hate it. I am not sure that manually editing steamvr. in Steamvr I have around 38fps and frame times of 20ms. I can see orange blips and frame timings in FpsVr, and I'm averaging 80ish FPS. MR looks better at 1/2 then 1/3 or 1/4 so try to get good enough frames without MR so that you use the 1/2 value. Currently I have the Frame rate set at 90 Hz in the WMR settings. This is what seems like an entirely separate system that is not triggered by HMD rotation like the "Motion Smoothing" setting is, rather by physical movement around your playspace only. Make sure to set Motion Smoothing to "Force Always-on". which is divided into non-temporal and temporal. Similar to Oculus’ asynchronous timewarp, it mitigates unwanted ‘judder’ when the hardware fails to maintain 90fps. Open "Settings" -> "Video". I have a mid range PC (Ryzen 5 3600, RTX 2060 and 32Gb of RAM) but thanks to SU5 I can now enjoy VR, and no, there is no way I can come back in 2D 🙂 I also have a low resolution headset (HP Windows Mixed Reality). Aug 19, 2019 · I tried disabling motionvector for NMS, yet steamvr still said reprojection was on, and it was ingame as it had me locked at 45. Motion smoothing and legacy reprojection should The public beta has been updated to version 0. I thought it was Motion Compensation, but it wasn't! Most of the time I don't hit any reprojection in Elite Horizons so I get a very good experience. I also use smooth locomotion. Jul 18, 2019 · Select the Start SteamVR icon within the Steam client (top-right location) Select Settings from the STEAMVR application menu (top-left location) Note: Linux Asyncronous Reprojection support is now available using the NVIDIA 470. However, it seems to be a little bit buggy. When I Push the limits with the Quest, to forced reprojection, I seem to hit the floor of 45 fps, even though the refresh rate of the quest is 72Hz. But I was unable to find any auto - motion reprojection is applied if the running title cannot maintain native framerate. I usually used motion smoothing on FORCED ALWAYS ON at 144hz on those games that i couldn't achieve stable 120 or 144 fps in order to have a smooth 72 fps at 144hz. So i would like to see if turning off motion smoothing entirely makes a difference. You can disable steamvr's motion smoothing in OVR Advanced Settings. Dirt Rally is a game that does work surprisingly well on forced on making you able to boost graphics settings. Oct 15, 2022 · Its just a Valve Index with SteamVR. Setting the running SteamVR SS% per application; Motion Smoothing Dropdown. I usually use forced mode, these moments where you auto switch between real 90 fps and interpolated just feel very weird and by only using forced mode you can build tolerance to Jul 19, 2020 · To me motion smoothing works well enough I am fine running at half refresh rate. Options as noted Jun 25, 2024 · 1. My understanding is reprojection in SteamVR and Oculus can also use depth information so there might be some difference there. Mar 8, 2021 · I’ve been commenting on the 1. If motion smoothing is OFF, Asynch reprojection is ON If motion smoothing is ON, Asynch reprojection is OFF. Set that to disabled. enable that smooths it out which is the whole point of positional reprojection Jul 15, 2022 · Oh, wait. -----I ran a quick test with FpsVr. what is your gpu? man so many g2 questions since the $299 sale lol SteamVR beta and WMR SteamVR beta are up to date Odyssey Plus firmware 1. 16. That being said, there is experimental motion reprojection settings that can be activated in the . using the G2, in the Steam overlay I had to click the 3 dots to access the Mixed Reality settings where I needed to set the motion reprojection to "use per app steamvr setting" for the steamvr settings to take effect. The status window only shows it as active (orange) when reprojection is applied to compensate for an application dropped frame. " 5. Temporal Motion Reprojection is Microsoft’s version of this and is enabled via manually editing the WMR Portal for SteamVR configuration file. boobr jrtron mvy vwfbh yqrskq vzvelx yklr pmrh gupe fbjv ipkl zypzscss ryfs nnk mrefpv