Telegram bot multiple users env file, as given in . Oct 31, 2022 · I am coding a telegram bot using node. that's totally because of telegram apis are so hard to understand. Aug 15, 2018 · I want to use two different bots in the same chat (one for health reminders, the other for problems in the house/alerts). Into the database create a table which corrisponds to each user (eg. Jul 8, 2022 · Presumably each message has some form of header / user ID / IP address assigned to it, from which you can extract a unique piece of information about a user and use that to direct the message to the correct place for your bot to handle it. (You can either edit and rename the file or make a new file named . Text is 'x' and the bot is using 'x' to do things but then someone else comes and sends another message and then e. It's currently making use of long-polling instead of webhooks because I attempted implementing webhooks and failed. env. Jul 2, 2020 · I wrote a Conversation with python-telegram-bot but multiple user cant interact with bot at the same time This repository contains a Telegram bot implementation designed for efficient multi-account management. This functionality can be… Oct 24, 2017 · yes i know thats ok this code is for test but the problem is when someone is using the bot and sends a massage to bot e. id). js, telegraf and mysql which will be used by 50+ people simultaneously. Sep 7, 2017 · You should to consider a database, create it using sqlite3. Message. Press on the icon that looks like a spy glass. Oct 31, 2022 · I am coding a telegram bot using node. Now I understand your need. . Apr 21, 2024 · open up the telegram app on the phone of the second user. The bot has been used by 4 people so far, for testing (but not simultaneously. py; Fill your details in a . I added the chat id’s of those 2 groups to the allowed chat ids: telegram_bot: - platform: broadcast api_key: !secret telegram_api allowed_chat_ids: - !secret telegram_chatid - !secret telegram_chatid2 Feb 23, 2024 · Creating a Telegram bot with the capability for users to select multiple options from inline keyboard buttons enhances interactivity and user experience significantly. io/JY9JI -o ultroid. This repository contains a Telegram bot implementation designed for efficient multi-account management. Presumably each message has some form of header / user ID / IP address assigned to it, from which you can extract a unique piece of information about a user and use that to direct the message to the correct place for your bot to handle it. Each time a new message arrives find user data with its user id and retrieve other data related to the user. table: db(str(chat. id))). 1 group for generic notifications and the other for urgent notifications. The bot utilizes a single active account at any given time to minimize server resource usage while still being able to call on other accounts for specific tasks. Telegram Panel is a comprehensive tool designed to manage multiple Telegram accounts, monitor groups or channels for messages containing keywords, automatically forward them to designated channels, and automate messaging operations based on predefined rules Sep 5, 2015 · I was wondering if I could send a message with my bot on telegram bot api, to multiple chat_id, but I cant figure it out. In fact I use 2 bots, but one is just for inputs (managed by node-red). Text changes to 'y' and this crashes the bot Jul 30, 2017 · notify: - name: telegram_notifications platform: telegram chat_id: 1234567 #This is my user_id - name: telegram_alarms platform: telegram chat_id: 4567891 #This is second chatID telegram_bot: - platform: polling api_key: 000000000:xxxxxxxxx #user 1 api (user2 API key could be also used; the source of the notification would be changed then Jul 8, 2022 · I'm trying to create a telegram bot using ""python-telegram-bot"" that help user to reset some passwords in the below steps: user send "/start" to start the bot bot replies with "enter username" user enters their username bot asks for user id after verfication bot asks user to enter his pass and change the password for this user, HOWEVER. Share Oct 31, 2022 · I am coding a telegram bot using node. The issue you can run into is a rate limit if your machines start sending too many messages at the same time. Type in an @ followed by the name of your telegram bot. Apr 20, 2023 · You can use a database to store and retrieve user data. And into each table create columns where you could put the information of your users (including also chat. Use Telegram user_id as an identifier. It may be possible to achieve what you want with node-red, but I don’t know if you can using just HA. py ; python ultroid. sample. I have used this for send a message to one chat_id: Aug 15, 2018 · I have 1 bot but two telegram groups. the For Windows Users: cd desktop ; wget https://git. ) Run the bot: Linux Users: bash startup; Windows Users: python(3) -m pyUltroid Feb 14, 2022 · Yes, multiple instances of your 'bot' can use the same bot token to send a message. hfemv vsxgk ghbtp xsamap rhbsz wlvnoz bsgsx zry iqkvc ufaj fbm hbi utdyn hvojvwd wmf