Wpf datatemplate binding to parent datacontext Mar 28, 2013 · But there are workarounds for it i. I'm having an ItemsControl that contains buttons representing projects. Name as I would expect it to do. The Solution: To resolve this tricky issue, we can leverage a clever technique using RelativeSource and AncestorType in WPF databinding. Jul 14, 2013 · I am getting crazy about a DataContext problem in WPF. Mar 7, 2014 · I want the trigger to set the visibility to "Collapse" or "Visible" of the parent container, i. So don't know about the type of parent. Property, Source={x:Reference elementName} Binding DataContext. DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"> </Window> Feb 27, 2013 · Ok - one thing you can do is maintain a reference to the Parent, and set it in the constructor of the Child. Your user control will take on whatever item (inside the collection that the ItemsControl is bound to) is being bound to the current item's template. Jul 5, 2012 · Canvas. Jan 24, 2013 · The ItemsSource binding to {Binding} binds directly to the DataContext of the ItemsControl (which will look up the chain until it finds a set DataContext). My Xaml page has a view model attached. it's "ParentWindow". you can explicitly supply DataContext to your DataGridColumns whose details can be found Provide DataContext to DataGrid Columns. Since you are using Template10, you should be able to create a DelegateCommand called ClickCommand like this Sep 25, 2015 · My experiment worked. 55. <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding UserControlViewModel}" /> <Button Content="View" Comamnd="{Binding SwitchToViewCommand}"/> <Button Content="Edit" Comamnd="{Binding SwitchToEditCommand}"/> ! Don't forget to set the DataContext for your window to your MainWindowViewModel Dec 17, 2016 · I'm having some issues mapping a datagrid combobox ItemsSource to the main datacontext. ColorList}"とは書けないっぽい。 所感 {Binding}は{Binding Path=. By understanding how data binding works, you can unlock the full potential of WPF for your applications. Just add whatever Parent properties you need onto the child. Jun 8, 2021 · 【注意】 ItemsSource="{Binding Path=. The container control has a DataTemplate defined which also contains a ItemsControl with a DataTemplate for the item. Oct 14, 2014 · DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Window}}}" If the command AddItemCommand and property AddItemText are defined on the Window ViewModel, bind to Window DataContext: DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Window}}, Path=DataContext}" Jun 24, 2015 · This is binding the BorderBrush to the the base Button. This would work: <ListBox x:Name="MyList" ItemsSource="{Binding CardSet. public Depot(ObservableCollection<ObservableCollection<ItemManager. Apr 28, 2019 · Data="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}},Path=DataContext}" If you needed something more complex you could use a custom converter. Dec 30, 2013 · My understanding of how DataContext works is that if you don't explicitly set it in the XAML, it is supposedly NULL, which instructs the binding to use the parent's DataContext instead. The TextBlock will now use that datacontext instead. test,RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor,AncestorType=ContextMenu}}" /> May 23, 2017 · {TemplateBinding X} is simply a shortcut way of writing the {Binding X, RelativeSource= Difference between Control Template and Data Template in wpf. Using relative source bindings, you can effortlessly access the parent DataContext in WPF Data Binding. WPF DataTemplate Binding. xaml file that works well as a MVVM menu switcher. The items however need to bind to something from the container control. Now you have access to that parent's DataContext: {Binding Data. Oct 14, 2022 · Silverlight Binding to parent DataTemplate. This was somewhat unexpected for me as a newbie when I was trying to bind to a parent's DataContext within a DataTemplate. Jul 9, 2013 · How can I bind to the Item's DataContext in the ItemsControl from within a nested data template (a data template of a control within the item's data template)? I can't use TemplatedParent, because it's double templated. ID}" /> OR add a Parent property to SalesRecord and manually set it to point to the VM, then something like this will work: <TextBox Text="{Binding ID}" /> <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Parent. Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="linkTemplate"> <TextBlock> <Hyperlink> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Value. This is example for you code: Jan 9, 2017 · The binding you want, for all rows, is a relative binding based on the current item's parent datacontext such as <DataGrid x:Name="objInnerDatagrid" ItemsSource="{Binding Answers}" You might have to specify DataContext explicitly, if so use this: <DataGrid x:Name="objInnerDatagrid" ItemsSource="{Binding DataContext. DataContext, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" Nov 30, 2011 · Here is an example how to achieve this: XAML <Grid> <Grid. Now this complexity is in your view models, not the view. Therefore, you'll need to dereference the DataContext of the ItemsControl:. This means you can't just use binding without setting a source. Short explanation of problem: The templated button co Jun 23, 2013 · From how I understood your question, this is not what you want; in particular, it is not what {Binding} does: {Binding} keeps the source as it is (usually the DataContext of some parent element) and binds to the source itself (equivalent to Path=. So I suppose your item does have a property "ParentInEditMode"; there should be no issue with binding to that property. Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'ElementName=root'. – Apr 23, 2011 · How do we bind to a parent/sibling of a current datacontext (i. I need to access the DataContext of the root element (the one which is hosting the Sep 17, 2008 · Just wanted to note here that if you want to bind to a property in the DataContext of the RelativeSource then you must explicitly specify it: {Binding Path=DataContext. Give your GridView, ListView, ItemsControl, or whatever you are using as a repeater a name: Jun 27, 2013 · I have a custom control with a style. Jan 9, 2012 · It flows into the UserControl and its child controls like any other UIElement receives the DataContext of its parent control. I've got these pairs: Page1View / Page1ViewModel; Page2View / Page2ViewModel; in my MainViewModel I fill an ObservableCollection with both ViewModels, then when the user clicks the Next button, it calls NextPageCommand in MainViewModel which switches out CurrentPageViewModel with a new ViewModel which is then Nov 18, 2011 · I have a container type control which contains a number of items. I've named the root node in the Window "root", and I'm trying to access the root's DataContext, but this failes with the following error: System. Summary. Apparently, I "just" need to tell the button to bind to the main ViewModel of the form. Binding to Child Class of DataContext. Nov 26, 2013 · ElementName=Self: Tries to bind to a control with that name in the wrong scope (parent container, not TabItem). A simplified example is given below: <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ContainerType}"> <!-- Aug 18, 2015 · ##はじめに WPFの画面遷移の基本は、ContentControlとDataTemplateの組み合わせによるViewの切り替えです。 非常に強力な機構なのですが、データ型(ViewModelクラスの種別)によって、Viewが切り替わるというルールなので、DataTemplateが参照している(DataContextに格納されている)ViewModelは、データクラスとなり Nov 20, 2017 · how can i bind an element inside of a template to a property of its parent like: <Button Tag="rofl"> <Button. – Apr 14, 2017 · Normally the DataContext would be a view model class that would contain the list of agents; then you can bind the ItemsSource to that list. someCollection> <ListView. Instance; xaml that I tried <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Vendors, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Window}} Jun 26, 2016 · Without a good minimal reproducible example that reliably reproduces the problem, it's impossible to know for sure what the problem is, never mind the best fix. Binding to code-behind just requires you to set your DataContext to the xaml. The ComboBox in… Jan 22, 2017 · Bind the Tag property of the DockPanel to the view model and then bind the Command property of the MenuItem to the PlacementTarget of the ContextMenu: Nov 2, 2012 · <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" /> To see that the datacontext is actually inherited by the TextBlock, you can set a different datacontext which is closer to the TextBlock in the control hierarchy. Hopefully this makes sense. I know that the DataTemplate is working except the binding because it correctly shows the size and background color. For example, the following XAML markup binds the Text property of the TextBlock to the… Oct 21, 2013 · I would consider to add a property IsAnyParameterMissing to the Component class:. Also, i personally like approach described here - Inheriting parent DataContext using Freezable of inheriting using Freezable class. UnsetData when I set a breakpoint in the converter). Name and not to Label. ContentTemplate> <DataTemplate>; <TextBlock Text="{ Jan 4, 2013 · Tooltips /Popups seem to exist outside of the visual tree. Set the DataContext of the window in the XAML, then set the data context of the ContentControl to the ChildViewModel. DataContext = FullDepotList[1]; InitializeComponent(); } The XAML Code snippet where I would preferably bind to the DataContext directly or to "this": Apr 26, 2016 · This is the most basic kind of binding. I am writing this <Grid DataContext={Binding Path=. 4. CellTemplate> </DataGrid> The columns of the grid can have bindings only to properties that are inside an Object element from my ObjectList, Is there a way to bind a property from the parent model to a grid cell? Nov 26, 2019 · <Grid x:Name = "Parent" DataContext = "{StaticResource vm}"> <ListView ItemsSource = {Binding vm. ElementName property. The DataContext for the DataTemplate is set to the item the template is displaying. My xa Jul 21, 2018 · Here the WPF(xaml. Command="{Binding DataContext. 🎩 . So it can be concluded that DataContext is set to your viewModel correctly, but DataTemplate's is not applied. Aside from the misconception about how the ContentTemplate works you would have to make TabControl extend at least ItemsControl in order to allow the definition of multiple TabItems in XAML. Markup; using System. the view model that is set as the DataContext . This enables you to create complex and interconnected UI components with ease. This are out of Mar 11, 2012 · For the benefit of searchers, you can bind to the datacontext of another control as detailed here. }と同じ、とか、 書き方を省略できるのは、慣れたら便利かもしれないが、初心者からしたら敷居が上がってとっつきにくい原因の一つのような気がする。 Aug 18, 2011 · Assuming you're trying to bind to a Command on the Meeting class from within the DataGrid:. FullDepotList = totalDepot; this. Many thanks in advance for any help / pointers. How is the DataContext of a ControlTemplate Oct 13, 2010 · I have a DataSet bound to the Window. If you want enable binding to control, which defined in same XAML, you can set the source explicitly by using Binding. Apr 23, 2015 · I have a User Control which serves as DataTemplate in page. Tag. Bindings in nested WPF DataTemplates. In below sample specifically to a command in the general data context using Feb 9, 2017 · To bind to a property on the Presenter or ViewModel attached to the DataContext on the parent view or control from inside a DataTemplate you have to use the RelativeSource property with the value “FindAncestor” and the type of the control with the DataContext you are looking for. public class MyData { public string Name { get; set; } public string Priority { get; set; } } Feb 20, 2015 · FindAncestor finds you only objects which are in the control tree, but the datacontext-object is not there. And I can't figure out how to use FindAncestor,AncestorType because I don't know what the type is for each Item. Example XAML code: There are several ways to specify the binding source object. Mar 11, 2010 · Normally the DataContext property inherits its value from its parent but since not every control has a Header the Header is blank unless you set it. It's a ContenControl. DataContext. GetService(typeof(IRootObjectProvider Oct 8, 2014 · Called twice because I was trying to set the DataContext in the xaml of the child user control. Oct 5, 2020 · An alternative to a RelativeSource binding, that works here, is setting an x:Name on your target ContentControl and referring to it in the binding with ElementName. I think that gives a hint, why this isn't working: the DataTemplate is not created at the point where it is defined in XAML, but apparently by the parent container. My items class. PropertyName, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type YourViewsNamespace:YourParentView}}} Assuming that your parent view has a view model set to its DataContext , this binding will access it the DataContext is the DataContext of the view, eg. 0. Each item inside the ItemsControl will then have its DataContext set to an element in the list. You will need an ICommand defined in your page's ViewModel. WPF Binding and DataTemplate. ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid> <TextBlock Text In your XAML, when you're inside a DataTemplate, the DataContext is automatically set to the current item of the ItemsSource binding. Bind to parent DataContext within DataTemplate. Sep 10, 2013 · I've got the following MainView. ContentTemplate Property page on MSDN:. Jun 25, 2013 · The problem was not with the binding at all but realated to how I defined the third-party control: Instead of EditSettings I should have defined CellTemplate -> DataTemplate. DataContext = MainWindowViewModel. EditCommand, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type TreeView}}}" If you ever want to bind to your UserControl, you can use the same type of binding: Jan 31, 2015 · The way to access parent ViewModels in WinRT is to use DataContext and Element Binding. Change your binding like this, <MenuItem Header="{Binding PlacementTarget. MyViewModel. CurveSpeedMustBeSpecified, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type local:YourParentElementType}}}" See this SO question for more details about RelativeSource. The quick solution in my case looked like: <TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=ucClientDetails, Path=DataContext. Say it's window, set x:Name on it and bind using ElementName. That's why your binding to {Binding AllowItemCommand} doesn't work - it's trying to find AllowItemCommand on each item in the Items list, not on the window's DataContext. Any of the many examples that deal with listbox will be pretty straight forward when it comes to that. I'm guessing the Parent creates the child; if so, it just passes itself in to that child constructor. Binding to a Datacontext of an ancestor. Thus, the DataContext of the CheckBox in the DataTemplate is an Item, not your ItemViewModel. Dec 9, 2019 · I have a DataGrid that is using a ComboBox in a DataTemplate. Change the ItemContainerStyle, like this: <ListBox Jun 8, 2022 · When you are in DataTemplate, Your DataContext is not your ViewModel. g. I have a grid of items which is populated using databinding. I read the comments here in StackOverflow, but I can't fixed it. Cards}"> <ListBox. Sep 27, 2011 · You're setting the source of the binding to the ItemsControl itself. Here's my XAML : <ListView Grid. Jan 11, 2016 · Debug. As you can see Users is an IEnumerable<UserData> that is part of the HierarchicalDataTemplate's DataContext. In this case it has been set in the HeaderedContentControl. e. I'm not sure what else I can try. Jan 24, 2016 · Short explanation of need: I need to fire the command of a button inside a DataTemplate, using a method from the DataContext of the ViewModel. May 9, 2013 · At runtime, when the TextEdit's IsEnabled property tries to get a value from the binding, the binding walks up through the XAML tree looking for an ancestor of the specified type. It keeps looking until it finds one or runs out of tree, and if we put tracing on it, it traces the type of everything it finds the whole way up. MyCommand, Source={StaticResource BindingProxy}} Jan 22, 2017 · SelectedValue="{Binding Path=ItemNumber}" SelectedValuePath="Id"/> </DataTemplate> </DataGridTemplateColumn. After doing this change I inspected this in Snoop (WPF runtime debugger) and saw the CommandParameter being set to the one you described as the desired values to apply. ItemTemplate> </ListBox> Mar 28, 2012 · I would remove the DataContext attribute and binding expression. As such it can only have a single child. ItemTemplate I have a button and I want to use the command. Start by modifying the Command binding of the Hyperlink as follows: < Hyperlink Command = " {Binding RelativeSource = {RelativeSource AncestorType = {x: Type Window}}, Path = DataContext. }> Is t May 10, 2015 · The binding issue for a template is that once rendered as individual control will, depending on the control find its parent's data context, not from the visual tree but from its logical tree. Now every DataTemplate can bind to its item in its data context. I can't bind the command because inside the DataTemplate, the datacontext is not the ViewModel but an item of the ObservableCollection. Gets or sets the data template used to display the content of the ContentControl. Aug 4, 2010 · You can use RelativeSource to find the parent element, like this - Binding="{Binding Path=DataContext. Name Aug 15, 2013 · Access parent DataContext from DataTemplate (which is User Control) Binding to Parent DataTemplate Property from ItemsControl. From the ContentControl. I named my ContentControl from above "ViewArea" and used: DataContext="{Binding ElementName=ViewArea, Path=DataContext, Mode=TwoWay}" as the binding in the DataTemplate. 2. I use a dictionary (called Text in the example below) in the DataContext to store the texts, and the binding works fine with textblocks, buttons etc. Here's how you can do it: Apr 22, 2014 · First, you can give x:Name to root element to which ViewModel is bind to. May 10, 2011 · For each Item in ItemsSource, ItemsControl creates the specified DataTemplate and to its DataContext it assigns the respective Item. Nov 22, 2012 · Here you say to WPF find first parent of this control with Type Window, e. Bind from ControlTemplate to ViewModel. Item>> totalDepot) { this. So removing these lines solved the issue: <UserControl. cs) ctor. I have the following data template : <DataTemplate x:Key="TodoTemplate May 6, 2013 · I have implemented a functionality for multi languages in my application, and I therefor have to bind the header of my DataGrid columns to the DataContext. Removed it from there and set it to the Property exposed from the MainVM like so <uc:SearchJobView DataContext="{Binding SearchJobVM}"></uc:SearchJobView>. e a ListBoxItem. Xaml; [MarkupExtensionReturnType(typeof(ContentControl))] public class RootObject : MarkupExtension { public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { var rootObjectProvider = (IRootObjectProvider)serviceProvider. The control is bound to a property in my viewmodel <controls:PromoAlarmBox Content="{Binding Controller. This is the template: <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding RAM. When you are in a DataTemplate, your DataContext is the data templated object, in this case an Item. public class Component { private ObservableCollection<ComponentParameter> parameters = new ObservableCollection<ComponentParameter>(); public string Name { get; set; } public ObservableCollection<ComponentParameter> Parameters { get{return parameters;} set{parameters = value;} } public bool IsAnyParameterMissing Feb 20, 2015 · I got a problem binding an ItemTemplates Parent context inside an item template. Aug 8, 2021 · How do we pass the BindingContext of a DataTemplate as a CommandParameter when parent has a separate BindingContext? Normally I just do CommandParameter={Binding . For me it's not clear what you are trying to achieve. How to bind to a property of the parent of the item which is the DataContext? 1. Note, that this expression: DataContext="{Binding Child_A}" still works with parent DataContext, while this one: Content="{Binding}" works with new data context, which is assigned by previous expression. To achieve what you want, you need to walk the visual tree using the RelativeSource FindAncestor to find the parent and then perform the binding. It can be very difficult then to bind a Jun 28, 2013 · Second attempt. Controls; using System. In WPF, you can access the parent DataContext using RelativeSource and AncestorType in the binding. Nov 13, 2011 · There's two issue working against you here. Row="1" x:Name="Playlists" ItemsSource="{Binding Playlists, Apr 5, 2019 · やりたいことItemsControlの中身をカスタムするときに、下記のように書いて、Borderの太さをViewModelのプロパティで変化させようとしたが、うまくいかなかった。どうにかして、うま… Feb 26, 2013 · I want to create an user control which contains ItemsControl with buttons and I want to bind theirs contents to user controls dependency property (something like DisplayMemberPath property). Jun 23, 2015 · and bind them to a static value/external property when I start defining the ContentControls. This is transitive, so it would continue to move up each parent until it found an explicitly set DataContext to use. WriteLine will write False, because this sets DataContext explicitly and breaks default "inheritance" strategy. } but because the parent view has it's own BindingContext it passes that context through. ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <UserControls:CardControl /> </DataTemplate> </ListBox. ItemTemplate>; <DataTemplate> Jan 13, 2015 · My code behind as follows this. To bind the ViewModel property, Set x:Name for your page or UserControl (XAML) and Bind using ElementName eg: Apr 5, 2010 · I have the following XAML, that does all that it is supposed to, except that the MultiBinding on the FontSize fails on retrieving the Users (I see DependencyProperty. Well since you're in the context of a DataTemplate you cannot access the property via TemplatedParent mode, at least in your case. This is some demo code to show the issue. May 12, 2023 · I want to bind some elements of a data item template NOT to items data context but to the "parent" kind of data context. How do I reference I'd like to be able to bind the CommandParameter of a Button to be the current ListViewItem. cs file attached to your View – <Window . GameSelectedCommand, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type ItemsControl}}}" The statement First, this statement does not mean "Create a MainWindow and set its DataContext to MainViewModel". 56. Mar 20, 2018 · You cannot find PlacementTarget property in Grid. However, sometimes it may be more appropriate to specify the binding source on individual binding declarations. It refers to the element to which the template (in which the data-bound element exists) is applied. The whole xaml page code is dynamic. To help try using either Mole WPF or Snoop. Country, ElementName=myWindow }"/> <!-- Apr 22, 2014 · Since you tagged your question with WPF, I can tell you the way of doing it in WPF, you can validate if that can be reused in Windows phone 8 apps. But it looks as though you mistakenly believe that the templated parent of an item in a ListView is the same as the templated parent of the template containing that ListView. You can use a markupextension: using System; using System. After this binding occurs to "ParentWindow" Name property. I'd like to move that XAML to a template and apply via a Style to to ContentControls in all four of them. DataContext> <ctrls:ChannelViewModel /> </UserControl. There are plenty of "workarounds" which only work in WPF (i. Jul 20, 2012 · xaml: you should set the Content Property to your CurrentWorkspace. I have created a small example that shows what I'm trying to do: XAML: Jan 20, 2022 · In a WPF application, it's easy to bind to a property of a parent element in the visual tree by setting the RelativeSource property of the binding to a RelativeSource object that specifies the type of ancestor to bind to. I'm following MVVM pattern for my UWP app. – Nuts Commented Jun 27, 2013 at 6:46 Mar 21, 2011 · My problem is that I cannot access my Window's DataContext. Property, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Control}} Binding Property, Source={x:Static staticpProperty} etc. First , you can give x:Name to root element to which ViewModel is bind to. You can see this by your <TextBlock Text="{Binding ItemName}"/>, which binds to a property on the Item class. You could place Command in data source, but if the data source is collection, we need implement multiple command instance. In your case, you want to bind the Command property of the Hyperlink to AllowItemCommand which is located in the parent ListView's DataContext. I did… You can use a RelativeSource binding to find the TreeView, then bind to it's DataContext. In the grid I have a DataTemplate for certain cells. Jan 20, 2013 · Access parent DataContext from DataTemplate. Mar 26, 2023 · I just reproduced the problem by making a similar new project. I see a lot of people bind to the PlacementTarget property to get back. using FindAncestor and AncestorType). If it is on a custom control, then use named binding and bind it to a property on the control. Top="{Binding }" /> </DataTemplate> </ItemsControl. 22. Feb 19, 2013 · I guess it's because the DataContext of items in a Tab Control's DataTemplate is different compared to items outside it, but I'm only just getting my WPF head back on after a long break, and am not sure how to get the DataGrid in the DataTemplate to bind properly to the DataContext. It actually works from a data template, you can find many examples of this on the Internets. WPF binding inside DataTemplate. Command="{Binding Path=DataContext. So both of these can work. DataContext="{Binding Path=PlacementTarget. Mar 4, 2020 · DataBinding inside data template in UWP. The DataGrid is x:Bind'ing to a list of models (AppModels) in the view model. SomeProperty, RelativeSource=. This template presents objects of type MyObject, displaying an image whose source is determined by the type of the A property next to a TextBlock that displays the content of the Text property: Mar 15, 2012 · I'm using dataTemplate. Now I want to add a context menu with options: view, edit, delete when the player right clicks on the project. So the best bet is bind to the visual parent's datacontext via a RelativeSource direct binding such as: Sep 1, 2011 · But this will break binding of control itself, because, as you pointed out, having written Content={Binding Name} one binds to Label. . Partitions}"> <ItemsControl. Parent. Background property. The trouble is passing in the Jun 19, 2013 · I need to be able to bind to a parent ItemsControl's properties from inside of a child ItemsControl data template: <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyParentCollection, UpdateSourceTrigger= Feb 17, 2013 · Your options are either using: this. Columns> <;DataGridTextBoxColumn Header= Apr 23, 2013 · In my WPF TreeView, I have defined a HierarchicalDataTemplate. Oct 13, 2016 · I took a look at your sample and did a quick edit of the line reading the CommandParameter. May 23, 2017 · {Binding DataContext. the source property representing the current datacontext)? I am not talking about binding to the parent control's property (that case involves parent of target and not of source) - and that can be easily done by using RelativeSourceMode=FindAncestor. WPF Binding to parent Nov 4, 2015 · You are using the ContentTemplate property incorrectly. DataContext> I also had to change the binding to : <DataTemplate> <ctrls:Channel DataContext="{Binding}" /> </DataTemplate> Feb 5, 2013 · Bind to parent DataContext within DataTemplate. Windows. DataContext = _vm and accessing the properties like this: <TextBox Text="{Binding SR. You can use a RelativeSource on your binding to get to the DataContext you're interested in. You can also use VisualTreeHelper to traverse the visual tree and find parent elements, then access their DataContext. Take the following steps to access parent viewmodels. But I'm not able to figure out the right XAML syntax. May 6, 2014 · We have four identical popups with grids in four XAML views. When you first learn MVVM, this is probably going to be your first step. WPF Binding to parent DataContext. CommandParameter="{Binding}" passes the DataTemplate’s DataContext to the Command. It actually means whenever you see a MainViewModel just put MainWindow in the visual tree. Any idea? Jul 24, 2012 · It's pretty simple to do this within your data template, if you create local data templates and use a ContentPresenter. Jun 19, 2021 · I cant get the buttons to bind to the Btn_AddNewDataModel_Click relay command can anybody help and also i need to send the CommandParameter model back any suggestions Thanks Madaxe <Grid> <Expander Header="Software"… Apr 22, 2017 · UPDATE: Looks like the issue is with how you are setting the data context. Value}"/> I want to create a datatrigger Jan 20, 2013 · I have tried accessing the DataContext of the Window by setting ElementName, and also tried setting RelativeSource, but both approaches resulted in binding errors. <DataTemplate x:Key="template"> <StackPanel> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/> <!-- From list item --> <TextBlock Text="{Binding DataContext. In an other scenario wher I use a DataTemplate with a ListBox I do the Binding exactly the same way in my DataTemplate and it just works. DataContext; I also have a DataGrid: <DataGrid ItemsSource={Binding Tables[Items]}> <DataGrid. is not quite true as somehow it actually sets the DataContext to the instance of MainViewModel that triggered the data template. Sep 24, 2013 · WPF DataTemplate and Binding. Ok, the Relative Source Binding doesn't work in this case. Since this sounds like it is in a custom control, the datacontext will be the ultimate consumer's datacontext and most likely the datacontext will be worthless. The question is: How can I bind the button to the command if a lost the parent datacontext? Aug 5, 2017 · Your binding expression is correct, except it won't work with a Button_Click event handler. Inside the DataTemplate, you can use RelativeSource with AncestorType to bind to a property (ParentProperty) of the parent ListBox 's DataContext. The command itself is definitely correct, because when I put the button outside the ListBox (see the XAML above for an example), the binding works and the command is executed. However, in some cases the DataContext is not accessible: it happens for elements that are not part of the visual or logical tree. There is a response for similar problem in WP8 - access datacontext of parent but there DataTemplate is defined "inside" ItemsControl. AllSalesTypes}" /> Jun 16, 2009 · Inside the DataTemplate of the ItemsControl. In general, we place the command in current DataContext that could be reused. Apr 21, 2015 · I think setting the DataContext was overwriting the context from the "A" View. FullName}"></TextBlock> Jan 2, 2024 · You are using the userControl totraally wrong. ItemTemplate> Now an event has occurred inside my UserControl whereby I have a reference to one of the list items and I want to set the focus to the TextBox item behind it. Answers}" Nov 27, 2012 · I need to access DataContext of parent in wpf xaml. IOGRP1W. Mar 21, 2011 · The DataContext property in WPF is extremely handy, because it is automatically inherited by all children of the element where you assign it; therefore you don’t need to set it again on each element you want to bind. In its ItemTemplate, there is a button whose Command I need to bind to the parent ViewModel, this is the DataContext of the parent HierarchicalDataTemplate or, in other words, the ViewModel which holds the collection SubItems in the example below. Nov 4, 2020 · TemplateBinding Property Binding Property, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent} Binding DataContext. May 26, 2016 · An appropriate number of child Views are generated in the ItemsControl. By binding your Header explicitly to the current DataContext Header="{Binding}" your example should work as you expect. Using the DataContext property on a parent element is useful when you're binding multiple properties to the same source. eilxp pvvrh wkwdozy bwe wqfgu gzt qdaiha bwr gknt mxydy drwnui clbku crrdpo nosll vihdbnxl